Online horror games. Horror

FilthBreed- a noteworthy indie horror where you have to investigate the disappearances of people rumored to be involved in a certain cult!

Lovecraft's Untold Stories- a unique action game with rogue-like elements and excellent pixel graphic design that will take you to the world of the Cthulhu mythos, created by Howard Lovecraft.

The game version has been UPDATED from 1.15s to 1.155s. The list of changes can be found here.

Polymerikum- A first-person sci-fi horror game in which you explore the ruins of a city that disappeared from the face of the Earth and now suddenly appears 32 years later. You are a toxicologist sent to examine the ruins of a city that disappeared in 1985 and reappeared in 2018. There seems to be no one left alive in the city who can tell you what happened to the city, and all the people and animals have been transformed into inanimate plastic tree-like structures. You are not alone, there are some bizarre shadow creatures and strange plants that live here, which seem to have been at the epicenter of the anomaly. They won't kill you, but they will scare you with jump scares.

The game has been updated to v2. List of changes inside the news.

The Saving Light is a horror film that tells the story of a little girl who gets lost at night in the house her family has recently moved into. Something happens here at night: a growl coming from outside her bedroom scares the girl, and other strange events make her believe that someone or something lives in this house... But what can she do if she haunted by the shadows themselves? Light can weaken them, but not defeat them. Trapped in a nightmare where everything she knows is now twisted, just like in the Dark Fairy novel her mother read to her.

The E.R. is a weird little hand-drawn horror game where you try to escape a hospital filled with big green slimy monsters. IN The E.R. you play an unnamed woman who wakes up in an abandoned hospital. You have no hands, so you can't really interact with anything, and you're also quite slow to move (possibly due to injury). You need to explore the hospital and find some means of escape, but you are not alone - green monsters live here that look like a cross between The Thing And The Blob. You will have to avoid them if you want to stay alive.

The game has been updated to v1.0.1. Changelog not found.

Fear & Hunger- a brutal mixture of survival horror and RPG roguelike in the Dungeon Crawler genre, where four brave heroes will go into the dark depths of an underground fortress to uncover all the ancient secrets of this cursed place!

HellSign- an action-adventure RPG with horror elements, where you will find yourself in the role of an Evil Hunter who will have to protect the human world from terrible creatures living in the darkness!

The game has been updated from version to

7 Days to Die- a new voxel sandbox with a completely destructible world, about survival in the zombie apocalypse!

Explore a world overrun with zombies, find a house suitable for shelter, protect it with traps, and try to survive for more than 7 days!

The RUSSIAN version of the game has been updated to Alpha 15.2.

The game has been updated from Alpha 17 to Alpha 17.1. The list of changes can be viewed.

The Long Dark - a hardcore survival simulator in the endless forests of Northern Canada!

You will play as a pilot named Wil McKenzie, whose plane crashed after a mystical geomagnetic storm. Your main task will be to survive as long as possible in order to find out what happened to the world and how it has changed?

Explore the area, collect resources and explore the world. Also, you have to make various moral decisions that will affect the development of the plot, gameplay and future fate humanity as a whole.

The GOG version of the game has been updated to v2.8.0.10.

The game has been updated from version 1.45 to 1.46 REDUX. The list of changes can be viewed.

Something In The Shadows is a very creepy first-person horror game in which you try to escape from a house where ghostly creatures live in paintings. You wake up in a house with notes pinned to the walls telling you to leave this place, and your feeling tells you that there really is a mysterious force that doesn't want you in this place. As you explore the house, you discover more notes and look for a way to escape, but then strange shadowy figures with glowing eyes begin to appear inside the paintings hanging around the house...

The Count Lucanor is a pixelated horror adventure game with amazing story a ten year old boy named Hans. Hans's main desire is to grow up quickly and go on an exciting journey, get rich and become a prince. Gantz's father had long gone to war, which is why the boy became the main support for his mother. Living in poverty for his tenth birthday, Hans, having not received gifts and sweets from his mother, decided to leave home and personally arrange a happy and comfortable life for himself. The mother, realizing that her son could not be stopped, gave him the last money and advised him not to leave the path and be careful. This is where it will begin incredible adventure Hans, who will meet interesting characters. You'll have to accept complex solutions, on which the storyline will depend. And most importantly, do not forget that true evil is not always obvious.

Lovecraft's Untold Stories is a pixel arcade RPG with roguelike elements. The style of the game itself is made in the best traditions of the works of Howard Phillips Lovecraft, so there will be a good plot. Your main task is to stop the cultists who are trying to summon “Other Gods” to our world. Moreover, you can act both with the help of brute force and with the help of cunning. Random generation of levels, 5 different characters, many monsters from the Cthulhu Mythos, leveling up the hero and chilling stories of Lovecraft.

We present to you the re-release of the free horror game “The Cursed Forest”. A new version completely redesigned and transferred to the new CryENGINE 3 engine. All this allowed us to significantly improve the game. You will find modern graphics and a creepy atmosphere, complemented by a frightening plot. In the story, we play as a character who, having received a message that his mother has had a heart attack, rushes into the city, taking a shortcut through an abandoned and, according to rumors, cursed place. There he has an accident and wakes up on the top of a hill. Now you need to find a way out of the dense and frightening forest, and this will be extremely difficult, because there is someone else in the forest besides you. To save your life, you have to unravel the secrets of the cursed place!

Die Young is adventure game with elements of stealth. main character- a young party girl who is kidnapped by a certain community. Finding herself on a paradise island somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea, she faces a tough struggle for survival. Immerse yourself in a sunny island that hides eerie secrets. Explore the island, monitor your health, because you can die not only at the hands of enemies, but also from thirst. Will you be able to escape from this damned island or will you stay here forever? Try to find out the history and reasons for this madness - all this will help save your life.

The legend of the gaming industry returns after 20 years! The game has been completely redesigned, absorbing all the developments of the last part ( Resident Evil 7 biohazard). Modern graphics and good famous heroes- rookie cop Leon S. Kennedy and student Claire Redfield. Go through two stories from the perspective of each character, this approach will allow you to better understand storyline. Thanks to the latest developments from Capcom, you will find realistic graphics and a complex system zombie damage. Now the zombie's body reacts to any damage and behaves accordingly.

HellSign is a simulator of an evil spirit hunter. Take control of a hero who takes on the strangest tasks. Although the game has a huge number of all kinds of monsters, the developers still put emphasis on studying their goal. That is, you take on tasks, and then carefully begin to study the evil spirits. Learn the strengths and weak sides, habitats and habits - all this will allow you to cope with a superior enemy.

Hello Neighbor is a long-awaited first-person stealth horror game, the plot of which will tell the story of a hero who suspects that his neighbor is hiding a terrible secret in his basement. The main task of the player is to figure out how to get into the basement of a neighbor’s house unnoticed and reveal the very secret that haunts him. The Hello Neighbor game boasts excellent opponent AI that adapts to the player’s behavior, so it won’t be easy to outwit and quickly get through unnoticed.

For hundreds of years, machines created by no one knows who have been producing Teletubbies. These beautiful and kind creatures live and do not even suspect that they are being watched and various experiments are being carried out. You play as a warden who has been watching the Teletubbies Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Lyalya and Po for a long time. Everything seems to be lovely: they live and enjoy their custard, until one day something terrible happens...

The horror game Agony, which made a splash with its explicit scenes, is finally out. True, the developers had to impose strict censorship and exactly what many expected from the game will no longer happen. You will play as a lost soul who finds himself in hell. Your task is to regain your memories and try to get out of hell itself. You do not remember your past, but you have the unique ability to inhabit other souls and even lower forms of demons. The game "Agony" is an attempt to create the creepiest horror game! The madness that will happen in “Agony” cannot be described; the developers have set out to recreate what has scared people for many generations. Finding yourself in Hell, remembering absolutely nothing, you understand the main thing, you need to find a way out as soon as possible! The only thing that saves you from terrible torment is the ability to control little people and inhabit primitive demons. These skills should help you get out of Hell, and, according to rumors, this can only be done through the mystical Red Goddess.

This collection presents the most terrible Online Games. The roots of this genre grow from the horror film industry, but if in films we are outside observers, then here we have to actively participate in confronting the main villain, whoever he is: the long-armed Slender Man, Gogol's Viy or just a maniac controlled by one of players.

More details

Online horror games. Opening a brick factory at home

It just so happens that the coolest horror games on PC are single-player. This is understandable: in solitude, the oppressive atmosphere of suspense is felt especially acutely, and most projects are built precisely on the anticipation of impending horror. On the other side horror games online provide an excellent opportunity to implement the classic Hollywood scenario, when the group splits up with the words “You check the closet, and I’ll crawl into that terrible hole,” with a natural outcome in such cases.

Almost all online scary projects offer cooperative fear therapy sessions. Standing apart in this series are games with asymmetric co-op - a newfangled mode where a group of gamers tries to confront one monster controlled by an individual user. The mode fits perfectly into the shooter genre, but also works well in horror games.

Top scariest online games

Having examined all the known and unknown projects in this genre, and laid down several stacks of bricks, we have prepared a selection of the coolest horror games. Some of them are still at the testing stage, others are already ready for use, and others are just planning to scare the audience.

Below is a selection of the 33 best Horror games for PC.

Resident Evil

Release date: 1996-2017

One of the most popular series, which not only created the survival horror genre in the form we are familiar with (the very first Resident game Evil), but also turned it “upside down” twice (in particular, the fourth and seventh parts of the series, which radically changed the usual gameplay and mechanics).

The first three parts are made in a pseudo 3D style, where three-dimensional models of characters move on static backdrops. There are few weapons and ammunition, the opponents (mostly zombies and representatives of infected flora and fauna) are tenacious. The player really has to survive. The fourth, fifth and sixth parts of the franchise boast full 3D and third-person views, big amount weapons and opponents, who, moreover, learned to use weapons and became somewhat wiser. The games now have more action. The seventh and final part of the series is similar in spirit to the first three, but now we play from the first person, and the game itself is designed for a helmet virtual reality(although it plays perfectly from the monitor).


Release date: 2005

A first-person shooter with horror elements, in which we, in the role of an operative of a special unit of special forces, confront a rebel squad of cloned soldiers, and also encounter a ghostly girl named Alma. The game has 11 episodes with a rather confusing plot. Among the gameplay features, it is worth noting the presence of a slow motion mode, in which the character can dodge flying bullets and move faster, thereby gaining an advantage in battle.

The opponents are worthy of special mention, as they are truly capable of giving the player a fight back. Opponents shoot from behind cover, do not hesitate to use grenades, are able to coordinate with each other, and reload their weapons, always hiding in cover. Even today F.E.A.R. often set as an example to other games when it comes to artificial intelligence.

Penumbra 1 and 2

Release date: The first one was 2007. The second one was 2008.

Genre: Survival Horror

A survival horror game in which a very cool physics model is implemented, which creates a realistic effect of presence. In particular, the movement of objects is carried out not by a simple click, but by moving the cursor in a certain direction (for example, to open a door, you need to click on the handle and, as it were, pull the door towards you). There are no firearms in the game, and the entire gameplay is based on solving puzzles and fighting monsters using improvised means.

The second part has undergone virtually no changes in its gameplay, but unlike the first part, here greater emphasis is placed on exploring territories and tense moments. The quest component has been greatly simplified. Essentially, it all comes down to finding keys and codes, and only in some places do you have to apply logic. In addition, now you just need to hide from enemies or run away from them, and not fight.

Dead Space series

Release date: 2008-2013

A chilling trilogy made in the genre of sci-fi survival horror, and telling about the adventures of a simple engineer Isaac Clarke, who, by the will of fate, found himself in the center of a confrontation between people and necromorphs (terrible creatures into which dead people under the influence of an alien signal). The game mechanics are somewhat reminiscent of the Resident Evil series, and the atmosphere is reminiscent of the films “Alien” and “The Thing”.

We control the character from a third-person perspective. One of the features of the game is the presence of a variety of spacesuits that strengthen the main character and give him various bonuses. There is also the possibility of improving items using a workbench. There are many types of monsters, and each appearance can often scare the player quite well. In the third part, co-op for two people was introduced, and the plot in this case will be slightly changed.


Release date: 2010

An exciting puzzle platformer with horror elements, in which we, as a boy, find ourselves in a creepy other world where we need to find our sister. Essentially this is a two-dimensional side-scroller with an excellent physics engine, thanks to which our protagonist can move objects environment. Also, our character can run, jump, climb vines, etc.

The gameplay of the game is based on the so-called “trial and death” method, when due to one wrong action the character dies and the player has to start from the last checkpoint. Moreover, there are very, very many traps and all sorts of ways to kill the main character. The project was highly appreciated by critics, journalists and the players themselves, and it received many awards, including for its visual style.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Release date: 2010

Genre: Survival horror

A very atmospheric survival horror from the creators of the Penumbra series, in which the notes of the company’s past games are discernible, but at the same time Amnesia is more convenient and friendly for players. The player here will have to solve various puzzles in most cases, and meeting the enemy face to face is fraught with loss (so you will often have to run away and hide). Interaction with objects almost completely copies the execution model from the studio’s previous games.

An interesting feature of the project is that the AI ​​of opponents adapts to the player. Those. artificial intelligence will always be moderately smart, but not so smart that you can’t get further. Although you most likely cannot avoid death here. The game was warmly received by both critics and players, who often noted that unlike Outlast, in which the feeling of fear disappears when there are no opponents nearby, Amnesia constantly puts pressure on the player, causing panic and paranoia.

SCP 087

Release date: 2012

Genre: Survival horror

Imagine that you find yourself on a staircase that extends so far into the depths that its end is simply invisible. There are no signs of human presence around, no doors or windows, and the depth of your descent can only be judged by the numbers on the walls. You have a weak flashlight in your hands, and the silence is interrupted only by breathing coming from somewhere below. This is how this creepy game begins, in which you have to go down the creepy stairs down and down and down and down... What will you meet down there on one of the flights? And most importantly, will you survive this meeting?

The game has a depressing atmosphere and a constant expectation of something terrible. The atmosphere of horror is fueled not only by scary sound effects, but also shadows that periodically appear out of nowhere. In general, the game is a rather interesting psychological horror quest, where each playthrough is unique due to randomly generated events.

Slender: The Eight Pages

Release date: 2012

Genre: Survival horror

An indie first-person horror game in which the player, in the role of a girl named Kate, will travel through the forest, collecting notes left by children and escaping from the terrible Slenderman (a character from a famous urban legend). The goal of the game at first glance is extremely simple - collect 8 notes, which will be located in a random place with each playthrough. However, finding these same notes is complicated by the fact that Slenderman will follow you, meeting whom does not bode well.

The area for searching for notes is quite extensive. Our heroine can turn the flashlight on and off, and also use the zoom of the camera in her hands. Interestingly, the likelihood of Slenderman appearing directly depends on the number of notes collected by the player. Slender himself, if you don’t notice him near you for a long time, is capable of turning the player towards him, ruining his camera and ending the game.


Release date: 2012

Genre: Psychological quest

An exciting psychological horror adventure. Main character here is a child who is the son of Lucifer himself. On the protagonist's sixth birthday, dad gives our protagonist a series of supernatural abilities and sets the task - to kill all the inhabitants of the house in which the boy lives. It is clear that we will kill secretly, setting up “accidents” for our victims. The project obviously took inspiration from films like The Omen and Rosemary's Baby.

The hero's abilities are interesting - here you have telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and the ability to subjugate someone to your will. The murder scenes are brutal and realistic. There is only one location - a mansion, but at the same time it is truly huge and the little maniac has room to roam. There is some non-linearity in the game.

The Cat Lady

Release date: 2012

Genre: Quest, Psychological horror

A psychological two-dimensional point-and-click horror game in which the entire gameplay is based on moving between locations, finding active points, solving all kinds of puzzles and interacting with characters. At the bottom of the screen there is an inventory with found items that will need to be used depending on the situation. The game has many dialogues where the player will have to choose an answer. At some points, the player's actions will affect the ending of the game.

The project is distinguished by deliberately grotesque graphics. The black and white palette predominates here. The scenes of violence are incredibly brutal, and the game also raises topics such as suicide, depression, and death. However, despite all the gloom, there are humorous and even positive moments here.

Slender: The Arrival

Release date: 2013

Genre: Survival horror

Continuation of the famous indie horror Slender: The Eight Pages, with more realistic graphics And interesting story. Unlike its predecessor, which had only one location, here the game takes place in several places (house, mine, etc.). Our character must complete various missions and not get in the way of Slender. There are no weapons here. The protagonist will only have a flashlight in his hands, so when meeting a villain, it is advisable to run away “wherever you look” (however, due to the interference on the screen that occurs when Slenderman approaches, you can simply run at random).

It is noteworthy that as the difficulty of the game increases, not only the antagonist becomes stronger, but also the tasks that we need to complete in the levels. For example, at one of the levels you will need to not only find generators, but also fuel for them.


Release date: 2013

Genre: Survival horror

Survival horror from the first person, in which journalist Miles Upshur falls under our control. The main character arrives at the Mount Massive Asylum to conduct an independent investigation into the murders taking place there, but it quickly becomes clear that infiltrating the hospital is not the most best idea journalist. Crazy patients are wandering everywhere, and a former security guard, who looks more like a huge mutant, begins to chase the hero.

The main feature of the game is that our protagonist is armed with absolutely nothing. He only has a camera with night vision in his hands - and this is the only item he can use. The gameplay is based on solving simple puzzles, moving secretly, overcoming various obstacles and finding secluded places. The project received positive reviews and even won the “Best of E3 2013” ​​category.


Release date: 2013

Genre: Indie, Horror

An exciting horror adventure game in which the player needs to help the protagonist, who is in a creepy house, survive until dawn. The gameplay revolves around wandering around the house, where you need to turn on the lights in the rooms in order to interact with objects. In particular, the found clock will speed up time until the morning, and in some places you can wait out the danger. An interesting feature of the game is the presence of character indicators such as memory and vision, which make adjustments to the gameplay. The game is included in the list.

Interestingly, time in the game can not only speed up, but also, depending on the player's actions, it can slow down or even go backwards. At levels, the character can meet the so-called “Guests from the Forest”, from whom he will have to run away and look for cover, choosing various tactics for passing.


Release date: 2014

Mystical horror with a first-person view. From the first minutes the game tries to keep us in suspense, both with the picture and sound design, as well as fear of the unknown. The world is presented here in black and white with the addition of red, which gives the game some atmosphere. The residents of Fort Henry have disappeared somewhere, the dead are roaming around, strange totems and statues made of ash, very similar to people, are scattered everywhere. This is what we have to figure out.

The mystical atmosphere is a key element here, and it really worked out well. The monochrome palette is alarming, and the huge forest, in the wilds of which we will have to spend most of the game, conceals not only answers to questions, but also something terrible that it is best not to encounter. At some point, we will be able to try on the role of a medium, communicating with the deceased and shedding light on the past of the colony.

Dread Out

Release date: 2014

Genre: Survival horror, puzzle

An exciting indie horror adventure in which we, in the role of a girl named Linda and her group of friends, find ourselves in an abandoned city full of ghosts. In our hands mobile phone with a camera that helps to recognize the undead. Essentially, the gameplay here is based on walking around the surrounding area, photographing interesting things, as well as searching for plot items and keys. However, a mobile phone helps us fight off ghosts and other evil spirits who, for some reason, are afraid of being photographed.

Overall the game is very atmospheric and creepy. The sound part here is no worse than the visual one, and all sorts of wheezing, rustling and other otherworldly sounds are not just background, but help to find key places.

Among the Sleep

Release date: 2014

Genre: Survival horror

An adventure horror game with a first-person view, in which we, in the role of a two-year-old child, are trying to find his mother. The baby suddenly wakes up at night in pitch darkness and discovers that his mother is nowhere to be found. But he finds his teddy bear, with which he begins to travel around the house, as well as through various paranormal worlds in search of his mother.

The game instills horror in us with the help of a unique atmosphere, because a two-year-old child is vulnerable and scared, and clearly will not be able to fight back the evil spirits hiding in the dark. The levels are made in an interesting way, with some hint of symbolism. The atmosphere here comes first - any rustle, any shadow makes the heartbeat quicken, and the music and sounds seem to come to us from childhood nightmares.

Five Nights at Freddy's

Release date: 2014

Genre: Survival horror, Point-and-click

A popular Indian horror game, the action takes place in a pizzeria, where the player needs to survive several nights as a security guard. Unlike the characters in most horror games, our protagonist cannot leave his room, but with the help of a special control panel he can watch the animatronics (robot enemies that attack every night), open and close doors, and turn on the lights.

The game received many praises, most of them for its original approach to the horror genre. Many noted that the game mechanics are capable of creating a “feeling of tension,” which only intensifies with every minute spent in the game. Indeed, the inability to give at least some resistance to imminent danger makes one feel extremely helpless.


Release date: 2014

Genre: Survival horror, Co-op

An unusual horror game designed for multiplayer. We have four survivors and 1 monster, which is also controlled by a living player. The action takes place in hospitals, hotels and other locations. The survivors must find a way out (collecting along the way necessary items), and the monster, accordingly, kills all players. There are several types of monsters here, each with its own unique combat and gameplay abilities. People do not differ in any special specializations, and their task here comes down to escaping from the monster and trying to hide.

Present here and random events. So, for example, certain objects may or may not appear at the level. Collectable items also appear randomly. The exit for survivors appears in a random location. In addition, various frightening events are triggered periodically (randomly, of course).

Alien: Isolation

Release date: 2014

An excellent first-person survival horror with stealth elements, developed with reference to the famous film directed by Ridley Scott “Alien”. The gameplay here is based on moving through a multi-level spaceship, in order to find quest items, while simultaneously hiding from xenomorphs or repelling them. A motion detector, as well as a number of others, will help you in your promotion and research. aids, which can be combined with each other (the game even has a simple crafting system).

An interesting feature of the game is the inability to cause lethal damage to others. Those. all weapons, including a flamethrower, will only help us scare away the alien creature. For this reason, most of the game has to be done quietly and unnoticed. The xenomorphs themselves are made incredibly cool. Each individual has its own manner of behavior, as well as a number of instincts and feelings that they actively use. For example, if a player hiding under a table accidentally touches a creature, it will sense it.

The Evil Within 1 and 2

Release date: The first - 2014. The second - 2017.

Genre: Survival horror

Survival horror from a third person. The main character is a police detective investigating massacres in a psychiatric clinic, he himself finds himself in a world of monsters, cruelty and violence. The game is highly complex and it is often much easier to run away or hide from the enemy than to engage in open battle with him. In general, the game is somewhat reminiscent of the Resident Evil series, but does not mindlessly copy it, but rather borrows some gameplay solutions.

Traditionally for the genre, there are critically few cartridges here, but the presence of simple stealth, when you can quietly sneak up on an enemy and kill him with a knife, saves you. The game is incredibly atmospheric. The monsters are original, unique and really capable of frightening, especially in conditions of a constant shortage of ammunition, first aid kits, etc. An interesting feature of the game is the presence of traps, mines and other traps that the main character can fall into himself, or can use for his own purposes, luring enemies there .


Release date: 2015

Genre: Survival horror, stealth action, Roguelike

An original mix of genres such as survival horror, stealth action and roguelike. Here the player will take control of a character who finds himself on a ship drifting at sea, which also contains a terrible monster. The task is to escape from the ship, avoiding encounters with a monster, a meeting with which promises inevitable death (the death of the character here is irreversible and entails a return to the very beginning of the game).

The level, which is the entire ship, is generated randomly each time, so it is impossible to learn the location of the locations. There are no weapons in the game, which means that the pursuing monster cannot be killed with anything (however, you can briefly delay it, for example, using a fire extinguisher). For this reason, all that remains is to hide from the monster, while simultaneously finding the items necessary for a successful rescue.

Fran Bow

Release date: 2015

Genre: Point-and-click with horror elements

Psychedelic adventure game with horror elements with all the classic attributes, namely a strong plot, interesting characters and puzzles. The gameplay combines genre-standard pixelation, puzzle solving, and a dialogue system with multiple choice options. The key gameplay feature is built around a jar of pills, the use of which allows the heroine to see the peculiar underbelly of the world.

According to the majority of players, this project, if not a masterpiece, is a very, very worthy representative of the genre, which is capable of keeping you glued to the monitor screen until the very end. The plot is dynamic, and each of the five chapters is a separate, unique journey.


Release date: 2015

Genre: Survival horror

Another game from the creators of Penumbra and Amnesia, made, as you might guess, in the survival horror genre. This time we have to visit an underwater research facility, where robots are starting to look more and more like people. The gameplay is largely the same as the company's other games, but the emphasis is on storytelling. In general, we all also have to solve puzzles, find keys and hide from monsters.

Game resources positively assessed the project, which really turned out to be interesting, creepy and intriguing. The plot is truly interesting, and the maddened machines, as it turns out, can scare no worse than all sorts of monsters from Amnesia, etc. In general, if you like deep and interesting stories, and if you are a fan of other games from this developer, then SOMA will be a great time for you.

Layers of Fear

Release date: 2016

Genre: Psychological horror

A psychological horror with an excellent plot, from which at the end of the story you even feel somehow uncomfortable. Our main character is an artist, striving at all costs to complete his greatest creation, his masterpiece. It is worth noting that there are no opponents here as such, and this game is not about fighting monsters. The main emphasis is on exploration and atmosphere.

Any rotation of the camera in this game can completely change the environment around you. At times it will even seem like you are starting to go crazy. The game world is a mansion filled with the best works of art. The plot touches on the dark secrets of the tragic past of the artist, who sacrificed everything for the sake of his creation.

Dead by Daylight

Release date: 2016

Genre: Survival horror, multiplayer

A third-person multiplayer survival horror in which players are asked to take on the role of a killer or one of the survivors, around which the gameplay is built. The main task of the survivors is not to die at the hands of a maniac and to escape beyond the map (to do this you need to find and turn on 5 generators). The killer must find and accordingly kill all survivors in one of the possible ways.

Survivors are able to sense the killer's approach, giving them the opportunity to hide. In addition, when escaping, they can knock over barricades, which the maniac will have to break. In turn, the killer sees across the entire map the activation of traps or an explosion from an unsuccessful repair of a generator. It is noteworthy that the game has some leveling - we can receive useful permanent perks, or things and improvements that will last throughout the level.


Release date: 2016

Genre: Platformer, puzzle

A mystical platformer from the creators of the famous LIMBO, which in some ways is even similar to the studio’s previous game - the main character (an unnamed boy in a red sweatshirt) moves mainly in right side screen and overcomes various obstacles and challenges. There are also a lot of physical puzzles in which you need to interact with objects.

The game does not have any interface, and you can follow the plot only as events take place on the screen. The main character does not have any special abilities and dies quite quickly, including from falling from too great a height or serious injuries. For this reason, you will hide from enemies, or simply avoid direct collisions with them. If you are unlucky enough to die, you will be thrown back to the last checkpoint.


Release date: 2017

Genre: Horror, Survival

A grim survival game in which you, as an industrial diver, will desperately fight for your life. Can you reach the surface before your suit runs out of oxygen or goes crazy? The game was conceived as a student project, but in the end it became an excellent and unusual horror game with a fascinating and original plot that begins in reality and goes into surrealism.

Gameplay features include the presence of such a parameter as stress, which increases oxygen consumption and can lead to changes in the perception of space and time. The waters around you are also far from friendly, so a knife, a flashlight and flares will become your main assistants at depth. A heavy spacesuit weighing half a ton and water pressure also make themselves felt. In general, the game is very atmospheric, however, rather leisurely, which may scare away fans of hurricane action.

Last Year

Release date: 2017

Genre: Multiplayer first-person horror

An interesting online horror action game based on teenage horror films, where several teenagers confront a lone maniac. Essentially the same thing is happening here. We can try our hand at being one of the teenagers (each, by the way, with his own unique skills), surviving surrounded by maniacs, or, on the contrary, take control of a killer and gradually “cut out” the players one by one. In both cases the task is quite difficult.

In total, the game currently features 5 classes of survivors, which are copies of classic movie templates (blonde cheerleader, soccer player, nerd, etc.). To escape from the maniac, teenagers need to complete various quests, simultaneously escaping from the pursuer, who in turn is capable of surprising, for example, switching to invisibility mode or teleporting a short distance right behind the back of an unsuspecting teenager. The game is currently in testing stage.


Release date: 2017

Genre: Action, Horror

A non-linear first-person horror action game in which we, in the role of an astronaut, have to explore an abandoned lunar station. The main character's task is to find out the reason for the mysterious disappearances of station workers. To reveal all the secrets of the lunar base, our hero will have to explore every corner of it. At the same time, the developers guarantee the effect of complete immersion, which is achieved both by the absence of various indicators and by the atmosphere, which, by the way, is reminiscent of the films “Luna 2112” and “Alien”.

Features of the project also include irreversible death, multiple endings, as well as realistic interaction of the main character with his surroundings. At the moment, according to the developers, the game is almost ready, but they are still working on “polishing” some gameplay aspects. Will wait.

Lust for Darkness

Release date: 2018

Genre: Indie

An erotic arthouse indie horror in which we play as a certain Jonathan Moon, who received a letter from his wife who disappeared more than a year ago. Following the notes from his wife's letter, the protagonist finds a mysterious mansion where monstrous rituals are performed. Now Jonathan has to not only find his wife, but also try to survive in the chaos happening around him.

The gameplay of the game is not particularly varied - basically the player in the role of Jonathan needs to explore locations, read all kinds of notes and solve simple puzzles. The monsters you meet along the way cannot be killed, so you will have to constantly run away from them. At a certain stage, the hero will receive the “mask vision” ability, which must be used periodically to progress.


Release date: 2018

Genre: Indie

Free indie horror in the spirit of old school horror films (especially the first parts Silent Hill and others like that). To emphasize the game's kinship with old horror games, the developers made it in a gloomy black and white style, adding a white noise effect to the screen.

The premise of the game is simple - you are an ordinary resident of a certain town, in which all the inhabitants suddenly disappeared, and now the player’s task is to figure out what is really going on here. The gameplay is based on exploring locations, searching and finding various items and keys that allow you to move forward, and solve puzzles of varying difficulty. The game has a depressing atmosphere, creepy sounds and a good plot.

Witch Hunt

Release date: 2018

Genre: Indie, simulation

An indie witch hunt simulator with a horror component, the events of which take place in the 18th century. Gameplay is focused on exploring the area, finding clues and destroying evil. At the same time, the game has nonlinearity and a great atmosphere. According to the plot, we, in the role of a professional witch hunter, arrive in a small town where something wrong is already happening, and the local mayor asks us to rid the city of a terrible monster.

The hero is armed with a pistol and a musket with silver bullets, as well as a saber - this arsenal helps to cope with ordinary undead. Also, our character can sense monsters at a certain distance (the heartbeat accelerates), and for mana points you can turn on the special “Sight of Evil”, which allows you to look through the eyes of a monster. In the town you can find totems indicating where to look for a target, and you can also purchase silver crosses, which, once installed, hit monsters with a targeted lightning strike. You can also buy useful skills and equipment for your character from merchants. You can find money at locations or earn money directly from your profession.
