Christmas fortune telling - Christmas fortune telling. Street Christmas fortune telling: fortune telling using felt boots

Fortune telling on Old New Year It has become a popular entertainment since ancient times and unmarried girls on this day tried to find out their fate, the name of their betrothed and how many children they would have. It is believed that on this holiday this kind of prediction will be the most truthful.

Here are the most popular and simple fortune telling for girls on Old New Year:

Guessing with felt boots

Each girl takes turns throwing her felt boots or felt boots onto the road. In which direction the sock is pointed, the girl will get married.

Guessing with mirrors

The girl needs to sit between two mirrors in the dark, light a candle and peer into the reflection, thinking about her future groom. Whose appearance appears will be the husband. You need to guess at midnight.

Guessing with a thread

Several girls take threads of equal length and set them on fire at the same time. The one who burns first will get married faster.

Fortune telling with a ring or needle

If it is a ring, then you need to put it in a glass of water, if it is a needle, then pierce it wool fabric. Then we hang it on a thread or thread, and gradually lower it to the hand of the person we are guessing about. If the object makes circular movements, then a girl will be born, if it is pendulum-shaped, then a boy will be born.

Selecting a subject for the future. We put different objects in a bowl or saucer (you can put them in felt boots): ash - not very a good life, sugar - on the contrary, sweet life, ring - marriage, onion - tears, glass - cheerful life, gold - wealth, etc.
We pull out one object without looking.

Guessing with matches

Matches are inserted into the matchbox on both sides and set on fire. Burnt matches are aimed at each other - the guy and the girl will be together.

Fortune telling in a dream for the Old New Year

If a girl goes to bed for the first time in a new place, then before going to bed you need to say “I’m sleeping in a new place, the bridegroom is dreaming about the bride.” The one he sees is the future groom.

Before going to bed, you need to put four kings under your pillow and say, “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will appear in my dreams.” If you dreamed about the one of spades, then the groom is old and jealous, the one of hearts is young and rich, the one of the cross is a military man or businessman, the one of diamonds is desirable.

On the bulb

Each girl takes an onion and marks it. Then they are planted together in the ground; the one that sprouts faster will get married faster.

On a passerby

At midnight, go out into the street and ask the first man you meet what his name is. This is exactly the name of your future spouse.

Guessing by log

Walk backwards to the woodpile and take the log without looking. If it’s even and smooth, then the husband will be flexible; if it’s heavy, he’ll be rich; if there are a lot of knots, there will be a lot of children; if it’s crooked, then the husband will be crooked and askew.

Fortune telling with a cat

You need to make a wish and call a cat into the room; if it comes in with your left paw, it will come true, but with your right paw, it won’t.

Guessing from a book

Take a book, maybe a Bible. Mentally ask the question, then say the page and line number. And read - this is the answer to your question.

Whatever they tell you for the Old New Year, be sure that the good will come true and the bad will not. The main thing is to believe in your own happiness!

The main goal of almost every Christmas fortune-telling is to find out the name of the betrothed and the wedding date. These questions have been of concern for many centuries. unmarried women. This is where the tradition of fortune telling arose. These rituals can be simple and often more humorous than serious. But some of them are complex, mystical and even dangerous. Fortune telling by felt boots for the betrothed belongs to the category of easy ones.

Fortune telling by felt boots at Christmas: Features and history

At first glance, trying to find out your destiny using felt boots is a simple and simple ritual. However, it only seems so. In fact, this is a very ancient fortune telling, the roots of which go back to pre-Christian pagan times. In this way, communication took place with otherworldly forces, which were able to predict the future of the girl performing the ritual.
With the emergence of the Christian faith, fortune-telling moved into the category of objectionable and incorrect actions condemned by the church. But the desire of young girls to find out something about their future betrothed remained just as strong. Therefore, like most other fortune telling, the ritual with felt boots is still practiced. It is held on Christmas and Epiphany holidays, because it is during this period that the greatest magical power is manifested.

Rules for fortune telling with felt boots on the betrothed

There are not so many fortune telling with felt boots. The most common goal is to find out where the betrothed-mummer will come from to the girl. Unlike other more complex and creepy fortune-telling with candles or mirrors, the version with felt boots is quite simple. In order to find out where your sweetheart will come from to woo you, you need to perform several sequential actions.

  1. The very first thing is to choose felt boots. Shoes should be the girl's own, and not borrowed from a friend, parents or younger brother. Today, not every home has such a piece of footwear, so felt boots are replaced with a slipper or boot.
  2. To begin the ritual, you need to go out into the courtyard of the house on the evening of Christmas, Old New Year or Epiphany and stand with your back to the fence that borders the road. The presence of a road here is mandatory, because it is along it that the sweetheart will then come to the girl’s house.
  3. With your back to the fence, you need to throw one felt boot over your shoulder so that it flies over the fence and falls on the road. You can simply walk out onto the road and throw your shoes back over your shoulder.
  4. Then all that remains is to go outside the fence and find out which way the toe of the fallen shoe will point. It is from that side that the betrothed will come. If the sock is turned towards the girl’s fence, then within next year There is no need to expect any wedding. If the front of the shoe is buried in the snow, the girl will have a relationship with her beloved, but only a friendly one, without the prospect of uniting their destinies in marriage.

In past centuries, it was believed that if there is a city in the direction the felt boot is facing, then the groom will be rich. If the toe is turned towards the forest or field, then there will be no good betrothed, and he may even come devilry.

Curiosities of fortune telling on felt boots at Christmas

There are many funny cases associated with fortune telling using felt boots. Most of them occur due to the fact that when the girls gathered together to perform the ceremony, their suitors tried in every possible way to spy and eavesdrop on the results. Therefore, young people often kept watch under the fence. So, a felt boot flying over him often fell not on the road, but on one of the guys. Sometimes such funny situations were truly fateful. The guy who was hit by the shoe soon became the groom of the girl performing the ceremony.
Another version of fortune telling using felt boots is associated with a man. The girl needs to throw it on the road and wait. Whoever picks it up first needs to ask his name. This is what the betrothed will be called.

Online fortune telling using felt boots for your betrothed

Modern technologies make it possible to perform rituals without leaving the comfort of your home. warm apartment. You no longer need to look for a road or a fence, or even the felt boots themselves. At the same time, online fortune telling is more perfect than regular fortune telling. The thing is that with the traditional ceremony you can only find out the direction from which the young man will come to get married, but in the online version his name is called.
The principle of conducting such a ritual in real time is quite simple. You need to find the appropriate site and the fortune telling itself. The animation picture will depict a girl holding a boot in her hand. Just pull it back with your mouse and it will fly over the fence on its own. All you have to do is wait a few seconds, and on the cloud that floats out from behind the fence you can see the name of your chosen one.

It is difficult to talk about the truthfulness and accuracy of such fortune-telling. However, for it to be truly objective, there is no need to abuse it and tempt fate several times in a row. Only performed once, the ritual will be accurate.
Fortune telling by felt boots for the betrothed is a very common ritual and is even described in Zhukovsky’s ballad. Therefore, like many centuries ago, girls still try to find out more about their betrothed in this way.

On the night of January 13-14, the population of Russia and other former republics Soviet Union note old New Year.

The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year is underway from the divergence of the Julian calendar(or otherwise the “old style” calendar) and Gregorian calendar- the one by which almost the whole world now lives. The divergence of calendars in the 20th and 21st centuries is 13 days.

Old New Year is a rare historical phenomenon, an additional holiday that resulted from a change in chronology.

Due to this discrepancy in calendars, we We celebrate two “New Years”- according to the old and new styles. Thus, on the night of January 13-14, everyone can afford to “pre-celebrate” their most favorite holiday. Indeed, for many believers, the Old New Year has special meaning, since they can only celebrate it from the heart after the end of the Nativity Fast.

Interestingly, the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars increases every century, when the number of hundreds in the year of Christ is not a multiple of four, for one day.

Therefore, from March 1, 2100, this difference will be 14 days. And from 2101, Christmas and Old New Year will be celebrated a day later.

Today, the popularity of the Old New Year is growing from year to year, and Russia is no exception. More and more people treat it as an independent holiday that prolongs the charm of the New Year or allows them to feel this charm for the first time... After all, this holiday is calmer, it is not characterized by the bustle that is the inevitable companion of the New Year.


Once upon a time this day fell on January 1 and was called Vasily's day, and its eve - December 31st became later January 13th - Vasiliev's evening.

By old tradition, V New Year's Eve noted “rich” Vasiliev evening. On this day it was customary to generously set the table. Pork dishes were especially prized because Saint Basil the Great was considered the patron saint of pig farmers.

“A pig and a boletus for Vasily’s evening”, “a pig is not a clean animal, but God has nothing unclean - Vasily will sanctify winter!”, say the proverbs about this day. Remember these folk signs when you set the festive table.

There are also folk signs related to this night.

If the sky is clear and starry- there will be a rich harvest of berries. On January 14, gardeners are advised to shake fruit trees, because Saint Basil the Great, according to popular belief, also protects gardens from worms and pests.

On the morning of January 14 you need to walk through the garden with the words of an ancient conspiracy: “As I shake off (name) the white fluffy snow, so Saint Basil will shake off every worm-reptile in the spring!”

Saint Basil the Great is celebrated on the eighth day of Christmastide, at the very height of Yuletide fortune-telling. “If the red maiden makes a wish for Vasily, everything will come true, but what will come true will not pass!” - people said.

According to popular belief, on Vasil-evening The witches steal the moon from the heavens, but still cannot stop the gradually growing day, shortening the long winter night.

On this day early in the morning it was customary to cook Vasiliev’s porridge and watch how it is prepared. If the porridge comes out of the pan, it will be a disaster for the whole house. It was considered a bad omen if a pot or pan in which porridge was cooked cracked. If the porridge is a success, they eat it clean, but if any of them come true bad omens- throw it away along with the pot (preferably into an ice hole, if there is one nearby).

On Vasily's Day, children, young boys and girls went from house to house, begging for pork pies, as well as everything else that their hospitable hosts would treat them to. Everything asked for was collected in a basket and eaten after a successful campaign.

Fortune telling for Christmastide

Fortune telling is a ritual aimed at contacting otherworldly forces in order to obtain information about the future.

Most of the fortune-telling is timed to coincide with Christmastide (the time from Christmas to Epiphany) and is an integral part of it, when the souls of the dead come from the “other world”

and evil spirits are activated. From time immemorial, it was believed that at this time nothing prevents one from looking the future in the face.

All girls dream of a happy marriage and love. And of course, who isn’t interested in knowing their future in advance?

On a note:

Fortune telling (with felt boots) on the “side” you will marry

Fortune telling with mirrors to evoke the image of the future groom

This fortune-telling, well known from literature, is often used today. The girl sits down in the dark between two mirrors, lights candles and begins to peer into the “gallery of reflections,” hoping to see her groom. The best time For this fortune-telling, midnight is considered.

Fortune telling (with burning a thread) for the speed and order of marriage

It consists of girls cutting threads of the same length and setting them on fire. Whoever's thread burns out first will be the first to be married. If the thread goes out immediately and less than half is burned, then you won’t get married.

Fortune telling (with a ring or needle) about the gender of the unborn child

Certain actions are performed with a ring or a needle (the ring is lowered into a glass of water, the needle is pierced into woolen fabric), then, suspended by a hair or thread, it is slowly lowered near the hand of the one being told fortunes. If an object (ring, needle) begins to make circular movements, a girl will be born (less often, a boy), if it is pendulum-shaped, it will be a boy (less often, a girl), if the object does not move, there will be no children.

Fortune telling (with choice of subject) for the “quality” of life and the groom

Objects are placed in a bowl, saucer or felt boot, and the girls choose them. The choice of subject symbolizes future life: ash -bad life, sugar - sweet life, ring - getting married, onion - for tears, glass - cheerful life, Golden ring- rich life, etc.

Fortune telling with a rooster

Grain is poured into one plate (or money is placed), water is poured into another, a mirror is placed nearby, and sometimes a chicken is brought. A rooster approaching a mirror symbolizes the beauty and tenderness of the future groom; if a rooster approaches grain or money - his wealth; if a rooster approaches a hen, it means he will be a “womanizer”.

Fortune telling by shadows

This type of fortune telling, due to its simplicity, is very common among modern girls. The girl sets fire to a sheet of paper she has crumpled up, and then examines the shadow of the burnt paper. Everyone takes a blank sheet of paper, crumples it, puts it on a dish or on a large flat plate and sets it on fire. When the sheet burns or is almost burned, it is displayed on the wall using a candle. By carefully examining the shadows they try to find out the future.

Fortune telling with matches

On the sides matchbox two matches are inserted and lit. If the burnt heads are facing each other, it means that the “given” guy and girl will be together.

Fortune telling (based on barking dogs) about the age of the groom

After certain actions, the fortune-telling participants listen to the barking of the dog. “A hoarse bark promises an old groom, and a ringing bark promises a young one.

Fortune telling with a ring to evoke the image of the future groom

A girl throws into a glass of water wedding ring and peers inside the ring, pronouncing the words: “My betrothed, the mummer...”.

Fortune telling with inducing a dream about a betrothed

We write the boy’s name on a piece of paper, kiss this word with painted lips (so that a mark remains), place it on a small mirror and place three bay leaves under the pillow or under the pillow. On one they write - “Ananiy”, on the other - “Azarius” and on the third - “Misail” and say the spell: “From Monday to Tuesday I look at the windowsill, whoever dreams about me, let him dream about me.”

They tell fortunes on the night from Monday to Tuesday. Take a spruce branch and place it at the head of the bed overnight. At the same time they say: “I go to bed on Monday, put a spruce tree at my head, if I dream of someone who thinks about me.” Whoever you dream about is the one who loves you.

They tell fortunes on the night from Thursday to Friday. When going to bed, they say: “Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday is alone and I, young, alone. I am lying on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads: one sees. Another will say, a third will indicate fate.”

Girls tell fortunes if they go to bed where they never had to before. Before going to bed they say: “In a new place, dream of the bridegroom.” You will see your fiance in a dream.

Card reading

Before going to bed, they put four kings under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will appear in my dreams.” If you dream king of spades- the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of hearts means young and rich, the king of the cross - wait for matchmakers from a military man or businessman, and the king of diamonds - from the desired one.

Fortune telling for relatives

They go to look at their neighbors' windows during dinner. If they see the heads of those sitting at the table, they foretell to themselves that the future relatives will all be alive; if they don’t see the heads, then a misfortune must happen to the relatives.

Wax fortune telling

Melt the wax in a mug, pour milk into a saucer and place it at the threshold of your apartment or house. Say the following words: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.” With the last words, pour melted wax into the milk. Now watch what is happening carefully. If you see a frozen cross, some illnesses await you in the new year. If the cross only appears, then in the coming year your financial affairs will not go too well, and in your personal life you will be overcome by troubles, but not too serious. If a flower blooms, get married, get married or find a loved one. If an animal appears, be careful: you will have some kind of enemy. If the wax flows in stripes, roads and crossings lie ahead of you, but if it starts to appear like stars, expect good luck in your service or in your studies. If a human figure is formed, you will gain a friend.

In Russia, Christmastide is traditionally celebrated from January 7 to January 19. Twelve holidays include carols, folk festivals, performances and fortune telling. Initially, Christmastide was celebrated by peasants. In honor of the transition to the new year, they tried to beg the gods with rituals and chants bountiful harvest. Gradually holy days began to be filled with Christian meaning and celebrated during the period between sacred dates for believers - from Christmas to Epiphany. The most favorite New Year's pastime for young people was street fortune-telling. Fortune telling by felt boots is the most popular Christmas ritual that helped unmarried girls Find out where your betrothed lives.

Fortune telling "throwing felt boots"

A simple and truthful ritual with which you can find out where the betrothed-mummer will come from.


Fortune telling with felt boots

Prepare felt boots, onions, scraps of fabric same sizes, a glass, salt, sugar, a ring, a crust of black bread, grain, a golden thing. Wrap the items in shreds, mix them in a saucepan, and pour them into felt boots. Pull out any object wrapped in fabric and find out your future. If several girls are telling fortunes, after each one all the objects are removed from the felt boots and mixed again.


Funny street fortune telling for Christmas time:

  • fortune telling for the groom. Approach the first man you meet and ask his name. It was believed that this name would belong to the future spouse;
  • fortune telling by dog ​​barking. Tells about the character of the betrothed. Go out of the gate with a knife, start cutting the snow, listening to the barking of the dogs. A shimmering, ringing bark predicts a kind and flexible husband, a jerky bark predicts an evil one, and a drawn-out howl predicts quick widowhood. If barking is not heard at all, the wedding celebration will not take place in the coming year;
  • fortune telling by window. On Christmas night go to the window next door and look into it. If the neighbors are sitting at festive table, no health problems are expected in the coming year; if you leave the table, worries and problems await you;
  • fortune telling by felt boots on the name. Throw your felt boots on the road and wait patiently. Whoever picks it up first, ask his name.

Wall to wall- a game for real men. One of the oldest traditional Maslenitsa fun. This is more than a game, this is an ice battle, this is also a theatrical action. Previously, such a war lasted at least an hour. Before starting a fight, the teams of fighters got into the right mood: they mocked their opponents and praised themselves. Then the men stood in two lines opposite each other and began a fight. Very quickly it became impossible to understand who was one’s own and who was a stranger: brother also received from brother, no one left the battlefield intact. Such cruel entertainment served to release the bad energies accumulated over the winter.

ice pillar- a game for the strongest and most persistent. High wooden table poured cold water, and gifts are placed at the top. To get your prize, you need to climb onto the icy pole and not slip off it.

Throwing felt boots- a game for the most accurate. The rules and essence of the game are simple: the one who throws the felt boots as far and accurately as possible wins. Also, using a felt boot, you can throw a broom like a spear - at a distance.

Cherry- a game for those who crave a kiss. Girls and boys stand chaotically in relation to each other. The player jumps into his friends' arms and hopes for luck. How his friends spin him and in which direction they throw him will determine which girl he will end up with. Whichever one he landed near, he should kiss that one.

Golden Gate- a game for children. Two people join hands and hold them so that a gate is formed. Children become a “train” one after another and begin to pass through the gate. At some point, the gate closes and catches one of the players. The one who is caught joins the gate himself. They play until everyone is caught.

All these games can be remade in modern style When playing “cherry” you can throw not the participant, but his hat - at whomever you hit. Or replace it with a traditional “bottle” and spin it. A great option is for everyone to go to the hill. The ice is so bad that you will have time to ride and laugh before reaching your destination. The main thing is to have fun and have fun, spend time with friends so that you can spend the winter with dignity and spring will come to us.
