Logical thinking. Logics. How to develop logical thinking

It would seem that logic is inherent in every person at the level of other instincts and innate skills from the very womb, but no. Firstly, this is a talent, and secondly, it is given to perfection from birth only to a select few; others either unconsciously develop it throughout their lives, or never comprehend this art. But it is precisely this quality that allows you to avoid many problems, as well as quickly and effectively solve life’s problems. Let's talk about how to develop logic today.

What develops logic

From the language of the ancient Greeks, the word “λόγος” means the ability to reflect and think, i.e. Logic is nothing more than the ability to think consistently. A person whose logic is well developed can, based on the data available to him, come to the right decision and understand the truth, without having any education in this area.

Logic is developed by many things, simple ones at that. For example, if we talk about the purposeful development of this quality, then compiling, namely compiling, scanwords and puzzles, solving logic problems, solving anagrams would be suitable. You can take an item and try to come up with several, for example five, different uses for it.

IN Everyday life Without setting aside special time, logic can also be trained. To do this, it is good to think about all your actions and steps. Don’t do anything thoughtlessly anymore, and before you start something, give an explanation for the action - why is it? What will it give? What will it lead to? What could go wrong? How can the situation develop and what to do next for each development option? At the beginning it may seem boring and difficult, but over time it will happen automatically, and your actions and decisions will become more and more correct.

Probably everyone is familiar with the situation when, after taking actions, the thought arose in their head: “Oh, I should have done it like this! (otherwise)". The more logical thinking is developed, the fewer such situations will occur in your life. And, yes, if this situation is not familiar to someone, you can stop wasting your time and read this article, because your logic is excellently developed!

Below we will list very useful tips professionals for those who want to become logical.

Logic problems

Nowadays you can find a lot of sites on the Internet that are filled with a huge number of tasks and puzzles aimed at developing logical thinking. Of course, by solving them, the result will not come the next day, but if you do it regularly, your head will work differently over time. Make yourself morning exercises for the brain - over a cup of tea, instead of sitting precious time in in social networks- solve puzzles. Firstly, it is beneficial for the development of thinking, and secondly, it is like an intellectual aperitif before a working day. After regular practice, you will find that there are no unsolvable questions.

But in addition to solving problems, you can engage in activities that will help in this development. Let's look at some tips that professionals give to beginners who want to develop their brain in logic.

To become friends with logic, you need:

  • Accept only the information you need. Logic is always built on important nuances. To understand why, what and how is happening, you need to grasp the very essence of what is happening and not get wasted on trifles. This advice is useful in every sense, because the less garbage in your head, the clearer your thoughts and healthier your thinking. Try to communicate with people in the appropriate circle, where they are fluent in this. The habitat is a very significant factor - tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are - a telling phrase. Communicating with stupid people will never become...
  • Start writing articles and books. The latter, of course, develops logic more. Firstly, you need to build the plot itself, in which, whatever one may say, a logical chain must be traced, then you need to come up with characters, create images and their interaction - when writing a book, your head does not turn off at all. The articles also track the logic of information transfer and consistency, but still it is not so clearly expressed.
  • . Many people have probably noticed that as soon as a dream or goal appears, the brain begins to frantically go through options on how to achieve it as quickly and efficiently as possible. Unconsciously for oneself, in this way a logical chain is built - so to speak, pleasant with useful.
  • Conduct an analysis of your life. At least once a month, and also better times Devote one day a week to analyze your life. To think logically in the future, you need to be able to analyze the past. Remember what decisions you made in the last week/month, what results did it lead to? How could you have done it differently and what could it have given? Ideally, such a mental “operation” should be carried out daily, so as not to forget anything.
  • Just start thinking. Elementary Watson! Now that humanity has a bunch of gadgets in its arsenal, thinking has become completely unnecessary. Why try to plot a convenient route if the navigator will do it? Why think about what food to buy if advertising told you everything? And such “why...if...” are all too common now. 95% of the population have simply forgotten how to think and live according to instincts; anyone and anything thinks for them, but not their head. Have your own opinion, which will be based on logical conclusions!
  • Play chess. Like no other, this game requires mastery of logic. Calculate a few steps forward, think through the opponent’s options for moves - what could be better? A couple of games a day - and the brain gets charged. If you have no one to play with at home, you can always go to a chess club, where you will be happy to keep company.
  • . You can watch it, but not just like that, but try to predict the ending. Try to understand the thinking of the characters in the work, why they do it and what will follow.

Developing logic is not as difficult as it might seem at first, but you still have to work hard. And yet, even having mastered logic perfectly, you cannot stop - this is already a lifestyle that must be adhered to and, therefore, constantly trained. Otherwise, the skills will be quickly lost and all the work will go down the drain.

  • Have fun with benefits
  • Educate yourself

Logic is not an innate quality of the human personality - we learn it throughout life. This tool for understanding the world is more alien than close to us, so people diligently evade logical conclusions, trying to think in a way that is more profitable and convenient for them. Moreover, without it, humanity would not be able to survive, because the basis for creating most of the laws of life is still logic. Paradox? Yes, there are many of them in this multifaceted science.

Today we will talk about logic as a science and as a system of thinking, about why it is needed and how to develop the ability to think logically, about the facets of good and evil hidden in the intricate labyrinths of conclusions.

How did logic originate? The root of logical laws is empirical, that is, experimental knowledge of the world: a person created or witnessed an event, and then saw its consequences. After several repeated cause-and-effect situations, he memorized them and made a definite conclusion. Thus, it turns out that the laws of logic, like other sciences, were derived through experiment.

There are logical axioms that each of us must know. Deviation from following them is considered a sign mental disorders. But at the same time, there are many laws of logic that can be twisted the way a person wants - and the whole point is that in this science, like in any other, there are errors and exceptions.

To begin with, let us consider what bases of capricious science are summed up under human life. So, the logical axioms that are the basis of our worldview:

1. Vector direction of time from the past to the future, its linearity and irreversibility. From early childhood, a person studies the concepts of “yesterday”, “today”, “tomorrow”, begins to understand what the past, present and future are, to accept the reality of what happened as something that cannot be changed.

2. Cause-and-effect relationships and their one-way direction.

3. Logic includes the concepts of lesser and greater, as well as the ability to fit one into the other (and not only in the literal, but also in the abstract sense); contiguity and interchangeability of concepts and vice versa, their incompatibility and impossibility of coexistence in the same time period.

For example, a woman cannot be pregnant and conceive a second child at the same time, a person cannot be dead and alive at the same time, a sick person cannot feel healthy, and water does not freeze at above-zero temperatures.

4. Induction and deduction. The inductive method of inference leads from the particular to the general and is based on similar characteristics of various objects. The deductive method, on the contrary, leads from the general to the particular and is based on the logical law.

Deduction: When it rains, the grass gets wet.

Induction: The grass outside is wet, the asphalt is also wet, the house and its roof are wet - therefore, it is raining.

In the method of deduction, the truthfulness of the premises is always the key to the truthfulness of the conclusion, but if the result does not correspond to the premises, then there is a dividing factor between them.

It's raining, but the grass is dry. The grass is under the canopy.

Simply put, the deduction method gives a 100% true answer. But in the induction method, an inference based on correct premises has 90% truth, it has an error. Let's remember the example about rain - if the grass, asphalt and house are wet, we can say with 90% confidence that it has rained. But it could be dew, or a broken watering machine that splashed water all around.

Induction refers to the generalization of the results of repeated events. For example, if you throw a ball up, it will fall down. If you do this a second time, it will fall again. After the third fall, you will come to the conclusion that all objects thrown up fall down - and this is the basis of the law of attraction. But don't forget that we are now in the field of logic, and inductive reasoning has a margin of error. Who knows, maybe you throw the ball up a hundred times and it will fall, and the hundred and first time it will get stuck on a tree or end up on a cabinet? What if you are in zero gravity? Of course he won't fall down.

Therefore, deduction is a more accurate method, and induction allows only guessing with a high degree of probability.

5. Sequence of actions. If you perform a series of actions in in a certain order, we will get the expected result. But if you violate this order, the result may turn out to be completely different or may not exist at all. At the same time, there are many situations when the result does not depend on the order in which we perform the necessary actions. In a word, this is called an algorithm.

Logic has a strong connection with other sciences. The above rules are based on the laws of mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, but it is the understanding of relationships that is the main pillar of logical thinking.

Everything that is around us has two sides - positive and negative. There is not a single phenomenon that has only one side. The same applies to logic - despite all the apparent benefits of it, you should not get too carried away with this science: if used incorrectly, it can cause a lot of harm.

Logic can be a tool of evil

Why does no one love or approve of a person who lives exclusively by logic?

Cold calculation and logic leave no room for mercy, love and self-sacrifice, on which our world still rests. Logical conclusions allow you to see several steps ahead, but, as they say, the ways of God are inscrutable - somewhere an error can creep in, and a clear logical system will crumble like a house of cards. Thus, logic and medicine are defeated by cancer patients who managed to be cured in an incomprehensible way, or women who gave birth to healthy children, despite doctors’ prohibitions.

What would a world based solely on logic look like? Most likely, it would be prosperous and cruel - there would be no weak and sick, poor and unemployed in it; all people who are not useful would simply be destroyed. But that’s why we are who we are: when emotions and feelings enter the battlefield, logic fails. Because of this, there is a lot of trouble in the world, but there is also a lot of good - people help each other, forgive the shortcomings of their loved ones and save those who, it would seem, cannot be saved.

Logical conclusions can sometimes run counter to ethics, morality, and even the criminal code. It’s not for nothing that maniacs and murderers think that they act quite logically.

People are extremely illogical creatures

How do we manage to make incorrect logical conclusions? How do two people with the same premises come to different conclusions?

As already mentioned, logic is a science, and like any science it is not perfect, therefore it is inferior real life in truth. There is an exception to every rule, and in such cases logic is powerless. In addition, our psyche has a tendency to dodge and be cunning if the conclusion is not in its favor.

For example: The guy behaves aloof, doesn’t call, doesn’t pay attention to me at all. He probably doesn't care about me.

This is what a girl who relies solely on logical thinking would say, and everything would be simple - she will try to forget about her cold prince, and he will never know that he was the object of her admiration. But that was not the case! Emotions and the 10% error of the inductive method come into play.

Alienation, indifference and lack of attention in 90% of cases indicate disinterest in the relationship. But is it possible that he is too shy or proud, or maybe he has gotten it into his head that sympathy needs to be demonstrated in this way? Do people have enough “cockroaches in their heads”?

In such cases, logic becomes a tool of emotions, and many stupid actions are committed under the banner of erroneous conclusions. To prevent this from happening, you need to distinguish the fine line between true logical conclusions and false ones. This is why logical thinking develops.

To a certain extent, each of us has developed it - this is required by society and its way of life. But for a better understanding of the laws of reality and the ability to operate with them, it is necessary to have the ability to think more logically. high level than ordinary earthlings.

Well-developed logical thinking helps you achieve greater success in your work, accomplish less mistakes in everyday situations.

How to learn this? The brain, like muscles, needs to be constantly trained. There is a false myth that all people are born with mental abilities pre-programmed into them and will not be able to become smarter or dumber than given by nature. This is not true - by regularly training thinking and memory, a person constantly improves his performance, he can develop until the end of his days. That's why regular mental exercise And development of intellectual abilities- one of the most important assistants on the path to self-improvement.

Have fun with benefits

1. Start with logic puzzles for children and adults - puzzles, “find 10 differences” exercises, attention riddles and search for logical errors. They can be easily found on the Internet.

For example, solve a couple of puzzles:

“How is it that someone I know shaves his beard ten times a day, but still remains bearded?”

“Your friends use it more often than you, even though it’s yours. What is this?"

2. Play attention and logic games with friends. So what if you are thirty and you are managers and entrepreneurs? Believe me, it’s much more pleasant on a Friday night not to mindlessly cruise around bars, but to play crocodile or association in someone’s kitchen. There are a lot of such games on the Internet, you just need to search - and then your holidays and weekends will be filled with new meaning.

3. Take IQ tests. It’s difficult to say how truthful Internet tests of this genre are, but you’ll have to rack your brains thoroughly. In addition to IQ testing, there are many other tests for thinking and logic. If you have nothing to do, put aside solitaire and strain your brains.

4. Develop logical thinking and The Vikium project will help you become smarter.

Educate yourself

1. Take up the study of some science that is close to you, but one that you have never gotten around to before. It could be chemistry, physics or history - by studying them, you simultaneously develop the ability to think logically. Why did Napoleon attack Russia? Why did the Roman Empire collapse? Why does this happen when two chemical components are combined? chemical reaction, and not another? By answering these questions, you learn to connect events with logical chains - this is what you need.

2. Study deduction and induction, as well as their formulas. When a situation happening to you seems confusing, turn it into a problem and solve it.

3. Learn to argue reasonedly. Next time you feel like shouting, “Because I said so!” or “Oh, that’s it!” - try instead to convey your position to your opponent without unnecessary emotions using arguments. Particularly good is the method of leading the interlocutor to the necessary conclusion using indirect questions, with answers to which he agrees.

You know that a woman is a mirror of her husband’s success?
- Well, yes.
- That is, a successful man must have a gorgeous wife.
- Agree.
- Can a chic wife wear an old down jacket?
- I understand where you’re going... Okay, we’ll buy you a fur coat.

4. Read good detective stories. They help train the brain with their intricate plot and entertain at the same time. The best representatives of this genre can be called Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle and Boris Akunin.

5. Play chess. This is where there is scope for the development of logical abilities. By trying to calculate all possible moves of the enemy, a person develops the ability to see cause-and-effect relationships. Don't like chess? Play backgammon or preference.

And one last thing. Learn to trust your intuition. Strange, right? But in reality intuition is the result of subconscious inferences, when a person, without realizing it, draws conclusions from the information provided by the outside world. It usually goes something like this: “Whenever I feel like this, it ends badly.” If you dig deeper, this is just the memory of past experiences when situations were framed in a similar way. The trembling voice of the interlocutor, his shifting eyes and attempts to distract the opponent’s attention from the main idea of ​​​​the conversation - we have long forgotten how the scammer behaved before deceiving, but the subconscious mind remembers everything perfectly.

The ability to think logically, analyze information and make correct conclusions is an integral part of the work of any successful person- his well-being literally depends on this. Therefore, by developing the mind, we make a direct investment in our future, filled with achievements. But don't forget that logic can be insidious - be prudent and merciful.

P.S.: Have you solved the puzzles given in the article? Here are the correct answers. The bearded acquaintance is a barber who shaves other people every day. And our property, which friends use more often than we do, is our name, because we ourselves rarely pronounce it.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Good day, dear friends! Do you remember what grades you got in school? I remember. I don't have any C grades on my certificate. But during any year of study there were threes, twos and even stakes sometimes. So I’m thinking, who is Alexandra, my daughter, like? Excellent student, hanging on the honor board! Apparently the additional exercises we do with her are bearing fruit.

Lesson plan:

Exercise 1. Connecting the unconnected

A very interesting exercise! Useful not only for children, but also for adults. This exercise is used as a test during castings for radio presenters. Imagine, you come to a casting, and they say to you: “Come on, my friend, connect us a chicken with a pole.” In all seriousness, that's what they say!

This is precisely the point: you need to combine two completely unrelated concepts. Radio presenters need this in order to quickly and beautifully compose summaries to songs during live broadcasts, for easy transitions from one topic to another.

Well, it’s suitable for children to develop creative, imaginative, quick thinking.

So how do you connect a chicken with a pole? There are many options:

  1. The chicken walks around the pole.
  2. The chicken was blind, walked and crashed into a pole.
  3. The chicken was strong, it hit the post, and it fell.
  4. The pole fell right on the chicken.

Want to practice? Fine. Connect:

  • chamomile with milk;
  • headphones with jellyfish;
  • boots with the moon.

Exercise 2. Word breakers

If in the previous exercise we connected, then in this exercise we will break one long word into many short ones consisting of letters big word. According to the rules, if a letter appears once in a long word, then it cannot be repeated twice in short words.

For example, the word "switch" is broken down into:

  • tulle;
  • key;
  • beak.

I don't see any more options, what about you?

You can break up any long words, for example, “holiday”, “picture”, “towel”, “polar explorer”.

Exercise 3. Puzzles

Solving puzzles helps you think outside the box and creatively. Teaches the child to analyze.

Puzzles may contain images, letters, numbers, commas, fractions, placed in very different orders. Let's try to solve some simple puzzles together.

  1. On the first one we see the syllable “BA” and “barrel”. Let's connect: BA + Barrel = Butterfly.
  2. On the second, the principle is the same: Ram + KA = Steering wheel.
  3. The third one is more difficult. A cancer is drawn, and next to it is “a = y”. This means that in the word cancer, the letter “a” needs to be replaced with the letter “u”, we get “hand”. To this we add one more “a”: hand + a = hand.
  4. The fourth rebus with a comma. Since the first letter is “A”, the guess word begins with it. Next we see “fist”, after the picture there is a comma, which means you need to subtract the last letter from the word “fist”. Let's get "kula". Now let's put it all together: A + kula = shark.
  5. The fifth rebus is difficult only at first glance. You need to remove the letter “i” from the word “saw”, and read the word “cat” backwards. As a result, we get: pla + tok = scarf.
  6. The sixth, completely letter puzzle. Everything is clear with the first and last letters, but what about the middle? We see the letter “o” drawn in the letter “t”, so let’s say “in t o”. We connect: A + WTO + P = AUTHOR.

Have you practiced? Now try to solve the puzzle yourself.

You can share your answers in the comments. You will find all sorts of puzzles in children's magazines and.

Exercise 4. Anagrams

Can an orange be turned into a spaniel and vice versa? "Easily!" - anagram lovers will answer. Even Magic wand will not need.

An anagram is a literary device that consists of rearranging the letters or sounds of a certain word (or phrase), resulting in another word or phrase.

Just as easily, a dream turns into a nose, a cat into a current, and a linden tree into a saw.

Well, shall we try? Let's do this:

  • the “coach” flew off to the stars;
  • the “word” grew on the head;
  • “lace” learned to fly;
  • "atlas" became edible;
  • the “pump” settled in the forest;
  • the “mote” became transparent;
  • the “roller” was placed on the table before dinner;
  • “Bun” learned to swim;
  • the “daisy” was spinning around the lantern on summer evenings;
  • The “park” could not survive without water.

Exercise 5. Logic problems

The more logic puzzles you solve, the stronger your thinking becomes. It’s not for nothing that they say that mathematics is gymnastics for the mind. Indeed, when solving some of them, you can really feel your brain moving.

Let's start with the simpler ones:

  1. Kolya and Vasya were solving problems. One boy solved at the blackboard, and the other at his desk. Where did Vasya solve problems if Kolya didn’t solve them at the blackboard?
  2. Three old grandmothers live in the same entrance, on the third, fifth and seventh floors. Who lives on what floor, if grandmother Nina lives above grandmother Valya, and grandmother Galya lives below grandmother Valya?
  3. Yura, Igor, Pasha and Artem finished in the top four at the running competition. Who took what place? It is known that Yura came running neither first nor fourth, Igor ran after the winner, and Pasha was not last.

And Sashulya brought the next three problems from the Mathematical Olympiad. These are problems for third grade.

“The gardener planted 8 seedlings. All but four of them grew into pear trees. All but two pear trees bear pears. Pears from all fruiting pear trees, except one, are tasteless. How many pear trees have tasty pears?”

“Vasya, Petya, Vanya wear ties of only one color: green, yellow and blue. Vasya said: “Petya doesn’t like yellow" Petya said: “Vanya wears a blue tie.” Vanya said: “You are both deceiving.” Who prefers what color, if Vanya never lies?”

Now attention! A task of increased difficulty! “To the backfill,” as they say. I couldn't solve it. I suffered for a long time, and then I looked at the answers. She is also from the Olympics.

“The traveler needs to cross the desert. The transition lasts six days. The traveler and the porter who will accompany him can take with them a supply of water and food for one person for four days each. How many porters will the traveler need to realize his plan? Enter the smallest number."

If you still fall asleep on any problem, then contact me, I’ll help)

Exercise 6. Match puzzles

Matches are not a toy for children! A means for training thinking. For safety reasons, I suggest replacing matches with counting sticks.

These simple little sticks make very complex puzzles.

First, let's warm up:

  • fold two identical triangles from five sticks;
  • out of seven sticks, two identical squares;
  • remove three sticks to make three identical squares (see picture below).

Now it's more complicated:

Arrange three sticks so that the arrow flies in the opposite direction.

The fish also needs to be turned in the other direction, moving only three sticks.

After moving only three sticks, remove the strawberry from the glass.

Remove two sticks to create two equilateral triangles.

The answers can be found at the end of the article.

Exercise 7. Truth and lies

Now let's work as Sherlock Holmes! We will seek the truth and discover lies.

Show your child two pictures, on one of which depict a square and a triangle, and on the other a circle and a polygon.

And now offer cards with the following statements:

  • some figures on the card are triangles;
  • there are no triangles on the card;
  • there are circles on the card;
  • some figures on the card are squares;
  • all the figures on the card are triangles;
  • there are no polygons on the card;
  • There is not a single rectangle on the card.

The task is to determine whether these statements are false or true for each picture with shapes.

This kind of exercise can be done not only with geometric shapes, and also with images of animals. For example, put a cat, a fox and a squirrel in the picture.

Statements can be as follows:

  • all these animals are predators;
  • there are pets in the picture;
  • all the animals in the picture can climb trees;
  • all animals have fur.

You can choose pictures and sayings for them yourself.

Exercise 8. Instructions

We are surrounded by a variety of objects. We use them. Sometimes we don’t pay any attention to the instructions that come with these items. And it also happens that there are simply no instructions for some very necessary items. Let's correct this misunderstanding! We'll write the instructions ourselves.

Let's take a comb for example. Yes, yes, an ordinary comb! This is what Alexandra and I did.

So, instructions for using the comb.

  1. A comb is a device made of plastic for making hair smooth and silky.
  2. A comb should be used for excessive shaggy and curly hair.
  3. To start combing, go to the comb and carefully take it in your hand.
  4. Stand in front of the mirror, smile, bring the comb to the roots of your hair.
  5. Now slowly move the comb down towards the ends of your hair.
  6. If there are obstacles in the form of knots on the way of the comb, then run the comb over them several times with gentle pressure, while you may cry out slightly.
  7. Each strand of hair must be processed with a comb.
  8. Combing can be considered complete when the comb does not encounter a single knot on its way.
  9. After finishing combing, you need to rinse the comb with water and place it in a specially designated place.
  10. If a tooth of a comb breaks off, you need to throw it in the trash.
  11. If all the teeth of the comb have broken off, send it after the tooth.

Try writing instructions for a saucepan, or slippers, or a glasses case. It will be interesting!

Exercise 9. Making up a story

Stories can be composed different ways, for example, based on a picture or on a given topic. This will help, by the way. And I suggest you try to compose a story based on the words that must be present in this story.

As always, an example.

The words are given: Olga Nikolaevna, poodle, sparkles, turnip, salary, gray hair, castle, flood, maple, song.

This is what Sasha did.

Olga Nikolaevna was walking down the street. She was leading her poodle Artemon on a leash; the poodle was all shiny. Yesterday he broke the lock on the cabinet, got to the box of glitter and poured it all over himself. Artemon also chewed through the pipe in the bathroom and caused a real flood. When Olga Nikolaevna came home from work and saw all this, gray hair appeared in her hair. And now they were going for turnips, because turnips calm the nerves. But turnips were expensive, costing half their salary. Before entering the store, Olga Nikolaevna tied the poodle to a maple tree and, humming a song, went inside.

Now try it yourself! Here are three sets of words:

  1. Doctor, traffic light, headphones, lamp, mouse, magazine, frame, exam, janitor, paper clip.
  2. First-grader, summer, hare, button, gap, fire, Velcro, shore, plane, hand.
  3. Konstantin, jump, samovar, mirror, speed, sadness, step, ball, list, theater.

Exercise 10. Let's put things in order

We've already worked as detectives. Now I propose to work as police officers. The fact is that the words in well-known proverbs and sayings have violated the order. We will fight against order breakers. Try to arrange the words as they should be.

  1. Food, time comes, in, appetite.
  2. You will pull out, without, labor, from, a fish, a pond, without.
  3. Measure, one, ah, one, seven, cut, one.
  4. And, ride, sled, you love, carry, love.
  5. They are waiting, no, seven, for one.
  6. A word to the cat, and it’s nice and kind.
  7. A hundred, ah, rubles, have, no, have, friends, a hundred.
  8. Falls, no, apple trees, far, apple, from.
  9. Flowing, stone, not, water, lying, under.
  10. In autumn, they count the chickens.

I want to clarify. We don't do this on purpose. That is, there is no such thing that I say: “Come on, Alexandra, sit down at the table, let’s develop our thinking!” No. All this in between, if we go somewhere, we go, before bed instead of books. It’s very interesting to study, so you don’t have to force anyone.

Well, now the promised answers to the match puzzles!

Answers to puzzles

About two triangles made of five matches.

About two squares out of seven.

We get three squares.

We unfold the arrow (watch the color of the sticks).

Turn the fish.

And about two equilateral triangles.

I recently discovered this video on the Internet. It has completely different exercises. We tried, but so far it’s difficult. Well, let's practice. Take a look, maybe it will be useful to you too?

Go for it! Get busy! Grow together with your children. Try these golden exercises. Show off your results in the comments!

Thank you for your attention!

And I look forward to visiting you again! You are always welcome here!

Every day a person feels the need to use logic when solving problems. The formation and development of logical thinking is aimed at preventing mistakes that are made despite the presence of life experience, common sense.

People need logic almost every day to solve a variety of problems. It is used in scientific research, in organizing official work, routine, and personal life. All these spheres are based on its elements. By developing logical thinking, people can cope with other everyday problems faster and more rationally. For example, this is the ability to highlight the main thing, discarding the secondary. Let's look at how to develop these skills below.

Basic functions of logical thinking

Mental activity consistently establishes existing connections between objects and phenomena, as well as relationships between them. Cognition moves to more high level compared to sense perception, which gives only an external representation without awareness of the principles.

This process also plays a regulatory and communicative role. People often carry it out in verbal form when communicating. Thoughts are expressed in words, spoken or written. The acquisition of a skill begins in childhood through contact with adults. The following types of thinking are distinguished.

  1. Visually effective.
  2. Visual figurative.
  3. Verbal and logical thinking.
  4. Abstract-logical.

The first two varieties rely on the perception of objects when interacting with them or on their images. Verbal-logical thinking includes operating with concepts, through which the patterns and relationships of reality are cognized. With its development, figurative and practical ideas are streamlined. Abstract logical thinking is otherwise called abstract thinking. It is based on identifying significant properties, connections and separating them from less significant ones. Reflecting reality during cognitive activity, the thought process is endowed with the following functions.

  1. Understanding, awareness of the role of concepts, scope of distribution. And also their classification.
  2. Solving problems related to life.
  3. Understanding reality helps an individual manage his activities, plan behavior, and motivate them.
  4. Reflection allows you to analyze both the activity and its result, and use knowledge meaningfully.

Logic is endowed with the following list of forms

  • A concept is a thought that reflects objects and phenomena.
  • A judgment expresses an attitude and assessment towards the content of a specific thought.
  • Inference connects various thoughts into a sequence of causes and effects.

The following logic functions are distinguished:

  • Cataloging correct methods thinking leading to truth.
  • Developing theories to study ways to implement the thought process.
  • Formalization of created theories in the form of symbols, signs.

Now it is easy to understand what functions logic and thinking perform together. The first in its meaning is formulated as “the science of the correct thought process” or “the art of reasoning.” Modernity defines it as a science about the laws and standards of intellectual activity. That (in turn) includes techniques, studies ways to achieve the right results in the form of truth. One of the primary tasks is to find out how it is possible to reach a conclusion from premises. And also get accurate knowledge, then understand the aspects.

Components of logical thinking

Having realized the tasks and forms of logical thinking, we can clearly formulate a definition this concept. This is a process with evidentiary properties. The goal is to obtain a conclusion from the premises. You should also consider its types in detail.

Figurative-logical thinking

This variety is otherwise called visual-figurative thinking. The situation is presented visually, operations are performed on the images of the objects included in it. In essence, it is imagination, which allows you to give a variety of vivid characteristics. Such mental activity and logical thinking begin to develop from the age of 1.5 years in childhood. You can check the level of development using the Raven Test - an auxiliary questionnaire. It allows you to derive your IQ, which is essentially a diagnostic of logical thinking with an objective assessment.

Development from 1936 by D. Raven and R. Penrose calculates IQ without depending on a person’s education or social affiliation. The progressive matrix scale is based on images of figures and does not include text. There are 60 tables with pictures connected by some dependence. The missing figure is located at the bottom of the image among 6 - 8 others. A person must establish a pattern, choose the right element that is missing. Tables are offered according to the principle of increasing task complexity.

Abstract logical thinking

This type uses non-existent categories - abstractions through which they think. Relationships are modeled not only for real objects, but also between created figurative representations. It is this kind of thinking that includes the forms: concept, judgment, inference.

Verbal and logical thinking

This type uses speech structures and language means. Verbal or verbal-logical thinking involves the ability to speak competently with the skillful use of the thought process. These are public appearances, arguments, and other situations where thoughts are expressed verbally.

Features of the development of logical thinking

Any person has the ability to process information. That is, literally everyone thinks, considering this a natural function of the brain. Basic and secondary forms of logical thinking make it possible to plan and regulate behavior. And also draw the right conclusions from the circumstances and organize the adoption of measures. We conclude that it is necessary to have the ability to think logically, which can be developed or trained.

This intellectual characteristic includes a number of skills:

  • theoretical basis;
  • ability to perform operations: generalize, compare, specify;
  • correct expression of thoughts;
  • ability to avoid misconceptions;
  • identifying errors;
  • finding the required arguments.

How to develop logical thinking

The skill is developed in several ways, and having studied such an art, a person will analyze information more correctly and quickly resolve problems that arise. Also, a culture of logical thinking helps to build a long-term perspective for your actions. This is facilitated by the ability to process available information.

How to develop logical thinking, ensuring yourself a comfortable response to various situations? It is necessary to learn to calculate the available aspects, eliminating unsuitable solutions, moving towards finding the correct conclusion - a conclusion. People with outstanding minds are constantly looking for new answers to the question of how to improve logical and other types of thinking. Politicians and business coaches are developing methods to help people improve.

How to develop logical thinking, moving from theory to practice? The most effective are:

  • puzzles that require quick wits and logic;
  • exercises for the development of logical thinking;
  • getting to know literature, reading books;

Let's take a closer look at how to develop logical thinking. To do this, it is proposed to use the following methods.


In books, many find not only a source of wisdom, but also an opportunity to diversify themselves. If we talk about purely logical thinking, we should use scientific and fiction. There is much more knowledge regarding practical skills there than in reference books. And also all the main forms of implementation of these abilities are applied. How to develop logical thinking through books? You need to read at least 10 sheets daily. Each line and chapter is subject to analysis, whereby the information received will remain in the head, gradually accumulating. And also predictions are made: what the end will be, what will happen to the characters.


An ancient example is that chess develops thinking. Since childhood, many have been familiar with simpler checkers. Opponents learn to plan their actions for several moves, which leads one of them to victory. Training logical thinking will require dedicating up to 3 hours a day to this activity. Nowadays there are many games on computer and mobile devices. A kind of simulator available at any time of the day or night.

Special exercises

Mathematical problems in school and university programs can serve as an example. Logical forms of thinking in psychology provide for separate types that develop them. This is how children should learn to explain conclusions and come to the right decisions.

Introduction to foreign languages

This provides new information that activates the abilities and activity of the brain at a very high level. A person makes associations between phrases, words, sounds from his own and foreign speech. How can you improve your logical thinking in this way? There are online courses available on the Internet. As well as lessons that can be downloaded. You should study every day; it is recommended to enroll in a language school.

Brain fitness secrets

You can learn about the specifics and results of developing thinking abilities at special trainings. Brain fitness includes programs and exercises similar to physical training. Parameters and performance of the intellect are improved: super-memory or speed reading. Almost any such courses require logic and develop it. You just need to choose your field correctly, be it science, improving a child’s abilities, or something else.

Exercises to develop logical thinking

You can find a lot of educational games and riddles on the Internet. These are crosswords, puzzles, reversi, sudoku, which are liked by both adults and children. For example, the game “Scrabble” helps to increase vocabulary and speed up logic. You should download the gaming application to your computer, and then use it in your free time. The brain can be trained at home, on the way by transport, in moments of waiting, while spending time profitably. To achieve maximum results, regularity is important.

They offer a variety of exercises. For example, by ordering words on one topic. A chain of concepts is built from the specific to the general: shepherd - name of the breed - dog - animal. You need to try to pick up as many words included in the chain as possible. The training is carried out twice a day, spending a quarter of an hour.

Courses, books for development and training of thinking

An example of a book about practical use logic is "Sherlock Holmes" by A. Conan Doyle. You can familiarize yourself with the “Textbook of Logic” by G. I. Chelpanov. There is similar literature for schools, universities and specialized educational institutions. Additionally, development training will be effective:

  • memory and attention;
  • creative thinking, writing skills;
  • speed reading, mental arithmetic;
  • psychology.

Thinking - highest function human consciousness. It reflects the world, is able to replenish its stock of knowledge, and make new judgments. It is necessary to develop its logic with childhood. Then the skill to find the right solutions will appear in time.

Development of logical thinking junior schoolchildren- one of the most important areas of student learning. The importance of this process is indicated learning programs And methodological literature. The best way to improve logical thinking is both at school and at home, but not everyone knows which methods will be most effective for this. As a result, logical learning takes the form of a spontaneous one, which negatively affects general level student development. It happens that even high school students do not know how to think logically, using the techniques of analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc. You will learn from our article how to properly develop the logical thinking of younger schoolchildren.

Peculiarities of thinking of elementary school students

The thinking of elementary school students has peculiarities

By the time a child starts going to school, he mental development characterized by a very high level.

“Each age period of a child is characterized by the leading significance of some mental process. In early childhood, the leading role is played by the formation of perception, in the preschool period - by memory, and in younger schoolchildren the main role is the development of thinking.”

The thinking of elementary school students has its own peculiarities. It was during this period visual-figurative thinking, which previously had primary meaning, transforms into verbal-logical, conceptual. That's why in primary school It is extremely important to pay attention to the development of logical thinking.

Younger schoolchildren develop their logical thinking by regularly completing tasks and learning to think when they need to.

The teacher teaches:

  • find connections in life around you
  • develop correct concepts
  • apply the studied theoretical principles in practice
  • analyze using mental operations (generalization, comparison, classification, synthesis, etc.).

All this has a positive effect on the development of logical thinking in younger schoolchildren.

Pedagogical conditions

Properly created pedagogical conditions stimulate the development of logical thinking in schoolchildren

In order to develop and improve the logical thinking of younger schoolchildren, it is necessary to create pedagogical conditions conducive to this.

Primary school education should focus on the teacher helping every student reveal your abilities. This is true when the teacher takes into account the individuality of each person. In addition, it helps to unlock the potential of a younger student diverse educational environment.

Let's consider pedagogical conditions, contributing to the formation of the student’s logical thinking:

  1. Lesson activities that encourage children to think. It is better when such tasks are not only in mathematics lessons, but also in all others. And some teachers take logical five-minute breaks between lessons.
  2. Communication with the teacher and peers - during and after school hours. Reflecting on the answer, ways to solve the problem, students suggest different variants solutions, and the teacher asks them to justify and prove the correctness of their answer. Thus, primary schoolchildren learn to reason, compare various judgments, and draw conclusions.
  3. It’s good when the educational process is filled with elements where the student:
    • can compare concepts (objects, phenomena),
    • understand the differences between common features and distinctive (private)
    • highlight essential and non-essential features
    • ignore unimportant details
    • analyze, compare and summarize.

“The success of the full development of logical thinking in a primary school student depends on how comprehensively and systematically this is taught.”

Primary school is the best period for targeted work on the active development of logical thinking. All sorts of things can help make this period productive and productive. didactic games, exercises, tasks and assignments aimed at:

  • developing the ability to think independently
  • learning to draw conclusions
  • effective use of acquired knowledge in mental operations
  • search characteristic features in objects and phenomena, comparison, grouping, classification according to certain criteria, generalization
  • using existing knowledge in various situations.

Logic exercises and games

The means for developing the logical thinking of a primary school student must be selected taking into account the goals, as well as focusing on the individual characteristics and preferences of the child.

It is useful to use non-standard tasks, exercises, and games for the development of mental operations both in the classroom and when teaching children at home. Today they are not in short supply, since a large number of printing, video and multimedia products, and a variety of games have been developed. All these means can be used, selected taking into account the goals, as well as focusing on the individual characteristics and preferences of the child.

Video with an example of a game for a tablet aimed at developing the logical thinking of primary schoolchildren

Exercises and games for logical thinking

  1. "The fourth wheel." The exercise is to eliminate one item that lacks some feature common to the other three (it’s convenient to use cards with images here).
  2. "What is missing?". You need to come up with the missing parts of the story (beginning, middle or end).
  3. "Do not snooze! Continue!". The point is for students to quickly name the answers to the questions.

During reading lessons:

  • Who pulled the last turnip?
  • What was the name of the boy from “Tsvetik-seventsvetik”?
  • What was the name of the boy with the long nose?
  • Who did the fiancé of the ticking fly defeat?
  • Who scared the three little pigs?

In Russian lessons:

  • What word contains three letters "o"? (trio)
  • Which city's name indicates that it is angry? (Grozny).
  • Which country can you wear on your head? (Panama).
  • What mushroom grows under the aspen tree? (Boletus)
  • How can you spell the word "mousetrap" using five letters? ("Cat")

In science lessons:

  • Is a spider an insect?
  • Do ours blow migratory birds nests in the south? (No).
  • What is the name of the butterfly larva?
  • What does a hedgehog eat in winter? (Nothing, he's sleeping).

In mathematics lessons:

  • Three horses ran 4 kilometers. How many kilometers did each horse run? (4 kilometers each).
  • There were 5 apples on the table, one of which was cut in half. How many apples are there on the table? (5.)
  • Name a number that has three tens. (thirty.)
  • If Lyuba stands behind Tamara, then Tamara ... (stands in front of Lyuba).

"Advice. For enrichment educational process, and also for homework, use logical problems and riddles, puzzles, rebuses and charades, numerous examples of which you can easily find in various teaching aids, as well as on the Internet.”

Tasks that activate the brain

There are many tasks that activate the brain

Tasks to develop the ability to analyze and synthesize

  1. Connecting elements together:

“Cut out the necessary shapes from the different ones offered to make a house, a ship and a fish.”

  1. To search for different signs of an object:

“Tell me how many sides, angles and vertices a triangle has?”

“Nikita and Egor did the long jump. On his first try, Nikita jumped 25 cm further than Egor. With the second, Egor improved his result by 30 cm, and Nikita jumped the same as with the first. Who jumped further on the second attempt: Nikita or Egor? How long? Guess it!”

  1. To recognize or compile an object based on certain characteristics:

“What number comes before the number 7? What number comes after the number 7? Behind the number 8?

Classification skills tasks:

"What common?":

1) Borscht, pasta, cutlet, compote.

2) Pig, cow, horse, goat.

3) Italy, France, Russia, Belarus.

4) Chair, desk, wardrobe, stool.

“What’s extra?”- a game that allows you to find common and unequal properties of objects, compare them, and also combine them into groups according to the main characteristic, that is, classify them.

“What unites?”- a game that forms such logic operations as comparison, generalization, classification according to a variable attribute.

For example: take three pictures with images of animals: a cow, a sheep and a wolf. Question: “What unites a cow and a sheep and distinguishes them from a wolf?”

Task for developing the ability to compare:

“Natasha had several stickers. She gave 2 stickers to her friend and she has 5 stickers left. How many stickers did Natasha have?”

Tasks to find essential features:

“Name the characteristic of the object.” For example, a book - what is it? What material is it made of? What size is it? How thick is it? What is its name? What subjects does it apply to?

Useful games: “Who lives in the forest?”, “Who flies in the sky?”, “Edible - inedible.”

Comparison tasks:

Comparison by color.

a) blue
b) yellow
c) white
d) pink.

Comparison by shape. Need to name more items:

a) square shape
b) round shape
c) triangular in shape
d) oval.

Let's compare 2 items:

a) pear and banana
b) raspberries and strawberries
c) sled and cart
d) car and train.

Let's compare the seasons:

Conversation with students about the characteristics of the seasons. Reading poems, fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, sayings about the seasons. Drawing on the theme of the seasons.

Non-standard logical problems

One of the most effective ways To develop logical thinking in elementary school is to solve non-standard problems.

“Did you know that mathematics has a unique developmental effect? It stimulates the development of logical thinking, the most the best way forming methods of mental work, expanding intellectual abilities child. Children learn to reason, notice patterns, apply knowledge in various fields, to be more attentive and observant.”

In addition to mathematical tasks, the brain of younger schoolchildren is developed puzzles, different types tasks with sticks and matches(laying out a figure from a certain number of matches, moving one of them to get another picture, connecting several points with one line without lifting your hand).

Problems with matches

  1. You need to make 2 identical triangles from 5 matches.
  2. You need to fold 2 identical squares from 7 matches.
  3. You need to make 3 identical triangles from 7 matches.

Comprehensive development of thinking is also ensured by puzzle games: “Rubik’s Cube”, “Rubik’s Snake”, “Tag” and many others.

Well-developed logical thinking will help a child in his studies, making learning easier, more enjoyable and interesting.

The games, exercises and tasks proposed in this article are aimed at developing the logical thinking of younger schoolchildren. If these tasks are gradually made more difficult, the result will be better every day. And flexible, plastic thinking and quick reactions will help the child in his studies, making the acquisition of knowledge easier, more enjoyable and more interesting.
