Replanting an old blackcurrant bush. Transplanting currants in the fall - basic rules. Video: transplanting currants in summer

​Currant is the most popular berry in Russian gardens. This shrub is unpretentious, easily adapts to conditions and conditions. proper care produces a rich harvest of tasty and healthy berries. The most popular are red and black currants. Black currant is considered the most beneficial due to the high content of vitamin C in the leaves and berries.

How to transplant currants correctly: transplant goals and plant characteristics

Despite the fact that currant bushes can be found on almost every garden plot, not every gardener can boast of a rich harvest of this berry. The fact is that in order to obtain a large number of berries, you need to know the characteristics of this plant and provide it with the minimum necessary care.

To understand when it is better to replant currants, you need to decide on the purpose of replanting. A transplant may be needed in the following cases.

  • The bush has grown and is being interfered with by neighboring bushes, fences, trees, etc. Currants need space. If it has grown too much, it is trimmed.
  • The bush is already old and does not bear fruit well. To renew a bush, it is not completely replanted, but only a young shoot is planted. In a new place it grows quickly and begins to bear fruit.
  • Replanting of young shoots is required. When there are too many rooted young shoots, they need to be planted, otherwise they begin to interfere with each other.
  • The soil in the area where the currants grow has become depleted. It is impossible to endlessly feed the bush with fertilizers. When grown in one place for a long time, the soil is invariably depleted, there are not enough nutrients for the growth of the bush, it begins to get sick and bear fruit poorly.

As for whether it is possible to replant flowering currants, then flowering plant It is not advisable to touch. After transplantation, the flowers may no longer turn into fruits.

Many gardeners are interested in when they can transplant currants to another place. It is believed that, regardless of the variety and age of the bush, it is best to replant currants in the fall, when they have finished bearing fruit. Autumn replanting is convenient because the plant immediately goes into winter; it does not need to be watered after replanting.

It is worth remembering that it is not advisable to initially plant currant bushes too close to each other. From such a number of closely planted bushes, the harvest will be meager, since there will not be enough nutrients in the soil.

How to transplant an adult currant bush: basic transplantation rules

The algorithm and rules for transplantation do not depend on the chosen time (summer, summer or spring), only the care after transplantation will differ. In the fall, care will be minimal, since replanting is followed by wintering.

Before transplanting currants to a new place in the fall, you need to choose the same place. The new site should have fertile soil and plenty of light. Currants do not bear fruit well in the shade, so it is not recommended to plant them close to fences, buildings and trees.

  • The soil is prepared in the selected area. All old roots and weeds are removed, the area is carefully dug up and fertilized.
  • The holes for transplanting bushes are prepared in advance, a couple of weeks in advance. You can put drainage in them, add humus and mineral fertilizers. There is no fundamental difference between how to transplant black currants and red currants. But for red currants, you can add a little sand to the soil.
  • The size of the hole is determined by the size of the bush's root. If the bush is already old and the roots have grown sufficiently, the hole should be about 40 cm deep.
  • Before transplanting currants in summer or spring, the bush needs to be prepared. All old and dried branches must be removed. Young branches are cut in half. After this, the currants are carefully dug up. If there are long and old thick roots, they need to be cut off.
  • The bush must be removed along with the root and a clod of earth, but it must not be pulled by the shoots so that they do not break off. When digging up roots, they need to be inspected for pest larvae. All larvae and damaged roots must be removed. The roots need to be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Water is poured into the hole with compost and fertilizers so that the mixture becomes liquid. A bush is planted in this slurry and the roots are sprinkled with dry soil. Then the bush is watered again to compact the soil.
  • If transplantation is done in the fall, the currants are immediately prepared for winter. The soil under the bush is sprinkled with humus and dry leaves. You cannot replant currants until the end of sap flow, as they will begin to actively grow and freeze in winter.

How to transplant currants in spring: further care after transplantation

The first time after transplantation, currants need careful care and abundant watering. For a week or two, while the adaptation period is underway, the bush needs to be watered abundantly so that all the roots are saturated. With abundant watering, currants take root more easily and begin to bear fruit the next year after transplanting.

Currants should be given plenty of water for no more than 3 weeks, otherwise the roots will begin to rot due to waterlogging and fungal diseases will appear.

Before transplanting red currants in the spring, it is necessary to prepare the soil in advance, so it will not need fertilizing for some time.

The first year after planting, you need to actively engage in crown formation. The smaller the growth and the taller the bush, the more berries there will be.

To protect the currant bush from pests, you can plant parsley and dill nearby. For abundant growth and a rich harvest, you can plant 3 young bushes in one hole, but no more.

If young shoots were transplanted, the first time it is necessary to cut off the color. The plant will spend too much energy on flowering and fruiting, and it needs to be given time to recover and take root.

It is believed that there is no need to feed young transplanted currants, but to speed up their growth they can be added to the soil. a small amount of nitroammofoski.

Transplanted currants need to be pruned so that the base of the bush is wider and more exposed to the sun. A dense bush will not always bear a lot of berries.

Branches affected by aphids or other pests must be cut off and burned. It is also important to remove all weak and crookedly growing branches so that they do not weaken the plant.

Many people advise organizing currants in the spring hot shower, pour boiling water from a watering can. However, for a transplanted plant this method may be too aggressive. It's better to wait until next year when the plant finally gets stronger.

If the currant has already been transplanted and there is suddenly a danger of night frosts, the bush must be covered and insulated, otherwise the plant will not take root.

Transplanting currants in the fall to a new place is usually in demand if redevelopment of the yard is planned. Another necessity is depletion or contamination of the soil. The movement of an adult plant is accompanied by severe stress. If the technology is violated, the currants may not take root or freeze in winter.

Is it possible to replant currants in the fall?

The younger the plant, the more you can expect from transplanting currant bushes in the fall. best result. Engraftment in a new location depends on the soil temperature. It shouldn't be frozen. It is important to extract the root from the ground as completely as possible. Damaged root system reduces the likelihood of engraftment.

You can transplant any currant: red, black, white. The technology for each variety is the same, but due to varietal characteristics there are nuances.

When is it better to replant currants - in autumn or spring?

It is theoretically possible to transplant young bushes to a previously planned new location from spring to autumn. In practice, completely different results are often observed. Almost 100% of the plant takes root in a new place if the transplant is done while the crop is at rest: spring and autumn. Allowed if there is an urgent need for the procedure in the summer. However, the guarantee of survival of the plant in a new place is reduced, and mistakes made will lead to the death of the bush.

Let's look at each period separately:

  • Spring. It is better to transplant to a new place in the first and second ten days of March, when the movement of juice has not yet intensified. The advantage of the method is better survival rate of currants. The absence of frost will allow the shrub to take root better. The disadvantage of this method is the lack of harvest in the year of transplantation. However, in order to save a valuable variety, you can be patient. For gardeners in the northern regions, spring replanting is the only way to preserve the crop. If the procedure is performed in the fall, mature plant It won’t have time to take root and will freeze.
  • Summer. Currants actively grow and bear fruit in summer. Transplantation can be resorted to as a necessary measure. It is unlikely that an adult bush with berries will take root in a new place, but you can try to move the young plant. When replanting, it is important to adhere to two rules: to maintain the integrity of the root with a lump of earth as much as possible and to frequently water the planted plant.
  • Autumn. After fruiting, currants gradually begin to prepare for winter. The plant's growth activity decreases every day, sap flow decreases, and a period of calm begins. Autumn is considered best time for transplantation, but not in the northern regions. With the rapid onset of winter, the root system will not have time to strengthen. Many gardeners prefer to transplant currants in the fall because of the opportunity to get a harvest in a new place in the summer.

The video talks about the intricacies of the summer transplant process:

When to start transplanting currants in the fall is determined by the gardener himself based on the weather. For example, in middle lane optimal time The period from the second ten days of September to the second ten days of October is considered. In the south, the dates can be moved closer to November. Early transplantation is dangerous. During intensive watering, the shrub can grow fresh foliage. With the onset of frost, it will freeze and the fruit buds will die. You also can’t wait until late autumn. The bush must have time to take root.

Transplanting black currants in autumn

The process of transplanting currants from different colors The fruits are the same, but for each type there are a number of nuances. The culture with black berries has differences in the structure of the root system and loves water. When the blackcurrant is transplanted to a new location in the fall, the plant is watered abundantly every day. You don’t even have to be afraid that there is a whole swamp under the bush.

Important! Abundant watering of black currants is only needed for initial stage before rooting. Subsequently, the culture is filled with water once a week.

To get good results, black currants need to choose a favorable new location. Best suited sunny plot. Light shading is allowed. Branches with foliage from neighboring trees should not hang over the bushes, otherwise the threat of contracting a fungal disease in the fall increases. If it is planned to transplant several bushes, then maintain a distance of 1.5 m between them. The bush is removed from the fence at least 1 m.

Attention! The new place should not be swampy. High location groundwater will speed up the engraftment of the root system, but over time it will begin to rot.

Young seedlings aged 1 or two or three years are best suited for transplantation. summer bushes. The wells are prepared in advance. Size approximately 40x60 cm in depth and width, respectively. If the dug plant turns out to have a large root, the hole is widened. Compost is poured into the bottom of the pit and 200 g of ash is added. Sprinkle the nutrient mixture on top thin layer black soil The bush is lowered with its roots into the hole, a bucket of water is poured out, and covered with earth.

Pruning cannot be combined with replanting. The plant does not need double stress. If the bush needs pruning, it is better to do it 3 weeks before replanting or wait until spring.

Transplanting red currants in autumn

Red currants do not tolerate much moisture. However, the first two weeks require abundant watering for the roots to take root. To prevent waterlogging when transplanting red currants to a new place in the fall, drainage from small stones is organized at the bottom of the hole before filling with compost and ash.

The lower need for moisture is explained by the different structure of the root system. The red currant root grows large and branched. You will have to dig a hole in the new place large sizes than for chokeberry crops. All other steps during transplantation are no different.

Advice! Red currants are more capricious, weaker, and more difficult to take root in a new place. If possible, it is better to replant the crop not in the fall, but in the spring.

How to replant a currant bush in the fall

Currants of any variety are replanted in the fall according to the same general rules. To get a positive result, it is important to follow them.

Selecting a location

A new place for culture is chosen according to the following rules:

  • Currants are suitable for a sunny area with slight partial shade. Planting in the shade is allowed, but the quality of fruiting will decrease.
  • Relief – plain or small elevations. Rain and melt water will accumulate in the lowlands.
  • It is advisable to maintain a distance of at least 2 m from other fruit trees.

It is important to consider the location groundwater in a new place. A minimum depth of 1.5 m is allowed.

Soil preparation

When transplanting currants in the fall, it is important to prepare favorable soil in a new location. The culture develops well on sandy loam soil, well fertilized with organic matter. If the site has loamy soil, add organic matter mineral fertilizers.

The size of the hole depends on the dimensions of the root system. Currants should be dug up in the fall, preserving, if possible, a whole lump of earth. To begin with, you can prepare a hole 40 cm deep and 60 cm wide. From organic matter, humus, ash, peat or compost are used to prepare the substrate. When fertilizing loamy soil, add 30 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of superphosphate.

Preparation of the bush

Three weeks before transplanting to a new place, the currant bush is put in order. In autumn, active processes stop, so you can safely trim off excess branches. Use pruning shears to cut out shoots older than five years, damaged and weak stems. Long branches are shortened to 50 cm. The procedure is mandatory so that the shrub has time to take root in the fall. Long shoots will only take away nutrients.

To preserve the root as much as possible, a circle of crown projection is roughly drawn on the ground. The resulting ring is expanded by another 15 cm. First, the bush is dug along the markings on all sides. Having gone deep to 40 cm, they try to pry up a lump of earth with roots with a bayonet. At the same time, use your hands to try to pull the currants by the thick branches at the base of the root. You can't put in a lot of effort. If the lump of earth with roots is dug well, the bush will be easily removed.

The broken ends of the roots protruding from the earthen ball are cut off with pruning shears. If the root system is rotten, the lump of earth is completely destroyed. Use pruning shears to trim the damaged areas. The currant roots are dipped into a bucket with a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes for disinfection.

The best way to dig up currants is shown in the video:


The planting algorithm in a new location will be different for currants dug up with a clod of earth and bare roots. In the second case, perform the following steps:

If the currant was dug up with a lump of earth, then it is simply lowered into the hole, covered with substrate, and poured generously with water. When replanting, they try to ensure that the shrub in the new place is buried in the same way as it grew before.

Care after autumn transplant

The main care for currants in a new place in the fall is frequent watering. At the same time, it is necessary to loosen the soil. Better oxygen supply to the roots speeds up engraftment. In rainy autumn, reduce the amount of watering, otherwise the plant will get wet.

Feeding after replanting in the fall is not needed, and the weakened crop must be protected from diseases and pests hiding for the winter. Currants are sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Late autumn trunk circle They are insulated with mulch up to 20 cm thick. Currant branches are tied with rope into a bundle and surrounded with spruce branches. When the first snow falls, they try to cover the bushes for additional insulation crowns


Transplanting currants to a new place in the fall resembles the process of planting a purchased seedling. The only difference is the need to remove the plant from its old location.

Replanting currants may be required for many reasons. The most commonplace reason is moving to new property. But changing the location of the currant bush within one area is included in mandatory list actions to care for her. If you do this at the wrong time or incorrectly, then there is a risk of spoiling or losing your favorite fruit bush. In this article we will tell you all the rules for replanting and give advice to novice gardeners.

Why is it necessary to transplant black currants to a new place?

What are the reasons for moving a shrub to a new place, other than moving to another plot:

  • for the purpose of propagating the variety you like;
  • for some diseases, if the fight against them on the spot has not been successful;
  • when overgrown bushes are clearly in the way full development each other;
  • change in groundwater level towards decreasing the depth of its location;
  • shading that appears due to an increase in the crown of a nearby tree, overgrown grapes or a built object;
  • planned renewal of shrubs after a certain age;
  • transfer to fertile soil with depleted and accumulated toxic waste products of this plant species.

When transplanted correctly, the plant takes root well in most cases.

General requirements for a new location

The rules for choosing a place to transplant a bush are the same as for the initial planting. What does the currant bush like:

  1. Sunny place. Shading is only allowed at lunchtime, when the sun's rays are very active.
  2. Flat earth surface. At higher elevations, moisture is retained less and there is usually strong wind exposure, which creates unfavourable conditions for the development of shrubs. The lowlands are too scary high level groundwater, which can lead to rotting of the root system.
  3. Weed-free soil. This is especially true for grass with a superficial intertwined root system. "
  4. Remote proximity to other fruit and berry crops, since it is quite susceptible to many diseases.
  5. Soils with weak acidity or neutral pH levels. Light loams are preferable. Otherwise, the desired composition and structure will have to be achieved with the help of fertilizers, drainage and mulching.

What season is best to choose for transplantation?

There is no categorical answer to the question about the most favorable time of year for this time of year. Both autumn and spring transplants can benefit. The main criterion is the condition of the bush. It should already be in a “dormant” state: in the spring before the buds appear and the beginning of growth, in the fall after the leaves fall.

Tip #1. The choice of season should also depend on geography. In the northern regions, where winters are very frosty, it is better to replant in the spring.

It is even possible to prepare new plant cuttings in the fall for further spring planting. In areas with a temperate climate, autumn is preferred. If there is an urgent need, you can move currants to a new place in the summer. In this case, to reduce stress and trauma to the plant, it is dug up with a large lump of earth, which remains on the roots during further planting. In the future, it is necessary to carefully drain the bush with water.

Transplanting currants in autumn and watering the soil

What are the features of autumn transplantation?

Early, when the weather could be predicted even by natural phenomena, planting and changing the location of the plant was considered best to be done in the fall. This is still relevant now, but with a careful study of the forecast. Let's consider a few special points regarding autumn time.

What is important to remember Why
Recommended transplant time: end of September - beginning of October Active plant growth ends, sap flow processes slow down, foliage falls, so the impact of stress will be minimal.
In winter, the bush needs shelter The weather is unpredictable now; even plants planted long before the expected frost may not survive the winter. For example, frost can strike unexpectedly without the presence of snow cover, which protects the plant's roots from the cold. Shelter can be created by mulching with humus or compost.
Currants planted in autumn can produce a small harvest the following summer. A plant planted on time will take root before the first frost and survive the adaptation process. Therefore, with the onset of the first heat, it will begin active growth and development.
Watering in winter In case of a dry autumn, the plant should be well watered before winter; this is done in October.

Tip #2. Do not use mown grass, branches or tops from vegetable plants as a covering material. There is a risk that rodents may take root here and destroy the roots of the bush.

What is the difference between spring plant replanting?

Holding this event in the spring is considered rather forced. Although many gardeners believe that after winter, plants experience less stress from any manipulation with them, since there is no further exposure to low temperatures. Let's see what features spring replanting of shrubs has.

Recommendations Addition
Planting should be done as soon as the soil has warmed up a little. Exemplary temperature regime The surface layer of the earth should be +5. You need to have time before budding and active growth begin. If you do not meet this period, it is better to wait until the fall or next spring to replant. Or implement it with recommendations for the summer season.
It is best in the spring to replant bushes formed by branches from last year or rooted cuttings that were stored all winter in a cellar or greenhouse. In this case, it will take less time to root and the plant will grow faster. You can reduce stress by transferring a bush-seedling without freeing the root from the clod of earth.
Abundant watering If autumn plant after transplantation it is saturated with moisture all winter thanks to snow cover, then it is necessary to create the most acceptable conditions for establishment with the help of watering. It is better to water transplanted shrubs with water at first. room temperature, or warmed up in the sun.

Preparing a new place for the shrub and the transplant itself

After selecting a location based on light and humidity parameters, it is necessary preliminary preparation soil. If possible, it is necessary to start carrying out it 2-3 weeks before planting.

Preparing a new place for shrubs and digging up the soil

What a complete preparation of a new place should look like:

  • Dig up and clear the ground of grass and weed roots. Flatten upper layer soil.
  • Dig required amount holes with a diameter of 40*40 cm for young bushes. To transplant an older plant, a hole is dug to accommodate the entire lump of earth with which it will be dug. A certain depth of -30-50 cm is also maintained, depending on the age of the plant. If several shrubs are to be transplanted, you can dig one trench. But the distance between plants should be maintained at least 1-1.5 meters.

According to some new planting methods, a more dense arrangement within 0.7 m is assumed. This is relevant if it is necessary to save space or during the subsequent formation of a trunk.

  • If the soil is heavy, it is necessary to organize drainage. This can be done by placing some crushed stone, sand or shards on the bottom of the hole.
  • Approximately 2/3 of the hole is filled with earth mixed with compost and humus. Among fertilizers, currants love phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. The rate of added minerals is calculated based on the recommendations indicated on the packages. If we make any shifts from the specified standards, then only to a lesser extent. But it is worth considering that potassium must be free of chlorine. " If the soil is highly acidic, ash, chalk, slaked lime, and dolomite are added. It should be remembered that ash is also rich in mineral composition, so industrial fertilizers are applied in smaller quantities.
  • It is important to properly dig up the bush from its old location. To do this, the plant is dug in a circle to a depth of 40-50 cm. The diameter of the excavation is maintained according to the width of the above-ground part of the plant. Carefully, picking up with a shovel, the bush along with the lump of earth is pulled out of the hole. You shouldn’t pull on the top part; if it’s difficult to pull out, it’s better to dig in with a shovel. Otherwise, you can damage the root system.
  • Before planting, 1-2 buckets of water are poured into the prepared hole.
  • It is recommended to lower the bush into landing hole along with a lump of earth. But if the plant is sick, you should soak the roots for subsequent cleaning from the soil, or carefully shake them off. Inspect them and remove diseased and damaged parts. For disinfection, it can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

For better rooting, the hole can be additionally watered with rootstock before planting.

  • The bush is lowered into the very slurry and covered with a dug-out layer of soil several cm (about 5-7) above the root collar.
  • The above-ground part of the plant is processed by cutting off dried and damaged shoots and shortening the branches by about half.
  • It is advisable to add mulch as the top layer. This could be peat, fallen leaves or pine needles, special material, freshly cut grass.
  • 1-2 buckets of water are poured out again.

Since the fertilizers have been applied to the soil itself, there is no need to water the bush with them after planting. Otherwise, you can burn the root system. In the future, it is recommended to carry out the following treatment to improve fertility: cutting weeds with a sharp bayonet device at a depth of 2-3 cm. This will inhibit the root system of the grass, and the upper part, drying out and rotting, will create additional nutrition for the soil and serve as mulch.

Gardeners who do not welcome the application of purchased mineral fertilizers can be advised to fertilize with ash. It is collected from under the fire of dried weeds and trees. Approximately half a liter jar is added to each currant bush in diameter, maintaining a distance of approximately 15-20 cm from the shoots where the feeding roots are located.

The procedure is carried out in the spring, since the introduction of any mineral fertilizers into autumn period later goes deeper with melt water, and become inaccessible to the root system. And in winter time year, the plant is in a dormant state and does not need additional nutrition.

Frequently asked questions about transplanting black currants

Question No. 1. Is it possible to replant 3-5 year old currant bushes or is it better to take cuttings?

Can. You need to dig them up with a large lump of earth and drag them on a substrate to a new planting site. It is good to deepen and trim the top part. Organize abundant watering after transplanting.

Question No. 2. Is it possible to transplant young seedlings in place of uprooted old currant bushes?

It is advisable to leave this place for other crops that are not similar in classification. And for new seedlings it is better to set aside a new place. This will help avoid overworking the soil and becoming infected with diseases that exist in this area and are characteristic of this crop.

Currants requiring replanting

Question No. 3. What plants will be favorable in the neighborhood for black currants?

You can plant onions and garlic around the bush or at a short distance. They will protect the bushes from many pests and diseases. But it is better to place gooseberries, raspberries, and red currants further away. It is also not recommended to plant it under fruit trees.

Question No. 4. Do I need to hill up bushes transplanted in autumn?

After planting, you can hill up the transplanted bushes for greater insulation. But in early spring It is necessary to level this embankment. Since the plant has begun to grow, it will begin to put out lateral roots into the soil sprinkled on the trunks. Behind summer season The top raised layer of soil will dry out, which will lead to the death of surface roots or their further freezing in winter.

Question No. 5. Is it possible not to trim the ground part of the transplanted bush?

Acceptable. But in this case, the engraftment period will be significantly extended. "

Mistakes that happen when transplanting black currants

Mistake #1. Replanting the bush to the same depth as it was in its previous location.

When planting a plant in a new place, it is necessary to deepen it 5-7 cm more than in the previous place.

Mistake #2. Little attention to watering the plant.

After transplantation, the shrub needs a large amount of water to restore the plant and improve the subsequent harvest. It should not be in a puddle, but the ground should always be damp.

Mistake #3. Applying large amounts of fertilizer to achieve better growth plants and harvest.

Excess fertilizer applied in excess of the norms indicated on the packages will not improve the survival rate of the plant and the yield indicators. They can only harm the plant.

Currants are a real treasure useful vitamins and nutritional elements that are so necessary for every person. A rich variety of beneficial properties, as well as excellent taste, explains why currant bushes are popular among gardeners. Today we want to talk about how currants are transplanted in the fall.

This process is quite complicated, but if you arm yourself with our advice, you will definitely succeed.

There are several different types currants:

  • black;
  • red;
  • burgundy;
  • white.

What is the secret of black currant?

The most important thing when caring for black currants is replanting in early spring or late autumn, when the bush no longer bears fruit, has dropped its leaves and is ready for wintering. Transplanting black currants in the fall should be done at a time when the soil allows it.

Blackcurrant loves warmth and does not do well in shaded areas of the garden. Therefore, when choosing a place for this type of berry, you need to give preference solar options. This guarantees a decent harvest by 70%!

The peculiarity of the black variety from the red one is that the root system of the first is not so deep and this is rather an advantage. Thanks to this, you can easily saturate the absorbing roots with useful trace elements, minerals and other organic components.

Transplanting black currants requires abundant watering. It may seem that there is a whole puddle under the bushes, but for this type of berries this is absolutely normal.

Unpretentious red currant

This type of berry is extremely common and gardeners love it due to its unpretentiousness both in the soil and in planting. Red currants always please with a rich harvest, but they also have some peculiarities. Transplantation of red currants is carried out mainly in the fall, since there are no problems with the establishment of the root system.

Like other fruit-bearing shrubs, red currants need to be fertilized and fed. This must also be done during transplantation. For example, you can put in the prepared hole in advance organic fertilizer. Otherwise, the transplantation process is no different from working with other types of currants.

Transplanting red currants in the fall can be supplemented by pruning the seedlings and watering them abundantly. We advise you to dip the ends of the red currant bush in specially prepared water.

The composition of the mixture implies the presence of mullein and clay. This will allow the root system to quickly take root in the new location. Use the same rule if you have to transplant burgundy currants.

Choosing the ideal place

Transplanting currants is a process that does not take much time to complete. Most of the time and effort goes into finding a place where bushes with berries will grow. Did you choose something bad? You can forget about a rich harvest, so let's look at the main secrets of the ideal place for currants.

  1. Avoid dark places. Remember, currants love the sun and if sun rays If there is not enough, the bush will not produce the proper harvest, and will also often suffer from pests and all kinds of diseases. In particular, there may appear fungal diseases, such as brown spot. It is best to place the bushes in such a way that all the vegetative mass is outside and not inside.
  2. The soil should not be too wet. Transplanting currants to a new location is an extremely sensitive undertaking, in which it is important to maintain soil moisture. If the root system is constantly in damp place, then it will quickly rot. Choose moderately moist soil.
  3. It is better not to plant anything next to currants. The foliage of the shrub is susceptible to fungal diseases that can be transmitted from other crops. We do not recommend creating compositions with other plants.
  4. Transplantation of currant bushes can be carried out in sandy soil. In such soil the bush will quickly develop and will delight you with a rich harvest. To do this, you need to dig a small hole, pour 5 cm of crushed stone and 15 cm of sand into it.

The process of transplanting currants

At the very beginning, we prepare the soil for replanting, dig up the soil, and also fertilize it with various organic useful minerals. This will allow the shrub to take root faster and show an impressive growth rate. We recommend that you fertilize the soil with products that have a long-term effect.

It could be humus, wood ash, superphosphate or something else. Currants actively absorb all substances, so you can sprinkle 150-200 grams of the selected fertilizer, sprinkle it with soil and continue the replanting process.

Between bushes (especially between tall ones), maintain a distance of up to 150 centimeters so that one of the bushes does not darken the other. The proper distance will protect the rest of the berries from the disease that occurs on the bush.

You can watch a video about currant transplantation, which discusses the nuances of this process. It is best to plant bushes in holes at least 40 cm deep, which will allow the root system to acquire the proper number of lateral roots. Thanks to them, the bush will be nourished and give a rich harvest.

If everything is ready, then you can take a currant seedling and place it in a prepared and fertilized hole. If the height of the bush is more than 45 cm, you need to trim it and leave it no more than the specified size, which guarantees its survival in the new place. Otherwise, the root system will be deficient in both moisture and fertilizer. Finally, you need to generously fill the currant bush with water.

The first time after transplantation

The autumn replanting of currants is complete and you can breathe easy, but you should not relax completely. In the first days, you can start trimming the main vegetative mass, of which 2/3 is usually left.

Over the next 2 weeks you should maintain a real “swamp” under the currant bush. At the same time, do not keep the berries in water for too long, as this will negatively affect the possible harvest.

Transplanting mature currants also involves controlling the crown of the bush. It's about about giving it the correct shape and the directions of all the branches upward.
