Who Pechorin is the culprit or the victim of the tragedy (according to Bel's story) essay. Who is Pechorin - the culprit or the victim of the tragedy? Who Pechorin is the culprit or the victim

The purpose of the lesson: put the character in the center of attention, revealing the psychological richness of Lermontov's prose; reveal the initial perception of Pechorin; the role of the narrator; determine the role of composition in revealing the ideological concept of the novel; to interest the children in the romantic plot of the story "Bela" and the personality of the "strange man" Pechorin.

During the classes:

Introductory conversation.

My first impression of Pechorin.

Seriously or ironically called Lermontov Pechorin a hero of his time?

What actions of Pechorin cause condemnation, which - sympathy?

Is there anyone in the novel who is more significant and better than Pechorin?

Vocabulary work:

Psychological landscape

Social psychological novel

Philosophical novel

Roman confession


1. "Hero of our time"(1837 - 1840) - Lermontov's pinnacle creation, the first socio-psychological and philosophical novel in the history of Russian literature.

a) Socio-psychological novel, confessional novel, travel novel, philosophical novel (definition from a dictionary). Examples: "Confession" by Rousseau, "The Suffering of Young Werther" by Goethe, "Child Harold's Pilgrimage" by Byron, "Confession of the Son of the Century" by Musset. What writers posed the problem - personality and society, man? In Russian literature - Griboyedov in the comedy "Woe from Wit", Pushkin in "Eugene Onegin". And at the same time, "Hero ..." is a new word in Russian and world literature.

b) Using the achievement of a realistic novel in Pushkin's poetry, Lermontov created a new type of novel - socio-psychological and philosophical + sharp plot and narrative dynamics.

c) The problem of personality is central in the novel. "The history of the human soul is almost more curious and not more useful than the history of an entire nation," Lermontov says in the novel.

Man and destiny, man and his purpose, the purpose and meaning of human life, its possibilities and reality, free will and necessity - all these questions are posed by Lermontov. Personality in its relation to society, in its conditionality by socio-historical circumstances and at the same time in counteracting them - Lermontov's special approach to this issue.

The image of Pechorin is one of the artistic discoveries of Lermontov. It expressed the peculiarity of the post-Decembrist era, when on the surface "only losses, a cruel reaction were visible, but inside" great work was being done ... deaf and silent, but active and uninterrupted "(Herzen).

d) Perhaps, not a single work of Lermontov was expressed as many opposing judgments as about a novel. In the "Preface" Lermontov writes: "The hero of our time is like a portrait, but not of one person..."

e) Here is an excerpt from Pechorin’s diary, where on the eve of the duel with Grushnitsky he wrote: “And maybe I will die tomorrow! .. and not a single creature will remain on earth who would understand me completely. Some revere me worse, others better, than I really am ... some will say: he was a good fellow, others - a bastard! Both will be false. "

Who is he, the hero of our time?

To do this, it is necessary to give a socio-psychological assessment of the hero, to study his character.

The head of "Bela": Lermontov's hero is "strange", and the events are unusual.

(answers to homework questions).

One of the merits of Lermontov is the deepening of ideas about the real complexity of human nature. Pechorin talks about his duality.

Lermontov talks about natural ratio And spirituality in man(nerves, circulation of blood).

(the soul either submits to natural inclinations, or fights with them, or defeats them; from this - villains, or people of high virtue).

Soul capable of self-construction. Natural inclinations, desires, passions These are the prerequisites for spiritual life. This is how the children of nature live - the highlanders: bright, strong-willed, completely subordinate to the passions raging in them.

Can it heal civilized hero corrupted by "civilization" through love for a savage?

The illusion of harmony in a "wild" society is untenable. Her love turned out to be “little better than the love of a noble lady; the ignorance and simple-heartedness of some are just as annoying as the coquetry of others.

In terms of inclinations, temperament, Pechorin is close to the highlanders, but he is far from them as a person of developed consciousness. Pechorin is a man of a certain time, a social environment, this is a nobleman - an intellectual of the Nikolaev era, this is a victim and a hero in one person. Whose "soul is corrupted by light", torn into two halves, the best of which and the highest evaporated, died ... while the other lived at the service of everyone.

But Lermontov showed Pechorin as a man of high self-awareness. Onegin is distinguished not only by deep thoughts and feelings, willpower, but also by the degree of self-awareness.

Pechorin's intense thoughts, his analysis, introspection - this is a necessary stage in a person's life, growing into a person, self-report.

For Pechorin, passions are not the only and not the main source of human actions and movements. The beginning of his action is the will.

The impulsive actions of Kazbich and Azamat oppose the intellectual volitional actions of Pechorin. But reality does not give him the opportunity to act in a social society, he does not have a clear goal in life, this is one of the sources of his tragedy.

But there is a vital goal - comprehension of the nature of "human capabilities" over oneself and others, self-building oneself as a person, measuring oneself as a person with an unknown hero and a lofty purpose.

The appearance of a person is a reflection of the inner world of a person. What is the portrait of Pechorin?

(The man is an extraordinary, complex inner world, high intellect. The man is mysterious, contradictory, "strongly built", but he has a small hand with pale fingers, "female tenderness of the skin", something childish in his smile.

The inconsistency of nature is manifested in the discrepancy between the expression of the eyes and face: "they did not laugh when he laughed.")

Boredom and selfishness are explained not by inner emptiness, but by deeper causes that have distorted the nature of the heroic personality. Boredom symbolizes Pechorin's inner dissatisfaction with his life. Pechorin is looking for happiness, perfection. As a well-established person, Pechorin feels his own weaknesses, but the desire for the high, the noble does not die in him. Pechorin's nature is rich, but his own actions are below the possibilities that are in his nature. (social prejudices turn the hero into an egoist who brings grief and tragedy to people).

In Pechorin's soul, the developed egoistic position is struggling with the "natural" outlook on life.

He contemplates nature. Familiarization with simple human truths gives him joy, happiness, an unperverted, natural beginning is alive in him.

The commonality of the experiences of the narrator Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin is a mutual attraction to each other. In these moments of spiritual insight, Pechorin is immersed in the contemplation of nature, which gives a sensual idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba life worthy of a person.

The Caucasus is not only wild nature, but also an unenlightened, uncivilized country with its own customs.

If in romantic works the Caucasus is an ideal home for whole, independent, proud people, then in A Hero of Our Time it is a different idea. Man is corrupted everywhere.

First conversation with Maxim Maksimych. Passion for money.

Selfishness, selfishness are characteristic of both Azamat and Kazbich. The brother sells his sister to satisfy selfishness, Bela is killed to take revenge on the offender.

Pechorin plays on passions that are far from pure.

Pechorin awakens the true face in everyone, makes everyone express their nature in feelings, thoughts, actions.

And Bela? Simplicity of feelings, immediacy, inner dignity.

The incompatibility of this with selfishness in the minds of the people around her makes her death inevitable. Bela is helpless in a world that is alien to her.

Maxim Maksimych is natural to the world: he is accustomed to nature, customs, and mores of the highlanders, but he is uncomfortable in the incomprehensible environment of Pechorin. The Russian man Pechorin is strange to him.

The dream of returning to natural life is a utopia.

The hero in the representation of artists. Comparison of illustrations by Serov, Vrubel, Nepomniachtchi.

Who is more right in relation to the other: Pechorin or Maxim Maksimych?

How does Maxim Maksimych see Pechorin?

What impression did Pechorin make on you in this chapter?

Portrait of Pechorin: "evil disposition" or "deep, constant sadness" at the heart of his character?

How does the form of the narrative change, its characteristic tone?

Textbook - pp. 268 - 270.

Individual tasks:

Forms of narration in the stories "Bela" and "Maxim Maksimych". The language and style of the story.

What is common between the narrator and Pechorin?

(travelers, both write, have the same attitude towards nature ...)

Subject: Chapter "Maxim Maksimych". Who is more right in relation to the other: Pechorin or Maxim Maksimych? (lesson dialogue).

"What to do? ... everyone has his own way."

"Maxim Maksimych"

The purpose of the lesson: to help students understand the reason for the alienation of a "simple" person and a "hero of time", to give the concept of a psychological portrait in revealing the inner world of a hero.

Inconsistency and inseparability.

Vocabulary work:

Psychologism- in-depth depiction of psychological and emotional experiences.

Individualism- a moral principle that puts the interests of the individual above the interests of society.

During the classes:

1 . Why does the story "Maxim Maksimych" follow the story "Bela", and does not complete the novel?

2 . Comparison of narrative forms in the story "Bela" and "Maxim Maksimych". (Language and style of the story "Maxim Maksimych")

Individual task: What's the point?

Why is the portrait of Pechorin given against the backdrop of a fresh and beautiful morning?

3 . Portrait of Pechorin: reflection in his appearance of the complexity of the spiritual world of the hero; his psychology.

What personality traits of Pechorin are revealed in his portrait?

What is the basis of Pechorin's character - "evil temper" or "deep, constant sadness"?

4. Scene "meeting-farewell" Pechorin with Maxim Maksimych" - reading.

Can they be called friends?

In what ways are they opposite to each other?

How do you explain Pechorin's coldness during his last meeting with the staff captain? Did he want to offend him or is he indifferent to him?

Why didn't he stay with him for dinner?

5. What was required of Pechorin to bring joy to Maxim Maksimych?

Does Pechorin have an internal justification before Maxim Maksimych?

How do you understand the phrase: "What to do? ... To each his own way"?

How Pechorin's indifference to fate, to the past, was revealed in the last meeting; how he tries to soften the coldness.

6. Why did the writer call this chapter "Maxim Maksimych"?

7. Conclusions.

A summer morning in the mountains is striking in its freshness, when everything in nature rejoices in the sun and a new day, as if emphasizing Pechorin's weary indifference to everything around him. Farewell conversation: Pechorin's indifference and coldness reaches its highest point. He is cold not only to Maxim Maksimych, but also to himself, he is in a hurry, although he does not know where and why, and is not sure whether he will return.

In the center of attention is the portrait of Pechorin. Through the external features of the hero, one can more deeply comprehend his inner spiritual world.

Reading a portrait - what impression will Pechorin make "on another" - on you?

The position of the story "Maxim Maksimych" between "Bela" and "Taman" is justified. After the story of Maxim Maksimych about Pechorin, it is natural for a fellow traveler to see Pechorin from the side of kindred consciousness.

In Russian life there was a world, natural, but alien to Pechorin. Maxim Maksimych is from this world.

We present the essence of the hero's relationship to a simple Russian person.

Pechorin's inattention to the staff captain reveals the impossibility for the hero to take the point of view of a simple person or immerse himself in the natural world.

The naive integrity of Maxim Maksimych is alien to the intellectually developed, but devoid of integrity, nature of Pechorin.

There is an abyss between them. Pechorin is aware of the imperfection of the world and is trying to find a way out, while Maxim Maksimych sees only the strangeness of the world.

The patriarchy of Maxim Maksimych, his striving for natural simplicity are also dying - the naive whole world is collapsing. From the positions of Maxim Maksimych, it is impossible to solve the complex issues of being.

At a meeting: "I missed you!"

Life experience taught Pechorin to be bored. This motif is the opposite of "fun". Boredom symbolizes Pechorin's inner dissatisfaction with his life and reflects a rational attitude towards people and reality. Boredom is a constant companion of Pechorin, who has studied to the subtlety the secret springs that drive people's behavior. Boredom is a sign of everything settled.

"Fun" calls to life all human feelings . Boredom is a disease that afflicted the generation born in the post-Decembrist era.(The boredom of the narrator, Pechorin, Princess of Lithuania, Mary.) to overcome boredom means to overcome reality, to show one's will for its course.

Pechorin, with his will, temporarily overcomes boredom, but cannot overcome it. Fate sends him "fun" - an adventure, but it turns into boredom, because. it only superficially resembles that cheerful feeling of solidarity with the world, the creative state of the soul.

At the heart of Pechorin's will - individualism. Pechorin is proud of his freedom and at the same time is looking for connections with life, with people. This is the trouble and the fault of the hero. The hero is "the cause of the unhappiness of others, but he himself is no less unhappy."

Pechorin often crosses the line separating good and evil, since, in his opinion, in modern society they have long lost their certainty. This gives him the features of "demonism".

Maxim Maksimych is a "purely Russian type", he has a wonderful soul, a heart of gold. He is human. But inert, limited his mental horizons. Reality accepts the way it is, without reasoning, did "his duty". His character is not as harmonious as it seems at first glance. The character of Maxim Maksimych is the embodiment of the best qualities of the Russian people, and on the other hand, this person is limited, he is dominated by the forces of age-old traditions, such people are the support of power. ("Sorry! I'm not Maxim Maksimych: I'm a staff captain."). They are antipodes.

"Inconsistency and inseparability," so Blok defined these heroes. The relationship between Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych is a reflection of the relationship between the advanced Russian intelligentsia and the people, their unity and disunity.

For Lermontov, the fullness of truth in their rapprochement, to extract from their collision the highest truth of life is the main philosophical aesthetic principle of the novel.


1) Page Textbook - "Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych".

2) Reading "Taman".

How is Pechorin revealed in his story with smugglers?

Individual task:

2) What inspired the story? How is it built? What pages seemed mysterious and captivating?

Artistic means - romantic lyrics?

3) Lyrical subtext of descriptions of nature. The language of the story (beauty, lyricism, clarity and simplicity of language, rhythm).

4) What is the difference between Pechorin in "Taman" and Pechorin in the story "Bela" and "Maxim Maksimych"?

5) "Historical reference" about "Taman".

Topic: "And why did fate throw me into a peaceful circle of honest smugglers?" ("Taman")

I don't know the language better than Lermontov's

The purpose of the lesson: discover the beauty and poetry of the world in the story "Taman"; find an explanation for Pechorin's actions and feelings: a sense of the world as a mystery, a passionate interest in life and people, a thirst for activity and its aimlessness, a critical attitude towards oneself.

Continue developing the skills of stylistic text analysis.

During the classes:

Lexical work.

Smuggler- secret transportation of goods.

Irony- subtle, hidden mockery.

Dissonance- something that brings discord, comes into conflict with a person, inconsistency.

Indifference- indifference, indifference to people.


We came to the conclusion that Pechorin is a "strange" person, unusual, mysterious. Belinsky claims that we see the clue to Pechorin in his journal. The external contradictions of Pechorin (his portrait) suggest an internal dissonance. Familiarity with the diary will confirm this. You were inclined to accuse Pechorin of almost murder. Feel the complexity of his nature - felt, but did not understand. If his hands told who he was, then his eyes - what he is. "They didn't laugh when he laughed!" This is a sign of either an evil disposition, or a deep constant sadness. "Which assumption is correct: an evil Pechorin or a sad one?

Pechorin could not find peace in the wild natural world of the highlanders, he is far from the world of ordinary people, he will not be able to come to patriarchy.

3. Conversation on the story "Taman" (based on homework).

In "Taman" Lermontov turns the plot situation of "Bela" in a different direction, these stories are viewed one through the other.

Lermontov’s thought is understandable - if the hero’s revival is impossible with the help of the love of a savage, torn from the natural environment, then maybe the hero’s immersion in the wild, dangerous world of “honest smugglers”, some semblance of the same natural state, will be saving for Pechorin? (reading and analysis of the text of the story).

But Lermontov is a great artist, he sees that the romantic world of smugglers is as far from the original naturalness as the wild, unenlightened Caucasian region. It has rough, simple relationships, but even in the depths of their thought, Pechorin guesses a selfish interest. The whole intonation of the story about the blind boy sounds like a requiem to the irretrievably departed romantic world of the original spontaneous liberty.

“For a long time, in the light of the moon, a white sail flickered between the dark waves; the blind man was still sitting on the shore, and then I heard something like sobs; the blind boy was definitely crying, and for a long, long time ... ”But the blind boy is not an ideal character either, but a little selfish person infected with vices.

The world in which "honest smugglers" live is imperfect, prudent, far from its original purity.

The hero himself, accidentally falling into this world, feels extremely uncomfortable in it. This environment is natural, but there are both selfish and simple feelings in it. It is no coincidence that Taman stands on the outskirts - it is a provincial, abandoned, nasty town, close to both civilization and nature, but not so much that the influence of one or the other was predominant.

Both civilization and the sea give them a face. People are infected with selfishness. But they are brave, strong, proud and courageous in their own way.

Bela is helpless in a world alien to her. Yanko, the "undine", the blind boy and the old woman are not only helpless in the face of fate, but are also able to resist it, fight danger, risk their lives. Danko's courage delights Pechorin.

But the hero himself in this environment turned out to be powerless, internally unprepared for the dangers of natural life.

If in “Bel” Pechorin predicts events, shows perseverance, is confident in his strength, then in “Taman” he is weak, unable to foresee.

His thoughts and feelings are shackled. He is deceived in his feelings: unlike a blind boy, he cannot distinguish the splash of oars on the water from the splash of the water itself; he makes mistakes in the “undine”, in it everything is mysterious for Pechorin, everything is indefinite, unclear, strange.

Homework: reading and analysis of the story "Princess Mary".

Subject: "Why do they all hate me?" Pechorin and the Water Society.

The purpose of the lesson: to show why Pechorin's collision with the "water society" is inevitable; reveal what is the incompatibility of the protagonist and Grushnitsky; deepening students' ideas about the complex spiritual world of Pechorin, ways of depicting it; formulation of the concept of the genre of the socio-psychological novel.

During the classes:

1. Lexical work:

inertia - inactivity

reflection- thinking about your inner state, introspection.

2. Generalization of knowledge:

Why are Pechorin's attempts to get close to people far from his circle unsuccessful: Maxim Maksimych, highlanders, smugglers?

3. "Princess Mary" - reading and analysis of the story.

Story conflict.

Why does Pechorin's journal begin with a landscape?

How does the intonation of the narration change when the author proceeds to describe the "water society"?

Why does Pechorin conflict with the "water society"?

Why was a "hostile gang" formed against Pechorin?

Characteristics of the "water society" (diversity of composition, occupations and interests, lack of genuine spirituality, emptiness and falsehood).

Artistic techniques (representation of a noble society, Lermontov's attitude towards it).

Lesson #53
The theme is "Strange Man". Who is Pechorin - the culprit or the victim of the tragedy? (The story "Maxim Maksimych").
Purpose To determine the reasons for the alienation of the "common man" Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin.
- The introduction of the concept of "psychological portrait", the repetition of the concept of "artistic detail" as a means of revealing the character, the soul of the hero.
- Improving the skill of expressive reading.
- Formation of the ability to analyze, interpret the text, the ability to express and argue their own opinion.
- Development of reflective-analytical thinking.
- Moral and aesthetic education.
Equipment Text of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time", Mickrosoft Power Point presentation.
Epigraph ... And embraced by darkness and cold
My soul is tired...
M. Yu. Lermontov
During the classes:
I. Org. moment II. Checking homework III. Work on the topic of the lesson 1. The word of the teacher I would like to start our lesson with the words of V. G. Belinsky about the novel by M. Yu. hand."
Indeed, reading the novel is a real pleasure. This is an amazing psychological novel in which “you will not find a word that could be thrown out or inserted; the whole novel from beginning to end sounds like one harmonic chord.
Lermontov wrote the first book in Russian literature in which the main thing is not the course of events and not the mutual relations of the characters, but those internal processes that occur in the mind, in the heart and mind of a person.
The value of the novel is that it brings to the fore moral and philosophical questions that are important in any era: to accept or not to accept the world if a person cannot achieve happiness in it? What choice should be made: in favor of blind faith in predestination or in favor of a rational, free attitude to being?
And they are connected with the image of the main character, "the hero of his time" - Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin.
In the “Preface to Pechorin’s Journal”, the author directly speaks of his goal: “the history of the human soul ... is almost more curious and not more useful than the history of a whole people ...” The story of Pechorin’s soul becomes the plot of the novel.
But the character of the hero is a mystery that the reader will have to solve gradually, from chapter to chapter. Today we turn to the chapter "Maxim Maksimych".

2. Setting the objectives of the lesson - Reading the first story "Bela", we were captured by the dramatic story of Pechorin's love for a Circassian woman.
- But the story was not reduced for the author to the history of the relationship between Pechorin and Bela. No less interesting is the image of staff captain Maxim Maksimych, who is, as it were, in the shadow of such a bright, ambiguous personality as Pechorin.
- Lermontov has an amazing poem written on behalf of an old soldier - "Testament"
Alone with you brother
I would like to be:
There is little in the world, they say
I have to live!
You will go home soon
Look... What is it? my destiny
To tell the truth, very
Nobody is concerned...
... My father and mother are hardly
Will you stay alive...
But if one of them is alive,
Tell me I'm lazy to write
That the regiment was sent on a campaign
And not to be expected.
- All this could probably be said about himself by Maxim Maksimych, a noble and strong-willed officer who for years exposed himself to military danger.
- What did you find out about him?
(An ordinary army officer. Service and life in the Caucasus influenced his soul and perception of life. He has seen a lot, he has a lot of experience behind him. He spent a lot of time in distant impregnable fortresses. Life among the soldiers undoubtedly affected his character. We we see that he has a rather narrow outlook. But this is not a consequence of his nature, but a consequence of the fact that for many years his entire circle of contacts consisted of Circassians and soldiers. Through his eyes, we look at the Circassians, their traditions and way of life. And we see that he enjoys their respect (invitation to the wedding)).
Despite the fact that he speaks of them with obvious disdain, he nevertheless studied their language well, knows their customs and customs well.
- Remember how he talked about the fact that he had no family (“I have no family. I have not heard of my father and mother for twelve years ...”).
- To whom does he give all his unspent feeling of love?
(He is very attached to Bela, fatherly loves her and Pechorin - the only person, perhaps, close to him - and so far away!)
- Isn't this a quality worthy of respect and admiration!
- Did you pay attention to how the story "Bela" ends? Published in Otechestvennye Zapiski in 1838 as an independent work, it would have been one. But the last paragraph is dedicated not to Bela, not to Pechorin, but to Maxim Maksimych.
(Read an excerpt).
She, as it were, prepares the transition to the next story, where Maxim Maksimych will take an even more important place - and she is named after him!
Although the main person in it is, of course, Pechorin.
3. Analysis of primary perception Chapter "Maxim Maksimych" ...
Less interesting in content, at first glance it seems so simple: there are no sharp clashes or struggles in it, no one dies here, as in Bela, Princess Mary or Fatalist.
- What is it about? What is its plot?
/ the plot is extremely simple: three people meet in Vladikavkaz and soon leave, each in his own way /.
4. Teacher's word - Why does the meeting between Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin end so sadly? Where and why is Pechorin in such a hurry?
To answer these questions, we turn to the text.
In the story "Bela" we hear about Pechorin from the lips of a person who knew him closely, but was unable to understand the complex nature of the hero, a man of a completely different consciousness - Maxim Maksimych. They are too different. Here the reader learns about Pechorin from the author, a wandering officer. This is a man of the Pechorin warehouse, with much greater insight.
Through his eyes, a portrait of the protagonist of the novel is given.
5. Conversation on questions
Writing in a notebook
Notebook entry - What is the reason for the change of narrators?
- Lermontov's task is to "understand" the "history of the human soul", to look into this soul as deeply as no one has looked before him. The portrait of Pechorin, the first psychological portrait in Russian literature, serves to fulfill the same task.
Portrait of Pechorin - the first psychological portrait in Russian literature
- What is a psychological portrait?
Psychological portrait - a description of appearance, combined with the penetration of the writer into the soul of the hero and with psychological analysis; such a portrait reveals the complexity and diversity of the character's appearance.
6. Analysis of the portrait of Pechorin Watch a video description of the appearance of the main character and write down positive and negative (strength and weakness) in two columns as you watch it, as well as demonic features in his appearance.
First, the growth, addition of the hero are described.
“He was of medium height, his slender, thin frame and broad shoulders proved a strong build, able to endure all the difficulties of nomadic life and climate change, not defeated either by the depravity of metropolitan life or spiritual storms ...”
- For the writer, as we see, it is not the picturesque impression of Pechorin that is important, but those features of appearance that help to understand his character. Immediately - at first glance - a strong person, both physically and mentally, is guessed in Pechorin.
- From height and build, the author moves on to clothing (text). What discrepancy is evident?
The family aristocrat (small hands, pale fingers, dazzlingly clean linen) - instead of shining in the drawing rooms - sits on a bench at the gates of a dirty hotel and waits for his horses to be pawned. Why is he here? Why? Some inconsistency is immediately evident. In everything we read further, this sense of inconsistency will intensify.
“His gait was careless and lazy, but ... he did not swing his arms, a sure sign of a secrecy of character ... When he sat down on the bench, his straight frame bent, as if he did not have a single bone in his back ... "
Negligence - and restraint. Slenderness, straightness of the camp - and relaxation. Having noted at first the strong constitution of Pechorin, the author now finds in his posture "nervous weakness" and even something feminine.
The same strangeness, unusualness, inconsistency - in the face.
“At first glance at his face, I would not have given him more than 23 years, although after that I was ready to give him 30.”
"Women's tenderness" of the skin; blond curly hair; pale, noble forehead - and traces of wrinkles ....
The appearance of a young, gentle boy - and a mature man at the same time.
Everything is unusual in this face.
- They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Lermontov devotes a whole paragraph to the eyes of Pechorin.
"They didn't laugh when he laughed!"
Let's summarize our observations.
Pechorin is a mysterious and dual person
His portrait combines features of strength and weakness.
This is a remarkable nature, as evidenced by his demonic features.
This is a complex nature, it cannot be judged by the first impression.
7. Analysis of the scene of the meeting between Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych - Listen to the fragment and answer the questions:
What do you think this meeting should have been like?
Why was Maxim Maksimych delighted when he learned about Pechorin's arrival?
What has changed in the life of the staff captain after meeting with Pechorin in the fortress?
What mark in the life of Pechorin could the meeting with Maxim Maksimych in the fortress leave?
Why did Pechorin talk so dryly with Maxim Maksimych?
Can it be justified?
Do you feel sorry for Maksim Maksimych?
What does Maxim Maksimych not understand?
8. Final conversation - Let's summarize our observations on the images of Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin.
The image of Maxim Maksimych
In a small work, the author managed to recreate the unique image of Maxim Maksimych - a simple-hearted and kind man, true to his affections. He is capable of deep and strong feelings, and at the same time he has self-control. This, according to V. G. Belinsky, is “a kind simpleton who does not even suspect how deep his nature is, how high and noble he is.”
Such people are rare, and friendship with them is happiness.
Pechorin met with such a person and passed by. To what extent it is necessary to be disappointed in people, to lose interest in life, for this to happen!
The image of Pechorin
Consider what happened with t. sp. Maksim Maksimych. His resentment habitually translates into an old man's grumbling for the new century. He cannot understand the true reasons for Pechorin's behavior and explains in his own way (text).
- What does Maxim Maksimych feel? Do we understand his feelings? Is he right when he says that Pechorin neglected him, because. he is "not rich, not official"?
Unfortunately, the staff captain could not understand that he had met with another Pechorin.
What? After all, this chapter is the last one!
/ Spiritually broken, disappointed /.
9. Analysis of the epigraph There is no trace left of the former irrepressible energy of interest in people (remember "Bela", "Taman").
Indifference and apathy reigned in his soul. Everything hurt him so badly that he had no desire either to tell about himself or to listen to another (he didn’t ask Maxim Maksimych about anything!)
Being a perceptive person, he could not help but notice the joy of Maxim Maksimych from the meeting and grief, but Pechorin was not up to him.
He says to Maxim Maksimych: "I'm in a hurry." But in fact he is running. From whom or what?
/From myself/.
Once he wrote that the "Diary" would eventually be a precious memory for him, but now he is indifferent to the fate of his notes. The past is crossed out, the present is not happy. The future is hopeless.
Such are the bleak results of an outstanding, gifted personality.
10. The word of the teacher "Hero of our time." "A portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation in their full development."
We saw the hero in two episodes of his life, separated from each other by five years.
In "Bel" he was active, active, tireless, he went to the wild boar alone, he was not afraid of either Chechen bullets or Kazbich's dagger. But even then Maxim Maksimych was amazed at the sudden variability of his character: “... and another time he sits in his room, the wind smells, he assures that he has caught a cold; If a shutter knocks, he shudders and turns pale…” Five years later, he became cold and indifferent – ​​that’s all we know.
Five long years passed lonely, fruitless, no joys, no hopes, no activity arose ...
There is no hope, there is no future. Pechorin is doomed. Why?
To open the veil over this secret of Pechorin's soul will help those very sheets that were carelessly left by the hero at Maxim Maksimych - "Pechorin's Diary".
But that's the topic of the next lesson.
IV. Homework Reread "Taman", answer the questions:
What is the role of landscape in the story?
How is the romantic atmosphere gradually destroyed?
How is the character of Pechorin revealed in the story?

Who is Pechorin the culprit or the victim of the tragedy? (on 1 chapter Hero of our time Bela) please give a detailed answer, sooo necessary ....


It is sad that such an outstanding nature so usually passed away. Pechorin is a victim of his era, his social origin. Gifted, smart, able to analyze, philosophize, understanding that he doesn’t live like that, does something wrong, admits his mistakes and tries to figure out his destiny, and does not find like-minded people, and does not nail to any shore, although painfully looking for. Everyone who comes into contact with the hero lives a banal, primitive life, everyone has their own values: Bela - to be loved; Faith is to adapt and consume without giving anything; Grushnitsky - climb the career ladder, throwing dust in his eyes; Werner - to intrigue and spread gossip; Maxim Maksimych - to defend the honor of the uniform ... No one can perceive Pechorin as he is, no one can understand his global nature. And he had a need to confess, not to stew in his own juice, to understand himself. To whom did he reveal himself? Maxim Maksimych: knows how to keep secrets, treated him like a son, has life experience, has seen in his lifetime ... But.. . The staff captain did not "grow" to the "dialectic of the soul" of the martyr, did not even show interest in the most intimate thing that the ward entrusted to him - the diary! Pechorin understood that he was born for something unusual, but he could not find a way out of the labyrinth of thoughts. "Teared off" from his environment, but became "superfluous" for life. Disappointed very early, because "woe from mind." I could not live like everyone else, adapting and being a hypocrite, pretending not to notice. He did not want to put a bullet in the forehead, timidly hoping, and "died on the way to Persia." He did not deny his guilt in anything, executing himself more severely than his victim, suffering more unbearably than she did (worst of all is the torment of his own conscience!). Involuntarily (not intentionally) offending others, he himself was a victim ... Solid contradictions in a controversial state with conflicting morals ...

Pechorin - who is he really - a villain or a victim?

An evil genius or a victim of society.

“The hero of our time,” says the author himself, “is a portrait made up of vices in their full development.” And in fact, at first, Pechorin appears to us as a villain, who else needs to be looked for. But then we understand him, and we pity him, and we sympathize a little with him. Pechorin is a multifaceted hero. In his journal, he himself tells us about the contradictory duality. He seems to be trying on different roles - either he is a boyfriend-lover, or an adventurer, or a friend, or a stranger. None of his roles brought much benefit to those around him, not to himself (except for entertainment). It follows that he is an evil genius. But still, a genius, albeit an evil one, is a talented person, and we don’t notice any talent other than breaking other people’s hearts or bringing grief. Well, who is he: an evil genius or a victim of society?

In "Bel" Pechorin appears before us for the first time and immediately we feel hostility. HE does not care about anyone, the main thing for him is to achieve the goal. He doesn't think Azamat can get in trouble after he stole Kazbich's horse. He does not think about Bela, who is in love with him, she is like a toy for him, albeit a favorite one. Pechorin mercilessly destroyed her family and made Bela a prisoner of the situation. And in principle, if he had not interfered in this story, Bela would probably have lived in peace for many years. Well, he's not an evil genius, is he?

In Maxim Maksimych, Pechorin almost immediately arouses our indignation. It is not a sin for old friends, who have not seen each other for a long time, who have lived through so many events, to meet. And Maksim Maksimych was so childishly glad that they would be able to see each other, he had been waiting for him for a long time, he wanted to hug him with all his heart. And instead, Pechorin meets him with such coldness and the attitude of a city dweller towards a provincial landowner. Here it is the abyss between generations, between classes. But no. Only then do we understand Pechorin. He does not want to remember the events in the fortress and see everything connected with that time. And here I feel a little sorry for him, but still he is not a victim of society.

In "Taman" in Pechorin, a living person wakes up for the first time. If before he acted with his mind, now with his heart. He is curious, he gets into the cycle of all these events, starts a light romance - not rational actions. Then he realizes the wrongness of his actions and regrets that he disturbed the "honest smugglers." And he again became indifferent to the world: “Yes, and what do I care about the joys and misfortunes of people, I am a wandering officer.”

And here again we meet Pechorin in Mary. There Pechorin showed himself not the best side. At least a fleeting infatuation with Princess and compromising her in front of society shows him at least as an egoist. Of course, he shot himself in a duel, but not in order to protect her honor, but his own. And then he broke up with her so cruelly, did not think about the feelings of the poor girl. Relations with Grushnitsky also did not work out. Their rivalry led to a duel, where Grushnitsky behaved like a coward. Why did Pechorin interfere in the relationship between Grushnitsky and Mary? For fun. Again, I hate it. Even his only serious love - Vera became indifferent to him, although at first he tried to catch up.

Pechorin himself considers himself a victim of society. In a conversation with the princess, when they were going to failure, he blamed society for everything:

I believe that Pechorin is not an evil genius and not a victim of society, but simply a person who lives only mainly by reason. His mind always told him how to make it profitable for himself. A person who never feels does just that. A person who is not alien to feelings would put himself in his place and would not hurt other people.


Who is Pechorin the culprit or the victim of the tragedy? (on 1 chapter Hero of our time Bela) please give a detailed answer, sooo necessary ....


It is sad that such an outstanding nature so usually passed away. Pechorin is a victim of his era, his social origin. Gifted, smart, able to analyze, philosophize, understanding that he doesn’t live like that, does something wrong, admits his mistakes and tries to figure out his destiny, and does not find like-minded people, and does not nail to any shore, although painfully looking for. Everyone who comes into contact with the hero lives a banal, primitive life, everyone has their own values: Bela - to be loved; Faith is to adapt and consume without giving anything; Grushnitsky - climb the career ladder, throwing dust in his eyes; Werner - to intrigue and spread gossip; Maxim Maksimych - to defend the honor of the uniform ... No one can perceive Pechorin as he is, no one can understand his global nature. And he had a need to confess, not to stew in his own juice, to understand himself. To whom did he reveal himself? Maxim Maksimych: knows how to keep secrets, treated him like a son, has life experience, has seen in his lifetime ... But.. . The staff captain did not "grow" to the "dialectic of the soul" of the martyr, did not even show interest in the most intimate thing that the ward entrusted to him - the diary! Pechorin understood that he was born for something unusual, but he could not find a way out of the labyrinth of thoughts. "Teared off" from his environment, but became "superfluous" for life. Disappointed very early, because "woe from mind." I could not live like everyone else, adapting and being a hypocrite, pretending not to notice. He did not want to put a bullet in the forehead, timidly hoping, and "died on the way to Persia." He did not deny his guilt in anything, executing himself more severely than his victim, suffering more unbearably than she did (worst of all is the torment of his own conscience!). Involuntarily (not intentionally) offending others, he himself was a victim ... Solid contradictions in a controversial state with conflicting morals ...

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