Scenarios for the Day of Knowledge for primary school students. Scenario of the event “Day of Knowledge”, primary school

September 1 is Knowledge Day in primary school. Scenarios for holidays, entertainment, notes on extracurricular holiday events

How to spend Knowledge Day interestingly in elementary school

The first of September is Knowledge Day, the beginning of a new school year. It is very important that this day becomes an unforgettable holiday for a child who first sets foot on the path of learning. The holiday was officially established on September 1, 1984.

In a family with a child school age, September 1st is a huge event. In the evening, an ironed suit, high spirits, impatient anticipation of the holiday and a sea of ​​flowers - these are the indispensable attributes of this day.

It’s good if the class teacher prepares greeting cards or a bright poster in the form of a telegram in advance wishing success and good luck to his students on their journey through the Land of Knowledge. The classroom can be decorated balloons, on which words of congratulations are also written: one word to the student on each ball. Let the young schoolboy read for himself what the first teacher wishes for him.

A puppet show staged by high school students can also be a good surprise, not only on September 1, but also on any other holiday. Organizing puppet shows will not cause much trouble for the participants. Some dolls (those that are put on your hand) can be purchased in a store, others you can make yourself, and others don’t even need to be made: put colorful gloves or plastic balls on your hands - and the dolls are ready. A rectangular table placed on the butt, covered with a dim fabric, or, in extreme cases, flannelette blankets or sheets, is used as an improvised screen. Decorations are completely optional. The more conventional the setting, teachers say, the better. Instead of decorations, one expressive detail is enough so as not to distract the audience from the play of the dolls. Dialogues between the doll and a living person standing by the screen are highly desirable. In general, the presence of the presenter at the screen and even interference in the actions of the dolls is quite acceptable.

And, undoubtedly, any first-grader will be pleased to hear congratulations from their favorite toys or from heroes of famous fairy tales and cartoons. How to present it original congratulations? Record monologues and dialogues from existing records, disks, cassettes in the desired sequence onto a tape recorder or computer. The scope for invention and creativity is limitless!

And all this is a gift to a first-grader, so that Knowledge Day will remain in the memory for a long time.

Characters can help you walk the path leading to the world of knowledge fairy tales: Malvina and Pinocchio, Dunno and Znayka, Harry Pogter and the wizards, Funtik and Belladonna and others. For first-graders this day is very important; it should be especially solemn, festive, and bright. The initial positive and friendly perception of school gives the little student good start. We offer you several scenarios.

Day of knowledge for primary schoolchildren. Scenarios

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“The summer has flown by, so unnoticed” (scenario for a holiday dedicated to the beginning of the school year)

The script consists of 2 parts. The script is accompanied by songs, poems and an interesting plot.

Part I

The entrance to the school is festively decorated. Musical accompaniment.

1st presenter. Hello, dear parents, guests of our holiday! We are glad to see you again. Our teaching staff prepared with great enthusiasm to meet you and your children. And this school year everything will happen again: lessons and breaks, tests and exams.

2nd presenter. Yes, but it should be noted that not everything will be so prosaic this time. Our elders, the old-timers of the school, we mean our parents, observe some changes in the work of the school every year.

1st presenter. Well, it's time for us to see the main heroes of the occasion. Let the bored walls of the school, after the summer separation, be filled again with children's voices.

And the signal for their exit will again be the usual bell!

The bell rings.

Exit of 3rd grade students.

Early September morning

Festive and cheerful,

We act wisely

School door opening.

Hello studies! Hello school!

Let's go for knowledge again!

It is a holiday today!

School holiday!

We meet academic year!

We already miss our desks,

And they are not happy without us.

And it’s like the pages of a book,

The maple leaves are rustling now.

Distant paths will call us,

The pages of a wise book will rustle,

Like the sails of distant brigantines.

Joy awaits us

Beyond the distant horizon,

And ascent to new heights!

Sail, brigantine, to new knowledge,

Towards inspiration and dreams!

Performance of a song based on O. Gazmanov's "Wind".

1. In a world where the clouds are so light,

There is a wonderful house in the world,

About whom we write poems,

About whom we sing this song.

It will become our home for nine years,

It will become a springboard into adulthood.

We call the school house home,

This is where our days of study began!


School, school, school,

You started it all!

School, school, school,

You are our reliable pier!

2. Every day from our new victories

My heart flutters joyfully in my chest.

Every day the light of knowledge becomes brighter

And discoveries awaiting us ahead.

Here we feel the support of friends,

That they will come at the first call.

With school friendship we can live more joyfully,

The years of studying will be easier with her!

Part II

Exit of 2nd grade students.

My heart skips a beat with excitement,

The dawn will flash a little outside the windows:

The guys are waiting with greedy impatience

Holiday morning in September.

Let pencils and books already

The briefcase is packed in a brand new one.

It's all the same girls and boys

You won't be forced to stay in bed late.

We can't sleep, despite advice,

And we can’t sit still,

Smiling at grandparents

Please take the time to look often.

The minutes drag on too long

Come, welcome time!

I see: on holiday routes

Children reached out to schools.

Performance of the song.

Good luck, guys!

On an eternal search

Truth, goodness and beauty,

To become a reality in our lives

The highest dreams.

2nd presenter. For... (the number is indicated) a year now, our school has been happy to open its doors to you.

1st presenter. And we are very pleased that every year our friendly family is replenished with new loyal friends.

2nd presenter. Today is a very important and exciting day for them.

1st presenter. Today they will become real schoolchildren, first graders.

2nd presenter. Let's get to know them!

First grade students are led out by Malvina and Dunno.


You all know who I am...

That's right, Malvina!

I hurried to you, friends,

But without Pinocchio.

Didn't he come here?

What a naughty boy!

Along the paths he again

Jumps around.

But look who I brought:

Dressy! Front doors!

So darling!

So neat!

All the former pranksters

And now - first graders!

First graders read poetry:

We are wearing new uniforms, white shirts.

We have new satchels on, squeaky shoes.

We are moving into 1st grade, the best!

Friends from the kindergarten also accompany us to school.

We are entering 1st grade, first graders!

Dunno. Oh, look, little first-graders! Do you know where you ended up? I'll tell you now...

The school corridor is a black hole,

Dark as a dead end

Scary as a diary!

The teachers at this school are terrible

Evil intrigues are being prepared, unfortunate ones!

Malvina. Oh, what are you, Dunno, making up everything? And this is not true at all! Trying to ruin everything again! You're just jealous of the guys.

First graders.

We will love our school -

Spacious, bright house.

Where there are many happy days

We'll spend it together!

We know all the rules

Even though they are newbies.

We have notebooks in our hands,

And on the chest there are badges.

And in brand new briefcases

There are pencils lying around.

They also have a lot to do:

Damn it, draw, write!

I will have the books

Thick, very fat.

I'll read it and I'll know

Everything adults know!

And with toys, probably

I need to say goodbye.

I'm taking lessons now

I'll study.

Malvina. Now, guys, take your seats. Let's conduct the first test lesson.

Dunno. And what about me? I love challenges too!

Malvina. Don't even know. You, Dunno, are so restless and absent-minded. And why do you need to go to school? After all, you can do everything, you know everything.

Dunno(whines). I don’t know anything, I can’t do anything. I compose everything, I don’t know why!

Malvina. Well, guys, do you accept Dunno into your class?

Music sounds and the Magician enters the hall.

Mag. Good afternoon everyone! I am a master, an honorary member of the Land of Knowledge. And my name is Mag. I have been invited to the holiday in order to initiate you, dear friends, into first graders. And for this you need to pass tests.

Test 1st (riddles):

Talk to her more often

You'll be four times smarter.

Stands on one leg

He turns and turns his head,

Showing us countries

Rivers, mountains, oceans.

Huddle in a narrow house

Multi-colored kids.

Just release it into the wild -

Where was the emptiness

There, look, there is beauty!

(Colour pencils.)

Malvina. Well done! We completed the first task. I'm so worried about you guys!

Test 2:

There is a big and bright house

And why are there a lot of checks in it?

And they write and they count,

They read, create, dream.

What kind of house is this? (School.)

Here are the letters for you guys. Compose the word "school".

Malvina. And now - change (rings the bell), musical break.

Guys, do you know the songs, can you sing?

Dunno. I, I, I, I can, I know! (Starts singing “A grasshopper sat in the grass...”)

Malvina. Dunno, stop! Apparently the bear has stepped on your ear!

Guys, help Dunno.

Everyone sings a song.

Mag. So, to summarize, I announce my solution:

Our big school

The door was opened for you.

You will learn

You are schoolchildren now!

Presentation of badges to first-graders.

Malvina. And now - a solemn promise. You promise:

Treasure the honor of the school.

Be polite and careful.

Books, copybooks, notebooks.

Learning lessons is not easy,

And as expected - for sure.

The first-graders march away.

1st presenter. Knowledge Day is a holiday dedicated to the beginning of the school year. But not only the school year has a beginning. Everything has a beginning, every big thing has a beginning.

2nd presenter. And as a rule, the beginning of each business is accompanied by a corresponding ceremony with corresponding rituals. Here’s an example (the presenters take turns listing).”

Builders, before starting the construction of any architectural masterpiece, solemnly lay the first brick.

Craftsmen spit on their hands before starting work.

Before starting important negotiations, Indians smoke a “peace pipe.”

Hospitable hosts greet their guests with bread and salt.

1st presenter. This list of rituals could be continued. But it will take too long.

2nd presenter. And it’s unlikely that those already listed will be useful to us.

1st presenter. Indeed, how can an Indian peace pipe fit into the school lineup?

2nd presenter. That's why we invented our own rituals.

The presenters ask the first graders to repeat the movements.

1. “Farewell to the carefree kindergarten past.” (Children pretend to cry.)

2. “Cleansing the head from bad thoughts" (Children pretend to throw something out of their hair and shake their heads.)

The postman appears on the scene. He takes telegrams out of his bag, and the presenters read them out.

1st presenter."Students! Gnaw the granite of science more persistently! And we are with you." (Dentists at the Medas clinic.)

2nd presenter. “Dear parents, teachers! Fight for purity native language! Cleanliness is the key to health." (Ministry of Health)

1st presenter."Grandmothers and grandfathers! Share your wealth generously with your grandchildren life experience" (Sberbank.)

2nd presenter. This is where our ceremonial line ends. Words of oath and promise were given...

1st presenter. Wait, what about our parents? It seems to me that it would be nice from you, dear parents, to take words of promises. If you agree with us, say the word “yes”:

We will always help children in their studies so that the school is proud of the children! Yes?

We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks; remembering formulas is nonsense for us! Yes?

We swear to never hit children, just scold them a little sometimes! Yes?

We will be calm, like the water in a river, we will be wise, like a star in the sky! Yes?

We will get up in the morning in the cold to make it there and here! Yes?

We will always cook delicious dishes and spoil the children with sweets sometimes! Yes?

When the school holidays are over, we’ll go for a walk with the children! Yes?

2nd presenter. Dear friends, the ceremony of the beginning of the school year has come to an end, and we have approached the start of classes logically. Let's not change traditions, let the first bell ring, which will announce the first lesson.

1st presenter. The school clock was ticking. This means everything will happen again. Good new meetings with the world of knowledge that our teachers are ready to give you!

2nd presenter. Happy new school year! May everything go well for you!

The final song is performed (“Wish” by B. Okudzhava).

Let's exclaim and admire each other,

There is no need to be afraid of high-flown words.

Let's compliment each other

After all, these are all happy moments of love.

Let's talk and cry openly,

Sometimes together, sometimes apart, sometimes alternately.

There is no need to attach importance to slander,

Moreover, sadness coexists with love.

Let's understand each other perfectly,

So that, having made a mistake once, you won’t make a mistake again.

Let's live indulging each other in everything,

Moreover, life is so short.

Scenario for the ceremony on September 1st.

Fanfare sounds

Leading: Good morning, Guys! Good morning, parents!

Good morning, teachers!

Guests, you came for a reason!

After all, today is a holiday at school!!

Celebration of the First of September!

September has come, summer has ended,

The holiday of knowledge, study, and grades has arrived.

Children, parents, teachers!

Happy holiday, friends!

A couple of minutes - and the first call

He will call you back to class.

School doors will open again

Tomorrow school days will begin.

Well, today is a festive hour.

Happy holiday we congratulate you all!...

Leading: Today is a particularly joyful and exciting day for those children who crossed the threshold of our school for the first time. 2 first-graders joined the number of students at the Novozimnitsa primary secondary school!

Comes here every autumn
First-graders noisy round dance,
Joyful, thoughtful, cheerful,
Our teacher will lead them to class.

We are very happy to see all guests!
The holiday has knocked on our door!
First graders, come in!
We are looking forward to seeing you.

We invite our first-graders to the solemn assembly dedicated to the First Bell holiday.

(First graders enter. "They teach at school").

Leading: School, attention! The ceremonial ceremony dedicated to the beginning of the school year is considered open!

(The Russian Anthem plays.)

LEADING: The situation is not newAnd completely understandable,If the director took the floor,Everything is in complete silence.We wait with excitement every time,What will he tell us nowc

Leading: Dear students, teachers and parents! Please accept congratulations on the start of the new school year from the head of the school, Zulfiya Ravilevna Khasanova.

(Speech by the school principal).

Leading: We are always glad to have friends,

And at the holiday - for the guests!

Addresses you with words of congratulations


We have a lot of guests todayThe road is open to everyone hereThe guest of honor is in a hurry nowHappy holiday to all of you

The floor is given to ____________________

Leading: For all the kids, for all the teachers

Please accept the song as a gift as soon as possible!

Leading: The first day of autumn... The first of September...

The secret of the calendar is still poorly understood...

If you look closely -

Just one of these days

And how much from this pier

Ships sent.

LEADING: Dear first graders,
We know you were prepared!
Tell your poems
You're already tuned in!

Leading: The floor is given to the most important heroes of our celebration - first graders!

(Speech by first-graders. Exit to “They teach at school”)

1st grade performance.

School often acceptsChildren in first grade,But today is a special day:We came! Meet US!

The kindergarten is left behind,Carefree days.First ratings tomorrowWe'll get into the diaries.

We used to play schoolBut the game is over.We are envied todayPreschool children from the yard.

Mom and dad for some reasonWe were very worried.They say they didn't sleep at night,They were afraid for me.

Even if it's hardSubtract and multiplyWe promise to learnOn "four" and "five".

We will be assiduousDiligent and diligent.And then school will beginJust great!

Leading: Dear first-graders! Today is a wonderful holiday for you - you have become students. And our fourth-graders are on the threshold of independent life.

(Speech by graduates. Gifts are given to first-graders)


Dear first graders! Put your ears on top!

They will contact you now

The oldest students in the school

And I am pleased to give the floor to them.

Speech by schoolchildren to first graders.

Dear first graders!
We've been waiting for you to come to school for a long time
And in honor of your arrival
We will read poetry for you.

So you have become a first grader!

Put on a new uniform.

Let it be a holiday for everyone,

This is the first day of school.

You are no longer a preschooler
You are going to 1st grade
Both parents and school
They congratulate you today.

You will take a briefcase with notebooks

And you will enter a spacious classroom.

You are with the school rules

Get to know each other now.

The school has its own rules:

You can't tear notebooks here,

You can't push or fight here,

And tease and pinch.

You won't be able to sleep here during the day!

Don't yawn in class

And, of course, you can’t go into cars

You have to play in class.

Will you be friends with the problem solver?

You will read a lot of books.

Before you were just a boy,

And now you are a student!

Here they will teach you beautifully,
Read quickly and competently
Draw, sculpt toys,
Dance, count, write.

Here is the school teacher for you

Will be a second mother

You will feel good here

With new friends.

Well, the main thing is to study!

You will have to not be lazy.

Everyone will respect you

And reward with a five.

We wish you to study
For four and for five
Be obedient at school too
Follow all rules.

Good luck and good luck!
On the road of knowledge
We wish you fulfillment
All your wishes.

Song "Alsu and Ryamzia"

your humble labor knows no price,
It cannot be compared to anything!
And everyone calls you with love
You with a simple name -

Knowledge Day is a holiday not only for students, but also for their teachers.

Teachers! Please accept congratulations from your students!

Speech by students to teachers.

1.We have been waiting for the holiday of knowledge for a long timeAt the very beginning of September!And we are not afraid of tasks,What do teachers give us?

2.Thank you for your courage,
For warmth and kindness!
We want you to be warmed with joy
Your heart is in the wind!

3. Knowledge Day will not go out of fashion,
Our heartfelt congratulations to the teachers!
Grant valuable sciences
For many years to the students,

4. Teacher! And that tells us everything,Feelings cannot be expressed in words.You and I fearlessly soar through the waves,Warmed by the rays of knowledge.

5.September. You go back to school.
A bell rings and a cozy school classroom awaits you.
You give life and science lessons.
After all, you have the title of teacher!

6. We wish you pedagogical achievements,
Thoughtful, inquisitive children's eyes,
Joint unexpected decisions,
Students worthy only of you! ©

7. We are not celebrating this day in vain,
Heading into the golden autumn,
And congratulate you, teachers,
We want it when we bring flowers!

8.And for this I send a big bow to you,
What is easy, without knowing any doubts,
You lead us with a firm hand
Along the roads of knowledge and skills! ©

9.On Knowledge Day we sincerely give you flowers,Which are generously warmed in the fall.And with you we build bridges of knowledge,And we appreciate all your advice.

10. Dear teachers, please accept these flowers from us as a sign of respect and gratitude (presentation of flowers)

Presentation of flowers


It's September again outside the windows,

And school like big ship,

Ready to set sail -

The school year begins again!


Friends! It's a holiday in the schoolyard again!

Let the first bell ring in September!

(Baba Yaga comes out) scene

Yaga But Baba Yaga is against it!

It took you away for the holiday!

Who's in charge here? You prankster?!

Leading What kind of miracle is this?

Get out of here!

Better not make me angry!

I'm very scary when I'm angry!

Yaga Are you scaring me?

Well, stick to “don’t give or take”!

Hey, kikimora, friend!

Somewhere there is my rotten place,

And it contains sleeping powder

(blows, puts the presenter to sleep)

Come on, get some rest my friend!

Brownie Hey beauty, calm down!

Calm down, don't be angry!

Why are you angry?

Did you chew the toadstool?

Yaga Brownie!

How I respect you, loving you!

I never harmed you!

She didn’t swear, she wasn’t rude!

I'm good, you know!

So why do you offend?

House. There’s something I don’t understand at all,

Who offended you here?

Yaga But they didn’t invite me to the holiday,

They didn’t let me perform!

Do you know, my soul,

How did I hope?!

I've been planning for six months

I comb my hair once every five hundred years!

The only tooth I have is mine

Wash with soap and water

I'm not in the forest

Neither Qua-fresh nor Blendametu

You see, everyone has gathered for school,

We picked up all sorts of knowledge!

I'm sitting in the forest stupid -

A foolish girl!

I'm Yaga, not Balda!

Right now you can’t go anywhere without knowledge!

House. Finally, calm down

Well, she came - and well done!

Yaga I can’t, my soul!

I was so offended!

Look how everyone dressed up here,

Washed and powdered yourself!

I've been wearing this for 100 years

I go both in winter and in summer!

I can't stand it anymore!

So you can get sick!

House. Calm down, there is a way out!

My storerooms are countless

For such “beauty” of outfits.

Well, let's go, you'll be glad!

Just disenchant them

Come on, don't be stubborn, blow!

Yaga Well, how polite you are!

Wow, you devil is eloquent!

I’ve convinced you, I’ll break the spell on everyone!

Move away, darling, I'm blowing!

/Disenchant. Dressing up in school uniform./

Now I understand!

Brothers, I respect you!

(to the presenter)

Hey, you! You can continue

I won't bother you!

As a sign that I love you

I'll give you a bell.

The bell is not simple -

He is loud and mischievous!

If you call it -

Open the door to the world of knowledge!

2 Vedas: Hello, school year!
Good luck, students,
The chime of a bell
The bells are ringing again!

1 Vedas: Everyone envies involuntarily,
To grown-up children,
And the school bell rings
Noisy festive courtyard.

2 Vedas: The honorary right to ring the first bell in the new school year is given to first-graders. (bell rings)

Host: How quickly the summer flashed by,

Autumn is coming again.

Day of Knowledge! This means

What awaits us working with you,

Presenter: Happy holiday everyone! After all, finally

The door will open to our Palace!

1 Vedas: Dear friends, teachers, parents, guests! The ceremonial ceremony dedicated to the beginning of the new school year is coming to an end.

Presenter: The right to be the first to leave the line is given to first-graders

(first graders leave. “They teach at school”)

Host: Well, a start has been made...
And on time according to plan from the pier
Let's go sailing whole year!
Let him bring discoveries!

Host: We don’t say goodbye to you, we just say goodbye.

Together: Happy school year!

(Everyone goes to class)

The first of September is Knowledge Day. Scenario for primary school students

The progress of the holiday

Teacher. Hot fine days

We flew by like a cheerful stream. You are now students. Goodbye, summer!

Hello school!

Dear Guys! Today you are crossing the threshold of school for the first time, setting off on an exciting, albeit sometimes difficult journey - a journey to the Land of Knowledge. You will not find this country on any globe or map. You will have to discover this country with the help of teachers. It depends on you who you will become in this country: know-it-alls or know-nothings.

I sincerely want Knowledge Day to be the most desired holiday of the year for you. After all, on this day new hopes and plans are born. Someone promises themselves to study only “good” and “excellent”... Someone dreams of enrolling in a football or basketball section in order to eventually become an Olympic champion. Yes, this is a day of big plans and expectations. Let them come true!

Why, why do you want to study?

The children answer.

Teacher. You need to know a lot and work hard to become a worthy citizen of your homeland. Every person, citizen is a piece of our society, our Motherland. What is the name of the country in which we live? There is probably no more beautiful country on earth than Russia, with its majestic forests, endless wide fields, blue rivers, and its invincible people. Russia is proud of its people, its students. Many of them are known throughout the world. These are Russian commanders, writers, artists, scientists, musicians, athletes, and politicians. Name some names.

Children name the names of famous people.

Teacher. What is the name of the capital Russian Federation? Moscow is ours hometown. The most beautiful. Founded in 1147, Moscow has witnessed many historical events. She welcomed the world's first astronaut. What is his name? What do you like most about our city? Where do you like to relax and take walks? Who determines the beauty of our city? The life of a city and a country depends on people and their work. You can make our country even better and happier by acquiring knowledge at school. Wait a minute, I hear some noise. What is this?

The brownie appears.


I am a brownie

School is my home,

I'm putting things in order here.

I watch every little thing,

I'm storing chalk for you.

I check every class.

I'm trying an omelette in the kitchen,

Deep at night in the office

Director I'm coming

And I'm sitting at the computer.

Yes, my life is stormy and interesting, because I am not a simple brownie, but a school one: I love to study and communicate. How I missed you all summer! But now, in September, the fun begins again - you are all gathered, ready to celebrate the new school year. Welcome! You probably already realized that you ended up not just in a school, but in a wonderful, wonderful school! Now I suggest you go on a trip. Go!

Brownie. So we arrived at the first station, which is called Mathematical. Its residents love to ask mathematical questions. Let's try to answer them.

Measure seven times, and... cut once.

Mind is good, but... better.

What number is included in the title of the fairy tale about piglets?

How many heroes are there in Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Sleeping Princess”?

How many legs does an octopus have?

What is the shortest month of the year?

What marks does the teacher give to the student for his answer in class?

Count in unison from 1 to 10 and back.

Children answer questions.

Brownie. All questions have been answered, now we move on. We arrived at Zagadochnaya station. Residents of this station ask riddles to guests.

If you sharpen it,

You can draw whatever you want

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this?

Children. Pencil.

White hare in a black field

Jumped, ran, did loops.

The trail behind him was also white.

Who is this hare?

Children. Chalk.

If you give her a job,

The pencil was in vain.

Children. Rubber.

Who walks with a bag of books

Going to school in the morning?

Children. Student.

Birds sat on the pages,

They know true stories and fables.

Children. Letters.

Who is smarter than everyone else in the world?

Who knows and can do everything,

And at any free hour

Who will teach us everything?

Children. Book.

Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line.

Feel free to write on me.

You can also draw.

What am I?

Children. Notebook.

There is a cheerful bright house,

There are a lot of agile guys there.

They write and count there.

Draw and read.

Children. School.

Kolya and Lena are having fun -

This means...

Children. Turn.

The long-awaited call was given -

It's over...

Children. Lesson.

I love directness.

I'm straight myself.

Make a straight line

I help everyone.

Children. Ruler.

Brownie. Now I propose to play the game “Say the Word.”

So, let's start a game -


Children. Kangaroo.


Hurry up and sit in a circle


Children. Turkey.


We have no time for games at all,

Answered for everyone...

Children. Tiger.


Children. Wolf.


I'd better leave, -


Children. Cockatoo.


And I already galloped, -

The coward barked...

Children. Jackal.


It's a pity we didn't have to play, -

He hummed sadly...

Children. Elk.

Children name literary heroes.

Brownie. Dad...

Children. Carlo.

Brownie. Cat...

Children. Leopold, in boots, Matroskin.

Brownie. Grandfather...

Children. Frost, Mazai.

Brownie. Woman...

Children. Yaga.

Brownie. Uncle...

Children. Fedor, Styopa.

Brownie. Crocodile...

Children. Gena.

Brownie. Postman...

Children. Pechkin.

Brownie. Doctor...

Children. Aibolit.

Brownie. Red...

Children. Cap.

Brownie. Koschey...

Children. Immortal.

Brownie. Fly...

Children. Tskotuha.

Brownie. Vinnie...

Children. Pooh.

Teacher. You made a fun trip with Domovoy. I hope you will find it just as interesting to study at our school!
