Where does table setting begin? Proper table setting at home. Time to set the table

Table setting involves arranging in a certain order dishes and cutlery, as well as its decoration. It depends on the occasion of the feast and the menu, but in any case, the purpose of serving is to set the table so that dining at it is comfortable and pleasant. Everyday table setting at home is certainly different from festive table setting, but there are General requirements etiquette.

Basic serving rules

The tablecloth, dishes and decorative elements should be combined with each other. In an informal setting, it is not necessary that all participants in the meal have the same dishes, but each of them should have them from the same set.

The distance between chairs should be about 50 cm to ensure that everyone at the table has sufficient personal space.

All utensils must be washed and thoroughly wiped in advance.

Floral arrangements and other decorative elements should not be too large so that they do not interfere with those sitting at the table communicating and enjoying the dishes.

How to cover the table

A classic table covering option is a plain fabric tablecloth in light colors. A dark tablecloth will also look original, but in this case the dishes should be light. A colored tablecloth is suitable for a meal with family or tea with friends.

The main requirements for a tablecloth are that it must be perfectly clean and carefully ironed. According to the rules of etiquette, the edges of the tablecloth should hang 20-30 cm from the table top. You can put a soft flannel or fleece base under the tablecloth so that you can’t hear the clatter of plates and forks while eating.

Sub-plates or runners can complement or replace the tablecloth. Dish plates are rectangular, oval or round coasters under cutlery. A runner, or tablecloth runner, is a narrow strip of fabric covering the middle of the table along its entire length. If the table is set for a family meal, you can limit yourself to fabric placemats.

Serving for a meal at home

For home serving table will do dishes made of earthenware, porcelain or colored glass, steel or cupronickel forks and spoons. The set of serving utensils depends on the menu. For example, when setting the table for dinner, there is no need to place soup bowls, and if a fish dish is not served for lunch, then you won’t need a fish fork.


A beautifully set table for breakfast provides positive mood all day. Therefore, you should not save a few minutes on serving it, especially since the number of dishes for breakfast is usually small. The dishes should be arranged as follows:

  • In the center of the table they place a dish with sandwiches or pastries, a sugar bowl, a salt shaker, and vases of butter, jam or honey.
  • The teapot or coffee pot is placed so that it is convenient to get it out.
  • A snack plate is placed in front of each family member, to the left of it there should be a fork with the teeth up and a butter knife, the blade of which is directed to the left.
  • If milk porridge is offered for breakfast, place a deep plate on top of the snack plate and place a tablespoon to the right of it.
  • A saucer with a cup and a spoon is placed in front of the plate, a teaspoon is placed to the right of the cup.
  • Boiled eggs are served in special stands, with a separate spoon.


Setting the table for dinner, even if it is only with family, requires several utensils. A bread box, butter dish, salt shaker, gravy boat and pepper shaker are placed in the center of the table. Then the table is set one by one with the utensils necessary for the main course and dessert.

  • At the beginning of the meal, there is a tureen with a ladle in the center of the table, and at each “seat” there are deep plates or broth cups. In order to prevent the tablecloth and table from heating up, use substitution plates, runners or sub-plates. They are removed only before serving dessert. A tablespoon and a knife are placed to the right of the plates, a fork is placed to the left, a glass for water, a wine glass, and a glass for strong alcoholic beverages are placed at the upper right edge of the plate.
  • The second is served on the table in a special hot dish or a large plate, from which everyone helps themselves to the required amount. Before serving, soup plates are replaced with flat dinner plates. If the second dish is fish, in addition to a fork with four short tines, it is accompanied by a spatula knife, with which it is convenient to separate fish fillets from the bones.
  • After the main courses are eaten, all cutlery, except for glasses and glasses for dessert wine, is removed, and the table is set for dessert. According to him middle line There is a dish with cakes or sweet pastries, vases with fruit, sugar bowls, bowls with jam or jam, rosettes with lemon. A dessert plate, cup and saucer are placed before each participant in the meal. The dessert spoon is placed with right side plates, dessert fork - on the left side. Portioned sweet dishes are served in vases or bowls.


Since first courses are not served for dinner, deep plates are not placed on the table. The rest of the table setting for a home evening meal is carried out as described in the last two paragraphs of the rules for serving dinner.

Festive table setting

Table decoration for the holiday begins with the placement of cold dishes. They are placed around the perimeter of the table, alternating meat and fish; each type of cold appetizer is served with a portioned spatula or spoon. A beautifully decorated signature dish is usually placed in the center of the table. Hot dishes are placed on the table as needed; they are served in ceramic, porcelain or metal dishes with a lid (“lambs”).

Spices are placed along the center line of the table: a mustard pot with a spoon, a salt shaker, a pepper shaker, gravy boats, and a butter dish. It is better to place bread bins at opposite ends of the table. Sweets and cookies should be in vases, not in packaging boxes.

When setting the table for a holiday, you should take into account the order in which dishes are consumed - cutlery for dishes that will be served first lies further from the plate. The usual order of cutlery is: next to the small dinner plate there is a fork (on the left) and a knife (on the right) for the main course, then cutlery for fish, and at the end there is a fork and knife for appetizers and salads. Knives are placed with the cutting part facing the plate, tablespoons and forks - with the convex part down.

Glasses, shot glasses and wine glasses are placed in front of the plates, starting with the largest container, from left to right. There is a separate container for each drink. Wines and cognacs are placed on the table in bottles, vodka and alcohol tinctures can be served in decanters. Juices, compotes and fruit drinks are poured into jugs, bottled drinks are placed on the table uncorked.

To decorate the festive table, use small bouquets of fresh or artificial flowers in low vases, candles in beautiful candlesticks, napkins folded in a special way, and decorative porcelain, glass or metal figurines.

Children's table

The festive table for children is served a little differently than for adults. First of all, more attention is paid to its colorful design: compositions of dried flowers and ribbons, funny little trinkets laid out near the plates, originally decorated dishes, jugs with colorful drinks - all this creates a joyful atmosphere. It is better to lay a bright, disposable or oilcloth tablecloth - after a children's feast, a fabric tablecloth cannot always be washed.

Since children do not like to sit at the table and prefer sweet dishes, it is enough to include one or two hot dishes in the holiday menu. Consequently, the set of dishes will be small: two small plates, a glass, a cup and saucer and, if necessary, a bowl or socket.

If there are mainly preschool children at the table, it is better for them to use spoons instead of knives and forks. For the same safety reasons, it is recommended to use unbreakable disposable tableware. Moreover, today in stores you can find very elegant and beautiful plastic plates, glasses and cups.

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Have you ever wondered what is the main sign of the housewife’s attention to her guests? Of course, this is proper table setting. Unfortunately, not all housewives know how to do this. Many people think that it takes a lot of time to set a beautiful table. However, this opinion is wrong. Knowing and following certain rules, you can create a festive mood not only on holidays, but also on weekdays.
To create an unusual table decoration, you can involve members of your household. Most likely, they will enjoy this activity, and you will save time and effort.

It is wrong to think that in ordinary life you don’t have to bother, and that all the complexities of decoration are used exclusively for holidays. Psychologists say that from appearance dishes and the table as a whole depend on the mood and taste perception of food.
Table setting at home differs from a formal one in the smaller number of cutlery and decorative details.

  1. Keep in mind that stand plates are a must. Using them, you will avoid soiling the tablecloth. Agree that sometimes it is very difficult to remove borscht stains from it.
  2. It is not recommended to replace the tablecloth with oilcloth. To make the table look “elegant”, sometimes it is enough to lay a checkered cloth on it. Of course, everything should look harmonious and the tablecloth should match common interior kitchens.
  3. If your menu includes a first course, then deep plates are a must. It’s much easier to walk around with a saucepan and pour broth for everyone than to rush around with plates.
  4. There should be a container for side dishes under the deep plate.
  5. To avoid constantly running for forks and spoons, provide them in the right quantity in advance.

Why is table setting necessary?

Everyone will agree that it is much more pleasant to eat at a chicly set table. If everything is organized correctly, then the daily meal turns into a holiday.
No need to cook gourmet dishes, you can use ordinary inexpensive products. The very idea of ​​decorating a dining table is important.
Planning table settings for specific meals
Introduce new traditions into your family. Due to lack of time in modern world not every family can afford to have meals together. In this case, you can limit yourself to one common meal, which will take place in the evening.
Not only for a festive meal, but also for a simple dinner, you can arrange the table setting in an original way. Children will be happy to help you with this; as a rule, they really love arranging plates and laying out napkins.
At this table you can chat with all family members. The cozy atmosphere is conducive to confidential conversations, everyone can talk about their problems or achievements. This tradition will bring a piece of joy into everyday life. Once everyone gets used to getting together at home for dinner, you can begin to introduce weekend gatherings into family traditions.

Table setting rules

  1. You need to use the same devices.
  2. Each dish should have its own serving.
  3. When arranging items, it is necessary to take into account that for each person you need to allocate about 80 cm of space. This condition will allow guests to feel comfortable.
  4. The plates are placed in the middle of the allocated space, at a distance of two cm from the edge.
  5. When planning to serve several dishes, place deep dishes on flat ones.
  6. Plates for sweets or bread are placed at a distance of 10 cm to the left of the person.
  7. Spoons, forks and knives are placed with the tip up, knives on the right, forks on the left. If dessert is to be served, the soup spoon is placed above the plate.
  8. Glasses and glasses should be placed on the right. If alcohol and water are served at the same time, then the container that should be combined with the first course is placed closer.
  9. All utensils must have clean look without stains or streaks. Before serving, it must be wiped with a dry towel.

How to choose the right tablecloth

A mandatory attribute is a tablecloth. It can be used both for everyday use and for formal occasions. What recommendations do experts give when choosing tablecloths?

  • for a banquet, a tablecloth made of natural fabrics, preferably white, is used;
  • for everyday dinner or lunch, you can use an acrylic attribute; it should match the shape of the table;
  • It is important that the tablecloth is of a suitable length, it should cover the entire surface, and the edges should hang down by 20-25 cm.

Required condition!!! Any tablecloth must be clean. Therefore, you need to have several options available.

Plates placement

So, the tablecloth is laid. Now you need to arrange the plates. The scheme is very simple. There should be a decorative plate in the very center; it should not be too close to the edge. A plate for snacks is placed on it. If there are liquid dishes on the menu, then a deep container is also placed on a decorative plate. It is important to note that when serving puree soup, you need to serve a soup bowl, and when serving broth, you need to serve a cup. The bread plate is placed to the left of the decorative one.

Instrument location

Serving provides for a specific arrangement of all appliances. Everything must comply with etiquette standards:

  • cutlery should be placed on the sides of the plates, in some cases they are placed on top;
  • there should be forks to the left of the main plate;
  • knives are placed on the right, their blades should be directed towards the plate;
  • There should be a soup spoon on top of the plate;
  • The dessert spoon is placed on the right side, it should enclose a row of knives.

Important!!! The utensils that will be used first should be closest to the plate. The utensils for first courses should be the furthest away. Please note that all devices must be freely accessible for use.

How to choose glasses

When setting a festive table, it is very important to choose the right glasses. For each drink there is a certain type of wine glasses or glasses.
For red wines, cognac and brandy, “pot-bellied” glasses are used. And for white wines, small glasses are used. The tallest or narrowest glasses are for champagne. Juices and water are served in glasses designed for cocktails.

Using napkins

How to set a table beautifully? One of essential elements Decorations when decorating any holiday or banquet are napkins. A lot of techniques have been invented, following which you can create an exquisite and unusual composition from them. When choosing napkins, you need to pay attention to the color. You can buy napkins in the same color as the holiday candles.
Napkins should be folded so that when unrolled they do not look too wrinkled. This decoration is placed on a plate for an appetizer. Using napkin figures, you can make your table very stylish.

Setting the table for dinner

  1. Festive dinner with family. Beautiful candles and plates are placed on the table, wine and light snacks are stocked. Later you can serve a hot dish, dessert and fruit. Remove the glasses and replace them with cups and saucers.
  2. How to beautifully set the table for a romantic dinner? A small table is set, at which two people sit opposite each other. The presence of candles and flowers is mandatory. A dark-colored tablecloth will add a special flair to the romantic mood.
  3. For a themed dinner. You can serve dishes prepared from products grown in your dacha. The table is decorated with compositions of vegetables. All dishes are simple, prepared from natural products.
  4. For dinner with a friend. No unnecessary details. Delicate tablecloth, minimal cutlery, light dishes. Perhaps cold cuts or seafood.
  5. Dinner for friends. Friends come to visit for simple informal communication. Therefore, forget about solemnity, everything should be simple. But of course, cook some delicious dishes

Table setting for a children's event

Organizing a children's event is always a special concern for parents. We need to take care not only about the deliciousness of the food and the beauty of the presentation, but also about the safety of the children.
How to properly set the table for a children's party?

  1. To make children feel like adults, set a separate table for them.
  2. It is necessary to maintain the design in the same range. It would be better if you choose some cartoon theme. It must be present in everything.
  3. Disposable tableware is a real godsend for parents who need to organize a children's party. Just don't think that we're talking about about simple disposable plates. In stores you can buy very beautiful dishes made of durable plastic or special cardboard. Such dishes are very practical, because they do not break. She is very beautiful, so kids will be delighted with her.
  4. Do not prepare a variety of salads and meat dishes. This is a children's holiday, and children don't like to eat this when visiting. Surprise them with beautiful buffet appetizers that are exactly what they will love.

The benefits of proper table setting

If your family gets used to eating in a cozy and beautiful environment, then food will be a real pleasure. Children will grow up cultured, knowing the place of each item on the table. Evening gatherings around a beautifully set table will bring your family together. And this family tradition will be passed on from generation to generation.

The ancient art of decorating a ceremonial feast, arranging dishes for a dinner party or family celebration, the ability to set it beautifully and serve it festively is called table setting. It is based on a set of well-established rules and customs, including the order of laying out cutlery and serving dishes, recommendations for the choice of decorations, and stylish decorative elements to create an elegant appearance. How to decorate a table for guests or husband?

What is table setting

The correct arrangement of plates, salad bowls and dishes, as well as the layout of cutlery, napkins and other small items necessary during a meal - all this is serving. This also includes the choice of tablecloths, napkins and other decorative elements. There are three types of serving: preliminary, banquet and “Bistro”. How they differ and what are the features of the procedure - all this is interesting to know not only for restaurant regulars, but also for ordinary housewives, because then their celebrations will be decorated in an interesting way.

Types of serving

The first type is the simplest. A set table with it involves a partial arrangement of dishes and cutlery for serving the dishes that come first on the menu. In this case, in the process of changing dishes, the entire set of dishes is replaced. Pre-service includes:

  • table-knife;
  • fork;
  • teaspoon;
  • pie plate;
  • objects placed in the center (flowers, candlestick, porcelain figurines);
  • red wine glass;
  • wine glass;
  • salt shaker, pepper shaker;
  • a cloth napkin without a pattern.

Banquet serving is a one-time arrangement of plates, cutlery and decorative elements. Devices used in this type of serving:

  • snack utensils (knife, fork);
  • soup spoon;
  • pepper shaker;
  • bread plate;
  • fish utensils;
  • a plate for pies or other pastries;
  • dessert spoon;
  • soup plate;
  • butter knife;
  • saucer (oval or round);
  • glassware;
  • fabric or silk napkins (rectangular or square).

"Bistro" is simple variety arrangements for informal, non-formal occasions, a modern everyday option for lunch or breakfast. It is used in restaurants, hotels, hostels, self-service canteens and kebab shops, establishments that serve their own staff. The appliances and their location depend on the specific menu, the style of the establishment, and the average cost of the dish. Cover the tabletop with white cloth tablecloths and serve with paper napkins.

Table setting rules

The decoration of a table, especially a festive one, both in restaurants and cafes, and at home, should be carried out in accordance with generally accepted standards. Proper serving The festive table sets the tone for the holiday. If you choose the wrong dishes, you can ruin a gala dinner on the occasion of an event or an important business lunch. According to etiquette, certain napkins and glasses should be used - the choice depends on the type of meal (celebratory, for receiving guests, for a romantic date).


The overall tone of the event can be set by the tablecloth. For a formal meal, it should be snow-white; for simpler meals, a cream color or color is allowed Ivory. Regardless of the event, the material must be immaculately clean and ironed. The presence of delicate decorative elements is allowed: lace, silk ribbons, perforation. Traditionally, the edges should hang 25-30 cm from the edge of the tabletop. In French and Italian restaurants, the edges are allowed to touch the floor. The material of the tablecloth should be natural: silk or cotton.

Types of plates

There are approximately 35 types of serving plates, but only about 5-6 are commonly used. The rules of etiquette stipulate that plates must be from the same set or, at a minimum, made in the same style. The number and type of plates served depend on what dishes will be served and how many people are participating in the gala dinner. The main plates used in restaurants are:

  • soup;
  • a plate or bowl for mustard;
  • herring fish;
  • large and small flat plates;
  • meat dishes;
  • dessert shallow and deep;
  • pie

Cutlery for table setting

To the right of the plate is a soup spoon, immediately behind it on the outer edge there is a fork and a knife for appetizers (meat), the last place is a tea or coffee spoon. Cutlery for the main course is placed immediately next to the plate, and the dessert spoon is located behind the plate. Small knife for butter placed on a pie plate. The devices must be polished using boiling water or special means to shine. Some restaurants place a special napkin under the cutlery.


The classic is two glasses: for wine and champagne. The remaining varieties for alcoholic drinks are agreed upon in advance, if necessary, add dishes for strong alcohol(shot glasses, glasses for whiskey, liquor). Glasses are arranged in this order: for red wine, for white wine, for champagne, and then glassware for strong alcohol in the order in which it is served. In addition, there is a separate glass (wine glass) for drinking water or juice, it is placed on the left.


If the problem of budget table decoration arises, then serving napkins will help solve it. Napkins are one of the most important accessories on a formal dinner table. There are two main types for serving - fabric and paper:

  • Fabric napkins are larger in size, square, and made of linen fabric. Designed to be placed on your lap or for decoration.
  • Paper napkins are used directly during meals, and they should be in the center of the tabletop - so that they are convenient to use. In addition, they must be accessible to every person sitting at the table. Napkins are placed in a napkin holder or in the form of figures as decoration. Paper napkins at official receptions and celebrations should be plain, without patterns.

You can beautifully arrange dishes for lunch or dinner at home. To do this, you need to buy a tablecloth, a set of cutlery and dishes. For home option You don’t have to have everything for serving; you should proceed only from your own needs and food preferences. To set a table for one person you need:

  • tablecloth, napkins (paper or fabric);
  • deep and flat plates;
  • table spoon, tea spoon, dessert spoon and fork;
  • table-knife;
  • tea pair (jam rosette), wine glass;
  • glass for water.

For dinner


  • The tablecloth must be spread on the table, a flat plate placed on top of it with a deep one.
  • To the right and left you need to put cutlery for the main course, followed by snack bars.
  • Place a teaspoon or coffee spoon in front of the plate.
  • A pair of tea or a wine glass is placed on the top right.
  • If desired, you can decorate the table with fabric napkins, flowers in vases or candles.

Dining table

Recommendations on how to properly set a table for lunch for one person are no different from those for setting dinner. With the exception that for dinner the table is not decorated with anything other than napkins or flowers. In addition, instead of a white tablecloth for dinner, you can use special plastic or silicone substrates - they are more practical and can be easily washed off food and spilled drinks.

For guests

During lunch, serving for guests is done in a similar way, only the number of cutlery and plates on the table changes. Decorations are almost never used, the tablecloth can be replaced decorative stands for hot dishes. If dinner is provided for guests, then light snacks and alcohol (wine, liquor) should be served, and coasters should be replaced with a white tablecloth.

For the holiday

Arranging your own lunch for the holiday is a labor-intensive task, because... At celebrations, many dishes are served and a large number of people are present. For the holiday, the table is decorated with vases of flowers and fruits. At home, you don’t have to follow the rules regarding the arrangement of plates and cutlery, but only use a tablecloth, napkins and make sure that every guest feels comfortable.

Beautiful table setting

Vases with flowers, satin or silk ribbons, porcelain angel figurines, and napkin rings are used as decoration. The creation of a festive atmosphere is facilitated by: air balloons, serpentine, elegant tablecloths. Decorations for serving are selected in accordance with the holiday - a wedding, anniversary or romantic dinner. Main decorative elements– tablecloth and cloth napkins.


Traditionally, for a casual lunch or dinner, the tabletop is decorated with flowers or napkin rings. For classic table setting, the main condition is the impeccable cleanliness of the tablecloth, napkins, cutlery, and utensils for spices. To set the table beautifully, but at the same time avoid excessive solemnity, you can choose napkins in bright, saturated colors - this move will help brighten up a boring meal.

Banquet room

Table decoration for a mass banquet - not an easy task. In this case, they try to make all decorative elements in the same style or color. They are selected according to the type of banquet: anniversary, corporate party or other event. More often they use bright napkins, fresh or artificial flowers. First of all, the wishes of people ordering a gala dinner are taken into account.


When serving a wedding dinner, the emphasis is on the places for the newlyweds, which are decorated with symbols of love (hearts, roses, posters with wishes, figurines of swans). Places for newlyweds are marked with separate glasses (decorated or tied with ribbons). The wedding banquet is served with white dishes with a gold or silver border. The tablecloth is only snow-white, symbolizing the purity of the newlyweds’ feelings.

Table setting for two

To create a romantic atmosphere, when serving dinner for two, it is customary to use candles, a basket in which fruits and alcohol (wine or champagne) are beautifully placed. The tablecloth is chosen scarlet or white. The dishes are placed opposite each other, but in such a way that the person sitting opposite can be reached without effort by hand. There is not a lot of dishes and cutlery provided for two people, the emphasis here is on romance.

The main problem when decorating a meal on a round tabletop is small space, therefore, the meal is served only with the necessary cutlery, deep and flat plates, a knife, fork for the main course, and a glass for wine. The rest is served as needed. A vase with a bouquet of flowers, a dessert or a bottle of wine, decorated with a red or black napkin, is placed in the center.

For a birthday

Table decoration for a birthday involves an emphasis on the solemnity of the event. Serving dishes and choosing the right decorations, including decorating desserts, will help with this. How to set the table beautifully? It all depends on the personality of the birthday person:

  1. Children's table You can decorate your birthday using various toys, cardboard or paper cartoon characters.
  2. A young girl or older woman traditionally uses fresh flowers, original desserts, vases with exotic fruits, napkins, sockets, stylish dishes made of multi-colored glass.
  3. It is customary for men to decorate a festive lunch or dinner laconically, with the help of beautiful contrasting napkins and tablecloths, with classic cutlery and white dishes.

Serving a festive sweet table

For an event with big amount It is not customary to use decorative elements for a sweet or holiday that only includes desserts. Multi-tiered plates, pyramids, and special stands for cake pops or muffins are used. It's better if everything is collected in one color scheme. If you use additional festive decorations, the design will turn out to be pockmarked, overly pretentious and tasteless.

Table setting ideas

To surprise family and guests at celebrations or during regular meals, can be offered the following options serving:

  1. Spring. The tabletop is covered with a tablecloth, and fresh flowers and herbs are used as decorations. A linen napkin is placed on the plate, and a flower is placed on top. If desired, you can use a green tablecloth and decorations in the form of insects (chafers, ladybugs). Fresh salad leaves are served at the beginning of the meal.
  2. Decoration for tea. Tea pairs are placed on a tablecloth of any color and decorated with bright napkins. You can use spectacular cutouts for cookies and small desserts (marshmallows, sweets, muffins). In the center of the composition - large teapot, around it there are rosettes with jam and honey.
  3. Breakfast at the dacha. The tablecloth is either not used at all, or linen in a natural gray color. Ceramic dishes and enamel bowls with flowers in water are used as decorations.
  4. Hen-party. The tablecloth is used in fresh, bright colors (pink, coral, blue). Dishes are placed in a minimal amount (glasses, wine glasses, champagne or martini glasses), the main area is occupied by desserts, snacks, and drinks. You can decorate the surface with flowers and decorative beads.
  5. Children's holiday. They use oilcloth napkins of bright colors, plain or with images of cartoon characters or animals; the entire surface of the tabletop is occupied by sweets: sweets, pastries, fruits, cakes.


The culture of eating is an integral part of universal culture modern man. And table setting is a process that nowadays inevitably accompanies any feast. And therefore, we should not underestimate the importance of table setting, because we all love high-quality shoes, a beautiful hairstyle, any job well done by someone... And the very first thing that an ordinary breakfast (lunch, dinner...) or holiday table begins with is its setting .

According to the free online encyclopedia, setting a table is setting it and placing cutlery on it. The word “serving” itself comes from the word “service”, which means service, or service. Do not confuse table setting with table decoration, serving wine, arranging dishes, etc. - these are already slightly different concepts and processes. It is setting the table and placing cutlery on it - correct, comfortable, stylish and harmonious - that is precise definition the term "table setting".

Of course, dishes prepared with diligence and soul, with sincere love and respect for the future “eaters”, a set table, imagination, originality can be much more important for most of us than the classical principles of table setting. And yet, it will be very useful to know the general rules of serving - after all, from time to time we will still be forced to set the table according to generally accepted standards.

Basic principles of table setting

Having analyzed a number of articles on the topic under consideration, we can conclude that the general principles of any traditional table setting are: the correct arrangement of cutlery; ease of use; harmony of their sizes, proportions, colors and shades; and, finally, compliance with the menu and the nature of the feast. Here are some obvious examples of incorrect table setting: the impressive size of the table itself - too small plates; white tablecloth – dark glasses; homogeneous dishes - and different color; bright colors and shades - at a business reception... Eliminating or preventing such imbalances is already half the battle. And we will consider the main nuances and some subtleties of table setting below.

Most articles write that the style in which any table is set must correspond to the type of upcoming feast and the range of prepared dishes. It’s worth adding one more here too most important factor– a psychological factor – namely, the contingent (!) for which the table being set is designed. And this contingent factor, quite possibly, can significantly change the style of serving your entire table. After all, it is precisely this, the human factor, that in most cases is fundamental (unfortunately) in many areas of our lives. And, regardless of our desire, this factor constantly has to be taken into account...

Let's start with the tablecloth

In the classical sense, table setting is usually divided into four types: 1 – dinner table; 2 – cold table; 3 – tea (coffee) table; 4 – buffet (options: buffet table, cocktail table, buffet table...).

In any case, initially the table itself is covered with a perfectly clean and ironed tablecloth. The choice of tablecloth based on material and color is very important - please do not miss this important point. According to the generally accepted rules for table setting, the edges of the tablecloth should hang evenly on all sides by 25 - 30 centimeters from each edge of the table, but not lower than the level of the seats of the chairs, otherwise it can be very uncomfortable for those present.

The corners of the tablecloth should cover (or almost cover) the legs of the table. And one more thing: all secondary and additional furniture - tables, sideboards, stands, etc. - should also be carefully covered with tablecloths or napkins.

We set the table with dishes and cutlery

The next step is arranging the dishes and cutlery. Naturally, they must be absolutely clean, and, if possible, polished to a shine with a napkin or towel. Each participant in the meal, of course, should have their own personal snack plate. In this case, it should be located strictly opposite the corresponding chair and at a distance of approximately 2 centimeters relative to the edge of the table. (In order not to lose sight, we immediately note here that indents from the edge of the table of at least 2 centimeters are required for all other cutlery, as well as other items and attributes of the feast).

Then, at a distance of approximately 5 - 10 centimeters to the left of the snack bar, a pie plate is placed. And at the same time, the centers of all plates standing in the same row must be “lined” in one line. Also, the distance between the “neighboring” plates should be no less than 60 - 80 centimeters (!). A neatly folded napkin is placed on each snack plate. (Spices are placed symmetrically in the center of the table).

Next is the layout of spoons, forks, knives. In the gap between the pie and snack plates, you must place a dinner fork and a snack fork (both forks must lie with their tines facing up). To the right of each snack plate, table and snack knives are laid out (the blades of both knives must “look” at the plate). Neither forks nor knives should be “hidden” under the edges of the plates, and also should not touch each other. If the menu also includes fish dishes, then each of the “diners” is additionally laid out: a fish fork (should be placed between the table fork and the diner fork) and a fish knife (placed between the table knife and the diner knife).

The recess upwards - to the right of each snack plate, near the knife - should be a soup spoon. You must place a meat knife on the right side of each pie plate... The last nuance: the table setting should initially be designed for a maximum of 3 sets of cutlery. If the menu is very extensive and you need a 4th set (for example, fish), then this set should be placed directly on the appetizer plate, carefully covered with a napkin.

The next stage is the layout of dessert cutlery. They should be placed in front of each appetizer plate and “approach” the center of the table in the following order: first the knife, then the fork, then the spoon. In some cases - if the dessert is “modest” - there may be fewer dessert utensils. For example, just a dessert fork. Or - a dessert knife and a dessert spoon. A dessert spoon is usually placed with the handle to the right and the indentation facing up. The dessert fork should be positioned with the tip up and the handle to the left. That's it, a whole science!..

Arrangement of wine glasses (or glasses). The glass intended for the drink for the main course itself should be placed opposite the knife blade. The glass for a drink for an appetizer is slightly to the right and should be lower in height. The basic rule here is this: all glasses (glasses, wine glasses) are placed to the right of the very first one - in the order corresponding to the order in which the dishes are served. It is also allowed to arrange glasses (wine glasses, glasses, shot glasses) in 2 rows.

Example: row 1 – wine glass, wine glass, vodka glass; row 2 – champagne glass, wine glass. And one more essential rule: the higher the dishes in which the snacks are placed, the closer to the center of the table these dishes should be placed; and vice versa - snacks in smaller dishes are usually placed further from the center and, accordingly, as close to the guests as possible.

Don't forget about seasonings and spices

Spices and seasonings – the most important moment in such a creative process as table setting! Remember from history? There was a time when a bag of pepper was worth a fortune! And indeed: without seasonings and spices, our table would be much more meager and bland than with their presence. So, with special attention and you should take full responsibility for preparing a set of such popular spices and seasonings as pepper (pepper shaker), salt (salt shaker), mustard (mustard pot), vinegar (vinegar bottle) and other seasonings and spices (and there are now many of them) - taking into account needs of the entire expected contingent! (And here the human factor comes to the surface again J...).

And further: correct selection and preparing a set of spices and seasonings is at least several impressive paragraphs of detailed text. For simplicity, we will highlight only the most basic: containers for all spices (seasonings) must be absolutely clean or transparent, closed with lids or stoppers (so that they do not expire and do not absorb moisture and odors), and finally, half filled. These are the rules of culinary etiquette.

We pay close attention to napkins

Napkins. How many times have we bought them in packages and laid them out on the table, without really thinking about their color, material, size, shape... But it turns out that napkins are also, to a certain extent, science! So, first of all, the color of the napkins should be in harmony with the color of the main dishes. Napkins are folded in different ways, depending on the type of upcoming event. Without going into such details, we note the main thing: napkins are folded in such a way that they can always be easily and quickly unfolded, wiped your mouth, placed on your lap, or used for other, individual purposes.

And one more important nuance: if the table does not provide snack plates, instead of them, starched linen napkins are laid out on it, folded in four, and paper (in in this case) are not used at all.

We decorate and arrange the table

And the final step: ashtrays, flowers, decorations, souvenirs, attributes and many other useful “little things” - everything to make the table setting as close to perfection as possible! This is more likely not even a table setting, but rather a design and decoration of the table. But, nevertheless, the process is so close to the topic under consideration that it is difficult not to mention it. Yes, both decoration and table decoration - the most important detail in our creative event. And this detail can sometimes become simply decisive - for example, if complex negotiations are to be held at the table. The main thing is to decorate and arrange the table with taste, harmony, imagination and everything that can, at a minimum, lift the mood of any of those present.

Adding a twist to your personal imagination

In conclusion, I would like to add that table setting is both a creative and very individual process. You shouldn’t deprive yourself of the opportunity and pleasure to add your own personal twist (or invention) to it. Individual imagination and an informal approach to preparing the table will once again emphasize your concern for those present, and will also give you the strength to create everything in the best possible way.

Let me give you an example from my own experience. I personally like a table that has the least amount of cutlery, but it's all minimal. overall dimensions- and at the same time very capacious (roomy). Thus, maximum space is created at the table and a lot of food can be placed at the same time. And when I have to carry out such a delicate process as table setting, I always try to adhere to this very principle. Few people usually notice this nuance, but so far no one has complained. After all, good things are almost always taken for granted, and therefore they are often simply not noticed... But in this particular case, I absolutely do not regret it. After all, the main thing is that the table turns out well!

Everyone - bon appetit and a wonderful mood! Eat for your health! But always remember that the basis of any successful meal is thoughtful, correct, beautiful, comfortable, stylish, harmonious, refined, precise, soulful... table setting.

The New Year holidays are approaching, and, therefore, festive feasts. A table set with taste can turn even an ordinary meal into aesthetic pleasure and a feeling of celebration. By setting the table at home, you can deviate a little from the strict canons of serving that are strictly followed in restaurants and at official receptions. But there are still a few golden rules that should be followed even at home.


Table setting always begins with laying out the tablecloth. For a formal reception, tablecloths made of shiny fabrics will look appropriate, rough linen fabrics are suitable for a simple table, and tablecloths in pastel colors will be good for home gatherings.

Of course, the tablecloth must be spotlessly clean and ironed. But in an effort to maintain cleanliness, you should not cover it with oilcloth on top. The linen should go down on all sides of the table by no less than 25 cm, but not lower than the seat of the chair: a tablecloth that is too short will look sloppy, and a tablecloth that is too long will cause inconvenience to guests.

The canvas should go down on all sides of the table by no less than 25 cm, but not lower than the seat of the chair.


The serving set on the table can be different, it depends on the dishes that will be served, so without a well-thought-out menu you cannot start serving. It is important to provide approximately 80 centimeters of table length for each guest and ensure that the location and appearance of each set of cutlery is completely the same. All serving items on the table must match each other and the interior in color and shape.

Care must be taken to ensure that all dishes and utensils are clean and free of water stains. To do this, just wipe them with warm and damp towel, and then polish dry.


First, a decorative serving plate is placed in a central place, at a distance of at least two centimeters from the edge of the table. Place a plate on it for appetizers or soup. For puree soup, serve a soup plate, and for clear soups and broths, a cup. At the top left, eight centimeters from the decorative one, place a small pie plate for bread and butter.


Cutlery that will be needed during meals is laid out on the sides and on top of the serving plate. Forks are placed on the left with the horns up, and knives are placed on the right, with the blade facing the plate. The utensil that will be needed first is the one furthest from the plate, so the farthest are the snack bars, the fork and knife, followed by the fish ones, and the closest ones - the tableware ones.

Cutlery should not be located under the edges of the plate.

If there is no dessert on the menu, then the soup spoon is placed on top of the serving plate, but if dessert is planned, it is placed to the right of the row of knives. Dessert and fruit cutlery is placed above the snack plate - parallel to the edge of the table.


It is important to follow the rule - each drink has its own vessel, so the number and type of wine glasses and glasses depend on what drinks will be served at the table. For example, red wine, brandy and cognac are served in slightly pot-bellied large glasses, while smaller glasses are used for white wine. Champagne tastes best in tall, narrow glasses, and cocktail glasses can be used for juices and mineral water.

The glasses are located to the right and above the serving plate. A glass for mineral water or juice is placed at a distance of one and a half centimeters from the tip of the knife. Then, at an angle of 45 degrees from the edge of the table, a wine glass and a vodka glass. The same order works here as with cutlery: the glass farthest from the plate is used first.

The glasses are located to the right and above the serving plate.


Each guest should have an individual napkin, which must be folded beautifully and placed on the appetizer plate at the end of serving. There are many ways to fold napkins, and the best way to fold them is to make them look fresh and attractive when unfolded.


Stylish details will put guests in a festive mood and help them feel the atmosphere of solemnity, but their number should not be excessive and interfere with serving and arranging dishes.

If you have a beautiful figurine, it can become a wonderful decorative element on your wall. festive table. Candlesticks combined with fine tableware and beautiful glasses look especially elegant.

Fresh flowers look very fresh and original. So that they look harmonious and do not interfere with guests, their height should not exceed the largest glass in the serving. It is better to place a small vase of flowers in the middle of the table and pay attention so that the bouquet does not have a strong smell.

If your holiday is themed, for example, New Year’s, then you can place suitable decorative elements on the table - spruce branches, figurines of snowmen or Santa Clauses, silver “rain”, small gifts for guests.

Placement of dishes

The festive table should not be “clogged” with an overabundance of dishes and utensils, so that each guest has a sufficient amount of personal space.

It is better to place the salt and pepper utensils in the center of the table at a short distance from each other. You can also place utensils with mustard and sauces there. The butter is served with special knife, and mustard - with a small spoon. Bread bins are placed on opposite sides of the table so that all guests can easily reach them.

Bread bins are placed on opposite sides of the table so that all guests can easily reach them.

Cold appetizers are arranged alternating fish, meat and vegetable dishes. Soup should be served in a tureen, and hot dishes should be served in special dishes. All dishes and salads should have separate spoons.

Bottled drinks should be placed uncorked on the table. Fruity and mineral water placed in different places on the table and opened immediately before the start of the feast. Juices and fruit drinks are served in jugs, vodka and strong liqueurs are best placed on the table in decanters. Wine and cognac are served in bottles.

It would be right to start the holiday by serving cold dishes - salads, sandwiches, and only then start serving hot dishes - first, second and dessert.

Nowadays, a beautifully set table represents hospitality, and food in such an environment is especially tasty. Don't miss the opportunity to do New Year's celebration even more joyful and elegant!
