We open a bathhouse or sauna. How to open a sauna with a swimming pool: a detailed business plan

  • Project Description
  • Description of products and services
  • Marketing plan
  • Production plan
  • Financial plan
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Do I need permission to open?
  • Production technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Sample business plan for opening a Russian bathhouse in a small town. Serves as an example for attracting credit resources.

Project Description

The goal of the project is the construction of a Russian bathhouse in the city of N with the subsequent rental of the complex. A small marketing study of several areas of the city revealed an insufficient number of Russian baths with decent service and quality of services provided.

To implement the project, it is planned to attract own funds in the amount of 300,000 rubles and borrowed funds (bank loan) in the amount of 680,000 rubles. In total, the total cost of the project is 980,000 rubles.

Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year = 479,800 rubles;
  • Farm profitability = 45.9%;
  • Project payback = 24 months.

Starting cost estimate:

Which tax system to choose and the required set of documents

The organizational and legal form of the Russian bathhouse will be individual entrepreneurship. For small bath complex This is the most suitable OPF. The initiator of the project is V.V. Ivanov.

As a taxation system, it is planned to use the simplified taxation system (STS) with a regime of 15% of the organization’s profit. This special tax regime exempts you from the obligation to pay income tax, VAT and property tax.

Where to start implementing the project

Currently started Practical activities for the implementation of the “Russian bathhouse” project:

  • Registration completed individual entrepreneurship at the local tax office;
  • A long-term lease agreement has been concluded land plot with an area of ​​150 m2, owned by the municipality. The cost of rent is 7,000 rubles per month.
  • A company has been found that supplies Russian baths. This company is engaged in the development, construction, delivery and installation of turnkey bath complexes.

Description of products and services

The cost of bathhouse rental services will be set no higher than the average market prices in the city. So, the cost of an hourly rental of a bathhouse will be 600 rubles. In addition, visitors will be offered additional paid services:

  • Birch, linden, fir broom - 100 rub./piece;
  • Essential oils (eucalyptus) - 60 rub./10 ml.;
  • Disposable slippers - 50 rub./piece;
  • Bathrobe (rental) - 150 rubles;
  • Shampoo, shower gel - 30 rubles;
  • Terry towel (sale) - 400 rubles;
  • Shaving set - 50 rub.;
  • Hookah (with milk, cognac, etc.) - 500 rubles;
  • Barbecue - 300 rub.;

The complex will also offer free services, which include:

  • Board games(chess, backgammon);
  • Hairdryer;
  • Bath attributes;
  • Guarded parking.

The operating hours of the Russian bath are planned to be set from 12:00 to 24:00. We consider this to be the optimal mode, allowing us to serve the maximum number of clients without additionally burdening the staff (in the case of a 24-hour bathhouse). Subsequently, with the growing popularity of the bathhouse, a transition to round-the-clock operation is possible.

Download a premium business plan for a bathhouse with a quality guarantee

Marketing plan

About 20,000 people live in the area where the Russian bathhouse will be located. This is a residential area of ​​the city with a large number multi-storey buildings and new buildings. It is assumed that residents of this area will be the main clients of our complex. However, due to the transport accessibility of the complex, visits by clients from other parts of the city are not excluded.

  • Posting advertisements, distributing leaflets, flyers informing about the opening of the complex;
  • Advertising on the Internet, registration on bulletin boards, thematic resources, forums, contextual advertising Yandex-direct.

As for competitors, there are 2 similar complexes with a similar list of services in our area. The study revealed that competitors operate at high prices that do not correspond to the quality of the services provided. However, the flow of customers to these bath complexes is quite high.

Let's calculate the estimated monthly income of a Russian bathhouse.

The bathhouse's revenue will differ depending on what day it is - the highest income is expected on Friday and Saturday. It is assumed that the load on the bathhouse these days will be at least 80%. That is, out of 12 hours of operation of the bathhouse, at least 10 hours will be rented. Thus, the revenue for these days will be: 600 rubles. * 10 hours * 2 = 12,000 rubles. In the remaining 5 days, the load of the bathhouse will be no more than 40%, that is, 5 hours will be purchased: 600 rubles. * 5 hours * 5 = 15,000 rubles. Total income per week from renting a bathhouse will be 27,000 rubles. In addition, part of the proceeds will come from additional services - approximately 20% of total revenue or 7,000 rubles per week. Total total income per week will be 34,000 rubles, per month - 136,000 rubles.

Production plan

The technical characteristics of the Russian bath will be as follows:

  • Steam room - 5.93 m2.
  • Shower room - 5.93 m2.
  • Rest room - 18.97 m2.
  • Utility block - 11.33 m2.
  • Terrace - 31.43 m2.

This bathhouse layout meets all SES and fire safety requirements.

The main material for the construction of a Russian bathhouse is rounded logs. This material was not chosen by chance. Rounded wood is very convenient for building installation, economical in subsequent finishing, and also very practical, aesthetically pleasing and durable. A log house made of rounded logs retains heat perfectly and creates a cozy atmosphere indoors. In addition, the construction of a bathhouse from of this material extremely favorable in terms of price-quality ratio. The guarantee for a bathhouse made of rounded logs is 15 years.

How much money do you need to start a business?

The total cost of building a bathhouse from rounded logs on a turnkey basis will be 650,000 rubles. This price will include delivery of the material and installation of the bathhouse at the customer’s site. Another approximately 220,000 rubles will be spent on preparing the site for the construction of a bathhouse and installing communications (water, electricity, gas).

In planned staffing table baths will include:

The project manager plans to take on the functions of the complex administrator personally. The manager’s responsibilities will also include accounting and submitting reports to the relevant structures.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the bathhouse. The fixed costs of the bath are presented in the following table:

Total fixed expenses of the organization will amount to 87,000 rubles. per month.

The structure of the annual costs of the bathhouse is presented in the form of a diagram:

The main annual costs of the bathhouse will be the costs associated with paying wages to employees - 46% of the total annual costs. Next come the costs of paying insurance premiums for employees - 14% of the total costs and payment utilities- 17% in the structure of total annual costs.

Calculation of gross and net profit is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses of the bath:

How much can you earn from this business?

The net profit of the bathhouse based on the results of annual work will be 479,800 rubles. The profitability of the bathhouse, according to business plan calculations, is 45.9%. With such indicators, the project pays for itself in 2 years of work, which can be considered a good indicator for such a business.

In Russia for last years the sauna as a business has become very popular. This is not surprising, because in our country visiting a bathhouse is a kind of ritual. Many self-respecting citizens go to the bathhouse at least once a week. Such a great love for steam rooms and brooms makes business in this area very profitable. Has proven itself well private bath, designed to be visited by a large number of people at once, the so-called “general” bathhouse, which will cost the visitor no more than 300 rubles. How to open a bathhouse? We will have to look into this issue in this article.

A more expensive option is the sauna, which can accommodate a maximum of 12 people. The price of this service will range from 1200 to 4000 rubles per hour.

The sauna is very profitable business, the main thing is to start it right.

It is better to open a small but well-equipped bathhouse with additional services. In this field of activity, people prefer good quality and service. The list of services provided may vary. A well-established sauna will continue to receive more customers in the future. What is needed to open a sauna or bathhouse? First of all, you need to draw up a business plan, make all the calculations, then get down to business. Where to start and how to open a sauna in Russia? The calculations below are made for Moscow.

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Finding the necessary capital

The first step towards creating a business in this area is finding the necessary capital. You are very lucky if you have one. If you do not have the financial means to open your own sauna, you can take out money on credit. How many Money you will need? It depends on what kind of premises you are going to rent and how much necessary equipment and consumables you plan to purchase. The minimum cost will be in this case 400 thousand rubles, a higher class sauna with a wide range of servants can cost its owner 1,000,000 rubles.

When you arrive at the bank, immediately inform the loan officer that you need a loan in order to start a business from scratch. He will definitely offer the most suitable loan program for you. What should you be wary of? It should be remembered that the overpayment for a loan in some cases reaches 100%. Before borrowing from a bank, you should make a business plan, calculate all the necessary indicators, and then provide them to the bank. A business plan will also be necessary for you, because you don’t know whether it will bring bath business at the beginning of its existence, the desired profit, but you need to pay for the loan monthly. It is advisable to take out a loan for a longer period to avoid possible risks.

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Search for premises to rent

The next step on the path to starting your business is finding premises. The most important thing when choosing it is the size. It is desirable that the area of ​​the room be at least 170-200 square meters. m. The rental price will depend on the location of the future sauna and its dimensions. The cost of renting a place in areas close to the center will be about 70 thousand rubles, in more remote areas - 40-50 thousand rubles. The size of the future sauna should be such that it can accommodate a swimming pool, 1-2 steam rooms, a jacuzzi, a relaxation room, a toilet, a shower and a locker room. The size of the room will also determine how many people can be in it at the same time. The most the best option is the rental of sauna space in hotels, fitness centers, and entertainment complexes. This will ensure a greater flow of customers.

A lot of money will have to be spent on repairs, which can cost the owner 200-500 thousand rubles. The choice of equipment for sauna equipment is also very important point. First of all, you need to purchase essential supplies, then you need to move on to additional consumables. The sauna should be equipped with showers, swimming pool equipment, and benches for changing rooms. It will be necessary to install air conditioning and underfloor heating. In the relaxation room you should purchase sofas, a table with chairs and a TV. It is difficult to answer the question of how much sauna equipment will cost. The price varies from 150 to 300 thousand rubles. In subsequent activities, you can purchase what is missing in the sauna.

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Selection of working personnel

Personnel in this field of activity play a huge role. Number employees will depend on the range of services provided. For full-fledged work you will need: a manager, an administrator, an accountant and a massage therapist (if the list of services you provide includes massage). To maintain cleanliness and order, you will need a cleaning lady. At the same time, to comply necessary measures For security purposes, it is advisable to hire a security guard. If the sauna will operate around the clock, then it is advisable for employees to work in shifts.

It is advisable to hire people who have some experience in this field. This is especially true for a massage therapist, because he will have to perform different types massage. When choosing personnel to work in a sauna, it is necessary to take into account such personality traits as friendliness, punctuality, responsibility, pleasant appearance and the ability to communicate with people. The salary amount must be formed in accordance with the business plan and further expected profit. On average, it will take 15-25 thousand rubles to pay one employee.

In order to attract large quantity clients, appropriate advertising should be made. This could include placing posters and banners in nearby areas, in newspapers and magazines in your city, and on television. The most in an inexpensive way Making yourself known is advertising on the Internet. The total cost of advertising costs will be about 15-30 thousand rubles.

The accelerated pace of life in modern megacities and heavy workloads lead people to look for opportunities to maintain their health, relax and receive positive emotions. One of best places, where you can have a good rest, get emotional release and engage in healing procedures are baths. That's why baths were and remain profitable view business, despite the fact that new establishments of this kind are constantly opening in big and small cities, offering a wide range of services.

Which bathhouse is more profitable to open in 2019?

In Russia today, the Russian bathhouse, Finnish sauna, Turkish hammam and Japanese ofurro are popular. But the first two types are more common, since the latter, especially the Japanese one, are relatively new on the service market.

The most in demand are baths that have expanded functionality - bath complexes that include a swimming pool, bar or cafe, billiard room, massage parlors, etc. In recent years, a new trend has been gaining momentum - establishments with bedrooms, often located in attics or the second floor, combining the functions of a bathhouse and a guest house. Baths with an expanded terrace area are also in demand. But you need to take into account that large bath complexes quickly pay for themselves only in megacities. More suitable for a small town small sauna, including a minimum range of services. This is the most profitable option for opening an establishment from scratch.

Our business plan is designed to open an establishment with minimal investment in 2017.

What documents are required to open a bathhouse?

When opening a bathhouse, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur and select UTII for taxation. The OKVED code is needed 93.04, since this section includes activities aimed at improving health, physical condition and ensuring comfort, which includes Turkish baths and saunas, as well as steam rooms. OKUE number - 019100

After registration, a package of documents is prepared:

  • copies of constituent documents;
  • a copy of the tax registration certificate;
  • permits from SES and State Fire Supervision;
  • passport from the BTI;
  • premises rental agreement or property documents;
  • a copy of the letter from the State Statistics Committee;
  • a copy of the registration card;
  • contracts for waste removal, water supply, heating, electricity.

Approximately 25,000 rubles will be required for paperwork.

What should a bath room be like?

You can either look for a room for a bathhouse in a non-residential building or build one. The second option is preferable for two reasons:

  1. refurbish existing premises for required sizes pretty hard;
  2. When building a bathhouse, the choice of all areas and materials remains with the customer.

A small bathhouse with an area of ​​100 square meters is suitable. m. with a swimming pool (6 sq. m.) and a steam room (12 sq. m.). The bathhouse will also have a common room, a locker room, a relaxation room, a spa and massage room, and a terrace.

If the bathhouse is built from brick, it will take about 1,700,000 rubles, but we will stop at more economical option- a room made of timber, which will cost 700,000 rubles. When finishing Special attention It is worth paying attention to technical and aesthetic characteristics. The walls are covered with wood, which must be treated with special substances that protect against overheating and fire. Each owner decorates the rest room according to his own taste. But, it is desirable that there be benches, a table and a TV.

After completion of construction, it will be necessary to connect gas, water, sewerage, electricity, which will require additional funds and time. Setting up all communications can take up to six months, and the cost will average 160,000 rubles.

Equipment and furniture. What is needed and how much will it cost

In recent years, a lot of special equipment for baths has appeared. In order to choose the right one, you need to take into account not only prices and manufacturer, but also the factor that modern bathhouse should be as functional as possible. Professionals advise to first draw up a plan of all the premises of the bathhouse with the equipment that can be located there. For the bath you will need:
  • a stove that has a heater and a tank for heating water;
  • shower cabins:
  • pool equipment;
  • ventilation equipment;
  • lighting;
  • equipment for massage room.

In addition, you will need lockers for clothes, tables, benches, and a TV. It is also necessary to purchase brooms, mittens, slippers, bathrobes. They can be rented or sold, thereby increasing income.

Furniture, equipment and bath accessories will require 700,000 rubles/

Bathhouse business plan: recruitment

It has a big advantage in terms of personnel recruitment, since it does not require so many specialists, and, consequently, the costs of wages won't be tall. Another thing is that with low wages, staff turnover is possible. To retain employees, you can introduce incentive payments, small but regular.

To work in the bath you need:

  • Administrator - 20,000 rubles;
  • Accountant - 15,000 rubles;
  • Cleaning lady - 10,000 rubles;
  • Massage therapist - 15,000 rubles;
  • Bath attendant - 15,000 rubles;
  • It will cost approximately 75,000 rubles per month to pay.

You can save money if the functions of administrator and accountant are taken over by the owner of the bathhouse or members of his family. Then only 40,000 rubles will be spent on wages.

Bath business: how much you can earn

How much does it cost to open a bathhouse in 2017? Let's try to calculate how much money it will take to open a bathhouse from scratch:

That is, to launch a bathhouse you need 1,675,000 rubles.

The profitability of a business depends on a number of factors, including the range of services that your establishment will provide. Services can include pre-booking, massage therapist and bathhouse attendant services, rental and sale of bath accessories. Prices for customers should not be too high, but they should not be too low either. On average, the price can be 200 rubles per hour per person, or when renting the entire complex 1000-1500 rubles. On weekends, the workload should be 80%, on regular days - 25%. If the bathhouse operates for 12 hours, the monthly profit will be up to 86,000 rubles. The project should pay off within 1.5-2 years. After which you can think about expanding your business.

Download ready business bath plan

Entrepreneurs who choose the bath business as the basis of their activities do right choice. This will allow you to combine business with pleasure, making a good profit and taking care of your health.

Today, many citizens use the services of a sauna. For some, this is an opportunity to improve their health, while for others it is an opportunity to have a good time in their free time. Saunas are quite popular, but the number of representatives of this business increases every year. To achieve high competitiveness, you should first develop a business plan for a bathhouse with calculations. This will also allow you to avoid many mistakes during the implementation of activities.


Many novice entrepreneurs want to know how to open a sauna from scratch. It is worth noting that this business requires a lot of effort, as well as capital investment. For this reason, it will not be possible to open a sauna or bathhouse without start-up capital. The most significant expense item is the acquisition or purchase of premises and equipment. However, first of all, it is worth determining for which category of visitors the establishment will operate. The sauna is intended:

  • for health improvement;
  • for athletes and those who are trying to lose weight;
  • for holidays and recreation.

Having decided on this, it’s worth finding out how we open a sauna/bathhouse for public use in stages.

Stages of building a business

If you don’t know where to start, you should use the following action plan:

  • A license is required only if the establishment allows alcohol consumption or provides medical services.
  • Identification of services of interest to potential consumers. This process should be treated with utmost responsibility, which will allow achieving high efficiency. At this stage it is also worth taking care of advertising. You can use various means to place it.
  • Purchasing or renting premises. Its area should not be less than 120 sq.m. This will allow you to place two saunas, a swimming pool, changing rooms, relaxation rooms, showers, toilets and a swimming pool. However, it is worth considering the type of bathhouse that will be open. It is advisable to select premises in crowded areas with good transport links.
  • Purchase of equipment and furniture. It is worth considering in advance what kind of design the premises will have and what should be installed in them.
  • Recruitment. You should hire qualified specialists who have experience and, if necessary, licenses to carry out a certain type of activity.
  • Selecting the establishment's operating mode.

Each stage should be taken as seriously as possible and all actions should be thought through to the smallest detail. Thus, the business idea will not only become a reality, but will allow you to make a good profit.

Financial part (approximate investments, profits and payback)

It is worth noting that detailed business The plan for a sauna with a swimming pool will allow you to minimize costs and complete all the work in the shortest possible time. An entrepreneur will have to take into account the following costs when wanting to open a sauna:

  • Premises: 2000 – 15,000 USD
  • Equipment and furniture: from 5,000 USD
  • Creation of a swimming pool: from 3,000 USD
  • Staff salaries: 1,500 USD
  • Utility costs and taxes: 500 USD
  • Possible additional expenses: up to 500 USD.

When deciding to find out how much it costs to build a sauna for a business, you should pay attention to the figures presented. The number of expenses can be reduced if you do not plan to open a large-scale establishment.

The cost of visiting the bathhouse for one person varies between 10-15 USD. When renting a room per hour, the price will be approximately 50-80 USD. An entrepreneur can receive average income per month – 4,000 USD However, how quickly a private bath will pay for itself also depends on the popularity, quality of services provided and the presence of regular customers.

Required documents

An important stage in opening a business of this type is the preparation of documents. An entrepreneur can obtain individual entrepreneur status or open an LLC. In the first case, you will need to prepare the following documents:

  • application for registration of individual entrepreneur certified by a notary;
  • application to establish the chosen taxation system;
  • original and copy of passport;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty.

The procedure for reviewing documents by tax authorities takes no more than a week. If approved, the entrepreneur will receive the following documents:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • certificate of assignment of statistics codes;
  • notification of obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur;
  • notification from the PFS about registration.

Then the entrepreneur will need to open a bank account.

When deciding to open an LLC, you need to prepare:

  • a corresponding application to the tax office;
  • charter of the company;
  • with one founder, a decision on establishment is created, and with several – a protocol on the creation of a legal entity;
  • application to use the selected taxation system;
  • notarized copies of the applicant’s passport;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty.