Farewell to kindergarten. Matinee script


"Jokes of the old woman Shapoklyak."

(Before the start, children's songs are played in the hall.

... The music “Wind of Change” from the film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye” plays, Mary Poppins appears on stage.)

M.P.: Hello children. I am so glad to see you in this room. The Wind of Wandering brought me to you, although I was going to go in a completely different direction. But I’ll stay with you until the wind changes, you’re all so good, I really liked you.

Why aren't you at school? (Children answer). Oh yes, I forgot that school is on vacation.

I hope you guys all know me? Let me find out your names now

(game “Say the name”)

(A song from the cartoon “Old Woman Shapoklyak” plays. Shapoklyak comes out and sings the song.)

Sh.: - Who helps people,

He's wasting his time, haha!

You cannot become famous for good deeds!

That's why I advise everyone

Do everything in life this way

What an old woman named Shapoklyak does!..

Sh.: Here they are, my dear little robbers! Hello, my dear spinner girls and stump boys! What, did they recognize me? That's right, it's me - your beloved grandmother, Granny Shapoklyak! Well how are you? Do you obey your teachers and parents? What?... That's bad! I don't like obedient people. Do you know who my favorites are? The most exemplary hooligans. We should take an example from them, because they can do the biggest dirty tricks.

M.P.: What are you talking about, Shapoklyak. All of our kids are good: obedient, they know and are able to do a lot, they study diligently. Let's check it out.

(Competition “Guessing riddles”, see appendices)

Sh.: Wow, all the riddles have been solved. Now I’ll see how agile you are and what you’re capable of. I invite 10 people, raise your hands if you want.

(Stormy River Competition, see appendices)

M.P.: Well, Shapoklyak, are you convinced of the agility of our guys?

Sh.: Not yet. I want to check again. They're probably already lazy.

M.P.: Guys, let's prove that we are not lazy people who want to participate in the next competition.

(Competitions “Fishing”, “Watermen”: repeat 2-3 times, see appendices)

(Competition “Guess the Fairy Tale”, see appendices)

M.P.: Enough, the guys are already tired of your checks. Let's relax while playing. Do you agree? Then we will sing the song “It’s fun to walk together.” Does everyone know the words? Fine.

Then the girls sing “Yes-yes-yes...”, the boys sing “no-no-no...”. I conduct with my left hand - the girls sing, and with my right hand - the boys. We are rehearsing...

(Game-song with the hall “It’s fun to walk together”)

Sh.: Well, okay, I realized that you are friendly guys, diligent and well-mannered. Perhaps I also need to become educated and diligent. Let's play together.

(Game with the audience “How are you living?”, see appendices)

M.P.: Dear Shapoklyak, please give in to me, I also want to work out with the guys. I would like to introduce my assistants, they will now show you how to dance.

What do you need? Chocolate...


Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka!

Stand before me like a leaf before the grass!


Fly, fly petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south... (“The Seven-Flower Flower”)

Competition "Stormy River"

The task of each participant is to move from one “shore” to another using two planks. The winner is the participant (or team) who is the first to reach the “opposite shore”, without getting past the boards.

Competition "Fishing"

One participant is invited from each team. There is a bottle on the floor. A string with a pencil is tied to each player's belt. The task of each player is to get into the neck of the bottle with a pencil, without helping with your hands. The one who succeeds first will win.

Competition "Vodokhleb"

One participant is invited from each team. Everyone is given a glass of water and a straw. The participant's task is to drink a glass of water through a straw faster than the opponent.

Game "How do you live"

How are you living?.. That's it! (show thumb)

How are you going?.. That's it! (walk your fingers over your palm)

How are you running?.. That's it! (bend your elbows and show by stomping your feet)

Do you sleep at night?.. That's it! (put your palms under your cheeks)

How do you take it?.. That's it! (depict)

How do you give?.. That's it! (depict)

How are you being naughty?.. That's it! (but it’s impossible to pronounce, since you need to puff out your cheeks and hit them with your fists)

How are you threatening?.. That's it! (wag your finger)

Competition "Take off your hat"

Two participants are invited. Each person wears a hat. One hand is tied to the belt. Task: jump on one leg, trying to take off your opponent’s hat, while not allowing you to take off your own. The one who remains in the hat wins.

Competition "Tags with a ball"

Each team (or a player from the team) has a ball tied to their belt. Task: catch up with your opponent by bursting his balloon. The winner is the one whose ball remains intact (in the team with the most intact balls).

Scenario for the graduation party “Ponaroshkina’s Path”

Characters: 2 children with senior group Correspondent - child of the preparatory group Autumn - adult Santa Claus - adult Baba Yaga - adult Grandmother - Granddaughter - child Ministers: Nehochukha and Nemogukha - adults Shapoklyak - adult Deuce - child

(Fanfares sound (audio recording), two children of the older group come out into the middle of the hall). Girl:

On this day the solemn sun shines,

The kindergarten is seeing the children off to school today!

We too (says the girl’s name) will go to school,

When we grow up a little here, Although I’m already ready!

Girl: How modest! (shakes his finger)

Boy: Oh, sorry! (to the girl) Invite the graduates!

(The girl rings the bell and they leave.)

(Music sounds, children enter the hall in pairs, make a lap of honor, disperse through the center, stand in two ranks opposite each other).

1 Vedas: Dear children, dear adults! Today is a solemn, joyful and slightly sad holiday. We accompany our dear graduates to school: (The presenters take turns calling one graduate from each rank and they, forming pairs again, stand in certain places).

1. Oh, how beautifully our hall is decorated,

There are many guests today.

We are now opening the graduation ball,

And we invite friends.

2. Farewell holiday,

Cheerful and sad

It's hard to contain my excitement.

Moms and dads and teachers,

They came to see us off to school.

3. The world is unknown, school, wonderful

We would like to see sooner.

It’s just so sad to say goodbye to kindergarten,

We will miss you with all our hearts.

(Song " Kindergarten» music Ermolov). 1

r-k. Guys, remember five years ago when we went to kindergarten?

2 r-k. Why, (says name) we didn’t even go, our mothers carried us in strollers.

3 r-k. I remember I cried every day, I kept waiting for my mother, looking out the window, And (the name of the child) walked with a pacifier, (The name of the child) wore diapers.

4 r-k. It happened that I ate poorly, They spoon-fed me, The bib saved us from porridge, From tea, soup, yogurt.

5 r-k. And if we weren’t sleeping, they rocked us on their arms. After listening to the “bayushka-bayu” we closed our eyes.

6 r-k. Do you remember how I built big cities out of sand?

7 r-k. We loved to throw sand, (child’s name) loved to hug, We were such naughty people, We fought with our hands and feet.

8 r-k. Our tears and laughter will be remembered here,

We won't be like this anymore!

Now the kindergarten is seeing us all off

And we won’t forget kindergarten!

(Song) - at the choice of the music director (Children sit down).

2 Ved. Today, for you guys, congratulations will be heard and we give the first word to the head of the kindergarten, Marina Gennadievna. (Congratulations to the manager).

1 Ved. Dear guests! Of course, kindergarten is not a school. We don’t have lessons or breaks, but we still have classes and, strangely enough, there are kindergarten and exam. Our children take it on the day they leave these walls. Agree that they have grown, learned a lot and worry no less than you and I.

2 Ved. Each child in our group is a little star who, and we really hope so, will grow into a big, clean, kind, talented star! And that’s why we called our final exam... Together: “24 stars”!!!

(A correspondent runs in, holding a notebook): Are you really late? Has the exam started yet?

1 Ved. Don't worry, dear correspondent, our exam is just beginning! Look at our graduates! To happy parents!

Correspondent. Then everything is fine!

I am a cheerful correspondent,

I want to take you to school!

I'll connect my microphone,

I'll interview you!

(approaches the children one by one)

Questions: 1. What do you want to become? Child's answer...

2. What do you want to wish your friends? Child's answer...

3. What do you want to wish your teachers? Child's answer...

Correspondent. Thanks for the interview. Now just a moment! A photo for memory! I'm taking off my smile! (takes a photo, leaves)

2 Ved. Attention! Let's start the final exam!

Child: Wait at least a little, Well, at least another hour, We want to go back to the past, And we’ll ask you to help.

1 Ved. For the sake of such a holiday

Always ready to help you! (casts a spell)

“Undy - fundy - chundy - gay!

Let's quickly fly into the past!"

Look, here's the path

Here's the path - make-believe!

Child: I wonder where it will take us?

(Song “Ponaroshkina’s path”, music by Starchenko) - “Bell” No. 42-09. ("Small Country" sounds, children enter the hall middle group).

1 Ved. Guys, do you remember how you came to our kindergarten when you were very little?

And it became your home. The time will come, and these guys will also be graduates. In the meantime, they have prepared a surprise for us.

(“Dance of Friendship”) - at the choice of the music director.

All: We came to congratulate you on your transition to first grade! Congratulations! (they give bookmarks (or crafts), leave)

(Sounds like “Song about Autumn”) - at the choice of the music director.

(Autumn enters).

1 Ved. Oh, what kind of guest is this?

Autumn. Did not recognize? I am, after all, Autumn! Remember how we played here! The harvest is here. I came to you again, Help me count, How many carrots are there? (shows a picture with 5 carrots on the easel)

Children: Five!

Autumn. How many watermelons?

Autumn. Well done, let's play now. Who's smart here? We'll find out in no time! (explains the game)

(Game Let's Harvest). - 2 baskets; vegetables; 2 hoops; - 2 teams of 5-6 people; The first child runs to the hoop to the music, takes a vegetable and puts it in a basket.

Goal: The first team to harvest the crop wins.

Autumn. Well done! If you know how to work, you will need it at school (takes out a loaf). Hey guys, don't yawn, I'm giving you a loaf. In him is luck, joy, strength, in him is the warmth of the heart, how many hands raised him, watered him, took care of him! (gives the loaf to the presenter)

1 Ved. Thank you, Autumn, for the gift.

Autumn. In parting, I would like to wish you good luck and come to the Zhuravlik kindergarten more often! (Autumn is leaving).

(The song “Russian Santa Claus” plays).

1 Ved. The music starts again. Someone is rushing here to us...

(Santa Claus enters): I came from the past, And became a welcome guest?

1 Ved. Well, of course, grandpa! Just forgive me, we weren’t expecting you today... We don’t have New Year's celebration, and the final exam!

Father Frost. It's hard to live in Antarctica, I like to have fun. Academic year like New Year He's always waiting for the kids.

1 Ved. Guys, academic year- where does it happen? Santa Claus probably doesn't know?

Children. At school!

1 Ved. Come on, guys, let's play the game “Make a Word” and show grandpa how you learned to read.

(Game “Make a word”). - 2 children; letters (SCHOOL-STUDENT) Children collect words on the carpet to the music. Santa Claus is reading.

Santa Claus: Oh, well done – our graduates, but aren’t you afraid of me? (Children stand in a circle and say a teaser): We are not afraid of Frost, We are not afraid of Santa Claus. In summer it doesn't sting your ears, in summer it doesn't sting your nose.

(Game “Oh, frost!” music by Vikhareva) – Music. palette No. Santa Claus. I haven't forgotten Frost for you. Bring a cartload of gifts, let them lie there for now, and look at the kids. Oh, oh, oh, what’s wrong with me - I’m melting, melting, Where is the sleigh? I'm leaving! (takes the arc).

(The music “Bells” sounds. Santa Claus leaves).

(There is a knock on the door).

1 Ved. Maybe spring is coming to us? The kids are waiting for spring here. (Baba Yaga flies in on a broom).

B.Ya. How could you, children, be so harmful in the world. Forget me Yagushka and not invite me here? I entertained you in the garden, I often played with you.

1 Ved. You, Baba Yaga, don’t be angry! It’s better to sit on a chair here (gives B. Yaga a loaf of bread and a cup). Eat tea with a bun and listen to our song. (Song “About Baba Yaga”) - karaoke.

B. Ya. You see how good I am. Today you’re already running away from kindergarten to school, but why don’t you play with me? Ah-ah-ah! (roars, there is a small bottle of water under the scarf. There are holes in the lid, water pours out under pressure). (Two children surround B. Yaga).

1st person: Hush Baba Yaga, don’t cry! We'll buy you a kalach.

2 r-k: If you cry, We’ll buy you a bast shoe!

B.Ya. (stops crying): I have a bast shoe, let’s play! (Game “Who will put on the bast shoes faster?”). - Bast shoes; Several children 6-7 are selected. To the music, children run in a circle, bast shoes in the middle of the circle. When the music ends, one of the children must take the bast shoe.

B.Ya. Goodbye kids, it’s time for me to go to Leshy. Don’t forget about me, invite me to school more often! (leaves)

1 Ved. Our journey into the past has ended!

2 Ved. And I propose to look a little into the future and find out what our graduates want to become (the children come out and sit on the modules). It was evening, there was nothing to do... Misha was singing, Senya was silent, Vakil was rollerblading. Katya wrote an SMS... Dan took new game…. In general, let's start all over again, “What” and “How” and “Why”? (7 children come out).

1 r-k. How can I find in this life, The surest best path, How can I not stumble anywhere, And how can I not turn away from it?

2 r-k. How difficult it has become to live, Everyone is tormented by problems, Well, let's discuss life topics.

1 r-k. Why do some people go to work on foot, and the unemployed Uncle Vanya bought himself a Toyota?

2 r-k. Why is mom crying?

1 r-k. Because there is no money...

2 r-k. Her dad sent her from Moscow, Instead of money, just greetings.

1 r-k. Who will tell you, who will teach? Who should we work better with? To receive money and become a support in the family?

2 r-k. I will be a businessman, Let them teach me! I'll buy a fur coat for Mom, and a cooler Jeep for Dad!

3 r-k. It's good to be a businessman, but better to be a model! I want to be at shows, let them teach me! To get the crown, to conquer the whole world with beauty!

4 r-k. Well, model, so what? What did you find cool in her? I will run for president, I will receive presents, I will rule the country, I will increase everyone’s salaries!

5 r-k. It's good to be president, but I'll become a banker. I will make money, like all fakirs can. My bank will prosper, giving everything at interest.

6 r-k. Ha! I'll become a cool DJ, I'll play music, I'll mix new topic, to get all the people excited. With Kolya Baskov we will record a super dance hit, the whole world will hear about me, the whole country will talk!

6 r-k. (addresses 7th district): Why are you silent? Are you saying anything? You can't tell us, Who do you dream of becoming?

7 r-k. You guys are only interested in fame and salary. But I have my own dream, it has simple beauty. I want to become a teacher, let everyone be surprised. After all, everything begins in kindergarten and school. An artist and a banker come to kindergarten as children, and then they find themselves to conquer the whole world! There is no more honorable job! There is no profession more necessary, To give care every day - What could be more important?!

1 r-k. You are 100 percent right, Kindergarten is the head of everything! "Crane" - best garden, Temple of Sciences for all the guys!

2 Ved. How quickly time has flown by, recently you were very little, and now you are graduates. September will come outside the window, and you will go to school... (Staging “In the Land of Caprisulia”).

(Girl comes out into the middle of the hall): I don’t want to go to school!

2 Ved. Who are you, girl?

Girl. I'm grandma's granddaughter! Yes, here she is! (points to grandma)

(Grandmother enters): My dear granddaughter, you have become quite big. And now very soon you will go to school.

Granddaughter. Well, what else, study! I'm not used to working. I don’t want to and I can’t, I’d rather go for a walk.

Grandmother. All you have to do is walk around with nothing to do, I should sit down for a minute. You're really not a baby, read a book to grandma.

Granddaughter. I don’t want to take a book, I don’t know how to read. Grandmother. Well, at least take paints and draw a fairy tale picture. Granddaughter. Get your hands dirty, grab some paint! I can't draw! Grandmother. If you don’t want to draw, you can sing or dance. Show me what you learned in the garden.

Granddaughter. I don’t want to, I can’t, I don’t want to, I don’t want to! (pulls his head) Look, the children are getting ready for school. Let them dance these dances!

1. Ved. We all love to work hard and, of course, have fun! (Polka) - at the choice of the music director Babushka. Brush your hair, here's a comb...

Granddaughter. That's it, leave the child alone!

Grandmother. What are you going to do alone? Granddaughter. I want to be a queen! Grandmother. To become a queen, you need to know a lot. It is necessary, granddaughter, to learn, not to be rude and not to be lazy. And then, perhaps, rightly, you will become, granddaughter, a queen!

Granddaughter. Well, she got it right again: “We need to learn a lot, we need to learn a lot!” I'm not used to working! Grandmother. Well, let a miracle happen, I'll leave here now. Just take my simple gift with you.

Granddaughter. Mirror? Why is it?

Grandmother. There is only one miracle in the mirror. In a fairy tale, anything can happen. Suddenly help will come in handy. I can't sit idle. Goodbye, queen! (leaves).

Granddaughter. Where can I find such a place to get me to the kingdom? (Voices are heard): Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, You’ll get there without difficulty!

(Enter Nehochukha and Nemoguha).

Granddaughter. Oh, how funny! Where are you from, who are you?

Both together: We, whom you love very much, Repeat day and night.

First: I am Minister Nehochukha.

Second: I am the Minister of the Unable.

Both together: For our country, for our country, we are looking for a Queen.

Granddaughter. I want to be a queen, I will go to your country. What is the name of the country?

Both together: Capriculia!

I can't help it. Close your eyes and wait, One, two, three, come in, look! (they put up the throne) I don’t want to. Here is a throne for you, queen, you will sit on it. Do not study, do not work, do not dance, do not sing songs, you will sit on this throne all your life.

(Negochukha and Nemogukha place their granddaughter on the throne, put on a crown. They themselves sit next to each other). I can't help it. That's how joy is, ha-ha-ha, it won't go anywhere. We got the queen without effort and labor.

Granddaughter. Something is quiet here, Sing a song to me now!

Reluctant (yawns): I don’t want to sing songs.

I can't help it. I can't sing songs.

Both together: We are used to living without anything to do, Sing yourself, you are the queen!

Granddaughter. Here's the news: herself. I can't do it alone. I remember my grandmother gave me a mirror and said that maybe that mirror would help me. But where is it, where? Lost, bad luck! (pushes the ministers) I don’t want to, stop sleeping, you have to help me! (Reluctantly, she waves it away) I can’t help you, help me, find my mirror!

I can't help it. I can’t, I can’t, I’m having an interesting dream, (falls asleep)

Granddaughter (finds a mirror). Oh, yes, here it is, The mirror is mine. Well, let me take a look in the mirror. Will I find anything in it? Oh, I see guys in him, having fun, not being sad. They pick up tools... They are not bored today! (Orchestra).

Granddaughter. Oh, how right grandma is, That I must study.

Reluctant (asked): What are you, what are you! And don't you dare! Well, why do you need to study?

I can't help it. We'll teach the queen to both sit back and be angry!

Granddaughter. These lazy people here are probably going to make me bored. Come on, mirror, my friend, take me home! (walks around the hall) Make-believe path! I only have a little bit left to know... (Music from the film “Old Woman Shapoklyak” plays. Shapoklyak enters):

Hi friend! Lost? Where did you come from?

Granddaughter. I came from afar. Shapoklyak. It’s all clear who it is! Well, do you recognize me? Have you become good looking?

Granddaughter. This is an old woman named “Shapoklyak”.

Shapoklyak. I am the most important teacher, I am a professor of all sciences. Who loves ugliness is my best friend. Our kids are going to school. They really need my advice. After all, they don’t have any 2s or 2s in their portfolio yet! Hey, my friend, a frisky little two, quickly run out and give me your advice!

(“Song of Twos” to the tune of the song “Antoshka” by V. Shainsky).

1 Deuce. If you don’t want to follow our advice, then you’ll have to get straight A’s! (teasing) In the meantime, actually, pack your briefcases!

(Game “Collect a briefcase”). - 2 backpacks; 2 children; school supplies, small toys, perfume items. Children collect backpacks while listening to music.

Goal: Correctly assemble the backpack.

Shapoklyak. And whoever gets A's doesn't play with grandma!

2 Ved. Are you, granny, not tired of harming and bothering everyone? Maybe it’s better for you to sit quietly and read a newspaper?

Shapoklyak. What are you talking about, I don’t read them, but I know everything better than you.

2 Ved. Well, then please answer, is the bear a wild or domestic animal?

Shapoklyak. The bear is domestic, small, shaggy. He looks like a monkey, guys. He eats carrots and potatoes and knows how to eat soup with a spoon.

Leading. 2 Ved. Do you guys agree? Children's answer...

2 Ved. Yes, everything is clear to us now. Well, what kind of animal is the goat?

Shapoklyak. The goat is a nightmare, he is wild, evil. And he whips everyone with his beard! I met him in the forest and then trembled for two hours.

2 Ved. What do you guys think? Children's answer...

2 Ved. Yes, Granny Shapoklyak, you shouldn’t be proud of yourself. You need to go to kindergarten, learn from our children!

Shapoklyak. It is very difficult to argue with you, it is impossible to deceive you. I take the primer with me, go to the cartoon, go home (leaves).

(The clock chimes.)

1 Ved. Do you hear the cuckoo calling? He says, “It’s time to say goodbye.” The hour of farewell has come, It is very sad to say goodbye.

2 Ved. It’s getting quieter in our hall, You can even hear the beating of hearts. Waiting Primary School children This school is a road of miracles!

(4 children come out).

1 r-k. Bow to all and Thanks a lot! For affection, care, warm welcome. We will always remember our preschool childhood, and tomorrow we will all go to school together!

2 r-k: We will miss the birch tree, That greeted us every time, And nodded so friendly: “Like, with Good morning! Good morning!"

3 r-k. We want to say words of gratitude to our head (they say her name): Nowadays, no, it’s not just managing a kindergarten, Every day there are a million questions, all of them need to be solved by her. Yes, work here is not honey, not everyone could do it... The fact that our kindergarten lives is the head... Everyone: Thank you!

4 r-k. To raise children correctly, you need to know a lot. To comprehend the “Rainbow” program Introduce ITC into classes. And establish a connection with the Internet, and help everyone necessary advice. But the main thing is to be a methodologist, you need to love children! All: Thank you (say the name of the methodologist)! And this dance is a gift to you! (Ballroom dance).

5 r-k. Thanks to our teachers (names are given): Our secrets were all warmed by your hearts, We could trust you, you did not dare to betray us. Jacks of all trades, you and I have never known boredom. We sometimes wonder how you can do everything?

6 r-k. Our group is not more beautiful, the surroundings are clean and bright. Maybe our nanny has not two, but ten hands? Let’s say (nanny’s name) now “thank you” for your care and comfort and for tirelessly dedicating your work to us!

7 r-k. We would like to say words of gratitude to the music director (name is given): Thank you for teaching us to dance and sing without knowing boredom, for spending holidays here, for the magical sounds of music. And we know that you are always a good teacher of the Art. And they proudly call you – Our musical director! Masha. I'm not a musician, I'm still learning, But with effort and patience I will achieve a lot! (Piano piece).

8 r-k. Thank you (name): Energetic and active, loves sports lessons! Maybe in the Autumn it can be Golden, Klepa the Clown and Baba Yaga. She runs around with us, plays catch and she adores children.

9 r-k. Thank you (name)! We can speak beautifully, it will come in handy at school!.. To be a witty word, you need to learn! We studied from the heart, we studied with you, we tried to be friends with sounds just like you. Know that we will not let you down, you are simply our idol! Now let's start talking a lot and seriously!

10 r.k. Children, as always, love to draw. But you (name name) had to explain a lot to us. And believe me, of course, we are making amazing progress. We know for sure among us that there are already Levitans! (Song “Childhood Engine”, music by S. Rand).

11 r-k. We will find the answer to the questions and tests we need. The psychologist prepared us - that’s right, no doubt about it! “Thank you” (say name)!

12 r-k. Who taught us to eat with a spoon, to cope with any fastener, who read poems and fairy tales, gave us plasticine and paints?! “Thank you” to our first teachers, For being attentive to the kids!

13 r-k. “Choreographer”, “choreographer”, a strange word for us You and I were ready to start dancing even now. We danced, we danced, our little legs were tired. Maybe invite us? We will dance for everyone now! (Dance composition).

14 r-k. Thanks to our caretaker (name is called): The caretaker has a lot to do, To make our kids feel comfortable in the kindergarten, We need to be both here and there!

15 r-k. Let's say thank you to the chefs for their excellent lunch, for the fact that delicious food was always on our table!

16 r-k. Doctors are strictly watching to make sure our garden doesn’t get sick. They know what and how to treat themselves, They won’t let us be offended, If the virus leaks, they’ll introduce QUARANTINE in an instant! Thank you (name)!

17 r-k. They wash all day long, but the laundry doesn't diminish. Now doctors, now cooks... This is a fresh mountain... So day after day passes, to you (names are called), at graduation We say “thank you” and thank you for everything! (Song)

18 r-k. For each holiday, we dressed up in costumes that were incomparable to everyone. Tell me, tell me, who could create such costumes for us children so quickly? Whose hands sewed them, tried for us Thank you (name) we will say more than once! (Children form a semicircle).

19 r-k. And this is a “thank you” to all the employees of the kindergarten: “Thank you for your calling to funny loving fidgets!” We wish you happiness! Great ideas and salaries! The entire future is in your power! Long live our kindergarten!

20 r-k: We will no longer be sad, grieve, suffer. It’s time, graduates, for us to dance the “Preschool Waltz”! (“Preschool Waltz”).

1 Ved. The last minutes of farewell are approaching. The final exam has come to an end. 2 Ved. And we think that all the guys passed it with great success.

(“Farewell song” by Pakhmutova’s music “Nadezhda”).

1 Ved. (takes a loaf): As is customary in Rus' to greet guests with bread and salt. And today we want you guys to take a piece of loaf as a souvenir.

2 Ved. Guys, your parents also prepared for our exam. (Parents' word).

1 Ved. (draws attention to the gifts of Santa Claus and hands them to the children).

“Song of Twos” based on the song “Antoshka” by V. Shainsky.

1. Girls, boys, tear up your books /2 times.

Children. Tili-tili, trawl-wali,

Only we were always taught

So that we can read books.


2. You guys don’t do exercises in the morning.

And don’t rush to school, but rather sleep longer.

Children. Tili-tili, trawl-wali,

Only we were always taught

So that we get up earlier.


3. Take it, guys, and dirty your notebooks/2 times.

Children. Tili-tili, trawl-wali,

Only we were always taught

So that we write purely.


Farewell song based on the song “Nadezhda” by A. Pakhmutova.

Children: Everyone has gathered here today,

To mark this day of farewell,

Remember all the past years

Before we say: “Goodbye!

Goodbye, group and our garden,

Goodbye, our teachers.

We will never forget you

Even though our paths have diverged."

The teachers are just luck!

You and I are always together,

After all, the goal and task are common!

Vos-li: Believe me, it’s not in vain

We gave away a particle of our souls.

Sadik, in truth,

This is an important page in the lives of children.

Children: Here we learned to live together,

Here we played and sang songs,

Here we learned that being friends

It must be strong from the very cradle.

Chorus: “Crane” is our dear kindergarten,

The teachers are just luck!

You and I are always together,

After all, the goal and task are common!

Vos-li: And we can never forget

That we were like mothers to you,

A tear came to my eye:

It's a pity that we are leaving very early.

Children: There will be cities between us,

There will be distances between us.

Only the kindergarten is always in my memory

It will be a warm memory for everyone!

Chorus: “Crane” is our dear kindergarten,

The teachers are just luck!

You and I are always together,

After all, the goal and task are common!

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Graduation party in kindergarten

Scenario for graduation party in kindergarten

Purpose of the event: Prepare and hold a farewell event for preschool graduates.
1) Cognitive: introduce children to the traditions of graduation celebrations, introduce new terms into their vocabulary: graduate, preschooler, first grader, etc.
2) Educational: continue to instill respect for elders, reinforce hygiene skills, encourage kindness and responsiveness in children, the ability to notice and preserve good memories of people you meet, be grateful, treat your city with care and respect.
3) Educational: Encourage creativity and individuality in every child through musical and poetic activities, expand horizons, improve memory, attention, coordination, hearing, articulation, improve aesthetic taste and enrich the emotional sphere.
Necessary equipment: Mimi-board or projector, laptop, piano, CD player, gel balls for each child + for decorating the room.
Guests of the holiday: Shapoklyak and Vasilisa the Wise.

Progress of the event:
Solemn music sounds. Children go on stage with balloons in their hands and line up in a semicircle.

Children dance the waltz.

Child 1:
We're starting the graduation party,
Child 2:
Beautiful, kind and sad,
Child 3:
Friends say goodbye to you
All children:
Favorite kindergarten, goodbye!

Dance with balls.
At the end of the dance, the children release their balls and they rise to the ceiling.

1st child.
We have met many times
Celebration in this hall
The last days of spring,
We waited impatiently...
2nd child.
We spared no effort,
To grow and frolic!
And now we've grown up
It's time for us to learn!
3rd child.
Parting ahead -
The holiday is not fun...
Goodbye, kindergarten,
We're going to school!
4th child.
It's a pity that time flies like this
That you can't stay!
We love kindergarten very much!
But it's time to leave!
5th child.
How quickly we grew up
Has anyone noticed?
More than a meter from the ground,
The children have grown up!
6th child.
How sad to say
Word: Goodbye
Time can't be stopped
Parting awaits us...

Song "Goodbye, kindergarten!"
Children sit on chairs. There is a knock on the door.

Presenter: It seems like they are knocking on our doors. Let’s check who came there now... Children from the middle group come in. Yes, these are our kids! Have you come to congratulate your older friends? What a great fellow you are! What do you wish for them?
1st child from the middle group:
We have come to say goodbye to you and want to wish you
Only get B's and A's in classes.
2nd child from the middle group:
To cheer you up, we’ll sing a song together,
Sing along, help, kindergarten is our common home!

A song about kindergarten performed by children from the middle group.

Child from the preparatory group:
Well thank you guys
That they came to congratulate us!
We promise to try
Work so diligently
To be the best at school
It turned out to be first class!

Presenter: Thank you guys very much! You will soon go to school too! In the meantime, you have time to be in kindergarten, grow up, make friends, play more and take a walk! Well, guys, return to your group, and our graduates thank you very much for your congratulations! Applause for the children. Children from the middle group leave.
Presenter: We continue our graduation party! Our dear graduates, I want to ask you, do you like to study and learn new things?
Children: Yes!
Suddenly Shapoklyak enters the hall.
Shapoklyak: Ugh! What do I hear? Who here loves to study? It's so boring!
Presenter: Guys, did you find out who came to our party?
Children: Shapoklyak!
Shapoklyak: Yes it's me! See how famous I am! Everyone knows me! Even small children! How I love little children: they play around, break toys, and don’t listen to adults!
Presenter: Guys, do you break toys and don’t listen to adults?
Children: No!
Presenter: You see, dear Shapoklyak, you are mistaken. These are completely different children: they are very well brought up and are going to school.
Shapoklyak: You have nothing to do in this school, study and learn your lessons all day long!
Presenter: How do you know?
Shapoklyak: I once spent two years in first grade. And since then (proudly) I haven’t learned anything anywhere. Here!
Presenter: So that's why you're so...
Shapoklyak: So free and smart!
Presenter: No, I wanted to say - illiterate and uncultured!
Shapoklyak: Would you think your school is so interesting?!
Presenter: It is very interesting to learn everything that is unknown. Really, guys?
Children: Yes!
Presenter: Do you, dear Shapoklyak, know why the stars burn at night but are not visible during the day? Did you know that our earth is round? Do you know what soap is made from? When should you plant wheat? How to play chess? (Shapoklyak answers negatively to everything) Well, you don’t know anything! And you can learn all this at school!
Shapoklyak: Well, if so, then I also wanted to go to school. Is it possible for me to go to first grade with you?
Presenter: If you want to go to school, you need to know a lot.
Can the guys and I check, dear Shapoklyak, if you are ready to go to school...
Shapoklyak: Yes please check! Just think!
1st child:
Will you walk to the door and count 2 + 3?
Shapoklyak: (after walking to the door, he returns and scratches his head). It will be... It will be... Around six.
Presenter: Children, is the correct answer? Children: No!
1st child:
Two plus three equals five!
You need to do better math!
2nd child:
I'll take four letters
And from them I will make a word (writes “mom” on the board)
Take a closer look,
Read this word to us!
Shapoklyak: Either we-lo, or little-lo?
Presenter: (to children) What is written here? Children: Mother!
3rd child:
Please advise us:
To always be healthy,
What should we do in the morning?
Everyone should know this
Everyone needs... to sleep longer!
Presenter: Guys, what's the correct answer? Children: No!
Presenter: What should you do? Children: Exercise!

Song "Charging"(music and lyrics by E. Nikitina).
Shapoklyak tries to follow the children's movements.

Presenter: Yes... It seems that it’s too early for you, dear Shapoklyak, to go to school!
Shapoklyak: These were difficult assignments, probably for the fifth grade!! Try me some other time!
Presenter: Okay, the last, easiest test. Can you put together a briefcase? And our guys will compete with you and also collect two briefcases. Let's see who can do it better... (1st option: two children are selected, the rest sit on chairs, 2nd option: 2 teams of children compete with Shapoklyak, each puts one item in the briefcase) ATTRACTION “COLLECT A BRIEFCASE”. Shapoklyak’s portfolio includes musical instruments, slingshot, toys, etc.
Presenter: Guys, everyone sit down on the chairs, let's see what Shapoklyak has packed with her to school... (things are taken out of the briefcase and discussed with the children, it is advisable that the children themselves explain whether this thing is needed at school or not, and why) Now let's see what our children took with them... (children’s portfolios are checked; parents can do this)
Presenter: Dear Shapoklyak, you don’t need to take slingshots, rubber bands and other things unnecessary for learning to school, they will only get in the way! You see, Shapoklyak, you can’t go to school, stay in our kindergarten for now, you will learn a lot here, and then you will go to school!
Shapoklyak: Okay, I see you are so funny, you sing songs, play, I think I’ll stay with you!
Presenter: Guys, should we allow Shapoklyak to stay with us and learn his wits in our kindergarten?
Children: Yes!
Presenter: And so that you, Shapoklyak, can understand more clearly what children do in kindergarten, the children will now recite poems about our kindergarten.
1st child.
I love my kindergarten
It's full of guys.
One two three four five…
It's a pity that we can't count them all.
Maybe there are a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we are together!
2nd child.
The kindergarten welcomes us,
Here we play and sing,
Time flies by quickly
We are growing even faster.
Here we are loved and caressed,
We feel comfortable here, warm,
They read us a lot of fairy tales,
There are a lot of friends here.

Presenter: Everyone in our kindergarten is friends - both girls and boys! They are so different, but they still have fun together! Guys, show Shapoklyak how friendly you are! Everyone hold hands and stand in a big round dance, sing a beautiful song together!

Song "Wider Circle".

Presenter: What great fellows you all are! In our kindergarten, dear Shapoklyak, the children live very happily, joke and play a lot. They can even tell everyone in a comic song what they are made of!

The song "What girls are made of."
After this song, the children sit on chairs.

Presenter: This is how children live in our kindergarten. Fun and friendly, dear Shapoklyak! Do you like it with us?
Shapoklyak: Oh, I like it, but your life is still somehow boring, you want something fun, noisy!
Presenter: Now we are so quiet and a little sad, because we are parting with our beloved children, and the children are sad that they are parting with their beloved kindergarten, but in general we really like to play different games. funny Games. If you want, we will teach you too. Guys, pay attention! Noisy game!
A GAME(on movement) Children play from their seats. Shapoklyak also plays.
Presenter: No goo-goo, no goo-ooh! Do what I say: kick your feet! (children do), hands swing (children do), buzzers, head winders, fingers reaching up to the nose with a finger, fingers fingering with a fan, ear grabbers, grimaces, cheek rubs, palm clapping, foot stompers, standing up from chairs, downward squats, on in place of the jumping rope, stretching with your hands up, in place of the jog, on the stools!

Presenter: These are the fun games we have, did you enjoy playing, dear Shapoklyak?
Shapoklyak: I really, really liked it! Let's play some more!
Presenter: No, no, don’t be offended, but all our guys know that the game is good in moderation, they’ve played, and then we need to get down to business again! If you want to learn something, then you can’t be completely lazy, accustom yourself to work so that you don’t get into trouble!
Shapoklyak: Now there will be boring classes again...
Presenter: And not boring at all, you'll see! Guys, tell Shapoklyak what helps you not to quarrel, to be so smart, savvy, cheerful, kind?
Children: Friendship!
Presenter: Shapoklyak, do you know what true friendship is?
Shapoklyak: Well, it's... when... you... no, you... like... someone...
Presenter: This is not enough, dear Shapoklyak, for a friend you need to do everything as for yourself, and even more! Being someone's friend is both difficult and interesting. good friend It’s very difficult to find, but if you find it, take care, it’s very bad to live without a friend! Guys, what do you think, is a friend chosen by appearance or by actions?
Children: By actions!
Presenter: That’s right, and it doesn’t matter what your friend looks like, the main thing is that he values ​​you, and you value him, he is the most important for you, and you are the most important for him. No one can destroy such a friendship, and it will be stronger than any weapon! They will tell us what true friendship is.........

1st child:
A friend will share pain and joy,
A friend will support and save.
With a friend there is fear and even weakness
It will instantly melt and go away.

With a friend I walk more boldly
For vaccination in the office,
With him I'm better and smarter,
For me he is truly a light!

2nd child:
The breeze is friends with the sun,
And the dew is with the grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly,
We are friends with you.

Everything with friends in half
We are happy to share!
Only friends quarrel

Presenter: Do you, Shapoklyak, have a friend?
Shapoklyak: I have... only the rat Lariska ( takes a toy rat on a leash out of her purse and walks along the entire row of children, scaring them with his rat), she can be so harmful! He steals sausage from my sandwich, turns everything over in my bag... I don’t have a devoted friend... (puts the rat back into the bag)
Presenter: But don’t be upset, Shapoklyak, you will definitely make a friend too! And now, to cheer everyone up, our guys will dance a fun dance about friendship!

Dance “Friendship is not work”

Shapoklyak: How great you dance, guys, how fun and good you have in kindergarten! I think I'm ready to go to school with you!
Presenter: Please take your time, Shapoklyak, because going to school is not like running to the store. At school you not only need to be able to make friends, accumulate knowledge, think quickly, and give the right answers. You still need to behave properly at school!
Shapoklyak: Phew, rules again! This is not possible, this is not possible!
Presenter: To be able to behave correctly in any place is also work, and success often depends on behavior. Guys, do you know how to behave at school?
Children: Yes!
Presenter: But now we’ll check it! Let's play a game! Listen to my statements, and if you agree, then shout: YES, YES, YES! And if you don’t agree with me, then shout: NO, NO, NO! Ready? Attention, let's begin!
A GAME for attention:
Let's go to school in the fall - Yes, yes, yes!
We'll find friends there - Yes, yes, yes!
We will study at school - Yes, yes, yes!
Fight with fists with a friend - No, no, no!
We will read, write - Yes, yes, yes!
We'll sleep in class - No, no, no!
We will solve problems - Yes, yes, yes!
We'll get D's - No, no, no!
We will become students - Yes, yes, yes!
We will do the lessons ourselves - Yes, yes, yes!
Let's put notebooks in our briefcase - Yes, yes, yes!
Let's put down the guns and slingshots - No, no, no!
We will draw in the album - Yes, yes, yes!
Tear notebooks into pieces - No, no, no!
Let's bring lemonade to the buffet - No, no, no!
Let's dance until you drop - No, no, no!
Let's rush into the classroom with noise - No, no, no!
Let's bring a kitten to school - No, no, no!
We'll kick our neighbor's briefcase - No, no, no!
We will wave to our friends - Yes, yes, yes!
We will try to love everyone - Yes, yes, yes!
And we will cherish friendship - Yes, yes, yes!

Presenter: Well done boys! We didn't make a mistake anywhere! You will be very good students! Tell me, do you know where dear Shapoklyak came to us from?
Children: From a fairytale!
Presenter: Right! Do you guys want someone else from a fairy tale to come to us? (yes!) Then you need to say the magic words: “One-two-three, a fairy tale, come to life” and someone will definitely appear... Let’s say together, guys, in unison: “One-two-three, a fairy tale, come to life!”

Vasilisa the Wise appears to the music.
Vasilisa: Hello, good fellows and beautiful girls! (Bows) Oh, you are already quite big! How they have grown and become stronger! Perhaps you've gained some sense?
Presenter: Guys, do you recognize our guest?
Vasilisa: I live in Russian fairy tales, I am reputed to be very smart. Not a princess, not an actress, my name is
Children: Vasilisa!
Vasilisa: That's right, I am Vasilisa the Wise, in Russian folk tales I live, everyone says that I am wise...And I came to you guys to check if you were all well prepared for school. I love mathematics, it is an exact science. To add correctly, you need to be familiar with numbers. Now I will check how you know mathematics...
Vasilisa: First task: Five magpies flew to the gray heron for a lesson,
And of these, only three magpies prepared lessons.
How many lazy forty people came to the lesson?
Children: Two!
Vasilisa: Well done, right! One more task regarding:
Once a neighbor friend came running to the little squirrel for lunch.
So they sat on a branch and ate five nuts.
Just count how much those little squirrels ate, guys.
Children: Ten!
Vasilisa: Well you think! Here's another problem:
Once a hedgehog was walking through the forest,
I found mushrooms for lunch:
Two - under the birch tree,
Two - under the aspen.
How many will there be?
In a wicker basket?
Children: Four!
Vasilisa: Well done, it’s not boring with you,
You can count.
Well, smart guys, guess the riddles:
1. It must be studied, it teaches everyone to read.
Children: ABC!
Vasilisa: That's right, well done! Next riddle...
2. I can write any word on paper,
I will help you solve very difficult problems.
Don't forget me, my friend, without me you are like without hands. What is this?
Children: Pen!
Vasilisa: You guessed it, well done. And the last riddle...
3. He was born very long,
Worked - became shorter.
Children: Pencil!
Vasilisa: They coped with the task perfectly, but in order to always look your best in decent society, you must be able to dance!
Presenter: Dear Vasilisa the Wise! In our kindergarten we teach children to both sing and dance! And now you will see how children can dance the polka!

Polka dance.

Vasilisa: All tasks have been completed, you did a great job! It's time for you to go to school, students - by right!
Presenter: Thank you, Vasilisa the Wise, and now please tell me what we should do with Shapoklyak... She decided to improve, she wants to go to school with the guys...
Vasilisa: This is very good, only fairy-tale heroes need a fairy-tale school, and I am the head of this school. Dear Shapoklyak, come with me and I will enroll you in the first grade of a fairytale school...
Shapoklyak: Will it be as interesting as for children in kindergarten?
Vasilisa: Even more interesting, I promise you! Let's go, let's go! First, we will sew you a school uniform... Vasilisa takes Shapoklyak by the arm.
Presenter: Guys, let's say goodbye to our guests!
Presenter: And we want to continue our ball, and remember again the kindergarten, how we lived here these years, how we love our children...

SHOWING THE CLIP ON THE SCREEN. Fragments from the life of children in kindergarten.

Presenter: It's time to say goodbye
No matter how sad the parting is...
We love you with all our hearts
We want you to be happy!
You will go on a new path,
Perhaps kind or strict,
But in difficult times, looking back,
Do you remember kindergarten...

All the children go on stage.
1st child:
To everyone who was next to us,
He raised us, raised us,
He took care of us
Did various jobs.
All children: We say thank you!
2nd child:
We bow to you for
That you didn’t spare your strength,
You worked hard for us
Now we can do a lot!
3rd child:
Let's be honest with you,
That we were happy here
Our good words
Let them fly to the sky on wings...
4th child:
Thanks to the teachers,
Thanks to our nannies,
And the doctor and the cook,
We will say “thank you” to everyone.
5th child:
Everyone in our group knows
It's hard to be a methodologist.
This means very, very,
We must love all children!
6th child:
Because our home is a kindergarten,
It's getting more and more beautiful.
We must say thank you
Our manager!
7th child:
Thank you a hundred thousand times
We will remember you all our lives!
8th child:
To the employees of our kindergarten,
From noisy and loving children:
Please accept this award-
Our smiles and flowers.
Children give flowers to kindergarten staff (then sit on chairs)
To the music, a slide show with photographs of our city begins.
The children are given paper white seagulls.
Presenter: We love our city very much.
Is the sun shining over the Neva,
Or the rains knock on the window -
We love him anyway.
We live in this city.
And he grows, and we grow...
The Neva splashes under the bridge,
Sometimes playful, sometimes free...
Full mistress
A seagull flies over the wave.
There is nothing more beautiful, no prouder,
And freer than these birds!
Their flight is the most beautiful
And he knows no boundaries!
Crashing into dust on the rocks,
The waves rush upward,
Only seagulls - children of the sea -
They are not afraid of storms...
Our children, our birds,
We let you fly,
We will pray for you,
May only happiness await you!
Don't be afraid of the wind, the sea,
Fly high without barriers,
Never know grief
Come to kindergarten!

Dance "Flight of Birds"

Our graduation party is over,
And everyone suddenly became more mature...
And a lump comes to my throat,
And it's hard to talk about
That this was the last ball
Why are we leaving this hall?
And maybe in last time,
We see each of you
Will happiness or misfortune come?
You are in our hearts - forever!
And now the ceremonial part and presentation of diplomas to our graduates begins!

Presentation of diplomas and gifts to children. Taking photographs. Releasing balloons into the sky.

Dear company,

We are celebrating today

Wonderful holiday

And we want to confess to you,

That we are not sad at all,

On this significant day

Let's say in unison

TOGETHER: Hurray! We're going to school!

Second child: Let the song flow!

Let laughter sound everywhere

Let the smiles shine.

And laughter rings everywhere.

Look at the children

And be happy for us

Because very soon

We are all going... (all together) to first grade!

The cheerful song “Farewell to our kindergarten” sounds

Third child: In kindergarten we learned to be friends,

Love both elders and boys.

Sing songs and dance.

Fourth child:

We grew up in love here,

And now - school time has come,

And first class awaits us all.

So, goodbye, our kindergarten!

Pair dance "Polka"

During the dance, a Dwarf enters the hall, sits down unnoticed in a corner, and slowly falls asleep. The dance ends, the leader notices the Gnome and approaches him.

Presenter: Oh, look, the Dwarf is sleeping in his corner.

Sorry, dear Gnome, for disturbing you. It's enough to sleep, it's day outside, and besides, today is a holiday for us

Dwarf: Oh, I dozed off here while I listened to your songs and watched your dance.

Fifth child. Dwarf, dear, wake up -

We should go to school in the fall,

And a fairy tale

We want to take it with us from kindergarten!

Dwarf. Where? Where? To school? This is wonderful! Everyone knows that I am a famous storyteller. I have two umbrellas. The red one will help teach, and the blue umbrella can show magical dreams. Come on, assistants, help quickly! Umbrella, spin, a fabulous dance appears!

Dance with umbrellas (girls with red and blue umbrellas depict day and night, the song “A fairy tale is always with me” sounds. At the end of the dance, Shapoklyak enters the hall and sings (pushes the child from the chair)

Shapoklyak. Ah-well! Move over!

Presenter. Wait - Wait! Good afternoon, who are you?

Shapoklyak. I am Lady Shapoklyak. Like this!

Presenter. It is impolite for you to come in the middle of a holiday without saying hello and jostling. By the way, the guests are over there, please come in.

Shapoklyak. Oh, I didn't say hello. So hello. I didn’t come to the guests, but to the children. I also want to take part in the celebration. Do I know how I sing?? The leaves on the trees are already withering. Also, I can be incredibly capricious, I love to sing and dance. I can teach you too. Become children and parents. Everybody dance!

Dance "Boogie-woogie".

Shapoklyak. Phew! Tired of dancing! You, cultured and educated, did not leave me a chair.

Presenter. Shapoklyak, don't quarrel. You just need to ask for a chair to be given to you. Exactly polite words do not know!

Shapoklyak. And I don't need them. Give me a chair...

Presenter. What needs to be added (children: “please”)

Shapoklyak. Well, the beautiful ones said everything for me.

Presenter. Well, what are you going to do with you?.. Here's a chair for you!

The children of the younger group come out to the music.

Shapoklyak. Who's coming? Also without an invitation?

Presenter. These are friends of our graduates, children who do not go to school. They want to say something. Get started, kids.

1st child. The path is creeping towards an unknown path,

And the legs are walking, walking merrily.

The path is spreading to an unknown land,

And remember my advice

2 child. If you want to walk your path honestly,

Don't tell lies and move forward.

And then wherever you go,

Magic words will always help.

3 child. Thank you thank you,

I'm begging you,

Everyone needs to repeat

Together, and more than once

Graduate. Thank you, friends.

Your wishes

We sincerely accept

From now on, together

We promise you all:

At school we all certainly

We will study very well,

Let moms and dads know

We will all be stars!

In music, literature,

In mathematics, in culture

Who knows what, but still

Let's definitely become stars!

Presenter. What could be more valuable than a good friendly wish?! I suggest you join a circle with your friends and dance with them in memory of your friendship.

Dance “We are friendly children!”

Shapoklyak. Kids, I want to ask you, was it good, were you comfortable in the garden without mothers and fathers? Aren't you sad?

Presenter. Well, Shapoklyak, listen, the children themselves will tell us about their life in our garden.

Children: 1. Early in the morning in kindergarten I was sitting on the carpet,

She scattered all the toys, but did not collect them.

2. There are no such problems at home

Mom can handle everything

We miss mommy in the garden:

He who spreads it is the one who collects

3. Semolina porridge I don’t like it, I always give it to Katya,

And at lunch I’ll also squeeze Sasha’s cutlet.

2. We not only played in the garden, we studied economics: -

In the morning there was barter for cutlets and casseroles

Photo for this article is licensed by Lori.ru

Scenario for the graduation party at the preschool educational institution. Scenario of farewell to kindergarten.

An interesting prom scenario for a kindergarten.

A smartly dressed boy enters with a stick - a staff (the manager of the ball).

Master of the Ball.

The messengers convene the honest people -

Our prom is starting!

Children go out to the “Polonaise” (music by F. Chopin) in pairs, holding flowers.

Leading. Dear parents, guests present here! Our pupils, your children, are finishing their stay in kindergarten. Today we are proud to release them in great life. Let's wish them a happy journey!

1st child.

Met many times

Celebration in this hall

But one like this one

We didn't know yet.

2nd child.

The best holiday

Sad and cheerful.

Today we are in kindergarten

Accompanies you to school.

Song “Wonderful days have come” (music by A. Kuznetsova, lyrics by 3. Petrova).


1. Wonderful days have come,

Let's go to first grade

And a lot of interesting things

Let's find out for the first time.

2. We have important concerns:

We are schoolchildren now

And we all have

Both the uniform and the briefcase.

First desk, first call,

First textbook, first lesson!

3. We sing a funny song

Let's sing about first grade.

Everything is important, everything is new,

We have everything first.

3rd child.

To us with love and attention

Our nannies did.

The cooks tried to feed us more deliciously.

Doctors treated us - We were not afraid of them.

4th child.

We know how to dress

Brush your teeth, wash your face.

We learned the bed

Clean up carefully.

5th child.

To everyone who was next to us,

He raised us, raised us,

He took care of us

Did different jobs.

To everyone who every minute

Worried about us -

Let us bow now!

(They get down on one knee. With their heads bowed, they stand up.)

6th child.

We thank the adults

All. We say thank you.

Children give flowers to teachers, nannies, cooks, the head of the kindergarten, and the caretaker and return.

7th child.

We just need to say goodbye

With an expensive kindergarten.

The school will be very happy

First graders like this

Strong, brave and cheerful,

The friendliest of the guys.

All. Hello, holiday!

Hello school!

Goodbye kindergarten!

Song “Farewell, our kindergarten” (Hungarian folk melody, arrangement by T. Popatenko, Russian text by N. Naydenova).


1. Goodbye, our beloved kindergarten,

Wait for other guys to join you,

Farewell, our beloved kindergarten!

2. For the first time we are leaving for first grade.

The teacher will meet us there, (2 times)

For the first time we are going to first grade.

3. The door to the school house is now open for us,

The door to the school house is now open for us.

The children take their seats. There is a knock on the door.

Leading. We have guests at the ball. Who's knocking on our doors? We'll check this now. (Approaches her.) Yes, these are our kids. We came to congratulate the graduates.

Children from the middle group come in with flowers.

We have come to say goodbye to you and want to wish you

Only get B's and A's in classes.

They sing the song “Our Simple Song” (music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by M. Evensen).


1. In the morning we get up, sing a song,

A simple song

Here's what:

La la la la la,-

That's the whole song. (2 times)

2. In harmony with everyone, the cat closes its eyes and sings

A simple song

Like this:

Meow, meow, purr, -

That's how I got used to singing (2 times)

3. Chizh hasn’t slept for a long time,

He sings and whistles

A simple song

Here's what:


That's how I sing. (2 times)

4. Everyone sat down next to each other

Everyone sang well

A simple song

Here's what:

Meow, chiv, chiv, la-la, -

That's the whole song. (2 times)

They give flowers to children in the preparatory group.


What will we answer?

Thank you all very much,

That they came to congratulate us.

We promise to try

Work so diligently

To be the best at school

It turned out to be first class.

Well, dear kids

Our best toys

We will give it to you now.

Children in the middle group are given toys. The kids are leaving.


The year rolled by like a motley ball,

It was not in vain for us -

How many holidays have we celebrated?

How many songs have you sung, friends!

Hall manager.

We continue the farewell ball,

We offer you a medley.

From our favorite songs,

Sing along with us.

Performing a medley of your favorite songs. They take one verse at a time of songs that the children have been learning throughout the year.

“Song Shapoklyak” sounds (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by E. Uspensky) in the recording. Old woman Shapoklyak comes in.

Shapoklyak. Hello my dears. Hello, my beautiful ones. How I love little children: they play pranks so much and break toys. They shoot with slingshots, break windows, and don’t listen to adults.

Leading. No, Shapoklyak, you are mistaken. These are completely different children: they have grown up and are going to school, and therefore they have become serious and no longer play pranks. Really, guys?

Shapoklyak. Where are they going, to school?

Leading. To school, to study.

Shapoklyak. You have nothing to do in this school, study and study lessons all day long.

Leading. How do you know that?

Shapoklyak. I once spent two years in first grade. And since then (proudly) I haven’t learned anything anywhere. Here!

Leading. So that's why you're so...

Shapoklyak. So smart and sensible.

Leading. No, I wanted to say - unread, illiterate and uncultured.

Shapoklyak. What?! Would you think your school is so interesting?!

Leading. It is very interesting to learn everything that is unknown. The guys will tell you about this now in a song.

A group of children sings an excerpt from the song “Terribly interesting...” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by G. Oster). Shapoklyak sits down and listens, at the end he sings along and claps his hands.


1. There is a lot in the world that, in, in,

What they don’t know anything about, oh, oh,

Neither adults nor children.

Of course, neither adults nor children!

And this is not a secret at all, it flies, it flies,

When there is no secret at all, no, no,

Everyone in the world is bored.

But why? Yes because!..

2. The earth ends with water, la, la.

And there is a beginning at the stream, whose, whose,

Summer will begin in spring.

Of course, summer will begin in spring!

And where should I, I, I begin?

And where should I end, I, I -

I don't know about this

But why?

Yes because!..

Everything that is unknown is terribly interesting!

Everything that is interesting is terribly unknown!

Shapoklyak. Wonderful song. You sang so well that I wanted to go to school too. Is it possible for me to go to first grade with you?

Leading. If you want to join us -

We'll test your knowledge. Let's check, guys, what does Shapoklyak know? Zhenya, tell me your task.

1st child.

Come on, tell us all,

What is 2 + 3?

Posted on flannelgraph.

Shapoklyak(scratching head). It will be... It will be... Around six.

Leading. Children, is the correct answer? Children. No.

1st child.

2nd child.

I'll take four letters

And from them I will make a word.

(Posted by “mom.”)

Now everything is ready.

Take a closer look

Read this word to us.

Shapoklyak. Is it soap or something?

Leading(to children). What is written here?

Children. Mother.

Leading. And one more question for you.

3rd child.

Can you answer us:

To always be healthy,

What should we do in the morning?


Everyone should know this

Everyone needs... to sleep longer.

Leading. Children, is the correct answer?

Children. No.

Leading. What should you do, what should you do?

Children. Physical education.

Song “Charging” (music by Yu. Sorokin, lyrics by N. Fifrina).

Children sing while standing, accompanying the singing with movement along the text. Shapoklyak tries to repeat the movements.


1. So that we don’t get sick

And don't catch a cold

We are always charging

Let's study.

2. Even if not everything is fine

It might work out. -

Don't be sad, my friend,

We have to learn.

Have fun walking, raising your hands,

Squat and stand up, run and jump.

One, two, one, two!

Leading. It’s too early for you, Shapoklyak, to go to school, you don’t know much!

Shapoklyak. You gave all the assignments for fifth grade!

Leading. Okay, the easiest test. Can you pack your briefcase?

Shapoklyak. Oh, it's very simple, you need to take the most necessary things that will be useful at school.

Attraction "Collect a briefcase".

The first option is that Shapoklyak collects alone, then calls the children. The second option is Shapoklyak in the center and two children on the sides. Shapoklyak’s briefcase contains musical instruments, a slingshot, toys, etc.

Leading. What should I do with you? Who knows?

Two grandmothers enter - Ivanovna and Stepanovna.

Ivanovna and Stepanovna. We!

Ivanovna. We are old grandmothers, inseparable friends.

Stepanovna. Inseparable girlfriends, we live in the same hut!

Ivanovna. I am Grandma Ivanovna!

Stepanovna. I am Grandma Stepanovna.

Together. And we do everything perfectly!

Ivanovna. Let's write!

Stepanovna. Let's draw!

Ivanovna. Let's eat!

Stepanovna. Let's dance.

Recorded music is playing. Dance "Old Grandmothers". Old ladies are dancing.

Shapoklyak. They danced well, so what?

Ivanovna. Here's what! We are taking you on bail.

Shapoklyak. How is that?

Together. And like this!

(They take them by the arms.)


Sing songs and dance.


And tell poems,

And tie your shoelaces.

Stepanovna and Ivanovna take Shapoklyak away.

Leading. This is the kind of guest who attended our ball.

The manager of the ball.

Well, we continue the ball.

I invite everyone to “Waltz”.

Waltz by J. Strauss.

Leading. Guys, you learned a lot in kindergarten, you know and can do a lot. And today on our graduation party we invited a person who can determine the knowledge of each of you, he will tell us which of you can really go to school.

Vasilisa the Wise comes out (an adult in a Russian sundress, with a kokoshnik on her head).

Vasilisa. Hello, good fellows and beautiful girls, and small children! (Bows.) Oh, you’re already quite big! How they have grown and become stronger. Perhaps you've gained some sense?

Leading. Guys, do you recognize our guest?


Now I will help them.

I live in Russian fairy tales,

I am reputed to be very smart.

Children. Vasilisa the Wise.

Vasilisa. You guessed right. But that’s what I came for - to check if all the kids were well prepared for school.

I love mathematics, it is an exact science.

To add correctly, you need to be familiar with numbers.

Leading. Guys, are you ready?

Children. Yes.


Five magpies flew to the gray heron for a lesson,

And of these, only three magpies prepared lessons.

How many lazy forty people came to the lesson?

Children. Two deadlines arrived for the lesson.


Well done, right.

Once a neighbor friend came running to the little squirrel for lunch.

So they sat on a branch and ate five nuts.

Just count how much those little squirrels ate, guys.

Children. The baby squirrels ate ten nuts.


Well done, it’s not boring with you,

Here's another task -

Make up a word quickly.

Children are divided into two groups and make up puzzles using cubes.

Game “Make a Word” (second option - guess the riddles orally, without dice).

Vasilisa. It must be studied, it teaches everyone to read.

Children make up

He was born very long,

But he grew up and became shorter.


That's it, you checked us,

Is everyone ready for first grade?


No, one more task

Music competition:

Give me dessert

Wonderful concert.

Song-dramatization “Unusual Concert” (music by V. Dementyev, lyrics by I. Vekshegonova).


1. In a clearing under a pine tree

The forest people gathered:

Teddy Bear, Piggy Piglet

And the Frog - hop-hop.

2. The green forest is surprised,

An unusual choir these days.

The bear got excited

He only wants to sing solo.

La la la la la la,

Oink oink oink,

Kwa, kwa, kwa.

What dances, what songs!

Sing along with us.

3. Summer rain is just a miracle,

What a good concert.

We are on our holiday

Let's all dance and sing!

Decorations: bush, tree with leaves, stumps, etc.

Children in hats settle down among the decorations.

1st verse. The guys playing the roles of Piggy and Frog come out and convey the characteristic movements of their characters.

Chorus. They dance. Everyone is clapping.

2nd verse. A child named Mishka comes out and behaves comically. Chorus. Dancing awkwardly. Everyone is clapping.

3rd verse. All the children and animals walk scattered around the hall, catching raindrops with their palms.

Chorus. They stop and sing, performing modern movements.


Well done, we surprised everyone.

They taught you everything here.

Well, it's time for me to say goodbye,

It's time to part ways.

Don't be sick, don't be bored,

Get knowledge at school.

Be curious

They are always diligent in everything.


Our graduation party is over,

And everyone suddenly became more mature...

Baby, be brave on your school journey,

Into the world of light, knowledge, friendship.

Be persistent and kind.

You will need everything.

1st child.

We are parting today

And we're a little sad.

We would have stayed with you in childhood,

But we want to be students.

2nd child.

Kindergarten is our second home,

We were happy in it.

Here they taught us, tried,

We worked diligently.

3rd child.

We will remember again and again

Childhood is ringing for you too!

Song “Farewell” (music by S. Yudina, lyrics by an unknown author).


1. We are for the last time today

Old reliable friends.

Our song flies to the stars,

It's time for us to say goodbye to kindergarten!

2. We are still in each other's eyes

let's take a look

We will still go to see the sunrise.

Let's get lost in the morning fog,

Let's meet something that doesn't exist in the world.

Natasha, Alyoshka, Irinka, Seryozhka,

A tear rolled down from her eyelashes.

Believe me guys, it's not our fault

That the time has come for us to part.

3. In the meantime, let's have fun,

Giving each other joyful laughter.

It's good to have someone to part with,

Who to date and who to love.

Everyone leaves to the recording of the song “Dawn the Sorcerer” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Tanich).
