Watch the walkthrough of the game Godfather. Video walkthrough of the godfather. Families First

Games about the mafia have always been popular with almost any audience. And the genre doesn’t matter: be it strategies like Omerta, fashion for San Andreas etc., etc. The public will be happy to plunge into the criminal past of the West. What can we say about the super-successful Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven, the no less resonant second part and the inexorably approaching Mafia III.

However, these are all franchises “in themselves” - without relying on anything, their creators completely surrendered to the creative impulse. Today I propose to recall a series, albeit of only two games, which had behind it a magnificent novel by Mario Puzo, wonderful productions by Francis Ford Coppola, seasoned with wonderful music by Nino Rota.

On Gmbox, during the broadcast of the “Crazy Collection” program, Viktor Zuev expressed the opinion that “The Godfather is a scammer, and a scammer under a license.” Let’s take Victor’s skeptical statement as a basis and, based on our own gaming experience, let’s try to really evaluate the quality of this duology.

But here's the rules, for a second: consider specifications, engine, publisher, text in the lower left corner of the screen at level 100 we will not. We have to evaluate the creativity, interest in the game, simply understand the project and think about whether it is worth playing here and now.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

During the “Captive of the Franchise” series, we have already managed to find out that games based on books/films are divided into two types: plot-related and canonical. Canonical ones clearly follow the plot of a film, TV series or book, turning into some kind of addition, while plot-related ones are similar to the original in the setting, minor characters and atmosphere. The situation with The Godfather is more interesting.

Neither Michael Corleone nor Sunny will let us play. So far our maximum for the beginning: this is Luca Brasi. But only after we generate our own character using a Sims-like constructor. Random is present, so you don’t have to worry too much.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Let's move on and immediately note that it's not very convenient system fights. The controls here are perhaps worse than in the co-op-oriented Goblet of Fire, and the games, it should be noted, are almost the same age. But then everything generally gets better. Also, the next controversial point arises in the cut scenes. Some people like it when touching scenes at the beginning and until the end of the game cannot be missed, while others, on the contrary, talk about this as an obvious disadvantage of the game.

By the way, about them.

The very idea of ​​wedging a game concept into the plot of a film raises concerns: you can predict in advance all the mistakes of the developers, the clichédness of the script ideas, the dependence of the gameplay on certain moments of the film. This game was no exception: for the sake of the plot, we are forced to take the wounded Don Corleone to the hospital or hide a revolver in the toilet before dinner with Sollozzo. Roughly speaking, we do all the dirty work.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

The plot of the game, as well as the gameplay here, are as mundane and formulaic as possible, which is also a consequence of “pasting” the action of the game into the film. Our developers would even insert real footage, as was the case in the notorious “Paragraph 78”. But in The Godfather, the original footage is replaced by a shortened, simulated version of the same event. By the way, there is also plenty of improvisation here: main character, rising up the criminal hierarchy, falls in love, betrays, fights like a lion and stings like a bee. Roleplaying is also present here: you can upgrade one of five points. However, I think it makes no sense to retell the entire plot of the game. It is much more interesting to discuss the features of the gameplay.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Anticipating the next point in evaluating The Godfather, it is worth noting that comparisons with the legendary first Mafia were inevitable. The developers understood this too. But understanding is understanding, and execution is very average. And not because the cars here are ugly and loaded, starting with the wheels or the hood. It's all about the city. The New York of this game is more dead than alive. The streets are similar to each other; gray and dull they just kill the atmosphere of the game. Completely. Not a trace remains of the deliberate seriousness of the story. All that remains is... soullessness. Although, many, on the contrary, appreciated this particular component of the game.

If despondency is a grave sin, then all those who are bored by the middle of The Godfather are still sinners. And the tasks of “catch up” and “kill” are not conducive to fun.

Well, in the sequel they added colors, changed the hero, changed the plot and completely changed the structure of the game. Get ready to capture buildings, the bigger the better. Squeeze out businesses! Break through from rags to riches, kill your enemies in the most bloodthirsty way!

Dominic, that’s the name of our hero, may not even be upset if he is killed. I’ll tell you more (to whom I’ll tell, to whom I’ll remind): he will not die. A hospital modeled after GTA will help Dominic out and send him home to replay the mission.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

The management here is also not all smooth sailing. It is, to put it mildly, not the most responsive and certainly not the most comfortable.

Let's spice it all up with a bunch of blunders: Florida is a city, Cuba is too, New York is extremely small, and cars still loom in the air. By the way, about the map: the division into “us” and “strangers” is quite interesting, but not without flaws. In particular, in order to conquer the “foreign” part of the city, you will need to complete tasks involving boring and monotonous dialogues. In general, the lion's share of tasks comes down to killing someone or mayhem in a random bar.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

However, despite all the shortcomings and mistakes, The Godfather 2 has developed something of the depth of the city. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the plot. And the very depth of the city, in my humble opinion, is not even at the level of 2009. The secondary characters have the same faces, the streets are still the same, interaction with the world is kept at a consistently average level.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

But where the sequel definitely wins over the first part is in the atmosphere. Here she doesn’t get lost in the middle of the game, falling into a viscous network of despondency and soullessness; no, “The Godfather 2” manages to maintain the general mood with an excellent, familiar soundtrack.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Thus, the game deserves 6.5 out of 10.

But to summarize the above, it would be a crime not to note the following. “The Godfather”, as well as its sequels, are childhood games for a fairly impressive number of players. And, as you know, we are ready to forgive a lot for games from childhood. For example, for the life of me, I don’t understand the charm of the first Resident Evil, but given that this game has become the favorite of an entire generation of players, I have to give it a certain discount in the evaluation. A similar story happens with The Godfather. These games don't match the greatness of the films (the first two, at least) one iota, much less the books. But I will never be able to explain this to, say, my neighbor, who does not value Vice City at all, but periodically plays “The Godfather”, not hiding a stingy nostalgic tear.

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Captured by the franchise #12. Review of games "The Godfather"

Now conclusions for the younger generation, even younger than your humble servant.

This series is not a must-learn classic. You won’t get the value that the movies and the book brought, but if you want to touch the classic gangster theme in the world of games, then I advise you to turn to Mafia, Vice City, San Andreas, Omerta. The somewhat underrated Scarface, although not a classic, I can also recommend it for study. Of course, it never hurts to expand your horizons, but if you decide to play “The Godfather” after all or at least some of the above games, then it will be akin to reading Panaev after Dostoevsky: both seem to be contemporaries, both are certainly talented, and the world classic - Fedor Mikhailovich.

A slightly blasphemous comparison, but that’s where I want to end this article. The next one is already printed, and as soon as this post passes a certain threshold of upvotes, I will publish it immediately. Hope you enjoyed it.

And for today, thank you all.

P.S. Bravo, Victor. Your definition is truly as laconic as it is reliable.

So, 2006 was blessed with such a game as Godfather, released from the electronic pen of Electronic Arts. True, this was fortunate only for the publishers, since the users were a little unhappy. Is not it too much? Who knows. Some were jumping in delight, shouting about a good alternative to GTA, others were tearing out their hair, horrified by the wrong money invested when buying a disc... Opinions were radically divided, but "The Godfather" saw the light of day. Whether it was long or short, it existed on the games market, although without holding back the competition. So, let's look at everything in order.

When you start the Godfather game, your virtual father is killed. Yes, that’s such a banal premise. And GG has no choice but to join the ranks of the mafia himself. So, here you come to one don, hire him and start working, carrying out all sorts of small assignments. Logical, isn't it? Since you are still a small fry, that means the orders are insignificant, like forcibly offering protection to small entrepreneurs. But bad luck - you grow in rank, grow to right hand Don, but the tasks do not become more difficult or sophisticated. You are still personally involved in extortion, collecting old scores from debtors, showdowns with competitors and other worthless rubbish.

But it wasn’t just the plot of The Godfather that let us down. After all, you can make a mistake with the plot, but compensate for this with the beauty of the graphics. Here, in New York, the player has access to five districts, which differ from each other only in names. The same sad courtyards, evoking thoughts of autumn in St. Petersburg. The same cars that completely “materialize” literally a few meters before the hero. If you dreamed of relaxing in a quiet courtyard in New York, forget about it. For the Godfather game, the key is the word "dullness." I don’t know how it was possible to release such a game, having other excellent masterpieces to its credit.

Also in Godfather, problems may arise with terrain orientation. Due to the fact that the city is monotonous, it is very difficult to navigate the area. Even when you approach the end, you will not be able to navigate the city perfectly and quickly. There is almost nothing noticeable.

But in Godfather the choice of weapons is interesting. You can perfectly shoot your opponent in the leg and watch him suffer. Or it is quite tolerable to smash his head against the wall, which will greatly damage his health. True, there was a fly in the ointment here too. Smart developers have introduced auto-aim into the Godfather game. This hasn't happened for a long time. But even with this drawback you can shoot beautifully. I can’t say that everything looks very realistic, but it’s done really beautifully.

To summarize, it should be said that Godfather does not deserve the title of successor to such a spectacular masterpiece as Mafia. Half was copied from it, half from GTA. What happened can be called a game. But it's a stretch. Who needs stretch marks? It’s better, in my opinion, to play unprecedented originals of their genre.

And finally. At the end of the game The Godfather, when your Don is wounded, he will be admitted to the hospital just like that, without taking off his suit. Great plot device, isn't it?

(rus. The Godfather: The Game ) is an action-adventure video game developed and published by Electronic Arts. The game is the first game in the series The Godfather and is based on the 1972 film The Godfather of the same name.

System requirements

  • Processor Pentium III/Athlon 1.4 GHz
  • RAM 256 MB memory
  • 3D accelerator video card with 64 MB memory
  • HDD 5 GB on hard drive


In the game's prologue, we are introduced to one John "Johnny" Trapani, a "man of honor" and member of the Corleone family of undetermined rank (presumably a caporegime), who worked for Don Vito in the 1930s. In front of his wife and little son (the future protagonist of the game), John is killed by Don Emilio Barzini and his henchmen, enemies of the Corleone clan.

The game takes place at the beginning of the first part of the film, at the wedding of Connie Corleone and Carlo Rizzi. The main character's mother, while at a reception with Don Vito, taking advantage of the Sicilian tradition of satisfying the requests of those suffering on her daughter's wedding day, asks the don to take her son, Aldo, under his wing, who, according to her, has fallen into bad company and leads a dangerous lifestyle. She also reminds him that her husband died out of loyalty to the Corleone clan and Don Vito personally. The Don agrees and after Luca Brasi pays him a tribute, he instructs Luca to find the guy and deal with him.

Luca Brasi, the best fighter of Don Vito Corleone, has no difficulty in completing the assignment. He finds Aldo in one of the dirty alleys of Little Italy, where he is beaten by three guys, the same bad company with whom the young man committed a robbery, taking part as a driver; The leader of the gang is indignant at Aldo’s desire to have his share of the business, being only a driver. Unnoticed, approaching the company from behind, Luka breaks the head of the gang leader with a cutting edge. water pipe. While the other two members of the gang are horrified and confused by what happened, Luka briefly tells the young man about the reason for his intercession and then immediately begins to teach the guy about life, namely, showing how to properly beat the offenders. Then come the lessons in racketeering. From that moment on, Aldo Trapani began career in the Corleone family.

Aldo meets Marty (Monk) Malone and Paulo Gatto, who works for Peter Clemenza, Don Corleone's caporegime. Aldo helps them teach a lesson to two students who beat the funeral director's daughter, after which he goes to meet with Luca. He teaches the main character to use weapons. After training, they go to Midtown to meet the Turk Sollozzo and Bruno Tattaglia at the Luna bar. On Luca's orders, Aldo hid in an alley to watch the meeting through the bar window. Sollozzo invited Luca to come over to his side, Luca agrees, but Bruno Tattaglia holds his hand, Sollozzo sticks a knife into it, and an unknown representative of Tattaglia strangles him with a noose, he notices Aldo. Bruno and Sollozzo escape. Aldo takes out Luca's killer and gets home. He calls the Monk, but he stops the main character, inviting him to tell everything when they meet. During a meeting with the Friar, the Tattaglias attack Don Vito and injure him and the Friar. The latter asks Aldo to save his sister, Frances, from Tattaglia. The main character frees a girl from being held hostage. Fredo Corleone asks you to help him bring Don Vito to the hospital. They accompany the ambulance to the Brooklyn Bridge, where the car is raided, Aldo interrogates Capo Tattaglia. It turns out that Tom Hagen is captured by Sollozzo. The protagonist gets into the ambulance and gets to the hospital. There he meets Sonny Corleone, who, in a fit of despair, begins to insult Fredo, demanding that Aldo leave. Soon Peter Clemenza arrives, apologizes for Sonny and asks the protagonist to visit the Corleone mansion. At the mansion, Aldo receives the title of Associate. Clemenza sends Aldo to guard Don Vito in the hospital. There he meets Michael Corleone. At night, another attempt was made on Don's life. The protagonist is clearing the basement, as a result of which he and Michael could be arrested. The characters were rescued by Tom Hagen.

We again start as an ordinary performer in the family, gradually earning a reputation and striving for the title of the shadow king of the city. The story is structured simply - often the main character is “glued” into the events of the film. For example, he takes the wounded Don Corleone to the hospital or hides a revolver in the toilet before Michael and Sollozzo's dinner. However, there is also a sketchy love line and a gag from the screenwriters. The number of steps along the rating ladder is strictly specified by the developers - new ranks are issued after completing a series story missions, and nothing else. All side missions - murder contracts, bank robberies, stealing trucks with money, as well as shooting competitors and capturing their businesses - replenish the “respect” counter, the local analogue of experience. We collect a certain amount and improve 1 of 5 characteristics (“Health”, “Shooting”, “Fighting”, “Speed”, “Street smarts”). Fortunately, the role-playing options are not as primitive as in , and are really useful in street fights.

Alas, the missions are very mundane and formulaic in the background. With rare stealth exceptions, we are offered orders such as “take”, “catch up” or “kill”. Nothing changes in the highest mafia circles - the tough boss runs after petty bandits, personally deals with the owners of establishments, and even listens to inappropriate remarks addressed to him. Therefore, by the middle of the game the atmosphere quietly dies, giving way to the “stayer in the big city” syndrome.

Game process

New York in Godfather represented by 5 districts, divided between five families and externally slightly different from each other. Orientation in them is extremely difficult - there are few memorable objects, the mini-map is too small to act as a navigator, and large map For some reason, the authors put the “zoom” option in the Esc menu, without even providing a “hot” key for it. Apparently, the beta testers, who had memorized the nooks and crannies, did not need such a luxury, but the average player will spew out a lot of curses when, in the midst of a chase, he has to clarify the location of the final destination ten times (the ability to put a cross mark does not help).

We mostly move by car, and this is the most depressing part of the game, because the city in Electronic Arts was built using a ruler (and do not refer to the real NY!). Monotonous straight streets, identical houses, bridges and tunnels tending to infinity, an almost complete absence of courtyards and gateways - simple boredom gradually turns into genuine disgust. And the “mission planners” seem to be deliberately mocking us by inventing the longest possible stages. Sometimes - up to 5 minutes in the company of brainless traffic and lazy law enforcement officers who organize dead barriers and cause more accidents than we do ourselves. By the way, in “peaceful” mode you will not see a single police car. The only mitigating circumstance is the abundance of available real estate; Every mansion or apartment you buy has a save point, and you can at least save yourself the tedious, repetitive trips. In addition, tasks, again unlike, are equipped with “checkpoints”, which makes their completion much easier and faster.

Walking in general leaves pleasant impression. Crowds of diverse people roam the sidewalks, here and there there are merchants offering explosive devices, ammunition and three-level upgrades to weapons, life seems to be in full swing... Unfortunately, the novelty quickly dries up. Our adventures take on the hue of routine work, since the main occupation becomes lopsided (the hero is not trained in strafe and jumping) runs through enemy buildings. The idea is this: in order to take away a business, you need to intimidate the nominal owner by beating him or breaking furniture, and kill the guards. But that is not all. In most cases backdoor leads either to the hall for illegal boxing fights, or to the basement or to the second floor, where underground establishments are located - they also need to be capitalized.

If it weren’t for the carelessness of the designers mentioned below, gangster brawls (with the “Vendetta” indicator going off scale, escalating into wars with explosions of shops and bars) would look good. Moderately entertaining hand-to-hand combat with 5-6 techniques and dynamic shootouts distract from the mundane everyday life, despite the unusual controls with target acquisition using the right mouse button (those who wish can enable the “Free aim” function). But when, God knows what time, you look into a painfully familiar restaurant, see the usual arrangement of invulnerable tables/chairs and blow up another safe, taking out several hundred dollars and dynamite (!), the desire to increase the well-being of the family will evaporate.

Graphic arts

For those who are planning to feed a new game to a new computer with a state-of-the-art video card, Godfather no need to call. Better please invite Lara “Legend” Croft or Oblivion. RenderWare graphics engine (yes, the same one used in the latest GTA) of the last generation has not been rushing across the sky in search of stars for a long time. There are no complaints about the viewing range, but for other components you need a complaint book. The shock begins with the nightmare cars (12 models - check out the scale!), equipped opaque glasses. It’s tempting to poke the would-be programmers with your fist “” (2002, by the way), where the real antediluvian weepers drove. Here the cars really like to be drawn in pieces: sometimes the wheels appear first, then a shadow, then the driver. Pedestrians are not far behind, they love to appear out of the ether like phantoms. If you come up, they’ll talk, nod, it’s like they’re real people. And after two steps they disappear. The artists apparently leaned heavily on textures for the main characters: the hero Marlon Brando and other key characters are guessed instantly. Secondary participants received only blurry spots instead of eyes and five polygons on their heads. But the in-game videos on the engine are excellently voiced and staged, although honors should rather be given to the cinematographer of the original “The Godfather”.

Strange but sad locality decorated with quite clear textures, if you do not look at them with a magnifying glass. With the proper level of anisotropy, it surpasses in detail, but the same cannot be said about diversity. Without a map you can’t always determine your position. The depressing sight is complemented by the model copy/paste. Multiplied shops, hotels, hospitals, nightclubs, etc. wildly spoil the feeling of a free city, because, unlike the series GTA, V Godfather Entrance to the premises is not preceded by loading.

The explosions and booms are worthy of praise, so much so that it’s a joy to watch. The fire effects are beautiful and realistic. It's a pity that the rest of the graphics turned out to be neutered due to congenital multiplatformophilia.

Constant comparison with GTA funny mistakes continue. For example, your car, abandoned on the street, periodically disappears, and the traffic in a particular area sometimes consists only of trucks. Doesn't remind you of anything? Tires sinking into the asphalt and car damage resulting from collisions are a matter of course. It’s not even clear what’s in Godfather I forgot Havok.

The animation of the characters and the way they die, on the contrary, are impressive. At first we “sinned” on ragdoll physics; in fact it's simple good job motion capture department. Hits in various parts of the body plausibly throw the gangsters to the sides. Everything is taken into account, including falls from a height. A special detail is all sorts of “fatality”. Ordinary control shots to the back of the head from a machine gun are elementary, but some types of “executions” are quite unique and sometimes difficult: throwing a bandit out a window or from a roof, pushing him under the wheels, strangling him, smashing his head against a wall, etc. Moreover, the game keeps a scrupulous count cruel acts, building the final rating on this basis as well. You can become the Don of All New York at 91.5% completion. However, the story campaign will end much faster - then you will have to spend a long time and tediously buying apartments, opening safes, crushing the offices of competitors and performing other duties of an ordinary “six”. Who would have thought that Electronic Arts would work so sluggishly with the license it received?

Video review

WalkthroughTo somehow explain the appearance of a new person in the Corleone mafia family, we are first shown a short introduction, where we act as the father of the main character, who...


In order to somehow explain the appearance of a new person in the Corleone mafia family, we are first shown a short introduction, where we act as the father of the main character, who seeks to sell his life at a higher price. The poor man's torment does not last very long; several point-blank bursts of machine gun fire very rarely leave hope for a miraculous recovery. Sees dad's death a little boy, to whom Vito Corleone, who arrived in time, promises that when he grows up and the time will come for revenge, he won’t miss his chance. Next, we create a character in the editor and go to Don Vito’s wedding.

The Alley

After a scene in which first your mother asks Corleone for patronage, and then Don Vito Luca Brasi himself for a favor, we find ourselves on the street next to a couple of punks. Luka has already managed to send one of them to the next world with a piece of pipe, all you have to do is finish off the rest, while at the same time getting comfortable with local system management. At the end of the “warm-up”, Luka will offer to walk a little, introducing you to the situation. When the map appears, run to the house marked with a blue cross. Here you can save the game, and also escape from pursuit by the police or bandits. After saving in the room above, answer the phone, then go to the blue marker next to the door.

The Enforcer

Luca Brasi, frightening local drivers with his menacing appearance, rants about how good it has become to conduct his business these days. Talk to him, he wants you to force the owner of the butcher shop (it's located on the opposite side of the street) to pay bribes to the Corleones. Old Emilio will be a tough nut to crack and won't want to pay. Destroy property, beat up the butcher, but just don’t forget about the indicator, because it’s easy to overdo it, and then the victim may attack you. After proper “processing”, talk to Emilio again, he will agree to pay. At the same time, the door will open to the back of the store, where the illegal business is located. You won’t take over it like a butcher’s shop; here you are supposed to invest in them. Go up to the second floor and, having found an underground gaming club there, talk to its owner. He will not be stubborn, he will easily accept money, and from now on this establishment will bring you additional income. Go outside and at the door you will encounter a police sergeant who will need to give a bribe. Yes, people in uniform are also extremely corrupt. But for some time the police will turn a blind eye to your atrocities; the green indicator next to the mini-radar symbolizes just this. Take the money to Luka. He will ask you to visit Paul Gatto, who can be found at the Falconite Social Club.

A Grave Situation

Together with Paul, you will also meet Monk, the guys are planning to teach a lesson to the hooligans who cruelly treated one girl. Follow them down the street, then turn towards the funeral home sign and knock the wind out of a couple of students. One needs to be grabbed and slammed with his back against the wall, and the other must first be shaken in his hands, and then his head should be crushed into gravestones. The mafiosi decided to bury the guy alive, but at the last moment they changed their minds. Then talk to Monk, Luca is waiting for you in the alley on Bowery Street, don’t make him nervous.

Sleeping with the Fishes

Follow Luka, he will teach you how to properly use weapons. In the world of Godfather, automatic equipment helps you aim, and in addition to regular shooting, you can precisely shoot at individual parts of the body: if you hit the shoulder, the enemy will no longer be able to shoot back; if you hit the knee, he will fall or roll on the floor. Having played around with a revolver, take Luka to the Luna Bar in Midtown." The time for the trip is limited, so try not to drive around for pleasure, there will still be time. Upon arrival, Luka will go to negotiate, and you will watch the meeting through the window. Unfortunately, your mentor will be brutally killed in this place, with a noose around his neck - punish his killers. After the shootout, you have very little time left to get to the house marked on the map in Little Italy. And the police, awakened by the noise of gunfire, will not let you get bored on the road .In the room there will be a telephone conversation with Monk, who is waiting for a meeting. However, for some reason this task will not appear in the list of missions, so you can do routine raids on the owners of the shops in the neighborhood. Then return to your room and pick up the phone, Monk waits at a barbershop on Mott Street in Little Italy.

The Don is Dead

It will not be possible to have a heart-to-heart talk; an assassination attempt has been made on Don Vito Corleone, and the killers are still holding the barbershop windows at gunpoint. Run out into the street and shoot the villain holding Frankie, Monk's sister, close to him. After this, a chase episode will begin - chase an ambulance through the streets of New York, in which they are trying to kidnap the wounded don. Roads blocked by cars will help you find your way in time, because there is no way to miss the fugitives. You will get a short respite when both cars are on the bridge to Brooklyn. Kill the petty gangsters and make Barto Leone talk (similar to how you extort money from store owners) - he will point out those who ordered the crime. Get into the ambulance and drive to the hospital located in the northern part of Little Italy, you can still try to save Don Vito. The life bar will tell you when it's too late. After the race, return to the Corleone mansion and talk to Tom Hagen there, there is nowhere else to rush for now. He will promote you to the rank of Enforcer, this is the first step in the Corleone family.
Then chat in the corridor with Nicolo Chico, who will tell you that Clemenzo wants to see you. Tesio is blocking your exit from the house - he will always happily give you a fresh order for murder, if, of course, you have the time and desire to take on the extra “wet” work. Clemenzo, waiting in a bar on Hester Street (he is standing next to the piano), is very concerned about the Don’s condition - he asks to visit the hospital and check how things are going there.

Intensive Care

It seems that our young gangster is trying to fool Frankie, and she doesn’t seem to mind too much. Talk to the guard at the door, he will take away all the weapons, then go up to the second floor to Monk’s room and talk near the patient’s bed with Frankie, who is visiting him. The conversation will be interrupted by a killer bursting into the room, you know what to do. Michael Corleone, the son of Don Vito, appears on the scene and will say that the basement is full of suspicious elements. Go down there, shoot all the bad guys, and then escort Frankie to the ambulance in the underground garage. Return to Don Vito's chamber and find Michael there. The police who arrive at the shootout will want to arrest him, but the family lawyer who arrives in time will quickly save Michael from problems with the law.
Run to the corner of Mott and Bleecker streets, you will see a fighter of the Corleone family, Alesio Baroni. He will inform you that Clemenzo is waiting for a meeting at the tailor's workshop on Mulberry Street. After this, you should visit the owner of the flower shop, Rosa, whose establishment is located on East Houston Street.


She invites you to a party in a brothel located on the second floor. Talk to Monk, Sonny (he's in the room with two girls) and Paul there. Suddenly, a police raid led by a ferocious sergeant falls on the salon. Go downstairs, bribe Nathan Mahone, who is guarding entrance doors, and he will open them. Next, turn left into the alley, silently eliminate the cops, trying not to catch their eye, and enter the warehouse. On the second floor, talk to Rosa and already on the roof organize an accident for the sergeant. So that no one thinks about murder, drag him to the edge of the roof and throw him down. “He was drunk, fell from the roof, that’s all,” says Rosa, who arrived in time. Get down from the roof, click on Rose and return to the Corleone estate.
The next step - the rank of Associate - has been taken. Leave the house and chat with Jaggi - he will recommend capturing warehouses to undermine the financial stability of rival clans. But this is so, by the way, the main thing is to listen to what Danilo D'Amico has to say. If you have not yet been to Clemenzo’s house in Brooklyn, then now is the time to go there.

Death to the Traitor

Don was framed by Paul Gatto. Together with Clemenzo you will arrive at the restaurant. Go inside, go up to the second floor and take the dynamite from the box. Then talk to Clemenzo in front of the entrance, follow him through the alleys to the back door. Go inside, plant explosives on the second floor, next to the pool tables, and run out into the street, trying to make it before the building blows up. All that remains is to deal with the traitor. When you arrive, finish off Paul Gatto. He will run to hide behind containers, blowing up boxes in narrow passages. Now the chase is on the agenda again - bring Clemenzo to new apartment in Brooklyn, on Henry Street. There will be plenty of police on your tail, so getting safely to the garage hidden in the alley will not be easy. After the mission, start completing side quests, like contract killings, take over a few shops, then return home and answer the phone. It's Monk, waiting at the restaurant on 4th Avenue. Enter the restaurant, you will find Monk in the back room. And for what? So that he could convey Tom Hagen's request for a meeting, as if it could not be said over the phone. Go to the Corleone mansion, Tom is there.


We need to teach a lesson to one Hollywood showman, who, although old, has not been given wisdom by life. No one can go against the Corleones! Follow Rocco, trying not to get noticed by the estate's security. If someone makes a noise, then you only have 30 seconds to remove the insolent person (the only weapon at hand right now is a wire noose). It won’t work, the whole yard will come running, and the mission will have to be replayed from the very beginning. It's a shame. First you need to get to the stables, where Rocco will behead his beloved horse Costa Voltz. Then clear the way for Rocco (killing maids and servants is prohibited, only security), he must bring the head wrapped in cloth to Voltz’s bedroom, located on the second floor of the mansion. There is no need to remove the corpses; they will evaporate on their own in a few seconds. There, first wait until the maid disappears into the room on the right, and only then go to the boss’s bedroom. The job is done... In the morning Voltz will find the bloody head of a trotter in his bed, which will make him extremely sad.
Talk to the man with the icon above his head at Villa Corleone, he asks you to go to a meeting with Tom Hagen in Midtown. Tom is waiting for you at the hotel on Madison Court, take the elevator and you will see him. Now this hotel room is yours, yours and Frankie's, the family does not forget their heroes! Please Frankie, standing near the window, she invites you to relax in the new bar. Decide what is more important to you, hanging out with a friend in a new club or family matters? That's right, go to the Corleone mansion, they are already waiting for you there.

A Recipe for the Revenge

The family is discussing another murder, in which you play a significant role. First of all, rush to Luis's restaurant in Midtown, on 3rd Avenue, and before Solloso arrives. That is, until 4 minutes have passed. Then go into the restaurant from the back door, without being seen by the security, and contact Terry Blake. He needs to be convinced that you desperately need to use his toilet (a couple of blows to the face or a short walk, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck, will be quite enough). When he opens the door, go to the toilet and hide the gun in cistern. Next, watch the famous scene: Michael first talks decorously with his interlocutors at a restaurant table, asks to go to the toilet, returns and... does his dirty deed. Then go outside and get into the car with Michael. Take him to the docks of the Hell's Kitchen area. Michael is forced to move to Sicily and leave America for a while, but he will return soon.
Coming out of the docks, talk to the guy with the icon above his head, he will convey a message from Tom Hagen that he is waiting for you at the Falconite club, this is on Hester Street in Little Italy. Tom won’t talk for a long time, because Don Vito Corleone himself wants to talk to you! Why such an honor? Yes, because from now on you are accepted into the Corleone family and promoted to the rank of Soldier, and the ceremony will be performed by Don Vito himself! After the significant event, answer the phone in the lobby, Frankie has prepared some kind of surprise, he is waiting in your apartment in Midtown, in a hotel room on Madison Court.

Now it's Personal

A romantic evening has gone wrong, a gang of thugs has broken into your apartment. Kill the attackers, and then shake the soul out of Elmo Marciano on the first floor. He must tell you where the villains took your girlfriend. It turns out that the old church, call Monk on the phone in the lobby, he should be in the know. After the conversation, get into the car at the hotel and drive to the intersection on Lexington Street, where you pick up Monk. The brother will show extreme concern about the fate of his sister, but will still pull himself together. Take him to the church in Brooklyn on Dock Street, the most convenient way to get there is via the Brooklyn Bridge. The main entrance to the church is closed, go around it to the left and shoot all the bandits in the basement, getting to the main hall. Unfortunately, you are too late, Frankie will die in your arms. But the mission will be completed. Leave the church and talk to Mario Costanza at the entrance, Sonny wants to talk to you - go to Hell's Kitchen, in the gateway next to the Italian Goods store on Galvin Street.

The Silent Witness

Enter the store from the back door and in the warehouse, on the second floor, talk to Sonny. Then make Michael Santana speak, he is in the room next door. Although the Tatalia family member will not say anything, this is not required. Watch as Sonny throws the poor guy off the wall. It's time to go to his funeral, the funeral home is located in Midtown, on 34th Street. Inside, shoot all the gangsters, the elevator door will open, go down to the basement. There is a crematorium here, kill the guards and throw Bruno Tataglia into the stove so that others will be discouraged. Then again, bandit a little for your own pleasure, until one day the phone rings in the apartment. Sonny suggests meeting at Villa Corleone. Drive there to find out that Sonny asks to meet him at a hotel in Midtown.

Sonny's War

Bloodthirsty Sonny doesn’t even want to hear about any negotiations; he’s planning to start his own showdown. Talk to him at the hotel, then take him to the bar in Hell's Kitchen, it is located on 41st Street. The main thing is not to be late, the trip to the bar only takes two minutes. Kill the guards inside, go down to the basement and make the owner talk, Nicolo Gambio. He will easily give up his boss, who will try to escape in a truck. Jump into the car at the entrance and chase the truck, and Sonny will start shooting from the window at his pursuers. The chase will end in the remote area of ​​Hell's Kitchen, at the railway warehouse. Enter the house where the truck stopped, go up to the second floor and watch Sonny extract all the information from the fugitive. Get back into the car and drive to the docks, the same place where Michael Corleone was dropped off on the ship. They give you three minutes to do this, but don’t worry, because it’s very close. Once there, seize the warehouse, this will be more serious than extorting money from small shops. First you need to shoot a couple dozen bandits, and only then flex your muscles in front of the owner. After the capture, talk to the messenger with the icon above his head on the street, he will tell you about Sonny's desire to meet at Villa Corleone.

Change of Plans

After the meeting, get into the car and follow Sonny's car. This is probably one of the toughest chases I've had to deal with since the beginning of the game, although it's short-lived. When Sonny reaches the checkpoint and stops to pay the money, he is immediately shot. From a dozen barrels at the same time. Chase the killers, they will land at the warehouse in Hell's Kitchen, on Chelsea Street. Get out of the car and ask Shamus Broderick about who he works for. He won't say for sure, but he will hint that you can find it here, in Hell's Kitchen, at the club on 34th Street. Go there, there is not much time, go inside and talk to the local boss. It’s a tough nut to crack, you just can’t crack it - pester his woman, then the limp bandit will instantly tell you everything you want to know. The thread reaches to Barzini... Return to Villa Corleone to report your successes. The authors believe that five minutes should be enough for this. Vito Corleone learns of the death of his son and convenes a meeting of the leaders of five families, at which he tries to establish peaceful relations with everyone. From the outside, at least, that's what it looks like.
Don has died, go to Villa Corleone to offer your condolences and pay your respects to Michael Corleone. From now on you become Capo, a couple more steps - and you will be Don! Talk to Michael again, he asks to meet Monk at the hotel in Little Italy, on Pitt Street.

Order to Kill

Monk will offer to go to the hotel and track down some agent there. Just go up to the very top top floor to watch an interesting scene. First, Monk will shoot the FBI agent, and then Michael will ask you to remove... Monk's faithful friend in the interests of the family! Follow him to the club on West Street, where you will finish off the poor fellow. On the street you will be met by a family fighter who will tell you to meet Tom Hagen at Villa Corleone. Where to go? To meet Willie Cichy in Brooklyn, on Front Street.

It's Only Business

Talk to Willie near the club, he will outline an action plan. We go into the building, start shooting, kill Tesio... The difficulty is that too little time is allotted for searching and killing the villain, about three minutes, and the bandits in the area are like sardines in a barrel, so use better automatic Thomson. When you kill Tesio, go outside and talk to Tom. He conveys Michael's request to meet at the church at the intersection of Prince and Mott streets in Little Italy.

Baptism by Fire

The final mission, Michael really hopes that the future for the whole family will be laid today. Go to the flower shop in Midtown, on 5th Avenue, and talk to Clemenzo there. Although you have not yet reached the fat man, the timer has turned on (13 minutes), and at the same time a mention of the first goal, Don Strazzi, has appeared at the top of the screen. Clemenzo will direct you to the St. Alban's in Midtown. Having arrived at the place, follow the fat man, then go up the stairs to the floor above and ask the gangster in front of the door if Don Strazzi has arrived in an hour? Then ask the next bouncer in front of the door and, finally, talk to Strazzi himself . Escort him to the elevator, Clemenzo will start shooting, then finish off the seriously wounded don. Talk to Clemenzo, now you have 13 minutes to rid the world of Don Cuneo. But first you should see Willie at the Hell's Kitchen hairdresser. Take him to the Savannah Hotel in Midtown, on 49th Street, it's just down the road. Upon arrival, talk to Willy, he will open the back door, follow him to the hotel and shoot Don Cuneo. If you hesitate, he may run out into the street. Then talk to Willie again. The next target is Don Tatalia, talk to Rocco in the Brooklyn club, on Front Street. This time you won’t be allowed to get to your destination calmly; they will constantly try to ram you or be riddled with bullets from a cavalcade of cars behind you. The most annoying thing is that you won’t be able to get rid of them, and until the very last moment the annoying black cars will appear out of thin air.
Rocco doesn't know where to look for Tattaglia, but suspects that he is hiding in a brothel. But this is what you need to find. Go outside and talk to the woman in a black dress to the right of the entrance, she will tell you the way - the Saint Sebastian Hotel. It is located on the next street, you can get there on foot, unless, of course, time is running out. In the hotel, go up the stairs to the third floor and through the door on the right, spank Tatalia and talk to Rocco. Then go to the police station in Little Italy, where you have a meeting with Al Neri. The plan to eliminate Don Barzini is as follows: drive up to the park in a police car, then wait until Al Neri starts shooting, after which you kill Barzini and escape from the police... After the murder, jump into any car and tear out the claws until the timer stops at zero . The entire police force in the area will be after you, because the alarm level is five “badges.” Return to the church in Little Italy, the baptism ceremony with Michael's participation should be completed by this time.
After the scene, talk to Franco Baggio near the church, he will tell you that everyone is gathering at Villa Corleone. Go there, get a new status - Underboss. Above is only the Don, which you will become very soon. Talk to the man with the icon on his head and start preparing for serious operations. Now you need to blow up all four villas of the competing families, their locations are marked with blue circles on the map. Find the seller with dynamite, buy two bundles and plant bombs under each of the two buildings to eliminate one family. You need to escape from the houses before the explosion, and time, as always, is running out. Repeat the demolition work four times (the location of the mansions and their basements, hiding behind the guards' boxes, are identical). Return to Villa Corleone, you are now the new Don, congratulations!
Once you become a don, you can achieve more. Become the Chief Don of New York, for which you need to seize all legal businesses and buy up illegal ones, purchase all real estate, carry out all contract killings. These classes, of course, smack of a fair amount of routine and will no longer be accompanied by interesting scenes from " family life“, but the title at stake is quite serious. You’ll have to work hard to take it.


In order to somehow explain the appearance of a new person in the Corleone mafia family, we are first shown a short introduction, where we act as the father of the main character, who seeks to sell his life at a higher price. The poor man's torment does not last very long; several point-blank bursts of machine gun fire very rarely leave hope for a miraculous recovery. The death of his father is seen by a little boy, to whom Vito Corleone, who arrives in time, promises that when he grows up and the time comes for revenge, he will not miss his chance. Next, we create a character in the editor and go to Don Vito’s wedding.

After a scene in which first your mother asks Corleone for patronage, and then Don Vito Luca Brasi himself for a favor, we find ourselves on the street next to a couple of punks. Luka has already managed to send one of them to the next world with a piece of pipe; all you have to do is finish off the rest, while at the same time getting used to the local control system. At the end of the “warm-up”, Luka will offer to walk a little, introducing you to the situation. When the map appears, run to the house marked with a blue cross. Here you can save the game, and also escape from pursuit by the police or bandits. After saving in the room above, answer the phone, then go to the blue marker next to the door.

Luca Brasi, frightening local drivers with his menacing appearance, rants about how good it has become to conduct his business these days. Talk to him, he wants you to force the owner of the butcher shop (it's located on the opposite side of the street) to pay bribes to the Corleones. Old Emilio will be a tough nut to crack and won't want to pay. Destroy property, beat up the butcher, but just don’t forget about the indicator, because it’s easy to overdo it, and then the victim may attack you. After proper “processing”, talk to Emilio again, he will agree to pay. At the same time, the door will open to the back of the store, where the illegal business is located. You won’t take over it like a butcher’s shop; here you are supposed to invest in them. Go up to the second floor and, having found an underground gaming club there, talk to its owner. He will not be stubborn, he will easily accept money, and from now on this establishment will bring you additional income. Go outside and at the door you will encounter a police sergeant who will need to give a bribe. Yes, people in uniform are also extremely corrupt. But for some time the police will turn a blind eye to your atrocities; the green indicator next to the mini-radar symbolizes just this. Take the money to Luka. He will ask you to visit Paul Gatto, who can be found at the Falconite Social Club.

A Grave Situation

Together with Paul, you will also meet Monk, the guys are planning to teach a lesson to the hooligans who cruelly treated one girl. Follow them down the street, then turn towards the funeral home sign and knock the wind out of a couple of students. One needs to be grabbed and slammed with his back against the wall, and the other must first be shaken in his hands, and then his head should be crushed into gravestones. The mafiosi decided to bury the guy alive, but at the last moment they changed their minds. Then talk to Monk, Luca is waiting for you in the alley on Bowery Street, don’t make him nervous.

Sleeping with the Fishes

Follow Luka, he will teach you how to properly use weapons. In the world of Godfather, automatic equipment helps you aim, and in addition to regular shooting, you can precisely shoot at individual parts of the body: if you hit the shoulder, the enemy will no longer be able to shoot back; if you hit the knee, he will fall or roll on the floor. Having played around with a revolver, take Luka to the Luna Bar in Midtown." The time for the trip is limited, so try not to drive around for pleasure, there will still be time. Upon arrival, Luka will go to negotiate, and you will watch the meeting through the window. Unfortunately, your mentor will be brutally killed in this place, with a noose around his neck - punish his killers. After the shootout, you have very little time left to get to the house marked on the map in Little Italy. And the police, awakened by the noise of gunfire, will not let you get bored on the road .In the room there will be a telephone conversation with Monk, who is waiting for a meeting. However, for some reason this task will not appear in the list of missions, so you can do routine raids on the owners of the shops in the neighborhood. Then return to your room and pick up the phone, Monk waits at a barbershop on Mott Street in Little Italy.

It will not be possible to have a heart-to-heart talk; an assassination attempt has been made on Don Vito Corleone, and the killers are still holding the barbershop windows at gunpoint. Run out into the street and shoot the villain holding Frankie, Monk's sister, close to him. After this, a chase episode will begin - chase an ambulance through the streets of New York, in which they are trying to kidnap the wounded don. Roads blocked by cars will help you find your way in time, because there is no way to miss the fugitives. You will get a short respite when both cars are on the bridge to Brooklyn. Kill the petty gangsters and make Barto Leone talk (similar to how you extort money from store owners) - he will point out those who ordered the crime. Get into the ambulance and drive to the hospital located in the northern part of Little Italy, you can still try to save Don Vito. The life bar will tell you when it's too late. After the race, return to the Corleone mansion and talk to Tom Hagen there, there is nowhere else to rush for now. He will promote you to the rank of Enforcer, this is the first step in the Corleone family.
Then chat in the corridor with Nicolo Chico, who will tell you that Clemenzo wants to see you. Tesio is blocking your exit from the house - he will always happily give you a fresh order for murder, if, of course, you have the time and desire to take on the extra “wet” work. Clemenzo, waiting in a bar on Hester Street (he is standing next to the piano), is very concerned about the Don’s condition - he asks to visit the hospital and check how things are going there.

It seems that our young gangster is trying to fool Frankie, and she doesn’t seem to mind too much. Talk to the guard at the door, he will take away all the weapons, then go up to the second floor to Monk’s room and talk near the patient’s bed with Frankie, who is visiting him. The conversation will be interrupted by a killer bursting into the room, you know what to do. Michael Corleone, the son of Don Vito, appears on the scene and will say that the basement is full of suspicious elements. Go down there, shoot all the bad guys, and then escort Frankie to the ambulance in the underground garage. Return to Don Vito's chamber and find Michael there. The police who arrive at the shootout will want to arrest him, but the family lawyer who arrives in time will quickly save Michael from problems with the law.
Run to the corner of Mott and Bleecker streets, you will see a fighter of the Corleone family, Alesio Baroni. He will inform you that Clemenzo is waiting for a meeting at the tailor's workshop on Mulberry Street. After this, you should visit the owner of the flower shop, Rosa, whose establishment is located on East Houston Street.

She invites you to a party in a brothel located on the second floor. Talk to Monk, Sonny (he's in the room with two girls) and Paul there. Suddenly, a police raid led by a ferocious sergeant falls on the salon. Go downstairs, bribe Nathan Mahone, who is guarding the front doors, and he will open them. Next, turn left into the alley, silently eliminate the cops, trying not to catch their eye, and enter the warehouse. On the second floor, talk to Rosa and already on the roof organize an accident for the sergeant. So that no one thinks about murder, drag him to the edge of the roof and throw him down. “He was drunk, fell from the roof, that’s all,” says Rosa, who arrived in time. Get down from the roof, click on Rose and return to the Corleone estate.
The next step - the rank of Associate - has been taken. Leave the house and chat with Jaggi - he will recommend capturing warehouses to undermine the financial stability of rival clans. But this is so, by the way, the main thing is to listen to what Danilo D'Amico has to say. If you have not yet been to Clemenzo’s house in Brooklyn, then now is the time to go there.

Death to the Traitor

Don was framed by Paul Gatto. Together with Clemenzo you will arrive at the restaurant. Go inside, go up to the second floor and take the dynamite from the box. Then talk to Clemenzo in front of the entrance, follow him through the alleys to the back door. Go inside, plant explosives on the second floor, next to the pool tables, and run out into the street, trying to make it before the building blows up. All that remains is to deal with the traitor. When you arrive, finish off Paul Gatto. He will run to hide behind containers, blowing up boxes in narrow passages. Now the chase is on the agenda again - bring Clemenzo to a new apartment in Brooklyn, on Henry Street. There will be plenty of police on your tail, so getting safely to the garage hidden in the alley will not be easy. After the mission, start doing side missions, like contract killings, grab a few shops, then return home and answer the phone. It's Monk, waiting at the restaurant on 4th Avenue. Enter the restaurant, you will find Monk in the back room. And for what? So that he could convey Tom Hagen's request for a meeting, as if it could not be said over the phone. Go to the Corleone mansion, Tom is there.

We need to teach a lesson to one Hollywood showman, who, although old, has not been given wisdom by life. No one can go against the Corleones! Follow Rocco, trying not to get noticed by the estate's security. If someone makes a noise, then you only have 30 seconds to remove the insolent person (the only weapon at hand right now is a wire noose). It won’t work, the whole yard will come running, and the mission will have to be replayed from the very beginning. It's a shame. First you need to get to the stables, where Rocco will behead his beloved horse Costa Voltz. Then clear the way for Rocco (killing maids and servants is prohibited, only security), he must bring the head wrapped in cloth to Voltz’s bedroom, located on the second floor of the mansion. There is no need to remove the corpses; they will evaporate on their own in a few seconds. There, first wait until the maid disappears into the room on the right, and only then go to the boss’s bedroom. The job is done... In the morning Voltz will find the bloody head of a trotter in his bed, which will make him extremely sad.
Talk to the man with the icon above his head at Villa Corleone, he asks you to go to a meeting with Tom Hagen in Midtown. Tom is waiting for you at the hotel on Madison Court, take the elevator and you will see him. Now this hotel room is yours, yours and Frankie's, the family does not forget their heroes! Please Frankie, standing near the window, she invites you to relax in the new bar. Decide what is more important to you, hanging out with a friend in a new club or family matters? That's right, go to the Corleone mansion, they are already waiting for you there.

A Recipe for the Revenge

The family is discussing another murder, in which you play a significant role. First of all, rush to Luis's restaurant in Midtown, on 3rd Avenue, and before Solloso arrives. That is, until 4 minutes have passed. Then go into the restaurant from the back door, without being seen by the security, and contact Terry Blake. He needs to be convinced that you desperately need to use his toilet (a couple of blows to the face or a short walk, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck, will be quite enough). When he opens the door, go to the toilet and hide the gun in the flush tank. Next, watch the famous scene: Michael first talks decorously with his interlocutors at a restaurant table, asks to go to the toilet, returns and... does his dirty deed. Then go outside and get into the car with Michael. Take him to the docks of the Hell's Kitchen area. Michael is forced to move to Sicily and leave America for a while, but he will return soon.
Coming out of the docks, talk to the guy with the icon above his head, he will convey a message from Tom Hagen that he is waiting for you at the Falconite club, this is on Hester Street in Little Italy. Tom won’t talk for a long time, because Don Vito Corleone himself wants to talk to you! Why such an honor? Yes, because from now on you are accepted into the Corleone family and promoted to the rank of Soldier, and the ceremony will be performed by Don Vito himself! After the significant event, answer the phone in the lobby, Frankie has prepared some kind of surprise, he is waiting in your apartment in Midtown, in a hotel room on Madison Court.
