Travel notes: Sibenik, Croatia. Sibenik – holiday in Croatia on the clean beaches of the Adriatic Sibenik Croatia airport

Why else go to the sea in the summer :), here are the first photos that I managed to sort out.

The situation with beaches in Sibenik like this:

I’ll tell you more about the first two, where we were.

Sibenik city beach

Suitable for those staying in the city itself. From the old town it’s a 10-minute walk along the curving embankment, or you can drive up from Ivan Mestrovica Street

The beach is pebbly, as seen in the video:

This is a morning shoot, at 8 o’clock, so it’s almost empty and the water is clearer. By the way, about water. In July it is already warm and quite transparent. True, I read a review that it was “kind of green.” I suppose this is due to the fact that this is, after all, a bay into which the Krka River flows, so the water is less salty and if you look down at the depth, the color is blue-green. As an experiment, I threw a white pebble near the buoys, so it was visible for 5-6 seconds, not bad in my opinion. But on this beach there is no sea ​​urchins, like on the open sea :). Although it is still better to buy swimming shoes.

Where to buy - only at the market, there are no stalls near the beach itself. There is only a cafe on the beach (in the evenings on weekends there is live music, the rest of the time - regular recordings, more melodic in the morning, disco in the evening).

The crowds are gradually catching up; after lunch, a coating of sunscreen is already visible on the water near the shore (but this is the case everywhere), and in the evening a small suspension appears. The entrance to the water is quite steep, a few steps and it’s waist-deep.

Large umbrellas on the city beach cost 20 kuna per day, sunbeds - 25 each. We did not take either one. We had our own umbrella. To prevent it from being blown away by the wind, we collected large stones all over the beach, which made a good foundation (however, the next morning they were again scattered along the shore by an unknown force).

There are changing rooms and showers on the beach. Nearby are exercise equipment, a small sports ground and a sandy area for games.

You can rent a bike before heading down to the beach.

Nearby there is a sports water club (their training pool is visible on the map above), a parking lot, in the vacant lot nearby there is an evening “Luna Park”, behind it up the road there is another free parking lot.

In general, a good option: sunbathe, admiring the view of the old city, listening to the ringing of bells.

Jadrija beach

You can get to it by car or by boat in 20 minutes (ticket - 12 kuna one way). By the way, we also saw taxi boats, prices there are about 30 kuna per person.

The boat is small, and we were afraid that there would not be enough space, so we arrived early. But, oddly enough, there were enough places for everyone (or maybe we were lucky in July).

Schedule from July 18, 2016 We went the first time at 9 am there and back at 6 pm, the second time at 4 pm and 8 pm. Although there is also a bus to this area, it’s not like there are no options - just swim on the island...

We sail through a narrow strait to the sea, admiring Sibenik:

The owner has settled down well 🙂 (the inscription on the facade of the house is “My World”):

Here is the real Adriatic Sea - transparent, with algae, mollusks, sea urchins and sea cucumbers on the bottom.

True, at first we went to the right from the pier, seeing some kind of paddling pool there, but it was small and covered in algae, it was unpleasant even to enter.

Nice houses around:

Not far from it there is a shop and a pizzeria. The menu at the beginning in German explains a lot :)

And to get to the large municipal beach of Yadria, you need to walk along the shore to the left. In Croatia, by the way, all beaches are free, construction on the shore itself and fencing is prohibited. Before the entrance there is a plan of the village and the beach:

On the side of the beach we found buildings that I called “Chaika camp site”, terrible a budget option— concrete closets with an area of ​​approximately 2 by 2 meters (a regular or bunk bed and a table fit inside, similar to a train compartment). But, apparently, this is also someone’s property, each compartment has its own interior.

Behind the pier it’s already prettier:

There are changing rooms, but no sunbeds or umbrellas. Instead of umbrellas there are large spreading pines, under which people hide from the heat.

What’s interesting is that there is not a single trash can on the Yadrija beach! So we take everything we brought back. You can take a snack with you, you can buy it on the spot (pizza - 10 kn each, hot dogs and pies - 7 each, various buns for 3.5 - 4, bring iced tea - 10 kn for a small bottle), there are also a couple cafes, this is all at the very beginning. If you go further, you can’t find anything - only the sea on the left and villas on the right, and fewer and fewer people on the beach.

At the end there is a windsurfing school, an olive grove and a little further - a campsite.

Swimming slippers are a must on this beach!

The entrance to the water is gentle, starting with large slippery stones, between which sea urchins lurk. When you pass this dangerous section and swim into the depths, you can see the sandy bottom through the clear water, on it there are urchins and cucumbers (sea cucumbers), and the buoy ropes are all covered with black mussel shells. Swimming in warm and clear water is a pleasure.

True, after two hours the children were already bored. We ate the hot dogs we bought and asked to go home. We had to move closer to the pier, and at the same time into the shade.

Near the pier, the bottom seems to be cleared of hedgehogs, but they stick to the concrete walls in the water. And on our second visit to this beach, we were met with trouble: a child was jumping from the pier barefoot and somehow managed to run into one of the sea ​​urchins. My daughter pulled out the needles from him, but there were 4 black dots and one piece like a splinter on the sole. There was nothing to get them out, he was whining and asking to go home. But we just arrived... My husband went online and found out that hedgehogs have jagged needles that cannot be squeezed out. But they consist of calcium salts, so they dissolve in acid. The Thais remove it like this: they smear the wound with lemon or lime juice, beat it with a hard object like a stone or a bottle, squeeze the blood out of the wound, pour it over with juice again and beat it again, and so on until relief occurs. There was no medical center or store nearby, and the husband went to a bar for help. The bartender (who is clearly not the first time this has happened) advised the easiest way - to make a “pee-pee” on the wound. Well, in general, it’s also an acidic environment... But in the end I gave him a lemon :). We found a bottle. Dad, like a real Thai, broke everything down with long efforts.

The child felt better.

Sibenik (Croatia) - the most detailed information about the city with photos. The main attractions of Sibenik with descriptions, guides and maps.

City of Sibenik (Croatia)

Sibenik is a city in southwestern Croatia in the north of the historical region of Dalmatia. Located in the center of the Croatian Adriatic at the mouth of the Krka River. Sibenik - ancient city With thousand years of history and one of the largest and best preserved authentic medieval historical centers with charming narrow streets and ancient architecture. Its main attraction is the magnificent Cathedral of St. James in the Renaissance style, which was included in the list of objects in 2000 World Heritage UNESCO. Also in the old town of Sibenik there are many beautiful old churches, palaces and several fortresses. In addition, the inventor of the parachute, Faust Vrancic, was born and lived here.

Geography and climate

Šibenik is located in the north of Dolmatia on the shores of the Adriatic Sea, into which the Krka River flows. Coastline heavily cut. The climate is Mediterranean subtropical. Summers are hot and dry, winters are mild and wet.

Practical information

  1. Population - more than 46 thousand people.
  2. Currency - kuna.
  3. Visa - Schengen.
  4. Language - Croatian.
  5. Time - Central European UTC +1, summer +2.
  6. City beaches - Banj and Jadriya.

Best time to visit

The beach season lasts from late May to October. The water in the Adriatic Sea warms up to 24-26 degrees. The peak tourist season is in July and August.


Fortified settlement on site modern city was built by the Croats in the 9th century. Šibenik was first mentioned in the 11th century under King Peter Krešimir IV. In 1298 it received city status. In 1412, like all of Dalmatia, the city came under the rule of Venice. In the 15th and 16th centuries it was constantly besieged by the Turks, but was never captured.

Sibenik was part of the Venetian Republic for three centuries, being its western stronghold on the path of the Ottomans. The current old town mainly dates from the 15th to 17th centuries, when Šibenik began to flourish in the salt and wine trade and shipping.

At the end of the 18th century the city became part of the Habsburg Empire. Šibenik was under Austrian rule until the First World War. After it, it was occupied by Italy several times until it finally became part of Croatia and Yugoslavia. This happened after the Second World War.

How to get there

Šibenik is located between the cities of Trogir and Zadar. The nearest airport is located in Zadar. A good alternative would be Split Airport. Šibenik is connected by bus to major cities in Croatia, Slovenia, and Germany. You can also get here by train from Zagreb and Split.

Shopping and purchases

Popular purchases are: olive oil, figs, wine, traditional orange and black hat, coral and sponge products. At the end of September there is a medieval festival where you can buy various souvenirs related to this historical period. In the southern part of the city on the road to Split there is the Dalmare shopping center.

Food and drink

Dalmatian cuisine is a mixture of Croatian cuisine with strong influences from Mediterranean (Italian) cuisine. One of the most famous dishes is soparnik (vegetable pie). Very big number dishes are based on fish and seafood. Popular foods include risotto, Dalmatian pašticada s njokama (gnocchi), prosciutto (ham), cevapi (fried meat sausages).


The main attractions of Sibenik are located in the old town. The historical center dates back to the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. The old town was formed in the 15th-17th centuries and is one of the best preserved in Croatia.

Sacred architecture

Sibenik is famous for its sacred architecture. There are more than a dozen ancient churches in the old town.

Church of St. James's Cathedral, included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Is one of the most impressive masterpieces Christian architecture on the Dalmatian coast. Construction of the cathedral began in 1431 and was completely completed in 1536. It consists entirely of solid stone blocks and has a strict but beautiful façade.

Cathedral of St. Jacob was built by the most famous architects in Croatia. The building combines Gothic and Renaissance styles. One of the most interesting features is the elaborate frieze on the outside of the apse with over 70 unique faces representing ordinary 15th century townspeople.

Church of St. The Barbarians is a small Gothic church from the 15th century. Above the main portal in a niche is a statue of St. Nicholas by a sculptor from Milan. There is a Gothic window on the north wall. Within the walls of the church there is now a small remarkable collection of sculptures and paintings from the 14th to 18th centuries. The interior boasts two unique altars.

Church of St. Francis is a medieval church founded in the 13th century. In the 18th century the building was rebuilt in Baroque style. The interior is decorated with paintings and a magnificent 17th-century organ.

Church of St. Joanna is one of the most beautiful churches in Sibenik. It was built in the 15th century and is a masterpiece of medieval architecture. The church is decorated with interesting bas-reliefs; at the bottom of the bell tower there is a Renaissance window. In the 18th century, a Turkish clock was built on the bell tower after the Ottomans abandoned the city completely in the 18th century. The dome of the bell tower was dismantled in the 19th century after an earthquake.

Church of St. Krševana - small old church 12th century in Romanesque style, which is one of the oldest in Šibenik.

The Church of Our Lady was built on the site where in medieval times there was a cemetery and a small church of St. Cosmas and Damian. The existing building dates from the 18th century.

Church and monastery of St. Francis built in the second half of the 14th century. These religious buildings are located in the southeastern part of the historical center. The church is a spacious one-story building in the Gothic style without architectural decorative elements. In the 15th century, on the north side, the chapel of St. Cross.

Fortresses and forts

Fortress of St. Michael's is Šibenik's oldest defensive structure, located on a high rocky hill with stunning views of the medieval old town. The fort was founded more than 9 centuries ago. The oldest surviving parts date from the 13th century, but most of the surviving walls and structures date from the 15th and 16th centuries. Fortress of St. Michael's was the main defensive structure of the medieval city.

Fortress of St. Nicholas is located at the entrance to the St. Antonia and was built in the mid-16th century as a defense against Turkish attacks from the sea. This Venetian military-style fort is one of the strongest strongholds on the Adriatic.

Fortress of St. Joanna is located on a hill 115 meters high in the northern part of the old city. It was built in the mid-17th century according to the design of the Venetian military engineer Leni.

The Barone Fortress was built by the citizens of Šibenik in 1646, two months before the Turkish attack.

The central square is the heart of the old town, the center of social and public life in Šibenik since the Middle Ages and the battlefield in 1378 during the siege by the Venetians. The square contains the city hall, several interesting historical buildings and the Cathedral of St. Jacob.

The Town Hall is one of the most beautiful buildings in the Central Square (besides the Cathedral of St. James). It is a magnificent example of Renaissance architecture with beautiful large columns, arches and balustrades, built in the mid-16th century by the famous architect Michele Sanmicheli.

Another interesting place is the Four Wells Square. Wells were built in the mid-15th century to provide water for the population during numerous sieges.

Among the ancient palaces of Šibenik, the most impressive are the Duke's Palace (a medieval Gothic building that was the residence of a Venetian ruler) and the Bishops' Palace (a Gothic-Renaissance building from the 15th century).

Ethno-village is an ethnographic complex of traditional stone houses, which “tells” about the life and everyday life of medieval Dalmatia.

Particularly loved by tourists and local residents are:

Banj Beach

Located near the city center. Small pebbles, perfect for a family holiday - gently sloping, the sea here is usually very calm. On the beach and in the immediate surroundings there are many options for water and sports activities for holidaymakers - from tennis courts to paragliding.

Jadrija Beach

It is located outside the city, but with convenient transport links. Small pebbles, the descent into the water is steeper than at Baniya, but quite safe for children. The beach is surrounded by greenery, nearby there are cafes and small shops with everything you need. The beach has been open since 1921 and is known as a quiet place where you can sunbathe and swim in peace. True, there are no sun lounger rentals here.

Solaris Beach

This is the largest sandy beach of Sibenik. Located outside the city (8 km from the city limits), it is one of the best beaches not only in the surrounding area, but throughout Croatia. This four-kilometer beach is part of the Solaris Beach Resort complex. The shore is equipped with sun loungers, and vacationers of any age can enjoy a variety of water activities. Animators are working. After sunset, the beach turns into a walking area. Nearby are discos, bars, restaurants.

Near Terranea Beach, located in the suburbs, an annual music festival is held. open air. Terranea offers a magnificent view of the entire bay.

Rezalishte Beach is also famous - gently sloping, small pebbles, with calm water. Thanks to this, it is often chosen for families with small children. It is located not in Sibenik itself, but 6 km from it. This place can be recommended to everyone who loves a relaxing holiday and crystal clear sea.

A convenient transfer is organized to remote beaches - buses run at least once every half hour. Therefore, getting there is easy even for those who come with small children and do not plan to rent a car or take a taxi.

Photos of the beaches of Sibenik and throughout Croatia are mesmerizing with clean, transparent water. Most of the beaches here have been awarded the international Blue Flag award.

Sibenik is a city in Croatia (in northern Dolmatia) with a population of approximately 37 thousand people. Famous for the Cathedral of St. James, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The hallmark of the city can be called the famous orange and black (according to the city colors) headdresses of Šibenik. The inventor and first tester of the parachute, Faust Vranik, was born and lived here in the 16th - 17th centuries. The famous basketball player Drazen Petrovic, as well as the pianist Maxim Mrvica, were also born in Šibenik.

How to get there

By train

Šibenik is connected by rail with Split and Zagreb.

By bus

Bus connections to Croatia, neighboring countries and Central Europe are well developed in Šibenik.

By ferry

To the ports of Split and Zadar (mainly from Ancona and Bari), and then by bus/car/train to Sibenik.


Sibenik - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 1

Kazan 1

Samara 2

Ekaterinburg 3

Novosibirsk 5

Vladivostok 8

When is the season? When is the best time to go

Sibenik - weather by month


Sibenik - weather by month

By the way, Russian tour operators sell ready-made tours to Sibenik, with flights, hotels, transfers and insurance. The cost of tours can be found by


Cost of food, accommodation, transportation and other things

Currency: Euro, € US dollar, $ Russian ruble, rub Croatian kuna, kn

Main attractions. What to see

Šibenik was first mentioned under its current name in 1066 in the Charter of the Croatian king Petar Krešimir IV. For some time the city was the residence of the Croatian monarch. Therefore, Sibenik is sometimes called “Krešimirov grad”. This oldest city Croatia on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. Between the park and the embankment you can see the statue of King Petar Krešimir IV.

For more than 300 years, Sibenik was under the rule of Venice, then Austria-Hungary, Yugoslavia, and only then became part of Croatia. The city played an important role during the Turkish-Venetian wars and was the western border of Christian civilization. Since then, four beautiful fortresses have remained in Sibenik: St. Michael, St. John, St. Nicholas and Subicevac.

In the old part of the city there are many churches, old noble castles and ordinary Dalmatian stone houses, which are already several centuries old. The city walls have also been preserved. One of the most interesting attractions is the medieval monastery garden. The famous Croatian basketball player Drazen Petrovic was born in Sibenik.

Cathedral of St. James

Croatian Republic Square (Trg Republike Hrvatske). Entrance - 15 kuna (previously free). This is the main attraction of the city; the cathedral is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Construction began in 1431, but ended only in 1536 due to constant Turkish wars. Several architects worked on the cathedral and built it entirely of stone in the 15th century. 16th centuries. His style can be attributed to both Gothic and Renaissance styles. Tightly adjacent to each other stone slabs The cathedral roof was damaged during the shelling of Šibenik by Serbian armed forces in 1991. The roof has since been restored. There is a beautiful font here that is a must see. It is built only from stone, without any cementitious substances. It is also worth paying attention to two carved from stone 72 human heads on the facade of the building. These are images of unknown people: ordinary passers-by, sailors, merchants and peasants who lived in Sibenik at the time the cathedral was built. The statues of Adam and Eve are also very curious: Adam covers his chest with his hands, and Eve covers her stomach.

Palih omladinaca 2 (near the cathedral), ☎ +385 98 341 175. Entrance - 10 kn. "Bunari", which literally means "wells", is a complex of reservoirs built in the 15th century to supply water to the city. They have now been drained and converted into a museum, gallery and cafe. There are seven sections: treasures of Sibenik, food and drinks, shipwrecks, people from the past, etc. The cafe often hosts concerts, comedy shows, etc. Very interesting place.

Medieval monastery in the gardens of St. Lawrence

Sv. Lovre (exit Don Krste Stošića street, and at the sixth turn go right), ☎ +385 22 212 515‎ ( [email protected]). Every day from 8.00 to 23.00. Entrance - 15 kn, guide services are included in the price. A rare medieval monastery garden, restored in 2007 by Dragutin Kiš, who won the Millennium Flora Award in 2000. He received his first award at a school garden competition in Croatia. In the monastery garden grow the most various plants, especially those used medicinally or as seasonings. There is a quiet cafe where you can calmly enjoy the view of the old part of Šibenik and the sea, the atmosphere and the smell of the sea.

Food. What to try

Things to do

  • Sibenik Aquarium, Stube Petra Kaera 1b, ☎ +385 22 410 258. 10.00 - 22.00. Entrance - 4 - 5 euros.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

  • Olive oil and dates here High Quality, so you can also bring them home as a souvenir.
  • There are also antique fairs in the city, pay attention to this. If you come to Šibenik at the end of September, you will go to the medieval festival, where you can buy literally everything related to the Middle Ages.
  • You can go to the Dalmare shopping center. It is located on the southern outskirts of the city on the way to. There are stores of many European chains, a large Konzum supermarket and a 24-hour McDonald's here.

How to get around the city

Everything in the city is within walking distance. From the bus station to the old part of the city it is just a five-minute walk. All the sights can be seen during a walk; the farthest one will only take half an hour to walk.

If you come by car, there is a large parking lot in the central Polyana square. There are also 700 parking spaces near the city's northern border. If you want to go to the outskirts of the city (for example to shopping center"Dalmare"), then you can take the bus. Bus service in Šibenik is provided by one public and three private companies.

Transport rental

During non-high tourist season, you can negotiate a lower price by contacting the company in advance. This way you will get more benefits than if you book online. Local companies usually offer cars cheaper than international ones. You can compare prices from different rental companies.

If you are worried that when you arrive in Sibenik, the attractions will end before they begin. Or the answer to the question: “What to see in Sibenik?” you say “Nothing”, then this is not so.

Sibenik is a city in central Dalmatia, with a population of 36,000 people!!! And I understand your concerns about attractions.

In our cities of this size there is only one attraction - Lenin on the main square, he greets you and he sees you off.

In Croatia everything is different, even in small towns there is something to see.

View of Sibenik and landmarks

Most people come to Sibenik either with children, everything here is created for an excellent children's recreation, or for a quiet, secluded and relaxing holiday, without fuss and haste. The sea is the main goal of travelers here, but in the evening you won’t get bored and there are places to go and things to do.

Also, a large proportion of tourists come here in order to go to the whole day the next morning. national park Krka, which is 12 km from the city. But more on that below.

Sibenik attractions on the map:

What to see in Sibenik?

If you are passing through, then one day will be enough for you to explore the city attractions of Sibenik. If you are here for a few days or a week, then there will be something to do for so many days.

Krka National Park

  • The main natural attraction not only of Sibenik, but of the whole of Croatia. This is a wonder of the world with cascading waterfalls and amazing beautiful nature. The article at the link contains details (opening hours, ticket prices, how to get there, life hacks and much more).
  • Getting from Sibenik is as easy as shelling pears; a regular bus leaves from the bus station every 20 minutes. Ticket price is 20 Kuna.
  • Official website:
  • Opening hours: high season 8:00 - 20:00, winter 9:00 - 16:00
  • Ticket price: summer, spring/autumn, winter - 200 kn, 110 kn, 30 kn respectively
  • Life hack: there are huge queues during the high season, I recommend buying tickets online
  • Time spent visiting: whole day
  • Recommendation for visiting: 5 out of 5.

Main Falls National Park Krka

Cathedral of St. James (Cathedral)

  • A magnificent cathedral in the heart of the old city. You definitely need to walk around it outside. main feature The cathedral has a roof that is made entirely of stone, and not brick and wood, as was built in those days. There is not a lot of space inside and there is an entrance fee. I didn’t see anything special inside, but my wife was delighted.
  • Opening hours: from 10:00 to 20:00, in the winter months until 18:00
  • Entrance fee: 50 kn
  • Tip: if you value nature more than architecture, you can enjoy the views of the cathedral from the outside - it's free. If you are a connoisseur of such structures, then you will like it inside.
  • Recommendations for visiting: 5 out of 5 (You should definitely look at it from the outside)

Cathedral of St. James

Inner hall of the Cathedral

Waterpark Solaris

  • It is located 5 kilometers from the center of Sibenik, we walked there in an hour. Children will enjoy the water park more than adults. There are all the entertainments for families with children. The water park itself is not large, it has three zones. There are only 6 slides in the water park, the highest is 13 meters high. A must visit for families with children.
  • Official website:
  • Opening hours: open only during the relatively high season, every year opening and closing at different dates depending on the weather. To give you an idea, in 2018 it opened on May 10 and closed on October 3
  • Entrance fee: 110 kuna for adults, 80 kuna for children
  • Recommendations for visiting: if you are with children then 5 out of 5, if without then 2 out of 5

Waterpark Solaris

Fort St. Michael (2 pieces) and Fort Baron

  • These three fortifications, which were built like all the others for defense. Today these fortresses (or what remains of them) are museums. Interesting fact that none of the three forts has access to the sea. If you look at the map above: Fort St. Michael is located below, the other two are on the mountain, offering excellent views of the city and the sea. There aren't many people inside.
  • Fort St. Michael 2 (according to the map) is no longer a fort, but ruins. Entrance here is free. I recommend visiting it just for the views of the city. This is the most high point cities.
  • Fort Baron and Fort St. Michael are a museum and entertainment complex, inside there is a children's playground, several simple exhibitions with the history of the city, a cafe, and of course recreation areas with beautiful views of the city.
  • Official website: Fort Baron and Fort St. Michael
  • Opening hours: both work according to the same schedule: in summer 9:00 - 22:00, in winter 9:00 - 16:00, detailed schedule by month on the official websites
  • Entrance fee: adults 50 kuna, children 30 kuna. Important: one ticket gives you the right to visit both Forts.
  • Recommendations for visiting: 3 out of 5. What to see beautiful view over the city, and you don’t need to go inside to take a photo, and Fort St. Michael 2 is completely free. There is nothing magical inside for 50 kuna.

All three Sibenik Forts in the photo

Oceanarium, Terrarium Sibenik

  • Located in the center of the old city. This is never an aquarium, this is the case when the headline is worth a million, but the content is worth three kopecks. Quite a small area, only about 300 sq.m. and 20 small aquariums and terrariums. All of them are not very well maintained. We didn’t see any stingrays or sharks, as in the advertisement. Children will love it, but adults don't have much to do there.
  • The inhabitants of the aquarium: ordinary sea coral fish, three snakes, two lizards, a couple of spiders and one chinchilla.
  • Official website:
  • Opening hours: will resume operation from May 1, 2019. Preliminary opening hours: 10:30 - 20:00
  • Time spent visiting: 30 minutes
  • Ticket price: in 2018 it was 40 kunas, in 2019 check on the official website.
  • Recommendations for visiting: 3 out of 5 if with children, and 1 out of 5 if without children. If there is absolutely nothing to do and the weather has turned bad, only then can you go.