Do-it-yourself semi-earth tandoor in the garden. How to make a portable tandoor with your own hands? How to make a tandoor with your own hands: the traditional version

Dacha fashion brought a new object of adoration to the catwalk, and many owners summer cottages They began to build the tandoor with their own hands, making mistakes and getting burned.

What are the secrets of building a tandoor, how to choose correct view and what to consider in order to get not black coals of meat, but a delicious flatbread and tender kebab.

What is tandoor

The homeland of tandoor is most regions of Central Asia. In Tajikistan it is called tanur, in Uzbekistan tandoor, and in Turkmenistan it is called tonur. Tandoors in India and tonirs in Armenia are built using the same principle. However, no matter what this universal oven-roaster is called, you won’t see any big differences in the design.

It is a ceramic container of various sizes, with a hole on the top or side. Fuel (coal, firewood, brushwood) is placed inside a kind of clay jug and heats it up so much that the thick walls of the oven are stored for a long time desired temperature.

Types of tandoor

Since the appearance of the first tandoor, it has not undergone any significant changes. Kaolin clay, camel or sheep wool, sand and bricks are also used to create it. It is these materials that are necessary for the construction of a real Central Asian tandoor. However, there is a division of the furnace into types based on the location of its installation.

Ground tandoor installed in the yard, on a clay platform. For bread, samsa, shish kebab, the tandoor is installed vertically, horizontal installation Suitable for baking bread only.

Pit or earthen tandoor placed in a hole dug in the ground. Clay and fireclay are used in its construction. In ancient times, this type was often used for heating rooms.

Portable tandoor- This modern look stove, which has iron handles for carrying. Small in size, in the shape of a barrel with a lid, it successfully replaces the grill we are used to.

Principle of operation

Uzbek clay tandoor is classic version oven, similar to a clay cauldron, which was turned upside down and the bottom and neck were swapped. Using his example, we will look at the features of the device and the principle of operation of the tandoor.

There is a hole (blowing) in the lower part of the tandoor. The clay base is lined with brick on the outside. Sand or salt is poured between the brick and the walls of the tandoor. Fuel (coal, firewood) is placed on the bottom of the boiler through the upper hole, and ash is removed through it. A grill is installed inside for cooking meat, fish or vegetables.

Clay base for tandoor with a special hole - inlet

All materials from which the tandoor is made have a high ability to accumulate (accumulate) heat. When heated, the furnace walls retain high temperature(from 250 to 400 degrees). After the tandoor reaches the required temperature, the walls are thoroughly wiped to remove soot and ash, and the famous Uzbek flatbreads are placed on them.

Important! Having heated the tandoor once, you can cook food in it for 6 hours.

How to build a tandoor

Making a tandoor oven with your own hands is not a quick and labor-intensive process. If you are determined to build just such a stove on your site, then you should carry out a thorough preparatory work. By the way, the masters of Central Asia are masters of tandoor construction techniques, but often keep their own secret technologies in the strictest confidence.

We have prepared for you step by step instructions on construction clay tandoor in the form in which it still faithfully serves many residents of these regions.

  • The classic size of a tandoor is a height of 1-1.5 m, the diameter of the boiler body is 1 m, the diameter of the upper hole is 50-60 cm. To form a clay jug, kaolin clay is taken, which experienced craftsmen called "alive". Brick is used to line the stove. Therefore, you need to stock up on clay, bricks and some sheep or camel hair.

  • Wool fibers are cut into pieces 10-15 mm long and mixed with clay. After kneading, the clay should acquire the consistency of sour cream.
  • The resulting mixture is placed in dark place for a week to let it settle.

Attention! Ready solution It is necessary to check periodically, remove excess water, but ensure that the mixture remains moist. If you overdry it, the tandoor will crack.

  • Usually, clay sheets with a thickness of 5 to 15 cm are molded from the settled mixture. It is difficult to form a tandoor from such sheets without a well-developed skill, so you will need a barrel.
  • To make a tandoor from a barrel with your own hands, loosen its hoops a little, fill it with water, and leave it to swell for 5 days. Then drain the water, let the barrel dry, and treat the walls from the inside sunflower oil. Give it 12 hours to soak, and the tandoor mold is ready.

Please note that both the clay and the barrel must begin to be prepared for construction at the same time.

  • Now we roll sausages from the finished clay about 50 cm long and 6 cm in diameter. Roll each of them to a thickness of 2 cm, cut into ribbons and begin to lay out the inside of the barrel.

  • Tightly compact the tapes along the walls of the barrel. In the upper part, we achieve a narrowing of the hole to 1/2 of the diameter of the barrel. We do not cover the bottom with clay.

Making mistakes and getting burned. What are the secrets of building a tandoor, how to choose the right type and what to consider in order to get not black coals of meat, but a delicious flatbread and tender kebab.

What is tandoor

The homeland of tandoor is most regions of Central Asia. In Tajikistan it is called tanur, in Uzbekistan tandoor, and in Turkmenistan it is called tonur. Tandoors in India and tonirs in Armenia are built using the same principle. However, no matter what this universal oven-roaster is called, you won’t see any big differences in the design.

It is a ceramic container of various sizes, with a hole on the top or side. Fuel (coal, firewood, brushwood) is placed inside a kind of clay jug and heats it up so much that the thick walls of the oven keep the desired temperature for a long time.

Types of tandoor

Since the appearance of the first tandoor, it has not undergone any significant changes. Still, kaolin clay, camel or sheep wool, sand and bricks. It is these materials that are necessary for the construction of a real Central Asian tandoor. However, there is a division of the furnace into types based on the location of its installation.

Ground tandoor installed in the yard, on a clay platform. For bread, samsa, shashlik, tandoor is installed vertically, horizontal installation is applicable only for baking bread.

Pit or earthen tandoor placed in a hole dug in the ground. Clay and fireclay are used in its construction. In ancient times, this type was often used for heating rooms.

Portable tandoor is a modern type of stove that has iron handles for carrying. Small in size, in the shape of a barrel with a lid, it successfully replaces the usual one for us. grill .

Principle of operation

The Uzbek clay tandoor is a classic version of the oven, similar to a clay cauldron, which was turned upside down and the bottom and neck were swapped. Using his example, we will look at the features of the device and the principle of operation of the tandoor.

There is a hole (blowing) in the lower part of the tandoor. The clay base is lined with brick on the outside. Sand or salt is poured between the brick and the walls of the tandoor. Fuel (coal, firewood) is placed on the bottom of the boiler through the upper hole, and ash is removed through it. A grill is installed inside for cooking meat, fish or vegetables.

All materials from which the tandoor is made have a high ability to accumulate (accumulate) heat. When heated, the furnace walls maintain a high temperature for a long time (from 250 to 400 degrees). After the tandoor reaches the required temperature, the walls are thoroughly wiped to remove soot and ash, and the famous Uzbek flatbreads are placed on them.

We have prepared for you step-by-step instructions on how to build a clay tandoor in the form in which it still faithfully serves many residents of these regions.

  • The classic size of a tandoor is a height of 1-1.5 m, the diameter of the body of the boiler is 1 m, the diameter of the upper hole is 50-60 cm. To form a clay jug, kaolin clay is taken, which experienced craftsmen call “live”. Brick is used to line the stove. Therefore, you need to stock up on clay, bricks and some sheep or camel hair.
  • Wool fibers are cut into pieces 10-15 mm long and mixed with clay. After kneading, the clay should acquire the consistency of sour cream.
  • The resulting mixture is placed in a dark place for a week to allow it to settle.

Attention! The finished solution must be checked periodically to remove excess water, but ensure that the mixture remains moist. If you overdry it, the tandoor will crack.

  • Usually, clay sheets with a thickness of 5 to 15 cm are molded from the settled mixture. It is difficult to form a tandoor from such sheets without a well-developed skill, so you will need a barrel.
  • To make a tandoor from a barrel with your own hands, loosen its hoops a little, fill it with water, and leave it to swell for 5 days. Then drain the water, let the barrel dry, and treat the inside of the walls with sunflower oil. Give it 12 hours to soak, and the tandoor mold is ready.

Please note that both clay and barrel we need to start preparing for construction at the same time.

  • Now we roll sausages from the finished clay about 50 cm long and 6 cm in diameter. Roll each of them to a thickness of 2 cm, cut into ribbons and begin to lay out the inside of the barrel.

A tandoor is a round or jug-shaped oven made of fireclay clay. It is common among the peoples of Asia, and in last years became popular in Russia as well. The tandoor is used for preparing kebabs, samsa, baked vegetables and flatbreads, and if you have a cauldron, frying pan and cast iron, you can use it to prepare more than forty dishes. The tandoor is often compared to a barbecue, although in terms of its operating principle it is closer to a Russian oven: dishes are not fried over coals, but baked, turning out tender and juicy.


The tandoor can be stationary and mobile. The first is distinguished by its significant weight (200 - 1000 kg) and is installed on the ground or a prepared foundation, and assembly and installation are carried out by a master. They are mainly installed for commercial use in restaurants, cafes and bakeries.

Mobile tandoors are conventionally divided by weight. A small tandoor (up to 50 kg) can be lifted by one person and easily fits into the trunk of a car. A medium tandoor (up to 100 kg) can be carried within the dacha. A large tandoor (from 100 kg) requires three to four people or a platform on wheels to carry. Such a stove is placed on the site at the beginning of the summer season and put away under a canopy for the winter.


Wood fueled tandoors are the most popular. The logs are placed inside and set on fire, and the heat heats the thick clay walls. After the coals burn out, meat is loaded into the tandoor on skewers or fish and vegetables on grates. After 15 - 20 minutes, the food is ready. The products do not burn and remain juicy.

Electric tandoors allow you to cook in any weather and in almost any room. They are domestic and industrial. The first ones are small in size and weight (20 - 80 kg). Outwardly, they are indistinguishable from those working on wood. Some models can even be used as wood burning ones, that is, you can burn wood in them. Industrial tandoors require a voltage of 380 V and have significant weight (100 - 300 kg) and dimensions, and may also have additional insulation to retain heat. Such furnaces are widely used in the field of Catering, since they can be maintained at a constant high temperature and can be installed indoors. Disadvantages of electric ovens: dependence on the electrical network and high power - for household appliances 1.5 - 2.5 kW, for professional ones 6 - 15 kW.

Gas tandoors are heated by a burner with increased thermal power. They can also be installed indoors. Most often they are connected to the main gas pipeline, but gas cylinders can also be used. Such ovens are usually used in restaurants and kebab shops.


Most important criterion choosing a tandoor - the number of people for whom you need to cook food. For a family of four, you can use a small tandoor. Preparation for work, kindling and cooking will not take much time. If friends often come to visit, it is recommended to buy a medium tandoor. It allows you to feed 8 – 10 eaters. In such a tandoor you can cook not only meat products, but also bake vegetables and fish.

To organize crowded holidays, it is preferable to take a larger oven - for 12 - 22 skewers. It can be used to cook recipes that are not possible in small vessels, such as leg of lamb and whole goose. Light tandoors cool down quickly enough, sometimes they need to be reheated, while heavier tandoors retain heat longer and allow three or four loads to be made after one heating.

A narrow neck (up to 25 cm) is good for kebabs. If you want to add it to the menu large quantity products - baked duck or a whole leg of lamb, then the opening must be spacious, more than 30 cm in diameter.

Product quality

The tandoor is made from refractory clay; the use of cement in the mixture is unacceptable. The thickness of the walls of a good medium-sized tandoor is at least 3 cm, and a large one - 5–6 cm. The presence of metal strips with carrying rings will make it easier to move the massive body during installation.


The basic configuration of the tandoor comes with a scoop, a poker, a set of skewers and a device for hanging them. Sometimes the kit includes a stand for the tandoor, since the lower part of the stove body gets very hot. It also makes it easier to clean the ash pan from burnt coals. A stand for the cauldron can be included in the basic kit, but the cauldron itself will have to be purchased. Other accessories are also purchased separately.

A stand under the top cover makes using the oven easier. Before loading or unloading food, it is more convenient to place the heavy lid on a support as high as the tandoor itself. Grates with two or three tiers allow you to bake potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables. “Herringbone” is a device with a container for collecting fat for mounting meat, vegetables and mushrooms, which are better held on this structure than on skewers. A hanging hook is useful for especially large pieces - to use it, the neck must be wide and the clay base must be quite massive.

When the tandoor is heated, the flame can reach a height of a meter or more. Therefore, the stove is placed in an open area at a distance of 5 - 6 m from wooden buildings. To protect the tandoor from moisture, it is covered with a waterproof cover. The oven can also be used in winter period, but in this case the heating must be done more slowly, as in the first heating.

When cooking in a tandoor, you will definitely need gloves and an apron, since all the fireclay parts and metal parts get very hot.

Also, each manufacturer has its own accessories that will help diversify the menu: fish grill, salt, cast iron, ceramic pot, baking stones, mobile table, ceramic chicken cocotte, cocotte maker, steak rack, duckling pot, cauldron and accessory sets, which include a meat fork and spatula.

Reference article based on the expert opinion of the author.

Many nations have their own types of ovens for preparing everyday and holiday dishes. The most famous of these equipment - barbecue, grill, barbecues, but not many people still know such a stove as the tandoor, which is used for cooking national dishes in Central Asia.

Build a tandoor with your own hands on summer cottage or in the courtyard of a private house - it is quite possible if you know what it is and step by step carry out all the stages of its construction.

What is tandoor and what can you cook in it?

The tandoor oven in Asian countries is used for cooking, one might say, literally everything, from baking bread to frying meat. Therefore, this structure can be found, probably, in every courtyard of a private house in those parts. Russian lovers of oriental cuisine were also able to appreciate the amazing taste of dishes cooked in a tandoor, which is why such stoves are increasingly appearing in suburban areas and in Russia.

From a culinary point of view, the functionality of the tandoor is enormous.

Flavorful Uzbek flatbreads various types, baked vegetables, shish kebab, fried chicken- all this can be cooked in this relatively small but very multifunctional oven.

In Central Asian countries, there has always been a shortage of firewood for heating, since in these territories there are no significant forests or even rare plantings. Mostly low shrubs, single trees and herbs that do not require a lot of moisture grow. They were traditionally used to fire the tandoor. It has a design that can be heated with a bundle of simple saxaul, a shrub that grows on sandy soils and produces short-term intense heat when burned. The oven remains hot for a long time, which allows you to bake a large number of bread products, and therefore it can be called a very economical device for cooking.

Flatbread baked in a tandoor is called “tandoor-nan” in Asian countries, which means tandoor bread in Turkic.

Tandoor design

The design of the tandoor is quite simple. The task of building it is quite doable for a beginner, and the presence of instructions for performing each step in the construction will not allow any mistakes.

In order not to think about the correct composition of the mortar for laying walls, you can purchase hardware store a special heat-resistant mixture for the construction of stoves and fireplaces. Instructions for preparation can be found on the packaging, and if you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, the solution will be plastic and will not crack when dried.

It should be noted right away that this model is designed for preparing meat, fish and vegetable dishes, but it will not be possible to bake lob on its walls. If you are thinking about baking cakes, then the inside walls must be coated with clay, and the surface must be well smoothed.

When erecting this option, work also begins with preparing the foundation. But in this case, according to the builders, three layers can be used as a foundation sand-lime brick, laid in a dug pit. Moreover, the laying of the first layer is carried out along the pit, the second across, and the third - again along.

The first row of masonry of the tandoor itself should be continuous, and in the second layer, from the middle to one of the sides of the resulting area, a horizontal channel is left, which will serve as a blower chamber. The third row is laid out completely, blocking the blower channel, but a hole is left in the middle of the site around which the tandoor will be installed.

The lower rows of bricks in the foundation are laid without mortar, but pressed tightly against each other; the foundation pit will not allow the rows to move to one side or the other. IN top layer It is better to fasten the bricks together with a mixture of clay and fix them on all sides with pieces of reinforcement measuring 400 ÷ 500 mm. The reinforcement rods are driven into the ground, and on top there remains a section equal in height to the top row of masonry.

If the base for the tandoor is laid out of only one layer of brick (as shown in these photos), then a hole is dug under it, approximately 200 × 200 mm in size, and a pipe is installed in it. But, it should be noted that this method of constructing a blower is not very reliable, since during rains the earthen chamber will be washed away by water and over time the structure may sag.

A circle is marked on the site around the blower hole, within which the tandoor will be installed.

Having installed the first row of bricks, it is tied with two rows of steel wire, the ends of which are twisted and hidden in the gaps.

For reliability, it is fixed with wire

Next, two more rows are installed on the first row in the same way. In total, you will need to find 57 bricks for the structure. Each row is fixed, like the first, with wire ties. Overall height tandoor, after its installation, will be 750 mm.

The next step is to cover all the gaps between the bricks with a mortar made from a fire-resistant mixture. Before applying the mortar, it is recommended to moisten the brick so that the water from the mixture is not absorbed into the dry bricks too quickly, and drying occurs evenly and gradually.

After all the gaps have been sealed and the solution in them has dried, the structure is “plastered” over its entire surface.

Next, you need to coat the entire structure with a layer of clay, to which finely chopped straw is added. There should be two such layers with a thickness of 15 ÷ 20 mm, and the second one is applied after the first has dried, after about two ÷ three days. They must dry evenly, without rapid evaporation of moisture, and for this purpose the structure is covered with plastic film.

These layers should be applied evenly, but it is not necessary to smooth their surface, since they will still be closed on top.

Then, the clay walls are wrapped in a reinforcing layer consisting of a metal mesh with cells of approximately 50x50 mm.

The structure is then reinforced with mesh...

A metal ring is installed around the oven opening, which will separate the lid installation area from the rest of the surface. This part should have a height of 30 ÷ 50 mm. A layer of clay equal to the height of the hoop is applied from its outer side to the edges of the walls.

... once again coated with clay and installing a hoop at the inlet hole ...

After that metal grid on the walls it is completely covered with another layer of clay and left to dry.

... and after drying it is plastered cement mortar.

Next, when the surface is ready, a layer is applied to it concrete mortar, consisting of sand and cement, in a ratio of 3:1. Craftsmen who build tandoors recommend adding one or one and a half teaspoons to the concrete intended for coating. detergent- it will not allow the solution to shrink when drying.

Drying of the surface of the structure takes place within a week. During this time you need to make a wooden a lid with a handle that will allow for for a long time keep the heat inside the tandoor when firing it.

In addition, to hang the skewers, you will need to make a metal crossbar, which is placed on the sides of the tandoor hole under wooden cover.

It must be said that, if desired, the entire surface of the tandoor can be decorated decorative coating– for example, mosaic laid flat natural stones. This layer, by the way, will become additional insulation for the stove, which will help maintain heat inside it.

Video: building a tandoor using a simplified scheme

Prices for refractory bricks

Fire brick

Ready-made tandoors

You can find ready-made tandoors on sale various sizes, and in order not to do unfamiliar work, you can simply buy such a stove and even firewood specifically designed for burning it.

In addition to wood-burning tandoor, they even sell electric models which do not require fuel, since heating is carried out by a heating element installed at the bottom of the furnace.

Any of the ready-made factory products will allow you to create a variety of any dishes, from baking flatbreads and pizza to baking vegetables and roasting meat. However, it must be warned that the taste of dishes cooked in electric ovens is significantly different from those fried or baked in a tandoor heated with wood. This happens because the heating element , Although and heats the surfaces, but very dries the air, and therefore the products that are in the heated space. Firewood, by heating the walls and releasing its own moisture, which is absorbed into the porous clay surface, creates the necessary balance of heat and humidity. In this favorable microclimate, products remain juicy, are well fried and baked.

How to cook in tandoor?

  • In addition to flatbreads and shish kebab, they also cook barbecue and bake pizza in the tandoor. But to prepare these dishes you need additional element- this is a grate that is attached to the neck of the stove using special fasteners and lowers approximately to the middle of the tandoor.

  • On the same grate you can place a cast iron or pan with necessary products and get aromatic pilaf or stewed cabbage soup.
  • When cooking fatty meat, for example, lamb, a grate is installed over the coals, and a container is placed on it, into which the juice and fat from the piece suspended above it will drain - these components are necessary for preparing shurpa.
  • When preparing kebab or shish kebab in the Uzbek version of the tandoor small size, the skewers are simply installed in the oven hole or hung on an iron cross rod. And the neck is closed from above with a lid.
  • All dishes are prepared in a tandoor much faster than in ovens or on. For example, lamb and pork will require 18 ÷ 25, beef 30 ÷ 35, fish or poultry 8 ÷ 12, and vegetables 5 ÷ 7 minutes.
  • Eastern cooks advise: place a pan with tough meat, which has many veins, and during normal cooking will cook until soft for several hours, in a tandoor that has not completely cooled down. The pan, covered with a lid, is left inside the tandoor until the next morning, and then any dish can be prepared from this meat in which it will “melt” in your mouth.

In addition to the stove models presented above, there are other options, but the most affordable design for construction is a modern simplified tandoor. Even an inexperienced builder can make such an oriental stove if he makes the foundation correctly, calculates the load, and follows the construction instructions.

Having a tandoor at your dacha, you don’t have to worry that someone will go hungry, since you can cook almost all dishes in it. And most importantly, you don’t have to stand over them. Having heated the tandoor and placed the prepared products in it, you can go about your business, periodically checking the readiness of the dishes, and then all that remains is to serve them to the table in right time hot.

Cooking over an open fire is one of the oldest forms of culinary art.

Nevertheless, even today we love to pamper ourselves with barbecue and other dishes prepared in a similar way.

Almost every non-nomadic people has their own national stove or other device for cooking over an open fire. Eastern peoples from the Caucasus to northwestern China traditionally cooked food in a tandoor oven.

What kind of oven is this?

A tandoor is a stove made of clay or ceramics, hemispherical in shape, with a round neck.

Enr can be lit with either coals or brushwood. Food for cooking and fuel for lighting are placed in the throat, which is one of the main distinctive features such a stove.

Origin story

The word tandoor is of Turkic origin, and was originally the Turkic analogue of the Russian stove. It stood in the house of every resident from the Caucasus to China, and performed its main function - heating the home.

Over time, this oven spread beyond the Turkic world. Its phenomenal properties were quickly appreciated by other nations.

The special design of this stove allows it to maintain a temperature of 400 degrees Celsius in its throat, which allows you to cook food quickly with unsurpassed taste, while maintaining all its beneficial properties.

Although today this oven is used mainly for cooking meat dishes, traditionally bread and other flour products were baked in it.

Choosing a site for construction

The tandoor is traditionally installed on a clay platform. Therefore, you need to choose a level place to install it.

You can also specially dig a small foundation for laying the platform so that the furnace is not located too high.

For safety reasons, the structure should not be installed near electrical wires and gas communications. It is also recommended to clear the ground around the stove of dry leaves and branches.

The tandoor can be installed in indoors, for example, in summer kitchen in the country. This arrangement is convenient for cooking, but then you will need to build a chimney.

But since this stove can be used outdoors at any time of the year, installing it on fresh air shouldn't be a problem.

The photo shows a diagram of the installation of a tandoor at the dacha

What designs are there?

Tandoor can be:

  • stationary;
  • portable;
  • with a vertical throat;
  • with horizontal neck

The classic tandoor is always stationary. Traditionally, it is lined with bricks to retain heat, and installed on a reliable, specially prepared platform.

The modern design is often portable for ease of use in the country. This stove can be installed on any flat surface.

Most modern tandoors are made with a vertical throat, since their main purpose is to prepare barbecue and other meat dishes. Vertical option universal. You can cook almost any dish on it.

A stove with a horizontal neck, common in Central Asia, is only suitable for cooking samsa and bread. The horizontal version is installed so that the throat is directed towards the horizon.

Is it possible to make it yourself?

A factory-made design is quite expensive, so many barbecue lovers have the idea of ​​building such an oven themselves.

Anyone can construct a tandoor with their own hands, and this will not require large expenses, because any owner of a dacha should have all the necessary components.

Master class: portable design

To make a portable tandoor with your own hands you will need:

  • large outdoor flower pot;
  • medium flower pot;
  • small tabletop flower pot with perforated bottom;
  • a metal disk with a hole in the middle (a weight for a barbell or dumbbell assembly is suitable);
  • pebbles for landscape design;
  • The only tool you need is a hacksaw.

First step

First you need to take a large outdoor flower pot and place it on the ground, on a flat surface in a vertical position.

Then place a small tabletop flower pot with a perforated bottom in this pot in the same vertical position.

For stability, place a metal pancake in a small pot. This pot will be used as a firebox.

The constructed structure must be checked for strength by shaking it different sides. If she “walks” freely around the dacha, you need to take a heavier disc.

Second step

At the average flower pot you need to saw off the bottom with a hacksaw.

There is no need to throw it away, as we will still need it.

Then the pot with the bottom cut off needs to be turned upside down and placed evenly in a large pot.

Third step

As a result of the first two steps, a free cavity was formed between the walls of the large flower pot and the inverted medium one. We need to fill it with pebbles for landscape design.

On the one hand, this allows you to maintain the desired temperature in the throat, and on the other hand, it serves as a good decorative element.

Thus, we have a tandoor. In the throat, which serves as the upper part of the middle pot, you need to put coal or other solid fuel, and light it up.

After which the oven will quickly reach the desired temperature so that you can cook meat delicacies over an open fire.

The cut bottom of the middle pot will serve as a lid to retain heat while the oven heats up.

In the video you can clearly see how to make a tandoor with your own hands:

Stationary design

You can also build a stationary tandoor at home. It is somewhat more difficult to build than a portable one, but it is possible.

If you have recently carried out repairs and construction works you will surely have everything you need.

For construction you will need:

  • 2 medium floor terracotta flower pots;
  • fire bricks;
  • multi-colored refractory bricks for facade work;
  • cement mortar.

Tools you will need:

  • angle grinder;
  • a container for stirring the solution and a spatula;
  • hacksaw.

First step

A stationary tandoor requires the construction of a platform. To prevent the stove from being too high, we will make a platform below ground level.

To do this, you need to dig a rectangular hole in the ground and fill it with cement mortar. After the solution has hardened, the surface must be sanded and you can proceed to the next stage.

Second step

Now you need to build a base of refractory bricks, which must be laid on a cemented surface. Multi-colored façade bricks should be laid out in a circle on top of the refractory bricks to give the stove a recognizable shape.

The color of the bricks has no technical significance, so you can choose a shade that is in harmony with the design of the yard.

Third step

In one terracotta pot you need to make a hole in the side closer to the base. In order for the stove to burn well, it needs good air access, which such a slot will provide.

The cut piece of the pot should not be thrown away; it will be useful for controlling the strength of the fire in the stove by closing the slot.

Fourth step

On the formed base you need to place one terracotta pot in a vertical position. Using a hacksaw you need to cut off the bottom of the second pot.

Then carefully apply a layer of solution to the first pot with a spatula, and place the pot on it with the bottom cut off upside down. Then you need to wait until the solution hardens.

Fifth step

The remaining facade bricks need to be covered with fastened pots. The masonry must be done in such a way that it is one piece with the round base that we made earlier.

In order for the bricks to look beautiful, they need to be treated at the corner grinder, giving the required form. You can use mortar to secure the bricks.

On this production stationary tandoor ends and you can safely start cooking.

Thus, making a tandoor is easy and affordable, the main thing is to have the desire and some available materials.
