Sliding mini house on wheels. Mobile home: real photos, views, examples of arrangement. Attractive mini mobile home from Peter Pavlovich

Many people dream of buying an apartment. But finances do not always allow you to purchase real estate that has large area. However, this is not a reason to despair - with the right approach and layout, you can make a cozy nest out of such a room. A fairly common option for a small living space is a studio apartment measuring 18 m2, in which the owners want to combine a kitchen and a living room.

Before you start renovation work When designing a studio that combines a kitchen and a living room, you need to carefully consider all the details. A well-designed apartment plan is already half the success. Despite the small area, such a studio is an excellent way to accommodate two rooms that differ from each other in functionality.

When designing a studio with such an area, you need to pay great attention to:

  1. Zoning of the premises. If in apartments of average and large sizes This problem can be solved with the help of doors, but in a small studio this option is impossible. This is why it is important to think very carefully about how to divide this small room to zones.
  2. Finishing. Since the kitchen involves a large number of vapors spreading throughout the apartment, great attention should be paid to finishing materials. They must be of high quality and easy to clean.
  3. Color design. This is the key to success when planning such an apartment. Not only the overall mood of the room, but also its visual dimensions depends on the color scheme that the owner chooses for his studio.
  4. Layout. If you simply arrange furniture without being guided by common sense considerations about comfort and space, you run the risk of cluttering your apartment. Neither the guests nor the owners themselves will be comfortable in such a studio.
  5. Selection of furniture. It depends on what interior items will be in such an apartment how much free space will remain in it.

With careful consideration of all these aspects, correct design a studio with an area of ​​18 meters will not be difficult. A combined kitchen and living room will fit perfectly into such an apartment, and anyone will feel very comfortable staying in it.

Studio design with an area of ​​18 sq. m, combination of kitchen and living room

Combination of kitchen and living room in a small studio - great solution. But in order for such an apartment to be beautifully decorated, cozy, and at the same time functional, it is necessary to carefully consider the design of the room.

Much attention should be paid color design apartments. For a studio with an area of ​​18 square meters, it is recommended to use light shades, as they visually make the room larger.

  1. The most the right option is a compilation different colors for the kitchen and living room areas. The main thing is that the selected colors are combined with each other. Eg, lunch place can be issued in beige tones, and make the walls in the hall bright color scheme.
  2. If you want to decorate your studio in Provence style, it is recommended to choose exclusively light colors.
  3. In an apartment in high-tech or modern style, black and red walls, as well as black and white, are perfectly combined. The entire design can also be complemented with bright interior items.
  4. The cooking area in the kitchen can also be tiled. It is not only beautiful, but also practical.
  5. An original solution for such a small studio is to place images of landscapes, etc. on one wall. For example, a photo of Taganay will add zest and beauty to the apartment.

When choosing a wall material, it is better to choose washable wallpaper or moisture-resistant paint. This is very important and practical, since when combined with a kitchen in the apartment there will be a high level of surface contamination.

Layout of the kitchen and living room in a studio of 18 square meters. m

As mentioned above, competent planning is an integral part for creating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in a small studio that combines a kitchen and a living room. Experts advise introducing the owner to your daily activities in the apartment. The interior created in this way will facilitate free movement around the room.

Fortunately, there are now many design solutions on arranging furniture in small apartments Oh:

  1. It is recommended to purchase a powerful hood for the kitchen. This will eliminate foreign odors coming from the cooking area. This item necessary especially if the living room also serves as a bedroom.
  2. Many experts recommend using linear layout, placing all the necessary furniture along the wall.
  3. Interior items should facilitate comfortable cleaning. Therefore, it is not recommended to purchase bulky furniture for a small apartment.
  4. The most modern and optimal solution for a small studio that combines a living room and a kitchen, there is multifunctional furniture. Items from this series can be easily removed and transformed, while significantly saving space.
  5. It is not recommended to choose massive options for lighting. The best places to save space are spotlights built into the ceiling. For a studio with a small area small quantity there will be enough light sources.

Tips for zoning the kitchen and living room with a total area of ​​18 square meters. m

Despite the small area, such a studio can easily accommodate both a kitchen and a living room. It can easily fit like kitchen set, so sleeping area and a relaxation area. In order for the apartment to look harmonious, it is necessary to visually divide it into zones.

The following projects will help do this:

  1. The most simple option is a combination of different colors. This will help to visually distinguish the kitchen from the recreation area.
  2. Also, many designers recommend using a small partition. To prevent it from looking out of place, it is recommended to place a sofa on one side and a kitchen set on the other.
  3. In an original way, you can separate the kitchen and living room by raising the first one a few centimeters higher. Thus, if there is a step, the zoning will be not only visual, but also physical.
  4. A modern solution for dividing a studio into zones is a bar counter. This piece of furniture will fit perfectly into a room decorated in Art Nouveau style.
  5. Visual separation can also be achieved by using different finishing materials.

Compact kitchen-living room 18 sq. m: design (video)

Studio apartment with small area is not at all a problem for free movement and comfortable life. If you take into account all the subtleties of design and give free rein to your imagination, such a room can be decorated in a practical, stylish and cozy way.

In apartments with a modern layout and in private houses, there are often living rooms combined with a kitchen. On the one hand, such a connection allows you to relieve other rooms and create a place for receiving guests and relaxing together. On the other hand, the layout of such a room must be carefully thought out. Kitchen smells should not be transferred into the living room. Kitchen living room 18 square meters - the design of which is carefully thought out will be harmonious. You will find out exactly how to arrange it from the article.

Pros and cons of a combined kitchen with living room

A kitchen combined with a living room has a number of advantages:

  • The large space of 18 meters can easily accommodate all your family members and friends;
  • You can give free rein to your imagination in decorating a room, experiment with zoning;
  • You can put a big one dinner table and get everyone together during meals;
  • Mothers with small children can prepare meals without leaving the child alone.

Such kitchens also have several disadvantages:

  • The noises and odors that usually appear in the kitchen can be a nuisance to your family members and guests in the living room area;
  • Odors are absorbed into upholstered furniture and carpets. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to install a high-quality hood;
  • Constant maintenance of order is required. A couple of unwashed dishes kitchen area can ruin the appearance of the entire room;
  • You will not have the opportunity to be alone if there are many people in the family.

Division into zones

In the design of a kitchen of 18 square meters, it is necessary to highlight several functional zones. These will be a work area, a dining room and a living room area. In this case, all three zones should be combined and create a single picture of the room.

There are a number of rules, following which, you can harmonize your kitchen and living room:

  1. Determine the size of each zone. Think about how many square meters you need for the work area and how much for the living room;
  2. Draw a design for the room. Mark all necessary furniture;
  3. Think about how you will move around the kitchen and living room, arrange the furniture as ergonomically as possible;
  4. You can separate the kitchen area from the living room using a bar counter or shelving;
  5. Also, color and light transitions and different textures will help you with zoning. For example, the kitchen area may be lighter than the living area. Or put brown tiles on the kitchen floor, and parquet or laminate in the living area;
  6. You can also highlight the living area using podiums or a multi-level ceiling.

Room layout

The interior of the living room kitchen can be planned in different ways, based on the characteristics of your room. The ideal is considered to be a square room.

There are 4 main types of layout that are suitable for any room.

Linear layout

Most often used in square or rectangular rooms. All kitchen furniture and technology in this option placed along one or two opposite walls. In the middle of the room you can create a living area with sofas and armchairs or a dining room.

Built-in light-colored headsets look good when arranged linearly. The lighting can be built into suspended ceiling. And make the ceiling itself multi-level. The ceiling level should be lower above the furniture and appliances, and higher in the central part.

Opposite the set you can put a beautiful large sofa. Place a dining table and several chairs near it. Then you will have a combination of dining and living areas.

If there is a niche in the wall that cannot be removed, use it to install work surfaces. And on the opposite side and in the center, organize an area for receiving guests.

In a large room measuring 18 square meters, you can experiment with color schemes. For example, you can purchase a set of bright colors.

When arranging furniture in parallel, you should consider the placement of the stove, sink and refrigerator. You should not deviate from the rule of the work triangle: the stove and sink should be located on one side, and the refrigerator should be strictly opposite. Then you can visually draw yourself a right triangle.

If you have a narrow long room, with a parallel layout, choose light glossy shades of the headset. Such furniture will visually expand the room and make it larger. In this case, it is best to place the table near the window.

Corner layout

The corner layout is suitable for any room. With this type of placement, you can use not only the walls, but also the ceiling, and interior partitions. The choice of colors and lighting will help you highlight zones. In addition, a multi-level ceiling will cope with this task.

With an angular layout, the rule of the working triangle is most easily followed. The stove, refrigerator and sink should be in close proximity to each other.

Black and white looks great in such a room. To visually enlarge the room, wall cabinets can be placed on only one side. Moreover, you will have a lot of cabinets in the lower tier.

Another visual expansion technique is to use light colors for the walls, furniture and floors. The rest of the furniture can be made in a different pastel color. For example, choose beige as the main one, and soft green as the additional one.

If you want to become the owner of an exclusive set without spending a lot of money, buy the simplest set and cover it with self-adhesive wallpaper. With their help you can transform your refrigerator. And the walls on the opposite side can be covered with wallpaper with a similar pattern.

The classic corner set made of wood is functional and looks beautiful. In this case, the walls can be beige or milky.

Glossy light facades look good in a corner set. At the same time, you can play with contrast and take the rest of the furniture several tones darker.

The U-shaped set will most likely have to be made to order. It is almost impossible to buy such a kit ready-made. This layout has a number of advantages.

  1. You can supply all the necessary equipment;
  2. You will have a large number of work surfaces;
  3. Place a bar counter at the end of one of the parts of the set, and you will have a dining area. Give the remaining space to the living room.

Classic retro set white with a bar counter on one side will fit perfectly into the U-shaped layout.

If you have a non-standard room, U-shaped layout fits better Total. Custom-made furniture will take up every centimeter of space and be as useful as possible.

A neon-colored set with built-in white lighting is suitable for extraordinary individuals who are ready to experiment.


The layout with an island in the center of the kitchen is at the peak of popularity. However, design projects with an island are usually designed for rooms of 20 square meters or more.

In a kitchen of 18 square meters alternative option will become an island table. Such models may have built-in drawers, hob. With such a layout, it is imperative to acquire a hood that can be built into the ceiling.

Do not install too much furniture in the kitchen, otherwise the room will turn into a pantry.

The island looks best in square kitchens combined with a living room.

Styles for the kitchen-living room

Of course, you will choose the design of the living room kitchen measuring 18 square meters yourself. But there are several stylistic trends that are most suitable for such a room. We'll talk about them further.

The peculiarity of this direction is the use of white color in large quantities. The set must be white. It can be contrasted with a black apron or upholstered furniture. The style is also characterized by the use of geometric patterns and the addition of several color accents.

  • Eco style.

Eco-style is characterized by the use of only natural materials in design. The chairs should be wicker, the furniture should be made of wood, and the dishes should be made of ceramics. The tiles on the apron should imitate natural stone. Use live plants for decoration.

  • High tech.

For a high-tech interior, use silver, white and black colors. Transformable furniture and a large modern TV. There should be a lot of household appliances in the work area. Unusual metal accessories can be used as decorations.

  • Provence.

Provence - rustic french style. It is characterized by natural materials in decoration and many different decorations. Floral patterns, lots of frills and ruffles are used. The color scheme is pastel. The set should look like a vintage one.


Lighting for the kitchen-living room is extremely important: it is necessary to illuminate each zone well, and each zone can have its own type lighting fixtures. There are several lighting options:

  • Above the dining table you need to hang one large chandelier or several identical lamps;
  • Be sure to provide spot lighting above the work area. It can be mounted in a set or in the ceiling. Light bulbs can be arranged in a circle or in a row;
  • In the living room area, hang several wall sconces and place floor lamps;
  • Additionally, lamps on cords placed above the bar counter will help to divide the space into zones. This solution looks stylish and will help highlight the kitchen area.

Color selection

To create a harmonious picture, the color scheme of the kitchen and living room should be combined. The ceiling, walls and curtains should be the same shade throughout the room. It is better if you choose pastel shades. They make the room cozy and visually enlarge it. Bright accessories will help diversify the design.

It is worth considering the influence of colors on the human psyche. So, orange and red will help increase appetite. Blue and gray, on the contrary, can reduce hunger. Purple, green and beige promote peace. Being in a room made in these colors, you can fully relax and escape from worries.

In any case, give preference to colors that you and your family members like. Otherwise, you will quickly get bored with the interior.


A kitchen combined with a living room is a great way to optimize space. In such a room you can cook food, dine with the whole family, and meet guests. When working on a design, you can give free rein to your imagination and experiment with the design of zones and the choice of color schemes.

During design, it is best to immediately think about where the set and the rest of the furniture will be located, and determine routes for movement around the room. In this case, you can make the most of the space and use every centimeter. Only in a well-planned room will you and your family feel comfortable and cozy.

Zoning with a corner sofa

Proper arrangement of living space is the key to a successful and comfortable life modern man. If your decision was to increase the living space and combine the kitchen with a lounge room, then the photos presented good design combined kitchen-living room of 18 sq. m, will help you correctly zone the room and get the maximum benefit from the redevelopment.

Combining a kitchen with an adjacent room

Zoning methods

Arrangement of the kitchen-living room must begin with the allocation of zones:

  • kitchen work area;
  • dining room - eating area;
  • recreation area.

Color zoning of the kitchen and living room

Design of a kitchen-living room of 18 square meters. m requires a thoughtful approach, every corner of the living space must be involved.

Zoning a small kitchen and living room using a dining area

Advice! When connecting the kitchen and living room, you need to take into account the fact that a room is being created for the whole family to relax, so the emphasis should be on the recreation area, and the kitchen work area should be hidden as much as possible.

Zoning the kitchen and living room using lighting

There are many ways to visually divide a room into zones. Let's look at the most effective ones:

Flooring or creating a podium

It is expedient and practical to separate the kitchen area using floor tiles. And the living room area with laminate, linoleum or carpet. A carpet on the floor will help enhance the optical effect and add coziness to the interior.

Zoning the kitchen using a podium and carpet in the living room

An excellent option for separating one area from another would be to create a podium. Its height may be small, from 10 to 12 centimeters, but the effect is very bright. Usually they raise a smaller area - the kitchen. Taking a step down from the pedestal, you will physically feel yourself in a completely different room. When choosing this zoning method, you need to remember that it is suitable for rooms with high ceilings.

Delineating zones using a podium and using different shades of furniture


Create a visual division of space 18 meter room Lighting will help. Light sources of different brightness, design and saturation will create the illusion different rooms in one room. To create a demarcation effect, do not install a powerful chandelier in the middle of the ceiling. Spotlights on the facade of the kitchen, a separate chandelier and a floor lamp in the recreation area will give exactly the effect you need.

Stylish lampshades above the island sink

Various furniture items

A good effect when trying to separate one part of the room from another is achieved by the correct installation of furniture. The most common option is separation using a sofa, bar counter, dining table with chairs, shelving and even part of the wall.

Separating zones using a wooden partition

You can verify the effectiveness of this method by looking at a photo of a kitchen design of 18 square meters. m, where the sofa is located in the middle of the room, facing the living room. A dining table installed between the living room and kitchen will also have a good effect, and the bar counter, in addition to the conventional zone separator, will serve as a full-fledged table for quick snacks for household members. Open shelving with indoor flowers, photographs and books will give the interior individual features.

Zoning using a figured partition and lighting

Multi-level ceiling

For creating visual effect delimitation of space can come to the rescue designer ceilings of different heights, which can be either suspended or made of plasterboard. You can enhance the achieved effect using targeted ceiling lamps different intensity and color shade.

Multi-level ceiling in the kitchen-living room made of plasterboard

Color spectrum

When creating the interior of a kitchen-living room of 18 sq. The chosen color of the zones plays a big role. The color scheme, first of all, depends on the general stylistic direction of the room, as well as on its natural lighting.

Zoning using different colors of furniture and lighting shades

The main task of this method of zoning is not to disrupt the integrity and overall harmony. But you must adhere to the basic rules:

  1. The kitchen area and living room area should be in different colors, creating the illusion of different rooms. After all, these are absolutely two rooms with completely different purposes! By choosing the facade of the kitchen in neutral, pastel colors, and the sofa in the living room in rich colors, you thereby delimit the room and focus on the relaxation area;

    Distribution by zones thanks to contrasting color schemes

  2. The color of the walls when creating zones can become your assistant: the different saturation of colors in both parts of the room will contribute to the overall design picture;

    Zoning with walls of different textures and a dining area in the center

  3. Colors in different zones should be harmoniously combined with each other;

    Combination of beige and chocolate shades in the interior of the kitchen-living room

  4. Different shades of the same color give a good effect.

    Yellow upholstery upholstered furniture in the color of the kitchen

Note! To enhance the effect, you can use several zoning methods simultaneously.

Photo of the design of a combined kitchen-living room area of ​​18 square meters. m with zoning using shades of color, can be seen below.

Zoning using a decorative fragment on the wall

Possible design styles for the kitchen-living room


If you want to recreate this style in your kitchen-living room, you need to strive for softness, comfort and tranquility in the interior, as well as clarity and symmetry. When creating it, the materials from which the upholstery and facades of furniture are made, the frame of the fireplace, etc. are important.

Classic style in the interior of a living room combined with a kitchen

The classic style does not accept plastic; all components must be natural: wood, stone, leather. The classic style does not accept any modern items, so hide household appliances in cabinets, and be sure to place books on the shelves in the cabinets. The colors of this style are as close to natural as possible. The windows are decorated with heavy, thick curtains both in the living area and in the kitchen. It is best to zone a room of this style using arches, decorative columns, and a fireplace.

“Modern” in the interior of the kitchen-living room

Rural styles

  1. Provence. The style will require a special approach to the choice of furniture, decorating fabrics and colors. Only natural, pastel colors are used here: the color of the sky, clouds, meadow flowers and grass. Furniture must be light colors, artificially aged.

    “Provence” in the design of a spacious kitchen-living room

    The overall appearance of the room should be gentle, airy and sunny. Windows are decorated light curtains, well transmitting light. Textiles are allowed both plain and with ornaments. Moreover, curtains, sofa cushions, and kitchen potholders should have rural motifs: discreet flowers, herbs, small shells.

    Zoning thanks to an island sink and an unfolded sofa

    In Provence style, a sofa or dining table can serve as a partition for zones. Floors in the living room area made of untreated shabby wood are well suited to this style, and tiles in matching tones are suitable for kitchen design. Everything should feel simple and natural. Photo of the interior of the kitchen-living room, created on an area of ​​18 square meters. m in the Provence style will convince you of this;

    City apartment in Provence style

  2. Country. This style accepts only natural, earthy tones and shades, and rough finishes. Plaster on the walls and rough beams on the ceiling are welcome here. To divide the room, choose different floor coverings - natural-colored tiles for the kitchen area and raw boards for the recreation area.

    Kitchen-living room in country style

    The facades of cabinet furniture are rough, embossed, artificially aged, pastel colors. The furniture is made from natural wood only. To create harmony in a room of this direction, use, for example, pale green furniture in the kitchen and dairy furniture in the living room area in the same style. Textiles are selected in natural shades with patterns characteristic of country music. Selected rustic kitchen design of 18 sq. m are perfectly emphasized by the antique look of lampshades for chandeliers and floor lamps.

    Wooden ceiling beams and kitchen furniture

Modern directions

In an effort to create a comfortable kitchen-living room design on an area of ​​18 square meters in more modern styles, pay attention to the following photos.

  1. High tech. This ultra-modern style values ​​clarity of form, comfortable functional furniture, minimum decor. Particular importance is attached to contrasts and shades of colors; white, black, gray, and silver are preferred. There's no room here natural wood and curtains with a bright print, everything is as laconic and not flashy as possible.

    High-tech kitchen living room design

    The kitchen should be equipped with the latest technology: this style welcomes the bright touch panels of smart household appliances.

    Delicate pink splashes in the kitchen-living room in high-tech style

    Since the main feature of this style is freedom, there is no need to strictly delimit space. Here it is more important to end up with a stylish, unified modern design;

    High-tech kitchen-living room design

  2. Loft. This design direction suggests that the decoration of walls, ceilings and various elements No need for interior decoration. Welcome here brickwork walls, rough plaster and exposed beams on the ceiling. The main area for this style is the kitchen, combined with the living room, where it is convenient to meet with friends and celebrate holidays. Large and bright window openings do not require any decoration.

    Loft style in the interior of a modern kitchen

    A loft-style kitchen-living room does not require any decoration. Uncovered wires, sockets, ventilation pipes will replace them and become real attributes of the interior. A special feature of this style is that there is no need to separate the space. The room should look like a single harmonious space.

Correctly designated areas and arranged furniture in the kitchen-living room will help create a practical, functional and at the same time cozy room.

Today, more and more people are thinking about expanding the area of ​​small apartments. This is a natural desire, conditioned by the desire for comfortable and comfortable life. The combined space allows you to feel free in a relatively small area. In order to complete the design correctly, first of all, the kitchen-living room 18 sq. m design must be carefully worked out. Before carrying out work, it is necessary to draw up a design project that will help visually imagine the future environment.

When it comes to personal space, apartment owners are willing to go to great lengths to be able to expand the premises. Such an area is considered quite small, so the quality of life of the residents largely depends on the quality of the redevelopment and design.

In order to create a kitchen in which you can cook and a living room for proper relaxation, you need to make every effort. It is important to take into account taste preferences.

Before renovating a kitchen space of 18 meters, you need to familiarize yourself with the apartment plan, which shows where communications are laid, windows and doors are located, where the load-bearing wall is located.

Things to consider

  • Before starting renovation or after it, it is imperative to coordinate the redevelopment with higher authorities.
  • It is necessary to study issues that relate to strict prohibitions. For example, wet areas should never be located above lower living areas.
  • It is important to resolve the issue with the gas point, since if you have a gas stove, it is prohibited to combine the kitchen with the living room.

When all these important issues are settled, you can begin to distribute zones. This process needs to be given time, since the long-term convenience of all family members depends on its correctness.

Successful zoning of the kitchen and living room for 18 sq m

Zoning is an individual process that cannot be done in different types apartments are the same. Before the beginning real zoning It is important to decide for yourself where and how it will be convenient to arrange the work and recreation areas.

In order to perform zoning correctly, you may need the help of a designer. But you should only expect advice from him, which the owner of the apartment can accept or reject.

For arranging an area of ​​18 squares, the same space zoning laws apply. However, they are not static and can vary.

  • Decide on a set of standard actions performed in the kitchen and in the hall.
  • Measure the distance needed to move comfortably in the combined space.
  • Draw a floor plan and indicate the most frequently used places.
  • Draw the routes that will be the most frequent. Determine the degree of their convenience.
  • Arrange furniture in a convenient and space-saving manner.

All zoning rules can be changed depending on the individual taste preferences of the apartment owners.

Design of a kitchen-living room 18 sq m: furniture options

Tips for choosing furniture:

  • Choose materials that will easily withstand moisture and frequent contamination.
  • Furniture should be ergonomic and simple. It should not become an obstacle to movement.
  • It is best to purchase furniture that can be easily transformed. This will help save space and provide additional convenience in its use.
  • It will be convenient to use partitions.

It is then possible to organize the room functionally and at the same time stylishly. When apartment owners know exactly their desires and requirements for space.

Kitchen-living room-bedroom 18 sq.m: color decoration

The right color schemes will help to visually enlarge a small area and make it bright and cozy.

You need to choose a color depending on the overall style of the interior. For example, a space in the Provence style should be decorated in light colors; high-tech involves the use of more saturated and contrasting shades.

Wall decoration can be done using paint or wallpaper. Today it is not a problem to buy quality Decoration Materials, which are ideal for furnishing a kitchen-living room.

Examples of color design:

  • Light and warm shades for wallpaper or painting;
  • Catchy contrasting combinations;
  • Black and white design;
  • Use of natural materials.

Choosing a color to decorate a room is a personal matter for everyone. Here one goal should be pursued - a harmonious interior.

Varied layout of kitchen-living room 18 sq m

The most common type is square. This type of layout makes it possible to use several methods of distributing furniture to choose from.

On an area of ​​10 sq.m. comfortable view The layout is considered to be L-shaped and U-shaped construction of furniture.

Such a construction can be additionally decorated with a square or round island part. The future arrangement of furniture depends on the location of the kitchen unit. If done correctly, the space will be practical and beautiful at the same time.

Layout example:

  • The kitchen set, located in one row, involves demarcating the area for cooking and relaxation. You can use a bar counter or island as a delimiter.
  • The dining table can take place against the opposite wall.
  • The L-shaped layout involves arranging the opposite corner with a cozy table and a seating area.

The choice of layout largely depends on the original shape of the space as well as the taste preferences of the apartment owners.

Other layout options

The layout of the kitchen-living room has great importance. When the apartment owners have decided on the choice of layout, which depends on the shape of the space, they can begin zoning the room.

You can do the planning yourself or hire a professional to help you place the right accents.

There are several common types of layouts that are considered most successful for kitchens with a small area.

Breading options:

  • U-shaped;
  • L-shaped.

When distributing furniture, it is important to consider that it should in no case interfere with movement around the room.

Room zoning techniques:

  • Installation of a bar counter;
  • Installation of a dining table;
  • Using a dividing island;
  • Installation different levels gender;
  • Use of screens and partitions;
  • Installing a sofa.

There are many techniques for planning and zoning a room. Their numerous options can be found on the Internet or in specialized magazines. The following series of interior design examples are known: “Grand”, “Taganay”, “Europe”, “Virage”.

Kitchen-living room 18 sq. M Video)

In order to combine the kitchen and living room, you will need permission for redevelopment. After receiving it, you can begin to combine the space. After this, it is necessary to develop a design project that will help arrange the combined rooms: set priorities, perform a tentative layout of a room with a small area, see options that will help save as much free space as possible.

Interior of kitchen-living room 18 sq. m (photo)

Area 18 sq. meters are enough to arrange a comfortable, multifunctional kitchen. Any ideas can be realized in the design: an unusual layout, an extraordinary combination of shades, non-standard decor. But what to do if this room needs to accommodate another, no less important area - the living room. Combining a dining room with a living room is quite common. Arranging such an interior is not difficult if you stick to some design tricks. In this article we will tell you how to design a kitchen-living room of 18 square meters. m ideal.

Advantages and disadvantages of combination

Any redevelopment must be carefully considered. We need to weigh all the positives, negative sides change. There are many advantages of combining several functional areas into one:

  • saving square meters. This is especially true for owners of small apartments and large families. By moving the living room, you can free up extra room for children;
  • appearance additional features in design. Square meters are enough for an unusual arrangement of furniture, the use of extraordinary decor;
  • increasing the amount of natural light. An “extra” window opening appears. The room will become lighter and more spacious;
  • the ability to do several things at once. Housewives will be able to easily cook food, watch their favorite TV series, and watch small children.

There are not many disadvantages. The main disadvantage of unification is the need to constantly maintain order. Drops of grease, dirt, crumbs will easily penetrate into the living room. Cleaning will have to be done almost daily. Another disadvantage is the presence of an unpleasant odor.

Important nuances of redevelopment

Having conceived global changes in the layout, there is no need to rush. You must first obtain official permission from local authorities.

Obtaining permission for redevelopment is a mandatory requirement. If there is no consent, the property owner will be forced to pay a fine.

In most cases, small redevelopments are permitted. But there are exceptions. You cannot liquidate inside the apartment load-bearing walls. The consequences of such a decision will be disastrous - the whole house may collapse and people will suffer. “Wet” rooms cannot be moved either.

The most important thing is that you cannot connect the living room with the dining room where a gas stove is installed. If the listed prohibitions do not apply to your home personally, you can safely collect papers, obtain consent, and begin dismantling work. Demolition of walls should be carried out by professionals with the proper experience and special equipment.

How to create a design project

After the dismantling work is completed, another stage follows - the creation of a design project. To develop it yourself, you will need a regular piece of paper, a pencil, and a ruler. You need to transfer the graphic plan of the resulting room onto a piece of paper and indicate the dimensions.

  • pick up suitable style;
  • choose high-quality, safe building materials;
  • determine the required amount of furniture and equipment;
  • indicate on the plan the location of functional areas;
  • if there is a balcony, consider combining it with a room
  • decide on decorative elements.

On the graphic plan you need to schematically indicate the location of communications, draw the main pieces of furniture and appliances (refrigerator, oven).

A design project is a kind of action plan. The best solution would be to order a project from a professional designer. It will be easier to make repairs using it.

Stylistic directions

The eighteen square kitchen-living room can be decorated in almost any style. In the table we will look at the most popular destinations, their characteristic features and features.

ProvenceSuitable for lovers of country life, nature, and romantics. This is a popular French destination, characterized by freshness and lightness. The interior uses light textiles and natural materials. Preference is given to putty, cotton, wood, brick. The apron is tiled. The furniture chosen is “aged”. You can purchase wicker chairs. The color scheme is quite light: pink, sand, beige, yellow. Decorate the dining table with fresh wildflowers.
High techHigh tech style. It is characterized by functionality, practicality, and space. The color scheme is light. Wood, metal and glass are used in decoration. Special attention is devoted to the selection of technology.
EnglishCombines rigor, sophistication, and stiffness. The British style is characterized by decor using photographs and various paintings. For finishing the floor, choose dark-colored materials: parquet, laminate. Walls are often made monochromatic, furniture is bought with symmetrical lines.

Zoning methods

Having chosen the appropriate style, you need to select zones in the room. Usually in the kitchen-living room there are three:

  1. Working;
  2. Dining room;
  3. Resting-place.

Each part will have its own set of items, decor, and equipment. It is better to place the work area closer to the window. This will make cooking more convenient.

As additional surface use a window sill. It is combined with a kitchen set. This practical technique helps save useful space. The dining room should be conducive to eating. It can be distinguished by unusual photo wallpapers on a kitchen theme. The resting place should be the main one, occupying the most space. A good-quality sofa should be its center. Nearby you can place a fireplace, TV, coffee table. How to separate all these parts? Let's consider short review the most simple ways zoning.

Furniture arrangement

In separating one part of the room from another they play main role pieces of furniture. For separation use: bar counter, shelving, sofa, table. The choice of subject depends on your own desires, style direction. A bar counter is a great way to small family. It is usually installed in bachelor apartments. The stand looks stylish and does not take up much space.

A shelving unit is a good way to divide a room and organize an intimate area. The rack can store books, cups, and various decorative items. The rack, facing the kitchen space, is used for storing beautiful dishes, glasses, and other utensils.

The easiest way is to use a sofa or table as a border. This central elements design. They will unobtrusively designate functional areas and will not clutter up the space.

Wall color, type of finish

The color scheme and building materials help with zoning. For the kitchen-living room, use the following useful recommendations:

  • The cooking area and living room should be decorated in different colors. These rooms have different functions. The façade of the working part must be practical and wash-resistant. The walls can be decorated with tiles, regular paint. The paint can be light; it is better to choose tiles with an interesting pattern. In the hall you can paste wallpaper, apply decorative putty. Give preference to light colors: lilac, pink, violet, pistachio, beige;
  • The tones of the walls of different parts should be compatible. Compatibility can be checked using a special shade table;
  • If you want to make the space more cohesive, you can use different shades of the same color.

Flooring, podium creation

Different flooring materials and creating a multi-level base are excellent ways to divide space. It is customary to place a kitchen set on the podium. The podium can be small - about ten centimeters. This solution is typical of the modern style direction. The main disadvantage of the podium is the risk of injury. The multi-level floor will take some getting used to.

More in a safe way is the use of different finishing building materials. Decorate the guest room using parquet, laminate, carpet. Parquet made of natural wood will do classic style. It looks presentable and will serve for decades. In a high-tech room it is better to put carpet or laminate. They differ affordable price, wide choice colors It is better to decorate the kitchen part with marble, floor tiles, linoleum. These types of coatings can be easily washed from any type of contaminant.

Many people underestimate such an item as a bar counter. This is a functional countertop that can solve several problems at once. It saves a lot square meters. Replacing a standard table, the stand allows you to leave more space in the room. Such an item is widely used as a border between two functional parts. It visually marks the edge without overloading the small kitchen-living room.

When choosing a bar counter, consider:

  • tabletop height. It should be comfortable for all members of your family. It is also important to choose comfortable bar stools for it. Better with a backrest;
  • surface color. It should stand out against the background of the colors of the rest of the set. The ideal solution the surface will become black;
  • reliability of the design. Its structure must be strong and stable.

Sliding structures

If you want to maintain the intimacy of the atmosphere in the guest room, you can build sliding partition. The partition is installed on special rollers. It can be closed or opened at any time. Sliding structures are made to order. They are relatively inexpensive. The design will replace an ordinary wall, will make the interior much more interesting.

During production sliding design may be applied different materials: glass, wood, fabric. Glass partitions will fit modern trends design. They let in natural light and look airy. You can apply a design or ornament to the glass various techniques. The disadvantages of glass are its relative fragility, high price, and tendency to quickly become dirty. Wooden and fabric partitions are more difficult to damage. They will last for years.

Multi-level ceiling, lighting

You can visually delimit the areas using ordinary light and installing a multi-level ceiling. A designer ceiling will make the interior unusual and more convenient to use.

The backlight can be turned on pointwise. Tensioner multi-level ceiling has a lot of advantages:

  1. Reliable protection against flooding and roof leaks. The film will protect new renovation from water. Most importantly, do not try to release the water yourself. The film may be damaged.
  2. Wide choice of colors. The ceiling can be plain, with an unusual effect or ornament. You can make it two-color. There are a lot of model options.
  3. Possibility of installing spotlights. Installation of the light is quite simple. You can install lamps of different intensities.
  4. Quick installation. Professionals install such structures in one day.
  5. The kitchen-living room should be comfortable. Therefore, it is important to correctly arrange appliances and kitchen units. There are several accommodation options:

  • linear. The simplest arrangement. Suitable for owners of narrow rooms. All items are placed along one wall. There is enough space in the center to install a full-fledged dining table. The sofa is placed in free space, a little to the side;
  • angular. An excellent layout option for irregularly shaped rooms. The set is installed in the corner near the window opening. You can use the window sill. At the other end of the kitchen-living room, a resting place is organized, in the middle - a table and chairs are installed;
  • U-shaped. This method used indoors rectangular shape. Furniture is placed in the letter P. In the middle you can place a counter or a dining table. At the other end they put comfortable sofa, TV, coffee table;
  • insular. This original way layout. However, there may not be enough space for it. In this case, you should contact professional designers. They will create correct project, adjusted to the characteristics of a particular apartment.

Decorative touches

The interior of the kitchen-living room will not be complete without decorative elements, various little things, finishing touches. You can start decorating from your workplace. To do this, it is enough to purchase beautiful kitchen utensils, oven mitts, towels, and unusual spice jars.

Textiles must be of high quality and easily absorb moisture. Spice jars can be placed on a small shelf, not far from the work surface.

A beautiful still life decorates the place for eating. You can also put bright cushions on the chairs and cover the table with an original tablecloth. All elements must be in a similar color scheme. You can place a statue or a structure with living plants near the sofa.

As you can see, creating an attractive room interior is quite simple if you know certain design tricks. Proper zoning, a thoughtful approach to the choice of furniture, and bright decor will allow you to create a cozy, ergonomic kitchen-living room even of a small area.
