The best meditation for deep relaxation and stress relief. Relaxation skills. Meditation for stress relief and deep relaxation

Hello, friends. In the hustle and bustle of life, we often face worries and stress. As they accumulate, they negatively affect our mental balance and cause irritation and anger. In this article we will talk about meditation for stress and anxiety.

Most meditation practices have an anti-stress effect. Let's look at a few of them.

You will need a candle. It would be better if it was a beautiful scented candle from the store. But a simple church or household one will also do.

Seclude yourself in a room. Sit comfortably and relaxed - on an armchair, sofa or chair. Turn off the lights or draw the curtains to darken the room. Light a candle.

Make sure your body is relaxed. If you feel tension in any part of your body, such as your neck, lightly massage that area.

Look at the candle flame and admire it. The element of Fire helps us burn negative emotions and experiences. Observe the change in the light, its movements and impulses.

Try to stop extraneous thoughts. If work issues come to mind again, gently move away from them, plunging mentally into the warm and soft flame of a candle. You gradually get rid of accumulated stress.

Watch your breathing, slow it down, feel the inhalation and exhalation. Let your breathing become calm and deep. You will enter a state of meditation. Stay in this state for as long as you want, but at least 15 minutes.

Dancing makes the soul happy

Dance is a great meditation for relieving stress. But not every dance can become a full-fledged meditation.

To achieve the desired state, you need to perform a sequence of actions.

  • Stop in the center of the room, breathe slowly and deeply. Close your eyes for a minute.
  • Then turn on any upbeat music you like.

An important condition is music without words. Words will distract you and force you to delve into the texts. And this will not allow you to enter a meditative state.

  • Dance! Express your emotions through movements. Move your arms and legs and hips and head. Immerse yourself in the dance, let all your attention be focused on the movements.
  • Throw out the accumulated negative energy through dance. It will be great if you do a few jumps. Don't be afraid to fool around. This is your time.
  • If you wish, you can sing or shout out sounds. Prohibited only negative words, curse words, etc. Leave only the positive.

Mandalas against stress

A mandala is a geometric design that has a sacred meaning. However, there are also modern interpretations that do not carry religious significance. Contemplating the many small elements of the pattern draws you into meditation.

Mandalas for coloring can be bought at a bookstore or found on the Internet and printed on a printer. Here are some examples (click on the pictures to enlarge):

Go somewhere where you won't be disturbed. By the way, in summer time This practice can be done in the park on a bench.

Prepare a mandala drawing and colored pencils. Look at the picture for a couple of minutes and think about what it might mean.

Then start coloring the pattern. There is no need to approach this process rationally. Trust your instincts in choosing colors. Do what comes from your heart. As you concentrate on coloring the mandala, you will immerse yourself in meditation.

After completing the drawing, you will feel peace and satisfaction. A charge of positivity will appear that will not allow stress to take over your consciousness again.

It's time to take a walk

A walk in nature serves as a natural meditation against stress and anxiety. However, for the effect to be complete, it is important to adhere to some rules.

  • Walk in parks, squares or nature. There is no point in wandering along a busy avenue.
  • Walk at a slow and calm pace. There's no need to rush.
  • If thoughts about business, problems or work appear in your head, tell yourself: “All this is very important, but I will think about it later... And now there are trees and flowers around me...”

Look at leaves or tree branches. If there are flowers in front of you, be sure to enjoy them, inhale the aroma, admire the beauty of each flower.

Enjoy the diversity of nature. Find the characteristics of the time of year during which you are walking. In the spring these are the blossoming buds of trees and blooming trees. In summer there is lush greenery. In autumn there is a carnival of colored leaves. And in winter - the kingdom of snow or gloomy tree trunks, which also have their own charm.

You will certainly feel the meditative effect after just half an hour of walking. To avoid having to interrupt it ahead of time, dress for the weather so as not to freeze. Take a bottle of water with you. And dedicate this time to yourself.

Walking in the rain has a special effect. If it is pouring rain, then walk for no more than 10 minutes under an umbrella.

Allow yourself to be in the midst of the elements, be inspired by its strength and power. Then go home, accept hot shower and drink warm tea.

During light drizzling rain, you can walk longer, the main thing is not to get wet. When the whole world is washed with raindrops, washing away all the impurities from it, it is good to dream and immerse yourself in contemplation.

The most effective method learn meditation- this is to trust the Teacher. Friends, I want to recommend to you my mentor, with whom I once learned to meditate. This is Igor Budnikov, he himself studied meditation in monasteries in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Igor will teach you meditation with amazing simplicity and ease and will help you avoid common mistakes.
I invite you to take 5 short free lessons, during which you will meditate under the guidance of Igor. I'm sure you'll like it as much as I did.

Exercise has a positive effect

You've probably thought about physical exercise. But to enter the state of meditation we need something else. Here are some options.

Stress has now become an integral part of our lives. It distracts and gets in the way of our attempts to understand the problems causing it. If we allow it to settle inside us and occupy all our time, it can lead to serious health problems. He is capable of destroying all our plans and lives.

That is why it is important to know, be able to manage and cope with it. One method of relieving stress is meditation.

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. During it, a person focuses on one thought or object.

It helps you concentrate, relax, relieve stress and fatigue, and explore your own world. Can reduce anxiety, depression, pain, insomnia.

When combined with traditional medicine, it helps improve physical health.

Why is stress harmful?

Stress is a normal psychological and physical response to the ever-increasing demands of life. Research shows that many people in all corners of the planet go through this condition at some point.

It influences normal functioning our body. Affects all its systems: digestive, immune, reproductive. During this period they are depressed.

As strange as it may sound, stress is primarily intended to help us get out of physical danger. In “low doses” it is useful for improving memory, increasing productivity and reaction speed.

However, when this condition takes up all of our time, the body is in a constant state of stress, which is extremely harmful to physical and mental health.

Pace modern life makes stress management an essential skill for everyone. The first step is the ability to manage it, control its level.

The next step is to find out the reason. When and in what situations do you experience the greatest stress, anxiety, and worry? They can be both negative and positive.

Most often negative emotions call:

Conflict situations at work;

Relationship problems;

Financial difficulties.



Go to new job, which you have long dreamed of;

Buying a home

and others.

After finding out the reasons, you can start thinking about strategies to combat them. Meditation skills can come to the rescue. They can reduce symptoms of stress and improve quality of life.

Benefits of meditation for stress

When it comes to the benefits of meditation, it is most often mentioned as one of the methods of stress management, stress relief and relaxation.

Faced with numerous responsibilities, tasks, demands, illness, this practice can stand on last place. By forgetting about it and underestimating it, you can waste time.

However, it can reduce the effects of stress by:

  • Slow heart rate;
  • Reducing blood pressure;
  • Slowing breathing rate;
  • Reducing the activity of stress hormones;
  • Increased blood flow to the core muscles;
  • Reduce muscle tension and chronic pain
  • Increased concentration and mood;
  • Reducing fatigue;
  • Reducing anger and frustration.

While stress activates part of the nervous system and makes us want to “run and fight,” meditation, on the contrary, makes us “stop and rest” and “digest the stress.”

A few minutes of relaxation:

Calms nervous system;

Slows down the heart rate;

Stabilizes breathing;

Normalizes blood pressure;

Tones the body.

People who regularly use meditation are less stressed and more emotionally balanced.

To get maximum benefit, learn to:

Overcome difficulties;

Positive thinking;

Manage time;

Solve problems.

Will not be superfluous physical exercise, humor, communication with family and friends.

Mastery of meditation methods occurs gradually. Over time, your ability to relax will improve. There is no need to be upset if at first you cannot completely relax and concentrate.

Meditation techniques for relaxation and stress relief

You can master relaxation techniques on your own or contact the appropriate specialists. In general, their essence is to refocus attention on something calming.

During stress, the state that occurs in the brain consists of three main phases: impulse, stress, and adaptation to a stressful situation. The stress gradually passes and the person calms down.

If some kind of failure occurs, the body is in constant tension, which can subsequently lead to more serious health problems. Therefore, it is very important to switch your attention to something calming. Relaxation and relaxation techniques fit this perfectly.

There are several basic techniques. You don't have to use everything at once. These three will be enough.

Autogenic Meditation. Autogenic means something that comes from within. This technique can be used as visual images, as well as understanding your body.

To relax and calm down, you can repeat words or sentences in your mind.

For example, imagine yourself in a quiet place. Then focus on controlled and relaxing breathing, slowing your heart rate, or various physical sensations, such as relaxing each arm or leg at a time.

You can meditate while sitting or lying down, taking a comfortable position and relaxing.

Muscle relaxation. Focus on slowly tensing and then relaxing each muscle group.

This will help you focus on the difference between muscle tension and relaxation.

One way to do this is to start by tensing and relaxing the muscles in your legs and gradually work your way up to your neck and head. You can start from the head and neck, gradually moving down to the toes.

Tighten your muscles for at least five seconds. Then relax for 30 seconds and repeat.

Visualization. In this relaxation technique, you form mental images by visualizing a quiet, calming place or situation.

During visualization, try to engage as many senses as you can, including smell, sight, hearing, and touch.

If you can imagine yourself in the ocean, then think about the smell of salt water, the sound of crashing waves. Imagine feeling the warmth of the sun on your body.

You can close your eyes and sit in a quiet place. Loosen or remove any tight or restrictive clothing.

Stress will not disappear from life forever. Meditation is not a treatment method. But learning to manage and release it can help make you more resilient to stressful situations.

If one method is difficult to digest, try another.

Some people, especially those with serious psychological problems, may experience a feeling of emotional discomfort during relaxation. In this case, you need to try other methods. It may be worth consulting with an appropriate specialist on this issue.

Everyone imagines relaxation in their own way. However, peace and quiet, mood lifting products , interesting books or there are few programs at times when a person is experiencing extreme tension or stress. For effective fight with them you need to activate the body’s natural ability to relax.

Benefits of Relaxation and Physiological Responses

Many people are unaware of this possibility. However, everyone can try relaxation methods such as deep breathing, anti-stress meditation, rhythmic exercises, and yoga. Practicing these types of activities will not only make everyday life more interesting, but will also lift your spirits and make your body flexible and energetic.

When stress affects the nervous system, the human body produces substances that prepare us for two types of instinctive defense reactions - fight or flight. No one can avoid stress, but there is always a way to counteract it. When you use relaxation techniques, the body reacts in the following ways:

  • heart rate decreases;
  • breathing becomes slower and deeper;
  • blood pressure drops or stabilizes;
  • muscles relax;
  • immune processes are activated;

In addition to its calming physical effects, relaxation helps overcome certain illnesses, relieves pain, and increases concentration, motivation and productivity. Best of all, anyone can reap these benefits with a minimal amount of training, such as reading this article.

It should be noted that relaxation is not lying on the couch or sleeping, but a mentally active process that makes the body relaxed, calm, and focused.

Learning the basics of the technique is not difficult, but (like any activity) it requires practice. Experts recommend setting aside 10 to 20 minutes a day for regular exercise. This time can easily be found during lunch, traveling on public transport, or waiting in line. There is no one relaxation technique that works for everyone. When choosing, you should consider specific needs and individual reactions. Alternating or combining various ways relaxation will give you the best results.

Meditation for deep relaxation and stress relief using breathing

This all-natural technique places emphasis on deep, cleansing breaths. Full breathing is a fundamental element of many healing techniques of the East; it can be easily combined with auxiliary elements (aromatherapy, music, taking a bath etc.) All it takes is a few minutes and a quiet place.

1. Close your eyes and try to clear your mind as much as possible and drive away any thought. If this is difficult to achieve, imagine a smooth background of one color (green, blue, yellow; red is undesirable) and hold this picture.

2. Slowly draw in air, working with your stomach and diaphragm, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Place one hand on your chest and the other just above your navel to control your breathing. If you find it difficult to breathe from your stomach while sitting, try stretching on the floor. Place a medium-sized book in place of your lower palm and breathe so that the book moves up and down.

Body Scanning Technique

Another type of stress-relieving meditation that may be right for you.

1. Lie on your back, legs extended and lying freely, arms relaxed at your sides.

2. Focus on your breathing, feel your lungs expanding, breathe deeply until you begin to feel calm and good.

3. Take the toes of your right foot as your focal point. Notice the sensations you experience while continuing to pay attention to your breathing. Imagine each deep breath reaching your fingertips. Keep your attention on this area as long as you want.

4. Shift your focus to the heel or entire sole of one foot. Accept whatever sensations your body gives you and imagine each breath reaching that place.

5. Consistently move the focal point to the knees, hips, torso, back and stomach, chest, shoulders. When you reach the very top of your head, allow the breath to leave your body, imagine yourself floating in space.

6. After completion, lie down in peace and quiet for a while, noting what changes have occurred in your body.

7. Open your eyes slowly and stretch if you want. Stand up carefully and slowly.

Meditation “Anxiety Relief”

What is underrated in the Western world is the ability to record what you are feeling in a specific moment. Thinking about the past, blaming or judging yourself, or worrying about the future can generate unnecessary stress.

Meditation is useful for developing mindfulness.

For this:

1. Find a private place where you can relax without distractions.

2. Sit comfortably, but do not lie down so as not to fall asleep.

3. Meditate with your eyes closed or open, the focal point can be either inside you or outside - the object, significant word or a phrase that you repeat throughout the meditation.

4. Practice an observant, non-critical attitude. Don't give importance to distracting thoughts or how well you are meditating. If feelings invade your mental space, simply notice it and return to your focal point.

Meditation can help cope with unhealthy cravings for something (food, substances, even feelings and emotions).

Pay attention to what your body feels when it begins to feel an intense need for an object of desire. Relax every tense muscle through meditation, replace craving with a focal point, and calmly wish for everything unnecessary to go away.

There are other types of meditations, but first you should thoroughly master the above techniques, take advantage of their advantages, and evaluate beneficial influence on your own body. Among other things, regular practice will help cope with spring fatigue . In the future, it will be extremely useful to expand your experience with new techniques in order not only to effectively cope with stress, but also to help others do the same.

Meditation practices help to get rid of stress state, relax deeply. To do this effectively, you need to become familiar with the basic principles of meditation and how to do it.

It is inherent in every organism by nature relaxation skill. When activated, natural processes of relaxation and harmonization of a person’s inner world are launched.

What are the benefits of meditation?

During their implementation, the number of stress symptoms is reduced, and diseases caused by nervous tension are cured. A person regains the ability to enjoy life and improves its quality.

Most practices are available for self-study and execution. This is a great way to help you learn manage stressful situations, don’t let them take over you. In the process of relaxation, the dominance of the depressive state over the mind and body ceases.

This is how you can overcome the daily nervous tension, pain syndromes, apathy. You can perform the exercises at a time that is convenient for you - in the morning, in the evening or during the day. This will allow:

  • Slow down the heartbeat, bring it back to normal.
  • Reduce blood pressure.
  • Normalize the frequency of inhalation and exhalation - when we are worried, breathing becomes frequent and intermittent, there is not enough oxygen.
  • Reduce the activity of stress hormones.
  • Increase blood flow to muscle tissue.
  • Relieve tension in muscles, pain symptoms.
  • Improve your ability to concentrate and be in a good mood.
  • Reduce fatigue.
  • Get rid of anger and disappointment.
  • Gain self-confidence.

For achievement maximum effect combine meditation practices with positive thinking, sense of humor, physical activity.

Stress Relief Techniques

There is a beneficial effect on the body due to full breathing. Exercises go well with aromatherapy, slow and calm music. They take 5-10 minutes to complete. The main thing is to have a cozy, quiet place for this, where no one will disturb you.

Achieving thoughtlessness

Most often, what prevents us from relaxing is the endless internal dialogue, talking to yourself about various problematic situations. If you manage to switch to another state, the stress will go away. The practice is performed with eyes closed.

Try to repress them from your consciousness any thoughts, coming to your mind now. If that doesn’t work, imagine a plain background screen of green, blue or yellow shades. Hold the image until you enter a state of thoughtlessness.

Start slowly drawing in air, working using your stomach and diaphragm. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Next, place the first palm on the chest, and the second on the solar plexus to control the breathing process.

If you experience difficulties with abdominal breathing while sitting, change your position. Borrow lying position, instead of a hand, you can place a medium-thick book on your stomach, breathe in such a way that it rises and falls in time with your inhalations and exhalations.

Return to the “here and now”

During stressful situations, we are usually in the past or future - we are tormented by regret about past actions, resentment or fear of possible failures, losses, disappointments. To get rid of stress, sometimes it is enough to start feeling yourself in the present moment.

Find a secluded place to perform this technique so that no one interrupts you from your activity. Find a position that is comfortable for you. Try to adjust yourself to the perception of the surrounding reality. Get started connect all the body's receptors.

Ask yourself what you see in front of you now. Describe it - the room, the view outside the window. Listen to the sounds that your ears pick up. This could be your breathing, a running TV or refrigerator, a cat's steps on the carpet, the noise of leaves or cars coming from the street.

Try to feel the smells that envelop you - the aroma indoor flowers, your skin, the freshness of the air that comes in from the open window. Try to notice your taste sensations - sweetness, bitterness or saltiness in your mouth after eating a certain food or drinking a cup of coffee.

Be aware of what you feel on a tactile level - touch your skin, run your palm over your clothing, feeling its smoothness or roughness.

Please pay pay attention to your feelings what you feel right now. Breathe calmly and slowly while performing the technique. You can do this exercise mentally or speak out loud.

Meditation for deep relaxation

When you want to disconnect from obsessive thoughts, bring your balance internal state, try this deep relaxation technique:

  • Take a horizontal position with your legs extended and your back straight. Place your hands along your body, palms up. Cover yourself with a blanket to keep warm, because during meditation exercises all processes in the body slow down.
  • Start concentrating on your breathing. Feel your lungs expanding. Breathing should be deep until you feel calm and peaceful.
  • Focus your attention on the toes of your right foot. Focus on the physical sensations while continuing to breathe mindfully. Imagine how the inhalation penetrates to the very tips of your toes. Notice your feelings.
  • Focus on your heel or the entire sole of your foot. Accept whatever feel at this moment on a bodily level. Imagine that as you inhale you reach your foot, breathe with it.
  • Gradually shift your attention to your knees, hips, abdomen and back, chest, shoulders and shoulder blades. When your turn reaches the top of your head, allow your breath to go beyond the boundaries of your body, as if you are now hovering above it in space.
  • Observe your sensations in and outside your body, track any changes that occur in the present moment.
  • After this, you can open your eyes and slowly stretch. You need to get up slowly and carefully.

The best meditation to do at home

Perform it in a calm environment, wearing comfortable and loose clothing. Before and after performing the technique drink a lot of water– up to 3 liters per day, because the body will simultaneously get rid of toxins.

Then they will freely leave it along with the liquid. At this time it is better to refrain from using meat dishes, alcoholic drinks and cigarettes so that the effect of the practice is full. It is performed in several stages.


This is done using proper breathing exercises. This will allow you to stop being in one of the states of mind. You need to take a comfortable position with a straight back, close your eyes, focusing on one breath. First, breathe through your chest.

Take full breaths and exhales, listen to them and your feelings. Then begin to inflate your stomach with air and slowly exhale it. Repeat slowly 7-10 times.

Dynamic exhalation

While performing the technique, concentrate on your sensations and try to notice your body. Bend your elbows and place them at shoulder level in front of you. Raise your fingers outstretched in a fan until they are level with your forehead. Keep them parallel to your torso.

As you exhale, it should be full and loud, as if you push yourself out of yourself something, clench your fingers into a fist, lowering it together with your hands to shoulder level. Do 20 of these approaches.

Cyclic breathing

Without changing your position, begin to slowly inhale and exhale air. Repeat 20 times. Speed ​​up your breathing rate. Take 40 breaths in and out at a medium speed. Proceed to quick and shallow inhalations and exhalations. Repeat 40 times. Do three such cycles.

At the end of the third round, after breathing quickly, inhale and exhale slowly 5-7 times. After relax and watch follow your sensations, remaining motionless for at least 10 minutes.

Perform meditative techniques to relieve stress and relaxation every day, then you will not have to worry about how to bring your health and psychological state back to normal, because there will be fewer problems, and your attitude towards the world and yourself will change.

In a fast paced life, people often get tired and stressed. Physical and emotional fatigue leads to early aging, health problems, deterioration of memory and attention, irritability and dissatisfaction with life. To regain your vigor and energy, as well as learn to quickly restore calm and peace of mind, it is recommended to master the practice of meditation for deep relaxation of the body and mind.

Meditation is one of the types of spiritual practices that was used by yogis and sages of ancient times. Meditation involves focusing on a specific object or withdrawing from all objects and thoughts. Involvement in meditation changes the frequency of brain waves, causing the person to enter an altered state of consciousness.

Meditation is communication with your soul, with your “I”. Regular meditation classes help a person penetrate into his own subconscious, find the roots of his problems, and become better acquainted with his inner world. Meditation practices are a medicine for healing the soul and body.

There are many books dedicated to meditation practices. One of the most popular authors in this field is José Silva, who has written a series of books teaching mind control using special techniques. The Silva method is simple, but quite effective.

Deep relaxation, which is achieved in a meditative state, helps to remove muscle blocks and tension. Such practices are useful for people who are tired at work and cannot relax even after a night's sleep. You can do them when you want to take your mind off annoying thoughts and worries, remove emotional stress and calm down. Relaxation and meditation are great for stress and insomnia.

How to prepare for meditation?

To effectively conduct spiritual practice, you need to properly prepare for it. First of all, you need to organize a place for meditation. You can do this at home or outdoors. You need to choose a place where no one will disturb or distract you. The room should be clean and ventilated. If it’s daytime, it’s better to close the curtains, creating twilight in the room.

For meditation, it is better to choose light, loose clothing that does not restrict movement. If you are practicing sleep meditation, immediately change into pajamas or a nightgown so you don't have to get up and change later.

Silence promotes better concentration and relaxation. Therefore, it is good to meditate in the evening, when the family has already gone to bed and the street noise has died down. If you wish, you can choose meditative music for yourself. You can find a lot of similar music on the Internet. There are compositions where calm, melodic music sounds, accompanied by the sounds of nature - the sound of the sea, rain, wind, birdsong. You can find recordings of Indian and Tibetan mantras with musical accompaniment. There are also many records with step by step instructions: in what sequence to relax the body, what images to imagine, what to think about, etc. Such recordings are suitable for beginners who are not yet familiar with such practices, but want to learn.

Meditation and relaxation techniques can be performed while sitting or lying down. Yogis traditionally meditate while sitting in the lotus position or simply with their legs crossed (Turkish style). But you don’t have to take exactly this position; you can choose any other one at your discretion. The main thing is to make sure your back is straight. A straight spine helps to properly distribute energy throughout the body. Sitting meditation is recommended for those who easily fall asleep during the practice.

For those who find it more convenient to relax while lying down, the yoga position “shavasana” (“corpse pose”) is suitable. To do this, you need to lie on your back, spread your legs slightly to the sides and spread your arms with your palms up. In this position, the body rests and muscle tension relaxes. If this position seems uncomfortable, you can take any other one. The main thing is to find a position in which there will be no distractions.

The most popular types of meditation for relaxation

There are many different meditative practices and relaxation techniques from which you can choose any one for yourself. Let's look at the main types of meditation that do not require special skills and are suitable for everyone.

Breathing meditation for relaxation

Find a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax. Let go of all thoughts and focus all your attention on your breathing. Breathe slowly and calmly, listening to each inhalation and exhalation and feeling the rise and fall of your chest. With each inhalation, relax your body muscles more and more.

After lying there for a few minutes, change your breathing rhythm. Take a deep breath, hold your breath for four seconds, and then exhale slowly. It is convenient to do this breathing on a count. The duration of the exercise is 10–15 minutes. This meditation is suitable for calming the soul, getting rid of anxiety and worry.

Meditation with a candle

Yogis believe that fire burns away all negative thoughts and emotions, so they often meditate on it. If you are tired after a hard day at work or upset because of some trouble, meditation with a candle will help you. It is suitable for calming the nerves and mind.

Turn off the lights in the room or close the curtains if it is day outside. Sit in a comfortable position on a chair, armchair or sofa. Keep your back straight so that the energy with which you will be charged during meditation is correctly distributed along the energy channels.

Place a lit candle opposite you at eye level. Free your head from all thoughts and focus all your attention on the candle flame. Observe its soft, warm glow, imagining how all your grievances and anxieties burn in the fire. Try to blink as little as possible, but do not strain your eyes. Allow your gaze to unfocus. Tears will appear in your eyes. This is not scary and even useful (this exercise is recommended for people who want to improve their vision).

If extraneous thoughts begin to creep into your head, gently push them away, again concentrating your attention on the candle. After a few minutes of such concentration, close your eyes and continue to sit in the same position, imagining a candle flame in your mind’s eye. Once you feel completely relaxed and cleansed, complete the practice.

Meditation for stress relief

Find a comfortable position and close your eyes. Breathe slowly and deeply, trying to relax more and more with each breath. Drop all negative thoughts.

Now proceed directly to relaxing each part of the body in turn. Start with your feet. Feel how they are filled with warmth and heaviness. Having relaxed your feet, move on to your shins, knees, and hips. Then relax your back, concentrating on each part of the spine in turn. Move on to the arms, shoulders, neck. Finish by relaxing your head and face.

Feel how your whole body is filled with warmth and energy, how all negativity and fatigue go away. You can imagine how pure energy flows through your body, washes all cells, cleanses them. Lie down, enjoying these sensations, and return to your normal state. You can do this meditation before bed to help you fall asleep faster and get a better night's sleep.


For this practice, you can write the text yourself, based on what you want to feel, or you can take one of the ready-made practices of any author. To conduct self-training meditation, take a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax and calm your breathing. Mentally say the text of the meditation, trying to feel how your body relaxes.

Sample text for relaxation meditation:

My body relaxes. The facial muscles become soft and sluggish. The eyelids fill with warmth and become heavy. The neck relaxes, all muscle tension is released. , filled with warmth and heaviness. The arms lie freely along the body, they are heavy and motionless. The back relaxes. Blocks are removed from each back muscle and tension goes away. The legs become heavy and filled with pleasant warmth. Warmth and pleasant heaviness spread throughout the body. Every cell of my body is relaxed.

Breathing is deep and calm. The heart beats evenly and calmly. All negative thoughts leave my head and it becomes empty and light. I feel completely at peace. I plunge into my inner world. I feel warm, cozy and calm. Nothing worries me. I am at peace and in complete harmony with myself.

Mantra meditation

Instead of relaxation text, you can use various mantras. There are a great variety of ancient mantras of different directions: for activating the chakras, appealing to the forces of nature or deities, yogic mantras, mantras for relaxation, healing, stress relief and much more. You can choose a mantra you like and repeat it during meditation, concentrating all your attention on the sounds being spoken. When choosing a mantra, be sure to find out what it means and what it is used for. Mantras have special power, so you need to take their choice seriously.

These and other types of meditation can be done at any convenient time. If you want to get rid of insomnia and achieve restful, deep sleep, meditate in the evening, after finishing all your work. If the practice is done correctly, you will feel that your body has relaxed and negative thoughts have left you. Regular meditation practice will help you become a calmer and more balanced person.

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