Decoration of the hut. Exquisite decor from branches - a step-by-step master class in making beautiful crafts. Branches in the interior: step-by-step master class

DIY hut for children: a corner of fairy tales and dreams

All children love nooks and crannies. Only in solitude can you give free rein to your imagination and go on an exciting journey through imaginary worlds. This is why children often build homemade houses from pillows, blankets and other improvised means. But if you want your child to feel like a brave traveler or the hero of his favorite fairy tale, give him a hut. Moreover, making a hut for children with your own hands is quite easy, but the child will be able to fill his leisure time with exciting games.

Making a hut for children yourself - some interesting ideas

1. Sheet and rope

To make a hut, just stretch a rope between the trees, throw a sheet over it and secure its edges with wooden pegs or other suitable means. To make the child comfortable, lay soft blankets, blankets or pillows on the ground. And even though there is nothing supernatural in such a “structure,” a child’s imagination can fill it with an exciting story. A homemade hut for children on the street will give a lot of interesting games and, moreover, will protect babies from solar overheating.

When choosing a place for a hut, give preference to darkened and level areas.

2. A hut made of gymnastic hoop and fabric

An ordinary gymnastic hoop can be an excellent basis for a children's hut. It is enough to sew a long fabric to the hoop and hang it in a horizontal position, for example, from a tree branch at such a height that the edges of the fabric reach the ground. Alternatively, you can simply throw a large piece of thick fabric over the hoop, build a cone-shaped roof and secure the frame at a convenient level. Then, to hang the hut you only need a reliable strap or ribbon.

3. Hut made of branches

Probably every child dreams of traveling around the world, dangerous adventures and exciting journeys. You can help a child realize his cherished dream without leaving the aisles of his own summer cottage. Since brave travelers prefer to sleep not in a warm bed, but in a hut made of tree branches, made with their own hands, the baby will certainly be delighted with such a gift.

But how to make a children's hut from branches? There are several interesting options:

  • Firstly, you can build a hut from flexible and long branches left after pruning trees and shrubs. To begin, collect as many branches as possible and select the largest specimens. At the site of the future hut, draw a circle and dig branches around its circumference, tilting them so that they create a cone-shaped frame. Install only two branches at a fairly wide distance from each other, because they will serve as the entrance to the future hut. Make sure the branches are firmly installed and supplement them with remaining material. It’s okay if the walls of the hut are “transparent” - being in such a house, the baby will still feel like, at least, Robinson Crusoe.
  • Secondly, you can make a “living” hut by decorating it with foliage and plants. If you are in no hurry to build a miracle house, plant around the perimeter of the frame climbing plants, for example, grapes, bindweed, etc., which, as they grow, will beautifully entwine the walls of the hut. If you want to give your child a holiday “here and now,” simply cover the frame of the hut with branches and greenery.

4. Wigwam hut in the nursery and outside

Wigwam hut is traditional house Indians This structure has a cone shape and a strong structure. Previously, the Indians built their homes using thick branches, which were then covered with thick canvas fabric. We can also make a children's hut based on the wigwam principle. To do this, you need to select 5-7 flexible but strong twigs, and then install them in the shape of a polyhedron or semicircle. The tops of the twigs should be connected in such a way that they fit together like flowers in a bouquet, overlapping each other. At the junction, the twigs must be secured with a strong rope or a piece of fabric.

If you are installing your teepee outside, dig the bases of the twigs into the ground a little. If the wigwam is located indoors, tie transverse rods at the bottom of the structure that will secure the structure.

After this, decorate the wigwam with fabric. Most often, triangles are formed between the nearby twigs of the hut, so you just need to cut out pieces of fabric in this shape and sew them around the frame. However, it is much more beautiful if the wigwam hut is decorated with a specially sewn cover, to create which you will need to carefully measure the height of the frame and the width of each of its parts.

Hut-tent for children

Wigwam in the nursery

Wigwam for a child

5. Gable hut

Having done simple design from several wooden slats, you can create a beautiful gable hut or hut-tent. The most important thing in this structure is to choose the right fabric. If you are setting up a hut in the yard, it is best to use tent fabric that will not fade from the sun or become deformed due to high humidity. If the structure is located in a child’s room, cotton or any other natural material will do.

Indoor huts

If you are not confident in your abilities or simply do not want to waste time making a homemade hut, you can purchase a ready-made structure. For example, beautiful and easy-to-play huts are produced by the Swedish brand IKEA. Such structures are suitable not only for games, but also for storing toys. In addition, the branded hut will certainly become the main decoration of the children's room.

Children's wigwam hut

Hut in the children's room

You can also use a stylized awning or a roof over a bed as a hut. This accessory will not only give your baby peace exciting games, but will also provide him with a sound and restful sleep.

A hut for children is not just another toy that quickly gets boring. It will help kids develop their own imagination and open the door to the world fairy tale. And for older children, the hut will become a cozy place of solitude, where you can calmly think about the world around you, read an interesting book or dream about a wonderful future.

Many lovers of outdoor activities sometimes stay overnight in the forest. In this case, you can sleep in the cabin of a car, in a tent or in a sleeping bag. However the best option will spend the night in a hut built from available materials. On fresh air with the pleasant smell of wood in good weather, a comfortable atmosphere is created for sleeping in this simple structure. But many people have a question about how to make a hut. Instructions for the construction of this structure will be provided below. More on this below.


The hut is a universal short-term shelter. It is used for overnight shelter, protection from the sun, strong winds, temperature and atmospheric changes, and precipitation in the form of rain and snow.

Types of huts

There are many variations of this structure. However, there are three types of simple huts. Namely:

  • free-standing;
  • attached;
  • huts in a recess.

Each type has its own design features, which have much in common. They depend on the time of year, weather conditions and type of terrain.

How to make a hut with your own hands?

First you need to choose a suitable place to build this temporary shelter. It cannot be installed in narrow gorges, on river banks, or at the bottom of canyons. Because floods, flash floods or sudden downpours may occur. The danger comes from creating a hut under rocks that overhang the site, as well as at the foot of steep mountains. When choosing a parking place, you need to take into account the cardinal directions. Let's consider the main location options.

  1. How to make a hut in a mountain forest. The specified attached-type structure is well suited for this area. This means that one of the walls or even two walls will be made of wood or stone - part of the rock. IN in this case We must try to avoid precipitation. That is, do not place a hut in hollows with obvious traces of water flows. Because if it rains, a stream of water will flow down. Otherwise, the rules for installing this structure are the same as for a tent. The entrance to the hut should be on the side opposite the top. Grooves should be made around the perimeter to allow water to drain in case of rain.
  2. How to make a hut in a lowland forest? The answer to this question is quite simple. In a forest where there is a plain, it is possible to build a recessed, classic or attached hut. In this case, the place is chosen based on the weather. This is important. In cold weather without rain, you need to find a hole that will serve as a temporary shelter. When it rains, the specified structure is placed on an elevated place.

Choosing a hut type

1. Classic hut. This type of structure is made in the form of a fire pit for cooking. In this case, two poles or branches are installed vertically. The third is laid on them horizontally. Dressing is done using improvised means: flexible twigs, grass stems, vines.

In this case, there are still several types of installation. For example, 2 poles or straight branches, cut with a knife, are installed to each other at an angle at the exit from the hut and the back wall with a distance of 2-2.5 meters. It's not hard to do. Then the main pole is laid horizontally on them. Next option is a wigwam. In this case, you can lay the poles in a circle at an angle to each other in the form of a fire pit, and also use a living growing tree as a support point for them.

2. Attached hut. This also includes the type in the form of a wigwam around a tree. In this case, there may also be a hut created on the basis of poles that rest on a rock in a mountainous area. The walls are made like the above classical structure.

3. Recessed hut. This type of building looks like a classic hollow or is something between a dugout and a hut. That is, when only the top (roof) is covered.

Main principles of construction

Before you make a hut with your own hands, you need to know the following:

  1. Location.
  2. Type of hut.
  3. The basis of this structure should be several poles with sharp ends, sunk into the ground. One of them is installed as a load-bearing ceiling beam.
  4. The poles of the hut walls are installed with a slope of 45-60 degrees. Except when one wall is vertical.
  5. The roof must be stitched with branches (poles) in several tiers parallel to the ground along the perimeter between the installed beam and the ground. Then it will be easier to lay the spruce branches or branches.
  6. When deciding how to make a hut, it is necessary to correctly lay the spruce branches on the base of the pole. In this case, it all depends on individual desire. This must be done so that the upper part of the lower spruce branches is laid under the corresponding side of the layer on top. This is done in the same way as when Then the raindrops will roll down freely.
  7. Instead of spruce branches, branches with large leaves will also be used, as well as polyethylene with a tarpaulin.

Interior arrangement of the hut

This process is also important point. In the forest, when there are no usual sleeping bags, folding beds, air mattress and bedding, one must be able to adapt to such conditions. There are two types of arrangement flooring: with and without the presence of a lesion. Each case requires a separate approach. Usually in the cool season, and also when you need to protect yourself from mosquitoes and mosquitoes, you should protect walls and dead wood from sparks from the fireplace. Therefore, they lay it out in the center, limit it with stones, sprinkle earth between the stones, and make a quarantine zone of about 15-20 cm around it. Dead wood is laid on the floor of the hut (on the ground) - last year’s leaves with branches, shoots. Material in the form of tarpaulin, excess clothing, or polyethylene will also work.

Construction of a hut in the forest

This case also has its own nuances. Experienced travelers know how to make a hut in the forest. In this case, you can build a shelter different types. The most simple option considered a classic hut. Any lying tree is suitable for the construction of this structure. It will serve as a kind of frame for the hut. The branches of this tree will become a holding agent for those rods that create the roof. Before you make a hut, the photo of which is provided in the text, you should remember that before starting this process you need to make sure that the lying tree will not crush you. Next, you need to cut off with a knife or tear off with your hands the excess branches that are inside the structure. This is important to do for convenience. The resulting branches are folded so as to form a roof slope for the hut. The thickness of the laid layer determines whether raindrops will get inside the structure. With a lying tree, you can build either a single- or double-sloped hut, depending on the position in which it is located. A lean-to hut can easily be expanded to the second option indicated. Let's look at this in more detail next.

Construction of a lean-to hut

This process is not complicated. The simplest lean-to shelters begin with a frame, and a film or tarpaulin is attached to it on top. The lower edges are pressed against stones or a log. This shelter serves as a screen. You can make a lounger like a bed from spruce branches. The fire should be lit at a distance of about one meter from the sun lounger. This is important. At night, wood is added to the fire. At a temperature of about +5 degrees, you need to stock up on 2-3 dry thick two-meter logs in advance. You can use them to make a “Nodya” fire. To do this, two or three logs are placed on top of each other with smoldering coals between them. This provides warmth throughout the night.

Gable hut

In this case there is also nothing complicated. You can use any available means in the form of spruce branches, reeds, hay, grass or straw. You need to start by preparing thin rods, a support pole and two strong flyers for the base of this structure. In this case, you need to have some skills. Install the flyers by vertically driving them firmly into the ground a third of the length so that they do not wobble. A strong horizontal pole is installed on top of them, on which thin rods are laid at an angle in the form of rafters. Then the material is laid on them from bottom to top. This must be done so that the top row overlaps the bottom. The back and side walls hut. A fire with a heat shield is lit at the entrance to this building. In this case, it should be taken into account that the specified heat shield must be tilted towards the entrance.

How to build huts with your own hands from branches?

Let's take a closer look at this process. Before making a hut from branches, you need to prepare:

  • large knife or ax;
  • tree branches;
  • strong rope;
  • stakes made of thick branches.

First you need to decide on the shape and materials of construction. The optimal option is considered to be a gable option, that is, in the form of a tent. To do this, you need to prepare 6 thick branches about a meter long with a diameter of 5-7 cm. Two of them should be slightly shorter. These branches will become the basis of the frame of the hut, serving as the back and front walls. After choosing a level place, stakes are installed, digging them into the ground in the form of two tripods, one opposite the other. The distance between the stakes will be the length of the hut. In this case, the tripods should face each other with one side of an imaginary triangle. Then thin twigs or rope are attached horizontally to the resulting empty walls. Also in this case you can use climbing plants. There are many of them in the southern regions of Russia. The vertical distance between the branches should be about 20 cm. These crossbars will be used to secure the sheathing branches.

In general, nature itself suggests how to make a hut with your own hands in the forest. Properly laid branches will shield each other. The crown of the tree will provide shelter from the rain. Walls are also being built. In this case, you should take fluffy branches or spruce branches from coniferous trees. After this, you need to break them off so that a hook is formed at the broken end. It is needed to subsequently attach the branch to the crossbars. In this case, it is necessary to begin the construction of walls from the bottom side. This must be done in such a way that the upper branches overlap the lower ones. Then the raindrops will roll down. If you wish, you can line the floor with branches. As a result, the question of how to make a hut from branches can be resolved very simply.

Construction of the specified structure for children on a tree

Many of the children thought about how to make a treehouse. In this case, everything is also quite simple and clear. At the right approach you can build a hut for children and grandchildren on a tree. If on summer cottage There are 2 trees nearby, then between them you will get a good structure. This will not take much time and building materials. Before you make a treehouse, you need to stock up on the following devices and tools:

  • sheets of plywood: one with a thickness of 18-20 mm and two - 8-10 mm;
  • bolts;
  • timber with dimensions 50x150 mm and 50x100 mm;
  • hacksaw or circular saw;
  • galvanized nails;
  • roofing felt;
  • birch bark.

The construction of the hut should be based on 2 boards 50x150 mm. In this case, they are attached to two thick trees. There is nothing complicated in this regard. It is necessary that the diameters of the tree trunks be approximately 20 cm. Then the bottom of the hut with the side walls, as well as triangles for the brackets, are cut out of a sheet of plywood. This will require a lot of patience and scrupulousness. Next, triangular sidewalls are assembled from pre-prepared and sawn half-timber bars. After this, they are bolted together. This will be followed by the process of connecting the assembled triangular sidewalls with a ridge beam. Its cross-section should be 50x100 mm. After this, it is necessary to connect the indicated sidewalls with the two beams located below. Next, using brackets, attach the resulting frame to two support boards with a cross-section of 50x150 mm, which are already pre-fixed to the trees. Now you need to take the bottom, cut out of plywood. It is necessary to drill holes for nails. After this, you need to nail the bottom to the lower beams and joists with galvanized nails with large heads. Now we need to think about building a roof and hatch windows. The best solution in this case is a multi-layer roof. This will ensure reliability. In 1 layer, plywood with a sheet thickness of 8-10 mm is used. The second one can be made of roofing felt or glassine. And for the third layer, birch bark will be used.

Bottom line

Having read the above, everyone can decide for themselves the question of how to make a hut from boards, branches and other improvised means or building materials, as well as find out what types of these structures exist.

For lovers of outdoor activities, the knowledge and practical ability to build a hut with your own hands is extremely necessary, since one day this skill can literally save a life. It's about about those who enjoy long-distance tourist expeditions through forests and mountains, kayaking on rivers or skiing on snowy slopes, fishing, hiking for herbs, berries and mushrooms.

To build a hut , you don't need to put in a lot of effort. Having an understanding of the principle of constructing temporary structures depending on the terrain and the nature of bad weather, it can be erected in a matter of hours.

Types of huts and choice of location

Exists three types possible designs:

  1. Standing separately- a classic type of hut in the forest or open area.
  2. Pristavnoy– living trees, shrubs, and steep slopes are used as support.
  3. In-depth- a kind of mixture of a hut and a dugout.

In survival situations it may be necessary to do hut for:

  • arranging a place to stay for the night;
  • shelter from strong winds or sweltering sun;
  • keeping things warm and dry during rain, hail or snow;
  • protection from predators and insects;
  • warehouse for temporary storage of things.

If a person gets lost and is left alone for the night, then he cannot do without building a temporary hut in the forest. You can create a place to rest in it using foliage, dry moss or clothes. If necessary, you can even make a fire inside it.

Where is the best place to build a hut? It is preferable to erect such temporary structures on a flat, wooded area among dense plantings - lush shrubs and spreading trees. They will protect from drafts and unnecessary attention from forest inhabitants and other tourists.

Places to make huts do not do it:

  • open glades;
  • under sandy or rocky slopes;
  • near mountain rivers or other turbulent bodies of water;
  • near single trees.

After choosing the most suitable place, you should clear it of fallen leaves, branches, stones, thorns and other things. This will provide greater comfort while inside the hut in the forest. And also safety if a fire is lit inside the structure.

What is needed to build a hut

Such a simple temporary shelter is easy to build at any time of the year. When going on a trip away from civilization, it is useful to have a folding saw, hatchet, knife and rope with you. But in extreme situation they may not be at hand. In any case, to make a hut, the main thing is to obtain a certain amount of building material.

For example, in snowy steppes it would be snow and branches of bushes, if they could be found. And in the forest there is a lot of material: fallen trees, broken branches, broken branches, poles, stones, bark, fallen leaves, moss, grass, cones, spruce branches of coniferous plants, and so on. Unfortunately, in modern forests there is a lot of garbage, for example, plastic, pieces of reinforcement, plastic film, fabric - all this can also be successfully used to build a hut in the forest.

When looking for building materials for a shelter, you should first pay attention to your feet. You should not headlong break and destroy all living things: young trees, healthy branches and foliage of trees and bushes. It is necessary to treat the forest with respect, and such a good attitude will return a hundredfold: predatory animals will bypass, plants will be protected from cold, winds and precipitation, and the fire will warm and not burn.

Types of huts and their arrangement

All the most brilliant ideas Nature itself provides humanity with construction. Dwellings of amazing strength and structural modification are built by beavers, wasps, ants, weavers, the red-eared whistler (or otherwise “bowbird”) and many others. People can only look closely and try to grasp the essence of the construction method.

The most common are 3 types of huts: single-pitched, gable and circular. Each of them have functional features, which should be distinguished in order to build the most suitable shelter in each specific case. For example, in winter it is better to make a hut in the shape of a pyramid or semicircle; in conditions of strong winds it will serve as good protection. Among other things, the type of structure depends on the area and the number of people for whom it will be built.

Lean hut

This is a shelter that has one inclined wall, which simultaneously serves as a roof, that is, a kind of canopy. Covers from the sun, dripping rain or wind blowing in one direction. This type of hut does not protect against the cold, since one side is completely or partially open. IN warm weather You can spend the night, but such a vacation will not be very comfortable.

How to make a lean-to hut with your own hands:

  1. Find 2 trees standing close to each other. Or drive 2 poles into the ground with branches at the required distance.
  2. Place the crossbar on top of the forks. If necessary, you can strengthen the connections by tying the crossbar to trees or poles with vines.
  3. Lean several long poles against it at an acute angle in increments of about 25 cm (so that when viewed from the side you get a triangle).
  4. Using branches of leaning poles, lay thin rods horizontally on them - this will evenly distribute the weight of the future flooring.
  5. Place coniferous or deciduous branches, ferns, leaves, straw or other material on the finished frame.
  6. Cover the slope and sides with branches, clothing or something else.

For this design, an attached type of hut is most often used.

Gable hut

A more comfortable shelter compared to a lean-to shelter. Can protect from rain, hail, snow, wind, scorching sun or cold. Can be used for sleeping or storing things. Making a gable hut with your own hands is a little more difficult than a single-slope hut.

It is built in the same way as a lean-to, only long poles are installed at an acute angle to the top beam on both sides. The “back” part should be completely covered with twigs, branches, spruce branches or leaves. The “front” part will serve as an entrance; it can be partially covered to more comfort and better heat retention inside a hut in the forest.

To provide shelter from rain, the thickness of the floorings must be at least 20 cm (uncompacted deciduous or coniferous branches) so that moisture does not seep through them. It’s better to build a rain shelter using an awning or plastic film.

In rainy weather, it is better to dig small grooves along the side walls to drain the flowing water away from the structure.

Circular hut

The design resembles a wigwam or tent in a simpler variation. Such a building effectively protects from bad weather, as well as from cold. You can organize a fire inside the shelter, but in this case it is necessary to build a hut with a hole in the roof so that the smoke can freely escape from it. To build such a shelter, you can use a tree as a support, after making sure that it is strong and there are no, for example, ants on it. But then it will be impossible to make a fire inside - only at the entrance.

Communication with nature has always been beneficial for children. In Soviet times, schoolchildren often disappeared into the forest, building huts and dugouts, which were bases for playing “war games”, places to spend pleasant time with friends. Although the era of forest tourism has already passed, giving way to the computer era, many still prefer to get out into nature and build such familiar and interesting structures as huts.

A hut is an artificial shelter quickly constructed in hiking conditions from available materials (branches, boards, poles, turf). This type of building has long been used by hunters, mushroom pickers, rangers and tourists for protection from bad weather and long-term stays away from the benefits of civilization. Besides, Such shelters have long become a favorite place for children to play- they not only build them with great pleasure, but also spend a lot of time in them, arranging improvised headquarters for their forestry detachments, warehouses for all kinds of provisions and simply secluded shelters.

To the modern child, consumed by the world computer games And social networks, such entertainment helps not only to improve your well-being, but also to acquire useful skills in constructing such structures with your own hands, becoming closer to nature.

A hut is an artificial shelter that can be quickly constructed on the go from scrap materials.

Main types of street huts and stages of their production

According to their design, huts are divided into:

  1. Single-pitch- the simplest, consisting of a visor resting on trees or a stake dug into the ground
  2. Gable– externally they resemble a tent, they consist of a frame covered with branches, moss and spruce branches.
  3. Circular- tall buildings erected in the form of a tent (cone), externally reminiscent of Indian wigwams. They are built around a tree or a long stake driven into the ground.

Huts with recesses below ground level are the famous dugouts, the living part of which is located in a well-insulated and covered pit.

Each of these huts consists of:

  • Frame - the frame of a building assembled from poles;
  • Covering material - branches, spruce branches, straw, moss;
  • Fasteners - nylon threads, adhesive tape. In camping conditions, if they are not available, they often use improvised fastening materials - freshly cut strips of bark, dug up long roots, strands of grass.

The construction of a hut consists of assembling the frame and carefully covering it with lining material and arranging a fire pit.

Gallery: hut on a summer cottage (25 photos)

How to make a hut (video)

How to build a simple lean-to hut (halabudu) from branches in the forest

This type of hut is the simplest and can be constructed within a few hours.

  • For a hut, choose a high and dry place with two thick trees standing at a distance of 1.5-2 meters with strong knots at the bottom of the trunks.
  • A strong pole 2-2.5 meters long is cut down and placed on tree branches so that its height from the ground is up to 1.5 meters.
  • Using strips of bark, the ramp poles resting on the ground are tied to the resulting crossbar.
  • The resulting frame is covered first with thin branches with foliage, and then with spruce branches.
  • At the ends of the hut, stakes are driven in and branches and spruce paws are placed tightly.
  • In order not to sit on the cold ground, the floor of the hut is covered with spruce paws, branches or simple grass. The layer of such insulation should be at least 30 cm.
  • To prevent it from being cold inside such a canopy, a fireplace is made in front of the entrance, behind which a reflector is installed - a low fence made of stakes driven into the ground and branches intertwined between them, thanks to which heat flows inside the building.

A simple lean-to hut is the simplest and can be built within a few hours

Construction of a gable hut on the street with your own hands

A gable hut is built in the forest with the maximum use of available materials without the use of nails, screws and other metal fasteners.

The construction of a gable hut is carried out according to a simple scheme:

  • First, a site is selected in a high, non-swampy, dry place from which windbreaks, debris, and stones are removed. You should not build a hut near anthills or burrows of wild animals. It is better to build a hut under the crowns of large trees - if it rains, they will provide additional protection from moisture.
  • For the frame, two straight sticks with branches in the upper part are cut down. The lower ends of the spears are sharpened and driven in along one line at a distance equal to the length of the future building
  • A long pole is placed on the slingshots, tying it to them with threads, tape, or, in their absence, with strips of fresh bark removed from the cut down sticks.
  • Next, on both sides of each of the spears, poles made of thick branches resting at an angle on the ground are tied, securing them at the base with pegs driven into the ground, and at the top with bark, thread, and tape. The same poles are laid parallel to the end ones in increments of 40-50 cm.
  • Parallel to the ridge of the resulting frame, longitudinal poles are laid on the surface of both slopes, tying them at the points of intersection with the inclined ones. If there are thick trees nearby, the hut is tied to them using strong twine - this makes the building more stable.
  • The resulting skeleton, reminiscent gable roof on both sides of the ridge, as well as at the ends, while leaving space for entry, they are covered with branches.
  • On last stage Spruce legs are laid on each of the slopes of the building, starting from the ground.
  • If the spruce branches are tightly laid, the roof of such a shelter will not leak even in heavy rain or snow, and the inside will be dry and comfortable.
  • Very often, a thick plastic film and tarpaulin are laid on top of the branches on the slopes.
  • If there is a field nearby with dry straw remaining after the harvest, then it can be used to cover the roof along with spruce legs - the main thing in this case is to remember that you should light fires in such a hut very carefully so that an accidental spark does not set the dry stems on fire.
  • To prevent the hut from flooding during heavy rains a small ditch is made along its perimeter with a groove extending to the side

A gable hut is built in the forest with maximum use of available materials without the use of nails, screws and other metal fasteners

Building a winter hut in the ground

In addition to above-ground ones, it is also possible to build one located below ground level. a hut in which you can stay not only in the warm season but even in winter:

  • For construction, choose a dry place away from the trunks of large trees - it is best to build such a shelter on hills and hills with loose sandy soil.
  • The pit for the dugout in which 3-4 people will be located at the same time is made 3x4-5 meters in size and up to 1.5-2 meters deep. When excavating the soil, I throw the removed turf and fertile soil not far from the pit, since in the future they will be useful for filling the roof of the dugout. On one side of the pit, an additional trench is made for entry.
  • Pegs are driven along the walls of the pit, while retreating to make the distance between them and the soil layer equal to the thickness of the boards or logs used to construct the walls.
  • Boards or logs are placed between the driven stakes, thereby forming the walls of the building.
  • The floor of the dugout is first insulated with dry leaves, sawdust and covered with poles or boards.
  • To build a roof, 3 thick dugouts are dug along the central axis of the rectangle. supporting pillars, two of which are located near the walls, and one in the center of the dugout.
  • In the upper part, the pillars are fastened with a longitudinal pole, on which thin logs are tightly laid on both sides with an inclination towards the ground.
  • The finished roof is covered with earth and covered with turf.
  • The ends of the roof protruding above the ground are covered with boards.
  • The entrance to the dugout is a trench adjacent to the pit - for this, steps are dug at its beginning or a ladder is installed. The entrance is covered with a wooden shield.
  • To ensure that the wood of the dugout structures does not rot due to high humidity it is treated with special solutions.

How to build a treehouse (video)

How to make a circular Indian hut (wigwam) for children

A wigwam is a circular hut. You can build it both outdoors and in the backyard of a private house and even in an apartment

In order to make children's wigwam necessary:

  • 4-6 wooden round section sticks with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm are tied with coarse thread or electrical tape so as to form a cone or pyramid. If a wigwam is made outside, the sticks of the frame are driven into the ground, having previously sharpened their ends.
  • For the hut, a cover is made from dense material with ties, with the help of which it is tied to the frame. The cover should cover most of the hut, leaving room in the front for entry.
  • The entrance is made by sewing two curtains to the cover.
  • To give the wigwam an attractive look, strips, circles, and other shapes cut from pieces of colored material (paper, cardboard) are glued onto the material of the cover.
  • A thick blanket is placed at the bottom of the hut.

A wigwam is a circular hut

Making a children's hut at home

Since many people do not have a regular opportunity to get out into nature, very often huts are made at home:

  • For the ridge of the frame, use 4 dry bars 2-2.5 cm thick and a stick of the same diameter.
  • To assemble the end walls, the bars are folded in the shape of a triangle and a hole equal to the diameter of the ridge is made using a drill at a distance of 3-4 cm from the ends.
  • A round stick is passed through the hole in the crosshairs.
  • The resulting frame is sheathed on three sides with fabric and cardboard.
  • To make the hut stable, the elements back wall in the lower part they are fastened with another bar.
  • A retractable curtain is installed at the entrance.

The resulting hut fits perfectly not only in an open space, but also inside a children's room.

Handmade crafts from natural materials will create an atmosphere of comfort and a romantic atmosphere in your home. Such crafts and interior items from natural material very popular today. It's especially nice to surprise your friends with these decorative items made by hand. To decorate your interior country house or apartments, you can make crafts from branches of various trees.

To use, you need branches that have not been eaten by the bug. Collect branches like this better in autumn or in early spring. Also, all branches without exception require processing in at least 2 stages:

1) Drying the branches is a must. Otherwise, the product will warp in the first month. We dry at room temperature for 1-2 weeks. Or 7 days for batteries. And if you want it very quickly, then in the oven for 2-3 hours on low heat and with the door ajar so that the moisture comes out.

2) Also desirable painting or varnishing. If there is no special varnish for wood at all, then you can treat it with transparent nail varnish.

To do this, we offer you 10 master classes on crafts made from tree branches with your own hands.

Candlestick made of tree branches

Stylish candlestick in 5 minutes

To make a candlestick from twigs, We need:

  • Dry twigs.
  • A small glass cup.
  • Hot glue gun.
  • Candle.

Step 1:

Collect a small amount of twigs, wash them in water and dry them. After drying, cut them with pruning shears into approximately equal lengths.

Step 2:

Take a small glass cup and a hot glue gun. Apply glue to each branch with a glue gun and glue it to the cup. Thus, glue each next branch next to each other.

Take a candle required size and insert it into the inside of the glass. The candlestick is ready for use.

Another option for making a candle holder is to simply take a thick candle and glue the twigs around the candle with a glue gun. Also, if the branches are painted gold, the effect will be more glamorous.

The branches are painted gold

Golden candlestick

House made of branches

An unusual craft for a child can be made from ordinary twigs. In the photo below, our reader shared his wonderful creation that he made for a child.

ADVICE: If you decorate the house with a garland you will get a great night light for a child's room!

House made of branches

How to make one like this

Photo frames made from tree branches

You can make unusual photo frames from dry branches with your own hands.

To do this we need:

  • Dry twigs.
  • Wooden base for frame.
  • Hot glue gun.
  • Decor (moss).

Step 1:

Take dry twigs. Using a hot glue gun. Apply glue to each branch with a glue gun and glue it to wooden base. Likewise, glue all subsequent branches side by side in the form of a rectangle.

Step 2

Then take a decorative material, in our case moss, and stick it in the corner of the frame. The result will be a wonderful composition.

Look at even more photo ideas on how you can arrange frames and displays of photographs in the interior.

Making a spring photo frame

Tree with photos in a vase

Pencil holder

This thing will look amazing on your desktop.

DIY pencil stand

You will need:

  • A cut tree or stump, with a diameter of 10 to 15 cm and a thickness of about 10 cm (the photo shows such a “stump”, previously cleared of bark, but for a greater natural effect, you can leave the cut in its original form).
  • A drill whose core drill diameter should not exceed 8-10 mm. A point drill bit is used to create shallow but clean, smooth-edged holes.
  • Fine-grit sandpaper.

Step 1:

Take a drill, make 25-30 holes in the log house (depending on the diameter of the “hemp”), each at a distance of 0.5 - 1 cm from each other.

Make 25-30 holes in the log house

Step 2:

After this, take fine-grained sandpaper and sand the surface so that there are no unevenness.

Sanding sandpaper base and top

After this, the stand is ready. It can be used not only for stationery, but also for art brushes.

Also check out other ideas on how to design a pen organizer.

Pencil holder

Stand for pens and phone

Clothes hanger

This craft will undoubtedly decorate your hallway and delight everyone who comes to visit you. You just need to choose branches that have fairly strong and thick hook knots. Hangers can also be made from small tree branches.

Clothes hanger in the hallway

You will need:

  • Strong branches with thick knots with a diameter of 30-50 mm.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Saw on wood.
  • Drill.
  • Blank for the wall

Step 1:

We saw the trunk of the branch in half. We select a suitable workpiece with a length of 300-400 mm. Using a miter saw, we immediately form a hook. Using a saw, we cut off a branch from a branch at a distance of 50-120 mm. And then we cut half of the branch with a knot with a saw along the edges.

We select a suitable workpiece with a length of 300-400 mm.

Step 2:

Drill a hole in the hook with a self-tapping screw. And we attach it to the blank under the hanger. If desired, you can hang them individually or form a hanger. If the hanger is intended for light things, then you can attach the branches using wood glue.

Paint with white acrylic paint

If desired, these hooks can be painted with special paints for wood or use an aerosol spray.

The original hanger is ready


In order for all the pots to be identical and original, you can make a flowerpot with your own hands. You will need a minimum of effort and a maximum of desire and good mood.

Flowerpot made from branches

To do this you need:

  • Dry twigs.
  • Saw on wood.
  • A skein of twine thread.
  • A piece of burlap.

Step 1:

To begin with, take dry twigs and use a wood saw to make them all approximately the same length.

cut the branches and tie them together

Step 2:

Then we wrap the flower pot or flowerpot with a piece of burlap. Secure it with any glue.

Step 3

Take the previously prepared branches, tie them together with twine so that the branches do not fall apart (see photo)

We wrap a piece of burlap around our old flowerpot

Step 4:

Then tie these branches around a pot or flowerpot and secure it with a bow.

Use a rope to secure the branches around the flowerpot

DIY hanging table

Hanging objects can add a feeling of weightlessness and airiness to any interior. Suspension wooden table could be wonderful bedside table. It is attached to the ceiling with three ropes using a hook. How to make it? Necessary:

  • Tablet.
  • Grinder machine.
  • Drill.
  • Hot glue gun.
  • Screw.
  • S-shaped hook.
  • Polyurethane spray.
  • Felt strip.

Installation of a hanging table

Step 1:

First you need to choose a suitable board with an unusual texture. Sand all uneven surfaces with a sander.

Step 2:

Next, you need to drill three holes that will match the diameter of the selected rope. The holes should be equidistant from each other, and one of them should be located as close to the wall as possible. You can hang the table using four ropes, then you will need to drill four holes.

Step 3:

The wooden surface should be covered with several layers of polyurethane, allowing each of them to dry. Since the table will be adjacent to the wall, protect its surface from damage. To do this, glue a strip of felt to the part of the table that is adjacent to the wall with hot glue.

Step 4:

Next, pull the ropes through the holes and tie strong knots under the board. After this, you need to drill a small hole in the ceiling and insert a screw with a ring into which you should thread an S-shaped hook.

Step 5:

Then tie all the ropes at the top into a strong knot with a loop and hang the structure on the hook.

The result will be simply mesmerizing. Your hanging table will simply float in the room.

Decorative tree

To decorate the interior of your home, we suggest making decorative tree with flowers.

You need:

  • Twigs.
  • Decorative flowers (can be made from paper).
  • Sea pebbles.
  • A piece of foam.
  • Hot glue gun.
  • An unusually shaped flowerpot (in our case, square).

Step-by-step production of decorative wood

  1. Take sea pebbles and add them to the bottom of the flowerpot.
  2. Then place the foam on the pebbles in the flowerpot and insert the prepared twig into this foam.
  3. Fill it with sea pebbles again to make the branch more stable. Place the moss on top.
  4. Now let's start decorating the branch. Take decorative flowers and glue them with a glue gun to the branch in a chaotic manner.
  5. When you glue all the flowers, then your decorative tree will be ready to decorate your apartment or house.

Decorative tree painted gold

Decorative tree white

Wreath on the door made of twigs

This is the easiest master class that could be shown. Let's do it decorative wreath on the door made of twigs. To start and finish our craft we need:

  • Twigs.
  • Copper wire.

Base blank for a Christmas wreath

Step 1:

Take copper wire and make a circle with a hook out of it (see picture).

make a circle out of wire

Step 2:

You need to make small bunches from the branches, fastening them with wire.

We tie the branches into small bundles

Step 3:

Then we screw bunches of twigs to a pre-prepared circle of copper wire. And so on until the end. Your wreath is ready. You can also decorate it spray paint, giving it your favorite color.

We attach “bundles” of branches to the base

The wreath can be decorated as you wish. And make it either New Year’s or for another occasion

from spruce and pine in this article!

Decorating a mirror with branches

If you're tired of your old mirror and want to change it, don't rush. Using cuttings of branches, you can decorate your mirror, and it will sparkle with its beauty in a new form.

Mirror decorated with branch cuts

What is needed for this:

  • Branches of different diameters.
  • Wood file.
  • Hot glue gun.

Work process:

  1. Let's get to work. Take the branches and make cuts with a saw of the same thickness.
  2. Then take a glue gun and glue each cut around the mirror. It will come out very original.
  3. In the same way, you can paste over vases and flower pots, or whatever suits your imagination.

You can also make something like this from small boards - LESSON here!

Wall decor

Using branches you can make various decorations — — Take a look and you'll definitely find something for yourself!

And now we offer a simple master class on making a seahorse. It will decorate your room, giving it uniqueness. To make the decor more original, come up with your own figurine.

Branch decor for the wall

To do this you need to have:

  • Twigs different sizes and diameters.
  • Secateurs for branches.
  • Hot glue gun.
  • Cardboard, pencil, scissors.

Step 1

Draw a figure on cardboard, for example a seahorse. And cut with scissors.

Cutting out a shape from paper

Step 2

Take a hot glue gun, apply glue to the twigs and glue them onto the cardboard blank, aligning them one to one.

Step 3

When you're done gluing. Take a branch pruner and cut off any branches that extend beyond the edges of your base. It will turn out very well beautiful decor on the wall.

In a similar way, you can make crafts for the New Year in the form of a Christmas tree, decorating it with decor, or a star on the door, crafts for Valentine's Day.

Heart made of twigs
