Electric cabbage grater. How to choose a harvester for shredding cabbage. A brief overview of the famous brands of the above device

Every autumn it’s time to prepare vegetables in the form of a variety of pickles and canned salads. It's nice to treat yourself to this delicacy in winter.

No matter how many housewives prepare various appetizers and marinade salads, the central place in this vegetable wealth still occupies sauerkraut. But its appearance is preceded by a rather tedious and not very popular process of chopping heads of cabbage.

Many years ago, I remember, they said “chop the cabbage.” This is because it was used for such a thing special knife- a chopper, or a hoe, not a cabbage shredder. Cabbage was chopped in a rounded wooden trough, linden or oak, and salted in it and stored until the next harvest.

And even though few people now ferment cabbage in whole barrels, they try to make the cutting process easier with the help of various devices. However, even for small volumes, a special knife with several sharp steel blades located at an angle was invented. This type of cabbage shredder (manual, as it is called) is absolutely safe and allows you to significantly speed up slicing and improve its quality. The result is an even, thin straw that can only be cut with a regular knife by a professional chef. True, some skill is needed, but any housewife will quickly master this device, there is little wisdom.

For small quantity A plastic cabbage shredder is suitable. This simple device resembles a regular grater and is made of durable plastic with removable blades. Some products have a container for

A wooden shredder for cabbage is more productive and reliable; it is also a very simple device that many housewives prefer to use. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. A wooden shredder is a board on which plate-like steel knives are mounted. The thickness of the cut pieces depends on the size of the gaps between the knives and the board. Usually wooden shredders for cabbage they are made in large sizes and placed directly above the pickling container. For operational safety, some shredders are equipped with a moving hopper, shaped like a cube with a pressure lid. The head of cabbage is placed in the hopper, covered with a lid, and then moved forward onto the knives. This cabbage shredder is safe to use and has good performance.

All of the above devices make chopping only half as easy, because your hands still get tired of holding a head of cabbage. But technical progress, as you know, does not stand still, and now some housewives trust shredding to modern electric meat grinders that have special attachments, including for cabbage. A food processor is an even more improved and modernized shredder; it can deal with pieces of cabbage in a matter of minutes. And finally, the slicer is an electric vegetable cutter.

However, cabbage after shredding in this miracle technique does not turn out as beautiful as we would like, so many housewives prefer to shred cabbage more simple devices. Or the old fashioned way, with your own hands.

Any housewife knows that cutting cabbage into slices or cubes is not special labor. But in order to grind it into thin straws, you have to spend a lot of effort and time. An excellent assistant in this matter is a special knife for shredding cabbage.

Cutting tools

Modern stores offer today huge selection all kinds of devices that allow you to quickly and easily cut any vegetables, including cabbage.

The simplest of them is a shredder in the form of an ordinary grater. It is a neat little plastic or wooden board with built-in blades. Their number may vary. By moving vegetables along them, you can get long and thin straws. Such shredders are very popular, equipped with a plastic container for collecting chopped products. There are models that are equipped additional attachments. Good feedback has a shredder knife for cabbage “Hostess”. It is safe, convenient, and significantly speeds up the work associated with slicing. No less popular are products from the Dexam and Peterhof brands.

The multifunctional cabbage shredding process greatly simplifies the process. But if it is not possible to purchase such a unit, it is quite possible to get by with other devices. For example, many housewives use rotating bread slicers or potato peelers for this purpose. The straw obtained in this way turns out to be very tender and soft.

Unfortunately, special hatchets designed for chopping cabbage are not suitable for everyone. Using them requires some skill. Cabbage can also be cut into regular kitchen knife, the main thing is that it meets certain requirements. Failure to comply with them may negatively affect the taste of the prepared dish.

What kind of knife should be used for shredding cabbage?

It is not at all necessary that this instrument cost exorbitant amounts of money. Even an old, time-tested one is quite suitable for this role. The main thing is that it is sharp and well sharpened. The blade must be correct geometric shape, quite wide and must have a protrusion under the handle.

The sharp tip of the knife is another indispensable condition for such a tool. Products intended for cutting bread or having any original form blades.

How to use a knife

You can avoid unpleasant moments in the kitchen associated with cuts and injuries if you use a knife correctly when cutting vegetables. The chopping knife must be held with the whole palm and in such a way that the index finger is on top of the handle, the thumb is on the side, along the handle, and the rest are located below.

During operation, the tip of the knife moves only back and forth, without leaving the board. Each housewife chooses the direction of movement of the knife that is more convenient for herself. It should be taken into account that if the knife moves away from itself, then simultaneously with the forward movement it goes down. When cutting towards yourself, the knife points downwards as it moves towards you, rising in the opposite direction.

The board on which the cabbage is chopped and the surface of the table should not have any unevenness.

Process Features

Before you start shredding cabbage, you need to cut the head of cabbage into two parts. If he has big sizes, then maybe four. Then each part is cut into slices across the veins present on the leaf, so that the cabbage shavings, when further cut, are 6-8 cm long.

The prepared parts are cut into strips using a cabbage shredding knife (how to use it is described above). In this case, the width of the chips should not exceed 3 mm. Cutting strips that are too narrow (less than 1 mm wide) makes the cabbage flabby and leads to a loss of taste.

It is best to use it for shredding special devices. It is much safer and easier and will require less time. If you need to prepare large quantities of cabbage, a food processor will be much more productive than a cabbage shredder.

Fast shredding technique

When preparing a dish that requires a lot of finely chopped ingredients, you have to spend a lot of time on it. Having mastered certain shredding techniques, you can significantly speed up this process.

First you need to master the correct grip of the product. This should be done not with the fingertips, but with the entire brush. The hand should be slightly tilted forward so that the top edge of the knife comes into contact with it. At first it will seem that this is not a very comfortable position for fast shredding, but with a little practice you can be convinced of its effectiveness.

Slicing is still completely safe and fast when using a special knife for shredding cabbage. A photo of it can be found in this article. With absence food processor such a knife helps to chop cabbage in large volumes very quickly, eliminating cuts and any other injuries.

Many people love cabbage on the table, but not everyone likes to cut it with a knife. There are special hand shredders, but they cut thickly and are suitable for thoroughly preparing cabbage. At the same time, everything scatters around. For those cases when you need to chop a little cabbage for salad or for sourdough, there is a simple and easy way using a paring knife. People call it a housekeeper knife.

So the idea is this. There is cabbage. You need to make a salad from it. Using a knife to chop it thinly and evenly is very difficult. Even if the knife is thin and sharply sharpened, good dexterity and attentiveness are required during this work. The author of the video tutorial, passing by a housekeeper that is used for peeling potatoes, came up with the idea that it could be adapted for another important job.

As shown in the video, planing cabbage with a housekeeper is very convenient. Cut cabbage slices are very thin and tender. Nothing scatters to the sides, since this device is very small. The work is very fast, simple and pleasant.

All that remains is to chop up more cabbage, add the necessary ingredients and that’s it! Bon appetit!


It's summer cabbage. Chop it with a knife for 5 seconds. The main load comes when fermentation begins. Autumn cabbage is tough, the heads are huge. With this vegetable peeler you will be cutting one wheel all day long.

Bogdan Ribak
+natali s for pickling there is a special shredder, and for salad, this shredder can also be used to cut autumn cabbage, only the head of cabbage must first be cut into two or four parts.

Vasily velikanov
+natali s When I fermented cabbage, I chopped it on an electric bread slicer, you can use a combine or an electric vegetable slicer, very quickly. The vegetable cutter is inexpensive, unlike a combine, I use it to grind everything, including carrots into borscht and cabbage, the only thing is that you can’t use onions, it releases a lot of juice, you only have to do it by hand.

Natali s
There is a vegetable cutter. I rubbed a mark on it. And cabbage with your hands. I love it when it turns out to be a very thin and long straw. But the bread slicer is interesting option. I think it might turn out to be an excellent straw. Thanks for the idea.

Vasily velikanov
I'm glad you liked the idea. I meant bread slicer and cheese slicer. The width of the resulting slice is also set there, just as you need thin or thick, and then cut across and that’s it. I also love salads cut by hand, but I worked a lot and hard, so I only cut cabbage with machines, and now at home I only use my hands. But I really like electric assistants, they help out well.

natali s you won't. I didn’t even know that this blade was for potatoes; I always chopped cabbage. Large heads of cabbage. Of course, longer than with a simple knife but the result is worth it

Natalia Mironova is a gardening soul.
I have this thing, I only used it to peel potatoes. That’s great, now I’ll shred cabbage too. By the way, there’s also a garlic grater on top!

Alena is another miracle.
Tatiana Mamatova. You can not only peel vegetables and fruit peels (kiwi, apples), but also cut cucumbers into strips for salads or carrots, zucchini, etc. for stewing.

Nikiforova irina
I don’t have one for garlic, but there is a protrusion for eyes) although to use it you have to turn your hand inside out. You need to buy a new one and throw this one away. The advice is incredibly useful and thanks to the author for it!

Elena Morozova
thank you so much for your advice! I’ve been using this clean one for 16 years, but I’ve never thought of chopping cabbage with it. Cool, fast and convenient. Thanks again!

Pavlo Alexandrovich
+bogdan ribak this miracle is called a “paring knife”, today I bought myself one, the price is 1 euro, only the blade is parallel to the handle, I immediately protested - just super! Last time, when peeling with a knife, 3 kilograms of carrots for juice, the whole kitchen and I were yellow) this time 1.5 kg. Carrots + beets - cleaned very quickly, and without splashing, peeling vegetables has now become a pleasure.

Anastasia kutuzova
super method - thanks! I used to not like fiddling with cabbage, precisely because it’s not so easy to chop it) but with your method it’s just wonderful and easy and even fun to do. Once again, many thanks and a huge like to your know-how, and for sharing with us.

Natasha the sun
Borner shredder - I’ve been using it for 15 years. And for salad, and for sauerkraut in general a thing. For me, this method is good for salad. And sauerkraut should be long strips. But that’s how they say it, depending on who you choose.

Olga Abramova
The Internet is full of videos on how to use this device. So I don't think it's yours brilliant idea. Complete plagiarism, but everyone strives to present themselves as a genius. Why can’t I honestly say that I saw it and am sharing an idea. But no, “I thought and came up with it.” And I agree that half, or even more, could be thrown out of the video, this is exactly the same narcissism and the story of how you came up with the idea. Well, a masterpiece that blew my mind “you can say that the cabbage is organic.” Dear author of the video, everything created by nature is an organic product.

Tatiana Gavrilova
So much malice in the comments. Why not just assume that the person guessed it himself? In so many cases in history, even poetry was written almost word for word in the same way at different ends of the country different people. Are you offended that you weren’t the first to write about this? You watch the series of videos “Tatyana’s”, that’s where the plagiarism is! I’m just deleting it, although the topics there are interesting, he doesn’t speak, but expresses what even the youngest housewives know. But with such aplomb, as if she was the first to know about it or came up with it herself. And the channel is thriving. Although some call her a rude know-it-all.

Tatiana Gavrilova
Well done! I have such a device, but I haven’t tried cabbage. And regarding the comments: not everyone is as eloquent as the one who writes about unnecessary chatter. Thank you, everything was presented normally. We will use your advice.

good recipe
The idea is, of course, a good one. And I have a special knife for cabbage, with a double blade. It turns out the same small straws, only if the cabbage forks is large, then it is more convenient to chop it with a knife.

Olga Segeyda
Still, it’s better to buy one, since such a device only spoils the cabbage and you’ll have a hard time chopping it. There is a special universal knife, but I use it exclusively for chopping and even large heads of cabbage don’t scare me, but with this unit you will get tired.

Manzura lulaby
I really like this thing, it’s not convenient for potatoes, for long vegetables like asparagus, cucumbers, carrots, radishes. This peeler peels the peel on one side and shreds it on the other, a cool thing that is very necessary in the kitchen. I didn’t know you could shred cabbage this way. Thank you for the idea.

The shredder gets dull quickly! Forks, of course, for men. I can’t even find the word! This type of shredder is only suitable for scratching a cat’s balls! Your hand will get so tired trying to pickle cabbage in a bucket - it’s terrible! Complete bullshit!

Alena kov
This option works only with young, not large, loose cabbage. Just like in the video. But large, fully mature, dense heads of cabbage are inconvenient to shred with such a shredder. It’s easier to use a shredder that is familiar to many housewives. As a last resort, use the old fashioned way with a knife)

laura c
it costs up to 100 rubles in the comfort of a hardware store. And in Finland, Ukrainians sell them for 10-15 euros. And Finns buy 2 or 3 pieces for themselves and as gifts. ;He deftly shows cabbage and carrots and cheese

But I can’t chop cabbage this way. I have already purchased 5 similar devices - they only glide over the cabbage and don’t cut a damn thing. I can’t understand what’s wrong.

Helen brilliant
I shredded a bucket of cabbage with this vegetable peeler, it was quick and easier than with a knife. But the fastening of the cutting blade quickly broke: they sell similar peelers, but either the teeth are less sharp, or without teeth at all, and they are very poorly suited for shredding cabbage, and simply for cleaning the peel. Now I’m waiting for the opportunity to buy again such a cleaner, with sharp teeth, I’ve never come across anything like it. There are peelers that are even similar in shape, but you compare the teeth on the old broken plate with the teeth of the new one, and you can see that on the old one they are much longer and sharper, and accordingly they grip and cut better.

Lyudmila Zhenier
thanks for the advice. I need very finely shredded cabbage in some dishes; I used to shred it with a knife. In general, this is an ordinary vegetable peeler, I only have vertical blades, I’ve been using it for about 15 years, it’s very convenient

antoniya antoniya
I also have one, and I’ve been shredding everything with it for a long time, including cabbage, but it’s not convenient to peel potatoes with it, it’s good to peel potatoes with a side shredder, they are also sold.

I’ve been peeling potatoes and other vegetables with this thing for 20 years, but I never thought of shredding cabbage). Well, maybe because I have a special grater. We need to try this method, it’s much simpler and chops finer. Thank you!

Olga Pichugova
I have been using this knife for the last five years and for shredding. A large head of cabbage lies on the table, I hold it with my left hand, and chop it with my right, moving away from me. It turns out pretty quickly. You just need to periodically turn the cabbage for ease of work.

Raisa waschtschenko
Well done for suggesting it. This thing is called a vegetable cutter, it was designed for cleaning and cutting vegetables. I think that you were not the first to use it for its intended purpose, but not everyone realized that you can also shred cabbage with it! Good luck!

Snezhana Denisovna
Cool! And I threw away such a knife; it was of no use to me at all! I use borner graters, I think they are the best! According to testing, they are considered the best! But I bought this thing and I didn’t like it! I watched your video and you are doing great!

Svetlana Valeeva
I have the same knife. You didn't say the other side is for Korean carrots. You can also chop bell peppers, beets (boiled and raw), and cucumber into long strips.

Svetlana Valeeva
for convenience, place the vegetable on the table and hold it with one hand and plan it with the other. You'll like it. It takes a little bit of skill. At the same coleslaw, with the same grater, cut the pepper into thin, long strips - it turns out very beautifully. I wish you success)

vasily velikanov
great, thank you! I have such a tool for carrots and cucumbers, I use a smooth blade, and I keep this one inside this thing, I didn’t know where to use it, now I know thanks to you. I chop cabbage when I don’t have time in an electric vegetable cutter, and when I just eat it with a knife. But now I'll try this.

Valentina Germanovna
thanks a lot! Sorry, but I couldn’t resist and sent your video “for a walk” to the open spaces of “Oklassniki”. Let them rejoice at your find and chop cabbage without any problems! Thank you!

Marina Utkina
Excellent method, I’ve been shredding with this shredder for a long time. Only the author did not say or point out Special attention that this shredder should have fine teeth. Many people have these, but the smooth ones won’t work with them, but the ones with the teeth are great, great!

Pavel Steshenkov
+ bogdan ribak is very convenient, but only if your cleaner good quality. It is better to make Korean carrots not “in your hands,” but by placing the carrots or zucchini on a cutting board. I have been selling these knives for 5 years by demonstration. During this time I cut up more than one ton of vegetables. Using the same principle that you cut cabbage, it’s easy to cut onions. It is better to do this with a movement “from yourself”. It's safer and more convenient. Now I need to buy it for the shredder. A thin shredder is also good

Khavva Bagdalova
Thank you very much for the advice, I’ll definitely try it, my dream is to cut cabbage so thinly and beautifully, a godsend for a left-handed person, since a special cabbage cutter is adapted for working with the right hand.

Natalie v
THX. Suddenly. It has its advantages.
I use a burner vegetable slicer. I have had it for over 10 years and the incisors are so sharp that I am amazed that this is even possible. And its plastic is simply invulnerable. This means German quality. There you can chop the cabbage so that it glows. The surface gap can be adjusted. And chop the cabbage even roughly - if necessary.

In our country, a traditionally popular dish is sauerkraut and pickled cabbage. Every autumn, housewives try to prepare more of this tasty snack for the winter - after all, cabbage is rich in vitamin C and other useful substances. To quickly and easily chop a large number of vegetables, such a unit as an electric shredder will come in handy - you can easily buy it in any store household appliances or on the Internet portal of the corresponding manufacturer.

In this article, we will get acquainted with the features of electric cabbage shredders, learn how to choose the right unit, and review devices from popular brands. You may also be interested in information about how to choose and use correctly


An electric shredder is a device that allows you to easily and quickly cut required amount cabbage, carrots, onions and other vegetables necessary for making delicious pickles. The device is good because it produces pieces of the same thickness and size, which allows you to make the workpieces also presentable in appearance and neat. In addition, a certain cutting method allows you to preserve the greatest amount of nutrients and juice in vegetables.

Great option for instant cooking large portion of cabbage

An electric shredder is especially useful if you need to prepare a large amount of cabbage - small volumes can be handled manually. The device is cut with a special sharpened tool disk knife, working on the principle of a grater. This knife is made from durable of stainless steel, and lasts for a very long time without dulling. You can adjust the thickness of the slice by varying the height of the knife blades.

Using this device, you can avoid such an unpleasant thing as cuts on your hands: many housewives are familiar with this injury when shredding cabbage in the fall.

You may also be interested in information about what it looks like and how effective it is.

Video shows how an electric cabbage shredder works:


Cabbage shredders can be manual or electric - this is their main division. Manual device You can process a small amount of cabbage, solely for personal use.

If there is a need for large volumes, you cannot do without an electric unit. And similar devices are also divided into several varieties. First of all, it is necessary to separate household electric shredders from industrial ones. We can purchase the former for home use, and the latter are used in agricultural processing enterprises. Sometimes industrial shredders are so bulky that they would take up all the space in a standard kitchen.

Household electric cabbage shredders - convenient device, taking up little space, compact and modern. In addition to all this, the unit has good power and is able to quickly cope with a decent volume of products. The body of the product is plastic, but the knives are always made of hardened stainless steel. As a rule, the device is equipped with a switch with which you can select different shredding modes.

Note that the unit can cut not only cabbage, but also other vegetables and root crops. This property makes it even, to some extent, a substitute for a food processor.

You might also be interested in information about how effective it can be in the kitchen

How to choose

Let's find out all the subtleties of choice electric shredder for cabbage.


This moment is the most important. The speed of its operation and the quantity of finished products that it can produce depend on the power of the device.

If you are not going to salt the cabbage industrial scale, you can choose a medium-power device, but if you need to prepare a large amount of vegetables, you can purchase a powerful device. The more powerful the unit, the more expensive its cost will be.

Types of slicing

Some shredders are equipped with only one cutting method - they can produce slices of a certain thickness. If this is not enough, you can purchase a more advanced model with greater functionality and different cutting modes.


The more attachments a product has, the more functional it is. Typically, devices have from three to seven different attachments.

Blade adjustment

If there is an adjustment function, you can change the width of the blades during operation to cut food into slices of different thicknesses.


When choosing a device, do not be lazy to inquire about its manufacturer. The more well-known and popular the brand, the less likely it is to run into a low-quality product and the greater the guarantee of long-term uninterrupted operation unit.

Here's how to choose an electric chopper for vegetables and fruits and how to choose such equipment for the kitchen. can see

Manufacturers and prices

Let's get acquainted with the electric shredders of the most famous brands today, find out the features of these devices and their price.


This product is produced by the Belarusian company Belvar. The unit is equipped with a variety of cutting modes:

The device has a double insulating housing, which makes the device safe to use. The cutters are all made of stainless steel and move strictly vertically. The device is also equipped with a special attachment for churning butter. The price of the product is 3500 rubles.

It will also be useful for you to learn about what types exist, as well as how to make the right choice.

Smile SM2711

This electric shredder is intended primarily for cabbage, however, it is also suitable for chopping other vegetables, fruits, as well as for preparing potato and fruit puree. There is also an attachment for cutting French fries.

Most often, such a vegetable cutter is purchased for various fruits and vegetables, but it can also be used for cabbage

Knives of this device move horizontally, there is a lock for turning on in automatic mode. Can cut slices 1.3 mm and 5.5 mm thick. Product power - 45 W. Price - 2460 rubles.

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Moulinex Fresh Express Cube S Stick

The product can operate in several modes: cut into cubes and strips, chop, grate on a coarse and fine grater. Note that the nozzles in in this case Versatile and equally suitable for hard and delicate foods. The device allows you to carefully cut food directly onto a plate.

Capable of cutting cabbage into even the thinnest strips

The power of the product is 280 W, two speeds and five attachments. Price - 8-9 thousand rubles. The product is manufactured in France.


Famous household appliances German manufacturer has long enjoyed well-deserved popularity all over the world. The prices for the products are quite affordable, there is a guarantee, and the quality is high. The standard model chopper in this case consists of a medium-sized bowl and three types of graters. Typically, the chopper also has a “blender” type attachment, thereby replacing a separate device of the same name.

The discs of such a device are capable of shredding any amount of cabbage. In this case, you can choose any size of chips

Using this device, you can not only chop vegetables and other products, but also beat egg whites, knead dough, and prepare delicious and fluffy mashed potatoes. All attachments are made of high-quality hardened stainless steel, which ensures a long service life for the product. The price is around 4000 rubles.

Here's how it's used electric meat grinder with a juicer and which brands are the best and most effective, you can see

Any woman knows that chopping cabbage takes a lot of time and effort. Especially if it needs to be cut into thin strips. A special shredding knife can come to the rescue in such a situation. In this article we will talk about what types of knives there are, how to choose the right product, and also focus on how to properly shred cabbage with a shredder.

Types of vegetable cutters for cabbage

Using a shredder will help you save time and effort. The device is a knife with a comfortable handle, on which several blades are attached at an angle. The series of blades are designed in such a way that the juice is retained in the vegetables when cutting. In this section we will talk about the type of shredding devices.

Household electric shredder

An electric shredder is most often used in large vegetable warehouses, where it is necessary to chop a large number of vegetables in a short time. This device is designed for rapid processing of solid products. Inside the shredder there is a disc-shaped knife made of durable stainless steel. You can adjust the thickness of the slice by changing the location of the blades. In addition, when using an electric vegetable cutter, the amount of waste is significantly reduced, which is important.

household electric shredder

Manual shredder

Vegetable cutter for cabbage with manual drive is a great alternative electrical device. If you are looking for a shredder for your home, we recommend that you pay attention to this model. All products are equipped with a cutting board and a special chute, which is made of environmentally friendly plastic. The shredder also has several blades, the height of which can be changed. The manual mechanism perfectly chops both cabbage and many other vegetables and fruits. Easy to care for: just need to rinse after use warm water, and keep the blades sharp.

manual shredder

Shredder with box

Another convenient option For home use- vegetable cutter for cabbage with wooden box. She represents wooden case, inside which the blades are located. The cutting board and box are made from durable wood. In this shredder you can also adjust the height of the blades. The device is very convenient, as it does not slip on the surface and does not require much effort.

shredder with box

Mechanical shredder

A mechanical shredder is often used to chop cabbage and other vegetables. It is an attachment to a meat grinder, which is made of plastic or metal. To chop the cabbage, you just need to rotate the device by the handle and turn the grater around its axis. Most often, the set contains several graters with holes of different sizes.

mechanical shredder

How to choose a shredder?

In this section we will talk about what you need to pay attention to when choosing a shredder. To use the device safely and quickly, you need to pay attention to several important aspects.

  • First you need to choose for yourself what type of vegetable cutter you need. Manual device Perfect for preparing salads, chopping vegetables for preservation. A electric models worth purchasing for industrial scale.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the blades. Make sure the shredding blades can be adjusted in height and angle. This will make the operating process easier for you.
  • The material from which the device is made must be safe and environmentally friendly. Otherwise, the taste of the products may deteriorate.
  • Make sure that the product you purchase is equipped with a cutting board. This will make it easier to use the grater for shredding. The board must be made of hard wood.

Rules for using the device

When operating shredders, you must follow safety rules to avoid injury.

  • When using the knife, you need to hold it so that your index finger is on the handle, your thumb is pointing to the side, and the rest are located below.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that the edge of the tool does not come off cutting board, but moved only in one direction.
  • Remember that if you want to cut the cabbage in your direction, the blade will be pointing down.
  • Before shredding, the cabbage must be divided into two halves. If the size of the head of cabbage is large, then you can cut it into four parts.

How much does a shredder cost?

Price is another important aspect that should be taken into account when choosing a shredder. Naturally, it may vary depending on the region in which you live. Don't forget that the price must correspond to the quality.

  • The simplest models, which are a grater with blades for shredding, can be purchased for 200-400 rubles.
  • Price for mechanical shredders for home starts from 1500 rubles. Please note that models made from natural materials are more expensive. However they are different for a long time services and high quality.
  • Price range for electric vegetable cutters extremely wide. The most simple model costs around 5,000 rubles. However, depending on the quality of the product and its performance, the price may increase and reach 90,000 rubles.

Popular models of shredders

In this section we will talk about the most popular shredding devices.

Bradex Kitchen

Shredders trademark Bradex Kitchen are one of the most popular mechanical vegetable cutters for the home. The set contains a large number of blades that allow you to make several cutting options. Shredders are different small in size, which is very convenient for storage. The price of the devices is very affordable and amounts to 700-800 rubles.

Bradex Kitchen


Alligator brand vegetable cutters are manufactured in Sweden and are famous for their safety and high quality. Using the models produced by this company, it is very convenient to chop vegetables for salad or canning. Products can be cut different ways. Using shredders from this brand is very easy. The cost of one device is 2500 - 3000 rubles.



Vegetable cutters from Moulinex allow you to cut food in various ways. The kits include a large number of attachments that are very convenient to use. The shredder bodies are equipped with special compartments in which attachments can be stored. The price for one device is 2500-3000 rubles.



Vegetable cutters of the Borner brand have proven themselves to be excellent devices for chopping. Their body is made of durable and safe material. The set includes a set of 5 nozzles, each of which is colored specific color, which facilitates the operation process. Shredders from this company cost around 2,000 rubles.


In this article, we talked about what a cabbage shredder is and focused on the types of vegetable slicers. In addition, we talked about how to safely use the devices, and also provided recommendations for choosing a product. Remember that a well-chosen shredder will help you save time and effort that you spend on cooking.
