The largest countries by population area. The world's largest country by territory

Earth is the fifth largest of all planets solar system, and its area reaches 510 million square meters. km. There are about 206 countries in the world, which are located on almost 149 million square meters. km. About half of this territory belongs to just 10 states, which make up our ranking of the most large countries peace!


Square: 2,381,740 sq. km

Population: 40 million people

Capital: Algeria

The list of the largest countries on earth opens with the largest state in Africa - Algeria. A large part of the territory of Algeria (about 80%) is occupied by the largest hot desert, the Sahara. Algeria is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of oil and gas reserves. And this does not change the fact that more than 17% of the population lives below the poverty line. The country has a unique lake where instead of water there is ink. Algeria has the largest coastline- 988 km.


Square: 2,724,902 sq. km

Population: 17 million people


The ninth line of the ranking belongs to Kazakhstan, the birthplace of tulips and apples, a country with a very rich historical and cultural past. Like Algeria, the country can be classified as a gas and oil magnate. This is the largest state that does not have access to the world's oceans. The border area with Russia is the longest in the world and is more than 7,000 km. The main part of the country is occupied by deserts and steppes. Kazakhstan is home to the largest high-mountain skating rink in the world - Medeo.


Square: 2,780,400 sq. km

Population: 43 million people

Capital: Buenos Aires

The homeland of legendary football players Maradona and Messi, Argentina, ranks 8th. The country was named after silver (Argentum from Latin - silver). But the colonists were mistaken; there was very little of this metal in the bowels of the earth. In Buenos Aires you can walk along the longest street in the world, where the number of houses exceeds 20,000. About 40% of the country's population is of Italian origin, and the rest are mostly of German origin.


Square: 3,287,263 sq. km

Population: 1,329 million people

Capital: New Delhi

India is the second most populous country in the world and seventh in the ranking. It is the birthplace of tea, Hinduism and Buddhism. The people of India are very devout, and religion plays a vital role in the country, as evidenced by the historical temples and shrines. The largest film industry - Bollywood - is located in Mumbai. Interestingly, in India the color of mourning is not black, but white. Hindus are the largest English-speaking nation on earth! The most popular game- cricket, instilled by the British.

Square: 7,692,024 sq. km

Population: 24 million people

Capital: Canberra

A continental country with a great variety of nationalities, a mysterious underwater world, extraordinary flora and fauna occupies sixth place in the top 10. Thanks to its location in the southern hemisphere, everything is the other way around: in winter it is summer, and in summer it is winter. This state has the largest cattle pasture in the world with an area of ​​34,000 square meters. m. The amount of snow in the Australian Alps exceeds the Swiss! Winter sports in Australia are no less popular than surfing.

Square: 8,515,770 sq. km

Population: 204 million people

Capital: Brasilia

Largest state in South America rightfully deserves 5th place. Brazil is the birthplace of colorful carnivals and the most football country in which the king of the ball, the great Pele, was born. The Brazilian national football team was a five-time world champion! The main language is Portuguese. The famous statue of the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro is one of the new seven wonders of the world. The world's best coffee is produced in Brazil, but the country's residents prefer cocoa.


Square: 9,519,431 sq. km

Population: 325 million people


The top four opens with the USA, a country with the strongest army in the world and the highest GDP per capita. But not everything is so rosy. Often, residents of the United States are overtaken by terrible tornadoes and cyclones. The state is washed on both sides by two oceans: the Atlantic and the Pacific. Not in the USA official language, the majority of the population speaks American English.


Square: 9,598,962 sq. km

Population: 1,380 billion people


The home of rice and economic superpower, China, wins bronze. Shanghai is the largest city by population in the world. As many as 14 countries border the state, and its coastline is washed by four seas. The Chinese people have no equal in inventions. Is it worth reminding that paper, gunpowder, a compass and most of the most popular household appliances were invented by the Chinese. Chinese considered one of the most difficult in the world! It has more than 7 dialects, so a southerner will not understand a resident from the north at all.


Square: 9,984,670 sq. km

Population: 36 million people


The northern neighbor of the United States, Canada, ranks second in our ranking. This is the country with the most high level education in the world and the lowest population density, since not the entire territory of the state is suitable for living! Canada has the northernmost population in the world. The country has a record number of inland lakes and rivers. And more than 30% of the territory is occupied by forests.


Square: 17 125 191 sq. km

Population: 146 million people


And by a huge margin, gold goes to Russia - the largest country on the planet, which borders 18 countries! The length of the country is more than 60 thousand km. The Moscow Kremlin is considered the largest medieval fortress in the world. This is the richest state in terms of reserves of raw materials and fuel resources. The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest railway in the world, and Lake Baikal is the longest deep lake and the largest source fresh water on the ground.

There are states on our planet that we only heard about in geography lessons. Entire worlds with their own rules and mentality that live on the other side of the world.

They are not well known because they are not active foreign policy, the scale of their lands and production within does not affect other countries.

Other countries are powerful fighters for rights and active helpers for neighboring states.

They are endowed with huge territories and supply their “neighbors” with products and minerals. Their territory is so vast that it is difficult to imagine.

Anyone who went to school knows an approximate list of the largest states in the world. Let's refresh our knowledge by remembering their names and the size of the area.

List of the largest countries in the world:

The first 7 countries on the list are considered giants in terms of territory size. Any state whose size exceeds 3,000,000 km² is gigantic.

The territory of Russia is the undoubted leader. Almost twice the size of second-place Canada.

Interesting fact! Under the USSR, our territory was even larger. Its size almost reached the territory of all of North America.

The lion's share - three quarters of the land - belonged to Russia. One sixth of the earth's space belonged to the USSR.

This order was maintained from 1922 to 1991. The area of ​​the USSR is 22,402,200 km². 293,047,571 people lived in these open spaces.

Largest countries by population

Population is another indicator. Territory and numbers vary greatly. The leaders of the previous table are changing abruptly.

Numbers do not depend on wealth, on the contrary: poor countries have larger numbers. Climate matters national characteristics, mentality.

List of countries with the largest population:

  1. India.
  2. Indonesia.
  3. Pakistan.
  4. Brazil.
  5. Nigeria.
  6. Bangladesh.
  7. Russia.
  8. Japan.

Russia occupies only 9th position. China is in the lead; Russians have long been making jokes about the situation with population growth. And in vain, since in Russia the situation is the opposite.

Despite the high population, the birth rate in the country is low. In 2016, the birth rate in Russia was 12.9%, and mortality statistics showed exactly the same.

Today in our country there is an active policy to support mothers with children. New laws are being adopted that will improve the financial situation of families with children.

But, as statistics show, it is not a matter of the country’s material well-being.

Leaders in natural population growth:

  1. Malawi - 33.2%.
  2. Uganda - 33%.
  3. Burundi - 32.7%.
  4. Niger - 32.7%.
  5. Mali - 31.8%.

These countries cannot be called developed and wealthy. The fertility rate is taken from the same ratio.

Another surprising pattern: in these countries the mortality rate is lower than in Russia, which occupies - attention - 201st place in the ranking of population growth! We are in 201st place. These are the data for 2016.

In 2017, due to the wave of the financial crisis, the situation did not improve. The mortality rate has decreased, but along with it there has been a real collapse in the birth rate.

So we are still far from reaching the indicators of Malawi and Uganda. The mortality rate in 2017 was 12.6%. Men do not live to see 60 years of age. The female figure is 71 years.

Ratings of countries by standard of living in 2017

The effect of wealth on fertility is a controversial issue. Developed countries are known for having the lowest birth rates.

Psychologists explain this by the lack of a sense of fear, which activates the instinct of self-preservation in residents with a low standard of living.

The instinct of self-preservation calls on people to leave offspring behind. The worse they live, the stronger desire continue the family line, give birth to more children in order to increase the likelihood of continued life.

Developed countries provide stability, and people do not have such an instinct.

In addition to the survival instinct, the culture of a country influences fertility. In the East it is customary to start large families.

They sincerely cannot understand what childfree is and how such people can even exist.

Interesting information! Childfree - families who reject the idea of ​​having and maintaining children.

Top 5 countries leading in terms of living standards in 2017:

  1. Norway.
  2. Australia.
  3. Sweden.
  4. Switzerland.
  5. Netherlands.

The Netherlands ranks 184th in terms of population growth. It is slightly more than 2%.
Sweden - 180th place.
Switzerland - 182nd place.
Norway - 169th place in the ranking, population growth 4.1%.
Australia - 159th place, 4.9%. The mortality rate does not exceed the birth rate - this is a positive indicator for states.

Many countries have a negative rate of natural population growth.

The list includes world powers:

  • Poland.
  • Moldova.
  • Czech Republic.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Italy.
  • Japan.
  • Portugal.
  • Estonia.
  • France.
  • Greece.
  • Belarus.
  • Romania.
  • Monaco.
  • Germany.
  • Croatia.
  • Slovenia.
  • Hungary.
  • Ukraine.
  • Latvia.
  • Lithuania.
  • Serbia.
  • Bulgaria.

The birth rate in these states ranges from 8 to 10%, and the mortality rate: from 9 to 13%.

Comparative data show that the demographic state of affairs in Russia is relatively good.

Financial crisis recent years affected the birth rate, but the numbers give hope for a better outcome. Mortality and birth rates are at least equal. The current policy of our country is aimed at preserving the nation.

Along with the birth rate, the number of marriages in Russia decreased in 2017.

But the government continues to introduce new laws that will help restore the balance between mortality and fertility in the direction of increasing natural increase.

Useful video

Earth is the third planet from the Sun, representing a geoid shape with a volume of 10.8321x10 11 km 3. There are a total of 251 states on the planet, 193 of which are members of the United Nations.


Russian Federation holds absolute primacy in terms of territorial area among the countries of the world, which amounts to 17,125 thousand km 2, almost twice the territorial area of ​​the next state on this list. Russia occupies one sixth of the landmass, stretching across the Eurasian continent, being treated as Eastern Europe, and to Northern Asia.

The state includes 85 constituent entities, 65 percent of which are located in the permafrost zone. 40 percent of Europe's area is Russian territory.


The second largest country in the world is Canada, its area is 9984 thousand km 2. The state is located in North America and has 10 provinces and 3 administrative territories. Canada's border with the United States is the world's longest shared border strip. 75 percent of the state is occupied by the northern zone, which determines the climatic conditions in the country.

With such a large territorial area, Canada is an extremely sparsely populated state with a population density of 3.5 people per 1 km 2.


China, or the People's Republic of China, ranks third in area, which is 9596 thousand km 2. Located in East Asia, the state is the most populous in the world, its population density is 139.6 people per km 2. China consists of 22 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities, 2 special administrative regions and 1 disputed territory.


The United States of America is the fourth largest in area in the world, spreading over more than 9,500 thousand km 2 . The state includes 50 states and 5 unincorporated territories; the United States is located on the North American continent.

The total area of ​​the country is a controversial issue, since the CIA takes into account territorial waters, which increases the length of the United States to 5826 thousand km 2, thereby overtaking China.


The largest state in South America is Brazil; it occupies an area of ​​8,514 thousand km 2, located in the eastern and central parts of the continent.

The state is divided into 26 states and 1 federal district, united into five regions.

Brazil is not only the fifth largest country in the world, but also the fifth largest in population.


The state of Australia, located on the continent of the same name, and completely occupying it territorially, has an area of ​​7692 thousand km 2. The administrative division of the country includes six main states and two mainland territories.


The South Asian state of India covers an area of ​​3,287 thousand km 2, dividing into 29 states and 7 union territories. Despite numerous colonial wars and internal conflicts, India has preserved the heritage of the ancient Indus civilization.

The state is the second most populous, with a density of 364 people per km 2 .


Argentina, located in South America, is the second largest country on the continent, occupying more than 2,780 thousand km 2. The country is divided into 23 provinces and one autonomous capital region. The Falkland Islands are a disputed territory between Argentina and Great Britain and are not counted in the total area of ​​the state.


“The Country of the Great Steppe” Kazakhstan, a state located in the central part of Eurasia, is more Asian and less European. The area of ​​the country is 2724 thousand km 2.

The state has Administrative division, which includes 14 regions and 168 districts.

In the last article we talked about, in this publication we will learn about the largest countries. The largest country by area is the Russian Federation, occupying 17,126,122 km?. The largest country by population is China, with 1,368,779,000 people. You can get more information on this issue below.

Largest country by:

Owners of wide open spaces

First, let's look at the TOP largest territories of countries and their occupied area:
  1. Russia - 17,126,122 km?;
  2. Canada - 9,976,140 km?;
  3. China - 9,598,077 km?;
  4. USA - 9,518,900 km?;
  5. Brazil - 8,511,965 km?;
  6. Australia - 7,686,850 km?;
  7. India - 3,287,590 km?;
  8. Argentina - 2,766,890 km?;
  9. Kazakhstan - 2,724,902 km?;
  10. The rest - 80,646,216 km?.
In the diagram below you can clearly see these indicators in percentage terms.

As we see, Russia occupies 11% of the planet’s land area, Canada – 7%, China – 6%. Thus, these three countries occupy about 24% of the world's land area. Now let's study the leading countries in more detail.

Russian Federation

The largest country by area is Russia, its area is 17,126,122 km?.

Russia is the largest country in terms of territory, with a federal structure. Until 2014, the territory of Russia was 17,125,187 km?, after Crimea was annexed in March 2014, the area of ​​the state increased to the present figure.

Due to such a huge territory, Russia borders on 18 countries, which is the highest number in the world.

Territory Russian state includes 85 federal subjects, of which:
  • 46 regions;

  • 22 republics;

  • 9 edges;

  • 4 autonomous okrugs;

  • 3 federal cities;

  • 1 autonomous region.

Russia occupies 1/8 of the land mass and is comparable not just to countries, but even to continents.


The second largest country in the world is Canada, its area is 9,984,670 km?.

Canada's territory is almost 2 times smaller than Russia's. Like Russia, Canada is a federal state.

Canada's territory includes:

  • 10 provinces;

  • 3 territories.

Canada is the largest state of the American islands, even surpassing its continental neighbor, the United States, in area.


The third largest territory on the planet belongs to China, which occupies 9,640,821 km?.

The area of ​​China is not too far from Canada when compared with Russia.

China includes:

  • 22 provinces (some sources indicate 23 provinces, including Taiwan);

  • 5 autonomous regions;

  • 4 municipalities;

  • 2 special administrative regions.

Despite its significant area, most of China's territory is occupied by mountains, about 67%.

"People's" countries

Let's look at the overall ranking of the most populated countries:
  1. China – 1,368,779,000 people;
  2. India – 1,261,779,000 people;
  3. USA – 318,613,000 people;
  4. Indonesia – 252,812,245 people;
  5. Brazil – 203,260,131 people;
  6. Pakistan – 187,878,027 people;
  7. Nigeria – 178,516,904 people;
  8. Bangladesh - 156,951,230 people;
  9. Russia – 146,200,000 people;
  10. The rest – 2,911,254,980 people.

As you can see from the table, the top three leading countries have a population equal to all those countries that are not included in the top nine. Now let's look at the top three in more detail.


The most populous country is China, which is home to about 1,368,779,000 people.

China's population increases by 12 million people every year. Starting in 1979, the state switched to a policy of limiting the birth rate, but having reached average levels, over time the birth rate gradually increases again from year to year.


The second most populous country is India, with 1,261,779,000 people living in the country.

Oddly enough, almost 70% of Indians live in rural areas. The state does not pursue any birth control policy. India's annual population growth is about 14 million people.

The top three countries in terms of population are the United States, with 320,194,478 people.

The US population growth per year is about 8 million people. A fairly significant portion of this number are migrants from other countries. It will be very difficult for the United States, just like other countries, to catch up with China and India in terms of population, and in the conditions modern life- unreal.

Land accounts for 29.2% of the planet's surface. This entire area is occupied by about two hundred countries. Half of the Earth's land area is divided between the ten largest states, and two countries - China and India - are home to more than 35% of the planet's total population.

Largest countries in the world by area

We present you a list and short description the ten largest countries in the world in order of increasing area.

10. Algeria

The country's area is 2,381,741 km². The state is located in the northern part, the capital is the city of Algiers. The bulk of the population are Arabs. The Berbers, the oldest African ethnic group, inhabit the foothills of the Atlas Mountains and large parts of the Sahara. Most people profess Islam. Algeria is adjacent to the territory of six countries and the lands of Western Sahara. Neighboring countries are Mali, Libya, Tunisia, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger. The northern part faces the Mediterranean Sea. In Algeria there is a unique Ink Lake, the ink from which is used to make ink and pen paste.

9. Kazakhstan

The country's area is 2,724,902 km². Kazakhstan is located in Asia, the capital is Astana. The ethnic composition is represented by Kazakhs, Russians, Uzbeks, Tatars, and Ukrainians. Representatives of other nationalities are few in number. Kazakhstan washes the Caspian Sea and, which are inland. Neighboring states include Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan. The world's largest cosmodrome, Baikonur, is located in Kazakhstan.

8. Argentina

3. China

The largest Asian state, with an area of ​​9,597,000 km². Beijing is the cultural center and capital of China. The country is home to 56 nationalities, and the population is unevenly distributed. China is washed by 4 seas Pacific Ocean. It borders on fourteen countries, including Russia. Shanghai and Beijing are the largest cities in the world in terms of population density. The country is rich in architectural and natural attractions. Tourists are advised to visit the Great Wall of China, the Temple of Heaven and Ancient city Pingyao.

2. Canada

Canada's area is 9,984,670 km². The capital is the city of Ottawa. The state is located in North America. The population is represented by English-Canadians, French-Canadians and small ethnic groups. The country's shores are washed by the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans. In the south and northwest (with Alaska) Canada neighbors the United States. Their land border is the longest in the world. Most of the lands that fall in mountainous areas have not been developed by humans. Natural complexes border on large cities. The population of the country is doing everything possible to preserve it in its original form. There are many national parks in Canada. are the natural wealth of the country. TO famous monuments nature include Montmorency Falls, Bay of Fundy, Rocky Mountains and Slave Lake.

1. Russia

With an area of ​​approximately 17,100,000 km², Russia is undeniably the largest country on Earth. There are more than one hundred and sixty nationalities living in the Russian Federation. 12 seas belonging to the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Russia's land border extends over 22,000 km. It neighbors fourteen countries, including China, North Korea, Norway and Finland. The country is unique in every way. Due to its large extent, nature amazes with its diversity. In different parts you can see glaciers and alpine meadows. The territory of the Russian Federation is covered with a dense river network and countless lakes. Each region has its own unique natural monuments: Lake Baikal, the Altai Mountains, the Valley of Geysers, the Lena Pillars, the Putorana Plateau, etc.

Largest countries in the world by population

If we take into account the population as of 2018, the list of the largest countries on the planet will look like this:

  1. China - more than 1.39 billion people;
  2. India - more than 1.35 billion people;
  3. USA - more than 325 million people;
  4. Indonesia - more than 267 million people;
  5. Pakistan - more than 211 million people;
  6. Brazil - more than 209 million people;
  7. Nigeria - more than 196 million people;
  8. Bangladesh - more than 166 million people;
  9. Russia - more than 146 million people;
  10. Japan - more than 126 million people.