A small house with a flat roof. Houses with a flat roof - design features, best projects and ideas (75 photos). Main types of flat roofs

“was perceived extremely negatively - the legacy of Soviet construction had an impact, when, due to violations of technology, poor quality of materials and poor performance of work, flat roofs of high-rise buildings began to leak within a couple of years.

Therefore, in private housing construction, preference was given to pitched or hipped roofs. The situation changed with the advent modern technologies And roofing materials, which made it possible to provide durable and reliable waterproofing of the roof of a house with flat roof.

Flat roofs: advantages and disadvantages

The main reason for the growing popularity of flat roofing was the popularity of modern design trends - project high-tech houses with a flat roof allows you to match the exterior and interior of the building with the style features. Flat roofing is also often used in modernism and minimalism.

However, in addition to its spectacular appearance and visual appeal, it has a number of other advantages:

  • speed of roof construction - arrangement flat roof takes less time than a pitched (hipped) roof, including due to the convenience of working on a horizontal surface
  • availability of maintenance - there is no need to install ladders or involve steeplejacks, all work (cleaning drains, monitoring ventilation ducts, cleaning leaves, etc.) can be done independently
  • obtaining additional space by arranging a usable roof
  • flat roof is ideal for installation and further operation/maintenance of various technological equipmentsolar panels, wind generators, heaters, air conditioners, antennas, water collection systems.

A rather controversial issue is the cost of installing a flat roof. On the one hand, the area of ​​such a roof is much smaller than that of a pitched roof, which means that less roofing materials will be required. And the roofing materials themselves used to construct a flat roof are cheaper.

But, on the other hand, the use reinforced concrete floors(in most cases, especially when creating an exploitable roof) creates a significant load, requiring reinforcement of the foundation and load-bearing walls, especially if these are projects two-story houses with a flat roof. Which, while saving money on roof installation, leads to an overall increase in construction costs.

The issue of snow accumulating on a flat roof during the winter also remains ambiguous. Some experts tend to consider this a positive point - snow acts as an additional layer of heat insulation, thereby reducing heat loss. Others argue that snow increases the load on load-bearing elements (and, therefore, this should be provided for in the design), and its subsequent melting can cause a leak in the roof.

Types of flat roof

Projects of houses and cottages with a flat roof can have different kinds roofs:

  • operated - involves the regular presence of people on the roof or the installation of heavy objects. Such a roof requires a rigid base (most often reinforced concrete), and thermal insulation material must withstand severe static and dynamic loads, be strong in compression
  • unused - does not provide for a large load, so the rigid (concrete) base can be replaced wooden joists with lathing. To service such roofs, special ladders or bridges are used to reduce the pressure and distribute it evenly over the entire roof area
  • inversion - the insulation layer is located above the waterproofing layer, thereby providing it additional protection from temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation and mechanical influences, the number of freezing/thawing cycles increases. Together, this leads to a significant increase in the service life of the roof. Most often, inversion roofs are used as functional roofs - you can put furniture on such a roof, walk on it, or break it flower beds.

Operable roof: every square centimeter is in use

The ever-increasing cost of modern housing forces us to make the most efficient use of all available space, and house designs with a flat usable roof will help with this. In fact, if we consider projects one-story houses with a flat roof, the owners have at their disposal an additional “seasonal” floor, which makes it possible, for example, to refuse verandas, thereby releasing additional area Location on.

Decorative garden on a flat roof

Houses with a flat roof are modern trend in the construction of residential real estate. But not everyone is attracted to such projects, and many often unfairly consider these objects unsuitable for living.

However modern houses with a flat roof, they are quite comfortable to live in, functional, and designed in an attractive style based on the principles of minimalism.

One-story house with a flat roof

Traditionally, in the CIS countries it is customary to build houses with pitched roofs. But, not so long ago they began to gain popularity and one-story houses with a flat roof. Moreover, the construction of such a facility is often cheaper than a house with a conventional roof.

In the photo of houses with a flat roof you can clearly see the various options for such objects. They look really stylish and minimalistic. The popularity of such houses is due, among other things, to the emergence of new building materials.

Previously, flat covers were decorated mainly with mastics and roofing felt. These are not the most durable materials, which entailed serious difficulties in operating the house.

Today more than efficient materials, providing durability, high waterproofing and thermal insulation characteristics.

Advantages and disadvantages

The pros and cons of a flat roof come from the technology of its installation and the materials used. The main advantages include:

Rational use of space. The roof area turns out to be quite large; it can be used for various purposes, for example, for arranging a summer recreation area.

Savings on materials, especially when building small houses, since the need to build a full-fledged rafter system is eliminated.

Expansion of living space. Often there is a desire to build a 2nd floor. In the case of rafter roof This cannot be done without dismantling it.

If the flat roof was made from suitable materials in compliance with technology, it is possible to short term without extra costs build an additional floor.

Projects of houses with a flat roof mostly involve the construction of a serviceable roof. You can arrange a gazebo or even a flower bed on the roof.

Communication systems can be installed within the walls of the house. This primarily applies to pipes, which has a positive effect on the aesthetic qualities of the building.

But, to obtain these advantages, it is necessary to use modern materials - polymer membranes and various filling compositions. Their service life is about 50 years, and with timely maintenance - much longer.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • limited range of roofing materials. The roof has a slight slope for drainage, but still many traditional materials cannot be used;
  • in winter you will have to frequently clean the roof of snow, which is especially important for northern regions with heavy rainfall;
  • high heat loss due to large area roofs. But, the disadvantage can be corrected by multi-layer insulation with high-quality materials;
  • Internal drains need to be additionally insulated, since in winter it can freeze.

Types of flat roofing

There are catalogs of cottages with flat roofs that contain ready-made projects for such houses. To build a house, you can use a ready-made project, adapting it to your preferences and the characteristics of the area.

In such projects, the roof is divided into 2 main types:

  • exploited;
  • not in use.

The arrangement of these roofs is carried out according to different technologies, what needs to be taken into account at the design stage.

A roof that is not in use is easier to install, but does not allow the roof to be used for one purpose or another. The roof in use requires significant reinforcement of the structure, which entails additional costs.

Flat roof base

When choosing materials for installing floors, you need to consider what the walls are built from. At frame construction ceilings can only be installed lightweight materials, otherwise the structure will not withstand the load.

IN modern construction use the following materials:

  • reinforced concrete slabs;
  • filling cement-sand mortar monolithically over the entire area;
  • profiled sheets of large thickness.

An operational roof can only be equipped with durable reinforced concrete floors. This is necessary to ensure the ability to withstand high load from objects located on the roof.

Concrete reinforced concrete and screed – best option for such a roof. But, regardless of the type of roof, it is necessary to install a waterproofing and thermal insulation layer.

Materials for roof construction

A flat roof, similar to a regular one, is a cake of 3 main layers:

  • waterproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • roofing material.

For waterproofing, special membranes made of polymers or bitumen are used. Polyethylene film It is better not to use due to low durability.

The thermal insulation layer must be rigid and resistant to stress. The material must be moisture resistant. The following materials are usually used to construct this layer:

  • expanded polystyrene;
  • foam glass;
  • mineral wool sheets with a rigid structure;
  • expanded clay filler.

The most effective in terms of thermal insulation properties is foam glass. But, it is also the most expensive material.

However, for long-term operation of the building, it is worth giving preference to foam glass. Expanded clay is much cheaper, but has low thermal insulation qualities.

To install the roof itself, it is worth using lightweight and moisture-resistant materials. You can fill the roof with a special solution, lay it with polymer membrane materials, or bitumen coatings.

Photos of houses with a flat roof

Projects of houses with a flat roof have recently become more popular all over the world. Some examples of houses can be safely called masterpieces of architecture. In our country, this direction is still developing, therefore, by choosing this solution for construction, you become the owner of an exclusive modern home.

Houses with a flat roof look impressive and are also endowed with a number of advantages:

  • roof construction will take less time and cost less;
  • ease of maintenance, cleaning and renovation work carried out more easily and without the use of special equipment;
  • the opportunity to usefully use the roof area, for example, to place a terrace, tables for relaxation, a flower garden or a sports area.

Construction of flat roof houses

Despite its apparent simplicity, the strength of the house will be achieved only with careful necessary calculations, especially when it comes to ensuring a sufficient level of waterproofing and water drainage; in case of an error, the structure may collapse. That is why, for the design and construction of houses with a flat roof, it is necessary to contact specialists who have sufficient experience and comply with the required building codes and standards.

Our catalog contains many finished projects houses with a flat roof. Using a convenient filter, you will find various houses by area, number of storeys and material (brick, aerated concrete, frame) with photos and construction prices.

If no cottage project is suitable in the catalog, we will be happy to develop individual project for you, where we will take into account and implement all your wishes.

By collaborating with Villaexpert, you can be sure that the construction of a turnkey flat roof house will be carried out top level and at a reasonable price, and you will receive the house design as a gift.


Most often when designing private houses they use pitched roofs, but cottages with a flat roof, as in the photo, are much less common. IN last years after the appearance latest technologies And modern materials for covering flat roofs it is possible to create effective waterproofing, despite their unusual shape.

The presence of such a roof makes appearance a private house is exclusive and original, as it stands out against the background of buildings with hipped or pitched roofs.

Projects of cottages with a flat roof have their own characteristics, and their construction is associated with some nuances, since the roofs on them can be:

Advantages and disadvantages of a flat roof

A flat roof provides the property owner with a number of advantages, including:

The disadvantages of the structural solution of flat roofs include:

  • carrying out installation with strict adherence to the technology of their waterproofing and. The slightest violation of the rules as a result of negligence or negligence results in the roof leaking if precipitation. Extraordinary repairs roofing will cost a lot of money, and sometimes it will be necessary to completely reconstruct the roof of the cottage;
  • availability in winter period on a flat surface, a large amount of snow requires (if the roof is planned to be used) regular snow removal, which can only be done manually;
  • During the melting of snow, a significant load is placed on the waterproofing layer

Features of flat roofs

When developing a project for a cottage with a flat roof, regardless of the number of floors in it, the following features must be taken into account:

Creating a flat lightweight roof

If they plan to build a cottage with a flat roof with a lightweight roof, they do not plan to use it.

The procedure for constructing such a structure is as follows:

As a result of the work performed, a flat roof is obtained, which is of the lightweight type. It performs the functions assigned to it completely, but it is not able to withstand even a slight load. If you want to create a small place for rest on a flat roof, you need to build the roof using a completely different technology.

Construction of a house with a flat roof, more details in the video:

Construction of an exploitable flat roof

When designing cottages with a flat roof and a hard surface, it is assumed that the created roof will not sag under the weight of the load (read: ""). There are several ways to construct a serviceable pavement.

One of the most simple options is styling concrete slabs as a cover. Bearing structures To do this, they must have a significant margin of safety; in addition, installation is carried out using special construction equipment. A roof made of concrete slabs must be insulated, but such work can only be done from inside the room.

Another way is construction roofing, based on metal support beams - T-bars or I-beams and channels. A boardwalk made of lumber with a minimum thickness of 22 millimeters is laid on top, and a layer of expanded clay of at least 150 millimeters is poured on top of it. The hard covering is provided by a concrete screed.

The most in a modern way For solid construction, the use of large-sized ceramic building blocks is considered. They are laid on support beams, and they provide the roof along with mechanical strength quite good soundproofing and thermal insulation characteristics. Among the advantages of such ceramic roofing blocks, one cannot fail to mention their excellent resistance to moisture. Before making a screed for such a roof, backfilling with expanded clay is not required. The disadvantages of ceramic blocks include their high cost.

They build cottages with a flat roof of a solid type with laying roofing membranes(not necessary). They provide additional waterproofing and improve performance characteristics flat roof.
