My name is Egor. List of famous people with the name Egor. Name Egor according to the calendar

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What does the name Egor mean?

The name Egor means farmer (Greek)

The meaning of the name Egor is character and destiny

A man named Yegor is stubborn and persistent. Like any man with a strong will, he is lenient towards the weaker, flexible in the family, and good-natured towards others. This is a business person, hardworking, resourceful, analytical, and self-confident. Amorous, easily ignited, sexy, affectionate and gentle with women. He does not tolerate loneliness; if he breaks up with one lover, he immediately finds another. However, he is quick-tempered, grumpy, cocky, and partial to alcohol. He marries either too early, right after finishing school, or late - about thirty years old. As a rule, his marriage is quite happy, but sometimes it seems to Yegor that he made the wrong choice. Maybe after many years he will return to his first family. A man named Egor values ​​modesty in women. He does not tolerate boastful and flirtatious women, gets irritated if a woman tries to attract attention to herself with her behavior, dresses loudly, and behaves provocatively. Egor is a straightforward and somewhat simple-minded person. In relationships with women, he is not capable of deceit; his declarations of love and marriage proposals are, as a rule, true and have serious intentions. He takes a wife who is respectable, fair, intelligent and sexy woman. Egor in marriage is a respectable family man, a strong owner, and somewhat strict with his children. He sees his wife’s claims to be a leader as a manifestation of female weakness, does not contradict in small things, and shows firmness in big matters. A man named Yegor loves children and is involved in their upbringing, as he naturally has a pedagogical gift.

Meaning of the name Egor for sex

In sex, Egor is gentle and passionate. The highest manifestation feelings on the part of the partner consider oral sex. He does not tolerate inexperienced women; for him this means a lack of variety in intimate relationships. He himself is an experienced lover, knows perfectly well how to prepare a woman for sexual intercourse, and is easily aroused. Egor, born in August, is soft and affectionate, does not tolerate haste, and loves long foreplay. A man named Yegor is energetic and temperamental, looking for the same partner. “December” Yegor is voluptuous, does not allow the thought that he or his partner will remain unsatisfied after coitus. With short breaks, he is ready to enter into intimate relationships many times. Gets irritated if he doesn't get a response. Sensitive to odors, requires cleanliness and accuracy from his partner.

The character and fate of the name Egor, taking into account the patronymic

First name Egor and patronymic....

Egor Alekseevich, Egor Andreevich, Egor Artemovich, Egor Valentinovich, Egor Vasilievich, Egor Viktorovich, Egor Vitalievich, Egor Vladimirovich, Egor Evgenievich, Egor Ivanovich, Egor Ilyich, Egor Mikhailovich, Egor Petrovich, Egor Sergeevich, Egor Yurievich modest, flexible. He prefers not to show his strong character unless absolutely necessary. Patient, practical, sociable. Loving in his youth, he marries late. After the wedding, all his thoughts are only about his family. He knows how to provide for her, takes care of the children. More often has sons to whom he gives a good education, spares no expense on this.

First name Egor and patronymic....

Egor Alexandrovich, Egor Arkadyevich, Egor Borisovich, Egor Vadimovich, Egor Grigorievich, Egor Kirillovich, Egor Maksimovich, Egor Matveevich, Egor Nikitich, Egor Pavlovich, Egor Romanovich, Egor Timofeevich, Egor Fedorovich, Egor Eduardovich, Egor Yakovlevich good-natured. Hot-tempered, but not vindictive. Has many friends, easily becomes dependent on them, is predisposed to alcoholism, especially those born in the summer. In the family he is compliant, allows his wife to lead him, but in decisive issues shows character. He is simply too lazy to argue with his wife often, he lets everything take its course. Marries early and for love. This feeling carries through my entire life. When minor quarrels occur in the family, he always remembers how good it was with his wife in the first years after the wedding. And such a man named Yegor believes that people have inherent weaknesses, and he, as a strong nature, should be able to forgive. Sexy, openly expresses dissatisfaction with his wife if she does not satisfy him, but patient, he waits for a long time for his wife to understand his needs. For my part, I am always ready to meet her halfway. A good father, he is seriously involved in raising his children. Homebody. Children of different sexes are born.

First name Egor and patronymic....

Egor Bogdanovich, Egor Vladislavovich, Egor Vyacheslavovich, Egor Gennadievich, Egor Danilovich, Egor Egorovich, Egor Konstantinovich, Egor Robertovich, Egor Yanovich, Egor Yaroslavovich selfish, selfish, straightforward. He is careless in his actions and does not compromise, which often harms him. He is influenced, although he cannot be called weak-willed. I’m just used to trusting people, especially friends. He is practical, serious in his decisions, and thinks long and thoroughly about his every action. He also takes a thorough approach to creating a family. A man named Yegor is not a supporter of short-term marriages; he will patiently endure all the troubles in the family, waiting for better times. Loves children very much. He becomes especially attached to his daughter, whom he spoils. He raises his son to be a real man, takes care of his physical development, and introduces him to sports early. He does not strive to manage the household, but always reserves the right to the last decisive word, and takes pleasure in the consciousness of his own superiority. His wife is usually quite happy with their marriage.

First name Egor and patronymic....

Egor Antonovich, Egor Arturovich, Egor Valerievich, Egor Germanovich, Egor Glebovich, Egor Denisovich, Egor Igorevich, Egor Iosifovich, Egor Leonidovich, Egor Lvovich, Egor Mironovich, Egor Olegovich, Egor Ruslanovich, Egor Semenovich, Egor Filippovich, Egor Emmanuilovich a person who is easily vulnerable. He can be offended by a word carelessly thrown at him. Stubborn, persistent, reliable, punctual. He loves beautiful women very much, but when choosing a future wife, he takes more into account her spiritual qualities. A man named Egor enjoys home improvement, loves to buy beautiful things, and is a spender. More often he has daughters whom he adores, spoils, and does nothing for them. without regrets. He is proud of his family and often gathers friends at his house. By old age, such Yegor becomes grumpy and annoying. He closely monitors his daughters and tries to take part in their personal lives. Loves grandchildren.

First name Egor and patronymic....

Egor Alanovich, Egor Albertovich, Egor Anatolyevich, Egor Veniaminovich, Egor Vladlenovich, Egor Dmitrievich, Egor Nikolaevich, Egor Rostislavovich, Egor Stanislavovich, Egor Stepanovich, Egor Feliksovich, Egor Filippovich easy to communicate, cheerful and good-natured. However, the family is completely different. There he is a leader who does not tolerate objections, his word is law. Does not tolerate criticism, ignites like a match, although he quickly forgets the reason for his anger. You can get along with a man named Yegor, you just need to study his character. Egor is not at all interested in running the household and does not control his wife. Loves to eat delicious food. He needs a good lunch and on time, order in the apartment, peace in the house. He can create noise and scandal himself. Hospitable, loves holidays, knows how to organize them. As a rule, the mother-in-law's favorite son-in-law. He gives birth to boys.

Laconic, but at the same time consonant and firm name Egor. The owner of the name is always decisive, active, practical and observant.

The name Egor can create the impression of a certain inaccessibility and partly of a person’s isolation. But the combination of sounds itself is so beautiful and courageous that it seems to have been hewn out of a rock.


Only on the eve of the twentieth century the name Egor entered history as an independent name. Before that there were two names. Yegoriy was the name given to peasant children, and Georgiy was a name that was typical only for the noble nobility. In Rus', the name George appeared somewhere in the eleventh century. But such a name was unusual for the Varangians, so they distorted it and used the name Yurga, after which such a name appeared name form like Egor. The name takes its roots from Greek origin.

Meaning of the name

Egor - name, which appeared not so long ago, it is derived from George. The literal translation of this name means “plowman” or “one who cultivates the land”; another meaning found is “farmer”. According to myths, the great Zeus was sometimes called George. Egor is considered a common and uncomplicated name. In the diminutive version it sounds like Egorka or Egorushka.

Name Egor for a child

From early childhood, the child has an analytical mind. But it will not be easy for him as a parent, since from an early age he shows excessive stubbornness, and he is also inherently distrustful of people. After deception, Yegor will never forgive the person and will immediately lose any respect for him. Egorka is growing up to be a very smart little boy. Already from school age, he strives for self-development and is distinguished by good performance at school. He can firmly defend his opinion and will not be stopped by the authority of the teacher if he is mistaken in the dispute.

Through his enormous internal energy, Yegor manifests a wild character, but if he is directed in the right direction in his youth, this will help him achieve further goals.

Very often children with named Egor They tire parents with their activity and curiosity. For Yegor, the main thing is a sense of justice, which he can defend with his fists, so you can often find fighters among the owners of the name. He will always try to protect the weak and bring out the liar. clean water. Egorka, without being afraid, can stand up for herself and prove that she is right. More from small age he is characterized by dignified behavior. You don’t even need to talk to Yegor about what is good and what should not be done, he himself will be able to tell you what and how.

Character by name meaning

You can immediately identify such character qualities as responsibility and pedantry. For Yegor, everything should always be in its place, so cleanliness and order come first for him. Since Yegor is sincere, conscientious and reliable person, then does not tolerate deception and dishonesty.

We can say with complete confidence that he respectable, sensible a person who is also very efficient. In family matters Egor He is an excellent owner, he is confident in himself, so he stands firmly on his feet. Once he gets down to business, he will analyze everything a hundred times, think it over, and only after that he will make a decision.

The name hides the most brilliant business qualities. Extreme situation will not be able to scare Yegor, he will immediately quickly figure out what to do, therefore he knows how to find a way out of any unfavorable situation without any consequences.

In addition to the fact that Yegor loves the truth, he is also a freedom-loving person. His predominant qualities are feeling self-esteem, truthfulness and male honor. But in addition to such wonderful character traits, one can highlight tediousness, constant grumpiness and instant temper.

U Egor character with your worldview and it is impossible to argue with it, much less to convince you of something. One of the main character traits that hinders his life is stubbornness, which has been inherent in him since childhood. Egorka’s life is haunted by rancor; if someone deceived or offended him, then do not expect mercy, at the slightest opportunity he will point out the mistake. These are often very conflicted people, so they have a difficult time in society.


In his partner Egor looking for a modest nature. He's annoyed bright personalities, as well as those who behave defiantly. But having fallen in love, he behaves very innocently with the girl. If he began a love revelation, then remember that they are very serious towards their beloved and sincere. It is difficult for him to deceive the other half. If he meets a decent, straightforward and responsible woman on his way, then ideal compatibility awaits him. But it is possible that in a fit of passion he may lose his head from a completely opposite type from his ideal.

Characteristics of the name says that Egor Always good family man and a pedantic owner, everything is in order at home. He is firm in his decisions, but can easily give in to his wife if she decides to take a leading position.

Ideal compatibility Egor has s, such a marriage is doomed to success. Not a bad alliance with, . Also, having met Alexandra, he will be able to create a strong family. Egor will have to be avoided in a relationship. Failure awaits Yegor's union with.

Health of the owner of the name

In general terms, the owner of the name Egor is in good health, but sometimes, due to his fussiness and busyness, he does not attach importance to his vision, which is why he suffers. It is necessary to take care of your nerves and not ignore stressful situations. Health may also be affected by bad habits, which are very characteristic of Yegor, he should not abuse alcoholic beverages.

Egor's fate

This is a man from the cohort of fate's darlings. Luck simply leads him by the hand, so Egor, taking advantage of this, often resorts to gambling. It is difficult for him in life to cope with the unquenchable thirst for adrenaline, which he replenishes every time. Even if he reasonably understands the danger, he will still go forward and risk everything he has. In Yegor's fate there will be several significant chances which, if he does not miss, he will reach the maximum heights of success. On the contrary, if he ignores fate, he will quickly fall to the very bottom, to the outskirts of life. In general, he is a self-sufficient and independent man who decisively moves through life, despite the obstacles.

Professions and career of a man

Egor is a very self-educated person, and he is also characterized by versatility. At different ages he is attracted to completely different professions. He can be an absolutely brilliant and talented artist or a representative of a creative profession and at the same time, a successful engineer. Often Egor does not stop at one area of ​​activity, for him it is very routine and he begins to master new areas. Egor is also successful in business; he will never part with money, so he will never associate himself with investments.

Name days according to the church calendar

By church calendar Egor called George. IN Christian calendar this name appeared around the fourth century precisely at the moment when St. George the Victorious was canonized. In the nineteenth century, the New Martyr Yegoriy was canonized.

Orthodox Christians honor the memory of St. George the Victorious on May 6. St. George's day or respect to George celebrated on December 9th.

Name Egor according to the calendar

The patron saints of the owner of the name Yegor are George of Amastrid (February 21), George of Constantinople (May 13), George Mstislav the Brave (June 14), George Olegovich Prince of Kiev (September 19), George the Bulgarian Martyr (May 26).

Zimny ​​Egor - a decisive, persistent and practical nature. He knows what he wants from life, so he strictly follows the plan. Thanks to his analytical mindset, winter Egor quickly moves through career ladder. He is courteous with women, but in moderation, so he cannot be called a romantic.

Vesenny Egor lives by emotions, he is vain, selfish and narcissistic. His creative nature craves celebration and fun, so spring Egor is often surrounded by many friends and acquaintances who approach life just as frivolously as he does.

Letny Egor - an active, purposeful and energetic man who overcomes all difficulties with confidence, and he does it with a smile on his face. He “charges” those around him with his optimism. Women find in the summer Yegor an attentive, gentle and charming man.

Autumn Egor pragmatic and rational, he does not succumb to the influence of others and does not recognize authorities. There is no place for accidents in his life, because he is used to carefully planning his every step. Women with autumn Egor are reliable, but bored.

Stone - talisman

The stones that bring Yegor good luck are sapphire, agate and chrysolite.


This gemstone symbolizes truth, justice and wisdom. In addition, sapphire, which can enhance intuition, is considered a stone of composure, contemplation, chastity, justice and tranquility.

For its sky-blue color, in the Middle Ages, sapphire was considered a divine stone, personifying order, strength, and purity. For this reason, all royal persons decorated their regalia with this gem, thereby emphasizing their authority and holiness.


It is believed that products with agate bring harmony to environment, have a beneficial effect on the health of their owner, give self-confidence and reliably protect against negative energy.

From time immemorial, agate has symbolized health and longevity. This stone also helps to calm fears and get rid of insomnia and nightmares.

Interesting Facts! Agate is also famous for its medicinal properties, and a lot depends on the color of the stone:

  • light (or gray-white) has a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • blue has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • yellow helps cure throat and liver diseases;
  • red helps ease the flow cardiovascular diseases;
  • black enhances potency.


This stone warns its owner against unwise actions, eliminates stress and insomnia, and also helps to gain confidence, positively influencing the emotional state of a person as a whole.

Our ancestors believed that chrysolite drives away demons and other evil spirits.

Chrysolite is a symbol of luck, good fortune, peace and happiness in your personal life.





Yegor’s element is fire (you can read about the influence of this element in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).


Animal - symbol

Egor's patron animal is a white bull - a symbol of masculinity, power, strength, creative male power and sexual energy.

From time immemorial, the bull has been considered the personification of power, fertility, hard work, patience, methodology and justice.

In the Christian tradition, the bull is a symbol of the sacrifice and renunciation of Christ, since the Gospel begins precisely with the sacrifice of the bull by Zechariah.


Yegor's symbolic plants are poplar and lily of the valley.


This tree has dual symbolism, and all because of the color of the leaves, which are painted in light colors on one side and dark on the other.

On the one hand, the poplar symbolizes beauty and youth, and on the other, loneliness and girlish melancholy.

Interesting fact! According to Greco-Roman tradition, poplar white personified the abode of the blessed (that is, the place where the favorites of the gods end up after a heroic death), while the black poplar is a symbol of hell.

Lily of the valley

This spring Flower symbolizes purity, tenderness, love, family happiness, sincerity and fidelity.

Interesting Facts! Lilies of the valley, collected on the day before the new moon, awaken sensuality and can incline to betrayal, while flowers collected directly on the full moon promote fidelity and strengthen love. In addition, it is believed that a bouquet of lilies of the valley standing at the head of the bed awakens tenderness in a man and passion in a woman.


The metal that favors Yegor is tin, which helps protect against various troubles. In addition, tin is the personification of strength, rigidity, strength and durability.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Egor

Name translation

WITH ancient Greek name Egor is translated as “farmer”, “plowman”.

History of the name

The name Egor (like Yuri) is a Russian variant Greek name George, formed by transferring the initial sound “g” (for our Russian ancestors this sound was considered difficult to pronounce). However, today Egor is an independent name, despite the fact that the patron saints of Egorov, Yuriev and Georgiev are the same.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most used forms of the name Egor: Egorka, Egorushka, Egorochka, Egorych, Gora, Grief, Zhora, Georges, Zhorik, Zhorzhik, Zhorochka, Zhorka, Egonya, Egosha, Gosha, Goga, Goshka, Goshunya, Gunya, Egonechka.

The legend of the name Egor

There is a well-known legend about the new martyr Yegor of Chios, who saved the princess from a terrible dragon. According to church apocrypha (early Christian legends that were not included in the biblical canon), immediately before the battle the new martyr offered prayers to God, whom he asked for help. The Lord heeded the prayers and requests of Yegor and gave him the gift of eloquence, thanks to which the saint only through words forced the dragon to humble himself.

Yegory (or Georgy) took a belt from the princess, which he tied around the dragon’s neck, after which the girl brought the monster to the city. However, in the folk version of this legend, Yegory turned into a strong and courageous hero who took on the terrible snake.

The secret of the name Egor

Patrons of the name

  • Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious.
  • Bishop George of Amastrida.
  • Bishop and confessor George of Antioch (or Pisidia).
  • Bishop and Hieromartyr George of Develta (or Adrianople).
  • Confessor George of Constantinople.
  • Patriarch George I of Constantinople.
  • Reverend George Khozevit.
  • Martyr George.
  • Rev. Confessor George Limniot.
  • Bishop George II of Mytilene.
  • Ktitor Georgy Svyatogorets.
  • Metropolitan and Confessor George of Mytilene.
  • Martyr George the New.
  • Grand Duke Georgy Olegovich.
  • Venerable George of the Peloponnese.
  • Prince Georgy Mstislav (or Novgorodsky).
  • Bishop George of Nicomedia.
  • Grand Duke George (Yuri) Vsevolodovich.
  • Martyr George of Sophia.
  • Venerable George of Arsel.
  • Venerable George of Sinaite.
  • Venerable George of Diippa.
  • Reverend Georgy Matskvereli.
  • Martyr George of New Ephesus.
  • Martyr George of Athos.
  • Martyr George of Jerusalem.
  • Martyr George of Crete.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 11th, 21st and 30th.

February: 4th, 10th, 17th, 24th and 27th.

March: 6, 17, 18 23 and 24 numbers.

April: 5th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 20th and 26th.

May: 2nd, 6th, 10th, 26th and 29th.

June: 8th, 18th, 19th and 27th.

July: 10th and 16th.

August: 3rd and 31st.

September: 6th and 21st.

October: 2nd and 15th.

November: 3, 10, 16 and 23rd.

December: 9th, 16th and 31st.

Famous people

Famous athletes named Egor:

  • Egor Titov - Russian football player of the Moscow club "Spartak";
  • Egor Ivanov - Ukrainian football player;
  • Egor Vyaltsev is a Russian basketball player.

Famous actors and artists named Egor:

  • Egor Beroev;
  • Egor Kutenkov.

Famous political figures named Yegor:

  • Egor Ligachev;
  • Egor Stroev;
  • Yegor Gaidar.

Egor Konchalovsky - famous Russian director and actor.

Egor Zolotarev - Russian mathematician and academician.

Meaning of the name Egor

For a child

Little Yegor is thoughtful, diligent and hardworking. He tends to get carried away by some business to which he devotes himself entirely. But, despite his practicality and rationality, this boy has a vulnerable soul (he is characterized by deep internal torment and experiences that he does not demonstrate, but keeps to himself).

Yegor cannot be called an obedient boy; on the contrary, he is restless and cocky, so he often initiates fights. He has an extremely developed sense of justice, so any lie or humiliation becomes the reason for a showdown with the help of fists.

At school, Yegor studies well, although conflicts with both peers and teachers are possible (the fact is that he reacts sharply to any manifestation of superiority, believing that in any situation people should remain, first of all, people).

The negative qualities of little Yegor are distrust and stubbornness, which prevent him from building friendly relationships. Yegor's friends must remember that it is very easy to lose his affection, because he never forgives his offenders.

For a teenager

In his youth, Yegor resembles a boring, irritable and grumpy old man who can flare up for any reason. But he tries to fight these qualities that prevent him from communicating with his peers.

Persistence and perseverance help Yegor achieve success where the owner of any other name would retreat.

It should be noted that in adolescence, Egor urgently needs the support and love of his parents (if parental attention is not enough, the teenager may veer off the right path).

During this period, Yegor begins to show leadership qualities, which can bring him both a rise and turn into a fall (it all depends on how correctly Yegor can organize himself).

Young Yegor is a real adventurer who can involve others in his risky enterprise, while he himself (thanks to cunning and resourcefulness) will always get away with it, which cannot be said about his accomplices. Knowing this peculiarity of his, Yegor’s friends try not to get involved with him in adventures of a dubious nature.

For a man

Adult Egor is a principled and purposeful pedant who slowly but confidently follows the plan. The only thing that can prevent him from achieving his goal is his temper, which in the owner of this name does not weaken even with age.

But Yegor does not accept disorder, neither in business, nor in everyday life, nor in relationships with people. He considers orderliness, hard work, assertiveness and methodicality to be the solid foundation on which one can build a brilliant career and create a strong family.

In general, the independent and stubborn Yegor can be called the darling of fate, because luck often smiles on him, which, combined with an analytical mind, helps him make his way in life. He is passionate and loves to take risks, but Yegor’s risk is not always justified, which does not stop him from new attempts to go all-in. Failures only stimulate Yegor.

In people, a man with this name values ​​such qualities as honesty, responsibility, integrity, and openness. Adult Yegor has quite a lot of friends, and all thanks to his sincerity, kindness and excellent sense of humor.

Yegor's enemies are the love of good alcohol and beautiful women. It is these components that can distract him from business for a long time, which can result in the collapse of his plans.

Description of the name Egor


Yegor cannot be called a highly moral man, especially in cases where he drinks alcohol. Hot temper and excessive emotionality can lead Yegor astray from the righteous path.


Egor is the owner of enviable health, but still he needs to pay attention to his visual organs and nervous system.


Egor is a connoisseur of beauty, and what is beautiful in a woman is not only her outer shell, but also her inner content. Therefore, to construct Serious relationships he will choose a modest, decent, feminine, good-natured and homely woman who does not seek to be the center of attention.

When communicating with women, Yegor is open and sincere; he does not try to seem better than he really is, therefore his chosen ones never pretend to be in relationships with him. Women feel at ease with Yegor, and they feel in him a reliable protector.

Egor may become infatuated with a daring beauty, but not for long, but for the one he loves, he will become a faithful life partner who will never betray.


Yegor is in no hurry to officially formalize the relationship with his chosen one, preferring to first weigh all the pros and cons. Therefore, it is not surprising that Yegor most often gets married late (although there are cases when the adventurous owner of this name forgets about everything in the world and, having fallen in love at first sight, early age creates a family that rarely stands the test of time).

As his wife, Yegor will choose a solid, intelligent, fair, respectable and economic woman who can become a real rear for him. But he will not pay attention to women who like to flirt and flirt.

Family relationships

Yegor will make a respectable family man, a faithful husband, a loving father and a good owner who tries to keep everything under control. He approaches raising children seriously and is strict with his children.

It is unusual for Yegor to lead an intra-family struggle for leadership, so he will easily yield to his wife in resolving certain issues. However, when making serious decisions, he, as the head of the family, can firmly (and sometimes harshly) insist on his own.

In his relationship with his wife, Yegor is open and honest, he has no secrets from his soulmate, so trust, friendship and love reign in his house. He will always help his wife with housework and the children with homework. It is very important for Yegor that his wife has a gentle character, because he himself does not like to conflict and sort things out.

In general, Egor will do everything to ensure that his family lives comfortably.


Egor is a gentle and passionate sexual partner who loves variety in the intimate sphere, so an inexperienced partner is unlikely to be able to give him true pleasure.

Yegor considers himself a sophisticated lover who can give his chosen one unearthly bliss. He needs an energetic, temperamental and passionate partner who can reciprocate all of Yegor’s fantasies.

Mind (intelligence)

Egor has an analytical mind. In addition, he knows how to synthesize and analyze the information received, which helps him climb the career ladder.


Entrepreneurship, responsibility, initiative, determination and scrupulousness contribute to career growth Egor, whom his superiors appreciate and respect. Colleagues listen to Yegor's opinion, while his subordinates consider him a strict, but at the same time honest and fair boss.

His ability to quickly find a way out in critical situations will find its application in the field of lawyer, lawyer, doctor, firefighter, military man, and law enforcement officer.

Egor is an excellent psychologist, so he will easily join the team of teachers. But the work of an office employee without prospects for growth will not suit him at all, especially since he knows his own worth very well.


Egor is a born businessman with business acumen and excellent organizational skills. He knows how to think unconventionally, which is important for business promotion. In addition, he takes the organization of his business extremely seriously and scrupulously, drawing up an entire business plan, acting in accordance with which he hopes to achieve success.


Egor's hobbies are varied - family travel, friendly get-togethers in warm company.

Character type


Egor is a sympathetic, kind and fair person who does not accept hypocrisy in people. He will always lend a helping hand to those in need, and absolutely selflessly.

The main thing is not to deceive or betray the owner of this name, otherwise in his person you will make a merciless enemy who may not take revenge, but will never forgive the insult.

Negative character traits of this man can be called hot temper and stubbornness, although Yegor himself considers them advantages that help him achieve what he wants.

In general, Egor - a positive person, communication with whom is always filled with positive emotions.


Egor is the owner of developed intuition, to which he often listens, and the “inner voice” almost never lets him down.

Horoscope named after Egor

Egor - Aries

This is a straightforward, noble and fair nature with a strong-willed character. Egor-Aries is devoted to his friends, whose attitude and location he sincerely values. He is not afraid to express his opinion, even if it differs from the opinion of the majority. In relationships with women, Yegor-Aries is open and honest: he will not beat around the bush, but will directly tell his chosen one about his feelings (long courtship and romantic impulses are not typical of him).

Egor - Taurus

This spontaneous and good-natured man is always in the center of attention. He has many loyal friends, and all for the reason that Yegor-Taurus does not like to conflict. On the contrary, he tries to reach mutual understanding with everyone. His vulnerable soul reacts sharply to any injustice or insult caused, as a result of which Egor-Taurus can withdraw into himself. This man is always surrounded by female attention, because he is charming and sincere.

Egor - Gemini

He is a cheerful and witty person with an active lifestyle. He is ironic and sarcastic, but all his jokes are good-natured, Egor-Gemini just loves to prank people. But not everyone is able to understand and appreciate such subtle humor, and therefore many avoid Yegor, afraid of his sharp tongue. The woman of Yegor, born under the sign of Gemini, must be patient if she wants to maintain a relationship with him.

Egor - Cancer

This man does not lose his charm and charisma even in adulthood. He looks more like a restless and inquisitive teenager than a serious and thorough man. Egor-Cancer is an adventurer who is always looking for new experiences. It is not surprising that he has a huge number of friends, because it is always interesting to be with him. In relationships with women, this man is also fickle: he quickly gets carried away, but just as quickly cools down, resuming the search for his new ideal.

Egor - Leo

This is a strong, courageous and purposeful man who knows how to work fruitfully and unforgettably relax with friends who love Yegor-Leo for his cheerful disposition and openness. However, we should not forget that people born under this sign are demanding of others and domineering, and therefore expect others to recognize their leadership. In love, Egor-Leo is also selective and thorough, he is possessive and jealous, so his woman will have a hard time with him.

Egor - Virgo

This is a practical and prudent person who loves absolute order in everything. He is collected and pragmatic, therefore he reaches great heights in his career.

In personal relationships, the sincere Egor-Virgo is serious and thorough, and passions are not his lot (he prefers pure friendship to ardent love). Egor-Virgo is kind to his chosen one, whom he can forgive a lot, except for betrayal (the betrayal of a loved one can embitter Egor, who will withdraw into himself for a long time).

Egor - Libra

This man has a dual nature, so he is characterized by sudden and unmotivated mood swings. In addition, Egor-Libra is not always confident in himself, which prevents him from occupying leadership positions. To make a decision, he needs to weigh everything, and it will be better if he does this in a calm environment. With women, Yegor-Libra is modest and reserved, although he makes every effort to please them and make an extremely favorable impression on them.

Egor - Scorpio

This independent and straightforward man is attracted by sincerity, openness and incredible inner strength. Egor-Scorpio will never allow anyone to lead him, either at work or at home, since he considers himself an indisputable leader and authority. He always makes all serious decisions alone, which his chosen one will have to come to terms with. Temperamental Yegor-Scorpio will search for a long time for his ideal - a calm, sensual and open woman who can devote herself to her family.

Egor - Sagittarius

This is a lively, energetic and very self-confident man who, thanks to his analytical mind and developed intuition, will definitely choose the right one from hundreds of decisions. Egor the Sagittarius is charm itself, so women dote on him. He does not remain in debt to them and gives himself completely to the relationship. However, it is quite difficult for this man to maintain a long-term relationship, because he is an incorrigible adventurer who expects new discoveries and meetings from life.

Egor - Capricorn

This extraordinary person with a contradictory character: for example, Egor-Capricorn is both thorough and flighty, calm and irritable, cheerful and sad. It is impossible to predict what is on his mind, so even close people cannot claim that they know Yegor-Capricorn one hundred percent. Women are attracted to his mystery and lightness, but over time they get tired of solving this riddle and leave, never having learned to trust the unpredictable Yegor.

Egor - Aquarius

Without exaggeration, this talented and interesting man can be called a devoted friend and faithful husband. At the same time, Egor-Aquarius tries not to expose his feelings, which is why many consider him a person to whom emotions are alien. But that's not true. He just doesn’t want his feelings to be betrayed or not justified by anyone. Egor-Aquarius gravitates towards pure and perfect love, which I am ready to look for for a very long time. It is not surprising that in the end he may remain single.

Egor - Pisces

This is an impulsive, temperamental and capricious man who is almost always guided by emotions and feelings. Egor-Pisces reacts sharply to any insults, which leads to frequent quarrels. Such an explosive nature prevents him from finding true friends, climbing the career ladder and creating a happy marriage. In relationships with women, Yegor-Pisces is fickle, his novels are endless, while he is of little interest in stability and solidity in relationships.

Compatibility of the name Egor with female names

Egor and Olga

Romance, passion, passionate showdowns - all this is inherent in the couple Egor and Olga. They only lack stability, which can become an insurmountable obstacle to building a friendly family. In addition, partners should relax their leadership ambitions, which will help strengthen this alliance.

Egor and Anna

In this amazing couple, relationships are built solely on love, trust and understanding. This happy union, in which the man is the complement of the woman and vice versa. These two get along well in everyday life, and in the intimate sphere they are great for each other.
Anna - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Egor and Elena

This tandem is ruled by such feelings as tenderness, affection and care. Elena and Yegor feel each other subtly, so their life together is like a quiet haven in which there is no place for storms and storms.

They protect their love from adversity, so their deep feelings only strengthen over the years.

Egor and Yulia

This union is based, first of all, on reason, and not on feelings and emotions, which does not prevent Yegor and Yulia from getting along well with each other. Such cooperation can be quite fruitful, but only on the condition that both partners are satisfied with this format of relationship.

Egor and Anastasia

Egor and Alina

There is true passionate love between Yegor and Alina, but excessive emotionality and temperament of partners can interfere with starting a family. If both do not learn to understand and forgive, then their union will be doomed, despite excellent compatibility in the intimate sphere.

Egor and Diana

Timid Diana needs such a confident and reliable man as Yegor, who will protect her and shelter her from any bad weather. However, their views on life are diametrically opposed, so their union is rarely strong and long, despite deep feelings.

Egor and Evgenia

In this union, partners fight for leadership, which not only destroys feelings, but also negatively affects their relationship as a whole. Egor and Evgenia are a love union, but not a family union, because in family life it is important to learn to give in to each other, which these two do not know how to do.

Egor and Daria

This is a very ambiguous union. On the one hand, Yegor and Daria give the impression of a happy married couple, and on the other, their relationship resembles a pretentious theatrical performance designed for spectators. In fact, their union is an exclusively sober material calculation, while there is no talk of love here.

Egor and Alena

The owner Yegor is ready to put up with Alena’s optionality, but cannot tolerate her flirting and coquetry with other men. Alena likes this reaction of her beloved man, so she continues to play her game, which may bore Yegor. As a result, the couple will separate.

Egor and Margarita

For Yegor and Margarita, self-development is important, which they strive for with every fiber of their soul. They spare no time or money on their spiritual development. This couple should not forget that in pursuit of new emotions they can forget about stability, without which there can be no long family life.

Egor and Lyudmila

Both differ in that they are looking for a stable, serious and long-term relationship in which there will be no betrayal, lies, or betrayal. Egor and Lyuda are attentive and caring partners who together experience ups and downs, joy and sorrow.

Egor and Galina

There are many factors in this interesting union that can strengthen the relationship between Yegor and Galin or, on the contrary, destroy it. So, there is a bright and deep feeling between them, but this does not prevent them from quarreling over trifles, which slowly kills love. Material difficulties can also destroy this union.

Egor and Karina

Happily Ever After family life awaits Yegor and Karina, who cannot be separated by distance, quarrels, or passionate showdowns. And all thanks to the fact that in these relationships there is love, participation, and common interests.

Egor and Inna

The bright union of Yegor and Inna is rarely strong, since both have a strong character and do not want to weaken their positions. This relationship is not strengthened by the fact that Inna (unlike Yegor) does not take the institution of marriage seriously.

Egor and Irina

This couple is patronized by heaven itself, so the union of Yegor and Irina will certainly be, if not ideal, then simply happy.

Both know how to compromise, both strive to create a harmonious family, both value sincere relationships and do not accept lies.

Egor and Alla

The family life of Yegor and Alla is a turbulent sea, in which there is rarely calm. Both partners are ambitious and domineering, so it is quite difficult for them to coexist peacefully and fruitfully together. If the desire to save the marriage is stronger than the desire to rule, then this tandem has the right to life.

Egor and Elizaveta

Heaven and earth, fire and water, passion and coldness - this is how one can characterize the tandem of Yegor and Elizabeth, who have such different characters that it is not clear what connects them. Despite this, the union between them can be strong and fruitful.

Egor and Lilia

Energetic and cheerful Egor and Lilia accept life with all its joys and sorrows, while they try to live by the principle “everything that is not done is for the better.” They value their love, so they try to enjoy each other every day.

Egor and Angelina

This is a union of strong, energetic and purposeful individuals who are able to achieve a lot together because they think and act in a similar way. Their strength lies in the unity of feelings, thoughts and aspirations, so it is not surprising that Egor and Angelina create a wonderful family.

Egor and Larisa

This is a complex tandem in which there is unity of souls and sexual compatibility, but there is no mutual understanding. Tender and vulnerable Larisa cannot come to terms with the rigidity and integrity of Yegor, who wants to assert himself at the expense of his chosen one.

Egor and Lydia

This is a philosophical union in which Yegor and Lydia think more about the meaning of the universe than about the pressing problems that any family faces every day. This approach to life can destroy this union.

Egor and Alexandra

The union of Yegor and Alexandra may be long, but it is rarely truly happy. And it’s all because of Alexandra’s imperious character, who tries to take a dominant position in the family, which Yegor, who himself is used to commanding, doesn’t like.

Short form of the name Egor. Egorka, Gora, Grief, Zhora, Egonya, Egosha, Gosha, Goshunya, Egunya, Gunya, Goga.
Synonyms for the name Egor. Egory, Georgy, Yuri.
Origin of the name Egor. The name Egor is Russian, Orthodox.

The name Egor is a Russian version of the Greek name George, therefore it has the same meaning - “farmer”. The name Egor was formed by rearranging the initial sound “g”, which was difficult to pronounce for Russian people. The name Egor was colloquial, in contrast to the name Yuri, which was also a form of the name Georgiy, which was more often used among the nobility and educated classes in the 17th–19th centuries.

In Christianity, Saint George the Victorious is one of the most revered saints. He was a Cappadocian warrior who lived in the 2nd century AD. According to legend, after martyrdom St. George the Victorious appeared on earth to kill a monstrous serpent (dragon); this plot was reflected in the icons as “The Miracle of St. George about the Serpent.”

The name Georgy has other folk forms besides Yegor - these are the names Yuri and Yegor. The female name Georgina is also derived from this name.

From childhood, one can discern in Yegor a practical and businesslike person. Deep emotional states prevail in his soul. The boy’s character can be distinguished by hard work and diligence. In addition, Egor is often possessed by an obsession with any task. He always tries to be frank with the people around him. Order prevails in the affairs of such a person. Yegor always has a chance to succeed in life. His main task will be to be able to maintain and increase his results. Not all owners of the name succeed in this.

From time to time, Egor may be overcome by such qualities as boringness and grumpiness. In some cases, he may show his temper. During his school years, Yegor is able to establish himself as a good student. Yegor's stubbornness sometimes leads him to conflicts with teachers. At a certain point, a teenager with that name becomes distrustful and irritable. Despite such negative traits, this person has a well-developed intuition, which one must remember to use. If Yegor finds out that he was deceived, he will forever stop communicating with such people. It is very easy to lose the affection of such a person. At his core, Egor is a rather sensitive person, prone to internal experiences.

When choosing a girl, Egor, first of all, pays attention to her behavior. The young man appreciates modesty in the opposite sex. Defiantly clad women Thus, trying to attract attention to their appearance, they only irritate him. Egor always has serious intentions in relationships. He does not try to somehow embellish himself or his merits. In communication he is simple and sincere. Egor expects decency and good nature from his chosen one. Over time, Yegor turns out to be a wonderful family man. He is the master of his house, tries not to get into arguments and conflicts with his wife, at the same time he is always firm on a number of issues. Leadership qualities are felt in him.

As for work, Egor’s business sense and ability to cope with any situation help him advance in his career. He might become good leader. Such a person never stops there, but always strives for his goal.

Egor's name day

Famous people named Egor

  • Egor Naydenov ((1745 – 1821) merchant, entrepreneur)
  • Egor Titov ((born 1976) Russian football player, midfielder, cult player for fans of Moscow Spartak)
  • Heinrich-Karl-Ernst (Egor Egorovich) Köhler ((1765 - 1838) archaeologist, native of Saxony)
  • Gregory Peck ((1916 - 2003) American actor, one of the most sought-after Hollywood stars of the 1940s-1960s. Oscar winner for best actor for his role as Atticus Finch in the drama To Kill a Mockingbird (1962). In 1999 Peck was ranked twelfth on the American Film Institute's list of the 100 greatest movie stars.)
  • Gregor Mendel ((1822 - 1884) Austrian biologist and botanist who played a huge role in the development of the concept of heredity. His discovery of the patterns of inheritance of monogenic traits (these patterns are now known as Mendel’s Laws) was the first step towards modern genetics.)
  • Egor Konchalovsky ((born 1966) real name - Georgy Mikhalkov; Russian director, actor, screenwriter and producer)
  • Egor Zolotarev ((1847 - 1878) Russian mathematician)
  • Egor Kovalevsky ((1809/1811 - 1868) Russian traveler and writer, corresponding member (1856) and honorary member (1857) of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences)
  • Egor Creed ((born 1994) Russian singer)
  • Egor (Georg Ludwig) Kankrin ((1774 - 1845) count, writer and statesman, General of Infantry, Minister of Finance of Russia in 1823-1844. Under him, in 1839-1843, a monetary reform was carried out, establishing a system of silver monometallism, the exchange of all banknotes for state bank notes, exchangeable for gold and silver, and the issue of platinum coins began.)
  • Egor Ligachev ((born 1920) politician)
  • Egor Stroev ((born 1937) politician)
  • Egor Abakumov ((1895 - 1953) Russian coal industry leader)
  • Egor Beroev ((born 1977) Russian theater and film actor)
  • Egor Letov ((1964 - 2008) real name - Igor; Russian rock musician, poet, leader of the rock group "Civil Defense")
  • Yegor Gaidar ((1956 - 2009) Russian statesman and political figure, economist, Doctor of Economics)
  • Egor Sabler ((1810 - 1864) Russian astronomer, student of V.Ya. Struve)
  • Egor Konstantinov (Russian historian; prepared the “Training Book of the History of the Russian State” (1820) and translated from German: Galetti, “Abridgement general history"(1811) and Shrekka, "Training Book of General History" (1818; 1819-1820))
  • Egor Sokolov ((1750 - 1824) Russian architect, representative of classicism)
  • Egor Sabinin ((1833 - ?) Russian mathematician)
  • Egor Sozonov (Sazonov) ((1879 - 1910) Russian revolutionary, Socialist Revolutionary, terrorist, murderer of V.K. Plehve)
  • Egor von Reinecke ((1790 - 1868) consul Russian Empire in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin)
  • Egor Ivanov ((born 1991) Ukrainian football player, midfielder)
  • Egor Konev ((born 1970) Belarusian writer and playwright. Writes in Belarusian language. Son of film playwright Fyodor Konev)
  • Egor Aladin ((1796 - 1860) Russian publisher, writer, poet and translator, representative of the noble family of Aladin)
  • Egor Akhte ((1777 - 1826) Russian commander of the Napoleonic wars, major general)
  • Egor Manganari ((1796 - ?) hydrographer, brother of Mikhail Manganari. He earned fame for his activities in the inventory of the Black and Azov Seas, which lasted from 1829 to 1841. The plans and maps he compiled were subject to changes, but until later times Russian navigators were guided by them. Awarded the Order St. George, 4th degree. From 1849 to 1857, Yegor Manganari was the director of the Black Sea and Azov lighthouses.)
  • Egor Ligachev ((born 1920) Soviet and Russian statesman and political figure)
  • Egor (Georgy) Kovrigin ((1819 - 1853) Russian artist, lithographer)
  • Egor Bykov ((1918 - 1945) corporal of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero Soviet Union (1945))
  • Egor Abrosimov (Russian captain, astronomer, teacher, researcher of the White and Baltic seas. A bay, cape and river on the southeast coast are named in his honor. south island Novaya Zemlya south of Krotov Bay. They were discovered and named in 1833 by P.K. Pakhtusov.)
  • Egor Vyaltsev ((born 1985) Russian basketball player, player of the Russian national basketball team. Plays as an attacking defender.)
  • Egor Zolotarev ((1847 - 1878) Russian mathematician)
  • Egor Krasnoperov ((1842 - 1897) Russian zemstvo statistician. In Krasnoperov’s last work, the materials collected on the basis of the diaries of agronomic supervisors for the fight against harmful insects. The author insisted on the need to establish a general fund for rural owners to insure against losses caused by harmful insects.)
  • Egor Kutenkov ((born 1988) Russian theater and film actor)
  • Yegor Pillar (Pilar von Pilhau) ((1767 - 1830) Russian commander of the Napoleonic wars, major general)
  • Egor (George) Catoire ((1861 - 1926) Russian composer of French origin, his ancestors in early XIX centuries moved to Russia from Lorraine)
  • Egor Chalov ((1919 - 1983) military pilot, deputy squadron commander of the 622nd attack aviation Sevastopol Red Banner Regiment (214th ShAD, 15th Air Army, 2nd Baltic Front), senior lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Egor Gugel ((1804 - 1841) outstanding Russian teacher, founder Russian system preschool education, inspector of classes at the Gatchina Orphanage in 1830 - 1841, founder and caretaker of the “School for Young Children”)
  • Egor Shutko ((1924 - 1944) heavy machine gun gunner of the 804th Infantry Regiment (229th Infantry Division, 54th Army, 3rd Baltic Front), Komsomol member, private, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Egor Borisov ((born 1954) Yakut political and public figure, President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) since 2010, Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (2003 - 2010))
  • Egor Yurchenko ((1919 - 1981) participant in the Great Patriotic War, regimental engineer of the 842nd Infantry Regiment of the 240th Infantry Division of the 38th Army of the Voronezh Front, Hero of the Soviet Union)

What does the name Egor mean:
This name means farmer or plowman.

Origin of the name Egor:
It is generally accepted that this is the Russian form of such a Greek name as George.

Character conveyed by the name Egor:

Integrity, incredible pedantry and powerful determination - these are the very basic and characteristic traits of Yegor’s character. He always has a subtle analytical mind, even a man's, he is usually extremely distrustful. Anyone who at least once decided to deceive Yegor will forever lose all favor or trust. Later at school he studies very well, always tries very hard, and he is not at all lacking in hard work. However, if suddenly a trusting relationship with the teacher does not develop, then it would be better for him to immediately transfer him to a completely different school, otherwise rest assured, there will be no sense at all from this. He is incredibly persistent and resourceful, he can always easily find a way out of almost any situation, even the most difficult one.

K several negative traits Egor's character might have been attributed to some hot temper or grumpiness. And if he suddenly becomes a leader, then, as a rule, he treats his subordinates very strictly, reprimanding them for almost all the slightest violations. But the business qualities of this wonderful strong man he is really at a good level, with extraordinary ease he can move to the very top of the career ladder, and his colleagues really value him very much, have extraordinary respect and, at times, are a little afraid of him. Mother Nature, as a rule, endows Yegor with incredibly good pedagogical and psychological abilities; he is truly an excellent educator. He can also make a very successful career, say, as a military man or a lawyer, perhaps as a designer.

It should be noted that Yegor’s family life, as a rule, develops very successfully, he is truly a respectable family man, a wonderful owner, loves children madly, but at the same time still tries to raise them with extraordinary severity. With his wife, he does not fight for leadership at all, and at the same time, he yields to her in all even the smallest details, however, taking an incredibly firm and tough position if suddenly the matter turns out to be serious. In addition, in his soulmate, Egor primarily values ​​feminine modesty and delicacy, as well as chastity. He is even irritated by flirtatious or unusually provocatively dressed women who attract the attention of almost everyone around him. Having chosen the one, his only and beloved, Egor will never fuss, but will always be able to directly declare all his intentions. At the same time, he is absolutely not insidious and is not at all capable of deceiving and offending women.
