We will help you lose weight easily and quickly: only white magic. The moon to help, or how to lose weight on a full moon

Probably, this is the dream of any girl to eat anything and not get fat, and besides, with all this, have a great figure.

It is no secret that losing weight is a rather complicated and energy-consuming process, which not everyone can do.

Months of dieting, breakdowns, nervous breakdowns, excruciating and exhausting workouts in fitness centers ... This list of unpleasant associations associated with weight loss can be continued for a long time.

It doesn't matter for what reason you have the hated extra pounds - in any case, you can make your way to gaining a comfortable physical shell with the help of magic a little easier.

In everyday magic, there are different methods fight overweight. Some are aimed at general cleansing of the body, others - at burning fat, and some simply save a person from overeating. The main thing to remember is the best time for such rituals - the waning moon.

Just as the night star will diminish in its visible to people shine, fat should also be removed from the human body. The standard magic law of decrease, when the symbol and the object are tightly bound and with the second, the same thing happens as happens with the first.

Why spend money on anti-cellulite wraps in a beauty salon, if our ancestors have long come up with an absolutely free treatment procedure to deal with extra pounds, cellulite and skin problems? It is enough to charge ordinary water with healing moonlight.
The appeal to the moon belongs to a separate category, because the queen of the night itself is very revered among practitioners of magic - as a divine manifestation and the patroness of their craft.

The moon itself does not shine with the slenderness of the camp, but it will help to tighten your figure. Weight loss plots are aimed at asking the night luminary to get rid of excess fat, and should be read on the full moon at the very beginning of the decrease phase.

Very strong conspiracies for weight loss are conspiracies for water. It has long been known that water has the ability to memorize and transmit information. It is not without reason that it has been used for a long time for treatment, love spells, improvement of appearance and attractiveness. They drank the charmed water, washed with it.

A recipe for "moon water" for weight loss (and at the same time making the skin velvety) over the centuries - or millennia? - the existence of fundamental changes has not undergone, although it has undergone some modernization.

Below I will present a classic technique from the magic of losing weight. In the process of the ceremony, you will charge the water with a special conspiracy, so that later, drinking it, you will start the necessary weight loss program in your body. And when you wash, support this program until the result you need.

Well, let's start ...

Prepare water containers: a glass and a jar. The glass and jar into which you draw water must be absolutely transparent, without a pattern.

Spring water (preferably) or well water should be used.
If you live in a village, making moon water will be easier. City dwellers will have to buy an artesian plastic containers, or mineral and always non-carbonated.

Second important condition- it is imperative to put containers with water on the window on the very first evening after the full moon, as soon as the night star begins to wane.

Ideally, the conspiracy is pronounced while your gaze is fixed on the shining moon, and a glass of water is standing right in front of you so that the moonlight falls on it. But if the stars are not visible in the sky, then read while looking directly into a glass of water.
You need to read 9 times.

“The moon is decreasing - I am losing weight!
The moon walked across the sky, reached the bend,
Since the turn of the day, the moon has waned,
From this day on, the moon is melting, the moon is waning,
My completeness and excess weight will take with him.
With my word. Business, Luna, yours! Let it be done!»

When finished, take a glass and drink all the water.

This conspiracy for weight loss is best pronounced closer to sleep. since after it until the morning you should refuse to eat. Nothing but water should get into your mouth.

Leave the jar (or bottle) until the morning, so that it is properly “charged” with the magical lunar power.

And be sure to advise the water in a whisper:

"Voditsa-voditsa, soak up the moonlight for the red maiden!"

The process will noticeably help if it takes place not in the room, but in the air. At least on the balcony.

In the morning, just wash your face with this water. Can be added to the bath.

When you shower, sprinkle on a washcloth and scrub areas on your body that you think need to reduce body fat, saying:

“I wash myself! I drain the fat from myself!
As water flows from the body,
So let the fat decrease from me.
The excess fat from my body will quickly go away,
it will not harm me, but only good will happen!
Until it will be so! "

You can support the conspiracy with these words:

"Leave the water, all the extra ... take a kilogram from me, take it away,
put it under a black stone, keep it there for a hundred years "

"Water, quickly drain away, run away, take away all unnecessary things from me"

Say them while rinsing in the shower, and if you are taking a bath, then when you flush.

Starting on the full moon, this ritual must be performed for nine days in a row (including the first day of reading).

Whichever method of conspiracy of water you choose, the essence will be the same - to transfer your thoughts and desires to the water. All that is required of you is an open heart, purity of thoughts and faith in what you are doing.

Miracles do happen, of course, but don't hope that conspiracy alone will solve all your problems. As a rule, you have to work hard in order to make your figure perfect. Magic can help in this, speed up the result, facilitate the path to success, but not a single ceremony will take effect if you yourself just lie on the couch and wait.

Any conspiracy is the design of a model of your figure at a subconscious level. Fashionably, this is neuro-linguistic programming - NLP technique.
It is believed that the essence of conspiracies is to open energy channels and tune them for active weight loss. This program is laid down by the body at a subconscious level. Installation is done using internal energy.
Prayers and conspiracies are completely safe for a person, as they do no harm to anyone.

You can spend every day strong conspiracies on the water, thereby laying a program for weight loss or, for example, gaining health in the subconscious.
Say any prayer with a request for health over the water, a prayer for deliverance from ailments. Drink all the water and go to rest. After a while, you will feel relief.

There are a large number of very different weight loss rituals, however, none of them can provide any tangible positive result if the performer himself does not strive to lose weight, and does not work in this direction.: Weight loss conspiracy - good opportunity improve your figure, which should be used TOGETHER with traditional diets and fitness :)
based on materials from www.milosskaya.ru, vesdoloi.ru

The most important thing in losing weight is to tear your ass off the couch! In general, eat less and exercise more! And you will be happy!

The fifteenth day of each month is the full moon time. The energy of this day is very large, the days preceding and following have similar properties. Any ritual, thanks to the energy rise, will be successful.

The moon is a generous source of strength, energy, rituals are recommended to be carried out during the full moon, when they are gaining great power. It is generally accepted that the dark forces are active precisely during the period full moon... It cannot be said that this statement is incorrect, since during this time period an unprecedented energy surge and rise is observed, and the excess is used not only to perform good deeds, but also in the form of outbursts of evil and aggression. Therefore, it is not necessary to waste energy in vain on what you will later regret, but to direct it to attracting good luck, material benefits, and improving your own life. On full moon days, drawings are most effective for attracting material wealth, special monetary tinctures.

The fourteenth day of the moon is the most favorable time for beginnings, new affairs, powerful energy will make a successful contract conclusion, any new project, even the most daring and difficult. All actions are accelerated, which is successfully used by modern magicians. Full moon days are great for making special moon water with unique properties.

The preparation of miraculous water, the reserves of which will last for a full month, is very simple. You need to take:

  • about a liter of the purest water (from a mountain spring, you can replace it with thawed water);
  • glass containers, you can take two clean liter jars, having previously washed and dried them;
  • the ritual will require seven money herbs that have a special ability to attract material wealth: sage, rosemary, also cinquefoil, basil, Linden blossom, myrtle, jasmine, calamus, pine needles, mint (you should choose those herbs that you like);
  • to compose a herbal mixture of each type, take one pinch, then place it in a container, fill it with water.

To charge water, you need a monetary correct dream: you need to concentrate, clearly imagine the desire and its fulfillment, fill your thoughts with emotions. After that, the dream is formed in the form of a ball of energy, directed towards the water as you exhale. The container should now be placed directly in the path of the moonlight and will take a couple of hours to charge. Then the water is filtered, poured into a second container, tightly closed with a lid. It is recommended to store the charged lunar liquid in the dark, the light of the sun is not allowed. You should drink water within a month.

Take advantage of the energy of the moon, change your life for the better, share useful tips with friends right now.

The Simoron rituals are still very young. This doctrine appeared at the end of the 20th century and immediately won many admirers. Indeed, with the help of fun and simple rituals, you can quickly fulfill your desire, for example, to lose weight.
What rituals for weight loss have not been invented by Simoron's fans! We will write some of the most popular and effective weight loss rituals. Remember that Simoron does not require a thorough repetition of the ritual. All actions are advisory in nature, and you can change, add, or simply throw out from the ritual what you do not like.

Simoron slimming ritual number 1.

"Go on a diet!" Only you need to do this in the literal sense! So, as the Simoron weight loss ritual teaches us, type or write on an A4 sheet of paper in large letters the word "Diet" and put it on a chair before you sit down. Some fans of Simoron put the word "Diet" under the mattress, on the car seat, in general, wherever they sit.

Simoron slimming ritual number 2.

This is a ritual with an iodine grid. Go to the pharmacy, buy simple iodine, turn it into Simoron iodine at home by writing the phrase "Iodine for weight loss" on it. Perform a simple ritual every night. Draw an iodine grid on problem areas and write with iodine how much you want to lose weight. For example "-5 kg". A digit ending in "zero" (10, 20) cannot be written. Your subconscious mind will drop zero and count it as 1, 2.

Simoron slimming ritual number 3.

In the siomorona rules, appoint someone or something to be responsible for losing weight. We will do so too. We buy a shower gel that will help us wash off extra centimeters and grams, we buy a magic washcloth that will remove them from us. Yes, and do not forget about the body scrub, which will help us to strip off all unnecessary things.
Place all these objects in front of you and tell them loudly: “Shower gel, from today you will be appointed responsible for my weight loss. Scrub, from today on you are being appointed responsible for my magical transformation up to size 44 ”, and so on.
Now, every time we swim, we imagine how all our new Simoron clothes help to wash off and get rid of excess weight, helping to lose weight. By the way, for this ritual to be more effective, you can and should write Simoron names on shower gel, scrub, lotion or body oil. Slimming Gel, Slimming Scrub.

Simoron slimming ritual No. 4.

Simoron and his rituals soon become a way of life. Therefore, every time you are about to eat or just have a snack, say the following: "Everyone eats in order to live, and now I will eat (for example, this cake) in order to lose weight and gain weight.".
Yes, do not forget to perform such a simple ritual as soon as you wake up and get out of bed every morning. Jump, saying: "Jump, jump, jump, all the extra weight like a pod of peas, jump jump from me".

Simoron ritual number 5 for weight loss on the waning moon.

This Simoron weight loss ritual is performed during the waning moon. To complete it, you need magic water. Where can I get it? You can buy, you can dial from the tap. The main thing is to write on the bottle with water its Simoron name: "Driving for weight loss." You can put water on the windowsill. The main thing in this ritual for weight loss is to say, looking at the water:
"The night is full of moonlight magic, it charges water for me to lose weight".
In the morning, you must definitely drink "Water for Weight Loss". The main thing to say before this:
“Water-water, you are charged with the moonlight, work hard for me, help me get rid of fat. 5 kg down with this water. "

Simoron slimming ritual number 6.

You will need a thick candle to complete this slimming ritual. Write “My extra pounds” on the candle. Light a candle every day. The essence of the ritual is very simple. Looking at the candle, imagine that your extra pounds are burning along with it.

Simoron slimming ritual number 7.

Call the gnomes! What does the gnome have to do with it? - you ask. Gnomes are very hardworking and work at night. Before bed, ask the gnomes to come and vacuum your ass. Imagine how gnomes climb the stairs on the bottom and vacuum it, removing all unnecessary and smoothing out problem areas.
We have written for you 7 Simoron weight loss rituals. They all work, you just need to believe in it and do it regularly. And then your forms will soon start to delight you again, and the old skinny jeans will fit again.

In this article:

Today, appearance plays a vital role in human life. The society has adopted extremely strict standards of beauty, which must be met by everyone who wants to achieve at least something. In such conditions, the problem of excess weight becomes very, very serious and for its solution women, and sometimes men, are ready to do anything.

A weight loss conspiracy is a good opportunity to improve your figure, which should be used along with traditional diets and fitness, as well as in cases where such methods do not have any positive impact.

Magic rituals aimed at losing weight work on the same principle as rituals for health. They affect the human body, have a cleansing effect.

There are a large number of very different weight loss rituals, however, none of them can provide any tangible positive result if the performer himself does not strive to lose weight, and does not work in this direction.

Miracles do happen, of course, but don't hope that conspiracy alone will solve all your problems. Some of us have to work hard to make our figure perfect.

Magic can help in this, speed up the result, facilitate the path to success, but not a single ceremony will take effect if you yourself just lie on the couch and wait.

Powerful conspiracy

This is a very powerful magical rite that consists of several stages. For getting better result, you must strictly follow all the described requirements.

Preparing for the ceremony

Preparation for the ritual should begin a week before the full moon. First of all, you need to determine what result you want to achieve. Determine the weight you are aiming for in advance and subtract that amount from your current weight. Now we take a little natural beeswax, it can be bought at the pharmacy or melted from a church candle (the candle must be new).

From the wax, you need to roll a cylinder as thick as a little finger. Then cut off small pieces of wax from the cylinder and say: the first kilogram, the second kilogram, the third, etc. until you get as many pieces as you want to lose.
The cut pieces of wax need to be melted down and rolled into a single ball, which will symbolize all your excess weight. Put the ball under your pillow.


During the full moon, you need to get the resulting ball from under the pillow, hold it firmly in your palms right hand, close your eyes and concentrate on the fact that this is overweight, imagine yourself already losing weight, as if the ritual has already led to the expected result. You need to imagine yourself as you will become, when all the extra pounds are gone, how beautiful you will be, how graceful, how men will start looking at you.

Now you need to choose a place in the room where a lot of moonlight falls. At this point, draw a small circle with chalk and put a wax ball in it. After that, you can go to bed.

In the morning, you need to cut off a small piece from the ball, melt it, imagining that you are melting your own fat, that it leaves you, the extra pounds disappear. We also throw liquid wax into the toilet or outside. These steps must be repeated daily. It is advisable to calculate the whole process in such a way that the wax ball is enough just in time for the beginning of the new lunar month.

Strong ritual with prayer

This ritual is based on Christian beliefs. The Our Father prayer should be read every night, starting with the new moon and ending on the last day before the full moon. We read the prayer three times, then, looking at the young month, you need to stroke clockwise those places from which you need to remove excess, for example, the stomach, buttocks, thighs, etc. At this time, we constantly repeat:

“What I look at will be added. What I iron will be more than enough. "

An imperceptible action will pleasantly surprise you after a while.

This effective ritual, the main thing is to spend exclusively on the growing moon.

Basic rules of rituals

If you really want to spend strong ritual To lose weight, you need to follow a few basic rules:

  • it is imperative to believe in the power of any conspiracy spoken, otherwise it will not be effective;
  • you need to read the conspiracy in a measured, monotonous, quiet, calm voice;
  • it is best to carry out rituals on an empty stomach and not eat after the conspiracy as much as you have enough strength;
  • in no case should you laugh during the ritual;
  • to convert Special attention on the lunar cycle if there are no recommendations and requirements for the phase of the moon in the rite, you need to conduct a conspiracy on the waning moon;
  • The best days for weight loss rituals are Friday and Monday.

Weight loss ritual for water

The magic ritual designed to reduce the target's appetite. To carry it out, you need to pour water into an uncut glass and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“The sea queen, the water maiden. You baptize all people, drink, and wash. Take away hunger from me with your power, so that it does not torment me. Take away the passion for food from me, so that I don't want to and think. Just as the purest person neither drinks nor eats, but lives by prayer alone, so you are a sea girl, a water queen, strengthen me, give me strength to refrain from food. What is said will come true. "

After that, you need to drink all the charmed water in small sips.

Food lapel

This magic ritual is a lapel aimed at a target. With its help, a person can stop loving the most pleasant foods to him, from which he himself cannot refuse.

You can do it not with the most beloved, but with the most harmful products for the figure, for example, with chocolate, bread, etc.

You need to buy your favorite dishes, put them in the evening by the icon, light a church candle nearby and read the prayer "Our Father" three times.

Now we wait until the candle burns out, and we go to sleep. In the morning we light three new candles, we read "Our Father" three times, after which we pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“I’m talking to the servants of God (my name), the food will breathe in spiritual power, the power of benevolence, that food will not become a stone in the stomach, not fat on the body, but for the soul, nectar, a nourishing spirit, tranquility, and blessing. Give you food, the servant of God (name) pleasure, feed her blood and brain, skin and all veins. What is not good for me, then let it go, what is not good for my spirit and my body, then let it go, so that it does not settle down superfluous. The servant of God (name) will have to give up what is superfluous and unnecessary, die your desires, turn away from food, it is better to pray to the Lord God once more. God help your servant (name), she will not strive to overeat, she will think more about her soul. Away and at home. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Waning moon conspiracy

This ceremony must be performed during the waning moon. Read the conspiracy on the water, preferably right before bedtime. The words:

“Lord help, bless God, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. On the ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a bed, on that sofa there is a feather bed, and on it a pig is lying, but my fat is guarding. A pig with three heads, five heads, seven heads, nine heads, ten mouths. Eat my fat with one head, eat my fat with the other head, eat my fat with the third head ... eat my fat with the eighth head. And the ninth head of a pig will eat up all my fat, take all the fat and excess weight for itself. Key, lock, tongue. As said, it will come true. Amen".

Rite of passage with a bath

To carry out the ritual, you need to take a hot bath or warm water for bathing and put your own cross in it.

Fluids structure your body very well from the inside and outside

When the water is ready, take out the cross and pour one glass of fresh cow's milk and holy water into it, add petals from three different roses (the color does not matter), lower the thread or braid 15–20 cm long.

Lie in the bathroom until the temperature of the water in it drops to the temperature of your body. After that, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Water, warm water, listen to me, hear. You, water, do not stir up, do not boil, quickly accept for me. After the cross, water, make me slim. Wash me with milk, with holy water, cover me with a rose petal. I will be neither thin nor fat, but everywhere I will be equal. " You can now leave the bath. When you drain the water, we read the words: "Leave the water, take all the burdens from me, take them away, put them under a black stone, hold them there for a hundred years."

After that, you need to get the thread out of the bath and tie it on the wrist of your right hand. It is very important that the thread dries already on your body. Wear the thread carefully until it breaks. Rose petals must also be collected, wrapped in a clean white cloth, and buried in the ground under an old, withered tree.

The ritual should be repeated three times on the new moon.

Bath for excess weight

You need to prepare a jar of cold spring or well water in advance. Water from it is poured into the bath already prepared for bathing and the words of the conspiracy are whispered:

“The fat man walked on the ground, he ate holy bread, and sang merry songs. He drank holy water, but still sweated. By the time the fat man reached the house, he completely left the body, lost weight. So I (name) sweat in the bath, but I keep losing weight. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

After taking a hot bath, you need to drain the water and say:

“Water, quickly drain away, run away, take away all unnecessary things from me. Now, water, serve me, do not grieve for me. Under a heavy stone theca, stay there forever, lie. May it be so".

Probably everyone already knows about unique properties water: it is able to memorize, store and transmit information. Thanks to these qualities, absolutely each of us can prepare real healing elixirs from water.

The secret of water is the secret of humanity as a whole. Man is 80% water and solving its secret is tantamount to revealing the secret of the universe and the emergence of mankind on Earth. For several millennia, people on the planet Earth not only drink and use water daily and hourly, but also carry out all kinds of procedures with water, in water or with the help of water, including medical and health-improving and spiritual-cleansing. Water is one of the main, and perhaps the main means of cleansing not only the human body, but also his spiritual essence.

The powerful cleansing power of water is inherent in nature itself. Modern research has shown that water does not easily accumulate and store information; water conveys negative or positive "coloring" of thoughts, that is, energy. When observing the crystal lattice of water, scientists found that negative emotions modify and even destroy it. But positive emotions and positive energy, on the contrary, retain the correct structure. crystal lattice water and restore previously destroyed areas. In fact, our ancestors knew about this and used “living” and “dead” water, which can be read about in Russian fairy tales and epics.
Using the tremendous cleansing power of water, in the old days it was used to cleanse dwellings from the accumulated negative energy, and created in this way a positive energy background, which ensured tranquility and peace in the house. Epiphany water from holy springs was regularly used for such procedures. Each drop of such water carries a huge amount of positive information into the house.

In what ways can water be charged?

There are many of the most different ways charging water: using natural minerals, using the sun, using silver, silicon, shungite, etc. But first, it is important to note that only an absolutely healthy person should carry out the charging procedure. Water takes over all information from space and a sick person can transmit his illness to others.

For the charging procedure, only raw, pure water from a natural natural source is used. At temperatures above 35 degrees, water loses everything beneficial features, so it must not be overheated! Tap water can only be used if you have efficient and high-quality water filters.

Charging water with quartz crystals

One of the most common and effective ways charging water is charging stones. A wide variety of minerals can be used, but quartz crystals are used primarily.

Lithotherapy (stone therapy) is not capable of doing any harm the human body, because first of all it is information impact on your body, not chemical. That is why it is very important to make sure that the stones with which you charge the water do not dissolve in the water? For procedures of this kind, it is necessary to use only those minerals that do not dissolve in water.

Water is the world's best conductor of information. The most common raw purified water is capable of transmitting the healing energy of minerals into the human body. Best water- spring. But if there is none, then you can use a simple tap water passed through charcoal or other types of household filters. Under no circumstances use water that was near an unhealthy person, or where something negative happened - the water will remember negative information!

How to infuse water with crystals and minerals?

To prepare healing charged water, place a clean crystal in a transparent container. Fill it with clean raw water and let it sit for 6-12 hours. Required condition: When charging, the water should be in the sun for at least 2-3 hours. The charged water can then be poured into a more suitable container and used within five days.

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How to take charged water

  1. The water charged on crystals is taken in small sips in the morning on an empty stomach. For one dose, 200 ml is enough. When taking charged water, try to mentally tune yourself to the goals for which you are taking water, and keep only positive thoughts in your head.
  2. During the day, you can add 2-3 drops of charged water to a glass of water and drink - this will help you not to lose your physical tone throughout the day.
  3. With the help of charged water, you can improve the quality of your aura - for this, put a couple of drops on your palms, quickly rub them and inhale the vapors.
  4. Healing positively charged water can be sprayed from a spray bottle indoors to cleanse the energy of your home and improve your mood. In this case, it is not necessary to use only charged water - you just need to add it to small amount into the spray bottle. The same water can be watered and refreshed. houseplants, - You will immediately notice how they will be transformed and refreshed!

Pearl water

To prepare healing pearl water, put 5 natural pearls in a glass container and fill them with a glass of raw pure water(preferably spring) and leave overnight. This time is quite enough to prepare pearl water. Take on an empty stomach ½ cup daily. Pearl water speeds up metabolism, improves skin regeneration processes, rejuvenates.

The same in a simple way you can charge the water with other minerals.

Water charged on a rock crystal is saturated with the energy of the Earth and the Universe. Reception of such water contributes not only to healing, but also to spiritual growth, the achievement of mutual understanding with others.


Amber water has the strongest tonic effect. It is also recommended to use amber water for regular cleaning of living quarters from negative information.


Water infused with amethyst harmonizes internal state a person, contributes to his spiritual development, gives peace of mind and a sense of tranquility.

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Rose quartz

Water, charged with rose quartz, has a beneficial effect on the psychological state, soothes, improves the work of the heart.


Water infused with carnelian accelerates the regeneration of skin cells, promotes rejuvenation and generally heals the body.


Water charged with shungite has a powerful cleansing and restorative properties, removes toxins, toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Studies have confirmed that shungite water is capable of neutralizing geopathogenic and technogenic radiation, which is very dangerous for the human body.


Water infused with silicon was used by our ancestors. Silicon water helps to cleanse the body, strengthen the immune system. It has been scientifically proven that silica water helps stop blood, relieves pain, acts as an antiseptic, and also has powerful regenerative properties. Silicon water does not deteriorate for a very long time and does not lose its properties. But it is also necessary to insist on it for at least 3 days. It is very important to insist water on environmentally friendly and energetically active silicon - be sure to find out from which area your stone is.

Tibetan charging method drinking water

In Tibet, water is charged not only with minerals, but also with the so-called “mineral mixture”. Crumbs or small stones of rock crystal, smoky and rose quartz, amethyst, cacholong, carnelian are dipped into an ordinary three-liter jar and filled with 3 liters of boiled water, previously passed through a shungite filter. Water is charged 3-5 hours under the morning sun. It is recommended to take charged water 1/2 glass 3 times a day, adding one dose daily until the daily volume reaches 8 glasses. Then the intake for one dose is gradually reduced until it reaches 1/2 glass per day. Energized, biologically active water, is healing, helps in the treatment of many diseases, including suitable for effective prevention various diseases. It has a powerful anti-aging effect.

One of the oldest and most proven methods of charging water is charging with silver. In an ordinary small glass container with water, immerse any silver object for 24 hours. After that, place the vessel on your palm, and with the other hand slowly move over the surface of the water in such movements as if you are pressing air into it. In this case, you need to mentally or aloud pronounce the message for which you charge the water - to relieve stress, fatigue, to heal from an illness, cleanse the body, lose weight, gain strength, etc. Take 150 ml of water charged with silver in the morning on an empty stomach, and 100 ml at bedtime. The recommended course is forty days. At the same time, "silver water" loses its properties within a day, so you need a daily charging procedure.

Magnetized water

Much has already been written about magnetized water. One of its main properties is bactericidal property. Also, magnetized water is used to speed up metabolism, cleanse blood vessels, to normalize blood pressure, to lower blood cholesterol levels. It is recommended to drink no more than 0.5 liters of magnetized water per day. It is very simple to prepare magnetized water - just pass it through the ring magnet at least 5 times.

Aerated water

Yogis often use aerated water in their practices. It can be prepared very easily at home. To do this, you need to go to the balcony in the morning or stand in front of open window pour over boiled water from glass to glass 42 times or 25 times. During the transfusion, the water is saturated with oxygen and becomes aerated. Of course, it is advisable to carry out such a procedure if you live in an ecologically clean conditions... Aerated water should be drunk immediately after preparation - slowly, in small sips.
Filled with oxygen, aerated water helps to improve the functioning of all body systems.

Charging water with the sun and moon

We never think about it, but water can and should be charged sunlight... To do this, you need to pour clean raw water in a glass or ceramic vessel and leave in the sun for 3 hours. Water saturated solar energy, especially effectively helps in the treatment of seriously ill people who lie in dark rooms and don't go outside. The same procedure is recommended for moonlit nights: water, charged with moonlight, cleanses the home of negative energy, and helps to normalize sleep.

Cleansing your home with charged water

The charged water can be used for healing as well as for cleansing your living space. Before the cleaning procedure, you can read aloud or mentally: “Let the water be filled with the Spirit and let this room be cleansed by the power of water. Water, renew and heal everything in this room. " Then you need to take a small branch and sprinkle the walls and all objects in the room with charged water, starting from the eastern corner of the room, going around the whole room clockwise. While performing the ceremony, one can say mentally or aloud: “Water, water! Cleanse the space with Light and Love! " In order to completely cleanse the room of negativity, it is advisable to go around it at least 7 times. After the procedure, you will definitely feel that your room has become brighter and the air has become much cleaner.

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