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Business in Russia. Guides to starting a business in the regions.
700,000 entrepreneurs in the country trust us

* The calculations use average data for Russia

From 20,000 ₽

Starting investments

80,000 - 510,000 ₽

50,000 - 400,000 ₽

Net profit


If you want to open a business with minimal investment, then take a closer look at the idea of ​​delivering ready-made meals homemade. This is a great business option for women and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Many catering establishments have verified that business lunches are a very profitable business. But this was the case until 2016, when people actively visited various cafes and restaurants. In 2016, business lunch orders dropped by half. RBC specialists note that the culprit is a decrease in purchasing power. People cannot afford restaurant business lunches costing 300 rubles. But many people have already lost the habit of bringing lunch to work in home containers. So such a time can be considered as a period of opportunity, which is perfect for starting your own business delivering ready-made business lunches.

Food delivery – quite profitable business. More and more people are giving up their daily “from-home” containers. Some people don’t have time to cook, while others don’t feel comfortable carrying food containers with them to work. Still others just want to eat a filling, freshly prepared lunch. Still others will not go to nearby cafes and canteens because they want to save money or do not want to leave the office. One way or another, delivery of business lunches makes life easier for office workers, and gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to earn money.

The idea of ​​a business for preparing and delivering hot lunches to offices is to prepare delicious lunches at home and deliver them directly to workplace clients. And at the same time offer low prices– a full lunch can be purchased for 170 rubles. A business lunch in the office will be the most the best option for local employees. It's convenient, tasty and cheap. These three main criteria by which a business lunch is selected must be combined in one project.

What are the advantages of business lunch delivery:

    A business lunch delivery business does not require large investments.

    For successful business Delivery of ready-made meals does not require special knowledge or special skills. It is enough to be able to cook tasty food and be careful.

    Suitable for home business, a women's business and requires relatively little working time.

    Is promising direction catering, has the opportunity to expand the business.

    Provides a decent level of profit.

To open a business delivering ready-made meals, you need a minimum start-up capital - you can keep it at 20 thousand rubles. For profitability, it is best to organize full cycle operation of the enterprise - from preparing dishes to delivering food to the client. It will be a huge plus if a novice entrepreneur knows how to cook deliciously and will do it independently. By combining both the investor and the contractor, you will be able to save significantly. You can prepare meals in your own kitchen without the help of assistants. On initial stage the entrepreneur will be able to cope with the entire volume of work alone.

For a lunch delivery business, you won’t need to take out loans, save for a long time to open and take risks large sums. In fact, the only thing you are risking is your time. It will take about 2 months to develop the business. The most important thing in this matter is creativity, integrity and clear planning.

How to think through a business lunch menu

The most important thing in this business is delicious lunches and a varied menu that customers will like. We recommend providing a menu by day of the week: the product will not have time to deteriorate, and customers will appreciate the variety. Plus, by offering new dishes every day, you show that you're selling fresh, not yesterday's leftovers. This inspires confidence.

The menu can include various porridges, meat and fish dishes, dumplings, soups, potato side dishes, salads, and baked goods. You can sell set lunches, which include a main course + a main course with a side dish or salad. Or you can offer each dish separately.

Study competitors' offers. Start with inexpensive cafes and restaurants, canteens offering a business menu. Then, when you roughly decide on the offices where you will sell your hot lunches, study the menu of catering establishments that are located next to the office buildings. Gather as much information as possible about what dishes are offered and how much it costs to order. This will install optimal price and create your menu correctly.

How to calculate the cost and set the price for business lunches

To set the optimal price for a product, you should calculate the cost of its preparation. And to do this, you need to create a detailed recipe for each dish and calculate its cost, taking into account the cost of ingredients. For example, you are preparing a vegetable salad. Ingredients: 1 tomato (150 g) and 2 cucumbers (350 g). The cost of 1 kg of tomatoes is 100 rubles, and 1 kg of cucumbers is 125 rubles. Thus, the cost of vegetable salad is calculated using the formula: 0.15*100+0.35*125=58.8 rubles.

In addition, you should take into account the time spent on preparing a particular dish (not only your work time, but also energy saving). Also, the cost of business lunches should include packaging and transportation costs.

Ready ideas for your business

There is no need to carry out complex calculations to determine the price. It is enough to determine the cost of products and provide a certain markup on products that will cover all costs. The approximate markup on products will be 200%. On average, 1 serving of a full meal should cost an average of 170 rubles. Before setting a price, study competitors' offers. To attract customers, offer prices slightly lower than your competitors. This is the law of starting a business. Don't chase high profits. First, gain your client's trust.

How to register a lunch delivery business

The best way to start a business delivering ready-made meals is in the following format: home cooking. To do this, you do not need to rent a room or buy equipment. You can also avoid SES checks and other bureaucratic procedures. But we still recommend legalizing your business if you plan to develop it in the future and avoid unpleasant situations.

The first instance is the tax office. There you should fill out the PD (tax) form, pay a state fee of 800 rubles, and also write an application for inclusion in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. Next, you should obtain permission from the SES and issue a health certificate (you can get tested at the nearest clinic). In general, completing the package of documents will take about a month and cost 2-3 thousand rubles.

How much money do you need to start a lunch delivery business?

To answer this question, you need to calculate the amount of initial costs. To organize a business, you will need utensils for cooking, disposable tableware and bags for transportation. Let's look at each point in more detail.

We purchase equipment. Even if you have a cabinet full of pots and pans at home, we advise you to purchase dishes specifically for work. And cook in it. An approximate list of necessary utensils is given below:

    pans different sizes(4-5 pcs.);

    frying pans (2 pcs.);

    kitchen knives(2-3 pcs.);

    cutting board (2 pcs.);

  • baking dishes;

    other utensils (spoons, spatulas, ladle, colander, etc.).

All the dishes will cost about 5,000 rubles. It is also recommended to purchase kitchen scales so that you can conveniently calculate portion sizes and their cost. They will cost about 1,000 rubles.

For convenience, you can buy a separate refrigerator to store food. However, in the first stages of business, food supplies will not be very large, and you can completely do without a separate refrigerator.

But you will immediately need to purchase thermal bags in which the finished products will be transported. They will allow ready-made meals to be delivered while still hot. The number of bags depends on the size of your business and the capacity of the bags themselves. A volume of 44 liters will be sufficient to transport lunches. The average cost of such a thermal bag will be 2,500 rubles. Thus, the cost of equipment will be about 8,500 rubles.

Ready ideas for your business

We purchase disposable tableware. To sell ready-made lunches, you will need to purchase disposable tableware - plastic containers, forks, plates. You will also need cling film and paper napkins. Containers will cost from 7 rubles apiece. With an average sales volume of 50 orders per day, you will have to spend 500-600 rubles on containers. Those. for a month you will have to purchase about 120 containers for the amount of 1200 rubles.

We purchase raw materials. To prepare delicious home-cooked meals, you need fresh, high-quality ingredients. To save on the purchase of raw materials, you should give preference to markets and wholesale warehouses. It's cheaper there than in supermarkets. The shopping plan depends on the recipe for future lunches. For the first month, when there will not be very many customers, you should provide for food costs in the amount of 4,000 rubles.

Costs of starting a home business lunch delivery business:

    dishes and utensils– 6,000 rubles;

    business registration– 2,000 rubles;

    utensils for transportation(thermal bags, containers) – 3,700 rubles;

    initial purchases of ingredients– 4,000 rubles.

Thus, to open a business delivering ready-made meals, you will need an investment of about 20,000 rubles.

Delivery of business lunches: where to find clients

yours target audience are office employees. Where to look for them? You should mainly look for them in business centers, office buildings, shops, banks, beauty salons, etc. You can search for potential clients in two ways: prepare a flyer about your offer and distribute it among potential clients. You can also contact business managers to conclude agreements with offices for corporate food delivery. More effective method– prepare a test batch of home-cooked meals and personally visit the places of work of potential clients at lunchtime. Let me try the products - The best way advertise it! If you like the dinners, the first clients will appear very quickly.

We recommend that you personally visit establishments that may be interested in your offer. It is important to understand whether the idea is in demand among potential clients. Offer an SMS newsletter about the daily menu, provide the opportunity to order certain items from the menu in advance. Use the buzzy business word “customer centricity.” What is a business without advertising? For promotion, business cards or leaflets showing the menu for the week will be useful. Handouts can be ordered from a printing house, or you can simply print them on a color printer. The cost of this will be no more than 1,000 rubles.

How to plan a business lunch delivery workflow

At first, you will have to work alone for quite a long time - draw up a purchasing plan yourself, cook and deliver lunches. Over time, when the delivery of lunches to offices gains good momentum and regular customers appear, you need to think about expanding your business - hiring a courier, a cook and an assistant.

It makes sense to prepare food on the day of orders and deliver hot lunch to the office “piping hot.” Therefore, you will have to get up early in the morning and buy groceries. If you start cooking at 8 am, then everything should be ready by 11. You can deliver lunches yourself or hire a courier. Service hours are from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.

How much can you earn on business lunches?

Now let’s calculate how quickly we can recoup the investment and how much we can earn. With a 200% increase, you can count on revenue of 80,000 rubles per month. Based on this, the cost of lunch will be about 30,000. Then the monthly profit will be about 50,000 rubles. And this is based on conservative estimates. There is a high chance that your business will pay for itself in the first month of operation. Another advantage of this business lunch delivery business is that it is not limited in volume. You can develop, increase sales, expand your business. If you serve several organizations, you can reach a sales volume of 100 orders per day and earn up to 400,000 rubles per month.

In conclusion we share useful tips that will make your business easier, better and more profitable:

    Study the tastes of clients, observe what they like. Analyze which menu items are most in demand and which are sold less frequently. Eliminate unprofitable items from the menu and offer instead what your customers like.

    Always offer customers snacks - salted or fresh (depending on the season) cucumbers or tomatoes, sauerkraut, vegetables in Korean and so on.

    Make purchases of products at wholesale centers or food markets. Choose only quality products. Do not save on products; losses from their poor quality can be several times greater than the amount saved.

    Make sure that the products are always fresh, tasty, carefully prepared and packaged, and delivered while still hot.

    Plan your menu so that ingredients are repeated in different dishes. For example, if you cook chicken noodles in broth, provide a salad with broth on the same day. chicken fillet. This allows you to save on cooking time, saves product consumption, avoids unnecessary food leftovers and simplifies purchasing planning.

    Track trends and innovations. Pay special attention to business ideas that appear abroad: the main drivers in the delivery sector are the United States and European countries. Reviews fresh business ideas can be found .

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Without any special investments, a lunch business can be started in any locality, taking into account its specifics and the type of occupation of the population. Who needs ready-made food? Employees who work at some distance from home and do not have enough time to get to the office during their lunch break own kitchen, as well as personnel of those enterprises that do not have a corporate canteen.

Potential clients may also include employees shopping center, a wholesale base on the outskirts, builders of a new microdistrict, beauty salon employees or office plankton. You should not rely on income from teachers, doctors or military personnel, not at all because they are considered low-paid workers, but because they may prefer more affordable food from the canteens serving these institutions.

You also need to take into account the fact that all your customers should have conditions for eating right at their place of work. You must clarify the equipment of the staff premises with household electrical appliances such as a microwave, kettle, refrigerator and select the method of packaging and storing prepared food, taking into account their presence or absence.

Make a preliminary list of nearby businesses and office buildings, or talk to your friends about the catering conditions at their workplace. Visit these companies in the run-up to your lunch break and find out if your help in delivering ready-made meals will be needed. Invite everyone to use your services and leave your business card.

Don't forget to weigh your own strengths and evaluate your options. It’s worth starting with 10-20 full meals, gradually gaining momentum and choosing the optimal number of complexes and number of clients.

What can you treat people with?

On the same preliminary stage you need to create a menu and plan the layout. The standard package includes:

  • First course;
  • Salads and snacks;
  • Garnish;
  • Hot;
  • Sweet and savory baked goods.

You can combine 1-2 variations of each element per day. A sample Monday menu might include borscht and pea soup, rice and buckwheat porridge with cutlets or liver, fresh cabbage or cucumber-tomato salad. As a dessert, you can offer cheesecakes or pancakes with a variety of fillings. For vegetarians, vegetable stew is a good side dish. Additionally, you can add fruit, yogurt, juice, a portion of nuts and candied fruits.

The choice of dishes themselves can be limited by a combination of several criteria: the cost of ingredients, the complexity of preparation, your ability to cook, technical capabilities for preparation and storage, as well as the preferences of your direct customers. The menu can be adjusted depending on the season.

As a specialization, you can choose food delivery for those categories of people who are more picky about food - vegetarians and vegans, diabetics and allergy sufferers, raw foodists and simply for ladies on a diet. There is another area for development - servicing private kindergartens. Now many people send their children to private home kindergartens and development groups; you can find such a children’s club for 3-10 people in your neighborhood and agree to provide them with regular meals, having approved the menu with the parents.

Remember about the wide range of possibilities when organizing corporate events. Develop commercial offers for any event - a small tea party in honor of the birthday of one of the employees, a large banquet for partners in honor of the company's anniversary, or an outdoor picnic for a joint recreation of the team.

Eye to eye or monitor? Ways to interact with clients

Oh, this part of the job may be the most difficult, but at the same time the most interesting. In a small provincial town, you need to take a more conservative path and establish personal interaction with your main consumers. Just come and talk and treat yourself to some of your baked goods. In megacities, you can’t do without a website with online ordering capabilities.

In small teams, regardless of locality, you can arrange a mini-presentation with a tasting of your products and, again, personally communicate with team members. At large enterprises, you can approach the secretary or office manager to notify employees about the opportunity to order lunch from you - through an advertisement or an internal corporate email newsletter.

In this case, orders can be carried out centrally (through one authorized employee) or individually, or customers will purchase a set “from what is available,” that is, they will be deprived of choice. Reservations must be made for the standard menu. Don’t forget about the “face of the product” and invite everyone to first get acquainted with the colorful menu with images of the items.

However, the importance cannot be underestimated feedback– regularly adjust the assortment and listen to other wishes, for example, by adding cutlery, napkins, toothpicks, chewing gum for fresh breath, fruits or cold drinks. Suggestions and complaints can be received in person, by phone or through a special form on the website. The main thing is to respond quickly to them in order to show loyalty to customers.

How is this supposed to work?

When choosing this field of activity, you need to pay attention to absolutely all components - from creating a menu and purchasing quality products to appearance the dish itself and the courier upon delivery. At all stages of creation, storage and transportation, it is necessary to maintain sterile cleanliness and take care of the safety of your clients who trust you with their well-being and health.

So, if you decide that you will only cook for the small office next door, you can handle it yourself without involving employees. Weekends can be devoted to purchasing products at a wholesale warehouse or from trusted sellers at the market and preparing semi-finished products. In advance, you can start preparing minced meat and cutlets, dough for freezing, dumplings or dumplings, stuffed peppers and cabbage rolls, as well as homemade cheese and cottage cheese, sour cream and butter from farm milk, or cutting fish and meat, cooking vegetables for salads, and most importantly - spring cleaning kitchens.

On weekdays, early in the morning, you should already start preparing first and second courses, appetizers and salads; sometimes you need to prepare most types of baked goods so that they are still warm when they reach the customer’s table.

An important aspect of delivery is packaging. The weight of portions must be standard - be sure to indicate it in the menu:

  • first courses – 250-500 ml;
  • hot – 100-150 gr.;
  • side dish – 100-150 gr.;
  • salad or appetizer – 100-150 gr.

What should be hot should be hot, what should be kept cool should remain cold. Sauces and dressings should be packaged separately and not mixed; for example, you should not add mayonnaise or sour cream to a salad - let the buyer do this himself.

Choose good thermos and portable bags freezers so that food can be transported without compromising its quality. It is better to choose disposable dishes, but of high quality, so that there are no foreign odors. It is also necessary to take into account such a psychological aspect as subordination and prepare a separate VIP service for the management team so that middle and senior managers can stand out from the crowd.

We count expenses and plan profits

The amount of money spent and earned depends on the scale of the activity. If your plans are to deliver more than 50-100 lunches daily, then you should have the same production resources as in an average canteen.

In various variations, the cost of a set lunch can reach from 90 to 250 rubles. The average price is 150 rubles. It’s easy to calculate your potential income – just multiply the number regular customers for the total number of prepared servings. If the number of customers is 10, then the daily revenue is only 1,500 rubles, if the team is 100 people, then the income is already 15 thousand rubles per day.

The corresponding ratio applies to expenses. If you are solely engaged in cooking and delivery, then the list of expenses includes only the costs of food and packaging, utility bills, and official registration of the business can be avoided.

When hiring hired personnel, you will need to pay salaries, pay medical examinations, rent premises, pay taxes, and also incur mandatory expenses for the same products and packaging. Don’t forget about such small but necessary expenses as paying for telephone calls, printing business cards and maintaining a website.

You will also have to incur one-time expenses when purchasing everything necessary to start production:

  • Refrigeration equipment - chest freezer and a refrigerator;
  • Transportation equipment – ​​thermos bags, portable refrigerators;
  • Kitchen equipment - stove and oven, cutting table, mixer, meat grinder, food processor;
  • Kitchen utensils - pots, pans, steamers, cutting boards, knives;
  • Consumables – packaging, containers, cutlery, napkins, toothpicks, bags.

Thus, the starting capital can range from several thousand rubles for a mini-business and reach millions of rubles when opening production in premises equipped with everything for catering. The last section contains a calculation of the payback of opening a workshop for preparing lunches with the organization of their delivery and take-away trade, as well as specific figures for the launch and maintenance of such an enterprise.

Here is a calculation of the profit of a home-based business delivering ready-to-eat meals:

  • Revenue – 20 days * 10 complexes * 150 rubles = 30,000 rubles per month;
  • Purchase of products – 20 days * 10 complexes * 60 rubles = 12,000 rubles per month;
  • Packaging – 20 days * 10 * 10 rubles = 2,000 rubles per month;
  • Utility costs – 3,000 rubles per month;
  • Household expenses ( household chemicals, cleaning products, kitchen utensils) – 500 rubles per month;
  • Communication expenses (Internet, telephone, advertising) – 1,000 rubles per month;
  • Transport costs – 1,500 rubles per month.

The total profit will be: 10,000 rubles per month.

But such a profit will be only if all 10 complete sets are regularly sold, and what if one of the regular customers gets sick or does not want to take the entire set? Then you lose profit. Therefore it is better to count on larger number and for 12-13 people, prepare 10-12 sets of dishes daily, taking into account the preferences of each eater. Unsold food can be consumed independently, fed to household members, or even treated to an elderly neighbor whose pension does not allow her to cook meat dishes every day.

It is possible to save money without sacrificing quality by using products grown by your own family. The same fruits and berries, vegetables and herbs, pickles and jams with own dacha will be an excellent addition to your customers’ diet.

Delivery of ready-made lunches to a small office – perfect option for home business. The needs of a large number of people can be successfully provided by a cafe-dining room, which is unable to invite everyone into its hall due to the small space or large distance from business center, but has spacious industrial premises and technical capabilities to prepare a huge number of servings of various menu items daily.

So, weigh your strength, write sample menu, make a website, take photos of your favorite dishes, print business cards, go around the surrounding offices, progenerate in the kitchen and start delicious achievements. It is quite possible that soon you will feel cramped, and you will decide to develop your business and feed all the working people.

Calculation of the payback of a workshop for preparing set meals

This table shows the calculation of the payback of a workshop for the production of ready-made set meals with delivery, with a capacity of 2 million servings per month, located in rented premises adapted for food production.

Starting capital, rub.
Permits 90 000
Selection of premises and its renovation (from 200 sq. m.) 950 000
Design of a workshop and work on its arrangement 425 000
Arrangement of office premises 350 000
Purchase of kitchen equipment and its installation ( refrigeration equipment, hobs, washing equipment, food storage racks, tables for preparing dishes) 5 980 000
Purchase of inventory and kitchen utensils 350 000
Initial costs for products 1 000 000
Purchasing packaging and ordering other corporate identity elements 540 000
Development technological maps and menu creation 120 000
Marketing activities, including website creation 195 000
Total initial investment: 10 000 000
Regular expenses, rub./month.
Payroll (production manager (technologist), 2 cooks, 4 assistant cooks, purchasing manager, marketing manager, 2 delivery drivers, auxiliary worker, production premises cleaner) 585 000
Rent for premises and utilities 285 000
Purchase of products 1 000 000
Purchasing kitchen utensils and Supplies for cleaning 54 000
Purchasing packaging 164 000
Advertising costs 60 000
Delivery costs (renting 2 personal cars from hired drivers, depreciation of transport, payment for fuel) 202 000
Accounting services 70 000
Miscellaneous (communications, bank commissions, stationery) 78 000
other expenses 50 000
Taxes 40 000
Total monthly expenses: 2 600 000
Financial results
Sales volume, per month 2,000,000 complexes
Cost of set lunch 150 rub.
Revenue, per month 300 million rubles
Cost of a set lunch including packaging and delivery 118 rub.
Net profit, per month 640,000 rub.
Project payback 20 months

» Alexey Gisak wrote a column for the site, in which he summarized his experience in organizing food delivery. The author is convinced that if not properly managed, delivery can completely destroy a retail outlet.

When you open a point in a food court, street retail, or even a small pavilion in the central park of the city, you will most likely want to add delivery to this point at some point. Or, in principle, make delivery. And focus attention on it.

Indeed, delivery is a significant part of the fast food business that looks very attractive. It has small capital investments, it is easier to replicate, and this replication seems simpler than building a network of free-standing cafes. Yes, delivery is a very promising story, but in order to make money on it, you need to do a few key things right.

Firstly, we do not give all our franchisees who have opened new locations the opportunity to make deliveries for the first four to six months. Many people think that they do not have enough turnover and that delivery can cope with this task. In a sense, yes, but only when the processes at the point are well-established, there is no chaos and chaos, the speed of service is high, the team’s work is well-coordinated, all planned peaks are predictable, and the team is prepared for them. In fact, delivery that doesn’t work well can completely ruin the point and alienate the audience.

When we opened our first kitchen factory on Semenovskaya and there were temporary problems there, we moved delivery to the Metropolis shopping center, thereby completely blocking it. It's amazing that people want to eat at the same time. Consequently, the peak of delivery and work at the point occurred at the same time.

People's negativity grew - when you stand in line, you can visually plan when the order will be ready. But if online orders are still wedged into this queue, it starts to infuriate you as a guest. And the person who ordered on the Internet is infuriated that you are taking a long time to deliver, even though you are nearby. After a month of suffering, we returned delivery to the factory.

Delivery is not a panacea. Delivery will not save you if work at the point is close to chaos. Delivery works in fast food if you manage all the day's traffic well, the employees handle it efficiently, and you can safely handle additional orders at the same peak time. You can't get customers to order lunch later, even if you have a million additional discounts and offers.

I remember we did a lot of promotions on the theme “order after 16”, everything is cheaper and so on. But this gave a very weak response, and I made one simple conclusion - people want to eat, exactly when they want. For the sake of a discount of even 100 rubles, a person will not endure hunger (unless, of course, he is ultra-greedy).

Food delivery and delivery of goods in an online store are two huge differences. If you order a phone, it doesn’t matter to you whether it arrives today, tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow and that delivery will cost another 400 rubles. You order food at the moment when you are already hungry, therefore, you are prepared to wait a maximum of an hour. After this, you yourself are no longer glad that you ordered, you begin to leave angry comments in in social networks, call and find out the status of the order.

And needless to say, for delivery costing 800 rubles you are unlikely to be willing to pay another 400 on top. Hence all the difficulties - you need to complete the entire full cycle of order acceptance, its preparation, assembly and delivery in a maximum of 60 minutes and also include the cost of courier services within the cost of the order. The client needs everything to be as quickly as possible, the cost of a mandatory order to be minimal, and the delivery itself to be free.

Separately, I would like to note that not all fast food items can “live” in delivery. Therefore, you definitely need to do a stress test of the product: pack it, leave it at maximum possible deadline(for example, two hours), then open and see what happened to the product, packaging, how presentable and edible it remained. And based on the test, you begin to adjust the product so that it retains its presentation and taste as much as possible upon delivery.

For example, we conducted many tests, as a result of which we had to change the noodles - because certain noodles swell in two hours from the moisture formed inside the box and absorb all the sauce - at the end the guest gets a soggy noodle porridge, which also has a dry filling . Or boxes that, while in a thermal bag, begin to fade and lose paint. The delivery time, even if you plan the process, at certain points can increase three to four times. This is where understanding of this is needed stress state product.

In general, our delivery story has had a spiral development. Let me make a reservation right away: we did several things, in my current opinion, categorically wrong, but they worked to our advantage. Our delivery began from one factory, which was located near the metro, and for the first few years it was these factors that determined the logic of its development.

We realized that we would deliver exclusively by metro. And exclusively from the factory. This was the number one mistake we lived with for many years. Now I believe exclusively in decentralized delivery with a narrow radius - only such a model can provide economic benefits to the process and guarantee delivery time.

At the moment when you have a unique product on the market, people will be ready to wait for you for an hour or three, but as soon as you have competitors who start delivering it faster and only in the area, then many, even if your competitors have slightly worse quality and service, they will choose the nearest one fast delivery. Because speed is king in food delivery, and customers are sometimes ready to sacrifice even quality for the sake of it.

For example, my house has sushi delivery, which I don't really like. But sometimes, returning from work, when I’m tired and hungry, I realize that I’m too lazy to wait and order sushi on the way, and 10 minutes later I go down and pick it up. Yes, maybe this sushi is much simpler and less interesting, but I am guaranteed to pick it up in exactly 10 minutes. Speed ​​and hunger - you don't have to choose.

Mistake number two was that we listened to our brave delivery director, who said that he was ready to deliver all over Moscow, and only responded to our concerns - don’t be afraid, guys, we’ll break through. We immediately declared a zone up to the Moscow Ring Road and there was nowhere to retreat further. Of course, we immediately collected a huge number of all possible jambs and overlays in such large area- were late, got lost, and so on.

If you are making a delivery, the zone should be increased smoothly and predictably so that you clearly understand that you are within the promised time limits. But the big advantage of this step was that by reaching out to the entire territory of Moscow and launching advertising on social networks, we became recognizable throughout the city. And a small chain of five noodle shops, but delivering throughout the city, automatically pumped up its fame and its outlets. Delivery also served a marketing function for us.

Basically, the delivery service operates on several key points- necessarily locally, within a strictly defined radius, decentralized and preferably from points or small satellite premises in each of the districts that work specifically for this district.

Delivery on time and taking into account peaks is a strict regulated process, for each phase of which a clear time limit is allocated - only then can you meet the delivery time.

In order not to be completely unfounded, our model has really changed dramatically since 2010 - then we could transport anywhere for an hour, sometimes three hours, the couriers were difficult to manage and it all worked in manual chaos mode. The delivery turnover was about 15 million rubles, but there was almost no profit due to the large number of couriers and a bunch of internal problems.

But having come to local delivery from a point, there is a due number of couriers who, on the one hand, will not increase your payroll, and on the other hand, will not leave the finished order on the counter for half an hour, because now there is no courier. Even though we are regaining lost momentum (at some point, realizing that we were doing a lot but getting little, we gave up promoting delivery for a couple of years and it lived on its own), but the delivery profitability now tends to ~25%, which becomes clearly more economically interesting.

Our needs are growing exponentially along with prices. I want to help my loved ones, go to the sea, buy a smartphone. But where to get the money? Saving is a good thing, but when you get carried away too much, you become even poorer. The main thing is not to squeeze into the framework of a small salary and benefits, but to look for Additional income so that your income allows you to enjoy life. So Dmitry Mikhailov from Rostov region, while working in an online store, I decided to also work as a courier delivering sushi and rolls. Today Dmitry is visiting the magazine Reconomica and will tell our readers in detail about his new job. Perhaps some of you will also want to earn extra money this way.

Hello everyone. My name is Mikhailov Dmitry Yuryevich, I am 21 years old. I live in the Rostov region.

I live with my parents, work at home for my relative, who runs a business. I run his online store, that is, I monitor products, promotions and discounts, answer technical support people about products, and resolve any issues. Of course, my uncle pays me not such a small salary, but I still wanted to earn even more money. I had a lot of free time, but sitting at home was simply boring: I was tired of games, there was nothing to do around the house.

My girlfriend lives with her parents for now, but in the near future we plan to start living together. By the way, I can pay for the apartment, since my salary from my uncle is 30 thousand rubles, and for working 4-5 hours a day, this is a very decent income. But, as I said earlier, I wanted to try myself in something new, with a nice bonus - a salary.

Thought about a part-time job

I worked in an online store: I offered discounts on goods that were sent to me by e-mail uncle - and in between times he looked at VKontakte. Since I subscribe to many resources in my city, I saw an advertising post that required a courier to a roll and sushi restaurant.

The conditions in this establishment are as follows:

  • courier delivery throughout the city - 100 rubles,
  • when ordering from 600 rubles - free (the courier takes 100 rubles from this money, if the order is more than 1000 rubles, and if less than 1000 rubles, but more than 600, then takes 50 rubles).

The point is very simple. If you have personal transport, then you practically work for yourself. You don’t need to give any percentage to the establishment, you simply deliver and collect the money for yourself (against signature on each check), and you are paid every week.

I liked this proposal, especially since the entry was published a few minutes ago. I called the phone number and told them about my incredible desire to work in their company. And I was hired through a phone interview!

Part-time job as a courier

The schedule was as follows: they call me on the phone and tell me what time the order is for and where it needs to be delivered. Usually the hours were always full, but it took 20-30 minutes to travel from the place of departure to the destination, so there were only two orders per hour; in the meantime, I managed to update the online store and respond to user requests.

Details about orders

I'll tell you more about orders. Every evening the girl who takes orders at the checkout and by phone called me. She told me what time I had my first order and what time I needed to drive up to the restaurant to pick it up. The next day I drove my car, picked up the order and delivered it.

Anyone who has ever worked in such an establishment knows that orders are delivered in a square-shaped bag (meter by meter), which is heat-resistant. That is, to prevent the order from getting cold quickly, it is placed in a bag that serves as a thermos. If you put something hot in there, then such a thermos will be able to keep the heat for about two to three hours, this time is quite enough to deliver the order.

I would like to tell the story with which I made the biggest profit at the moment of my work.

Most profitable order

Somehow I had one last order left. I was a full 40 kilometers from my destination, which is quite a long journey, considering that the roads are very busy in the evening. The order was very large, so I had to get it in two or three steps. They’ve already called me and asked where their food is, but I answered that this is it, I’m stuck in a traffic jam, wait.

In twenty minutes they called me three times (there was a holiday there, and they couldn’t start without food). I sincerely apologized, I was very uncomfortable that I was making people wait. As soon as I arrived at the address, I immediately saw three people near the entrance, who, in fact, were taking the order. The order was for three and a half thousand rubles.

I apologized again, they understood me and gave me about five hundred rubles as a tip. That is, for one order I received 600 rubles (so that you understand, this is approximately how one shift is valued at our plant).

What comes out for the money?

Earnings simply depend on luck and the number of delivery orders. Sometimes I was able to earn only 250 rubles in a day, since it was Monday, no one ordered delivery, and there were about three or four orders (with delivery). And there were days when I could earn two thousand rubles (mostly Friday, Saturday, Sunday).

I consistently earn more than 15 thousand rubles a month. In three months there has never been less work.

I think this is a good part-time job. Of course, it can be your main job, but it seems to me that for the main one this is quite a small income. I would also like to talk about the disadvantages of this work so that you understand what awaits you if you decide to choose this way of working part-time.

Earnings simply depend on luck and the number of delivery orders.

The customer is always right

  1. You need to know the city. Yes, of course, there are navigators, but sometimes they can lead you into such a wilderness... Therefore, if you do not know the basic places of the city, then most likely this job will not suit you.
  2. You need to treat every client politely. Even if a drunk, arrogant man or woman comes to pick up your order and tells you how bad you are, how bad the food and delivery are - just remain silent, receive payment for the order and go about your business. Otherwise, you may be fired, since in such establishments the rule is: the client is always right.

During the interview I was immediately told: “If you are rude to clients and they have any complaints about you, then we will say goodbye to you.” I, by myself, am not such a conflicted person, so I didn’t have such problems.

If you like this idea, then you can always find many offers on the Internet.
