We make it with our own hands: band sawmill. Do-it-yourself band and disc sawmill: drawings and videos Drawings of a band sawmill with dimensions and designations

The need for treated wood today, despite the many different materials, is not decreasing and is unlikely to decrease in the coming years. Therefore, the availability of a sawmill for large and small workshops currently plays a very important role.

Band sawmill is an indispensable tool when processing wood and building from this material.

But not everyone and not always can buy a similar machine made at the factory. And what to do if you need to have a sufficient amount of boards or timber on hand? In fact, there is a way out. This is a DIY band sawmill.

This option is quite realistic, since the manufacture of this equipment, although it requires certain skills and experience, is not too difficult. The main thing in in this case- gain certain knowledge.

Thus, it is now necessary to find out what and how one of the most simple types cutting machines - band sawmill.

Materials, tools and equipment necessary for assembling the sawmill

Making a homemade cutting device will require the following components:

  • pulleys (diameter - at least 30 cm);
  • half-inch pipes;
  • metal corner (size 50 mm);
  • profile pipe (size 25x25 mm);
  • channel.

A high-quality band sawmill can be made using tools and equipment such as:

  • welding machine;
  • milling machine;
  • electric drill;
  • “grinder” with a set of cutting discs;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • clamp;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • set of wrenches;
  • control and measuring devices (ruler, square, measuring tape);
  • fasteners (bolts, nuts, screws, washers).

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The principle of operation of the sawmill

In order to assemble the device we are considering in accordance with all the rules and ultimately obtain a high-quality woodworking machine, it is useful to know the basic technological principle on the basis of which almost all band sawmills operate.

It can be described very briefly. The log (or any semi-finished wood product) that is to be sawed is placed on the working platform and fixed. Like the foundation itself, wooden blank remains motionless throughout the entire cutting cycle into boards or bars. A mobile structure with a cutting unit installed on it moves along rails and special guides along the log in both directions, which cuts the workpiece into specified dimensional lumber.

Direct cutting is carried out using a saw blade, which circulates under tension between two pulleys mounted on a movable frame.

The configuration and dimensions of the boards or bars are initially determined by the sawmill operator. An even, straight cutting line is ensured by a sufficiently large tension force on the saw blade between the drive and driven pulleys.

The full cycle of sawing raw workpieces includes 3 cycles:

  1. Pre-processing of workpieces for cutting. The logs prepared for this purpose are sorted by size. To adjust the parameters, they are cut with a chainsaw or a hacksaw.
  2. Direct sawing wood material. The sawmill operator configures the equipment. After this, sawing is carried out according to the specified pattern.
  3. Finishing processing of the resulting lumber. After sawmill operation, small errors may remain on the boards or bars. In this case, the machine is not used, minor defects are eliminated manually by the operator.

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Band sawmill: components and parts

The equipment considered in this case operates according to a block diagram. This principle allows the structure to be expanded with additional or improved components and devices.

The structure of the sawmill consists of such basic elements as:

  • frame with guides (2 pcs.) for moving the saw blade;
  • rail pair for moving the saw cart;
  • screw lifting mechanism, moving the tape;
  • spring (hydraulic) belt tension unit;
  • 2 pulleys, driving and driven;
  • casing for enclosing pulleys;
  • tape clamp;
  • V-belt transmission;
  • Electrical engine;
  • system eccentric clamps for processed logs;
  • stops;
  • coolant reservoir.

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Do-it-yourself band sawmill: manufacturing procedure

The manufacture of the machine begins with the creation of a sawmill frame. It is made from two channels 8 m long and more than 14 cm high. If there are no channels, you can take two rails under the frame (the soles should be on top) or metal corners measuring 50x100 mm.

Holes are drilled along the length of the channels at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. After this, the channels are pulled together by sections of pipe ¾ 25 cm long. The pipes are fastened to the channels using threaded rods or bolts of appropriate sizes.

The guide structure assembled in this way is installed on the racks. The racks themselves are also made by welding or threaded assembly from channels (in their absence, from angles or pipes). The number of these structural elements depends on the length of the assembled frame. For example, an 8-meter bed will require approximately 4 posts. When installing them, it is necessary to ensure that the outermost ones are at a distance of 80-100 cm from the ends of the guides. In addition, the design of the frame should be made sufficiently rigid, for which it is equipped with braces.

After this, they begin to assemble the mobile cart. Typically, the material for its manufacture is a steel plate with a thickness of 46 mm. Dimensions metal blank for the trolley, it must be selected in such a way that the resulting movable unit is approximately 60 cm long. The width of the movable structure depends on the width of the frame and should be such that the edges of the trolley protrude beyond the channels by approximately 8 cm on each side.

Then you should think about how to move along the bed of a mobile cart with an electric motor and a circular saw mounted on it. The direction and speed of movement are set by a special steering wheel, which is installed on the side of the sawmill body. The steering wheel is connected to the bushing of one of the sprockets located on the sides of the guides.

A metal chain is used to move the entire structure. To avoid free play at the steering wheel, the chain must be tensioned in accordance with the technical requirements.

In order to ensure High Quality of the resulting lumber, as well as to create conditions convenient for the operator for sawing wood, the band sawmill must be equipped with special device for fixing the log in a stationary state. Metal pipes with an internal diameter of approximately 35-40 mm are well suited for such a device.

Movable rods are inserted inside these pipes, and special clamps made of a metal angle measuring 40x40 mm and clamping cam mechanisms are installed on top of the pipes. It should be borne in mind that for reliable fixation of the processed logs, the length of the clamping elements cannot be less than 15 mm.

Finally, it’s time to select the main components of any sawmill - the saw and the electric motor. Meanwhile, experienced workers advise doing this at the very beginning of the manufacturing process. cutting machine. The point is that from technical parameters These components generally determine the dimensions of the entire saw system.

Since the power unit and saw can only be purchased ready-made and with certain technical characteristics, then when purchasing in a store you should pay attention to electric motors with a power of 10 kW and saws with a diameter of 1 m. Such parameters can provide maximum efficiency operation of the future machine. If a motor and a saw with these characteristics could not be found, then the frame must be made somewhat smaller in size.

Allows significant savings if there is a need for constant processing of wood during the construction of houses, on the farm, or if you have your own small production.

Of course, you don’t have to rack your brains and buy a tool, but making it yourself, as mentioned above, will cost much less.

Band sawmill is better known to many as band-saw. Depending on the scope of work, the type of tool is selected.

The sawmill can be belt type, chain or disc type. We are considering tape type manufacturing.

The principle of operation of a band sawmill is very easy to explain using the example of spools of thread.

The whole design resembles the rotation of two spools, between which a thread is stretched. This thread plays the role of a saw, and the distance between the coils is the maximum size of the log.

What a band sawmill allows you to do:

  1. Prepare logs, that is, adjust them to the same size and shape;
  2. Sawing logs according to a given pattern after setting up the equipment;
  3. After sawing, small defects remain that cannot be eliminated using homemade sawmills, therefore further processing wood is done by hand.

The band sawmill works as follows: the log is fixed on the platform and remains motionless, the mobile cart begins its movement and cuts the tree, the saw is in a horizontal position.

To end up with a board the right size, you must initially set the parameters by the operator. The saw acts as a saw blade, which must be well tensioned.

How does it work homemade sawmill, see video.

Before work, you need to prepare the equipment: to do this, sharpen the saw and set the teeth.

What materials are needed to create a sawmill?

It should be noted that materials are selected depending on whether the drawings are made or not, because it is correct drawing is the basis quality product, thanks to which the calculation of materials is made:

  • Pulleys can be taken new or old in good condition;
  • Pipes of different diameters;
  • Rails - you can make it yourself from corners. It is better to place the corners edge up, this is necessary in order to extend the “life” of the wheels;
  • Profile pipes for creating sleepers;
  • Channel.

In addition to materials, you will need the following tools:

  • welding machine;
  • milling machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill, it is more convenient to use an electric one;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • sets of screwdrivers and wrenches;
  • clamp;
  • bolts, nuts and other fasteners;
  • rulers, tape measure, squares, etc.;
  • hacksaw.

Sawmill design

The organization of work is based on the block principle.

It involves various variations of the device, starting from the basic one, where the saw is fed manually, to the most complex units, when the saw is fed automatically, the cutting thickness is set, electronic system programmed, etc.

Components of the structure:

  • to organize the movement of the saw blade, a frame with two guides is used;
  • screw mechanism for lifting the belt;
  • hydraulic or spring unit for tensioning the tape;
  • driving and driven wheels (pulleys);
  • wheel guard casing;
  • tape holder;
  • V-belt transmission;
  • electric motor;
  • rail for carrying out the movement of the band saw;
  • eccentric clamps for holding the block (log);
  • emphasis;
  • tank with liquid for wetting.

To create a smooth, reliable product, it is necessary to make drawings according to which the entire structure will be assembled.

At the same time, the drawing must be studied and understood, otherwise you can simply lose not only time, but also money.

First, the bed (fixed part) of the machine is made, which has a U-shape.

It can be made from two channels, which can be replaced with two rails (in the absence of the first materials). If you use rails, they need to be installed so that the sole is on top.

The bed can also be made from corners (50x100 mm).

The height of the channel should be at least 14 cm, the length should be about 8 meters.

Holes need to be drilled along the entire length of the materials in increments of 1-1.5 m. After this, using pipes whose length is 25 cm, the channels need to be pulled together.

Threaded rods or bolts are used.

In this case, the structure is further strengthened with the help of braces, since it is necessary to achieve rigidity of the product. See drawing.
Next, a mobile cart is assembled, the dimensions of which are set depending on the width of the frame, while the cart on both sides should be slightly larger (about 8 cm) than the frame.

The length of the mobile structure should be approximately 60 cm. Most often, the trolley is made of a steel plate, the thickness of which is 46 mm.

A special steering wheel is installed on the side of the structure to provide control of the trolley.

The guides on the sides must be equipped with sprockets to which the control wheel is connected.

The entire structure moves using a tensioned chain, which prevents free movement of the steering wheel.

To prevent the log from jumping out during operation of the sawmill, it is necessary to make clamps that are made from pipes.

It is more convenient to use pipes whose internal diameter does not exceed 35-40 mm, since movable rods will be installed inside.

Clamps must be placed on top of the pipes. Metal corner is the material from which clamps are constructed. Clamping cam mechanisms can also be installed.

If the clamping elements are less than 15 mm, then there can be no talk about the reliability of the design.

If you work on the engine at the end of the work, you must purchase it in advance so that the proportions of the entire structure are correct.

For the example under consideration (bed length is 8 m), the engine power must be at least 10 kW, and the saw diameter must not be less than 1 m.

Otherwise, the dimensions of the entire structure must be revised to smaller ones.

To make a homemade sawmill work more efficiently, you should pay attention to some recommendations:

  1. The structure must be stable and strong, since you have to work with logs of different weights and sizes;
  2. Equipment assembly work must be carried out directly at the site where it is planned to be placed. This is due to the massiveness and heavy weight of the structure;
  3. It is necessary to constantly monitor the operation of the equipment and adjust the settings, since the design is done by hand, without the use of precise programs and computerization;
  4. Homemade sawmills are “scattered” with shavings, so you need to either build additional designs, or do cleaning after work performed;
  5. A wide band cut affects the generation of a large amount of waste;
  6. To provide efficient work for a mobile trolley, it is necessary to use gaskets and plates, and the gaskets must be 0.5 mm thicker than the channel;
  7. The electric motor can be easily replaced gasoline engine. This option will be simpler, because you can use a chainsaw, or rather its engine. The chainsaw blade will serve as a tape. How to make a gasoline band sawmill, see the video;
  8. All fastening elements must be securely fixed to ensure safe operation of the entire structure;
  9. To ensure efficient operation, the saw must be sharpened and the teeth set apart.

Disc sawmill

Let's look at a simpler type of homemade sawmill.

In order to make a circular sawmill, you will need to find circular saw. An electric motor will be used as a motor.

First you need to make a welded frame, on which you will need to place a metal plate with a slot for the disk. From below to the plate you need to attach the plate shaft on bearings and pulleys.

Wheel electric motor connects to the saw with a belt.

To ensure good belt tension, it is necessary to use the weight of the engine itself, and you can also use weights. The circular sawmill is ready.

A band saw made in-house will cost less than a purchased one. Cheap materials are usually used for production, so with intensive use it will last for several months.

A sketch of a band sawmill is shown below. The dimensions in the drawing are for reference; they can be changed if you correctly understand the principle of operation of the unit.

Picture 1

1 lower pulley

3-tape (saw)

4-V belt


8-top pulley


15-adjustment screw

In this design, the log is cut with a saw in the idea of ​​a flexible blade. Such cutting tool produces less waste than using a chainsaw. It is recommended to use an electric motor with a power of 2.5-3 kW, but the choice of power plant may be influenced by the type of wood and the final product - board or timber.

Requirements for basic elements

The dimensions of the table (pos. 9) and frame (pos. 2) are chosen by the user arbitrarily. The dimensions in Figure 1 are for reference.

Figure 2 shows the dimensions of the rod. It can be made from channel No. 8. The rod is attached to the table with an angle.

Figure 2

The upper and lower pulleys (item 68, 1, figure 1) must be same sizes. The upper pulley must be covered with a protective cover.

The damper (item 5, Figure 3) reduces the amplitude of vibrations.

Figure 3

Guides (pos. 6) provide correct position logs when cutting. Made from a corner (Figure 4).

Figure 4

It is better to buy a cutting tool (tape, item 3). The thickness depends on the type of wood (Figure 5).

Although the prevalence of timber creates a large supply of lumber, it is not always available. The cost is especially high for large volumes. Buying a sawing machine will not pay for itself for small production or household needs. That’s why homemade mini-sawmills are becoming widespread. The simplest and most commonly used type of them were band sawing stations.

Principle of operation

The design consists of two rotating elements, between which a saw is stretched. As the coils rotate, a reciprocating motion is created cutting element. Thanks to this, the cutting occurs. The sawmill operates in a horizontal plane.

The cutting element is mounted on a mobile trolley. Moving along the rails, it travels a distance equal to the length of the element being processed. The log is fixed to the frame motionlessly. To do this, you need to make clamps attached to the frame.

The maximum processing length depends on the length of the rails along which the cart moves. The maximum width depends on the distance between the saw tension elements. All distances are indicated on the drawing.

For quality work:

  • the log must be fixed;
  • the gradation, accuracy and evenness of the cut are adjusted;
  • the saw blade must have the necessary tension;
  • the saw must be sharpened and with set teeth.

The sawing process takes place in three stages.

  1. The timber is pre-sorted by length and diameter dimensions. The dimensions are manually adjusted to the parameters of the sawmill.
  2. Sawing process. Before making the first cut, the operator checks the equipment and adjusts the cutting parameters.
  3. Subsequent manual revision. Homemade instrument does not provide accuracy and evenness. Because required parameters need to be done with a grinder or plane.

Materials and tools for installation

A band sawmill is created with your own hands from new or used materials:

  • pulleys are approximately Ø 30 cm. Spare parts from the Niva combine are perfect;
  • a half-inch pipe and a second one, larger in diameter. The second product must be chosen so that it fits over the first with a slight play;
  • steel 50th angle. It is better to place it vertically with its edge. When installing with the shelf up, increased accuracy of roller adjustment is required. Otherwise, the wear of the wheels is very high;
  • sleepers are formed from profile metal pipe. A section of 25*25 mm is sufficient;
  • a movable mechanism in the form of a piece of an inch pipe and fittings fixed to it is attached to the rails. It is designed to fix the workpiece.

The following tools are needed for assembly:

  • drill;
  • welding installation;
  • lathe;
  • grinder with metal circles, a stripping brush and a wood circle;
  • hammer;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • fastening accessories and wrenches.

Drawing and main components of the sawmill

Before manufacturing, it is necessary to calculate the needs of materials. To do this, draw a drawing of a sawmill with your own hands. It can be done by hand, but it is better to use drawing complexes. Graphics programs such as Compass and SolidWorks will help you create 2D and 3D, calculate static and dynamic loads.

To begin with, you can make a simple device with manual feed. Having understood the principle of operation, you can increase power, add electronics and sensors.

The assembly of the sawmill is based on the frame principle. For significant loads, the frame should be made with braces. The main components of the product include:

  • directly frame;
  • guides for the movement of the saw unit;
  • screw assembly for moving the tape;
  • spring saw tension mechanism;
  • two pulleys - movable and stationary;
  • protective casing;
  • transfer unit;
  • engine (electric or gasoline);
  • tank with cooling liquid;
  • workpiece clamps;
  • stoppers.

An electric or chainsaw is often used as a cutting element. This is useful for small amounts of work. This design will save time assembling the sawmill. The drawings for its manufacture are much simpler.

DIY making

First of all, the rails are assembled. It is better to immediately make them 8 m long. To avoid deformation of the base under load, you need to make couplers from a ¾ pipe. Bolts with a length of 29 to 34 cm are used for fastening. This must be indicated on the drawings. The racks are assembled with M12 bolts.

The massiveness of the structure requires permanent installation. Therefore, a concrete foundation is provided at the assembly site or bars are placed under the racks.

The movable trolley is represented by a 46 mm monolithic steel plate. The dimensions of the slab are 60 cm in length and 80 mm wider in width than the rail track. This must be indicated on the drawing.

Pulleys are mounted on the movable carriage. One is attached movably, the other is not.

It is better to place the pulleys not parallel, as in many production drawings, but at an angle of 4° relative to each other vertically. In this case, the tape will not fly off during the cutting process.

For ease of operation, you can make a steering wheel. The movement from the steering wheel is transmitted through a metal chain. In some models, a control unit is made.

Then the clamps for the log are installed. At the end, to avoid damage, an electric motor and a saw are installed.

The saw can be factory-made or made of cold-rolled steel 65G or U8, 10. The thickness of the cut is selected based on the type of wood.

Wood species End density, kg/cm2 Steel thickness, mm
soft (pine, spruce, linden, cedar, fir) up to 385 0,2-0,4
Hard (larch, oak, apple, ash, birch, elm, beech)

Building a house out of wood or being a carpenter requires special woodworking tools. AND we're talking about not about the “friendship” saw, but about the real band sawmill itself. Of course, you can purchase already processed workpieces or purchase an industrial sawmill, but the price for all this is very high. In this article we will talk about how to make a band sawmill with your own hands. The task is quite feasible, but it will require attention and perseverance.

General information

Wood as building material has been used since time immemorial. We can say that even in our time many people prefer wooden houses in the private sector rather than concrete. This is due to many reasons, but that’s not what we’re talking about. To speed up construction works, and also to reduce costs, woodworking machines were invented. Today there are a huge number of sawmills, but they all perform logging processing, only the methods differ.

If you have a band sawmill, made with your own hands, then it can become additional source earnings. After all, you can easily take on private orders, and you won’t deny yourself anything. Would you like a sauna or a gazebo? No problem, we take the blank, process it and start construction.

Why tape?

You are probably asking yourself this question. As noted above, there are currently huge selection, but we'll stop there. The fact is that such a solution has a huge number of advantages. Firstly, a sawmill of this type can work with any type of tree, from deciduous to highly resinous. Secondly, the assortment produced is quite extensive, these are edged and not edged boards, beams, veneer, carriage and much more.

You will be able to create blanks from which furniture, laminated veneer lumber, panels, etc. will be made in the future. And in general, the work process on a band sawmill is simplified. What's most important is this type sawing provides for minimal loss of logs into sawdust, which is very important point. If a do-it-yourself band sawmill is done correctly, then you will not see waves or stubble on the processed workpiece.

DIY band sawmill: drawings and design

Before proceeding directly to the practical part, you need to quickly familiarize yourself with the design and sketch out a few simple drawings. At all, design diagram designed in such a way that you can expand the equipment layout. That is, in the very simple version you get a basic band sawmill with manual feeding of the workpiece, and in the most complex - a high-performance product with automation and sensors.

The basis of the sawmill is a frame with guides. Usually it is assembled with welded soles, where movable rollers are placed. The frame in all cases is U-shaped and is assembled by welding two channels together. Accordingly, the drive pulley is fixed on one side of the frame in a stationary state, and the second - on the other end in a movable state. The guides are mounted in the middle of the frame and represent collapsible design. This is very important if the equipment is planned to be transported. In general, a do-it-yourself band sawmill, the drawings of which you can find in this article, is not made so quickly. But such equipment has a lot of strengths.

DIY band sawmills from A to Z

We can say that even the simplest homemade sawmill, provided that it is assembled correctly, has a unique design. The fact is that only this type of woodworking machine completely eliminates damage to the frame as a result of a heavy workpiece falling. This is achieved through independently suspended guides.

What you should take care of is the choice of cutting tool. In our case, a band saw is used, which is why, in fact, the equipment is called that. Its width can reach 60 mm. It is tensioned using a spring-screw mechanism, which is very convenient, as it does not take much time. The saw blade is installed and secured with two locks. They must be extremely reliable; pay attention to this if you are going to make homemade band sawmills. You shouldn’t make such locks yourself; it’s better to buy them.

Operating principle of the device

The work cycle looks something like this:

  • Preparation of the workpiece. At this stage, the logs are cut and given the same shape.
  • Workpiece processing. The operator sets up the equipment. If there is automation, then the necessary parameters are set, the sawmill does the rest.
  • The final stage. This stage may not exist, depending on the presence of errors. If any are found on the processed logs, they are eliminated by the operator.

In general, the principle of operation of the device is based on the fact that during the processing process the workpiece is in a stationary state and is cut by a moving belt. It moves horizontally and is mounted on the drive and driven pulleys. Maintaining belt tension is essential to ensure a straight cut. The log is fixed between the guides using a special support. The equipment includes an electronic ruler or hydraulics, which is necessary to obtain a workpiece of a certain thickness. Basic handmade: laying the log, turning it over and clamping it.

Manufacturing of sawmill

As a basis for our future sawmill, we need to take two channels. They should have a length of 8 meters and a height of about 14 centimeters. Of course, there is not always a suitable channel available, so you can go the other way and use rails or 50x100 mm angles. The main requirement is that the base is smooth and has no bends. A series of holes are drilled along the entire length of the channels. In this case, you must strictly follow the given step. Using the holes we made, we will build ties. ¾-inch pipe sections are suitable for this. Their length should be about 25 centimeters. For connections, it is advisable to use studs or bolts 29-35 cm.

A mini band sawmill with your own hands is installed on special racks. It is advisable to assemble them using M12 bolts. The material can be pipes, angles or channels. Accordingly, the longer the unit bed, the large quantity We will need racks. In our case, 4 pieces are enough.

We continue assembly work

Now we have to make a movable cart. It consists of a metal plate 40-50 mm thick. Depending on the dimensions of the engine, its length is selected, optimally 550-600 cm. As for the width, the trolley should be such that the channels on each side extend approximately 70-80 mm.

Important Details

In general, making a band sawmill with your own hands is almost complete. Only a few small details remain. First of all, I would like to say a few words about the moving cart. The fact is that to ensure movement along the guides it is necessary to use plates and spacers. In this case, you should try to make the gap as small as possible. The thickness of the gaskets is selected so that it is 0.5 mm greater than the channel flange. The whole thing needs to be secured using 8 M8 bolts.

Since a chain is used to move the cart with the engine, it must be sufficiently tensioned. This is necessary to prevent free movement of the steering wheel. It is located on one of the bushings near the sprockets, which are located on the edges of the guides.

Everyone should know

There is also such an option as a gasoline band sawmill. Making it with your own hands is even easier. In this case, the motor that drives the cutting tool into rotation will be the chainsaw engine, rigidly mounted on the frame. The functions of the tape are performed by the canvas gasoline saw. In general, the design of such a saw is extremely simple, but at the same time quite functional.

It is convenient to work with such equipment also because of the well-thought-out fastening mechanism. It consists of pipes with an internal diameter of 35-40 mm into which movable rods are inserted. Clamps (from a 40x40 corner) and cam clamps are mounted on top.


It is easy to guess that the main elements of a sawmill are the engine and the saw. A low-power motor is not suitable for a serious machine. Try to get a 10 kW motor. It will be quite sufficient for the design described above. As for the saw, its diameter should be about a meter. If you have difficulty purchasing these components, it is recommended to reduce the size of the frame.

So we talked about how to make a band sawmill with your own hands. Of course, you won’t be able to make such a unit without any expense, but you can save a lot. In any case, it is advisable to be guided by the workpieces being processed. The larger they are, the more massive the frame and the sawmill as a whole will be. In the end, you can go with the simplest design and use a chainsaw as a base. If you assemble everything correctly, the result will please you. Now you know how to assemble a band sawmill with your own hands, and you can take advantage of this knowledge.
