Odorless, quick-drying paint for interior work. Quick-drying, odorless floor paint: how long does it take to dry, do-it-yourself installation instructions, photo Floor paint without

Painting a floor is a fairly long and labor-intensive process. It must be admitted that it is even more difficult to do this with ordinary paints and varnishes due to the pungent, poisonous odor. In such a situation, it is impossible to be in the room, let alone work. Therefore, to avoid such inconveniences, an odorless, quick-drying, easy-to-use floor paint was created.

Quality and benefits

Many consumers do not know that construction market Odorless paints and enamels for wooden floors have long been available. Such coatings have made a real revolution in construction and finishing works due to many advantages:

  1. They dry quite quickly.
  2. Environmentally friendly.
  3. After painting the floor does not slip.
  4. There is no toxic odor at all.
  5. There is no need to wear a respirator to protect yourself from toxic fumes.
  6. The bright color lasts quite a long time.

Types of paints

Quick-drying, odorless paints and varnishes for painting wooden floors are divided into 3 types: acrylic, alkyd, polyurethane. Each of them has its own positive and negative qualities.


Produced on the basis of water, pigment and acrylic resins. Actively used when painting wooden floors. The material consumption for processing a wooden base is higher (compared to concrete). Everything is explained by the porosity of wood and its active absorbing ability.

Paints and enamels vary slightly in price. Inexpensive alkyd is applied in several layers; it costs less and is less wear-resistant. Acrylic is more expensive, but consumes less and is therefore of higher quality.

A floor painted with quick-drying acrylic paint has a number of advantages:

  1. Non-toxic.
  2. It has no odor compared to painting with oil-based compounds, which smell even after drying.
  3. Fireproof (due to the water contained in the paint).
  4. Resists low temperatures well.
  5. Moisture and heat resistant.
  6. Retains color for a long time.
  7. Very easy to care for.
  8. Resistant to ultraviolet radiation.
  9. Has a wide range of colors.

Acrylic wood flooring is very popular due to its good price/quality ratio; in addition, such paint is very easy to wash off hands and tools.

The drying time of the first layer is 4 hours, after which the second and subsequent layers can be applied.


Such paints are well known to customers as relatively cheap material with high water-repellent properties. Multi-colored, water-dispersed enamel has alkyd resins as a binder - organic substances obtained from vegetable oils.

During the drying process, a fairly strong polymer film up to several millimeters thick is formed. In addition to the alkyd resin, the enamel contains a coloring pigment and a reagent (drier), which slows down or speeds up the drying process.

Alkyd enamels for wooden floors are becoming more and more widespread both in everyday life and in industry due to their advantages:

  • resistance to moisture and light;
  • ease of use;
  • speed of drying;
  • bright colors that do not fade in the sun;
  • harmless to humans.

Important! Saturate the floor with primer before painting. choose her better than that from the same manufacturer, so that the coating turns out to be of high quality.


Such compositions have good adhesion, dry relatively quickly, and form an elastic but at the same time durable coating on the surface of a wooden floor. Polyurethane enamel is quite wear-resistant and has high thermal stability, which makes it possible to cover warm floors with it.

The advantages of polyurethane paint include:

  • high wear resistance, including shock and vibration loads;
  • resistance to organic acids (acetic, lactic, tartaric).

Advice! If you manage to buy 100% polyurethane paint in a store, be sure to dilute it with a license plate solvent according to the instructions.


On the Russian market you can find odorless coatings from different manufacturers. The most famous are Tikkurila, Dulux, Teknos and, oddly enough, the domestic Leningrad Paints.

The Finnish concern Tikkurila has several recipes for the production of odorless paints, not only for wood, but also for surfaces made of other materials. Paintwork materials from Dulux are distinguished by excellent moisture resistance. Therefore, they can be used in bathrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens.

Teknos paints are universal. They not only do not smell, but also dry quickly, have high hiding power and are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Leningradskiye Krasny produces relatively inexpensive, but high-quality products without volatile substances and odor, in a wide range of colors.

Odorless paints water based almost no different in price from paints and varnishes based on organic solvents. If you seriously care about your health, choose environmentally friendly products.

The floor is one of the main elements in our buildings and its good condition must always be maintained. Effective way Painting the floor is considered. Note that old paints used for these purposes are durable and bad smell, which can complicate the process itself, and staying in such a room for the first few hours, or even days, will be impossible. Modern technologies do not stand still and now you can update the interior of the room with the help of a new product called odorless floor paint. An inseparable advantage is that it also dries quickly.

A similar varnish appeared in stores relatively recently and information about its existence and correct use Not everyone knows yet. Let’s note the advantages of quick-drying paint so that you will quickly want to use it:

Quick-drying, odorless acrylic enamel

  • The most important thing is that this paint dries in a few hours
  • The constituent elements are harmless enough so we don’t notice the smell. This means it is possible to work without a respirator mask
  • Even if the floor is glossy, the surface is not slippery
  • Thanks to its composition, the varnish is environmentally friendly and safe for humans
  • Not high, compared to other floor paints, the price for painting 1 m²
  • The resulting surface is poorly susceptible to fading in the sun. the color will retain its original appearance for a long time
  • There is no need to leave the room after painting. With old paints taking a long time to dry, I had to go to the dacha or to my neighbors.

If you did use paint with a pungent odor, here is a video instruction on how to fix it:

Types of quick-drying floor coverings

Manufacturers of quick-drying floor paint mainly produce it in 2 types:

  1. Acrylic— the adhesive in this composition is acrylic resins, which create a hard film during the drying process of the thinner. Fast drying is achieved through the oxidation process of resins in contact with air. The advantages of this type include suitability for any surface, ease of use, short term full cycle painting, easy to clean painting tools.
  2. Polyurethane- the connecting element here is polyester resins. As in the previous composition, after drying a film is formed, but it is more wear-resistant. These varnishes are also odorless and dry quickly. The advantages are that it is used in areas with more intense abrasion wear. It is important that the paint has good weather resistance.

Concrete floor covered polyurethane paint without smell

Let's make a reservation that you can find paint on a different base, but it will not fall under our requirement to be odorless.

Tip: When choosing quick-drying paint, pay attention to its type of application: there are universal ones, for concrete floors, for wooden floors, and others. It is advisable that the paint can have an “odorless” symbol or a note in the instructions.

Secrets of fast drying paint

The drying times indicated in the instructions are not reference. It's all about external factors that greatly influence drying time. In addition to the instructions provided by the manufacturer, the following indicators must be taken into account:

  • Structure surface type— the coating will dry more quickly on a porous surface.
  • Temperature environment — the warmer it is in the room being painted, the better the additives evaporate and the resins harden. Worth considering optimal temperature for drying indicated on the can of varnish.
  • Humidity- the predecessor of the previous point, the higher the humidity, the worse the evaporation.
  • Air circulation— intensive ventilation promotes rapid drying of all compositions.

Acrylic paint applied to boards

In addition to external factors affecting the drying speed of paint, this indicator can be controlled using one or another type of paint. Nitro-paints and nitro-enamels are considered the fastest-drying, capable of taking their final form after 30 minutes of application, while it is necessary to artificially increase the temperature by work area. This time is achieved when painting with aerosol spray or enamel in cans; if applied with a brush, the hardening time will increase significantly. Nitro paints are more suitable for painting bicycles, grilles and other small objects than floors. Painting a concrete floor everywhere serves to prevent damage to the surface. Concrete floors are by default associated with reliability and durability, but without...

  • Preparing for renovations in the apartment, we come to the problem of selecting paint, thanks to which our design thoughts will come to life. She should fit...
  • When renovating a home, you can’t do without painting surfaces, including floors, doors and windows. Distinctive feature Most paints and varnishes that are used for such work have a difficult-to-dissipate odor. As a result, after the procedure you may experience a headache, and it becomes impossible to use the room for some time. Therefore, odorless paint, which today can be produced in different bases and different manufacturers, is the best solution for interior works.

    Acrylic paints

    Acrylic compositions are a type of water-based mixtures; today they are becoming increasingly widespread when painting wood and other building materials. odorless has the following advantages:

    • no odors;
    • environmental Safety;
    • ease of use;
    • low cost;
    • different coating textures;
    • high hiding power;
    • resistance to negative factors;
    • natural ingredients in the composition;
    • versatility of use;
    • Possibility of application using different tools;
    • wide range of colors;
    • short drying time;
    • abrasion resistance.

    Acrylic mixtures are completely harmless to the environment and human health, experts who advise the use of this particular type of coating have been convinced of this. This odorless paint is fireproof and can reduce damage from unintentional fire. Coatings made on the basis of polyacrylates have White color. In order to give the material a tint, you can purchase a color scheme. It is mixed into paint. However, there is a simpler solution, which is computer color selection. It will be enough to find the desired shade from the catalog in the store, indicating the number to the operator, and at the end you will receive a package of finished paint, the shade of which will correspond to your preferences.

    Reviews of acrylic paints

    According to buyers, it is odorless and contains antiseptic additives that help prevent the occurrence and development of fungus and mold on treated surfaces. Thanks to this, it is possible to significantly extend the life of wood and coating. Buyers claim that among the advantages of acrylic mixtures, one can also highlight the fact that during their production, modifications with dirt- and water-repellent characteristics are added to the base. As a result, it is possible to completely or partially avoid regular cleaning of floors and walls, as well as other surfaces that were made using lumber.

    Reviews of acrylic paint brand Ceresit CF 33

    This color is intended for painting the floor. Among the characteristics are:

    • high wear resistance;
    • weather resistance;
    • manufacturability;
    • environmental safety;
    • absence of organic solvents among the ingredients;
    • suitability for interior and exterior work;
    • ability to dry quickly.

    This quick-drying paint, according to buyers, is used to increase the surface’s resistance to mechanical stress. After drying, the surface is easier to maintain, which especially applies to the color design of the base. This coloring is used on balconies, exhibition and warehouses, hallways and offices. Users do not recommend using this composition for the installation of coatings that will be used under conditions of exposure to an aggressive chemical environment. Among other things, it is not recommended to apply this mixture to floors that are constantly exposed to moisture during use.

    Reviews of Tikkurila acrylic wall paint

    If you need odorless paint for walls, then you can pay attention to the manufacturer Tikkurila, which is one of the most popular among buyers today. For example, “Argentum 20” is subject to high hygiene requirements. According to buyers, this composition is suitable for painting new and previously treated surfaces. Objects of application can be ceilings and walls in rooms for which special requirements for durability and hygiene. This should include stairs, hospital corridors, halls, and wards.

    After drying, you will receive a semi-matte gloss level, and the consumption will be approximately 1 liter per 8 m2 of surface. Water is used as a diluent. According to users, application can be done with a brush, roller or spray method. This paint will dry at a temperature of +23 ° C and a relative air humidity of 50%. The layer can be checked for tack after 2 hours, each subsequent layer must be applied after 4 hours. As practice shows, the layer is highly resistant to washing and the effects of strong disinfectants.

    Odorless paint for radiators

    If you need paint for batteries, then you should pay attention to water-dispersed acrylic enamels or paints. They will still have a smell, but it is not pronounced. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to purchase for these purposes special composition, the scope of which must be indicated on the packaging. It is important to consider temperature regime operation. The advantages of such mixtures include high speed drying, ease of application, and the absence of yellowing and cracking.

    No repair is complete without the use of paints and varnishes. The main disadvantage of most paints is Strong smell, which takes a long time to erode and has a bad effect on the well-being of people in the room. That is why best choice For interior work, odorless paint is used.

    When choosing a suitable dye, you should also pay attention to quick-drying options, which are very popular today. The cost of such products is higher, but its advantages are undeniable, because time repair work is significantly reduced. In addition, most of these paints are made based on natural ingredients.

    Many manufacturers offer similar products today. This article will tell you how to choose a suitable quick-drying, odorless emulsion among this variety.


    The demand for odorless paints is associated with a number of advantages that they have:

    • modern products are distinguished by the absence of a specific pungent odor;
    • contains no toxic substances, causing allergies and negatively affecting the body;
    • there is no need to use protective equipment during work;
    • quick drying of the surface after painting allows the repair to be completed much earlier;

    • paint is applied thin layer, which allows you to save material without compromising appearance;
    • after dyeing, there is no sliding smooth effect on the outer layer;
    • modern technologies that are used to produce quick-drying, odorless paints provide the mixtures with resistance to sunlight;
    • they can be used for painting floors in rooms with increased level humidity;
    • Almost all emulsion and enamel paints of this type contain antiseptic additives that prevent the formation of fungus and mold.


    When choosing paint, you should first study the range. Modern manufacturers offer big choice various products. Each type of material has both advantages and disadvantages.

    • Paints on oil based They take a long time to dry, which is not always suitable for customers. To reduce drying time, experts recommend using a solvent that evaporates easily.

    • Alkyd enamel made from natural resin. It is durable and resistant to fading. The quality of the product is very similar to acrylic enamel.

    • Latex- the most expensive paint. Latex is the sap of the rubber plant. To make paint more accessible to consumers, artificial substitutes are added to it, which make the product cheaper. Due to the fact that latex paint contains rubber, it smoothes out small irregularities and cracks on the surface.

    • Polyurethane paint It has a long lasting color and is resistant to fading. This composition can be used to paint concrete surfaces and even paving slabs. Wooden floors must be primed before application.

    How to choose paint for different rooms

    If the house is made of timber and there is no finishing from other materials, it is recommended to use acrylic enamel for wood. This coating allows you to hide surface imperfections and also provides high throughput. Due to the fact that air enters the wood, comfortable conditions will be maintained in the room.

    Acrylic mixtures can also be used to finish imitation timber.

    For children's rooms, experts recommend choosing acrylic paint, which is easy to wash off.. It can be used to paint floors and walls, as well as create designs using a stencil. However, before you buy this or that paint, carefully study the composition, it contains there should be no harmful substances.

    Acrylic and latex products can be used in bathrooms and kitchens. The main requirement is the presence of components that prevent the formation of fungus and mold.

    The hallway and corridors are highly trafficked; the floors in these rooms are subject to frequent mechanical stress. In this case, it is best to choose abrasion-resistant acrylic-latex mixtures.

    The utility rooms of the house should also not be ignored. In these rooms you can use inexpensive paints for wood, for example, vinyl. In rooms where clothes are washed and dried, you can use the same products as for bathrooms.

    Conditions affecting the drying rate of the mixture

    How long it will take the surface to dry after painting is influenced by the chemical and physical properties of the mixture. If for some products drying is the evaporation of volatile substances, then for others it is oxidation or chemical reaction with oxygen. Each type of composition requires specific conditions for high-quality and rapid hardening.

    The drying process of the mixture is largely influenced by the room temperature. For example, in cool rooms, paint will take longer to dry because in such conditions all processes proceed more slowly.

    The most suitable temperature for painting the floor is +20 degrees. The humidity of the room also plays an important role. If the humidity level in the room is high, the oxidation process will become more difficult and the water or solvent will evaporate more slowly.

    To achieve optimal level humidity, it is necessary to ventilate or use a dehumidifier.

    Before painting the surface, it must be carefully prepared, because the strength of the layer and the quality of adhesion of the material to the floor or wall depend on this. Surface preparation consists of removing dust and dirt, old paint, processing greasy stains and drying.

    A huge range of odorless products suitable for wood and other surfaces allows us to please every customer. Experts recommend taking into account all the characteristics of paint when choosing it for certain rooms.

    If the selection of products is limited only to floor coverings, then you should choose paints intended for indoor use and with universal characteristics. After this, you need to decide on the material for which the paint will be used. Exactly chemical composition surface affects its reaction with the mixture. For example, for a room made of boards and cement, choose compounds that can withstand high humidity and the influence of sunlight.

    Moreover, the mixture must withstand severe frosts and high temperatures . If you ignore these requirements, later cracks will appear on the surface and the paint will begin to fall off.

    Oil or wax paints do not penetrate into the wood, so they are not suitable for such surfaces. In areas where there is a knot on the surface, after some time the resin will begin to seep through, resulting in stains on the floor.

    Acrylic or polyurethane enamel in organic solvents. Such mixtures cost more than oil mixtures, but their quality is much better. Dispersion acrylic enamels are resistant to increased loads and ultraviolet radiation, so they can be used in areas with high traffic.

    Before painting the surface, you should pay attention to preparing the base. After all even the smallest defects will be visible after painting.

    Remove the old paint layer from the surface and apply primer. It will not only ensure good adhesion of the new paint to the material, but will also allow you to use the mixture economically. Moreover, the primer protects the wood from the formation of fungus and the proliferation of pests.

    If the paint is too thick, brush hairs may remain on the surface., which will also negatively affect appearance. Therefore, before starting work, the container with paint must be slightly shaken and checked to see if it has thickened.

    In some cases it is necessary use special solvents that dilute the paint and make it more liquid. Choose the solvent specified in the technical manual for using the mixture. The final coat of paint should be applied only after you are sure that the previous one is level.

    There is no such repair that could be done without the use of paints and varnishes. With the start of renovation work, numerous odors enter the house, among which fumes from drying paint are clearly not the most pleasant. Most of us would prefer not to inhale dangerous fumes, but, if possible, use more safe materials. If you set a goal, you can find suitable option, for example, so that the floor paint is odorless and quick-drying.

    Modern materials for interior work

    Is there odorless interior paint? To be precise, there are no odorless paints and varnishes in nature; there are low-smelling ones or with a neutral odor that does not cause irritation to the mucous membranes, which means that after a short period of time it is simply no longer felt. There are plenty of such materials; you just need to choose the right specific paint for housework.

    Commercially available paints for household purposes are practically odorless:

    • Acrylic paints and varnishes. Some of the most popular paints and varnishes among the people are made on a water basis, and therefore have a reputation as the most harmless to the human body;
    • Water-dispersible materials. The structure resembles acrylic compositions, they are also made on a water basis, but are suitable only for certain types of work, for example, for painting walls;
    • Selected varieties of polyurethane and oil paints. The most complex group of materials in composition, but the range of use of polyurethane and modified oil materials is very wide.

    For your information! The water-soluble base quickly evaporates from the applied paint layer. The drying process of such paints at temperatures up to 7 o C occurs twice as fast as for materials based on organic solvents.

    The exception is nitro paints, in which the alcohol-acetone base can dry almost on the brush, but such material always has a very pungent and strong odor. In addition, inhalation of nitro paint solvent fumes can lead to toxic poisoning.

    How to determine whether there will be a smell or not

    All paints have a smell, even water-soluble acrylic and water-dispersed ones. Usually, the issue of whether the paint has an odor is not checked when purchasing a material; if the seller says that acrylic paint is odorless, then it is so. Then, when applying the coating, it turns out that the smell is still present. Not as nasty, but there is a smell. It would be surprising if the quick-drying material had no odor.

    The molecules of an aqueous or organic paint base always capture part of the binder when evaporating, so no matter what kind of paint is water-based or hydrocarbon-based, it will always smell. Professional painters know that after painting, even if the paint does not get on the skin of the hands, exposed parts of the body - the face and hands - should be washed thoroughly with soap, and thereby remove molecules and microparticles of paint that have got on the skin along with solvent vapors.

    Another thing is that each person has his own threshold of sensitivity to odor, with a corresponding adaptation to the chemical irritant, after which even the most pungent and volatile substances are practically not perceived.

    Advice! You can determine how unpleasant the smell of the purchased product may be. paint and varnish material. Must be applied a small amount of mixtures without solvent and thinner onto glazed ceramic tiles heated to 50-60°C.

    The rapid evaporation of an aqueous or organic base will immediately reveal what the real smell of the paint is. In practice, the most popular acrylic paints During the test they smell quite unpleasant.

    Which quick-drying, odorless paints to choose for repairs?

    Few paints can claim to be universal material, suitable for any repair work, most varieties and groups of paints are produced for specific purposes, for example, for covering floors or for painting walls. Therefore, when choosing a brand of paint, you should pay attention first of all to the purposes for which it is intended:

    1. Durability paint coating to moisture, heat and sunlight;
    2. The presence of gloss on the dried surface of the paint;
    3. Ability to withstand abrasion and contact pressure.

    It's not always possible to find best coverage for the floor so that the material dries quickly, is highly resistant to abrasion and at the same time has no odor. For example, best paint for the floor is made on the basis of a two-component polyurethane mixture. But this material has a specific smell, although it dries quite quickly, literally in a couple of hours.

    Acrylic paints and varnishes

    Quick-drying compositions based on acrylic resins can be used for most interior work, painting any wood, plastic, metal surfaces. An exception may be gypsum and wooden surfaces made of beech and poplar, which absorb moisture very quickly. After painting, the surface of the wood quickly swells, and after drying, the texture of the applied paint layer becomes uneven, dotted with small dots.

    If the repair requires odorless paint for heating radiators, then acrylic enamel fits better Total. Among the wide range of domestic and foreign painting materials, the most popular are quick-drying acrylic enamels of Finnish production Tikkurila Miranol and German company JOBI called Termoaquaemal.

    From domestic products you can use D-220 and Livna-134. High quality The coating is distinguished by a quick-drying, odorless paint for radiators under the VD AK1179 index from the VGT company.

    After application acrylic enamel On the cleaned base of a radiator or battery, the layer dries in 4-5 hours. Some quick-drying acrylic compounds, for example, Parade, can be applied to the surface of a working warm battery, provided that the metal temperature does not exceed 40-45 o C. But in this case, a slight chemical odor may appear.

    When choosing enamel, you should pay attention to the alphanumeric designation of the maximum heating temperature of the radiator. Most materials can withstand heating up to 120 o C, but there are more moderate indicators, up to 60 and 70 o C.

    Quick-drying acrylic compositions for painting batteries after drying give good quality coatings:

    • A high degree of whiteness, which is important for heating radiators, to which house and street dust sticks most strongly, which is why the white body turns into gray over time;
    • The glossy surface makes cleaning easy, and the acrylic enamel coating feels very similar to plastic.

    Important! The disadvantages of acrylate enamel include deterioration in heat transfer due to the increased polymer layer on the surface of the radiator.

    In addition to purely acrylic compositions, latex compositions, which are also water-based, are used for renovations in an apartment or private house. The latex composition practically dries odorless even when heated. Unlike most acrylic and acrylate polyurethane compositions, the latex coating practically does not lose adhesion, does not swell or peel off on the heated and cold surface of pipes or radiators.

    Odorless latex floor paint is used for painting flooring from fiberboard, OSB. This odorless paint can be considered the fastest drying of all materials; complete drying time at a temperature of 18 o C does not exceed one hour.

    Polyurethane and oil paints

    Polyurethane paint compositions have excellent abrasion resistance and provide the highest adhesion. Polyurethane parquet varnishes are much more durable than acrylic varnishes and provide an odorless coating. For expensive parquet, mosaic or oak floors, epoxy or polyurethane varnishes and paints are used.

    One-component water-based polyurethane compounds dry on prepared wooden floor until 5 o'clock. For comparison: alkyd material will dry in 8-10 hours, acrylic - 2-4 hours.

    There is a certain difference in how the degree of completion of the coating is determined. Most often, the manufacturer calls the floor composition quick-drying if the interval between application of layers does not exceed 4-5 hours. For example, an excellent varnish - Belinka Parquetin floor paint, absolutely odorless, can be called quick-drying, since it is tack-free room temperature it dries in 3 hours. But complete polymerization of the layer, during which you can stand on the painted floor without the risk of damaging the coating, ends only after 12 hours, and with a three-layer treatment - after 6-7 days.

    Oil paints are prepared from drying oils of plant origin. They take the longest to dry, up to 40 hours. When diluted with drying oil or a special thinner based on white spirit and turpentine, a specific pleasant odor arises, which disappears almost completely within 4-5 hours. Oil compositions modified with polyurethane dry in 5-6 hours and are practically odorless.


    The development of the chemistry of varnishes and painting materials has led to the creation of a whole range of paints that dry faster than latex ones and do not have any odor at all that a person without protective equipment can detect. In this case, the drying process is accelerated by special additives, and the drying solvent is replaced with an odorless hardener, like epoxy resins. In practice, such fast-drying, odorless paints turn out to be an order of magnitude more toxic, prone to cumulative accumulation in the body, in comparison with which acrylic compositions seem simply harmless. Although professional painters Those who paint with acrylic and latex water-based paints using spray guns consider them no less harmful to breathing than alkyd compounds or nitro paints.
