Hiking equipment. Homemade equipment. What do we have to do

Everyone loves tourism. And if someone claims that he doesn’t love, it means that he simply lacks comfort in field conditions. A selection of homemade ideas for hiking will help you find comfort in a forest clearing. It is not difficult to make these things with your own hands. And the tourist will only need available materials.

Fire and hearth

A camping trip is impossible without a fire, so the list of must-have crafts consists of “fiery” accessories. For example, a small burner made from a tin can.

On such a fire you can easily prepare a dish for one person or boil water. It is important to remember that the container gets hot, and you should not grab it even half an hour after use.

If you equip the grill from an old refrigerator metal legs, you can get a mini-barbecue for a quick lunch. When there is no time to make a fire, such a device will save a tourist from hunger.

Another option for a compact fire is a tin with a folded piece of cardboard. The device will burn due to the air in the cavities of the corrugation. For best result You can impregnate the paper with flammable fuel. You can't cook dinner over such a fire, but you can warm your hands.

This structure will help support the fire. As it burns, the wood will be fed into the fire, rolling toward the center.

Amenities and comfort

A long hike involves staying in a tent. Tourists will find this compact toilet paper holder useful. To make it you will need a plastic cup suitable size. Most likely, a new roll will not fit into the container, so it makes sense to stock up on already started packages.

In order not to struggle with plastic utensils and not to carry heavy utensils to the mountains, it is recommended to shorten an ordinary spoon and fork. The handle of the device is wrapped with paracord according to the bracelet weaving pattern. The resulting keychain can be attached to a backpack or waist bag.

And if you left the utensils at home, you can make a spoon in five minutes using a plastic bottle. It should be cut according to the pattern shown in the photo.

The model of such a washstand is most likely familiar to everyone from childhood. But the idea still helps out tourists and summer residents.

This preparation of dry leaves and natural rope will help light a fire even after rain.

Lifehacks for tourists will be excellent instructions on how to find comfort in the field. To do this, you only need available materials and a little time.

Are you going on vacation? Nice job! Especially now, when there are a lot of devices that make outdoor recreation easy, comfortable and interesting. Let's get to know some of them.

  1. The most important thing is that things for traveling are light and do not take up much space. This car cover is what you need! It is much more practical and convenient traditional models. The secret is that the cover is inflated, so you can park the car under a tree without fear of falling branches, cones, pebbles and even hail!
  1. The car is securely packed, which means you can worry about yourself. There are many tents on the market, but they have a hard time matching the comfort of motorhomes. Rate it!

  1. But this device will help turn the back seat of a car into comfortable sofa. A real find for avid car travelers! The Fuloon Car Bed is compact when assembled and inflates within seconds.
  1. In nature, you can’t do without a rug on which you can sit comfortably. The Matador Pocket Blanket is large enough to accommodate two people. The mat is durable and waterproof. But its main feature is its compactness. It weighs only 88 grams and when folded easily fits into your jeans pocket!

  1. A beach mat with a canopy will help protect your head from the sun without using an umbrella; when folded, it takes up very little space.

  1. Well, if you want something cozy and not mosquitoes to bite, you can get a comfortable covered hammock.

  1. Another feature is a table with a refrigerator! A simple diplomat table with folding chairs You won’t surprise anyone anymore. But furniture with a refrigerator that transforms into a small cart with handles may well become the best purchase of the season!
  1. Vacationers with a dog will certainly appreciate the folding chair with a pet kennel.

  1. But this thing is very useful when long rest outdoors - portable washing machine Scrubba Wash Bag! This is a bag of internal coating like a washboard, which is extremely simple and convenient to use. All you need: put things in a bag, take some water, add a little detergent and shake everything well and mash. Voila, things are sparkling clean!

  1. Well, when you want to wash yourself, you can use camp shower. Pocket Shower is a simple device, which is a waterproof bag with a watering can, original design which allows you to regulate the water pressure. This shower can be hung on a tree; thanks to its black color, the water in the bag heats up quickly.

  1. To leave the camp and explore the surroundings, you don’t want to take a heavy backpack. But where to put a snack, a container of water, napkins and other little things that you will need on a hike? The best decision- Bindle Daypack: a lightweight backpack that takes up virtually no space in your luggage.

  1. You can carry Hydrapak's Collapsible Water Bottle in this backpack. It weighs less than a regular plastic bottle, and when empty it takes up very little space. And if where you plan to vacation there are problems with drinking water, it would be a good idea to get a LIFESAVER bottle, which is equipped with a filter system and is capable of purifying water from any puddle at a speed of 750 ml/min.

  1. Very useful device is an “inflatable lantern” - Inflatable Solar Lantern. This super gadget is equipped with a built-in solar battery, is not afraid of water and falls, and after a full charge can shine for 12 hours!

  1. Meet the Firebox Nano - this is a baby stove that is designed extremely simply, but is absolutely reliable, takes up minimal space, weighs 170 grams and “eats” different types fuels, including firewood. It will be indispensable on a hike!

  1. And the last gadget in our collection is the Sea to Summit X-Sets. Agree, the pot and kettle take up the lion's share of space, have an awkward shape and weigh a lot, but you can't do without them. Folding dishes are light, beautiful and convenient, which makes them indispensable on a hike.

Summer is in full swing, replenish your equipment with new high-tech gadgets and relax with pleasure!

Many people enjoy outdoor recreation. But for the most part modern people they don’t want to part with the comfort and conveniences of home, even when away from home. The devices that are collected in this review will help you save home comfort and comfort even away from home.

1. Oven

A unique solar oven that will allow you to cook food without electricity at any time of the day. The unusual device consists of two aluminum concentrator blades that open up to catch Sun rays and direct them to a vacuum pipe that retains up to 90% of the collected thermal energy. The clever design of the invention allows the stove to heat up to 280 degrees in a few minutes, and the thermal accumulator battery based on beeswax will make it possible to cook even in the dark.

2. Pocket radio transmitter

The GoTenna mobile device is capable of providing its owner with communication and Internet access in conditions of complete absence mobile network. The peculiarity of this device is that it does not depend on satellite communications, GSM or Wi-Fi, but is capable of transmitting a signal from a smartphone over a distance of up to 80 kilometers. Of course, maximum results can only be achieved in isolation: in the forest, in the ocean or in the desert. IN populated areas the distance is reduced to ten kilometers. However, this will be enough for important negotiations, working on the Internet or saving someone’s life.

3. Rocking chair

A stylish rocking chair made from recycled materials that can convert kinetic energy into electricity. In addition, the chair is equipped with a generator, a propulsion system, LED lamp for reading and stereo speakers.

4. Coffee maker

A compact, solar-powered coffee maker that will allow you to make a cup of natural coffee wherever you are.

5. Tent

A unique tent that will allow you to charge your devices far from civilization. This happens thanks to the solar threads included in the structure of the fabric. For charging gadgets, there is a special pocket inside the tent with a built-in GPRS sensor, which will allow you to find your camp shelter and not get lost in the forest.

6. Portable shower

A small portable shower that will heat up a small amount of water without electricity - useful thing at the dacha or on a hike.

7. Food containers

Original containers that will keep small amounts of food fresh. The peculiarity of this invention is that they have no wires and do not consume electricity at all.

8. Washing machine

A unique invention in the form of a bag that makes it easy to wash clothes in hiking conditions. The principle of operation of the device is extremely simple, you need to place the clothes inside a waterproof durable bag, pour 2-4 liters of water, liquid laundry detergent, and thoroughly knead the contents of the bag with your hands for 3-5 minutes. After this, clothes should be rinsed with clean cold water.

9. Chain mail for legs

They say that the earth is a source of strength, and walking barefoot will help replenish resources vital energy, get healthier and get a powerful boost of optimism. Paleos shoes, similar to chain mail, will help you feel unity with nature and protect your feet from mechanical damage. The shoes are made of durable lightweight material with neoprene inserts that provide foot ventilation and protection. In addition, Paleos can be adjusted to suit the anatomical structure of your foot, are easy to clean and are completely environmentally friendly.

10. Beach mat

Sand on the beach floor causes a lot of discomfort and can greatly ruin your vacation. The unique Beach Sand Free Mat blanket will help you forget about this problem forever, the unusual structure of which does not allow sand to linger on its surface even for a second.

11. Water filter

This plastic bottle is actually a portable nano filter that can purify water from bacteria, viruses and fungi. This happens thanks to a multi-level system of various filters that can literally turn any water into drinking water in just one minute.

12. Oven-charging

A compact mobile oven that allows you to charge mobile devices in conditions where there is no electricity. A tourist charging stove will allow you to combine cooking and heating with charging your gadgets. Unlike solar panels, BioLite CampStove is a true power source that can be started using wood and special staff for ignition.

13. Travel toothbrush

An original invention the size of a lighter, which consists of a folding toothbrush and a container for toothpaste, will become the faithful companions of any traveler.

14. Sound system

Powerful acoustic systems with folding solar panel, which absorbs solar rays and transforms them into electricity. Such a device will allow you to throw a party in the field and enjoy your favorite tracks on a long trip.

15. Camping stove

A flexible magnetic belt that will allow you to cook food on the go without any electricity. You just need to wrap the belt around the pan, set it desired temperature and fasten it.

16. Air conditioning

Zero Breeze is a small portable air conditioner that can operate on battery power at home and in camping conditions. Advantage of this device is not only an air cooling function, but also the presence of a Bluetooth module, a lamp, two USB ports, which will allow you to turn the air conditioner into a powerful wireless speaker.

17. Urination funnel

The GoGirl Pee Funnel is designed to make life easier for women who hike frequently. With its help, you can easily relieve minor needs even in the most severe cold.


If Big city- it's not your thing, you like to travel or want to get started, then you might need some information about what you can do in extreme conditions, to survive.

There are many ideas on how to make things that will help you on your trip.

You can do a lot with your own hands useful tools, and you can find out about some of them below.

1. Quickly ignite a fire for active tourism

In wet weather, you may have problems starting a fire. So that this does not bother you, make preparations that will help you quickly and easily light a fire.

You will need:

Fuzz (threads) sticking to clothing or cotton fiber

Cardboard packaging for eggs

Wax from old candles

1. Place the fiber into the egg holes.

2. Melt the candle wax.

3. Pour the melted wax onto the fibers in the carton.

4. Wait for everything to cool and dry.

5. Cut out the blanks as shown in the image.

When lit with a match or lighter, each of these blanks will burn for up to 20 minutes.

You will need:

Two identical plastic jars

Baking paper

Wire or rope to create a handle

Small battery operated candle

Glue stick

Adhesive tape

Drill or awl

Super glue

1. Clean the jars of any debris and grease. You only need one jar lid.

2. Measure and cut three pieces of baking paper to fit inside the jar.

3. Glue the ends of all three parts together to form a tube that can be conveniently inserted into the jar.

4. Make a hole on opposite sides of one plastic lid (from a jar).

5. Insert the wire into the holes and bend it to form a handle.

6. Do big hole in another cover. This time the holes are on top.

7. Insert the candle inside the hole (there will be a switch outside). Secure the structure with glue.

8. Now glue the lid with a handle to the bottom of the jar, and simply screw the top lid (with the candle) back to the jar.

3. What should a tourist do in the cold - hand warmer

You will need:

Calcium chloride (or something that contains it)

2 packages different sizes with clasp

1. Pour some calcium chloride into a large bag.

2. Take some water into a small bag.

3. Place the small bag inside the larger one.

4. Upon contact with coolness, calcium chloride begins to heat up, and you get a comfortable hand warmer.

4. Wood-burning stove made from tin cans for lovers of outdoor activities and tourism

You will need:

2 cans(diameter approximately 7.5 and 10 cm)

Metal cutting scissors

Can opener

Screwdriver or awl


1. Cut the bottom from a large jar. Make holes in it to turn it into a ring.

2. Place the ring on a jar of smaller diameter.

3. Make several holes in a small jar (top and bottom, large and small).

4. Insert the small jar into the larger one.

5. Mobile stove for lovers of extreme tourism

You will need:

Small metal box

1. Cut the cardboard so that it fits comfortably in the tin box.

2. Melt the wax.

3. Fill the cardboard with wax. Fill so that there are no empty holes.

Ready. It will burn long and hard.

6. What a tourist needs: one thing fresh coffee bags

You will need:

Paper for straining coffee infusion

Dental floss

Measuring spoon

1. Place straining papers in measuring spoon.

2. Add 1-2 teaspoons of coffee.

3. Use dental floss to secure the coffee paper.

4. Cut off the excess (if the tail of the paper is long).

5. Place all pouches in a ziplock bag to help them last longer.

To brew coffee, use coffee bags in the same way as tea bags:

1. Place the bag in a cup and pour boiling water over it.

2. Wait a few minutes.

* Boiling water can be poured for you free of charge on the plane, airport, cafe and other places.

3. Before drinking coffee, remove the bag and throw it in the trash.

7. Very interesting ideas: mobile toilet paper holder

In the rain toilet paper may get wet. But if you make a holder like this, you can get rid of this problem.

1. Prepare a wide plastic jar.

2. Remove the lid and put toilet paper inside.

3. Make holes at the top and bottom and insert wire to make a handle.

4. Cut an oblong hole to insert the paper.

8. How to make an organic spray to repel bugs from plants

You will need:

1 head of garlic

1 small onion

1 tablespoon cayenne pepper

1 liter of water

1 tablespoon liquid olive soap

1. Place the garlic and onion in a blender and blend until liquid.

2. Add 1 liter of water and a tablespoon of cayenne pepper to the contents.

3. Cover the mixture and leave for 1 hour.

4. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth and add 1 tbsp. l. olive soap.

5. Fill your spray bottle and you can use the contents to repel bugs from your plants.

9. DIY compass

This craft can be done with your child, it is so simple.

You will need:

Plastic cover

Magnet (rod)

A piece of cork or foam

Some water

1. Use a knife to cut a piece of champagne or wine cork.

2. Pass the needle along the magnet several times, but only in one direction. If you did this enough times, the needle will also become a magnet.

3. B plastic cover pour water.

4. Place the cut circle from the cork on the water, and place a needle on top. Take your time, make sure the needle lies flat.

Soon the needle will begin to rotate slowly and its tip will begin to point north.

10. DIY snowshoes

11. DIY water filter

12. DIY hammock
