Features of arranging a flat roof. Construction of prefabricated reinforced concrete roofs Roofs of panel houses

In some cases (for example, if a metal tile system is being installed on top of old soft tiles), this is possible. However, it is necessary to understand that a damaged base can begin to rot and, thereby, provoke failure of the new layer. This is why we would not recommend laying new materials on top of old ones. It is better to remove the damaged building material and completely complete the required work, as required by technology.

As practice shows, the overwhelming majority of roofs in ordinary private houses are built in such a way that there is no need to dismantle the roofing base to install an additional insulating layer. If we talk about multi-apartment buildings, then the situation is different: since in multi-storey buildings When fused coatings are used, insulation becomes impossible.

If damage is present individual elements structure, then only these parts can be replaced. In this case, the area of ​​damage should not exceed 35%. With more large-scale problems worth a complete replacement rafter system.

Urgent repairs required if there is a serious violation of the tightness of the coating: may be required if part of the roof is torn off, water leaks during precipitation, peeling, rupture or swelling roofing material.

We provide following dates warranty service:

  • soft roof: 5 years
  • metal roofing: 3 years
  • roll and bitumen coatings: 3 years
  • polymer tiles and seam roofing: 6 years.
The warranty period depends on the type of work performed and is calculated when drawing up a repair plan. Data on warranty periods must be disclosed to the customer before the start of work and included in the contract.

Any leak is a problem that requires careful and timely repairs. Firstly, it is important to correctly determine the cause of the leak. Secondly, when self-repair there is a risk of damaging serviceable elements located nearby. If you are not an expert in roofing work We recommend calling a specialist who will not only fix the problem, but also provide a guarantee for their services.

In order to accurately determine the cause of the appearance of water, an examination will be carried out by a specialist. You can independently determine what is causing the appearance of moisture using the following signs:

  • When a leak occurs in the roof, water begins to drip in the warm season after rain, and in the cold season during sunny weather and sudden warming.
  • When condensation accumulates, moisture appears constantly and is practically independent of weather conditions.
For an accurate diagnosis, we recommend calling a specialist who will accurately determine the cause and tell you what actions need to be taken next.

Residents apartment buildings, especially upper floors, often face the problem of roof leaks. First of all this problem relevant for residents of old houses, where the roof due to time and constant exposure to aggressive factors environment, became unusable and began to crack, as a result of which.

Laying new roofing felt on the roof multi-storey building

A problem arises, but not everyone knows how to solve it. And there are often cases when residents of a house repair the roof using personal funds collected in addition to utilities.

In our article, we will help you figure out what to do and where to apply for the need to repair the roof of your home if it is leaking. The reader will also be able to find out what type of roof his house is, what types of leaks can threaten it, and what causes them.

In every period of time, it was used in the construction of residential apartment buildings. different type roofs, and today there are buildings with the following roofs:

So, if we consider how the types of roofs in construction have evolved, we can see that the oldest buildings have multi-slope roofs, and they were replaced by single-slope roofs, which were supplanted over time. It is pitchless (flat) roofs in apartment buildings by far the most.

Modern new buildings are already equipped with a complex relief roof, which allows not only to decorate appearance building, but also to rationally use its surface.

As for the roof structure, all its types have the same constituent elements. So, the outer layer of the roof is. This can be liquid roofing material, slate (asbestos cement covering), tiles (ceramic, bitumen, cement-sand, metal tiles), seams (steel, aluminum, copper), corrugated sheets.

Metal roof covering

And this is far from full list roofing materials that are offered by modern construction market, but for apartment buildings it is usually limited to the above positions.

The roofing material is fastened and laid on a rafter system or on a flat reinforced concrete floor slab. Also, any roof is equipped with a waterproofing layer.

Types of roof leaks

Based on the nature of leakage, experts distinguish the following types of leakage:

  • snow leaks that reveal themselves either during the period of friendly snow melting, or at the moment of partial melting of the snow (in the contact layers snow cover with roofing material);
  • storm (rain) leaks detected after the passage of an active rainstorm;
  • “dry” leaks, which are a consequence of the accumulation of condensed moisture in the interlayer space of the roofing “pie”, usually occurring during a hot period of time;
  • “flickering” leaks that occur haphazardly (in this case, the roof leaks for no apparent reason).

Causes of roof leaks

As in any other case, it is easier to prevent a leak than to deal with its consequences. And to implement preventive measures, it is necessary to understand what reasons can cause the appearance of a particular deformation roofing which lead to leakage.

So, let's look at the main reasons for roof leaks in apartment buildings:

It is quite simple to independently determine the place where active leakage of the roof of a multi-story building occurs, especially if the roof is covered with roofing felt. Air pockets form at leak sites and the roofing material rises above the leak site.

Leak detected - what to do next

It’s worth mentioning right away that unauthorized, hand-made roof repairs apartment building strictly prohibited. This should only be done by specialists.

Overlap slate roof apartment building

Therefore, after you have discovered that the roof of your house is leaking, you need to contact your housing maintenance company (HEC) with a request to repair the roof. Sometimes a simple application left over the phone is sufficient, but most often you will still be required to submit a written application.

After this, the degree of destruction of the roofing is assessed and the type of repair is selected. All roofing repair work must be completed by the Housing Office within 5 days from the date of acceptance of your oral (or written) application.

Types of roof repair work

Options for repairing the roof of multi-storey buildings come down to two types. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Repair of roof covering: current

This repair of the roof of an apartment building is carried out when small defects in the old roof covering arise in terms of area or severity.

Complete renovation of the roof truss system of an apartment building

As a rule, routine repairs do not involve complete replacement roofing material on the roof, as well as repair of the rafter system (if any). During current repairs The old roof covering is being patched.

Current repairs can be carried out as planned or upon request in the event of emergencies related to roof leaks. It can be carried out in any weather, but preferable, of course, is dry and sunny.

This type of repair is the least expensive, and therefore it is used, and often even in cases where the roof already requires drastic measures.

Repair of roof covering: major

This type of roof repair on the roof of an apartment building involves a complete restoration of all elements roofing system starting from rafters and ending with a complete replacement of roofing material.

This type repairs are planned and can be carried out even if the roof is not leaking at the time. Unlike current repairs, which can be carried out in any weather conditions, major repairs are planned for the warm season.

During a major overhaul, 100% dismantling of the failed roof covering is carried out, as well as complete renovation and restoration of the underlying structure. If the roof has truss structure, the rafter system is being replaced. If the roofing material was laid on a reinforced concrete slab, then a fresh screed is poured, as well as the waterproofing layer is restored.

The process of pouring a new screed on the roof of a house

After completing the construction of the roof base, new roofing material is laid. In apartment buildings with a flat roof, roofing felt sheets are laid. To do this, use a burner (gas), the flame temperature of which must be strictly regulated. Otherwise, you can spoil the quality of the roofing material even at the stage of its installation, which will lead to the rapid occurrence of leaks.

The technology of laying rolled or sheet roofing felt is familiar to professionals, whose services must be resorted to without fail when organizing and carrying out repair work on the roof of an apartment building.

Repair of soft roofs using roofing felt is widely used for arrangement and repair flat roof multi-storey panel houses. Repair roll roofing This is a roof installation using the method of fusing soft bitumen-polymer compositions onto a flat roof surface. Such materials are made on a fiberglass base, impregnated with bitumen, as well as modified polymers. This type of roofing is considered the third generation in the development of soft roofing.

Roll roofing has excellent physical and mechanical properties, namely heat resistance, strength, elasticity, water resistance, increased resistance to compression, and has low deformation under significant loads. This roofing is perfectly combined with concrete and other roofing materials. Roll roofing has good soundproofing and sound-absorbing properties; during a rainstorm it is practically silent.

Fused roll roofing, unlike other types, is not afraid of strong hurricane winds. Quite a lot important advantage The advantage of this roll material is that it is easy to transport. In industrial conditions, a bitumen or polymer-bitumen mixture is applied to a layer of roofing felt, and then the material is covered with a special protective layer of special coarse chips. Sand, mica or shale are often used. The bottom layer is polyethylene film. The produced material can be used for fusing. The quality of rolled roofing depends on the modifiers of the bitumen mixture. These are styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS polymer) and atactic polypropylene (APP). These components give the material heat resistance up to +180 degrees, water resistance, fire resistance, ultraviolet resistance, and flexibility.

Installation, installation and repair of flat roll roofing can be done in different seasons. Only precipitation can interfere with the work. It is strongly recommended to completely dismantle the old cover, since it may contain a certain amount of moisture, which can further contribute to the formation of blisters. It is because of them that puddles will form, and, accordingly, leaks and a reduction in the service life of the roofing carpet are possible.

The correct installation technique for roll roofing will extend its service life to 25 years. Roll roofing is laid on a reinforced concrete surface by melting a layer of mastic. For this, gas, propane-butane or electric burners are usually used.

If subsidence has formed on the surface, then the following techniques are used for leveling: if the subsidence has a depression of more than 15 mm, then after clearing the place it will need to be filled with asphalt concrete, then pasted with three layers of weldable material, followed by overlapping each layer by 150 mm. If the drawdown is less than 15mm, then there is no need to apply additional layers and it will be possible to do without using asphalt concrete.

The air bag can be repaired using more simple method. It will be necessary to pierce the swollen part, release the air and introduce kerosene or white spirit into the cavity. After this, the repaired area must be compacted. If at the installation sites drainage funnel the roof has small leaks, it is necessary to replace the rigid connection between the riser and the water drainage pipe with a movable one, and also install clamps to clamp the pipes. Before applying a layer of mastic, the sealing area should be thoroughly dried and primed.

If, after a long period of operation, the roofing covering has no defects or leaks, its service life can be extended. To do this, it is necessary to apply impregnation and protection of the surface of the material. special compounds. To impregnate a built-up roof, the percentage composition of the mastic should be: petroleum bitumen - 33, solar oil - 50, white spirit - 15, sodium fluorosilicone - 2.

To install an additional protective layer, the composition should be as follows: petroleum bitumen - 23, solar oil - 27.5, aluminum powder - 15.5, white spirit - 25.5, asbestos - 2.5, mica - 2.5, rubber baby – 4. Rubber crumbs injected into the molten bitumen, slowly stirring until smooth. Asbestos and mica as fillers are ground to a dusty state, and then mixed with bitumen-rubber binder. Solar oil and white spirit are added to this mass. Later aluminum powder is added.

The most labor-intensive process in the repair of roll roofing is the removal of the old cover, which often consists of 10 or more layers of roofing material. To mechanize this process, two machines are used. The multi-layer carpet is cut by a machine with a rotating cutter. The result of this machine is a seam 10 mm wide. The cover is cut into small sections of 500x500 mm. Another machine cuts these areas and removes them from the base with a knife. The waste is placed in a special container and removed from the roof. Using this equipment, about 250 mm2 of old roofing can be removed in one shift.

Large subsidences are first leveled with asphalt, and later sealed with roll material in two layers.

Repair of roll roofing involves:

  • preparing the roof base for subsequent installation involves clearing debris, dirt, water, removing dust and leveling;
  • installation of a heat-insulating layer using a monolithic slab or bulk materials;
  • leveling the surface of the thermal insulation with a screed;
  • applying a primer layer;
  • installation of a waterproofing carpet by laying rolled material and applying heated mastic;
  • installation of eaves overhangs, abutments and parapets;
  • sealing roof exits for antennas, pipes, etc.;
  • installation of a drainage system;
  • anti-icing device for cornices and gutters.

Most buildings with a flat roof are in need of repair. Despite the excellent physical and mechanical properties roll material, in our climate zone, over time, soft roofing becomes fragile and requires repair. Repair of the built-up roof will be required where visible cracks and defects appear. They can be triggered by many factors. This could be wind, water, snow, air, hail, impact noise, ultraviolet radiation, mold fungi, chemical solutions, garbage.

If through cracks are found in the upper layers of the roofing material along their width of 1 m, the roofing deck should be freed from crumbs or protective layer. A strip of roofing material 150-200mm wide must be applied to the crack and glued to one side. Next, glue the roofing sheeting in three layers so that the next one overlaps the previous one by 100-150mm. After this procedure, a protective layer is applied.

If cracks are found adjacent to the walls, it is necessary, for ease of work, to remove or bend the protective apron and remove all layers of deposited material that are located slightly above the crack. Next, you need to arrange an inclined transition side, free the entire surface of the roofing carpet from crumbs or protective layer to a width of up to 750 mm from the bottom of the transition side. On the protruding surface, a fine and wooden plugs are placed, to which an antiseptic wooden beam is fixed. The abutment surface below the beam must be primed and plastered with cement-sand mortar.

The bent part of the welded carpet must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and primed. Next, hot mastic is applied to it and tightly glued to the surface. Simultaneously to wooden beam a protective apron is also nailed down. Using dowels, a steel strip is attached to the concrete surface, sealed with mastic, and then painted with paint.

You can determine whether repairs to a built-up roof are necessary based on these signs:

  • microcracks, tears, bubbles on the top layer of material;
  • rotting and vegetation in the middle layer;
  • peeling and delamination from the base screed of the roofing material;
  • softness of the adhesive mastic.

Experts recommend repairing a built-up roof if there is up to 40% damage on the roof. Repair can be carried out by applying a patch or a melting seam to the defect site. Major renovation a built-up roof is required if 60% or more of the roof is damaged.

Consequences of untimely repairs

A leaking roof can have serious consequences. This can be damage to furniture, equipment, poor appearance of the building, leakage of the ceiling in apartments, and even the failure of the entire building. That is why roof repairs must be of high quality, professional and timely. This includes a thorough inspection of the entire roof surface.

Roof repair with cold mastics

For such repairs, it is necessary to first prepare the surface: clean it from debris, dust, dirt, correct abutments and slopes. You will also need to make a complete or partial renovation defective areas of the roof. Since this type of repair is carried out without fiberglass reinforcement, the next step will be filling with mastic.

Repair with cold mastics with fiberglass reinforcement involves the following work:

  • cleaning the surface from dirt, debris, dust, correcting slopes, repairing damaged areas;
  • applying the first layer of mastic;
  • carrying out reinforcement with fiberglass mesh;
  • applying a second layer of mastic;
  • final filling with mastic;
  • applying protective aluminum paint to mastic.

Sometimes repairs are used using a combined method, i.e. using cold mastics without reinforcement with special fiberglass with fusing of a small top layer of rolled materials. To do this, perform the same surface preparation as in previous cases. Next, the first layer of mastic is applied and reinforced with fiberglass mesh. After this, a second layer of mastic is applied and the top layer of rolled materials is fused.

Repair using roll materials in one layer involves:

  • surface preparation;
  • priming old coating with mastic;
  • fusing the top layer of the roof from a soft material;
  • for ventilated coverings installation of weather vanes.

Types of installation and repair of roll roofing

  • Emergency roof repair. The need for such repairs arises when leaky areas are discovered or in emergency circumstances, such as extreme weather or a falling tree. Often a small part of the roofing cover is replaced (5-20%).
  • Current roof repairs. Routine roof maintenance is carried out regularly or when signs of damage to the tightness or strength of individual areas are detected. This type of repair involves replacing from 10% to 40% of the entire surface, as well as eliminating all kinds of damage.
  • Major roof repairs. Such repairs involve a complete or partial remodeling of the roof. Old and damaged areas are completely cut off and replaced with new ones. Major repairs include:
  • dismantling the old covering
  • dismantling thermal insulation materials and ties
  • vapor barrier system assessment and repair
  • drainage system repair
  • creating a ramp
  • installation of thermal insulation materials
  • laying sand- cement screed
  • priming cement screed
  • installation of roofing around funnels and aerators
  • laying roofing in two layers in the areas where parapets and structural elements are located
  • creation of parapets and protective aprons in the adjacent areas (such elements are made of galvanized steel, which is coated with a polymer material).
  • Roll roofing device:
  • storm drain installation
  • installation of vapor barrier film
  • installation of insulation
  • installation of reinforcing mesh on insulation
  • laying cement screed 50 mm thick
  • priming with primer
  • priming of junctions
  • fusing the first layer with roofing felt
  • fusing of roofing felt joints
  • fusing the second layer with roofing felt
  • installation of weather vanes
  • installation of the clamping bar
  • installation of a galvanized apron
  • installation of galvanized parapet.

For roof insulation, bulk or slab insulation. basis bulk insulation is expanded clay gravel. This material used to create slopes on a flat roof, which will ensure natural flow of water into drainage system. Slab roofing insulation is usually polystyrene foam, mineral wool and extruded polystyrene foam.

The ideal base for roofing should be solid and level. This criterion will be met by a screed, which can be concrete, cement-sand and asphalt concrete.

If you use an asphalt concrete screed as a base, this will make it possible to avoid wet processes that require long-term drying. Also, this type of screed makes it possible to shorten the roof installation process. The likelihood of waterlogging of the insulation during roofing work will also be reduced.

During the installation of polymer membranes, mechanical fastening to the base is often used. Using hot air welding at a temperature of about 600 degrees, thermoplastic membrane panels are welded. For this purpose, automatic welding equipment is used. The connections are made using a hand-held construction hair dryer.

To carry out roof repairs, you must have the following tools, mechanisms and devices:

  • electric reversible single-drum winches with a lifting capacity of 125 kg;
  • cantilever beam lifts with a lifting capacity of 200 kg;
  • metal cantilever beams
  • rope with a diameter of 4.8 mm.

Using an asphalt concrete screed, there is no need to prime the base under the waterproofing layer. Laying of the material to be deposited is carried out using a burner flame by melting the primed base and the underside of the material being laid. If it is not possible to use an open flame, then you can use ballast or mechanical fastening of bitumen-polymer material.

Modern built-up roofing made of polymer roofing membranes or bitumen-polymer compositions, this is durable reliable system with a service life of 15-35 years. Repairing a built-up roof will not require additional labor costs.

Safety precautions

Roof repairs using liquid rubber are prohibited during strong winds (more than 6 points), icy conditions and on a wet roof. While working, workers must have safety belts, non-slip (felt or felt shoes), safety belts, safety glasses and gloves.

For any roof slope, it is necessary to take measures to prevent mastic from running off the roof and materials falling from it. Do not store primers, solvents or mastics near fire.

Bitumen boilers must be located on designated special sites that are at least 50 m away from buildings. Near such a boiler there should be a set of fire-fighting equipment (dry sand in boxes, a shovel, foam fire extinguishers). The boiler must have a well-closing fireproof lid. The container must be filled to no more than 2/3 of its total volume.

Five-story panel houses series 1-464

Large-panel 4-5-story residential buildings of the series of standard projects 1-464 are the most common fully prefabricated buildings of the first generation. The design of the houses in the series under consideration is based on a cross-wall structural system.

The main load-bearing frames of buildings are transverse reinforced concrete walls, located in increments of 3.2 and 2.6 m, due to which houses of this type were called houses with a “narrow” pitch of transverse load-bearing walls. They rely on them reinforced concrete slabs floors the size of a room. They also rest on the outer and inner longitudinal walls, which absorb part of the vertical load, while simultaneously providing the longitudinal rigidity of the building.

The floor slabs, laid in 3.2 m increments, are designed and work as supported along the contour. Since all the internal walls separating the rooms bear the load from the floors and the floors above, it is impossible to move these walls and thereby change the width of the rooms. For the same reason, removing external walls in steps of 3.2 m is excluded, without ensuring that the floor slab is supported on a short external wall.
The external walls are made of panels - three-layer, consisting of two reinforced concrete shells and a layer of insulation between them, or single-layer panels (made of lightweight concrete). Domestic load-bearing walls 12cm thick and 10cm thick floor slabs are reinforced concrete flooring with a solid section. Roof - combined with a roll roof soft roof or attic rafters with corrugated asbestos cement roofing.

When redeveloping houses of the 1-464 series, the need arises to construct new or expand existing openings in the transverse walls. This is possible to a limited extent, but requires confirmation by calculations.

When modernizing a building, interfloor slabs cannot be dismantled. However, when adding to the building, the floor slabs above the existing fifth floor can be partially dismantled. Construction of new openings in them is possible, but large sizes Such openings may require reinforcement of the ceiling.

In the series under consideration, balconies are placed at intervals of 3.2 m. Balcony reinforced concrete slabs 10cm thick and 90cm wide are mounted according to two schemes. IN initial period construction they relied on outer wall and were held in the designed position by two metal rods, which, passing through the joint between the outer walls, were attached to the end of the inner wall panel. In later projects, this solution was abandoned and, calculating balcony slab like a console supported on the outer wall, it was connected to the floor slab using welded embedded elements.

Five-story panel houses series 1-468

Typical projects residential buildings series 1-468 were initially developed at the Gostroyproekt Institute, and since 1961 - at the TsNIIEPZhilishcha.

The load-bearing skeleton of the houses of this series are transverse load-bearing walls, located in plan with a pitch of 3 and 6 m, due to which, unlike the houses of the 1-464 series, the houses of this structural system are called houses with a “mixed” pitch of transverse load-bearing walls.
The most common representative of houses in this series is a five-story, four-section residential building. Its external wall panels are made of cellular concrete autoclaved or made from lightweight concrete, and multi-hollow reinforced concrete floors rest on transverse load-bearing reinforced concrete walls. The longitudinal walls of the building are self-supporting. The roofs of such houses were erected in two versions: combined with roll roofing and attic rafters with a roof made of corrugated asbestos-cement sheets.

The main advantage of the houses in this series is that the floor panels do not rest on the longitudinal walls of the building. Therefore, these walls, except for certain sections interior wall, adjacent to the staircases and ensuring the longitudinal stability of the building, can be dismantled in some places. It is this circumstance that, when modernizing such buildings, opens up wide opportunities for eliminating the deficiencies in the layout of existing apartments by adding additional volumes to the building. The construction of new and expansion of existing openings in load-bearing transverse walls is possible only if the “contours” of the openings are confirmed by calculations and strengthened.

Five-story panel houses series 1-335

Five-story residential buildings of the series of standard projects 1-335 are representatives of the frame-panel structural system. Typical projects of this series were initially developed by the team of authors of the Leningrad design bureau, and then were continued at the LenZNIIEP Institute.

The structural diagram of the house is a so-called “incomplete” frame, which consists of one row of reinforced concrete columns located on the average longitudinal axis of the building with a pitch of 3.2 and 2.6 m and reinforced concrete crossbars located across the building and resting on one side on reinforced concrete columns, and on the other, onto metal support tables embedded in the body of the load-bearing external wall panels. Reinforced concrete floor slabs the size of a room are laid on the crossbars, designed to be supported on two long sides. The columns are connected to each other by purlins that provide the longitudinal rigidity of the building.

In the houses of the system under consideration, load-bearing external walls were mainly used in layers. They have an outer layer in the form of a reinforced concrete ribbed “shell” and an inner (insulating) layer of foam concrete 26 cm thick, the surface of which is plastered on the room side. There are no internal load-bearing walls in these houses, with the exception of rigidity diaphragms, which serve as the intersection walls of the staircases.

At same sizes and the steps of houses of different series in houses of the frame-panel system, the principle of “free planning” can be fully implemented. The presence of crossbars under the floor slabs can be considered as a certain disadvantage that prevents the traditional formation of the interior of living rooms.

A modification of this structural system was the introduction of two more rows of columns - at the outer walls of the building to support the crossbars on them. Such houses are called “full frame houses”. Their external walls are self-supporting and can be dismantled during reconstruction.

Five-story brick houses series 1-447

The 1-447 series includes standard projects 4-5 storey brick residential buildings with three longitudinal load-bearing walls. The load-bearing skeleton of the houses in the series under consideration are three longitudinal load-bearing walls and transverse brick walls- external end and internal, between which are located staircases. Transverse brick walls act as rigidity diaphragms. All other walls (intra-apartment and inter-apartment) are non-load-bearing.

The ceilings are made in the form of reinforced concrete hollow core slabs, supported by short sides on longitudinal brick walls. The most loaded is the middle wall, on which the floor panels rest on both sides. In external longitudinal walls, openings can be increased only by eliminating the window sill while maintaining the existing partitions. The lintels above the windows must also be preserved. IN end walls During reconstruction of buildings, it is possible to install openings.

Possible dismantling of partitions in series 1-447
