The power of the planets in the natal chart. Strength and weakness of planets, fall and expulsion as “points of growth”

The character of the planet and its strength are determined by its position in the sign, in which it acquires a certain color. Each planet in different signs your type of manifestation. First of all, you need to take into account the elements. Firstly, because it is easier to work with four objects than with twelve, and secondly, the elements provide a clear structure. What color does the fire element, for example, give us? What are the main characteristics of the action of a planet in the signs of the fire element? Activity. But simply saying “activity” is not enough. When talking about activity, it is necessary to take into account its type. The male type of activity is external, and the female type is internal. IN fire signs external activity and expressiveness are manifested.Each sign of the Zodiac influences the manifestations of the planet in its own way, but the principle of the planet does not change. So, Saturn remains Saturn, and symbolizes limitation and structure even when in Cancer.

Before moving on to the characteristics of planets in signs and elements, we need to remember the principle of interaction between planets and signs. The manifestation of the properties of planets depends on their position in the Zodiac. The signs in which the planets most fully manifest their qualities are the signs of the possession or abode of the planets. Zodiac sign it is more complex than a planet, it is multidimensional, it has many layers, and several principles are manifested in it. But at the same time, we can take into account different degrees of consonance of planets and signs. And the strongest consonance ispossession, or, as it is also called,dominance, control. It means that the sign in question is most in tune with the planet.

1. Control or ownership

When a planet enters its sign possessions, all its qualities and strength are expressed as freely, fully and naturally as possible. During its passage through the sign of its ownership, the planet becomes most active and has the strongest influence on events. If a planet is in the natal chart in the sign of its possession, a person will feel its influence more strongly, it will manifest itself more in his character and will have a noticeable effect on his life.

IN traditional scheme possessions for the seven planets of the septener, each planet, except the Sun and Moon, corresponds to two signs:

Mercury owns Gemini and Virgo

Venus - Taurus and Libra

Mars - Aries and Scorpio

Jupiter - Sagittarius and Pisces

Saturn - Capricorn and Aquarius

The Sun owns the sign of Leo, the Moon owns the sign of Cancer.

The discovery required a change in the control scheme taking into account their actions. For each planet, its own sign of ownership was found. The sign of Aquarius was associated with Uranus, Pisces with Neptune, and Pluto took over Scorpio.

For the septenary planets, which were the lords of these signs before the discovery of the higher planets, astrologers introduced the concept junior possession. The signs ruled by the planets are also divided into day and night abodes of the planets.


Day monastery

Night abode


a lion



























2. Expulsion or imprisonment of planets

Signs opposite to control are called signs exile planets, or imprisonment, or, as they also say, a sign damage (“detriment” - French - loss, damage). In this sign the planet is most unfree and weakest in showing its basic qualities.

Venus in Aries impulsive, active in the manifestation of her feelings, she does not have softness, delicacy, balance and pliability, as in Libra. She loses her tenderness and becomes too assertive.

Also Venus in Scorpio: losing its tenderness, softness, it turns from warm to hot, which is good for Mars, but bad for Venus. Tenderness develops into hot passion, and Venus loses her natural feminine qualities.

Mercury in Pisces loses its specificity, sociability, does not see details. Relying on intuition, it becomes more subjective when choosing.

Mercury in Sagittarius becomes too general, inattentive to details, numbers, dates.

U Mars in Libra there is no pressure and fighting qualities, independence and determination, there is no need for competition. It is difficult for him to take the initiative and lead.

Jupiter in Gemini there are many goals, it loses the unity, it is exchanged for little things, it does not have global coverage, large-scale. It is difficult for Geminis to separate the essential from the unimportant; they can simply drown in a huge flow of information.

Saturn in Cancer loses shape, flexibility, discipline, responsibility, unless, of course, this concerns issues of his family.

Uranus in exile in Leo. Leo is an individualist, he is a king, and the source of his energy is internal. Uranus is democratic, its function is to connect the minds of people and conduct an external, cosmic creative impulse.

Neptune in exile in Virgo. Virgo, with its concreteness, desire to clearly distinguish forms and qualities, practicality and purposefulness, is the opposite of Neptune - a contemplative planet, smoothing out differences, striving to remain itself.

Pluto in exile in Taurus. Taurus creates material forms and supports them with its energy, and Pluto transforms and destroys them. Taurus' individualism also prevents Pluto's true collectivism from manifesting, although Taurus often uses this strength for his own purposes.

3. Exaltation

The signs in which the action of the planets is strongest on the external level are called signs of planetary exaltation or signs of exaltation. Exaltation is the second most powerful concept after possession,it also connects the qualities of the planet and the sign,but the sign of exaltation does not have complete consonance with the planet. Exaltation is the strengthening of one manifestation of a planet, but the weakening of another, and the planet reaches its full manifestation only in the sign of its possession. According to the exact metaphor:

“A planet in exaltation is like an honored guest. In some situations, the guest of honor is in a better position than the owner of the house: the guest of honor is given the best of everything - he does not get leftovers from yesterday's dinner for lunch. But the power of this provision is limited: a guest cannot wander into the owner’s bedroom and start rummaging through his closet. Image guest of honor causes a feeling of some exaggeration, exaggeration: we treat him better than he really deserves. This sense of exaggeration is important for a proper understanding of exaltation.”

Each planet has only one sign of exaltation, and not two, like a possession.

Sign of exaltation of the Sun is an Aries. Here the activity of the Sun, its impulsiveness, activity, strength manifest itself very powerfully. IN spring period, when the Sun is in Aries, its life-giving power increases sharply.But in Aries another characteristic of the Sun weakens: Aries does not have that internal stabilitywhich the Sun in Leo has. For all its impulsiveness and activity, Aries is unstable, and the Sun is balance, the center of everything.

Moon exaltation sign - Taurus. It maximally manifests the Moon’s fertility, its care for loved ones, its ability to bear children and create. Taurus is the gardener, the life-giving force of the Earth. However, with external softness, Taurus lacks internal plasticity, pliability, and with all the lunar sensitivity, it lacks the variability and responsiveness of the Moon; this side is expressed weaker here.

In Virgo, his analytical abilities are manifested most strongly, and his abilities for interaction, relationships, and ease are less so. But in this sign the discriminating power of Mercury is very great.

Venus is exalted in Pisces. Here she is as sensitive, responsive, emotional, loving, and romantic as possible. But Pisces deprives Venus of its internal stability. Indeed, with all its external reactivity and softness, it is incredibly stable, since it has a very strong internal core. But Pisces does not have such a core, therefore the ability to make choices and make accurate judgments is weakened in Pisces, while emotionality and attraction are strengthened.

Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Here he has maximum scope for practical implementation, for the peak of business activity. However, his ambition, willingness to take risks, impulsiveness, and innovation are weakened; in Capricorn, stable forms of manifestation are preferable.

Saturn is exalted in Libra. Saturn's sense of justice, sense of form, desire for balance in Libra are very well expressed, however, there is no Saturn isolation, rigidity, or logic.

If there is almost no controversy about the signs of exaltation of visible planets, then there is quite a lot of disagreement about the higher ones. Almost all astrologers agree that Uranus is exalted in Scorpio. Uranus in Scorpio displays constructiveness, the ability to transform, polarization, and the desire for independence and freedom. Independence is a very characteristic quality for Scorpio. Uranus is Shiva, destroying forms and releasing spirit, and where, besides Aquarius, can this be done? Best of all - in Scorpio.

But the biggest debate is about the exaltation of Neptune and Pluto. Many astrologers adhere to the point of view that Neptune is exalted in Leo, and Pluto in Aquarius, but there is also a point of view about the exaltation of Neptune in Cancer.

4. Fall

Signs opposite to exaltation are signs in which the action of the planets is strongest on the internal level and weakest on the external - signs falls.

Mercury in Pisces is not analytical enough, loses its specificity, ability to clearly distinguish, detail, becomes blurry, dreamy, vague, although he sees the essence quite well.

Venus in Virgo very mobile, but her love is shallow. He hesitates for a long time, gets acquainted quickly, but on a deep level he carefully gets close to a person before he falls in love with him seriously. She is timid in her feelings, too rational, which once again confirms the strong influence of Mercury.

Mars in Cancer he sways for a long time, acts slowly, he lacks willpower, he is inactive.

Jupiter in Capricorn restrained, not self-confident enough, does not like to set too far-reaching goals for himself precisely because of uncertainty, often lowering his “ceiling.” His goals are too close, he is immersed in activity, is carried away by form and pays little attention to distant prospects.

Saturn in Aries tends to impose his will on others rather than discipline himself. Often inaccurate in time. Replaces action with pressure, loses the sense of form and balance.

Uranus fall in Taurus. The craving for material forms and the rare vitality of Taurus deprive Uranus of its aspiration to Heaven. The strongest manifestation of Uranus in Taurus is ingenuity, especially in the creation of new tools and equipment

A special conversation about the Lunar Nodes.

According to tradition, the descending node is exalted in Sagittarius, and the ascending node is exalted in Gemini. The Descendant's fall is in Gemini, and the Ascendant's fall is in Sagittarius. Such a connection reflects the desire for something new, the lively perception characteristic of Gemini, as well as Sagittarius’ ability to generalize information.

The nodes have no signs of ownership, exile, kinship or enmity. The nodes cannot play the role of a ruler, so their interaction in this case differs from the interaction between sign and planet: we're talking about only about the peculiarities of the action of the nodes in these two signs, while the planet-sign connection also influences other planets in a given sign, as if through a sign uniting the planets with each other.

5. Determining the strength of a planet

The leading character traits of a person are his “planetary face”. To understand which character traits of a person are leading, to determine the most significant situations for him and the most important areas of life, you need to determine which planet in the chart is stronger, and in the absence of the strongest planet, their combination (two or three planets). Here we are talking about essential dignity, i.e. the position of the planets in signs, not in houses.The essential power of a planet in a sign speaks of its correspondence with its natural essence. The accidental dignity of a planet is determined by its position in the horoscope house, its aspects, speed and indicates the ability to solve one’s problems in the conditions of the horoscope house.

Leading influence or power comes from:

1. a planet that is in its sign;

2. as a sign of one’s exaltation;

3. the planet whose sign of ownership is the Sun;

4. the planet whose sign of ownership is the stellium;

5. a planet that is in the same sign as the Sun.
6. planet ruling the sign Asc.
7. planet in conjunction with Asc, or in the 1st house.
8. planet in conjunction with the MC or in the X house.

Depending on the movement transit planets, then one or another area of ​​life situationally becomes more important for a person than others, while at a certain period certain areas of the human psyche are activated. But the constant leading life stimuli and innate character traits are determined by the position of the planets, their strength and weakness.

6. Weakness of planets

There are essential (from the Latin essentialis - “essential”) and accidental (from the Latin accidentia - “accident”) weaknesses of the planets. The essential weakness of a planet speaks of its weak ability to correspond to its natural essence.

The accidental weakness of a planet is determined by its position in an unfavorable house, in a weak position in the horoscope, its aspects and speed and reduces the planet’s ability to effectively implement its tasks.The concept of planetary weakness already existed in ancient astrology. Different astrologers have created different conventional scales for the relative assessment of the weakness of the planets.

The main essential weaknesses of the planets include:

1) expulsion;
2) fall;
3) position in the trine (II) of the opposite element (Enmity);
4) position in the decanate, term or sexture of a planet of opposite nature;
5) peregrine.

Nicholas Devore points out that the relative essential weakness of a planet was assessed on the following scale: planet in exile - 5 points; planet in decline - 4 points; planet in a trine of the opposite element - 3 points; a planet in the term of a planet of the opposite nature - 2 points, a planet in the decan or sexture of a planet of the opposite nature - 1 point.

Planet surrounded by Saturn and Mars

Conjunction with the fixed star Algol

Conjunction with Saturn or Mars (exact)

Burnt planet

Retrograde planet

4 When analyzing a birth chart, the planets in “possession” and “expulsion” require the most attention, the second - in “exaltation” and “fall”. However, if much attention is paid to “possession” and “exaltation” in the study of astrology and literature, then the planets of the lower level - in “exile” and “fall” - are clearly underestimated. In many situations, planetary properties that are in "exile" appear (to an outside observer) more noticeably than those in possession.

Examples of the manifestation of a planet in signs of possession and expulsion

Let's consider the manifestations of Mars. In Aries, his strong, energy-accumulated Martian properties rarely manifest themselves in the form of aggression, open confrontation, and rivalry. Aries himself is not inclined to pay significant attention to these properties, just as a very healthy person simply does not think about his health - this is his natural state. Libra behaves differently.

1. Libra, where Martian properties are “in exile,” can avoid those situations where open confrontation is possible, where instant, precise actions are necessary. Psychologically it is protective escape mechanism. So, a Libra teenager may avoid active games, competitive situations, will not court a girl if someone else is courting her.

2. The second option is an attempt to protect your weakness with some expressed advantage, a planetary property, most often occupying the upper level - “possession”, for Libra this is Venus. Then Libra can boldly go into Martian situations, but in them they will behave not according to the Martian type, but according to the Venusian type. For example, instead of taking the initiative, Libras try to compromise, share responsibility with others, etc., while losing momentum, and sometimes even the very opportunity to adequately resolve the situation.

3.Or example overcompensation according to the qualities “in exile”. For Libra, this may be exaggerated attention to Martian problems, exaggerated Martian behavior, hence increased aggressiveness in a fairly calm situation in which a compromise is quite possible. Libras can try to prove to themselves and others their own strength, activity, assertiveness, the confidence in which they lack. Psychological type A Libra who has chosen the strategy of overcompensation in the area of ​​Mars is sometimes perceived by others as a pronounced Aries. A person who is confident in himself and in his abilities with a well-developed (strong) Mars will, in most cases, be calm. While a person with weak Mars can “explode”, “boil”, and cause a scandal. Planets in decline and exile are often more noticeable externally.

For objective assessment the presence (dominance) of one or another planetary property, one should apply the criterion of adequacy or inadequacy of the reaction relative to the external stimulus, the external situation that caused this reaction. Judging only by reaction can lead to significant errors.

8. Using the problem area as a “point of growth”

A person devotes all his energy to solving problems related to his planetary quality “in exile.” This is the only correct strategy for real resolution of the problem. These are examples when a frail and sickly boy becomes a world weightlifting champion as an adult, etc.

So, each zodiac psychotype has energy-filled, adequately manifested qualities, which are manifested by planetary properties that occupy the upper level - “possession”. Each psychotype has “ Achilles heel”, the area that corresponds to the planetary property occupying the lower level - “exile”.

The strategy for resolving this problem can be different:

1 – situation of “withdrawal”, complete rejection of the corresponding sphere of life;

2 – attempt to replace your own weak sides strong, protect the “Achilles’ heel” with a shield of strong properties;

3 – overcompensation, expressed by an exaggerated manifestation of planetary properties that are in exile;

4 – using the problem area as a “point of growth”.

All this is also true for the planetary properties of “exaltation” and “fall”, taking into account the fact that they are expressed to a lesser extent than the planetary properties of “in possession” and “exile”. The problems associated with a planetary property being “in decline” are not as acute as those associated with “exile.”

Cited literature and books

The character of the planet and its strength are determined by its position in the sign, in which it acquires a certain color. Each planet in different signs has its own type of manifestation. First of all, you need to take into account the elements. Firstly, because it is easier to work with four objects than with twelve, and secondly, the elements provide a clear structure. What color does the fire element, for example, give us? What are the main characteristics of the action of a planet in the signs of the fire element? Activity. But simply saying “activity” is not enough. When talking about activity, it is necessary to take into account its type. The male type of activity is external, and the female type is internal. Fire signs manifest external activity and expressiveness.Each sign of the Zodiac influences the manifestations of the planet in its own way, but the principle of the planet does not change. So, Saturn remains Saturn, and symbolizes limitation and structure even when in Cancer.

Before moving on to the characteristics of planets in signs and elements, we need to remember the principle of interaction between planets and signs. The manifestation of the properties of planets depends on their position in the Zodiac. The signs in which the planets most fully manifest their qualities are the signs of the possession or abode of the planets. The zodiac sign is more complex than a planet; it is multi-dimensional, has many layers, and several principles are manifested in it. But at the same time, we can take into account different degrees of consonance of planets and signs. And the strongest consonance ispossession, or, as it is also called,dominance, control. It means that the sign in question is most in tune with the planet.

1. Control or ownership

When a planet enters its sign possessions, all its qualities and strength are expressed as freely, fully and naturally as possible. During its passage through the sign of its ownership, the planet becomes most active and has the strongest influence on events. If a planet is in the natal chart in the sign of its possession, a person will feel its influence more strongly, it will manifest itself more in his character and will have a noticeable effect on his life.

In the traditional ownership scheme for the seven septenary planets, each planet, except the Sun and Moon, has two signs:

Mercury owns Gemini and Virgo

Venus - Taurus and Libra

Mars - Aries and Scorpio

Jupiter - Sagittarius and Pisces

Saturn - Capricorn and Aquarius

The Sun owns the sign of Leo, the Moon - the sign of Cancer.

The discovery of , and required a change in the control scheme taking into account their actions. For each planet, its own sign of ownership was found. The sign of Aquarius was associated with Uranus, Pisces with Neptune, and Pluto took over Scorpio.

For the septenary planets, which were the lords of these signs before the discovery of the higher planets, astrologers introduced the concept junior possession. The signs ruled by the planets are also divided into day and night abodes of the planets.


Day monastery

Night abode


a lion



























2. Expulsion or imprisonment of planets

Signs opposite to control are called signs exile planets, or imprisonment, or, as they also say, a sign damage (“detriment” - French - loss, damage). In this sign the planet is most unfree and weakest in showing its basic qualities.

Venus in Aries impulsive, active in the manifestation of her feelings, she does not have softness, delicacy, balance and pliability, as in Libra. She loses her tenderness and becomes too assertive.

Also Venus in Scorpio: losing its tenderness, softness, it turns from warm to hot, which is good for Mars, but bad for Venus. Tenderness develops into hot passion, and Venus loses her natural feminine qualities.

Mercury in Pisces loses its specificity, sociability, does not see details. Relying on intuition, it becomes more subjective when choosing.

Mercury in Sagittarius becomes too general, inattentive to details, numbers, dates.

U Mars in Libra there is no pressure and fighting qualities, independence and determination, there is no need for competition. It is difficult for him to take the initiative and lead.

Jupiter in Gemini there are many goals, it loses the unified one, it is wasted on trifles, it does not have global coverage, large-scale. It is difficult for Geminis to separate the essential from the non-essential; they can simply drown in a huge flow of information.

Saturn in Cancer loses shape, flexibility, discipline, responsibility, unless, of course, this concerns issues of his family.

Uranus in exile in Leo. Leo is an individualist, he is a king, and the source of his energy is internal. Uranus is democratic, its function is to connect the minds of people and conduct an external, cosmic creative impulse.

Neptune in exile in Virgo. Virgo, with its concreteness, desire to clearly distinguish forms and qualities, practicality and purposefulness, is the opposite of Neptune - a contemplative planet, smoothing out differences, striving to remain itself.

Pluto in exile in Taurus. Taurus creates material forms and supports them with its energy, and Pluto transforms and destroys them. Taurus' individualism also prevents Pluto's true collectivism from manifesting, although Taurus often uses this force for his own purposes.

3. Exaltation

The signs in which the action of the planets is strongest on the external level are called signs of planetary exaltation or signs of exaltation. Exaltation is the second most powerful concept after possession,it also connects the qualities of the planet and the sign,but the sign of exaltation does not have complete consonance with the planet. Exaltation is the strengthening of one manifestation of a planet, but the weakening of another, and the planet reaches the fullness of manifestation only in the sign of its possession. According to the exact metaphor:

“A planet in exaltation is like an honored guest. In some situations, the guest of honor is in a better position than the owner of the house: the guest of honor is given the best of everything - he does not get leftovers from yesterday's dinner for lunch. But the power of this provision is limited: a guest cannot wander into the owner’s bedroom and start rummaging through his closet. The image of the guest of honor evokes a feeling of some exaggeration, exaggeration: we treat him better than he really deserves. This sense of exaggeration is important for a proper understanding of exaltation.”

Each planet has only one sign of exaltation, and not two, like a possession.

Sign of exaltation of the Sun is an Aries. Here the activity of the Sun, its impulsiveness, activity, strength manifest itself very powerfully. In the spring, when the Sun is in Aries, its life-giving power increases sharply.But in Aries another characteristic of the Sun weakens: Aries does not have that internal stabilitywhich the Sun in Leo has. For all its impulsiveness and activity, Aries is unstable, and the Sun is the balance, the center of everything.

Moon exaltation sign - Taurus. It shows the maximum fertility of the Moon, its care for loved ones, its ability to bear children and create. Taurus is the gardener, the life-giving force of the Earth. However, with external softness, Taurus lacks internal plasticity, pliability, and with all the lunar sensitivity, it lacks the variability and responsiveness of the Moon; this side is expressed weaker here.

In Virgo, his analytical abilities are manifested most strongly, and his abilities for interaction, relationships, and ease are less so. But in this sign the discriminating ability of Mercury is very great.

Venus is exalted in Pisces. Here she is as sensitive, responsive, emotional, loving, and romantic as possible. But Pisces deprives Venus of its internal stability. Indeed, with all its external reactivity and softness, it is incredibly stable, since it has a very strong internal core. But Pisces does not have such a core, therefore the ability to make choices and make accurate judgments is weakened in Pisces, while emotionality and attraction are strengthened.

Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Here he has maximum scope for practical implementation, for the peak of business activity. However, his ambition, willingness to take risks, impulsiveness, and innovation are weakened; in Capricorn, stable forms of manifestation are preferable.

Saturn is exalted in Libra. Saturn's sense of justice, sense of form, desire for balance in Libra are very well expressed, however, there is no Saturn isolation, rigidity, or logic.

If there is almost no controversy about the signs of exaltation of visible planets, then there is quite a lot of disagreement about the higher ones. Almost all astrologers agree that Uranus is exalted in Scorpio. Uranus in Scorpio displays constructiveness, the ability to transform, polarization, and the desire for independence and freedom. Independence is a very characteristic quality for Scorpio. Uranus is Shiva, destroying forms and you are the liberating spirit, and where, besides Aquarius, can this be done? Best of all - in Scorpio.

But the biggest debate is about the exaltation of Neptune and Pluto. Many astrologers adhere to the point of view that Neptune is exalted in Leo, and Pluto in Aquarius, but there is also a point of view about the exaltation of Neptune in Cancer.

4. Fall

Signs opposite to exaltation are signs in which the action of the planets is strongest on the internal level and weakest on the external level - by signs falls.

Mercury in Pisces is not analytical enough, loses its specificity, the ability to clearly distinguish, detail, becomes blurry, dreamy, vague, although he sees the essence quite well.

Venus in Virgo very mobile, but her love is shallow. He hesitates for a long time, gets acquainted quickly, but on a deep level he carefully gets closer to a person before he loves him seriously. She is timid in her feelings, too rational, which once again confirms the strong influence of Mercury.

Mars in Cancer he sways for a long time, acts slowly, he lacks willpower, he is inactive.

Jupiter in Capricorn restrained, not self-confident enough, does not like to set too far-reaching goals for himself precisely because of uncertainty, often lowering his “ceiling.” His goals are too close, he is immersed in activity, is carried away by form and pays little attention to distant prospects .

Saturn in Aries tends to impose his will on others rather than discipline himself. Often inaccurate in time. Changes the pressure of the action, loses the sense of form and balance.

Uranus fall in Taurus. The craving for material forms and the rare vitality of Taurus deprive Uranus of its aspiration to Heaven. The strongest manifestation of Uranus in Taurus is ingenuity, especially in the creation of new tools and equipment

A special conversation about the Lunar Nodes.

According to tradition, the descending node is exalted in Sagittarius, and the ascending node is exalted in Gemini. The fall of the Descendant is in Gemini, and the fall of the Ascendant is in Sagittarius. Such a connection reflects the desire for something new, the lively perception characteristic of Gemini, as well as Sagittarius’ ability to generalize information.

The nodes have no signs of ownership, exile, kinship or enmity. The nodes cannot play the role of a ruler, therefore their interaction in this case differs from the interaction between a sign and a planet: we are talking only about the peculiarities of the action of nodes in these two signs, while the connection between a planet and a sign also influences other planets in a given sign, as if through a sign uniting the planets with each other.

5. Determining the strength of a planet

The leading character traits of a person are his “planetary face”. To understand which character traits of a person are leading, to determine the most significant situations for him and the most important areas of life, you need to determine which planet in the chart is stronger, and in the absence of the strongest planet, their combination (two or three planets). Here we are talking about essential dignity, i.e. the position of the planets in signs, not in houses.The essential power of a planet in a sign speaks of its correspondence with its natural essence. The accidental dignity of a planet is determined by its position in the horoscope house, its aspects, speed and indicates the ability to solve one’s problems in the conditions of the horoscope house.

Leading influence or power comes from:

1. a planet that is in its sign;

2. as a sign of one’s exaltation;

3. the planet whose sign of ownership is the Sun;

4. the planet whose sign of ownership is the stellium;

5. a planet that is in the same sign as the Sun.
6. planet ruling the sign Asc.

Depending on the movement of transit planets, one or the other spheres of life situationally become more important for a person than others, while at a certain period certain spheres of the human psyche are activated. But the constant leading life stimuli and innate character traits are determined by the position of the planets, their strength and weakness.

6. Weakness of planets
There are essential (from the Latin essentialis - “essential”) and accidental (from the Latin accidentia - “accident”) weaknesses of the planets. The essential weakness of a planet speaks of its weak ability to correspond to its natural essence.

The accidental weakness of a planet is determined by its position in an unfavorable house, in a weak position in the horoscope, its aspects and speed and reduces the planet’s ability to effectively implement its tasks.The concept of planetary weakness already existed in ancient astrology. Different astrologers have created different conventional scales for the relative assessment of the weakness of the planets.

The main essential weaknesses of the planets include:
1) expulsion;
2) fall;
3) position in the trine (II) of the opposite element (Enmity);
4) position in the decanate, term or sexture of a planet of opposite nature;
5) peregrine.

Nicholas Devore points out that the relative essential weakness of a planet was assessed on the following scale: planet in exile - 5 points; planet in decline - 4 points; planet in a trine of the opposite element - 3 points; a planet in the term of a planet of the opposite nature - 2 points, a planet in the decan or sexture of a planet of the opposite nature - 1 point.

Planet surrounded by Saturn and Mars

Conjunction with the fixed star Algol

Conjunction with Saturn or Mars (exact)

Burnt planet

Retrograde planet

Examples of the manifestation of a planet in signs of possession and expulsion

Let's consider the manifestations of Mars. In Aries, his strong, energy-accumulated Martian properties rarely manifest themselves in the form of aggression, open confrontation, and rivalry. Aries himself is not inclined to pay significant attention to these properties, just as a very healthy person simply does not think about his health - this is his natural state. Libra behaves differently.

1. Libra, where Martian properties are “in exile,” can avoid those situations where open confrontation is possible, where instant, precise actions are necessary. Psychologically it is protective escape mechanism. Thus, a Libra teenager may avoid active games, competitive situations, and will not court a girl if someone else is courting her.

2. The second option is an attempt to protect one’s weakness with some expressed advantage, a planetary property, most often occupying the upper level - “possession”, for Libra this is Venus. Then Libra can boldly go into Martian situations, but in them they will behave not according to the Martian type, but according to the Venusian type. For example, instead of taking the initiative, Libras try to compromise, share responsibility with others, etc., while losing momentum, and sometimes even the very opportunity to adequately resolve the situation.

3.Or example overcompensation according to the qualities “in exile”. For Libra, this may be exaggerated attention to Martian problems, exaggerated Martian behavior, hence increased aggressiveness in a fairly calm situation in which a compromise is quite possible. Libras can try to prove to themselves and others their own strength, activity, assertiveness, the confidence in which they lack. The psychological type Libra, who has chosen the strategy of overcompensation in the region of Mars, is sometimes perceived by others as a pronounced Aries. A person who is confident in himself and in his abilities with a well-developed (strong) Mars will, in most cases, be calm. While a person with weak Mars can “explode”, “boil”, and cause a scandal. Planets in decline and exile are often more noticeable externally.

To objectively assess the presence (dominance) of a particular planetary property, one should apply the criterion of adequacy or inadequacy of the reaction relative to the external stimulus, the external situation that caused this reaction. Judging only by reaction can lead to significant errors.

8. Using the problem area as a “point of growth”

A person devotes all his energy to solving problems related to his planetary quality “in exile.” This is the only correct strategy for real resolution of the problem. These are examples when a frail and sickly boy becomes a world weightlifting champion as an adult, etc.

So, each zodiac psychotype has energy-filled, adequately manifested qualities, which are manifested by planetary properties that occupy the upper level - “possession”. Each psychotype also has an “Achilles heel”, an area that corresponds to the planetary property that occupies the lower level - “exile”.

The strategy for resolving this problem can be different:

1 - a situation of “leaving”, complete rejection of the corresponding sphere of life;

2 - an attempt to replace one’s weaknesses with strengths, to protect the “Achilles’ heel” with a shield of a strongly expressed property;

3 - overcompensation, expressed by an exaggerated manifestation of planetary properties that are in exile;

4 - use of the problem area as a “point of growth”.

All this is also true for the planetary properties of “exaltation” and “fall”, taking into account the fact that they are expressed to a lesser extent than the planetary properties of “in possession” and “exile”. The problems associated with a planetary property being “in decline” are not as acute as those associated with “exile.”


There is a clear theoretical distinction between essential and accidental virtues. Theoretically, the ability to act is determined by accidental dignity, while essential dignity speaks of the purity of motives prompting action. The stronger the essential dignity of a planet, the more closely it corresponds to its natural good nature, which gives it the opportunity to manifest its best qualities. The stronger the essential defectiveness of a planet, the more distorted its natural good nature is, and the more obvious its worst qualities are manifested. This is true for any planet. In general, the essential dignity of a planet tells us whether that planet signifies something good or bad; accidental dignity speaks of the ability of this good or bad to act. For example, a planet in the horoscope is located exactly on the MC (strong accidental dignity): its ability to act is great; she's driving. Position in the monastery: she knows how to drive. Exile situation: She can't drive. But, being on MS, she is still driving. In general, the stronger the accidental dignity of a planet, the more capable it is of action; and the more accidental deficiencies it has, the weaker the planet, the less capable it is of action.

Sign control. Being in one's own abode is the most powerful of all essential virtues. For example: Mars in Aries, Jupiter in Pisces. This dignity makes the planet similar to a person who is in his own home, in the sense: My home is my fortress. He is the boss here, able to arrange everything at his own discretion, which makes him happy. This means that the planet is able to manifest its best quality.

Exaltation. Each planet has one sign where it is in exaltation; Some signs do not have a planet exalted in them. For example: Venus is exalted in Pisces, and Saturn is exalted in Libra. A planet in exaltation is likened to an honored guest. In some respects, the guest of honor is in a better position than the owner of the house: the guest of honor is given the best of everything - he does not receive "leftovers from last night's lunch for dinner." But the power of this provision is limited: the guest cannot wander into the owner’s bedroom and start rummaging through his personal belongings. The image of the guest of honor evokes a feeling of some exaggeration, exaggeration: we treat him better than he really deserves. This sense of exaggeration is important for a proper understanding of exaltation.

Exile. A planet in a sign opposite to that of its monastery is in exile (such as the Sun in Aquarius, Mars in Libra or Venus in Scorpio). Such a planet is seriously affected, it hides its true intentions and often shows a completely inadequate reaction. It is especially important to take this into account when analyzing the ruler of the Ascendant.

A fall. A planet in the sign opposite to that of its exaltation is debilitated. The degree exactly opposite to the degree of exaltation is the degree of depression of the planet where it is most damaged. Fall, like exaltation, carries with it a sense of exaggeration. In the event of a fall, the meaning of exaggeration is the exaggerated hostility of the planet. Planets in exile or decline are considered weakened. But this weakness does not mean a reduced ability to act. In exile or decline, planets are hostile or unhappy; whether they are strong or weak in terms of ability or inability to act is determined mainly by their accidental characteristics

Peregrine. A planet that has no essential dignity and is neither in exile nor in decline is called Peregrine.

The issue of the strength and weakness of the planets, clearly depicted by the point system in the aphetic system* of V. Weisberg (7 points in total - from 0 to 6), is one of the controversial and often misunderstood topics. For example, the venerable author V. Gorbatsevich (VVG) fights against the idea of ​​aphetics, speaking about the incorrectness of such an approach**. But numbers are just symbols. Even though they are not always true or obvious, they are simply symbols. In a recent generally interesting webinar on the basis of the VSKA, Gorbatsevich, to the surprise of the public, made the statement that Mars in Libra is “strong”. He clarifies: his will is directed inward, toward self-transformation. With this logic, we get here the same meaning as the retro phase of the planet. How then to interpret retro-Mars in Libra? How about “double introversion”? It seems that VVG is confused. And he is not alone. Tatyana Volkova and, most likely, many others are also confused. T. Volkova in one of her webinars even claims the existence of two “places of power” - the monastery and exile! But if our planet is “strong” at both of these points, then where is it weak? Somewhere in the middle, it turns out? It's nonsense. On the Internet you can find the following lines (author - Anna Kuznetsova):

“And yet again, I am convinced that I cannot accept the planets’ ranking, I do not agree with the criteria of their strength and weakness. If Jupiter is zero in Gemini, in exile, this does not mean that he is weak! It is strong, but deeply hidden. You need to pull it out, work on it, then it will sparkle.”***.

In fact, there is no contradiction or absurdity in the idea of ​​aphetics, if you do not perceive it clumsily. Both Weisberg’s athetics and the views of Gorbatsevich and Volkova are simultaneously legitimate, but with greater clarifications. Gorbatsevich and Volkova are right in believing that the exiled planet is not powerless, but no one implies this! (And Gorbatsevich, oddly enough, understands this, judging by his book “Elementa Astrologica”, but then somehow forgets, arguing in webinars purely about the notorious “strength” of weak planets. Perhaps he is simply driven by the spirit of contradiction.) And a mistake will believe that such a planet in some mysterious way becomes especially strong. This is wrong. So let us clarify the nuance: aphetics took as its ideal the manifestation of the planet in its abode. And all other manifestations of the planet (manifestations in other signs of the Zodiac) are compared precisely with the position in its house. Position in the monastery is a conditional standard. Comparing manifestations, we analyze whether the planet manifests itself with the same strength and energy, with the same skills, mastery, and confidence? Of course, Mars in exile or decline will not initially be as confident and successful (to quickly and effectively achieve a goal through direct methods, head-on) than Mars in Aries. However, no one will say that such a Mars is good for nothing! This is a unique, peculiar Mars (just like Mars in any other sign).

Perhaps V. Gorbatsevich and T. Volkova have already forgotten a little those simple and logical thoughts of M. Levin that are given in his brochure “Lectures on Astrology” for the 1st year of the Moscow Academy of Astrology. It contains reflections on the power of the planets (the section is called “The Power of the Planets”). In particular, Levin writes:

“We see that the sign of ownership has qualities most consonant with the action of the planet, and we say that the planet is strong when it is in its sign.<…>By strength, people of European culture mean the strength of Mars. / But Venus will be stronger not in the sign in which she is the most impulsive, assertive and aggressive, but where she will most demonstrate her basic qualities - friendliness, gentleness, tenderness, the ability to love. And the Moon is stronger not in the sign where it is rigid, but where it most shows its care, naturalness, and plasticity. For female planets, strength lies in their “weakness”. When Venus is at its most tender, that is when it is strongest. The moon is stronger when it is more gentle, caring, and loving.<…>Each goal strictly corresponds to its own means, therefore the strength of the planet lies in the maximum correspondence of its type of action to its goals”****.

Thus, a planet’s low score is not a sign of “complete inability,” but simply a discrepancy with the qualities that are manifested by the same planet in its abode. Mars in Libra is not aggressive, like Mars in Aries, but this does not mean that such a person will not be able to take the initiative in diplomatic ways or in the field of art and relationships.

I think we can say this: the strength of the planet is the “specific strength” of the manifestation of a given archetype in the human subconscious. Any practitioner of the method of analyzing chains of expulsion will notice that the expelled planet, especially one that finds itself in the center of expulsion, clearly feels its “defects”, its unwillingness to actively manifest itself directly. The Sun in the center of the chain of expulsion gives fear of publicity, Venus - fear of close relationships and uncertainty in one’s creative product, Mars - in one’s qualities as a fighter, pioneer and initiator, etc. This, of course, is not fatal. A person can always become aware of these complexes and begin to work on them accordingly. For example, a person can (but not in every case) begin to actively compensate for this uncertainty, trying to prove to himself and others that he can do something in the relevant areas. And it seems to me that it is precisely this phenomenon that V. Gorbatsevich takes as “force directed inward.” However, I think this is not a good description. It just confuses everything. Yes, sometimes expelled Mars from the outside looks strong and active in its manifestations. But not in every case a person will be able to adequately manifest it, be able to strengthen it, reveal it. The very idea of ​​​​directing the will of Mars “inward” denies basic idea the archetype of Mars as an active fighter, pioneer, competitor, daredevil, conqueror.

Astrologers are also confused by the paradoxical fact that in the field of sports we meet much more often (in major league) precisely the so-called “weak” Mars. However, there is no need to rush to general conclusions here. Such people are the chosen ones, the elite, those who could. But there are many who did not manage to make it to the top in sports. After all, the task for a lifetime, or even several lifetimes, is to “teach” the expelled Mars (that is, to open it, develop it in oneself) to express itself harmoniously and confidently socially, without fear of competition. Thus, it would be more correct to say that Mars in Libra or Taurus (expelled) is only a potentially strong Mars, if we talk about its direct functions. In fact, he tends to appear atypical, soft, diplomatic, original, and uncertain. He has every chance to prove a lot to himself and others, but he hasn’t done it yet. This is not an ability, not a given “in fact.” I believe that “the inward direction of the will” is not at all synonymous with the word “strength”. If, in comparison with the direct functions of Mars, its manifestations in Libra are “driven inward” (whatever that means), it is obvious that this is a departure from active manifestations. Is this power in a logical sense?

Let's take an example that I often see in charts: exiled Mercury. According to the logic of Gorbatsevich, Volkova and Kuznetsova, this would be Mercury, strong, but “directed inward” (a very mysterious phrase in this context). In fact, we see that such Mercury is characterized by reduced criticality and mythological thinking. At the same time, it can also give a thirst for compensation, especially being at the center of the chain of dispositors for expulsion: a powerful motivation to be saturated with knowledge and facts. Can such Mercury be considered “strong”, bearing in mind that the key words of Mercury are logic, rationality, sociability? Unfortunately no. Logicity, rationality, and skepticism in such a Mercury are greatly reduced. Although such a person may well even make a career as a mathematician (Gorbatsevich is very fond of examples of exiled Mercury among mathematicians). So, we have exiled Mercury (in the center of exile) in A. Wasserman’s chart, however, not every person with such a position of the first planet from the Sun will become an expert in “What? Where? When?" The “strength” of Mercury, from the point of view of aphetics, is in logic, rationality, skepticism, and willingness to communicate with everyone. Skepticism will manifest itself more in Mercury in Virgo, and readiness to communicate with anyone - in Mercury in Gemini. However, in the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, this logic and guidance by facts and only facts in Mercury comes to naught in many cases. So, let us repeat again: the strength of a planet is the correspondence or inconsistency of its manifestations with the qualities and manifestations of the same planet in the monastery (this is the standard). In relation to the well-read Wasserman, I will allow myself a quote about him from the Russian political technologist and publicist Stanislav Belkovsky:

“Erudition is someone who has grasped an inhuman volume of formal texture, like the expert Wasserman. He knows everything, but understands nothing. And the growing deficit of understanding, screaming at the top of its lungs, compensates for more and more new doses of knowledge that is useless to it. An educated person may know far fewer facts than the average Wasserman. But he understands something about the universe. And he doesn’t need extra knowledge.”*****.

It's truly amazing to see how this plays out. So, for example, the owner of Mercury in Pisces can have a good technical education and shine mathematical abilities, he may be very well-read, but when you start discussing with him modern or ancient myths, falsifications, unverified data, you are amazed - he often has an extremely weak critical assessment of facts. Since he knows how to trust his intuition, he tends to place emphasis in assessing facts not on illogicalities, but on sensations and impressions made (this primarily applies to Mercury in Pisces). Of course, this situation can be corrected if a person is constantly aware of the mechanics of his thinking and its weak points.

In conclusion, let us recall that Weisberg's aphetics is a double convention. Convention is the idea of ​​points. Convention also means what qualities of each of the planets we consider as reference for subsequent comparisons. In modern Western society (in ancient Greco-Roman society, too, by the way), what is valued in thinking is its rationality, logic, consistency, consistency, appeal to facts, and not sensations, feelings and visions. However, this state of affairs was not observed everywhere. Thus, in the same brochure, Levin writes: “the Chinese attributed to Mercury the function of trade, connecting it with water. And precisely in earthly or water signs Mercurian abilities are most associated with trade.”******. Thus, the standard in other cultures may be Mercury in other signs and elements than in our culture. It all depends on the point of view. However, it is more convenient for us, as is already commonly believed. So, the essential power of a planet is just a comparison of the qualities of its manifestations with the standard ones (in the monastery). And it may well be that from the point of view of strength the planet is essentially weak, but from the point of view of the entire horoscope it is clearly highlighted. Then the weak planet will be very active (but in its own manner).

* Aphetics is a method of working with a horoscope, based on calculating the strength of the planet in a given specific position. One of the most controversial points in modern astrology, due to the disagreement of astrologers on the issue of essential and accidental virtues.
** “Since the “strength” of a planet is a rather unclear concept in astrology (the very ambiguous and largely speculative concept of aphetics is associated with it...), it is necessary to clarify what kind of manifestations of the planet are considered strong here” (Gorbatsevich V. Elementa Astrologica. The beginnings of astrology for “whys.” - M., 2007. - P. 160)
**** Levin M. Lectures on astrology. 1st year, 1st semester. Lectures 17-20. - M., 2010. - P. 9-10.
****** Levin M. - Ibid. — P.7.

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