Snip for dismantling work inside the building. General provisions on dismantling building structures and equipment. Organizational and technological stages of construction


Organization standard

Organization of construction production


STO NOSTROY 2.33.53-2011

Moscow 2012

Limited Liability Company "Scientific Research Center"
organization, mechanization, construction technology"

Limited Liability Company Publishing House "BST"



Limited Liability Company "Center for Scientific Research of Organization, Mechanization, Construction Technology" (LLC "TSNIOMTP")


4 General provisions

4.1 Decisions and measures for organizing the demolition or dismantling of buildings and structures are developed in the design documentation included in the project for organizing work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects in accordance with clause 5.7.1 SP 48.13330.

4.2 The territory of the construction site and work areas are subject to fencing with the installation of safety signs, in accordance with paragraph 1.1 of GOST 23407, GOST R 12.4.026.

The types of fences and their geometric dimensions are given in section 5 STO NOSTROY 2.33.52.

4.3 Placement of temporary construction infrastructure on the construction site is carried out in accordance with sections 6 - 15 of STO NOSTROY 2.33.52.

4.4 It is necessary to notify all workers at the construction site, as well as organizations operating adjacent territories, about the timing of the planned collapse of the object, in accordance with paragraph 6.9.3 of SP 48.13330. If necessary, a cordon is set up.

4.5 Before the dismantling of buildings and structures begins, an inspection of the technical condition of the facility’s structures is carried out in order to establish:

Hazards of structural collapse;

Possibility of reuse of structures;

Safe performance of dismantling and reconstruction work.

4.6 The territory of household camps, work areas and workplaces, driveways and passages must be illuminated in accordance with section 12 of STO NOSTROY 2.33.52.

4.7 Requirements for linking assembly cranes and lifts, establishing hazardous areas for people, points for washing wheels of trucks and construction vehicles, as well as the selection of temporary utility systems are given in sections 6, 11, 12 - 15 STO NOSTROY 2.33.52.

4.8 Operation of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers and the provisions of section 9 of STO NOSTROY 2.33.52.

4.9 The territory of the construction site, including work areas, the territory of utility camps, workplaces, driveways, passages, storage areas, must be kept clean and tidy in accordance with clause 6.2.6 SP 48.13330, clause 6.1.6 SP 49.13330.

4.10 At the entrance to the construction site, it is necessary to install information boards in accordance with paragraph 6.2.8 of SP 48.13330.

4.11 Separate work areas and workplaces must be provided with telephone or radio communications in accordance with paragraphs 6.1.8 of SP 49.13330.

5 Preparatory activities

5.1 Before the start of demolition or dismantling of objects, a set of preparatory measures is carried out in accordance with paragraph 6.9 of SP 48.13330, paragraph 4.1.2 of SNiP 12-04.

5.2 Solutions of organizational and technological documentation must include: justification of the method of liquidation of the facility, determination of the sequence of work, establishment of dangerous zones and areas for storing dismantled products, temporary fastening or strengthening of structures to prevent their collapse, methods of protection and justification for the use of protective devices of utility networks, safety measures for demolition or dismantling of buildings and structures, environmental protection measures in accordance with clause 6.9 SP 48.13330, clause 4.1.3 SNiP 12-04.

5.3 The decisions specified in 5.2 must contain measures to prevent exposure of workers to dangerous and harmful production factors: spontaneous collapse of structures and elements of the facility, falling of loose structures and equipment, moving parts of construction machines and the loads they move, sharp edges of structures and protruding rods, increased maintenance in the air of the working area there is dust and harmful substances, the location of the workplace is close to a height difference of 1.3 m or more in accordance with paragraph 4.1.1 of SNiP 12-04.

5.4 The construction organization carrying out the demolition or dismantling of the facility must obtain from the technical customer a document certifying the disconnection of electricity, gas pipelines, steam pipelines, water pipes, air ducts, as well as all communication systems, automated and remote control of technological equipment. This document must contain a conclusion on permission to carry out work, characteristics of networks and their design.

5.5 Disconnection of utility networks is carried out by the organization in charge of these networks, with the execution of the relevant documents.

5.6 The temporary power supply scheme for the period of dismantling the building or structure must be independent of the existing electrical wiring diagram of the facility.

5.7 A person allowed to liquidate an object must:

Obtain permission from the technical customer to liquidate the facility;

Obtain from the technical customer documents certifying the disconnection of communications;

Issue an organization order defining the procedure for carrying out work at the construction site in each shift;

Appoint those responsible for the execution of work, fire safety, and electrical safety.

A sign with the names of the responsible persons is posted on the construction site in a visible place in the work area.

The corresponding orders must be issued by subcontractors involved in the work.

6 Dismantling of equipment, internal engineering systems and finishing elements

6.1 Before demolition or dismantling of the facility begins, technological and special equipment, instrumentation and automation, engineering systems - engineering equipment, sanitary networks, power supply systems, communications, radio and television are dismantled.

6.2 Dismantling of technological and special equipment

6.2.2 Technological and special equipment that is subject to dismantling and located in the installation area is disconnected from all engineering systems.

6.2.3 First of all, work is performed that does not require fire cutting in accordance with GOST 12.3.036.

6.2.4 Work with fire cutting should be started only after the technical customer has checked the completion of work to prepare the equipment for dismantling (6.2.5, 6.2.6).

6.2.5 Lifting of dismantled equipment or its components is carried out only after removing all fastening elements, disconnecting process pipelines and removing instrumentation.

6.2.6 Before dismantling equipment installed on reinforced concrete foundations, it is necessary to lift (separate) it above the foundation using jacks or wedges (SNiP 5.02.02).

6.2.7 The weight of the lifted equipment or part thereof must correspond to the parameters of the overhead crane and its rigging. For land-based cranes, this mass should not exceed half the crane's lifting capacity at maximum reach.

6.2.8 During dismantling work, it is necessary to constantly monitor the stability of the remaining non-dismantled elements.

6.2.9 While the rolling stock is passing through the installation area, dismantling work is stopped; structures and mounting mechanisms with mounting booms turned in the opposite direction from the railway track must be located outside the dimensions of the rolling stock.

6.2.10 In fire and explosion hazardous buildings and premises, dismantling work is carried out with permission from the administration and in agreement with the fire and gas rescue services.

6.2.11 Fire cutting work is carried out only after cleaning and clearing the area of ​​flammable and explosive substances within a radius of at least 10 m and in the presence of the necessary ventilation.

6.2.12 Dismantling work inside premises (shops), in order to eliminate gas contamination, is carried out by assembly cranes with electric motors.

6.2.13 The operation of overhead cranes and hoists is limited within the working area with the installation of limit switches and temporary stops.

6.2.14 When performing work on dismantling technological and special equipment, you should be guided by the relevant regulatory documents for the equipment, passports and instructions of manufacturers.

6.3 Dismantling of internal engineering systems and finishing elements

6.3.1 Internal engineering systems of water supply, sewerage, gas supply, electricity supply, heat supply, ventilation and communications, including engineering equipment and instruments are subject to dismantling [ , , ].

6.3.2 Gas and electric stoves, plumbing equipment, heating devices for central heating systems, water intake taps and other elements of engineering equipment are disconnected from internal networks, sorted by purpose and type and transferred to a temporary storage site (room).

6.3.3 Disassembly of power supply systems begins with the removal of lighting fixtures and electrical panels. Then the wires in the boxes and internal channels are dismantled and then wound into coils.

6.3.4 Metal pipes of utility networks are cut and transferred to the temporary storage site (room).

6.3.5 Window frames with glazing are removed from the boxes and transferred to a temporary storage area (room), where the glass is separated above the container.

6.3.6 The doors are removed from their hinges and transferred to the temporary storage site (room). Removed window and door frames are also transferred there.

6.3.7 Plank floors are dismantled manually. First, the baseboards and fillets are removed using crowbars and one of the frieze boards is removed. Then the floor boards are removed, being careful not to damage the tongue and groove, and then stored in a temporary storage area (room).

6.3.8 Dismantling of slatted parquet begins with the removal of baseboards and friezes. Parquet staves are torn off from the base using crowbars.

6.3.9 Panel parquet is dismantled in complete panels and stored at a temporary storage site (room).

6.3.10 Linoleum is cut into separate strips, then torn off and rolled into rolls and transferred to a temporary storage area (room).

6.3.11 Ceramic tiles are removed from walls and floors using a metal scraper and scraper.

6.3.14 Subsequently, heavy containers with loaded materials are removed from the construction site for disposal.

7 Methods of demolition of buildings and structures

7.1 Methods for demolition of buildings and structures and their structures include [ , , ]:

a) mechanical;

b) explosive;

c) special:

1) hydroexplosive;

2) thermal;

3) electrohydraulic;

4) hydrocracking method.

7.2 Mechanical collapse of an object

7.2.1 Mechanical collapse involves felling building structures and structures using an excavator with various attachments - a wedge hammer or a ball hammer.

Breaking down surviving structures into pieces can be done with jackhammers.

7.2.2 When collapsing an object with a wedge hammer or ball hammer, you must:

Determine the safe operating area of ​​the wedge hammer and hammer ball;

Install temporary fences and safety signs at the boundaries of the danger zone, as well as warning lighting in the dark. If it is impossible to install temporary fences along the entire danger zone, protective nets or shields are installed to prevent fragments of structures and materials from entering the safe zone;

Install the excavator boom at an angle of at least 60° to the horizontal;

Install a protective fence (mesh) on the glass of the excavator cab.

7.2.3 The safe operating area of ​​the wedge hammer and hammer ball is determined by the scattering range of pieces of destroyed material at different angles of impact of the loosening agent according to Table 1.

Table 1 - Safe care zones for wedge hammer and hammer ball

Ratio of baking powder mass, kg, to fall height, m

Scattering range of pieces of destructible material, m, at the angle of incidence of the disintegrant





7.2.4 Strikes with a hammer ball are applied by deflecting it from a vertical position to the initial position, in accordance with the technical passport. It is prohibited to strike by turning the arrow.

7.2.5 The distance from the excavator to the structure being destroyed must be at least the height of the structure for 2-3 storey buildings.

7.2.6 Vertical parts of the object collapse into the interior of the structure to prevent the scattering of debris throughout the territory.

7.2.7 As they form, the debris of the collapse is moved to the side by bulldozers or loaded into vehicles for removal from the construction site for disposal.

7.2.8 For the demolition of one or two-story buildings, hydraulic excavators are recommended, providing the ability to control and control the direction of fall of destroyed structures and elements.

7.2.9 For the demolition of panel buildings up to 5 floors, it is advisable to use excavators with universal hydraulic grips.

7.2.10 For the demolition of panel or monolithic buildings up to 25 m high, excavators with hydraulic or mechanical shears should be used.

7.2.11 For the demolition of buildings and structures up to 60 m high, special demolition excavators weighing from 150 tons, equipped with hydraulic shears, are rational to use.

7.2.12 To open asphalt concrete pavements and quickly destroy concrete and reinforced concrete structures, a hydraulic hammer can be used as a working tool for a backhoe loader.

7.3 Explosive collapse method

7.3.1 Blasting operations are carried out to destroy or crush stone, concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

7.3.2 Destruction of foundations by explosion is carried out both on open construction sites freed from building structures, and indoors.

7.3.3 The collapse of an object by explosive means is carried out at its base or in a given direction in accordance with the organizational and technological documentation.

7.3.4 The collapse of buildings or structures to the base consists of the formation of a collapse with a height not exceeding 1/3 of the height of the object.

7.3.5 In a given direction, high-rise structures (towers, chimneys, etc.) collapse, the height of which is four times or more greater than the cross-sectional size in the direction of the fell axis.

7.3.6 The collapse of buildings or structures to the base is carried out by charges in holes placed on the inside of the building in two rows in a checkerboard pattern.

7.3.7 The diameter of the holes is from 40 to 60 mm, and the depth is 2/3 of the wall thickness. The distance between the holes in a row is from 0.8 to 1.4 and between the rows - from 0.75 to 1.0 of the hole depth.

7.4 Special methods of collapse

7.4.1 Special methods of collapsing objects and their structures include: hydraulic explosion, thermal, electro-hydraulic and hydraulic splitting.

7.4.2 The hydroexplosive method is used to destroy box-shaped structures, tanks, etc., as well as stone, concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

The difference between the hydroexplosive method and the explosive method is that the free space of the boreholes is filled with water or clay solution.

7.4.3 The thermal method is effective in destroying monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

Thermal cutting of structures is performed using a powerful heat source in the form of a high-temperature gas stream or an electric arc. The operating principle of this method is to melt concrete with the combustion products of iron in a stream of oxygen entering the combustible pipe in an amount sufficient for combustion and removal of slag from the structure being cut through.

7.4.4 The electro-hydraulic method is used to destroy monolithic concrete and stone masses, rubble concrete and masonry.

The use of the electrohydraulic method is characterized by the absence of a blast wave and scattering of fragments and is safe for people and installed equipment working nearby.

7.4.5 The hydrocracking method is used to destroy monolithic concrete and brick structures in cramped conditions.

The hydraulic splitting method is based on the use of hydraulic splitters, which are wedge devices with hydraulic cylinders.

To destroy the structure, a well is drilled into it, into which a wedge device is inserted and activated using a hydraulic cylinder. As a result, the force developed by the hydraulic cylinder increases several times. The destruction of the structure occurs silently and without flying pieces and fragments.

8 Dismantling of buildings and structures

8.1 Methods of dismantling and sequence of cutting of buildings and structures

8.1.1 Dismantling of buildings and structures is carried out in two ways: element by element or in separate blocks [ , , ].

8.1.2 Element-by-element dismantling ensures maximum safety of the structure (assembly, part, element) for reuse.

Dismantling an object in separate enlarged blocks is more effective compared to element-by-element disassembly in terms of reducing the duration and labor intensity of work.

8.1.3 Dismantling of buildings and structures is carried out in the sequence from top to bottom, reverse to the installation of structures and elements in accordance with paragraph 4.2.1 of SNiP 12-04.

8.1.4 The sequence of dismantling industrial facilities includes the following steps:

Dismantling of technological structures (pipelines, utilities, supports, masts, shelves for equipment, lifts);

Dismantling of horizontal (roofing, ceilings) and vertical (gates, stained-glass windows, non-load-bearing internal and external walls) enclosing structures;

Dismantling of special structures (stairs, observation platforms, ramps, shafts, galleries, rail tracks);

Dismantling of load-bearing horizontal (covering and floor slabs, lanterns, trusses, beams, crossbars, crane beams) and vertical (walls, columns, racks) structures;

Dismantling of tunnels, basements, foundations.

8.1.5 The sequence of floor-by-floor dismantling of residential and public prefabricated buildings consists of the following stages:

Cutting and removal of rolled roofing carpet;

Dismantling door and window fillings;

Cutting and removal of insulation and vapor barrier of the roof;

Floor dismantling;

Installation of temporary supporting devices for fastening external and internal walls;

Removal of ceiling panels;

Dismantling partition panels;

Dismantling of internal and external wall panels;

Dismantling of elements of stairs and balcony platforms;

Removing floor slabs above the basement;

Dismantling reinforced concrete basement walls and foundations;

Dismantling of sanitary cabins;

Inspection, control, sorting and transportation of disassembled products to disposal points.

8.1.6 Simultaneous performance of work at two or more levels along the same vertical is not allowed. The exception is the presence of protective ceilings provided for in the project.

8.1.7 Dismantling of buildings and structures is carried out in such a way that the removal of some elements does not cause the collapse of others.

8.1.8 To ensure the stability of the remaining structures, especially during the reconstruction of production facilities, it is necessary, before the start of disassembly, to have from the design organization a calculation of the strength and spatial stability of the frame structures remaining after dismantling.

8.1.9 If doubts arise about the stability of structures, dismantling work is stopped and continued only after appropriate measures have been taken to strengthen the structures and permission has been obtained from the person in charge of the work at the site.

8.1.10 Dismantling of buildings is organized using in-line methods based on a balanced, complete and uniform use of resources in accordance with section 6 of STO NOSTROY 2.33.14.

8.1.11 As grips, it is necessary to select parts of objects within which identical volumes are repeated. In relation to residential buildings, the enclosure can be a section, and for industrial facilities - a span or part of a span.

8.2 Rules for the dismantling of structures

8.2.1 On the disassembled horizon, the joints of structural elements, as well as embedded parts, are cleared for examining their condition and making a decision on cutting or cutting them down. Holes for slinging structures are drilled in places specified in the work design, equipment for temporary fastening and dismantling of structures and parts is prepared and inspected.

8.2.2 Temporary fastening of structures during the dismantling of buildings is carried out in compliance with the following provisions [ , , ]:

The floor slab should be secured with ring slings, then all anchoring ties should be cut off and only then lifted and transported by crane to the storage area;

Floor slabs may be lifted by crane only after removing all structures and parts located above the surface of the element being lifted;

When dismantling wall panels, it is necessary first of all to perform slinging, remove the slack in the sling cables, and only then free the slinged panel from ties and temporary fastenings;

Before dismantling the flight of stairs, you should remove the inventory temporary fencing, then sling the flight of stairs, tighten the slings, then cut off the linings welded to the embedded parts, free the flight from the connections and lift it.

8.2.3 Before starting work, it is necessary [ , ]:

Fix the outer wall and basic internal panels on struts to inventory hinges installed in drilled holes in the existing ceilings (the installation location of the hinges is determined locally) - two fastenings per part or three fastenings per basic internal panel;

Internal wall panels (ordinary) should be secured to the base panel using horizontal ties;

Slinging of prefabricated panels is carried out through drilled holes with a diameter of 40 to 60 mm, depending on the width of the slab.

8.2.4 Holes are drilled with electric drilling machines with special drills with carbide tips or with annular diamond drills in accordance with GOST 24638.

8.2.5 To release partially embedded joints of panels and seams in ceilings, jackhammers with a set of impact tools and a compressor with hoses up to 30 m long should be used. Tear-off and displacement of structural elements is carried out using a wedge jack or using a tear-off device (items, tables 2).

8.2.6 Cutting of floor coverings is carried out using a machine with a cutter 1.

1 The ST-001 seam cutter, produced by the Tver Mechanical Plant, can be used.

8.2.7 Cutting of embedded parts of connecting elements is carried out with a manual electric grinder (table position 2), GOST 12.2.010, GOST

8.2.8 Disassembled structural elements are removed by crane after complete release from permanent connections. Each element is inspected before lifting by a responsible engineer and technical worker (E&T).

8.2.9 In place of the dismantled outer panel, a safety fence is installed (position of table 2) and only after that dismantling of the structures continues in accordance with GOST 12.4.059.

8.2.10 To prevent people from falling, portable safety devices are used for attaching carabiners, safety fences (positions, tables 2) and scaffolding means in the form of an installer’s platform in accordance with paragraph 8.2 of SNiP 12-04.

8.2.11 When moving structures to the storage area, it is necessary to ensure the reliability of the slinging in accordance with paragraph 8.3.4 of SNiP 12-04.

When the slings are loosened, the ends of the crossbar are released from the fastening with cutting of the connecting elements and embedded parts. Using a hydraulic wedge and a mounting crowbar, the crossbar is slightly shifted and raised, and then checked for complete release. Then it is raised by about 20 cm to check the reliability of the sling and transferred to the storage area.

8.2.14 After dismantling the crossbars, the column is slung with a weak sling tension, the temporary fastening of the column is removed, the joint of two columns is freed from concrete, the connecting elements are cut off, the joint of the columns is checked for complete release, and the column is transferred to the storage location.

8.2.16 Similar to the above sequence (-), the removal of floor slabs above the first floor, crossbars, columns and dismantling of external and internal walls is carried out.

8.2.17 Before removing the floor slabs above the basement, along the perimeter of the building from the outside, the soil is excavated to the depth of laying strip foundations using an excavator with an offset digging axis. Internal strip foundations are dug by hand.

8.2.18 After removing the floor slabs, the blocks of the external walls of the basements are removed and the internal walls of the basement, crossbars and columns are dismantled.

8.2.19 If there are metal beams, they are removed after dismantling the filling between them. The ends of the beams are released from the walls by punching horizontal grooves. Then the beams are removed from the furrows by turning in a horizontal plane and lowered down.

8.2.20 The ceiling on metal beams with brick filling in the form of vaults is divided into sections transverse to the blocks up to 2 m wide and length according to the size of the floors. If it is impossible to dismantle the floor in transverse sections, dismantling is carried out along the section limited by two adjacent beams. Before dismantling the floor, special spacers made of logs with a diameter of 16 to 18 cm should be installed between the beams at intervals of 2 to 3 m along the length of the beams.

8.2.21 Reinforced concrete monolithic floors are broken using jackhammers until they completely collapse. In the floors of large areas (workshops, exhibition and shopping complexes, gyms, etc.), grooves are made between the supports until the reinforcement is exposed. The reinforcement is cut by autogenous or welding. The ceiling elements are falling down.

8.2.22 When dismantling columns or pillars, the following conditions must be observed:

Carry out dismantling from top to bottom;

Hem the column after slinging it;

The slinging method must prevent the column from falling during dismantling;

To avoid the fall of columns that have lost their stability, they should be temporarily secured before dismantling the floor.

8.2.23 Rafter (sub-rafter) trusses should be dismantled in the following sequence:

Perform temporary fastening of the structure to maintain the integrity and rigidity of the system;

Sling the truss;

Disconnect the truss from the supporting frame;

Conduct a visual inspection of the remaining frame structures;

Raise the truss 0.3 - 0.5 m above the installation site;

Move the farm to a vehicle or storage area.

8.2.24 Before transporting dismantled trusses, their strength and stability should be checked and, if necessary, additional fastenings should be installed.

8.3 Dismantling external and internal wall panels

Perform temporary fastening of panels in sections to the floor slabs using struts, two fastenings for each panel. The fastening is installed before dismantling the floor slabs (items, table 2);

Sling the panel using ring and four-leg slings. Drill two holes in the panels for slinging (positions, table 2);

Using a jackhammer or scarpel, cut out the vertical seams along the ends of the panels. Cut the mounting connections;

With the crane slings taut, drive two wedges into the seam between the panels. After cracks appear, remove the struts holding the panel and carefully knock in the wedges until the panel is completely free (positions, Table 2);

The person responsible for the work must check the complete release of the panel from the remaining elements and give permission to lift them;

Drive two wedges into the vertical joint if the panel does not come free;

Raise the panel by 0.5 m, tearing it off the glued surface, check the reliability of the sling and move the panel to the warehouse;

Store the panel in a warehouse on pyramids in accordance with clause 6.3.3 of SP 49.13330 or on vehicles;

After dismantling the panel, install a safety inventory fence along the edge of the ceiling (position of table 2; GOST 12.4.059).

8.3.2 Internal wall panels are dismantled as follows [ , ]:

Install temporary fastening of internal wall panels;

Double internal panels are taken as base panels and are fastened with struts, secured at one end to a loop installed in a drilled hole in the panel, and at the other end to an anchor installed in a drilled hole in the ceiling. Three struts are installed on one panel.

The remaining single panels are attached to the base panel using two horizontal ties. First, single panels are dismantled, and then double panels. Dismantling is carried out as when dismantling external wall panels ().

8.4 Dismantling of monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete and brick walls

8.4.1 Brick walls of ancient buildings built with lime mortar are dismantled along the planes of individual bricks.

8.4.2 Brick walls of buildings built with cement and cement-lime mortar are broken into separate blocks when disassembled.

8.4.3 Brick walls in cramped conditions for the reconstruction of workshops are dismantled depending on the strength of the masonry and the horizontal thickness of the wall with a height of up to 3 rows using hand-held machines (jackhammers, disc milling machines) and a variety of hand tools (crowbars, sledgehammers, wedges, etc. ), according to GOST 12.2.010, GOST, SNiP 5.02.02.

8.4.4 Brick longitudinal walls, built on weak mortars, are broken without vertical division and separation from the transverse walls. Places of vertical division of walls are planned so that cutting does not cause their premature collapse. Window and door openings are used for cutting. The walls are cut with jackhammers, and metal connections are cut with an autogenous gun. The walls are tied with a rope until they are cut, tying one end of the rope to the upper cantilever part of the wall, and the other to the tractor hook. By pulling a rope with a tractor, the wall collapses. The length of the rope is set so that its working part corresponds to the double height of the walls being collapsed. The end of the rope is secured with a ring tie to the partition of the lower part of the wall in the center of the collapsed area and is thrown over the top of the wall to the tractor.

8.4.5 The sequence of operations includes: securing a heavy rope to the wall, cutting the wall at the bottom, cutting a fragment of the collapsing part of the wall, felling the wall with a tractor using a traction rope.

If the wall is solidly laid, it is pre-cut from the felling side using disc cutting machines and jackhammers in accordance with SNiP 5.02.02. The depth of the cut is 1/4 of the wall thickness, and the width is about 100 - 150 mm. The rope loops around the part of the wall being collapsed 20 - 30 cm above the hem and is passed over the upper edge of the wall.

8.4.6 For slinging brick blocks, grab-type grips, as well as various pins and linings, are used.

8.4.7 To move brick blocks downwards, freight elevators and closed wooden chutes are used. Such blocks are transported from the disassembly site to the elevator (chute) using a wheelbarrow.

8.4.8 Dismantling of brick walls is carried out from scaffolding or from inventory scaffolding. The procedure for installing and dismantling scaffolding and scaffolding is given in the work project.

8.4.9 To dismantle building structures that are monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete and brick masses, destructive methods are used: mechanical collapse, explosive and hydraulic explosion methods, thermal cutting, electro-hydraulic effect and hydraulic splitting method.

8.4.10 Prefabricated reinforced concrete structures that cannot be disassembled element by element are dissected as monolithic ones.

8.5 Dismantling the roof

8.5.1 Dismantling the roof is carried out in two stages: removing the roof covering and dismantling the load-bearing elements of the roof.

8.5.2 Before starting work on removing the roof covering, radio and television antennas are dismantled and all wiring is removed.

8.5.3 The roof covering made of rolled bitumen-roofing felt materials with insulation is removed simultaneously with the insulation. Work is carried out along the span, starting from the highest point, using light crowbars and shovel devices.

8.5.4 The roof covering made of rolled materials without insulation is torn off from the base and then successively cut into pieces with scissors.

8.5.5 To dismantle a bitumen-ruberoid roofing carpet, the following set of mechanisms and equipment is used - a mechanism for dismantling the roofing carpet, a mechanism for separating roof cuts from the base, technical means of transporting roofing waste to the lowering mechanism from the roof, a mechanism for lowering roofing waste from the roofs of buildings and structures ( table position 2).

8.5.6 Dismantling a steel roof begins with removing the covering near chimney and ventilation pipes and other protruding parts. First, separate the clamps from the sheathing and then, using a crowbar or screwdriver, open one of the standing flanges onto the picture along the entire roof slope. Having disconnected the lying flange that fastens the picture to the sheets of the gutter, the picture is lifted with crowbars and turned over onto the adjacent row and separated into separate pictures.

To disassemble a steel roof, you can also cut off the standing seams with roofing scissors, then open the lying seams and roll the pictures into rolls.

The removed steel sheets should be immediately lowered down and not left on the roof due to the large windage.

After dismantling the sheathing from the attic floor level, the remaining elements are dismantled last - parapet gratings, overhangs, trays, funnels and gutters.

8.5.7 Dismantling a roof made of asbestos-cement sheets should begin with cutting nails and screws and removing roofing elements from the ridge, and then ordinary sheets, trays and corners.

Pipes, overhangs and other elements are removed after asbestos-cement sheets.

8.5.8 Dismantling of a roof made of piecemeal small elements is carried out element by element, in the reverse order of their construction.

8.5.9 Wooden battens are disassembled manually element by element using nail pullers and special crowbars in accordance with SNiP 5.02.02.

8.5.10 Wooden building structures are dismantled entirely using lifting mechanisms. To do this, the structure is first raftered and, supported by a crane, the fastenings are removed.

8.5.11 To dismantle wooden beams and arches, winches are used if it is possible to suspend the winch unit from the structures above.

8.5.12 Long elements of disassembled inclined rafters are laid on the attic floor in a perpendicular direction to the external walls with support on the external and internal walls.

8.5.13 When dismantling a roof with a slope of more than 20°, work is performed using safety belts and safety ropes. In this case, workers move along ladders 0.3 m wide with transverse bars every 0.4 m in accordance with clause 6.2.2 of SP 49.13330.

8.5.14 Dismantling of roof elements at a height of over 1.3 m is carried out from portable scaffolds supported by wooden floor beams or reinforced concrete floors.

8.5.15 When dismantling cornices and overhangs, the presence of workers on the elements being dismantled or adjacent to them is prohibited.

8.6 Dismantling stairs

8.6.1 Dismantling of stairs in multi-storey buildings is carried out layer by layer in the direction from top to bottom simultaneously with the dismantling of floors and walls of the floor [ , , , ].

8.6.2 Dismantling of stairs begins with dismantling the railings along the flights from top to bottom. The railings are dismantled in sections using oxy-fuel cutting.

8.6.3 To prevent arbitrary collapse of the structures of the dismantled staircase, the following sequence must be observed:

Install temporary fastening;

Dismantle the railings within one flight;

Unfasten flights of stairs or steps;

Dismantle flights of stairs (steps);

Release the stringers from fastening;

Dismantle the stringers;

Design landings and beams.

8.6.4 Stone and reinforced concrete steps are removed from top to bottom using a crowbar. In the case of embedding steps into the wall along the flight, a furrow is made above them to the depth of pinching the steps for their subsequent release. The removed steps are lowered along guides onto the underlying landing where they are bundled and then removed by crane.

8.6.5 If possible, staircases should be dismantled or collapsed as a last resort, since they can be used to pass workers.

8.7 Dismantling foundations

8.7.1 Strip foundations are dug in and then lifted off the ground using a hydrocline.

8.7.2 Destruction of foundations by explosion can be carried out both on open construction sites and inside buildings, but in this case the explosion of foundations inside buildings must be carried out only “for loosening”.

8.7.3 During the reconstruction and major repairs of buildings and structures, the foundations under the walls may be dismantled, installed, strengthened and replaced.

8.7.4 Replacement or installation of foundations is carried out in small sections no longer than 1.5 m. Dismantling of foundations in the next section is permitted after strengthening work has been completed in the previous one.

9 Selection of mechanization means for dismantling buildings and structures

9.1 The main mechanisms used in dismantling building structures of buildings and structures are load-lifting cranes: rail-mounted tower cranes, self-propelled and non-self-propelled jib cranes [,].

9.2 Jib cranes should be equipped with extended booms, jib booms, or used with tower jib equipment.

9.3 Load-lifting cranes must have devices that limit the rotation of the boom, the outreach and lifting of the load, as well as the movement along the rail track.

9.4 As the floors are dismantled, the required hook lifting heights and load moment decrease. If dismantling is carried out by jib self-propelled cranes, this makes it possible to use less powerful cranes as floors are dismantled.

9.6 The main advantage of crawler cranes is their high maneuverability and maneuverability within the dismantling site. These cranes do not require special tracks and operate without outriggers. Low ground pressure allows you to work without special site preparation.

9.7 To dismantle the first floor and foundation, truck-mounted and pneumatic-wheeled cranes can be used.

9.8 Pulling out foundation elements from the ground can be done using crawler cranes. Excavation of the soil along the contour of the foundation should be carried out using excavators.

9.9 The selection of cranes when developing work projects is made according to technical and operational characteristics, as well as technical and economic indicators. Technological and design parameters of cranes are established according to factory and reference documentation: lifting capacity, reach, load lifting height, etc. Based on these data, operational characteristics are determined: work organization schemes, crane stability, turning radii, etc. Options for projects for the production of work with cranes are compared according to the main technical and economic indicators: labor intensity, cost and duration of work.

9.10 In addition to lifting cranes, dismantling work when dismantling buildings requires other machines and mechanisms, as well as a large range of technological equipment, removable lifting devices and tools (Table 2).

Securing the struts

3. Corner connection

Temporary fastening of structural elements

4. Horizontal communication

Temporarily securing vertical structural members

5. Stand

Temporary securing of horizontal structural members

6. End stop

Temporary fastening of structural elements from the end side

7. Mobile scaffolding

Placing a worker in the work area at a height of 1.7 m

8. Adjustable scaffolding

Placing a worker in the work area at a height of 0.9 m

9. Inclined ladder

Movement of a worker in the work area to a height of up to 3 m

Removable lifting devices

10. Anchor

Temporary fastening of struts and dismantling of structural elements

11. Fork lift

Dismantling of staircases and landings

12. Traverse

Dismantling walls and partitions

20. Manual electric hammer drill

Perforation of holes in reinforced concrete

Safety Equipment

Preventing people from falling from heights

Those working in places where gas may appear must be provided with protective equipment (gas masks).

10.5 Scaffolding means (mobile towers, cradles, scaffolding, scaffolding) and ladders must comply with the regulatory requirements of GOST 24258.

10.6 In cases where horizontal forces arise on the tower and cradle during dismantling of structures, their working platforms should be secured to the walls.

10.7 When dismantling structures, workers must be secured with a safety belt to a safety cable secured to stable, strong structures. At the same time, the movement of a worker within the boundaries of the workplace must be safe and free.

10.8 Tools and devices should be placed at the workplace so that they do not interfere with work and cannot fall.

10.9 Workers must immediately stop dismantling the building if the possibility of self-destruction of structural elements and collapse of structures is detected (appearance of cracks, violation and loss of stability, etc.).

Workers must leave the dangerous place and notify the foreman.

10.10 Upon completion of work, workers should install a fence on the approaches to the workplace, remove tools and rigging devices from the workplace.

10.11 When performing work on cutting metal, reinforced concrete, drilling holes in concrete, etc. workers must follow the relevant instructions of the welder, hammer operator, etc.

10.12 Doorways in walls enclosing areas with dismountable floors are securely closed (sewn up) and marked with warning signs and inscriptions in accordance with GOST R 12.4.026.

10.13 When working at heights, workers must wear non-slip shoes. Dismantling of the building in rain, fog, snowfall, or wind speed of 15 m/s or more stops.

10.14 When performing construction and installation work when dismantling a building, workers must be issued a work permit for high-risk work.

10.15 It is prohibited for people to be on the lower floors in the building where work on dismantling structures is being carried out.

10.16 Snow, ice and debris should be systematically removed from the floors.

10.17 All elements that are in disrepair or have cracks should be broken on site and debris removed from the floors.

10.18 Slinging a load that is in an unstable position is not allowed.

10.19 Electric welding work and other hot work during disassembly must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of fire safety rules during construction and installation work in accordance with GOST 12.1.004.

10.20 Dismantling work should be carried out only during daylight hours under the direct supervision of engineers

10.21 When dismantling buildings and structures and cleaning disassembly products, it is necessary to take measures to reduce dust formation. The resulting dust should be removed with vacuum cleaners or suppressed with water in accordance with paragraph 4.1.7 of SNiP 12-04.

11 Measures for environmental protection and public safety

11.1 Projects for organizing work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects and projects for the execution of work must provide for both technical, technological and organizational measures to protect the natural environment and ensure the safety of the population in accordance with paragraph 6.9.2 of SP 48.13330.

11.2 In the process of dismantling buildings and structures, measures should be taken to prevent contamination of the construction site with waste, the entry of harmful and hazardous substances into surface and ground waters and the soil, and air pollution.

11.3 The need to replant and cut down trees and shrubs is agreed with the relevant forestry authorities. Work should be carried out to ensure maximum preservation of green spaces.

Green spaces that are not subject to felling at the construction site must be fenced off. The trunks of free-standing trees are protected from damage by sheathing them with lumber at least 2 meters high.

11.4 Products of demolition, dismantling of buildings and structures, construction waste must be removed in a timely manner; Littering and littering the construction site with garbage is prohibited.

11.5 “Dumping” of precast concrete and other elements is strictly prohibited.

11.6 The burning of combustible waste and construction waste on a site within urban development is prohibited.

11.7 Products from dismantling objects, including construction waste, must be transported downwards through chutes or containers (boxes) using lifting cranes. The lower end of the chute must be no higher than 1 m above the ground or completely fit into the bunker in accordance with paragraph 4.2.8 of SP 49.13330.

Disposing of garbage without gutters or from a height of 3 m or more from the zero level is not permitted.


Koloskov V.N., Oleinik P.P., Tikhonov A.F. Dismantling residential buildings and recycling their structures and materials for reuse. M., ASV Publishing House, 2004

Oleinik P.P., Oleinik S.P. Organizational solutions for dismantling (demolition) of residential buildings of standard series. M., MGSU, 2008

Keywords: organization of construction production; dismantling, demolition and dismantling of buildings and structures; disassembly methods; temporary construction infrastructure; protection of people and the environment

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Approved By Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 2017 N 1170/pr

Set of rules SP-325.1325800.2017


Buildings and construction. Rules for the production of demolition and recycling

Introduced for the first time


This set of rules was developed in accordance with Federal Laws of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures", dated December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", dated December 29, 2004 N 190-FZ "Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation", Government Decree of February 16, 2008 N 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content."

The set of rules was developed by the team of authors of JSC "TsNIIPromzdaniy" (Doctor of Technical Sciences V.V. Granev, Doctor of Technical Sciences E.N. Kodysh, Doctor of Technical Sciences N.N. Trekin; Candidate of Technical Sciences. Sciences V.N. Yagodkin, engineers V.V. Titova, I.A. Terekhov, D.A. Chesnokov); with the participation of TsNIIOMTP LLC (Doctor of Technical Sciences P.P. Oleinik).

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This set of rules establishes and contains requirements for organizing the dismantling (demolition) and disposal of structures of buildings for industrial and civil purposes, and applies to the demolition or dismantling and disposal of structures of buildings and structures for civil and industrial purposes.

1.2 This set of rules does not apply to the demolition or dismantling and disposal of structures of unique, special and linear buildings and structures.

2 Normative references

This set of rules uses regulatory references to the following documents:

GOST 12.1.003-74 System of occupational safety standards. Noise. General safety requirements

GOST 12.1.004-91 System of occupational safety standards. Fire safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.012-90 System of occupational safety standards. Vibration safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.046-85 System of occupational safety standards. Construction. Lighting standards for construction sites

GOST 12.2.003-91 System of occupational safety standards. Production equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.010-75 System of occupational safety standards. Manual pneumatic machines. General safety requirements

GOST System of occupational safety standards. Manual electric machines. General safety requirements and test methods

GOST 12.3.002-75 System of occupational safety standards. Production processes. General safety requirements

GOST 12.3.020-80 System of occupational safety standards. Processes of cargo movement at enterprises. General safety requirements

GOST 12.4.040-78 System of occupational safety standards. Production equipment controls. Notation.

GOST 12.4.059-89 System of occupational safety standards. Construction. Inventory safety fences. General technical conditions

GOST 2787-75 Secondary ferrous metals. General technical conditions

GOST 22269-76 Man-machine system. Operator's workplace. The relative arrangement of the elements of the workplace. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 23407-78 Inventory fencing for construction sites and construction sites. Specifications

GOST 24259-80 Mounting equipment for temporary fastening and alignment of building structures. Classification and general technical requirements

GOST 26633-2012 Heavy and fine-grained concrete. Specifications

GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 31937-2011 Buildings and structures. Rules for inspection and monitoring of technical condition

GOST 33715-2015 Lifting cranes. Removable load-handling devices and containers. Exploitation

GOST R 12.4.026-2001 System of occupational safety standards. Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. Purpose and rules of use. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods.

GOST R 53350-2009 Freight containers series 1. Classification, dimensions and weight

GOST R 54869-2011 Project management. Project management requirements

GOST R ISO 21500-2014 Guide to project management

SP 15.13330.2012 "SNiP II-22-81* Stone and reinforced masonry structures" (as amended N 1, N 2)

SP 16.13330.2017 "SNiP II-23-81* Steel structures"

SP 17.13330.2017 "SNiP II-26-76 Roofs"

SP 22.13330.2016 "SNiP 2.02.01-83* Foundations of buildings and structures"

SP 29.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.03.13-88 Floors"

SP 45.13330.2017 "SNiP 3.02.01-87 Earthworks, bases and foundations"

SP 48.13330.2011 "SNiP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction" (as amended No. 1)

SP 63.13330.2012 "SNiP 52-01-2003 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Basic provisions" (as amended N 1, N 2)

SP 64.13330.2017 "SNiP II-25-80 Wooden structures"

SP 70.13330.2012 "SNiP 3.03.01-87 Load-bearing and enclosing structures" (as amended No. 1)

SP 255.1325800.2016 Buildings and structures. Operating rules. Basic provisions

Note - When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference documents in the public information system - on the official website of the federal executive body in the field of standardization on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If a referenced document to which an undated reference is given is replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that document be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If a reference document to which a dated reference is given is replaced, it is recommended to use the version of this document with the year of approval (acceptance) indicated above. If, after the approval of this set of rules, a change is made to the reference document to which a dated reference is given, affecting the provision to which the reference is given, then this provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this reference. It is advisable to check information about the operation of sets of rules in the Federal Information Fund of Standards.

3 Terms and definitions

This set of rules uses the terms established in SP 48.13330, as well as the following terms with corresponding definitions:

3.1 utility camp (complex of industrial life): A set of buildings and structures to create normal production and sanitary conditions for workers at the construction site.

3.2 temporary construction infrastructure: A system that includes permanent, mobile and temporary buildings and structures, mechanization equipment, utility networks, etc., necessary for organizing the construction (reconstruction, demolition (dismantling)) of the facility.

3.3 temporary roads: Roads laid on a construction site for temporary needs.

3.4 temporary utility networks: Communications laid on the territory of the construction site to provide mobile buildings and carry out construction, installation and dismantling work.

3.5 dismantling (disassembly) of the facility: Liquidation of a building (structure) by dismantling prefabricated and collapsing monolithic structures with preliminary dismantling of technical systems and finishing elements.

3.7 mobile (inventory) buildings: Ancillary and auxiliary buildings serving construction production, the structural system of which provides for their repeated turnover during the established service life.

3.8 construction site fencing: Installation of a fence around the perimeter of the construction site or inside it to mark out the territory and areas for construction, installation and dismantling work.

3.9 organization of warehousing: A set of measures and work to organize temporary storage of materials, products, structures and equipment.

3.10 demolition of an object: Elimination of a building (structure) by one of the collapse methods (mechanical, thermal, explosive or combinations thereof) with preliminary dismantling of technical systems and finishing elements.

3.11 construction master plan (stroygenplan): An organizational and technological document consisting of graphic and calculation parts regulating the state of temporary construction infrastructure on a construction site during the construction, (reconstruction) or demolition of buildings and structures.

4 General provisions

4.1 The basic requirements for the organization and performance of work on the demolition of buildings and structures, arrangement of the construction site and workplaces are given in and.

4.2 The organization and execution of demolition work must be carried out in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements to ensure the safety of workers, the population and the environment. The work should be carried out in accordance with the construction organization project (COP), the work organization project (WOP) for demolition (dismantling) and the work execution project (PPR), taking into account GOST R 54869 and GOST R ISO 21500.

4.3 The demolition site and work areas must be fenced in accordance with GOST 23407 with the installation of safety signs and inscriptions in accordance with GOST R 12.4.026.

4.4 Work areas, workplaces, the territory of utility camps, driveways and passages to them in the dark must be illuminated in accordance with GOST 12.1.046.

4.5 The territory of the demolition site, work areas, workplaces, as well as driveways, passages, storage areas must be kept clean in accordance with SP 48.13330 and.

4.6 When leaving the demolition site, a point for washing the wheels of trucks and construction vehicles must be equipped.

4.7 Before entering the site, information boards are installed in accordance with SP 48.13330.

4.8 Separate work areas and workplaces are provided with telephone or radio communications in accordance with.

5 Preparation for demolition of buildings and structures

5.1 Before the start of demolition work, measures are taken to remove the building (structure) from service. The list of these measures includes an inspection of the general technical condition of buildings and structures in accordance with GOST 31937, SP 15.13330, SP 16.13330, SP 17.13330, SP 22.13330, SP 29.13330, SP 45.13330, SP 63.13330, SP 64.13330, SP 70.13330.

5.2 An examination of the general technical condition of buildings (structures) is carried out in order to obtain initial data for the development of ERP.

5.3 Load-bearing building structures are subject to inspection: brick, reinforced concrete, steel, wood.

5.4 The examination provides for:

Study of acts, conclusions (reports) of previously conducted surveys, existing project documentation;

Development of schemes for safety devices under load-bearing structures;

Identification of emergency areas.

5.5 Based on the results of the inspection, the technical condition and load-bearing capacity of structures, the possibility of using certain organizational methods for the safe performance of work are determined.

5.6 Work to decommission the building is carried out in the following sequence:

Disconnection and dismantling of external communications;

Dismantling of internal engineering systems of water supply, gas supply, electricity supply, heat supply, ventilation, fire extinguishing and low-current equipment and instruments;

Dismantling of floors, windows, doors and finishing elements.

After disconnection, underground inputs (outlets) of gas supply, water supply and sewerage networks are dismantled simultaneously with the destruction and removal of the foundations.

Preparations for dismantling and dismantling of technological equipment are carried out: stands, machines, apparatus, pipelines, overhead and overhead cranes. All fastening elements, control and measuring instruments are removed, and process pipelines are disconnected. Equipment installed on reinforced concrete foundations is lifted (teared off from the supporting platforms) using jacks or wedges. Equipment dismantling is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation, instructions and manufacturer's passports.

5.7 Work organization project is the main organizational document for the demolition of buildings and structures. The ERP contains requirements and measures to ensure the safety of workers, the public and the environment, establishes the demolition method, the general sequence and order of work, including measures to prevent the progressive collapse of structures in individual areas, the volume and requirements for maximum use of the products of dismantling the building (structure), waste disposal and serves as the basis for obtaining permission to carry out work.

5.8 For the object being demolished or dismantled, on the basis and in development of the POP, a work execution project (WPP) is developed, which defines technological processes and operations, resources and safety measures.

5.9 As part of the project for the demolition of buildings and structures, the following is being developed:

Work schedule, construction master plan or demolition site plan and adjacent areas;

Schedule for removal of demolition waste from the site;

The need for mechanization means, technological equipment, tools and devices;

Technological maps;

Safety, health and environmental protection.

5.10 The schedule plan for the demolition work establishes the sequence and timing of the demolition work. According to the calendar plan, the need for construction machines, workers, and the timing of removal of demolition waste from the construction site are determined.

5.11 The project for the demolition of buildings and structures is approved by the chief engineer of the general contracting construction organization, and sections of the project for dismantling work are approved by the chief engineers of subcontracting organizations.

The approved project is transferred to the construction site before work begins.

5.12 Responsibilities of the customer and contractors

5.12.1 The customer transfers to the general contractor all the necessary design documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

The organization carrying out the demolition of the object must:

Obtain permission from the customer to demolish the facility;

Obtain documents (including a warrant) allowing you to disconnect communications;

Appoint by written order the work manufacturer, persons responsible for fire and electrical safety and persons exercising construction control.

6 Demolition and dismantling of building structures

6.1 General rules and sequence of demolition of buildings

6.1.1 This section provides the rules, sequence and technologies for demolition and dismantling of buildings (except for monolithic reinforced concrete buildings), the requirements that must be observed during their collapse and dismantling are given in Section 7.

6.1.2 Demolition or dismantling of an object should be carried out in the reverse order of construction, i.e. from top to bottom, by floors, by sections, by spans.

6.1.3 When carrying out demolition work it is necessary:

Ensure the strength and stability of the remaining supporting structures and adjacent elements;

Prevent structures from falling when their fastenings are released (embedding seams, welding, bolts).

6.1.4 To ensure the strength and stability of the remaining structures, the necessary calculations must be performed in connection with the design diagrams of the building changing during the demolition or dismantling process. Based on the calculation results, the remaining structures are temporarily secured. Schemes and designs of temporary fastenings must be given as part of the PPR.

6.1.5 Work on the demolition or dismantling of buildings must be organized using flow methods with the division of objects into sections.

6.1.6 Parts of objects with repeating identical amounts of work are identified as grips. In residential buildings, a part of a floor or a section can be used as an enclosure; in one-story industrial buildings, a span or part of a span within an expansion joint.

6.2 Dismantling of residential and public buildings with brick walls

Dismantling the roof;

Dismantling of roof fencing;

Dismantling of wooden structures of pitched roofs;

Dismantling the attic floor;

Floor-by-floor dismantling of external and internal walls;

Floor-by-floor dismantling of interfloor ceilings;

Floor dismantling;

Floor-by-floor dismantling of staircases and landings;

Dismantling the ceiling above the basement;

Dismantling basement walls and foundations.

6.3 Dismantling of load-bearing and enclosing structures of residential and public panel buildings made of precast reinforced concrete

Sequence of work:

Dismantling the roof fence;

Dismantling parapet wall panels;

Floor-by-floor temporary fastening of disassembled elements of external and internal walls using special technological equipment;

Dismantling of covering panels;

Dismantling partition panels;

Floor-by-floor dismantling of internal and external wall panels;

Floor dismantling;

Floor-by-floor dismantling of floor panels;

Dismantling of sanitary cabins and elevator shafts;

Dismantling elements of stairs and balconies;

Dismantling floor slabs above the basement;

Removing basement walls and dismantling foundations.

6.4 Rules for dismantling industrial frame buildings (single-story and multi-story)

6.4.1 The structural system of industrial buildings of industrial facilities, as a rule, is framed from steel or reinforced concrete elements.

6.4.2 According to the structural design, frames can be framed or braced.

6.4.3 In frame frames, stability and geometric immutability in the transverse direction is ensured by frames, in the longitudinal direction - by installing steel connections between columns in one step along each row of columns. The connections are usually established in the middle of the temperature block. Combining two transverse frames into one block using a floor disk and column ties creates a rigid bonded block that provides spatial rigidity and stability.

6.4.4 In braced frames, the stability and geometric immutability of buildings is ensured by the floor (covering) disk and the installation of stiffening diaphragms between columns in both directions or stiffening cores. The walls of staircases can also serve as diaphragms or stiffening cores.

6.4.5 Demolition or dismantling of buildings must be carried out in such a way that a spatially stable section always remains during dismantling. Therefore, dismantling of building structures should begin in the direction from the ends of the building and the expansion joint to the bonding blocks or stiffening cores on both sides. If necessary, provision is made for the installation of temporary elements that provide the necessary stability.

The structures of the connection blocks are disassembled last.

Dismantling of structures of multi-storey buildings is carried out layer by layer, (floor by floor), element by element. Work on the next tier is permitted only after complete completion of work on the previous tier.

6.5 Dismantling of load-bearing and enclosing structures of the frame of one-story industrial buildings (steel and reinforced concrete)

Sequence of work:

Dismantling of special structures (stairs, observation platforms, ramps, shafts, galleries, rail tracks).

Dismantling lanterns;

Roof dismantling;

Removal of roof railings and parapet wall panels;

Dismantling of load-bearing structures of the coating (corrugated sheeting, reinforced concrete slabs);

Dismantling of covering purlins;

Dismantling lanterns;

Dismantling of windows, doors, bends;

Dismantling of wall panels;

Dismantling of load-bearing structures of the covering (rafter and sub-rafter trusses, beams);

Dismantling of crane beams;

Dismantling of columns;

Dismantling of foundation beams and foundations;

6.5.1 When dismantling building structures, it is necessary to ensure the stability of the position of trusses and columns after freeing them from adjacent supporting structures.

Measures to ensure the stability of structures during dismantling and technological equipment must be contained in the PPR.

6.6 Dismantling of structures of multi-storey buildings (steel and reinforced concrete)

Sequence of work:

Dismantling the roof;

Dismantling of roof railings and parapet wall panels;

Dismantling of coating slabs;

Floor dismantling;

Floor-by-floor dismantling of windows and doors;

Floor-by-floor dismantling of partitions;

Floor-by-floor dismantling of wall panels;

Floor-by-floor dismantling of floor slabs;

Floor-by-floor dismantling of crossbars between floors;

Floor-by-floor dismantling of columns;

Floor-by-floor dismantling of tie abutments and stiffening diaphragms;

Floor-by-floor dismantling of staircase structures;

Dismantling foundation beams;

Dismantling basement walls and foundations.

6.7 Dismantling pitched roofs of buildings with brick walls

6.7.1 Before starting work on dismantling the roof, all elements of engineering systems (radio and television antennas, wiring, advertising boards) must be dismantled.

6.7.2 Disassembly is carried out in two stages:

Removal of roofing;

Dismantling the load-bearing elements of the roof.

6.7.3 The most commonly used roof covering for pitched roofs can be:

Made from galvanized steel sheets;

Made from corrugated chrysotile cement sheets;

From rolled roofing materials;

From piece small elements.

6.7.4 The steel roof is disassembled in the following sequence:

The covering sheets (aprons) near the protruding parts (ventilation pipes and other protruding parts) are removed;

The clamps are separated from the sheathing;

One of the standing seams opens onto the picture along the entire roof slope;

The rebated fold that secures the picture to the sheets of the gutter is detached;

The picture is lifted with a crowbar and turned over onto the next row.

The rest of the roof is disassembled in the same sequence. Disassembled paintings are rolled into rolls and immediately lowered down for safety reasons.

6.7.5 Dismantling of a roof made of chrysotile cement sheets begins with the ridge elements, then the ordinary sheets are dismantled in the reverse order of installation, after which the pipes, overhangs, and trays are removed.

6.7.6 Roofing made from rolled materials is dismantled by cutting and tearing off sections of it. Roofs made from piece materials are disassembled element by element in the reverse order of their construction.

6.7.7 The wooden sheathing is disassembled manually element by element using nail pullers and special crowbars.

6.7.8 Wooden rafter structures are dismantled entirely using lifting mechanisms. The structures are rigged and supported by a crane, the fastenings are removed.

6.7.9 Disassembled long elements of layered rafters are stored on the roof with support on the external and internal walls and then lowered down using a crane and transferred to the storage area.

6.8 Dismantling roofs of panel and frame buildings

6.8.1 Dismantling the roof is carried out in the following sequence:

Dismantling the roof covering;

Dismantling of parapet panels, cornice blocks and covering slabs.

6.8.2 It is recommended to divide the roofing covering (soft, rolled, mastic, metal sheets) into strips of 1000x500 mm (slabs of 1000x1000 mm) that are convenient for carrying and storing.

6.8.3 Concrete joints, seams, metal connections of roofing slabs (deckings) are freed from mortar.

It is recommended to sling roofing slabs using a four-legged sling and four grips, which are installed in specially drilled (punched) holes. Then the crane slightly tightens the slings and cuts the metal connections.

6.8.4 The roofing slab is torn off using a hydraulic wedge or jacks and lifted a few centimeters with a crane.

Before lifting, the roofing slab is raised 20-30 cm to check the reliability of the sling. In the same way, parapet panels, cornice blocks and house covering slabs are dismantled.

6.9 Floor-by-floor dismantling of interfloor ceiling elements of brick buildings using wooden (steel) beams

6.9.1 The design of the interfloor ceiling is shown in Figure 1.

Disassembly is carried out from top to bottom in the reverse order of installation, starting from the farthest gripping point and includes the following operations:

a) planks:

Dismantling of clean floors and joists;

b) parquet from piece and panel parquet:

Removal of sound and heat insulation backfill;

Dismantling of wooden selection;

Dismantling the plank ceiling lining;

Removal of floor beams.

6.9.2 Plank floors are dismantled manually using a nail puller, crowbar and hammer in the following sequence:

The baseboards and ventilation grilles are removed and one of the fascia boards is removed;

Ordinary floor boards are sequentially dismantled (without damaging the tongue or tongue and groove);

After removing the nails, the boards are stacked and moved to a temporary storage area.

In the same way, logs and bases for parquet floors are dismantled.

6.9.3 Dismantling of block parquet floors begins with the removal of baseboards and friezes. Then, using a nail puller and a crowbar, all the parquet rivets are sequentially torn off from the base.

6.9.4 When using panel parquet, the entire panel is torn off from the joists and adjacent panels. The disassembled panels are stacked and transferred to a temporary storage area.

6.9.5 The backfill is removed with shovels into waste bins installed on wooden boards, which are laid on two adjacent floor beams at a distance of no more than 1.5 m from the wall. Filled boxes are transported by tower crane to the receiving facility bunker (dump) or directly to vehicles. The number of bunkers for maximum use of a tower crane is determined in the PPR.

6.9.7 The pick-up boards are removed using a crowbar and placed in bags with spacers along the floor beams. The work of removing backfill and dismantling the selection is carried out from the running flooring installed during the dismantling of the floors.

6.9.8 Dismantling of the plank frame is carried out in the following sequence:

The plaster is knocked off in strips of at least 200 mm - from the installer's platforms along the perimeter of the walls of the premises on the underlying floor at the junction of the walls and the ceiling;

Cut off sections of the filing, with a width of at least 1.0 m, are torn off from the existing walking ladders using crowbars on the filing near the beams;

Further disassembly of the binder is carried out using crowbars-nail pullers into separate boards - from the installer’s sites;

The boards are bundled and removed using a tower crane to a temporary storage area - after removing or bending the nails.

6.9.9 Dismantling and dismantling of wooden floor beams is carried out depending on the technical condition of the beams according to two schemes:

If the floor beams are in working technical condition, they are slung, then sawed at the supports (walls) and removed using a crane to a temporary storage area,

If the beams are significantly damaged by rot or fungus, they are additionally sawed in the middle of the span.

Disassembly work is performed in the following sequence:

The beam is supported by an adjustable, collapsible supporting system in three places - at the supports (walls) and in the middle of the span (Figure 2);

The ends of the beams in the walls are released using a pneumatic hammer;

The metal anchors at the ends of the beam are bent to the side using crowbars and hammers;

Transverse cuts of beams are performed;

The beams are slung and removed to temporary storage areas.

The spatial rigidity and stability of the building after dismantling the floor is ensured by the preservation of every fourth floor beam, embedded and anchored into the wall, along which steel struts are installed.

The materials obtained as a result of dismantling the floors can be reused, for example, in the construction of temporary buildings.

6.9.10 Interfloor ceilings on metal beams are dismantled in the same sequence, taking into account additional requirements:

The flooring is impregnated with fire retardant or covered with metal or chrysotile sheets in places of cutting;

A container of water and a fire extinguisher are installed at the workplace;

The ends of the beams, heated after cutting, are cooled with water.

6.10 Floor-by-floor dismantling of precast concrete slabs and wall panels

6.10.1 Before dismantling the slabs, the following work is performed:

At the slinging points, holes with a diameter of 40-60 mm are drilled;

Joints and seams between slabs are freed from embedment concrete using the methods specified in the technological map.

After this, the slabs are slung with ring slings, torn off by wedging with hydraulic wedges or jacks from the supporting plane, and after checking the reliability of the insurance, they are lifted and transferred to the storage area.

6.10.2 Dismantling of external and internal walls of panel buildings is carried out in the following sequence:

The panels are temporarily secured to the grip using struts;

Two holes are drilled in the panels for slinging, into which anchors are inserted;

Slinging of panels is carried out using a four-legged sling;

The filling of the vertical seams at the ends of the panel is cut or knocked out, the mounting connections are cut, and the struts are removed.

With the slings tense, the panel is torn off using metal wedges driven into the seam between the panels, hydraulic wedges or jacks;

The panel is raised 0.5 m to be lifted from the supporting surface, as well as to check the sling, and is moved to the warehouse.

6.10.3 Dismantling of internal panels is carried out in the same sequence as external ones.

The disassembled panels are installed in pyramids in the warehouse.

6.10.4 Dismantling of panel walls of multi-storey industrial buildings is carried out from top to bottom, floor by floor. Slinging is done using a four-leg sling and grips inserted into drilled holes. The joints between the panels are freed from the mortar, the details of the connection between the wall panels and the columns are cut off. The panels are dismantled and transferred to the warehouse.

6.11 Dismantling brick walls of buildings

6.11.1 Methods for dismantling brick walls of buildings are assigned depending on their thickness, strength of mortar joints and dismantling conditions. When laying the walls of ancient buildings using lime mortar, dismantling is carried out along the planes of individual bricks.

When dismantled, brick walls of buildings built with cement-sand mortar are cut into separate blocks or broken into blocks. The dimensions of the blocks, depending on the strength of the masonry and the load-carrying capacity of the mechanisms, are assigned in the PPR.

Slinging of brick blocks is carried out using grab grips, as well as using pins inserted into drilled holes and grips. Disassembly is carried out using hand-held machines and a variety of hand tools (jackhammers, disc milling machines, crowbars, sledgehammers, etc.) in accordance with GOST 12.2.010, GOST With strong masonry, to improve the conditions for disassembly, cuts and hems are made to the walls.

6.11.2 Brick blocks are moved downwards by cranes, freight elevators or using closed chutes; transportation to the elevator (chute) is carried out by wheelbarrows.

Dismantling of brick walls is carried out from scaffolding or inventory scaffolding.

6.12 Dismantling of structural elements of multi-storey frame buildings made of precast reinforced concrete

6.12.1 Before dismantling the crossbar, the column is braced with struts. Dismantling is carried out in the following sequence:

The joints of the crossbar with the column are freed from concrete coating;

The connecting steel parts and welds on the column console are cut off - after slinging the crossbar and loosely tensioning the slings;

Using a hydrocline, the crossbar is separated from the horizontal platform of the column console.

The crossbar is dismantled and transferred to the storage area. After dismantling the crossbar, the column is dismantled, the work is performed in the following sequence:

The columns are slinged;

If the sling tension is weak, the temporary fastenings of the columns (struts) are removed;

The joint of two columns is freed from the embedding concrete;

Steel connecting elements are cut;

With the help of a hydrocline, the column is raised and shifted slightly;

The upper column is torn off;

The dismantled column moves to the storage location.

6.13 Dismantling of load-bearing structures of one-story frame buildings

6.13.1 Rafter (sub-rafter) trusses (steel or reinforced concrete), when dismantling load-bearing and enclosing structures of the coating, are secured using braces or struts to ensure the stability of the system.

Trusses are dismantled in the following sequence:

The truss is slinged (the slinging location is indicated in the PPR);

When the sling tension is weak, the bolts and welds on the columns are cut off;

The trusses are raised 0.5 m above the installation site;

The farm is transferred to the vehicle.

Transportation of farms is carried out in accordance with the requirements for transportation of new products.

6.13.2 Dismantling of columns of multi-storey industrial buildings (steel and reinforced concrete) is carried out in the following sequence:

The column, after dismantling the trusses, if required according to the calculation results, is braced for stability by two braces in the plane of least rigidity;

After slinging the column, the concreting of the base of the columns is broken down, the anchor foundation bolts are cut off (for steel columns), and temporary connections are removed;

A reinforced concrete column, rigidly clamped in the foundation, is cut down, with a weak tension on the slings, the exposed reinforcement of the columns is cut off, and the remaining concrete is knocked out;

The column rises 0.5 m above the installation site and is transferred to a temporary storage warehouse.

Columns must be stacked with wooden spacers - according to the rules for storing new columns.

6.13.3 Dismantling of crane beams is carried out in the following sequence:

The crane beams are slinged, the slinging locations are indicated in the PPR;

When the tension of the slings is weak, the steel connecting parts of the beam with the column are cut off, and the anchor bolts are cut off;

The beam, using a hydraulic wedge or jack, is torn off from the supporting plane and raised above the installation site by 0.5 m;

The beam is transferred to the vehicle.

Dismantling of steel crane beams 12 m long is carried out in enlarged sections, including crane rails, braking devices and stops.

6.13.4 Dismantling of foundation beams is carried out in the following sequence:

The blind area is dismantled and soil is excavated to the depth of the foundation using an excavator;

The embedment concrete between the beams is removed using jackhammers;

The beam is lifted off the supporting plane using a hydraulic wedge or a jack;

The beam is raised 0.5 m and transferred to a temporary storage warehouse or vehicle.

6.14 Dismantling stairs

6.4.1 Dismantling of stairs of multi-storey buildings is carried out floor by floor, from top to bottom, simultaneously with the dismantling of floors and walls of the floor.

6.14.2 Before starting work on dismantling the staircase structures, the railings of one flight are dismantled using oxygen gas cutting.

6.14.3 The following staircase designs may be used in dismantled buildings:

Flights of stairs on steel stringers with stacked concrete steps and reinforced concrete landings;

Staircases and landings made of monolithic reinforced concrete;

Flights of stairs and platforms made of precast reinforced concrete.

The sequence of dismantling the stairs is as follows:

Dismantling of railings within one flight;

Release from fastenings of flights and steps during slinging and weak sling tension;

Dismantling of staircases (steps);

Releasing stringers from fastenings during slinging;

Dismantling stringers;

Dismantling landings and beams.

The built-up steps are dismantled from top to bottom using a crowbar. The disassembled steps are lowered along guides to the underlying landing, bundled and removed by crane to the temporary storage area.

6.15 Dismantling foundations

Possible foundation designs for dismantling residential and public buildings:

From rubble stone (ancient buildings);

Concrete monolithic;

Reinforced concrete from prefabricated blocks.

The foundations for the external walls are excavated along the perimeter of the walls using an excavator. The foundations for the internal walls are dug out manually.

6.16 Dismantling of massive reinforced concrete structures

6.16.1 Massive reinforced concrete structures can be foundations for columnar columns of one-story and multi-story industrial buildings, as well as foundations for equipment. Dismantling of such structures must be carried out using one of the demolition methods given in Section 7.

6.16.2 The choice of collapse method is made in the PPR, taking into account the following factors:

The conditions under which collapse work must be carried out;

Possibility of using lifting, loading and transport vehicles;

Availability and possibility of acquiring means for destroying the material of dismantled structures;

Provision of labor force and engineering and technical workers with the required qualifications;

Feasibility study of the selected means of destruction;

Work safety measures.

6.17 Dismantling of buildings (structures) with a frame made of wooden structures

6.17.1 Buildings with a frame made of wooden structures are usually one-story.

6.17.2 Dismantling of wooden frame buildings is carried out according to the rules and in the sequence given for steel and reinforced concrete structures. Dismantling is carried out in the order from top to bottom horizontally from the end of the building (or expansion joint) in the direction of the bonding block.

6.17.3 Dismantling of frame buildings covered with wooden trusses along wooden columns is carried out element by element.

6.17.4 During the process of dismantling structures, trusses and columns freed from adjacent supporting structures must be secured with mounting braces or braces.

6.17.5 Dismantling of wooden trusses is carried out in the following sequence:

After slinging, with a weak tension on the slings, the supporting units of the trusses are released from the fastenings on the column;

Temporary bracings (spacers, guy wires) are dismantled;

The truss is raised above the column to a height of 0.5 m and transferred to a temporary storage warehouse or vehicle;

The slinging points for trusses with metal lower chords during lifting should ensure that the metal belts work in tension.

6.17.6 Wooden columns, when rigidly connected to the foundation, must be untied from the plane before dismantling begins.

When the racks are hingedly supported on the foundations, during the period of dismantling, they are decoupled with temporary connections in two planes.

6.18 Dismantling laminated wooden arches and frames

6.18.1 Three-hinged arches and frames with a hinge in the key and with transmission of thrust to the foundations are dismantled using a mobile mounting tower in the ridge area. The tower is equipped with the necessary equipment that allows the structures of half-frames and half-arches to be secured during dismantling. Before dismantling begins, the structure must be unfastened from the plane.

Dismantling is carried out in the following sequence:

The ridge unit is secured to the tower against vertical movements;

When slinging one half-frame (half-arch), the ridge assembly and the supporting lower assembly are disassembled (loosened);

The dismantled half-frame (half-arch) rises 0.5 m from the design position and is transferred to the vehicle;

The second half of the structure is being dismantled.

6.18.2 Dismantling of large-span prefabricated double-hinged arches and frames supported on foundations is carried out in separate parts using mounting supports located in the joint area and equipped with appropriate equipment for dismantling joints and securing parts of structures in a vertical position. Before dismantling begins, the structures are unfastened from the plane. After dismantling the joints and supporting fastenings, parts of the structures are dismantled.

6.18.3 Disassembled structural elements are transferred by crane to vehicles or to a temporary storage area.

6.18.4 When storing, it is necessary to provide protection for wooden structures from prolonged atmospheric influences.

6.18.5 Dismantling of load-bearing wooden structures should be carried out in accordance with the PPR.

6.19 Demolition of emergency buildings and structures and objects after a fire

6.19.1 Buildings and structures with emergency areas, including those caused by fire, should be eliminated by dismantling or collapsing methods. A justified choice of demolition method must be specified in the customer’s assignment, agreed with the regulatory authorities.

6.19.2 When demolishing a facility, all basic rules, sequence and technology for dismantling buildings given in this section must be followed.

6.19.3 Demolition of a building can be carried out using one of the collapsing methods given in Section 7. When working on demolition, especially dangerous buildings, it is necessary to comply with safety requirements:

Installation of temporary fastenings;

Fencing the territory;

Installation of scaffolding along the facades of the building, with a stretched mesh as a protective fence.

7 Methods for collapsing and dismantling building structures during the demolition of buildings and structures

7.1 For the collapse of building structures, methods are used that are divided into mechanical, thermal and explosive or combinations thereof. Mechanical ones include:

Excavators with replaceable attachments: hammer wedge, hammer ball, hydraulic shears, etc. For the demolition of one- or two-story buildings, hydraulic excavators are used, which provide the ability to control and control the direction of fall of destroyed structures and elements. For the demolition of panel buildings up to five floors, excavators with universal hydraulic grips are used. To demolish panel and monolithic buildings up to 25 m high, excavators with hydraulic or mechanical shears should be used. For the demolition of buildings and structures up to 60 m high, special demolition excavators weighing from 150 tons, equipped with hydraulic shears, are used. To open asphalt concrete pavements and quickly destroy concrete and reinforced concrete structures, a hydraulic hammer is used as a working replacement element for a backhoe loader.

Machines with diamond cutting discs are used for cutting concrete and reinforced concrete up to 450 mm thick;

Diamond wire is a steel cable with diamond bushings located on it. The work is performed by means of a rope machine with a motor and a system of rollers that control the movement of the rope. Used for dismantling structures made of concrete, reinforced concrete, brick and thick natural stone;

Wedge splitters driven by a hydraulic cylinder. The structure collapses silently and without scattering fragments.

The method is used to destroy monolithic and brick structures in cramped conditions.

7.2 The means of thermal influence on materials of destroyed structures include:

Oxygen spear;

Gas jet powder-oxygen lance;

Powder-oxygen cutter;

Reactive jet torch;

Electric arc melting.

High-performance thermal methods for the destruction of monolithic reinforced concrete structures are based on the use of a heat source in the form of a high-temperature gas flow or an electric arc. These methods are used to burn holes in concrete with a diameter of 30-120 mm and a depth of up to 4 m and to cut concrete and reinforced concrete with a thickness of 300-400 mm. Protection against gas evolution, scattering of sparks and hot particles should be provided.

7.3 Means of explosive impact on structural materials include:


Hydraulic explosion;

Electrohydraulic devices.

The explosive demolition method using explosives is usually used on vacant sites. In cramped building conditions, this method requires a device to protect against flying fragments.

7.3.1 Hydraulic explosion is used for crushing and splitting the material of building structures.

7.3.2 The electrohydraulic method of destruction of reinforced concrete monolithic structures uses the physical effect of a high-pressure hydraulic shock that occurs in a limited volume of liquid during an electrical discharge. The advantage of the method, compared to mechanical means, is the absence of noise, dust and gases. The method is safer compared to explosives, since the area of ​​scattering of fragments is reduced.

7.3.3 Building structures can be disassembled:

Through the complete destruction of the material from which they are made, for example, reinforced concrete foundations made of concrete classes up to B25;

Through partial destruction of the material of building frame elements: columns, crossbars, crane beams.

7.3.4 Concrete bases and floors with a thickness of 200 to 500 mm, brick, concrete and reinforced concrete walls and partitions, reinforced concrete floor slabs and coatings can be destroyed through partial or complete destruction of the material from which they are made.

8 Construction control and supervision of the demolition of buildings and structures

8.1 Construction control and supervision of demolition work is carried out during the execution of work to verify compliance of the work performed with design documentation and the requirements of technical regulations.

8.2 Construction control is carried out by representatives of the customer and the general contractor.

The implementation and procedure for construction control is regulated.

8.3 State construction supervision is carried out if the design documentation for the demolition of buildings and structures is subject to state examination in accordance with.

The subject of state construction supervision is checking the compliance of work performed during the demolition process with the requirements of technical regulations and design documentation.

The implementation and procedure for state construction supervision is regulated in.

9 Mechanization tools for demolition of buildings and structures

9.1 To carry out work on dismantling and dismantling buildings and structures, load-lifting cranes are used: jib cranes (on a truck, pneumatic wheels or crawler tracks), tower cranes, as well as other machines and mechanisms. The selection of a crane from those available is carried out according to operational characteristics and technical and economic indicators in the PPR.

9.2 Dismantling and disassembly work is carried out using universal hand-held electric and pneumatic machines (hammer hammers, grinders with cutting discs, drilling machines), and gas cutters.

9.3 Depending on the conditions of work, the geometric dimensions and weight of the load, lifting devices of different designs are used (slings, traverses, grips, etc.). Slings are among the simplest lifting devices in design and are flexible elements with end fastenings and gripping elements of various designs. As a rule, steel wire ropes, less often chains and tapes, are used as a flexible load-bearing element. According to the number of branches, slings are divided into single-branch rope (1SC), two-branch (2SC), three-branch (3SC), four-branch (4SC) and universal (USK), single-branch chain (1SC), two-branch (2SC), three-branch (3SC), four-branch ( 4SC) and universal (USC). Simple slings (SC and STs) are used for lifting loads with special devices (loops, hooks, bolts, etc.), universal slings are used for slinging loads with strapping.

Multi-leg slings are used for lifting and moving building parts and structures with two, three or four attachment points. They are widely used for slinging building elements (panels, blocks, trusses, etc.) equipped with loops or eyes. When using a multi-leg sling, the load must be transferred to all branches evenly, which is ensured by auxiliary connections. Universal slings are used when lifting loads that cannot be tied with ordinary slings (pipes, boards, rolled metal, apparatus, etc.).

Traverses are used for lifting and moving long or large-sized structures or equipment (columns, trusses, beams, etc.). Traverses are equipped with various grips, which include rope or chain slings with hooks, carabiners or grips.

9.4 For lifting, hydraulic devices such as wedge jacks are used.

9.5 In addition to lifting cranes, other machines and mechanisms are required, as well as a large range of technological equipment. Table A.1 of Appendix A shows the devices and equipment for dismantling a large-panel building.

10 Safety precautions during demolition

10.1 Work safety and labor protection are ensured by organizational, technical and technological solutions provided for in the PPR and technological maps. The main requirement that contributes to the safety of work is the installation of temporary fastenings and compliance with the sequence of dismantling building structures.

10.2 Workers are allowed to work after being briefed on occupational safety in the workplace, taking into account the specifics of dismantling a specific structure. Dismantling is carried out under the direct supervision of an engineer and technical worker appointed by order of the organization.

10.3 Dangerous areas must be marked with signs and inscriptions of the established form in accordance with GOST R 12.4.026. Temporary protective fences are installed at the border of hazardous areas in accordance with GOST 12.4.059.

10.4 Fire safety and electrical safety on the site must meet the requirements.

10.5 Electrical cutting work on steel is carried out in accordance with GOST 12.1.004, and. Carrying out electrical cutting work outdoors during rain and snowfall is not permitted.

10.6 Demolition work is carried out, as a rule, during daylight hours. Dismantling work at night (from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.) is carried out subject to a number of conditions and after appropriate permission from local authorities.

10.7 Openings in the ceiling, including elevator shafts, ventilation shafts and blocks, that remain temporarily uncovered during dismantling, are covered with inventory solid panels or temporary fences are placed around the perimeter. Open openings in the walls of the house must be closed with solid panels or secured with temporary fences around the entire perimeter, removed during the dismantling of the floor slabs.

When temporarily fixing panels:

Using supports: it is necessary that both support shoes stand on the floor slabs; installing chocks under the support shoes is not allowed;

Ties, struts (clamps with screw clamps).

10.8 When performing work at a height of more than 1.3 m (installation of temporary connections, fastenings and fencing, dismantling of external panels, balcony slabs, floor panels, etc.), workers must be attached using a carabiner on a mounting belt to a specially tensioned cable or anti-altitude device. Dismantling of roof elements at a height of more than 1.3 m is carried out from transitional scaffolds resting on wooden floor beams or on a reinforced concrete floor. When dismantling cornices and overhangs, it is prohibited for workers to be on the elements being dismantled or adjacent to them.

10.9 It is not allowed to carry out demolition or dismantling work on a house on different floors simultaneously along the same vertical (section). The entrance to the underlying premises must be closed during work.

10.10 When the crane is operating, its operator and dismantlers (slingers) must be provided with radio communication devices. When lifting and lowering dismantled elements, the vertical position of the cargo ropes must be ensured. It is not allowed to pull out pinched slings and ropes with a crane, lift reinforced concrete elements that are not completely freed from their connections, or pull them back during lifting, moving and lowering. It is prohibited to load the floors of the house with panels, slabs and other dismantled elements.

10.11 Slinging of reinforced concrete elements should be done with certified lifting devices or inventory slings. It is prohibited to sling reinforced concrete elements using the remaining mounting loops. Hooks must have safety locking devices.

10.12 Construction waste must be disposed of in closed chutes, in closed boxes or containers. The bottom end of the chute should fit into the waste bin or be no higher than 1 m above the ground.

11 Environmental protection and public safety during demolition

11.1 When carrying out dismantling work, environmental protection conditions must be observed. The dust content of the air must be appropriate.

11.2 When carrying out land leveling work, the soil layer suitable for subsequent use must be removed and stored in a specially designated area.

11.3 Work should be carried out with maximum protection of green spaces. Green spaces for which there is no felling permit are subject to protection - they are fenced and protected with wooden shields.

11.4 Small-piece demolition waste must be transported to recycling points in containers (bags) in containers intended for this purpose. Waste that cannot be disposed of should be transported, in accordance with an agreement with the local environmental protection and natural resource management authority, to a landfill.

12 Disposal of materials and structures obtained as a result of the demolition of buildings and structures

12.1 Disposal of concrete and reinforced concrete structures

12.1.1 The procedure and composition of preparatory work during the collection and transportation of structures and materials obtained during the liquidation of buildings depends on the method of their demolition (dismantling or collapse) and is carried out in accordance with the PIC.

12.1.2 When dismantling building structures, undestroyed structural elements (beams, columns, panels, etc.) are obtained, which, after technical diagnostics, assessment of their qualities by external signs and control by non-destructive methods, should be divided into standard and substandard.

12.1.3 Substandard structures, after their preliminary sorting by overall dimensions, type and strength characteristics of concrete, must be sent for processing at stationary complexes.

12.1.4 When a building is demolished using the collapse method, partially destroyed structural elements are obtained, the dimensions of which do not always correspond to the parameters of the primary crushers, therefore, at the demolition site they must be crushed to the size of the crusher’s loading opening and transported for further processing.

12.1.5 To avoid clogging of products with foreign matter (wood, glass, roofing felt, etc.) before primary crushing, manual selection is carried out using a belt conveyor with a belt of increased width and a movement speed of about 0.2 m/s - safe for personnel.

In some cases, wood waste is discarded in an aquatic environment.

12.2 Recycling of substandard reinforced concrete products

12.2.1 Large-sized products of substandard reinforced concrete delivered to a stationary site by road transport are subject to processing.

12.2.2 The technological process of processing includes two stages:

Preliminary destruction of products with separation of reinforcement;

Final secondary crushing of the separated mass of concrete in standard crushing plants.

12.2.3 Mechanical complexes are used as processing units.

The complex includes:

Unit for the primary destruction of reinforced concrete products using a hydraulic lever press;

Belt conveyor systems;

Magnetic reinforcement separator;

Serial jaw crusher;

Rubble storage bunkers.

The crushed stone obtained as a result of crushing is transported via a belt conveyor to storage bins equipped with electrically driven slide gates or to a finished product warehouse. The reinforcement separated from the concrete is transported to a temporary storage warehouse using a lifting mechanism.

12.2.5 The technology for destruction of substandard reinforced concrete structures using installations is carried out in the following order:

Using a lifting mechanism, a substandard reinforced concrete product is installed on the grate table;

The product is destroyed by a lever knife;

The crushed material, as the product is destroyed, falls through the table grate onto a conveyor belt and is transferred to the crushing unit;

Pieces of reinforcing steel are removed from the mass of crushed concrete on a conveyor belt using a magnetic separator in the exit area of ​​the conveyor belt;

Secondary crushing of pieces of concrete separated from reinforcement is carried out by a crusher.

12.2.6 The crushing technologies used depend on the composition of the processed materials and product requirements, therefore, technological schemes are completed in accordance with specific conditions:

Single-stage crushing, without separation into fractions and waste separation;

Two-stage crushing without sorting;

One- or two-stage crushing with sorting to obtain one or several product fractions, with crushers operating in a closed cycle;

One- or two-stage crushing with sorting and production of products, the fractional composition of which can be changed using controlled technology.

For single-stage crushing of reinforced concrete products, as a rule, jaw crushers are used; for two-stage crushing, rotary or cone crushers are used to obtain cube-shaped crushed stone grains.

12.2.7 Crushing equipment included in the technological line for processing reinforced concrete products of demolition or dismantling of buildings can be stationary, mobile or complex (temporary inclusion of mobile units in the stationary complex).

12.3 Scope of application of recycled materials

As a result of processing substandard reinforced concrete products from the demolition or dismantling of buildings, crushed stone of various fractions and sand are obtained, which are reused in the production of concrete mixtures and solutions.

Recycled coarse aggregates can be used in the construction of crushed stone bases under floors and foundations of buildings, under asphalt concrete pavements of roads of all classes, as well as the use of fine fractions (up to 5 mm) as filler in asphalt concrete. According to GOST 26633, the use of crushed concrete aggregates in concrete mixtures in the production of concrete and reinforced concrete structures with a strength of 5-20 MPa and a strength of 20-30 MPa (when mixed with natural crushed stone) is allowed only after tests confirming the possibility of obtaining concrete with standardized quality indicators .

12.4 Disposal of reinforced concrete structures and substandard elements of steel structures

12.4.1 Reinforcement and embedded products separated from the concrete of destructible reinforced concrete structures are subject to disposal.

12.4.2 The technological process for recycling fittings and embedded products provides for the following operations:

Removal of reinforcement and embedded products from the installation of primary destruction of concrete;

Shredding reinforcement into measured pieces in accordance with GOST 2787 by fire cutting or using hydraulic or alligator shears;

Removing remnants of reinforcement and embedded products from crushed concrete;

Sales through delivery to enterprises for processing.

12.4.3 Substandard products made from steel structures resulting from the demolition of buildings are disposed of in a similar manner.

12.5 Recycling and use of brick wall materials

12.5.1 Materials obtained from dismantling the brick walls of a building using the mechanical method of destruction (cutting) are blocks, the dimensions of which do not always correspond to the parameters of the receiving opening of the crushers. To prepare for crushing, blocks must be crushed at the demolition site to the size of the crusher feed opening and transported for processing on stationary processing lines.

12.5.2 Primary processing of brick waste from the demolition of a building should be carried out on single-rotor crushers, the resulting crushed stone is transferred by a conveyor belt to a storage hopper.

12.5.3 The need for further step-by-step crushing, sorting of crushed stone and its use is determined by the customer’s technical conditions.

12.6 Processing and disposal of substandard wooden products

12.6.1 Substandard wooden products are obtained during the demolition of buildings from the dismantling of roofs, interfloor ceilings and from the demolition of buildings with frames made of wooden structures.

12.6.2 Substandard wooden materials can be used as raw materials in the production of fuel briquettes, fiberboard, particle boards, etc., by grinding them into sawdust and shavings. Requirements for the quality of materials supplied for disposal are determined by the technical conditions of the manufacturer of the products.

12.7 Recycling and disposal of other building materials

12.7.1 Recycling of cullet

Cullet glass is processed by crushing and grinding to obtain fine bulk material in powder form for use as an active filler in the manufacture of various building materials. Fine powder is used for the manufacture of foam concrete blocks, as a component that acts as a filler and binder material at the same time. When processing cullet in a rod mixer, the necessary processing mode must be maintained, allowing to obtain a powder with particles smaller than 0.5-1 mm; in this case, the fine components of the powder are used as binding components.

An installation for processing cullet must provide the possibility of additional grinding of the powder to increase its binding properties. An example of a technological line for processing cullet is shown in Figure 3.

This production line is also used for processing insulation in a different operating mode. The installation consists of a unit for receiving the source material from a hammer crusher for primary crushing, grinding and sieving, which ensures the production of fillers of the required fractions suitable for the manufacture of various building materials and products.

The installation operates in an open area and has a dust removal system.

12.7.2 Recycling waste insulation

Insulation waste is processed to produce dispersed powder used in the manufacture of foam concrete wall blocks as a filler, instead of natural quartz sand. In terms of their physical properties, dispersed powders obtained from processing various insulation materials correspond to fillers from glass processing. Insulation materials used in construction practice are subject to recycling for reuse: expanded clay, slag and other backfills, slab insulation materials.

The insulation materials listed above are stored in containers or separate stacks at the demolition site and delivered to the processing point by road.

At the processing point, fibrous insulation materials (mineral wool) are stored in a separate stack and mixed with other types of insulation materials in a 1:3 ratio before loading into the receiving hopper of the crushing and grinding plant. In this case, the slab insulation boards must be pre-crushed so that the size of the pieces does not exceed the dimensions of the inlet of the hammer crusher (200x500 mm).

Crushing and grinding are carried out in two stages - primary crushing in a hammer crusher (particle sizes less than 8 mm) and secondary crushing in a rod mill to particle sizes (0-1 mm).

One of the main requirements for recycling waste insulation is its separate collection and storage during demolition or dismantling of buildings. In addition, it is necessary to assess their physical condition before processing (humidity, size of pieces to be processed), as well as their crowding, which does not allow for their continuous supply to the receiving department of the processing plant.

12.7.3 Recycling of bituminous roofing waste

Recycling of bitumen roofing waste is carried out to obtain bitumen, as well as to reduce environmental pollution of the air basin in order to avoid the practice of burning roofing waste.

Recycling of bitumen-roofing felt waste is carried out by heat treatment at a temperature of 280°C - 300°C in special boilers. An example of a technological waste processing process is shown in Figure 4 and includes the following operations:

Formation of a waste package for loading into the boiler;

Slinging packages;

Installation in the boiler;

Melting out bitumen;

Removing the package and draining the remaining bitumen from the base.

The formed package of bitumen waste on the roof of the building, without changing its shape, is lowered into the cassette of the boiler to melt the bitumen. Cassette 4 is made in the form of a grid welded from reinforcement Ø5-8 mm; eight cuttings of roofing waste measuring 1000x1000x1000 mm with a gap of 22 mm between them are installed in a vertical position. The gap is created and maintained using two skewers. The cassette is slinged using brackets 500 mm high, so that the brackets are located above the surface of the liquid bitumen. A fine steel mesh is placed on the cassette to filter foreign inclusions larger than 5 mm.

Liquid bitumen from the bitumen tank is poured into the boiler through the upper hole after removing the cover 12. A pipe 3 is provided to remove the vapors. When pouring bitumen with a volume of 2 m 3, the cassette is immersed in the bitumen and the bitumen level rises to mark II-II, which is above the surface of the waste cuttings, the cassette is completely immersed in bitumen.

After the bitumen is melted, it is drained and the level is lowered to mark III-III. The cassette with the base of the roofing carpet (cardboard or fiberglass) is removed and suspended for 5-10 minutes to completely drain the remaining bitumen.

13 Occupational safety measures in construction waste processing plants

13.1 Workers servicing technological lines for waste processing must receive instruction in general safety rules, on-the-job instruction, and also acquire practical skills for safely performing work on their site.

13.2 Requirements for the operation of technological lines and aspiration systems are given in , , .

13.3 The technological process for the production of crushed stone from concrete and reinforced concrete products must comply with safety requirements in accordance with GOST 12.3.002 and GOST 12.3.020.

13.4 Hygienic requirements for production processes and equipment are given in.

13.5 When producing crushed stone from concrete and reinforced concrete products, its radiation-hygienic assessment must be carried out in accordance with GOST 30108, based on the results of which the scope of application of the crushed stone is established.

13.6 Technological installations for processing demolition waste or dismantling of building structures and materials must meet the following requirements:

The designs of installations must comply with GOST 12.2.003;

Air dust, vibration and noise levels generated by installations must comply with GOST 12.1.003 and GOST 12.1.012;

The electrical signals of the control circuit must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents;

The location of the workplace, its elements and other ergonomic requirements must comply with GOST 22269;

Symbols of control elements on switchboards and consoles must comply with GOST 12.4.040;

Occupational safety of work on installations must comply with GOST 12.3.002.

14 Environmental protection requirements during the recycling process

14.3 Incoming secondary crushed stone material after waste processing must be tested for specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in accordance with GOST 30108.

14.4 In the workshops of enterprises processing construction waste from the demolition of residential buildings, a system for aspiration of technological equipment and places for transferring material must be provided. Dusty air must flow through air ducts into aspiration units equipped with metal-ceramic cyclones with fans.

14.5 Technological equipment of aspiration installations, as a rule, should operate in automatic mode.

14.6 In the finished product warehouse, when pouring crushed crushed stone into cones, lifting guards must be provided to prevent dust.

Appendix A

Devices, equipment and equipment for dismantling a large-panel building

Table A.1

Name and purpose

Designation of a normative document

Load-handling devices

GOST 33715-2015

2 Cargo magnet

3 Cargo sling (sling)

4 Cargo cross-beam (cross-beam)

Dismantling equipment

GOST 24259-80

6 Stretching

7 Spacer

9 Lock

Temporary fencing

10 Temporary fencing of the danger zone on the ceiling (typical)

GOST 23407-78

11 Temporary fencing of the danger zone on the ceiling

12 Chain link

13 Fencing of landings and flights

14 Safety device on a monolithic floor

Containers, packaging

15 Container for storing equipment

GOST R 53350-2009


STO NOSTROY 2.33.53-2011 Organization of construction production. Demolition (dismantling) of buildings and structures

MDS 12-64.2013 Standard design for organizing work for dismantling (demolition) of a building (structure)

SP 13-102-2003 Rules for inspection of load-bearing building structures of buildings and structures

SNiP 12-03-2001 Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements

153-07 TK Technological diagrams for dismantling and dismantling of interfloor ceiling structures

SNiP 5.02.02-86 Standards for the need for construction tools

Federal Law of December 29, 2004 N 190-FZ "Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation"

SNiP 12-04-2002 Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production

Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE) (7th ed.)

Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations (approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 6)

Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Industrial safety rules for hazardous production facilities that use equipment operating under excess pressure" (approved by Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated March 25, 2014 N 116)

SP Hygienic requirements for the organization of technological processes, production equipment and working tools

Construction organization project (COP) for the dismantling of an existing building at the address: 197376, St. Petersburg, emb. Karpovka River, 5, building 17 lit. A, developed on the basis of the technical specifications for contract No. PD-2011/08-05-01 dated December 24, 2008 and is the basis for the development of a work project (WPP).

The project was drawn up for the entire period of dismantling work, for the entire scope of work, and establishes the optimal duration of construction work as a whole and its stages (SNiP 1.04.03-85).

The project was developed in accordance with the following main regulatory documents:

  • 1. SNiP 12-01-2004 “Organization of construction”;
  • 2. SNiP 3.01.01-85* “Organization of construction production”;
  • 3. SNiP 3.02.01-87 “Earth structures, foundations and foundations”;
  • 4. GOST 21.101-97. Basic requirements for design and working documentation;
  • 5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008. No. 87 Moscow “On the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content”;
  • 6. SNiP 1.04.03-85* “Norms for construction duration and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures”;
  • 7. SNiP 21-01-97* “Fire Safety”;
  • 8. SNiP 3.01.03-85 “Geodetic work in construction”;
  • 9. SNiP 3.03.01 “Load-bearing and enclosing structures”;
  • 10. SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction” part 1;
  • 11. SNiP 12-04-2002 “Labor safety in construction” part 2;
  • 12. SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the organization of construction production and construction work”;
  • 13. Standards for the duration of major repairs of residential and public buildings and urban amenities. – M., Stroyizdat, 1982;
  • 14. PPB-01-03 “Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation”, Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • 15. SP 12-136-2002 “Decisions on labor protection and industrial safety in construction projects and work projects”;
  • 16. VSN 41-85(r)/Gosgrazhdanstroy. “Instructions for the development of projects for the organization and projects for the production of work on major repairs of residential buildings”;
  • 17. TSN 30-306-02 SPb “Reconstruction and development of historically developed areas of St. Petersburg”;
  • 18. SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the organization of construction production and construction work”;

This construction organization project has been developed for the demolition of a building, the customer is LLC Karpovka, 5, with the removal of construction waste and disposal, with a protective fence of the construction site along the boundaries of neighboring plots. The PIC was carried out in order to ensure the preparation of construction proceedings and justification of the necessary resources.

This project for organizing dismantling work was developed for the purpose of preparing production and serves as the source material for the development of work production projects (WPP).

An organization that has a license, experience and is equipped with all the necessary technical, mechanical and protective equipment for the work is involved in carrying out work on the development of buildings.

All dismantling work should be carried out according to the work execution plan (WPP), developed by the contractor, approved by the head of the organization performing the work and agreed upon with all interested persons and organizations in the appropriate manner.

  • on the basis of this PIC, develop a project for the demolition of buildings;
  • line engineering and technical workers supervising construction should carefully study all sections of the project before starting work;
  • carry out dismantling of buildings in accordance with the project, PPR and standard technological maps;
  • develop and implement monitoring recommendations;
  • keep a log of step-by-step inspection of hidden work and intermediate acceptance of critical structural elements;
  • when assessing the quality of construction and installation work, be guided by the instructions of SNiP 3.06.03-85 part 3.

2. Special conditions

In accordance with the rules on construction contracts, the customer must, within the time frame agreed with the contractor, provide:

  • To allocate an area in the immediate vicinity of the construction site for the placement of administrative and utility premises;
  • Obtain permission from the owner of utility networks passing through the territory for the installation of temporary roads and construction fencing;

    Obtain permission from the traffic police for the passage of vehicles, approve routes for pedestrians and vehicles;

    Obtain permission to turn off and disconnect utility networks approaching the facility.

The work is carried out in cramped conditions, characterized by the following features:

    Intense traffic and pedestrian traffic in the immediate vicinity of the work site;

    An extensive network of existing utilities;

    Cramped conditions.

Before starting work:

    Establish monitoring of settlements in existing buildings with the involvement of licensed organizations;

    Conduct an inspection of existing buildings with the preparation of a defective list and photographic recording of buildings located in the security zone.

The movement of building structures and materials from disassembly should only be carried out according to the schemes developed in the PPR.

The work schedule is one and a half shifts from 8.00 to 20.00 hours in accordance with the order No. 3 of the chief state sanitary doctor for St. Petersburg “On the prohibition of construction and installation work at night that creates an increased sound level in the surrounding buildings” dated August 1, 2002.

3. Brief climate information

The construction zone belongs to climatic region II, subdistrict PV, according to SNiP 23-01-99 “Construction climatology”.

The absolute minimum outdoor temperature is -36˚С, the absolute maximum is +33˚С. The average maximum temperature of the hottest month is +22.1˚С. The average number of days per year with an average outdoor temperature less than 0˚С is 143, less than 8˚С is 219.

  • The freezing depth of clay and loamy soils is 1.45 m.
  • The standard mass of snow cover is 100 kgf/m2.
  • The standard wind speed at a height of 10 meters is 35 kgf/m2.
  • The daily maximum precipitation is 76 mm.

The projected construction site is located in the Petrogradsky district of St. Petersburg, embankment. Karpovka River, house 5, building 17, lit. A.

The territory under consideration is characterized by an excessively humid climate with an unstable weather regime, which belongs to the II-B subregion according to the climatic zoning of Russia for construction. In geomorphological terms, the construction site under consideration is located within the Prinevskaya lowland with absolute elevations of 5.5-5.6 m. Soils of four genetic formations take part in its structure: technogenic (tiy), lacustrine-sea (m+iiy), lacustrine coatings glacial and glacial.

4. General characteristics of the dismantling site

The construction organization project considers the dismantling of existing buildings at the address: Petrogradsky district, embankment of the Karpovka River, building 5, building 17, letter A on a land plot with cadastral number 78:3118:15:20, to the extent necessary in accordance with current legislation to obtain all examinations, permits and approvals of government organizations, coordination and examination of the project with government, departmental and non-departmental organizations, obtaining permission from the State Service for Construction and Electrical Engineering for demolition.

Building No. 17 is owned by JSC Poligrafmash. The building was built approximately in 1966 according to the design of the Gipropribor Institute (Leningrad).

The total area of ​​the buildings, according to the technical passport, is 2602.4 sq.m.

According to the KGA (Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture), the site is located within the boundaries of the Petrogradsky district, bounded by Professor Popov streets, Aptekarsky Avenue, the embankment of the Karpovka River, and Medikov Avenue.

Administratively, the site is located in the Petrogradsky district of St. Petersburg. Geomorphologically, the work site falls within the Prinevskaya Lowland.

Technogenic, marine, lacustrine and glacial deposits take part in the geological structure of the site to a depth of 27.00 m.

II.1. Technogenic deposits (tgIV) were encountered in all wells. They are represented by medium-sized grayish-brown sands with gravel, pebbles mixed with organic matter and medium-density construction waste. In depth intervals of 0.0-0.3 m, the bulk layer is represented by asphalt and crushed stone. The thickness of the bulk soil layer varies from 2.9 to 3.2 m. The bottom of the layer lies at absolute levels from 0.2 to (-) 0.5 m.

II.2. Marine sediments (m.l IV) were penetrated by all wells. They are represented by two layers, medium-sized, medium-density sand and loose sand.

2. Sands of medium coarseness, grayish-brown, medium density, water-saturated. The thickness of the layer varies from 2.6 to 5.0 m. The base of the layer has absolute elevations from (-) 2.4 to (-) 4.9 m.

2a. Sands of medium coarseness are brownish-gray, loose, water-saturated (opened only in well 1). The thickness of the layer is 3.0 m. The bottom of the layer has an absolute elevation of (-) 3.5.

II.3. Lacustrine-glacial deposits (lg III) - light, silty, grayish-brown loams, unclearly layered, fluid-plastic. The thickness of the layer varies from 1.5 to 4.2 m. The bottom of the layer has absolute elevations from (-) 5.00 to (-) 6.6 m.

II.4. Glacial deposits (g III) were encountered in all wells. Presented in three layers:

Gray sandy loam with nests of sand with gravel and plastic pebbles. The thickness of the layer ranges from 4.0 to 5.9 m. The base of the layer has absolute elevations from (-) 9.0 to (-) 12.3 m.

Gray silty sandy loam with gravel and plastic pebbles. The thickness of the layer varies from 4.8 m to 7.8 m. The layer has been passed through to abs. elevation -24.0m. The bottom of the layer has absolute elevations from (-) 16.8 to (-) 17.3 m.

Gray silty sandy loam with gravel, hard pebbles, with plastic layers. The exposed thickness of the layer varies from 6.1 m to 7.2 m, the layer has been penetrated to abs. marks (-) 23.40 to (-) 24.0 m.

Hydrogeologically, the site is characterized by the presence of a horizon of groundwater with a free surface, confined to sea sands and interlayers of water-saturated sand in the thickness of glacial-lacustrine deposits.

During drilling operations (February 2007), groundwater with a free surface was recorded at a depth of 2.9 to 3.5 m, which corresponds to an absolute level of 0.1 m.

Groundwater recharge occurs due to the infiltration of atmospheric precipitation. Groundwater discharge occurs in the river. Karpovka. During periods of maximum precipitation and heavy snowmelt, the maximum U.G.E. position should be expected. at a depth of 0.5-1.0 m. During periods of surge phenomena when the water level in the river rises. Karpovka (underwater groundwater) it is possible to rise the groundwater level to levels close to the daytime surface (absolute elevation about 3.00-3.60 m).

According to the results of chemical analyzes of water samples taken at the site, in accordance with SNiP 2.03.11-85, groundwater is non-aggressive towards concrete grade W4.

In accordance with GOST 9.602-2005, groundwater is highly corrosive to lead and medium to aluminum cable sheaths. When determining the approximate water inflow into trenches and pits in accordance with the "Hydrogeologist's Reference Guide", L., 1982, the following filtration coefficients can be adopted:

for loams 0.1-0.3 m/day

for sands 3-5m/day

5. Stroygenplan

The construction master plan was developed on a scale of 1:500 for the main period of dismantling the building at the address: St. Petersburg, embankment of the Karpovka River, reflecting certain issues of the preparatory and main periods of construction work,

The construction plan shows:

  • boundaries of the construction site and types of its fencing;
  • permanent buildings and structures, existing buildings and structures subject to demolition;
  • locations of temporary, including mobile (inventory) buildings and structures;
  • protective and warning structures;
  • permanent and temporary roads and other routes for transporting structures, materials and products, traffic patterns for vehicles and mechanisms, installation sites for construction machines, indicating the routes of their movement and coverage areas;
  • vehicle traffic patterns, working and hazardous areas of main construction machines;
  • existing and temporary underground, ground and air networks and communications, as well as sources of supplying the construction site with electricity, water, heat, steam, storage areas;
  • locations of devices for removing construction waste;
  • sites and premises for storing materials and structures;
  • location of premises for sanitary services for construction workers, drinking water installations and recreation areas, as well as high-risk areas;
  • hazardous areas near dismantled buildings, construction sites, reconstruction and operation of hazardous production facilities, work sites for excavators and other construction equipment;
  • places for installing fire hydrants, panels with fire-fighting equipment, smoking areas.

The construction master plan also indicates:

explication of permanent existing and dismantled structures;

explication of temporary buildings and structures indicating the type (brand, standard project number), open scad and other sites;

a list (in tabular form) of permanent and temporary utility networks and site fencing, indicating their length;

accepted conventions.

5.1 Organizational and technological stages of construction

To ensure timely preparation and compliance with the technological sequence of construction, the project provides for two construction periods: initial (preparatory) and main.

Initial stage of work:

At the construction site accepted from the customer under the act, the general contractor provides the following preparatory work:

Construction of temporary household inventory buildings.

Install household and administrative buildings at the construction site in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN As part of the sanitary premises, places must be allocated and equipped for placing first aid kits with medicines, stretchers, fixing splints and other means for providing first aid to victims.

Provide temporary household premises with water and electricity. The drinking water regime is imported, in accordance with the requirements of sanitary standards and regulations.

Provide temporary power supply to the construction site.

Power supply to the construction site will be provided from a diesel generator (diesel generator) according to the calculation of the construction site energy consumption.

During the dismantling period, it is planned to illuminate the work areas with Atlas Copco QAX diesel generator sets with lighting masts.

Install temporary electrical networks around the site at a height:

3.5 m – above aisles;

6.0 m – above driveways.

The wiring of temporary electrical networks must be done with insulated cables.

All electrical equipment installed on the construction site during the construction of the building must comply with GOST R50 571.23-2000 “Electrical installations of construction sites”.

Temporary schemes are developed taking into account the requirements of VSN 37-84 “Instructions for organizing traffic to limit road work sites.”

Construction site fencing in height and continuity meets the requirements of GOST 23407-78 “Fencing of inventory construction sites and areas for construction and installation work. Technical conditions". The fences are made of reinforced concrete.

At the initial stage, before dismantling begins, all work on the transfer of transit utility networks must be completed, internal engineering systems must be disconnected and disconnected from external networks, and work on the construction of protective and warning structures must be completed.

Installation of a wheel washing station at the exit from the construction site.

At the entrance to and exit from the construction site, information boards must be installed indicating the name and location of the facility, the name of the owner and (or) customer, the contractor performing the work, the name, position and telephone number of the responsible producer of the work on the facility. At the entrance to the construction site, a diagram must be installed indicating buildings and temporary buildings and structures under construction, entrances, entrances, locations of water sources, fire extinguishing and communications equipment, with graphic designations in accordance with GOST 12.1.114-82

All preparatory work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12-01-2004*

The completion of preparatory work at the construction site must be accepted according to the act on the implementation of occupational safety measures, drawn up in accordance with Appendix “I” of SNiP 12-01-2004*.

At the initial stage of dismantling work, a reinforced concrete fence is installed.

Main stage works:

Dismantling is carried out using a Komatsu PC 450 LCD -7 demolition excavator equipped with CC2100 hydraulic shears

After dismantling the outer part of buildings and structures, work is carried out to dismantle the underground part of the buildings using a Volvo 290 B excavator with an NM-350 hydraulic hammer.

The site manager, foreman, and drivers must have radio communications. The excavator operator performs dismantling work in tandem with an assistant who monitors the general situation at the site, the threat of structural collapse and the possible fall of building elements onto the excavator.

The debris of brickwork and reinforced concrete is cleaned up by a Bobcat S 300 forklift and loaded into KAMAZ dump trucks. Storage of waste and construction waste is carried out at a special site. When loading large debris, a Volvo 290 B excavator is used.

To ensure the movement of a destructive excavator, a temporary road does not need to be built, since the territory is a paved area. Komatsu PC 450 LCD -7 moves on an asphalt road protected by wooden decking and metal sheets.

For the passage of a destructive excavator, the road must be from 3.5 to 6 m, in unloading areas 6 m, turning radii of at least 9 m.

The main site for temporary storage of construction waste is located on the construction site. When constructing the site, it is necessary to provide for the formation of slopes of at least 2% to drain surface rainwater.

The movement and loading of construction waste during dismantling work is carried out using a Bobcat S 300 loader. All materials from dismantling are transported to the recycling site in the village of Yanino, LLC "Association for Demolition of Buildings" for further processing and disposal.

All needs for temporary buildings are met through the installation of mobile change houses BShP 6000 mm long.

For fire-fighting purposes, a hydrant is used at the nearest well of the existing water supply network, as well as sand from special boxes located near the fire shield.

For the entry of vehicles and construction equipment, the existing entrance from the Fontanka River embankment is used. It is difficult to turn construction vehicles around in compliance with the standards for their safe movement; it is possible to organize their entry into the construction site in reverse.

5.2 Methods for carrying out dismantling work

To carry out the work, specialized organizations are involved that have a license to carry out the relevant types of work.

It is allowed to proceed with the disassembly of tasks only if there is an approved work plan (clause 3.2 of SNiP 12-01-2004 “Construction Organization”), as well as according to the technological maps developed as part of the PPR, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.06.03-85 ( Part III) and technical specifications. Before starting work, enter into an agreement for technical supervision of the work.

The recommended structure of the division of the construction organization performing the work is the construction site. When organizing dismantling work, a comprehensive flow should be provided, covering: engineering preparation of the territory, dismantling of the roof and rafter system, dismantling of ceilings, dismantling of window fillings and utility networks, dismantling of load-bearing walls and partitions, disposal of construction waste, delivery of completed work to the customer. Dismantling of buildings and structures, individual structural elements belongs to the category of the most complex and labor-intensive work.

After completing the preparatory work, before dismantling work, it is necessary to carry out a visual inspection of the structures of the demolished structure, identifying and recording changes that may occur since the last inspection and, taking into account the data obtained, a project for dismantling work is carried out. Based on the results of the surveys, an act is drawn up, on the basis of which the following issues are resolved:

    Selecting a disassembly method;

    Establishing the sequence of work;

    Establishing hazardous areas and using protective barriers if necessary;

    Temporary fastening of individual structures of the building being dismantled in order to prevent their accidental collapse;

    Dust suppression measures;

    All building structures and building elements that threaten collapse are listed, highlighting the most dangerous ones;

    The constructive connection of the threatened structures with adjacent elements of the building being dismantled and with adjacent buildings is indicated;

    Possible reasons that could cause a collapse are listed;

    Safety measures when working at height;

The specification of work production methods is carried out during the development of a work production project (WPP).

Dismantling of load-bearing structures should be carried out only if there is an approved work plan and a technological map for dismantling load-bearing structures.

From the moment the work begins until its completion, the contractor must keep a work log, which displays the progress and quality of the work, as well as all facts and circumstances that are significant in the production relationship between the customer and the contractor (date of start and completion of work, date of provision of materials, services, messages about the acceptance of work, delays associated with the failure of construction equipment, the customer’s opinion on private issues, as well as everything that may affect the final deadline for completion of the work).

Construction work is carried out in accordance with Russian norms and rules specified in the list of regulatory documents. The construction machinery and equipment used must have a technical passport and a certificate of compliance with Russian norms and standards. All dismantling work should be performed under the guidance of a foreman or foreman. Dangerous areas must be fenced off with signal barriers and warning signs must be posted on them. Contractors must have a license to perform the relevant types of work, issued by federal or licensed centers.

During the main period of work, the immediate dismantling of the 5-2 storey part of the building letter A, cleaning, garbage removal, dismantling of basements, backfilling pits and territory planning are carried out.

Dismantling of the above-ground part of the building is carried out from top to bottom using pneumatic and electric tools, as well as special equipment: a special excavator with a boom length of 25 m, equipped with hydraulic shears, hydraulic hammers and grabs of various types, and a rotary loader.

Dismantling should begin with manual disassembly of those building elements that can be reused. The scope of such work is determined by the customer when concluding a contract. Such structures include: stone external steps, stone facing slabs of the base and walls; double-glazed windows, aluminum window frames, wood-aluminum frames, door blocks; stone and other finishing slabs for facing walls, floors, stairs and other internal elements; cast iron, forged fences; various metal elements, including radiators and central heating pipes, plumbing fixtures. Storage areas for disassembled recyclable items must be organized outside the hazardous dismantling area.

The main measures against possible self-collapse of structures are timely removal of debris from each floor, immediately after its disassembly. Overloading of floors is unacceptable. The collapse of upper interfloor slabs onto lower slabs is prohibited. Simultaneous dismantling of two or more floors is not permitted.

Dismantling work using special equipment, pneumatic and electrical equipment:

  • Using a Komatsu PC 450 LCD-7 excavator with hydraulic shears, dismantle the roof by biting off roof structural elements. Work should be carried out along the span from the highest elevation of the roof. Lower the disassembled elements inside onto the ceiling. When dismantling low-rise structures, an excavator is used. When dismantling foundations - 290 D VOLVO

The technical characteristics of hydraulic shears allow disassembly, eliminating the possibility of objects flying outside the danger zone. The excavator must be installed so that during operation the distance between the rotating part in any position and buildings and other objects is at least 1 m;

  • Dismantling of brick walls and wall panels is carried out using a PC 450 LCD-7 excavator and a Volvo 290 with hydraulic shears;
  • Dismantling of foundations, as well as excavation work, is carried out using a Volvo 290 B excavator with a hydraulic hammer;
  • The sequence of demolition of walls should be determined taking into account ensuring the stability and rigidity of the remaining walls;
  • After demolishing the wall, remove debris from disassembly. It is allowed to approach the cleaning site when the foreman or foreman is convinced that there are no overhanging objects and gives permission to clear the rubble;
  • Next, proceed to dismantling the floor slabs (panels);
  • Dismantle the coating slabs using hydraulic shears, cutting the slab on one side at the fastening joint;
  • Simultaneous dismantling of two adjacent covering slabs is not allowed;
  • Disassemble the blockage to dismantle the subsequent slab;
  • Dismantle subsequent slabs in the same way as the previous one;
  • Dismantling of rectangular reinforced concrete columns is carried out after completion of dismantling the coating slabs using hydraulic shears. Work should be carried out starting from the top mark of the column, cutting into pieces no larger than 70 cm and lowering the dismantled columns into the building.

Manual dismantling:

Manual disassembly inside the building is carried out under the direct supervision of engineering and technical personnel in compliance with labor safety rules applied during major renovations of buildings, as well as fire safety rules.

Dismantling is carried out manually of those building elements that can be reused. The scope of such work is determined by the customer when concluding a contract. Recycled structures include: stone external steps, stone facing slabs of the plinth and walls; stone and other finishing slabs for facing walls, floors, stairs and other internal elements; double-glazed windows, aluminum window frames, wood-aluminum frames, door blocks; cast iron forged fences; various metal elements, including radiators and central heating pipes, plumbing fixtures.

All workers must be provided with safety belts, helmets, special clothing, and personal and collective protective equipment. Must have job descriptions and permission to work at heights. For each worker, a “Permission Work Order” is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12-03-2001.

All dismantling work should be carried out in such a way that the level of dynamic impact on the structures of adjacent buildings does not exceed the maximum permissible acceleration of vertical vibrations of 0.15 m/sec2. To do this, along the perimeter and inside the building being dismantled, install “cushions” of broken bricks h=300 mm, which allow to dampen the dynamic load that occurs when dismantling elements are piled inside the building.

Dismantling work should be carried out during daylight hours. Work on dismantling floor slabs and reinforced concrete columns should be carried out in the presence of the Customer’s technical supervision and recorded in the work log.

5.2.1 Sequence of work

    Preparatory activities carried out before dismantling work:

    Obtain permission provided by the customer to carry out dismantling work;

    Carry out an inspection of adjacent buildings;

    Obtain technical specifications for the removal of life support engineering systems, develop the necessary projects and carry out work on them necessary for the life support of neighboring buildings;

    Disconnect and disconnect the internal engineering networks of the facility from external engineering communications of gasification networks, electricity supply, heat supply, water supply and sewerage, telephone and radio installations;

    Provide the facility with electricity and water;

    Install protective, fencing and warning structures in the required places;

    Install temporary lighting for the construction site;

    Organize pedestrian passages, vehicle passages, storage areas, recreation areas at the construction site;

    Set up a wheel washing station.

Dismantling of the above-ground part of the building letter A;
Dismantling of basements and underground utilities;
Filling pits and irregularities, territory planning;
Dismantling and removal of protective structures, temporary networks and engineering structures;
Transfer of the site according to the act to the Customer. 5.3 Measures to protect adjacent buildings and transit engineering systems 1. When dismantling buildings, use gentle methods, including floor-by-floor dismantling of the structure, dividing the elements into separate blocks, the weight of which depends on the equipment used in the development. This is especially true for those elements that are directly adjacent to existing residential buildings;

2. Dismantling work must be carried out with mandatory operational monitoring;

3. In the process of geotechnical monitoring, monitor the occurrence and development of horizontal or vertical displacements of walls, making it possible to record the moment of violation of the integrity of the wall (the appearance of cracks in the masonry), as well as control vibration parameters (dynamic control);

4. The following main areas are subject to monitoring:

Geodetic control of settlement, tilt of two buildings adjacent to the demolished buildings and having historical value;

Visual and instrumental monitoring of the technical condition of buildings (formation of cracks in walls);

Control of ground vibration parameters;

Operational control of zero cycle work.

5. Dynamic monitoring must be carried out using sensors installed on walls and on the ground and allowing to monitor and record the parameters of dynamic effects. Dynamic modes are considered safe for the foundation of protected buildings if they meet the requirements of VSN 490-87. Exceeding the permissible parameters of dynamic loads will lead to a mandatory stop of work. Work can be resumed only after implementation of recommendations to reduce dynamic impacts promptly issued by the controlling organization.

Dynamic control is carried out throughout the entire period of dismantling work.

7. It is proposed to protect transit communications by fencing security zones with warning tape and installing warning signs indicating the prohibition of excavation work.

8. Protection of utility networks.

On the site of the dismantled building there are on-site and transit networks of communication, radio, water supply, sewerage and heating, gasification and electricity.

For the removal of utility networks, it is necessary to obtain technical specifications from operating organizations.

In accordance with technical specifications, on-site networks must be turned off and disconnected from external networks. Transit networks must be reliably protected.

To protect the inspection wells of transit engineering systems, the project proposes to cover them with sheet iron with a thickness of at least 8 mm. The boundaries of the sheets must protrude beyond the boundaries of the well hatch by at least 1.5 m. The sheet of protective iron should not touch the manhole cover; if necessary, add sand.

5.4 Carrying out work in winter

Work in winter should be carried out in accordance with the measures specified in the PPR and in accordance with the relevant sections:

    SNiP 3.02.01-87 “Earth structures, foundations and foundations”;

    SNiP 3.03.01-87 “Load-bearing and enclosing structures”;

    SNiP 12-03-2001 “Occupational safety in construction, part 1. General data”;

    SNiP 12-04-2002 “Labor safety in construction, part 2. Construction production.”

Dismantling of foundations in winter should be carried out in combination with a set of measures to protect the foundation from freezing, including the existing building that is not subject to demolition.

The soil and foundations must be protected from freezing by covering or insulation.

Backfill the sinuses of pits and trenches with sand or recycled construction waste from dismantling).

The preparation method is selected and justified in the PPR.

The proposed wheel washing installation has a winter configuration with heated water. The washer can operate down to a temperature of -15˚C. In case of severe frosts, it is recommended to drain purified water into the storm sewer well in advance. In severe frosts, you can stop driving cars, or use mechanical or pneumatic cleaning of wheels.

Water supply is provided by imported water. Containers with water should be located in heated rooms.

The winter construction period is considered to be the time between the dates of the onset of a stable average daily air temperature of +5˚С in autumn and spring, because Even at this temperature, many types of work must be carried out in compliance with all winter construction rules. Instructions were carried out with engineers and workers on the rules for performing work in winter conditions, and technological maps for dismantling work in winter conditions were studied.

5.5 Instructions on methods of instrumental quality control of dismantling work

During dismantling work, it is necessary to carry out mandatory operational geodetic (instrumental) control in accordance with section 4 of SNiP 3.01.03-84 “Geodetic work in construction.”

In addition, continuous monitoring also provides high-quality instrumental quality control of dismantling work. The methods, procedure for maintaining and accounting for instrumental control are indicated as part of the work execution plan (WPP). All geodetic work at the construction site must be carried out in accordance with projects for the production of geodetic work (PPGR).

5.6 Measures to ensure the safety of pedestrians and vehicles

The construction site is fenced with a stable solid fence. To warn the population about the danger, it is necessary to install signal lights, inscriptions and signs.

Demolition of building structures using an excavator equipped with hydraulic shears should only be carried out under the direct supervision of an engineer and technical worker responsible for the safe execution of work.

Dismantling of buildings should be carried out at a time agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure. At the same time, the passage of pedestrians and vehicles in the danger zone is not allowed. The dimensions of the dangerous zone and the method of fencing it must be indicated in the PPR.

Fencing elements along the roadway must be equipped with galleries for the safe passage of pedestrians.

Design solutions are presented on sheets 5 and 6.

6. Environmental safety conditions

The project for organizing dismantling work was developed in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2002. “On Environmental Protection” and amendments dated August 22, 2004, and also takes into account the requirements:

Order of the State Committee for Ecology of the Russian Federation No. 372 dated May 16, 2000. “On approval of the regulations on assessing the impact of planned economic or other activities on the environment in the Russian Federation”;

Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection”, taking into account clause 3.2. “Regulations on environmental impact assessment in the Russian Federation”, approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources dated July 18, 1994. No. 222.;

SanPin “Hygienic requirements for the organization of construction production and construction work”;

SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for soil quality.”

When performing building dismantling work, the following factors affecting environmental protection must be taken into account:

Noise impact during construction and installation works;

Contamination of the territory during work;

Pollution of the territory with construction and household waste;

Contamination of soils, groundwater and water bodies by household wastewater and petroleum products.

When dismantling structures of buildings and structures, the most important areas of environmental protection measures are reducing losses of materials during storage and work, reusing materials from disassembly, timely removal of construction waste, preventing or reducing the harmful effects of the equipment used, fire safety measures when using flammable materials.

Construction waste and household waste generated at the construction site are temporarily stored on a specially designated area with a hard surface and are regularly transported to the recycling site of the Building Demolition Association LLC in Yanino.

When performing work, it is not permitted to exceed the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working area. To reduce dust formation, construction waste is moistened with water and packed in bags and bags.

We will not allow spills of toxic liquids or petroleum products.

It is unacceptable to leave non-degradable materials (glass, polyethylene, metal) in the ground as part of construction waste.

At the exit from the construction site, a platform for washing vehicle wheels is set up.

Refueling of construction machinery with fuels and lubricants should be carried out at specialized sites outside the construction site.

Transportation of bulk cargo should be carried out by covering the body of the vehicle with a tarpaulin.

6. Occupational safety when dismantling structures

All work must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory materials:

SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction”, part 1;

SNiP 12-04-2002 “Labor safety in construction”, part 2;

PPB 01-03 “Fire safety rules during construction and installation work on the territory of the Russian Federation”;

PB 10-382-00 “Rules for the design and safe operation of lifting mechanisms”;

GOST 12.3.032-82 “Electrical safety in construction”;

Guidelines for industrial sanitation during construction and installation works.

Construction and installation work is permitted to begin only if there is a work execution plan (WPP), in which decisions on labor protection and industrial safety during construction and installation work must be developed, as well as decisions on the placement of sanitary buildings outside hazardous areas.

Before starting work, measures must be taken to safely organize the construction site. On the construction site, install signs for driveways and passages, as well as diagrams for the movement of vehicles and workers to work sites.

Loading and unloading operations must be carried out mechanized in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.3.009-76, with “Changes No. 1”.

Along the boundaries of areas dangerous to people, in which hazardous factors are constantly operating or may operate, fences must be installed that meet the requirements of GOST 23407-78, as well as safety signs in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76 SSBT with “Changes No. 1 and No. 2”.

All persons on the construction site are required to wear safety helmets in accordance with GOST 12.4.087-80. Workers and engineers without safety helmets and other personal protective equipment are not allowed to perform work.

The construction site, passages and workplaces must be illuminated in accordance with electrical illumination standards.

Workplaces and passages to them at a height of 1.3 m or more, at a distance of less than 2 m from the boundary of the difference in height, must be fenced with temporary fences in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.059-89. If it is impossible to install these fences, work at heights should be carried out using safety belts in accordance with GOST 12.4.089-80. Places and methods of fastening safety ropes and safety belts are indicated in the PPR.

Workplaces, depending on the working conditions and the adopted technology for the production of work, must be provided, in accordance with the standard sets, with technological equipment and means of collective protection corresponding to their purpose, as well as means of communication and signaling.

Storage of materials and structures must be carried out in accordance with the instructions of standards, technical specifications for materials and structures, as well as in accordance with the PPR.

The work of lifting machines at the site must be organized in compliance with safety rules by a person from among the engineering personnel responsible for the safe performance of work on moving goods by cranes, after testing their knowledge and obtaining the appropriate certificate.

When installing electrical equipment, the requirements of GOST 12.3.032-84 must be met.

All metal parts of installations and structures that may be live must be grounded. Inspection and repair of electrical equipment is permitted only after disconnecting it from the network and only by an electrician.

Electrical installations operated on construction sites must be grounded according to the PUE.

Fire safety at the construction site is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Safety Rules.

To prevent the possibility of a fire on a construction site, when developing a PPR, it is necessary to provide for:

  • location of the shield with fire-fighting equipment;
  • measures to limit the amount of stored flammable and flammable liquids generated during various works or during storage by organizing air exchange using natural or forced ventilation;
  • prohibition of lighting fires on construction sites;
  • equipment of special smoking areas;
  • measures to eliminate the causes of spark formation during the operation of internal combustion engines and electrical installations;
  • keeping escape routes clear and unobstructed;
  • fire warning means.

Access of unauthorized people not involved in construction and repair to the work sites must be excluded.

6.1 Special requirements for the safety of work during dismantling of structures

All work on the dismantling of building structures (especially at height) should be carried out with a “Permission Work Order” in accordance with “Appendix “D” to SNiP 12-03-2001, as for high-risk work.

Hazardous production factors include possible self-collapse of building structures (walls, parts of floors); Harmful factors during dismantling work include dust formation.

Work on dismantling (disassembling) building structures must be carried out under the constant technical supervision of the work manufacturer, who, before starting work, together with the foreman (foreman), must carefully inspect the dismantled structures and parts of the building and draw up a report in which all elements of the house that threaten collapse are noted. If necessary, additional measures are taken to ensure safe working conditions (additional fences, protective flooring are installed, insurance means for workers are determined, etc.).

Before starting work on dismantling (disassembling) structures, the foreman must familiarize all workers with the most dangerous aspects of the work and must take all precautions to prevent accidents.

6.2 Measures to prevent emergency situations

It is mandatory to comply with all the requirements set out in the construction safety documentation for labor protection: SNiP 12-03-2001, SNiP 12-04-2002, P.U.E., “Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes.”

A warning system should be created for civil emergency situations signals using radio broadcasting (from the regional communication center) and telephone (from the automatic telephone exchange) networks.

Implementation of fire prevention measures:

  • provision of primary fire extinguishing means;
  • provision of fire hydrants available in the surrounding area;
  • make entrances suitable for special maneuvering. transport;
  • provide the construction site with an evacuation plan, indicating emergency exits and an emergency lighting network;
  • “Fire safety order for the dismantling site.”

Provide 24-hour security for the facility.

The maximum level of intermittent noise at workplaces must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.003-83 (ST SEV1930-79) SSBT “Noise. General safety requirements."

When developing the PPR, measures should be taken to reduce noise affecting people in the workplace to values ​​not exceeding permissible values ​​(Section 2, GOST 12.1.003-83), the use of noise-proof equipment, the use of collective protective equipment in accordance with GOST 12.1.029-80, use of personal protective equipment in accordance with GOST 12.4.051-87.

Areas with sound levels above 80 dBA must be marked with safety signs in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76. The administration is obliged to supply PPE in accordance with GOST 12.4.051-87 to those working in these zones.

Monitor noise levels in workplaces with the involvement of sanitary and labor protection services.

The noise characteristics of machines and equipment must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.003-83.

6.3 Organization of work in open areas

The organization of work in open areas during the cold season must comply with the requirements of Chapter VIII of SanPiN

Before starting work in an open area, the foreman must inform all workers about the effect of cold on the body and measures to prevent cooling. Those working in open areas during the cold season are provided with a set of personal protective equipment (PPE). To avoid local cooling, working people should be provided with special clothing (mittens, shoes, hats). A set of PPE and workwear must have a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion indicating the value of its thermal insulation.

A heating point for workers in open areas is set up in a room specially designated for this purpose.

The air temperature in heating areas is maintained at 21-25˚C. The room should be equipped with devices, the temperature of which should not be higher than 40˚С (35-40˚С), for heating the hands and feet.

The duration of the first rest period can be limited to 10 minutes, the duration of each subsequent period should be increased by 5 minutes.

To avoid hypothermia, workers should not be in the cold (in an open area) during breaks at work for more than 10 minutes at air temperatures up to - 10°C and no more than 5 minutes at air temperatures below - 10°C.

During the lunch break, the employee is provided with a “hot” meal. You should start working in the cold no earlier than 10 minutes after eating “hot” food (tea, etc.).

7. Justification for the number of excavators

For dismantling work, a Komatsu PC 450LCD-7, Volvo 290 B excavator is used.

Technical characteristics of Komatsu PC 450 LCD-7:

Table No. 1


Length, mm

Width, mm

Height, mm

Ground pressure, kg/cm2

Shoe width, mm






Platform rotation speed, rpm

Max. Working height, mm

Max. Travel speed, km/h



Fuel tank capacity, l

Front limit operating range, mm

Tail oscillation radius, mm

Min. Boom lowering angle


Total height (hydraulic line), mm

Boom height, mm

Boom length, mm

Support weight, kg

Handle weight, kg

Handle weight (including coupling cylinder), kg

Average weight of connection, kg

Arm weight (including cylinder), kg

Total weight (cylinder, connections and hydraulic lines), kg

Hydraulic shears

AtlasCopco CC 1501 U

Maximum weight of hydraulic shears, kg

Technical characteristics of VOLVO EC 290 B:

Table No. 2


Nom. power at r/s (rpm)

ISO 9249/DIN 6271, kW (hp)

Bucket capacity, m3

Load capacity, boom along the trolley*

Load at height/high. boom lift*, m

Boom radius*, m

Excavation depth*, m

Breakout force according to SAE*, kN

Operating weight, t

8. List of volumes of dismantling of main structures

Table No. 3

Name of works

Volume of work, m³

Volume of work in a loose body, m³

Exterior of the building

reinforced concrete structures

Metal structures

Construction garbage


Basement of the building

reinforced concrete structures

Metal structures

Construction garbage


9. Justification of the accepted duration of construction. Calculation of the need for basic construction machines

The list of main construction machines and mechanisms was compiled on the basis of the adopted work technology for the most intense month of dismantling work.

Due to the lack of standards for the development of buildings and structures in SNiP 1.04.03-85* “Norms for the duration of construction and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures”, the duration of demolition of buildings is determined in agreement with the customer and taking into account the experience of conducting demolition work of LLC "Demolition Association" and is 60 calendar days or 2 months.

9.1 Selection of vehicles for transporting volumes of construction waste and structures. Calculation of its quantity

As a result of dismantling work, a volume of bricks, reinforced concrete, wood and metal structures will be removed from the construction site at a distance of 21 km to the recycling site in the village of Yanino.

A KAMAZ 6520 dump truck with a body volume of 18 m³ has been proposed for the removal of construction waste.

Technical characteristics of the KAMAZ 6520 dump truck.

Table No. 4



Load capacity, t

Body capacity, m³

Overall dimensions of the platform:

Length, mm

Width, mm

Height, mm

Vehicle weight, kg

Fuel tank, l

Maximum speed, km/h

The number of buckets required to load the dump truck body is found using the formula:

Where V body is the capacity of the dump truck body;

q – Geometric capacity of the excavator bucket – 2 m³;

K1 – coefficient of utilization of the excavator bucket capacity – 1.1.

The actual volume transported is:

The loading time of one dump truck is determined using the formula:

Where is the cycle duration;

n – Number of cycles (buckets);

Preparation time – 3 minutes;

– loading time – 5.4 minutes;

– waiting time – 1 min;

– possible downtime – 2 minutes;

The transportation cycle time of one dump truck is calculated using the formula:

Where: - load time of one machine – 5.4 minutes;

L – Transportation range – 21 km;

The average speed of a dump truck is 0.5 km/min;

- unloading time with maneuvering – 2 minutes;

- time for maneuvers during unloading – 1.5 minutes.

The required number of dump trucks to work together with a loader is:

For optimal transportation of the required volume, we accept 10 cars. The productivity of one dump truck is determined by the formula:

– actual volume of the car body – 14.5 m³;

– number of vehicle cycles per hour.

The operating cycle of one dump truck is 93 minutes;

- working time utilization factor – 0.85.

The shift productivity of 1 car is determined by the formula:

T cm =8 hour

During a shift, 5 dump trucks will transport:

The removal volume per shift is 641 m³.

Thus, 9 shifts will be required to remove the entire planned volume of construction waste.

In total, for transportation of the entire volume of work from dismantling, the total number of vehicles will be 10 KAMAZ 6520 dump trucks per shift, the duration of removal is 9 shifts.

Need for basic machines and mechanisms

Table No. 5


Application area



Technical specifications


Petrol cutter

Dismantling of structures after collapse

Pneumatic concrete breaker


M=18 kg

Dismantling of structures after collapse



5 m 3 /min

Demolition of building structures

Komatsu excavator with hydraulic shearsCC 1501 U

PC 450LCD -7K

Demolition of building structures and loading of waste from dismantling


Volvo with bucket

EU 290 B

1, 5 m 3

Clearing the territory


Bobcat with equipment:




bucket 0.75 m 3

Dust suppression system

Construction waste removal

Dump truck

KamAZ 6520


V k = 18 m 3

Dismantling works

Welding machine


10. Demand for labor resources

The number of personnel on the busiest shift is 80% of the total list of personnel at the facility:

Table No. 6

Job title

Number for the construction period, people.

Excavator driver

Loader driver


Helper worker

Gas cutter

Head of the section

11. The need for construction of temporary buildings and structures

Temporary buildings and structures for sanitary and hygienic purposes were calculated and accepted in accordance with “Calculation standards for drawing up PIC”, part I.

To calculate temporary administrative and amenity premises, the following provisions have been adopted:

The number of workers in the largest shift is 70% of the total, i.e. 11 people.

The number of engineers and specialists in the most numerous shift is 80% of the total number of engineers and specialists, i.e. 4 people.

The total number of workers in the largest shift will be 15 people.

Sanitary facilities for workers directly involved in production must be designed in accordance with SNiP 2.09.04-87* “Administrative and domestic buildings”, table. 4, depending on the groups of production processes:

Gr.1. Processes causing pollution with substances of the 3rd and 4th hazard classes;

Gr.2. Processes that occur under excess sensible heat or unfavorable meteorological conditions.

11.1 Calculation of the need for administrative, utility and service premises

Table No. 7



Norm per 1 worker working maximum shift, m 2

Number of workers per maximum shift

Total requirement, m 2

Admin strative buildings


Household premises






Shower room






Premises for heating workers



Total :


11.2 Explication of temporary buildings and structures

Table No. 8



Quantity, pcs.


Block container


Modular building



Dry toilets

11.3 Construction demand for electricity

The choice of electrical networks and the method of their implementation, the determination of the required brands of cable and wire products, decisions on the accounting and distribution of electricity, the use of grounding devices and the implementation of protection against short-circuit currents of networks, electrical receivers and maintenance personnel, the design of lighting installations is carried out as part of the PPR in accordance with the requirements of PUE 3.05 .06-85 “Electrical devices”, SNiP 12-03-2001 part I, SNiP 12.03-2002 part II “Occupational safety in construction”, etc.

Electric lighting of construction sites and sites is divided into working, emergency, evacuation and security.

Working lighting is provided for all construction sites and areas where work is carried out at night and twilight, and is carried out by installations of general (uniform or localized) and combined lighting (local is added to the general).

For work areas where standardized illumination levels must be more than 2 lux, in addition to general uniform lighting, general localized lighting should be provided. For those areas where only temporary presence of people is possible, illumination levels can be reduced to 0.5 lux.

For lighting construction sites and areas, the use of open gas-discharge lamps and incandescent lamps with a transparent bulb is not allowed.

To illuminate places where outdoor construction and installation work is carried out, light sources such as general-purpose incandescent lamps, incandescent floodlight lamps, incandescent halogen lamps, xenon lamps, and high-pressure sodium lamps are used.

The illumination created by general lighting lighting installations on construction sites and work areas inside buildings must be no less than the standardized level, regardless of the light sources used.

Evacuation lighting should be provided in areas of main escape routes, as well as in passageways where there is a risk of injury.

To provide security lighting, a portion of the work lighting fixtures should be allocated. At the boundaries of construction sites or work areas, security lighting must provide horizontal illumination of 0.5 lux at ground level or vertical illumination on the plane of the fence.

12.1 Calculation of the required amount of electricity

The sequence of calculating the power supply of a construction site includes: identifying electricity consumers, selecting sources of electricity and calculating their power, drawing up a working diagram of the power supply of the construction site.

The main consumers of electricity on a construction site are construction machines, mechanisms and installations, as well as lighting of inventory buildings and the site.

In urban conditions, the choice of electricity sources for temporary power supply to a construction site is usually carried out by connecting to the city power grid.

If it is impossible to connect to the city energy system, inventory power plants are used, which are located in places where consumers are concentrated.

The selection of lighting means is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.046-85 “Standards for lighting construction sites”.

Work lighting is organized using Atlas Copco QAX 12 mobile diesel generator sets with a lighting mast.

The height of the mast of such installations is 9.4 m, on the mast there are 6 spotlights with halogen lamps with a power of 1500 W each.

The size of the construction site is 750m2. The illumination standard for dismantling work is 10 lux. The approximate number of spotlights to be installed to create the required illumination is:

n = m x En x k x S /1500

where m is a coefficient that takes into account the luminous output of light sources, efficiency. spotlights and luminous flux utilization factor, and equal for these conditions to 0.13;

E P =kE N – required illumination at normalized E N =10 lux, k =2;

S – area of ​​the illuminated territory, S = 750 m 2 ;

R L – lamp power equal to 1500 W.

In our case:

n = 0.13(2 x 10 x 750)/1500 = 1.3

To illuminate this area of ​​dismantling work, 1 Atlas Copco QAX 12 lighting installation is sufficient.

Security and evacuation lighting is offered on the basis of CCD-type floodlights with DRL-400 lamps. Place the floodlights in the yard along the fence. The selection of lamps is made in accordance with GOST 12.1.046 “Standards for lighting construction sites”.

The illumination rate in this case is 0.5 lux; m equals 0.25, K equals 2

n = 0,25 x 0,5 x 2 x 2 x 750/1500= 0,25

You need 7 spotlights with DRL-400 lamps.

The required amount of electricity was calculated by consumer.

Table No. 9


Name of consumers

Number of consumers,


Installed power, kWt

Demand factor

Required power, kW





Welding machine




Wheel washing




Inventory change houses



Outdoor Lighting




Heat gun

Other consumers (5% of total)




Total, taking into account power losses in networks


Based on the calculations performed, we use one working Atlas Copco diesel generator model QAS60, which will provide the required power of 40.9 kW.

Technical information on diesel generator Atlas Copco QAS -60

Table No. 10


Engine PERKINS 1103A-33TG2

Rotational speed

1500 rpm

Power at 50Hz

53.8 kW



Number of cylinders

Fuel consumption at 100% / 0% load

12.6 / 2.0 l/hour

Newage BCI Generator


86.6 A

General characteristics

Main fuel tank capacity

134 liters

Additional fuel tank capacity

326 liters

Sound power level

90 dBA

Operating weight (with larger fuel tank)

1456 kg(2105 kg)


2450 mm


1100 mm

Height (with extended fuel tank)

1483 mm(1765 mm)

12.2 Explication of lighting fixtures

Table No. 11

13. Justification of resource requirements

The necessary resources are determined in accordance with the “Calculation standards for drawing up construction organization projects” of the TsNIIOMTP, Gosstroy of the USSR.

The need at a construction site for electricity, fuel, water, compressed air and oxygen in construction projects should be determined by the physical volume of work and calculation formulas.

Water supply is intended to meet the production, domestic and fire-fighting needs of the construction site.

The sequence of calculating water supply for a construction site includes: determining consumers and water consumption, selecting water supply sources.

The main consumers of water at a construction site are construction machines, mechanisms and construction site installations.

The total water consumption Q 1 for production needs is determined as:

  • specific water consumption for production needs;
  • number of production consumers on the busiest shift;
  • coefficient for unaccounted water consumption (equal to 1.2);
  • coefficient of hourly unevenness of water consumption (equal to 1.5);
  • number of hours per shift (8 hours).

Specific consumption to meet production needs.

Table No. 12

Household needs are related to the provision of water to workers and employees during work (canteens, showers, etc.). Water consumption for household needs is determined by the formula:

  • specific water consumption for household and drinking needs;
  • number of workers on the busiest shift;
  • coefficient of hourly unevenness of water consumption (equal to 1.5-3);

Specific water consumption to satisfy household needs:

Table No. 13

Water consumption for external fire extinguishing is taken based on the three-hour duration of extinguishing one fire and ensuring the calculated water consumption for these purposes at peak water consumption for industrial and household needs (except for water for showering and watering the territory).

When calculating water consumption, it is necessary to take into account that the number of simultaneous fires in the construction area is assumed to be up to 150 hectares - 1 fire. The water consumption to extinguish a building fire will be 2.5 l/s from each jet. The area of ​​the construction site does not exceed 10 hectares, so the water consumption for fire extinguishing is assumed to be 10 l/s.

The total water consumption to meet the needs of the construction site is:

13.1 Water consumption for wheel washing

When leaving the construction site, a wheel washing station is installed.

The basic set of the “CASCADE-MINI” installation includes: a treatment plant, a hydrocyclone, a submersible pump, a high-pressure pump, a washing gun, and a set of hoses.

The recycling water supply installation for washing truck wheels is designed to purify water from large suspended particles of sand, clay, soil and other contaminants of a similar nature, while the purified water is returned for reuse. Thus, a constant volume of water equal to 1.1 cubic meters circulates in the system. meters.

Table No. 14



Pump compartment heating


Installed power

Operating pressure

Dimensions L x W x H

Weight (±5%)

Volume of water in container

Number of washing guns


Cars per hour

14. Technical and economic indicators for PIC Table No. 15

The work schedule is presented on sheet No. 8.
