Houseplants: what and where? Phytodesign rules. Plants in the interior of the house Phytodesign potted plants in the interior

The word phytodesign is derived from the ancient Greek phyton - “plant” and the English design - “to make a plan, to design”. Thus, phytodesign is the design and decoration of a person’s living space using living plants.

Placing plants in the interior of apartments or offices requires a thoughtful approach. It is necessary to simultaneously take into account several factors: the biological compatibility of plants with each other, the similarity of requirements for conditions of maintenance and care.

No less important is the aesthetic perception of the resulting composition. Get a harmonious combination of man-made ( building construction, furniture, decoration) and nature itself (exquisite forms, bright colors, delicate aroma) is a real art. Let's get acquainted with the basic principles of phytodesign.

Indoor plants and interior

When choosing plants, you should be guided not by personal sympathies, but by the existing conditions for their maintenance (or the ability to change them). So, if all the windows in your room face north, you will have to choose from shade-tolerant crops and place them in close proximity to the windows. Designing a lush multi-tiered composition in the depths of such a room, and even using beautifully flowering species, is a waste of effort and money, even if you simultaneously create a powerful artificial lighting system.

Having decided on the room conditions and accordingly limiting the choice of plants, let’s move on to the visual component. Your room (office, study, hall) already has certain style decoration - architectural structures, room decoration, furniture, appliances, accessories. The plants you choose must correspond to all this.

Pay attention to compatibility color range foliage of plants and furniture, wallpaper, textiles present in the room. Of course, the main color of plants is green, but in nature there are such a huge number of shades of it that there is plenty to choose from. In addition, there are a large number of variegated species, as well as plants with leaves of unusual colors (purple, red, yellow, etc.).
A light, solid background will allow the plant or pot group to “solo.” Against the background of walls with small patterns, species with large leaves will look better. But only openwork fronds of ferns can be combined with bright, catchy wallpaper.
High slender plants(with thin straight trunks) will help to visually “raise” the ceilings, and cascades of hanging ones, on the contrary, will make them lower. The same effect is created by specimens formed in the form standard tree.
When using single large-sized plants, you should remember that the height of the plant should not exceed 2/3 of the height of the room, otherwise it will give the impression that the plant is cramped.
Small, small-leaved, low-growing, somewhat monotonous plants are best placed in groups. This way you can organize a lush “green mass”, hide some defects or not very decorative parts of other plants, or, conversely, emphasize the beauty of a flowering specimen. Particular coziness is created by screens or arches of climbing greenery and small touching plants placed “here and there”, for example, Saintpaulias and Fittonias.
The atmosphere of formality is promoted by heavy and respectable large-sized trees (representatives of palm trees, bocarney).
For an avant-garde style with an abundance of glass and metal, plants with clear or unusual shapes, such as agave, dracaena, and bamboo palm, are suitable.

Pot, cache-pot, container

Considering the issue harmonious combination interior and plants, one cannot ignore such a seemingly prosaic subject as flower pot.

Pot, cache-pot, container - all of the containers listed can be used for planting plants. The difference is that the pots have drainage holes in the bottom through which water drains into the pan and does not stagnate directly at the roots. A flowerpot is actually a beautiful “packaging” for a pot. You can plant plants in pots without a pot, but in this case you should add a large drainage layer, otherwise the roots will rot. And the container is a flowerpot for several pots.

Externally, a container for planting plants can be either bright and stylish or simple and inexpressive. In some cases, it’s as if the pot shouldn’t even be there, that is, it is, of course, present, but so inconspicuous that no one pays attention to it, but the beauty of the plant is in full view. But it happens that a flower pot in itself is practically a work of art and, when combined correctly with a plant, an amazing composition is obtained. However, you should be very sensitive to the line beyond which the plant will “get lost” against the background of a too bright pot.

I would just like to note that it is better to plant plants in groups or forming a collection in containers made in the same style.

Single plant

Plants can be placed singly or in groups. But then there is complete scope for imagination.

Beautiful or unusual plant, if you think it deserves to be in the spotlight, place it separately from all the others. Using a large specimen, you can fill an existing void in the interior of a room, focus attention on a certain part of it, or divide the space into different functional areas. Similar functions are performed by small plants, placed on coffee tables, bedside tables, decorative stands.

A spectacular large plant is not necessarily a tree-like or bushy plant; it can be formed from... representatives of lianas. You just need to provide the plant with a support of the desired shape. For example, scindapsus looks very beautiful if you let it braid a small stick with coconut fiber, or monstera, resting on numerous aerial roots.

Plants grown in hydrogel or aqua soil look very beautiful and unusual.

Hydrogel is polymer material, which has the ability to absorb and retain large amounts of water. It is absolutely indifferent to plants, non-toxic and over time completely decomposes to water, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Initially, it was developed as an additive to the soil, while the characteristics of various soils improved (clay soils became lighter and crumbly, sandy soils, on the contrary, became more dense and retained moisture). In such cases, watering is required much less frequently, and plants take root more easily and develop better.

Designers suggest using pure hydrogel. Initially it is colorless and looks like coarse sugar. After immersion in water, which can be colored, the crystals swell and a jelly-like mass of the desired color is obtained.

A transparent glass container, colorless or colored hydrogel and an elegant flowering plant - such a decoration will definitely not go unnoticed. Many plants can be grown in this way, for example: ficus, ivy, ferns, bromeliads, dracaenas, philodendrons, fuchsias and others. But orchids, cacti and succulents are unlikely to like such a substrate, since their roots do not like it when they get little air, and there is practically no air in the hydrogel.

Rules for placing plants in groups

Great opportunities are provided by placing plants in groups. In this case, it is easy to hide the external defects of individual specimens (bare trunk or uneven growth, defects on the leaves), and it is advantageous to emphasize beautiful details (for example, plants with colored or variegated foliage against the background of plain green species will look almost like beautifully flowering ones). Caring for such a group is sometimes even easier and requires less time than for individual specimens; you just need to select species with similar requirements.

There are no clear canons for placing plants in groups. But still, several patterns should be taken into account.

In the background, larger or “darker” plants are installed, that is, those that have a dense crown, or more saturated shades of leaves, or large leaves. The closer to the viewer, the smaller, finer and lighter the plants can be. This placement gives the group volume and visual depth.
It is better to place more moisture-loving and shade-tolerant plants.
Be moderate in the use of “bright spots” (variegated species and flowering plants) - when there are too many of them, they tire and “conceal” each other’s beauty. But finding out the “norm” can only be done in practice. The easiest way to create compositions is to collect and try to arrange plants in different ways directly in pots.
You can place the pot group on the windowsill or allocate a special table for it. If plants that require high air humidity are used to create such a group, then it is convenient to use trays with wet gravel or pebbles.

Creating compositions: original ideas

Some gardeners prefer a particular crop to the entire variety of indoor plants, but it has a huge number of species and varieties. These people are not fascinated by the process of creating a single whole work from disparate individual elements. Showing all the variety of shapes, colors and shades of one group of plants is the goal of creating collections. Saintpaulias, gloxinias, fuchsias, cacti, orchids - these are the most common “idols” of flower growers.

You can create compositions not only “horizontally”, but also “vertically”. Multi-level stands or racks are used as standard; containers can be hung on the wall or ceiling. The advantage of such compositions is that they occupy a small area.

You can create an original vertical composition from atmospheric bromeliads (for example, Tillandsia “Medusa’s head” or Tillandsia usneiformes) by securing them to a thin fishing line. They can seem to float in the air, their forms are elegant, bizarre, and sometimes even fantastic.

If you do not like monotony, hide a water container in advance in a group of indoor plants, in which you can optionally place cut flowers - depending on the time of year, your composition will have a new “face”.

Flower groups united by a “common idea” or using elements of landscape design have a special charm. This could be, for example, a corner of the desert using cacti and succulents, or one tropical tree overgrown with epiphytes, or an imitation of a real small garden with miniature paths, flower beds, benches, or anything else suggested by your imagination.

There are many beautiful exotic plants who have never adapted to the conditions of our homes. They are not satisfied with either air humidity or temperature, and the slightest breath of wind can simply destroy them. For such “sissies”, closed florariums were invented - containers made of glass or transparent plastic, which can be closed. A mini-ecosystem with a certain level of humidity, temperature and light is created inside the florarium. The minimum option is a “garden in a bottle”, the maximum is a “green showcase”, which is actually a window niche limited on both sides by glass. For such compositions, slow-growing plants should be taken.

Interior design is simply unthinkable without plants. An apartment without flowers looks very monotonous and boring. Indoor plants, their variety, freshness and greenery will make the environment cozy, warm and lively. Phytointerior design- This is one of the most popular trends in room decoration. Using compositions of flowers and plants, you will not only decorate a particular room, but also improve the microclimate and air in it. Phytodesign implies and includes the design of premises, interior landscaping and the creation of winter gardens. Flower arrangements will be the finishing touch in creating a unique and original design apartments or houses.

Phytodesign of the apartment

Floral arrangements are one of the simplest and available options phytodesign for any apartment. They can be used in all areas from hallways, where flowers will welcome your guests, to the bathroom, where moisture-resistant, shade-loving plants will create a very cozy atmosphere. Floral arrangements will decorate the everyday and diversify the festive design of the apartment.

Create phytointerior design apartments and you can diversify it with the help of beautiful vases; they will emphasize the incredible beauty of the plants. Flowerpots, stands made of wicker and wicker baskets will be an excellent basis for creating a floral composition.

Plants in pots can be placed not only on window sills, but also on bookshelves, on the floor, or in a niche in the wall. If you hang flowerpots near the window, then this decoration option will look very original and modern. Clay, ceramic pots, all kinds of stands for them will become the same original element decor, like plants, so they must be selected in accordance with the interior style and also carefully.

Large floor vases with flowers almost as tall as a person will become original decoration for spaces without windows. And the design of the balcony will be transformed by vines, exquisite blooming flowers and orange trees. Such green balcony will delight you at any time of the year.

Artificial flowers in the interior today are also very popular when creating phytodesign. You can decorate the hall with these flowers.

Interior landscaping

When decorating an apartment or house with elements of phytodesign, first of all you need to take into account its style. When creating a certain interior style, you can ideally choose a composition that will highlight it.

Luxurious Baroque style or Empire style interior design will be decorated and diversified by a lush azalea or climbing rose. Ceramic pots or forged flower stands will complement the bright and extraordinary composition.

Light and very home style Provence will be emphasized by wild climbing grapes, and violets on the windowsill will become a bright and very beautiful decorative element that will delight you with their bloom every time.

The chic Art Deco style will be complemented by a composition of roses in a crystal vase on bedside table in the bedroom or on coffee table in the living room. Lilies, orchids and ferns are also ideal for the interior of an apartment in the Art Deco style.

Restrained scandinavian interior decorate flowers in ceramic or porcelain pots. These can be bush palms, a date tree, and you can hang a blooming waxwort in a flower pot on the window; it smells wonderful and is very beautiful.

The most popular and Fashionable style Country will enliven a bouquet of wildflowers. Decorative tomato, compositions of cereals and legumes will also look very harmonious.

For classic interior Large floor pots and vases with lush flowers are suitable: ficuses, dieffenbachias, homemade climbing ivy.

Phytodesign is also part of eco-style, so when creating such a vibrant interior design, take care of its landscaping. Here you can choose any composition you like, and it will be appropriate.

Floristry and phytodesign will enhance your apartment, making it unusually light, spacious and organic. But you should know and remember that plants are not interior items that can be moved and placed anywhere. When choosing plants for indoor landscaping, you need to take into account their needs, such as temperature and lighting. Therefore, when buying a “green friend,” be sure to consult with a specialist; he will definitely tell you how to care for this plant.

Jun 4, 2017 Sergey

What is PHYTODESIGN? How to combine personal desires and tastes with interior features and needs ornamental plants? What is better - to trust a specialist or to “play” with plants yourself?This page of the site is devoted to answers to these and other important questions.

PHYTODESIGNand FLORISTICS are fashionable “green” trends in modern design interiors, they organically combine utility and beauty. Today, when we all live on high speeds, we experience stress and lack of time for proper rest, “alive "islands" in a home or office become the only oases of calm and relaxation.

Why do we need winter gardens, plant compositions and “green walls” in the interior? What are their advantages, since they are not cheap?

1. Health Benefits:

  • Improving air quality and increasing indoor humidity.
  • Plants are a natural antidepressant.
  • Increasing the comfort and coziness of the room.
  • Improving performance and concentration.

2. Improving the organization of space:

  • Saving space by combining plants into compositions and vertical walls.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Improving the aesthetic properties of the interior.

3. Image advantages:

  • Exclusive design and uniqueness of phytocompositions.
  • The modern concept of eco-friendly interior design is fashionable!
  • Reducing the formality of the interior, introducing “live notes” into a modern interior.

Agree, those times have long since sunk into oblivion when the window sills were filled with violets and cacti, and there was a traditional ficus in the corner! New forms of landscaping modern interiors boggles the mind. The range of ornamental plants is now very diverse, therefore, to understand it, you need the help of a specialist who will help you take into account all the nuances and create a unique phyto-interior design that is suitable just for you.

Remember that plants are living and mistakes in their selection and arrangement can cost them their lives, and you - wasted money and effort. In addition, they will cause negative emotions!
Thanks to many years of successful experience in landscape design and interior landscaping and professional knowledge about the characteristics of plants, we can offer you our services to create an original phytodesign for your home or office. Read more about services here

Let's talk in more detail about the types of phytocompositions and what we offer you in order to introduce a new “green stream” into the interior design of your home or office.

Modern styles and options for “green oases” in rooms are very diverse. Let's look at some of them:

1. Florarium, or “garden in a bottle”

Today one of promising directions in phytodesign is the creation of a “mini-garden in a bottle.” After all, it is very interesting to have a miniature thicket of a tropical forest or your own arid desert in your interior, and all this can be created in a florarium.

The main advantage of the “garden in a bottle” is minimal maintenance: it does not require frequent watering or replanting of plants.

In the classic version " bottle garden"is a closed transparent container with plants placed in it. Thus, high air humidity is always maintained inside the florarium, which is optimal for delicate tropical guests.

A characteristic feature of the unique “garden in a bottle” is that the plants are complemented by stones, driftwood, moss and other elements - this allows you to create a corner wildlife in miniature. Tested: even one such composition will make your interior unique and colorful! More variety of “gardens in bottles” here .

2. Paludarium, or water garden.

Maybe you like to listen to the murmuring sounds of water or you like a mini-lake and a ringing mountain stream? In that case you will like it paludarium or water garden.

Paludarium is a type of florarium with moisture-loving plants. Such an exotic water garden will undoubtedly decorate your interior, but caring for it is somewhat more difficult than the classic “garden in a bottle.” A specialist should work on the production of such a “natural miracle”; he will also give you recommendations on caring for the pludarium or provide its maintenance. The paludarium will add a very bright note to the design of the room, because it combines an aquarium, even with live fish, and a florarium with exotic plants.

3. Kokedama and string garden

Compositions in the original Japanese kokedama technique are another way of the “green invasion” of plants into our modern urban habitat.

Small pieces of moss and delicate blades of grass sprouted on hand-made moss balls are wonderful compositions using the original kokedama technique, a kind of “bonsai in miniature”. This type of phytodesign is great for decoration small room. Kokedama will become spectacular and unusual " green accent"in the interior of any home or office.

Kokedamas or small florariums can be hung on thin fishing lines or strings and create a garden floating in the air. “String gardens” are a super new word in phytodesign and they look fantastic!

This is an incredible sight: the flowers seem to float in the air and seem airy, light and weightless, while they not only grow, but also bloom. So beautiful can become a real highlight of your interior! Read interesting details about kokedama and “string gardens” and their care here

4. “Epiphytic tree”

A stylish “epiphytic tree” will perfectly enliven any interior! It’s not difficult to create: by choosing a base of an unusual shape and attaching several original tropical plants to it, you can create a stylish composition that will add a bright tropical touch to your interior.

We will help you turn dry driftwood found in the forest or nearby park into a piece of the Amazon or Malaysian rainforest. With its bizarre shape and sophistication of plants, the “epiphytic tree” will attract attention as a very unusual element interior design. Read more about how to select and arrange “epiphytic tree” plants here .

5. Phytowalls and “living pictures” made of succulents.

You are the proud owner large apartment or at home? Or maybe you want to create a striking green element in your office? pay attention to phytowalls from plants. This is one of the most popular destinations vertical gardening, which consists of creating “green walls” from plants based on hydroponics.
Structurally, the phytowall is made on a panel with many pockets where plants are placed. They don't need soil, but a system drip irrigation ensures the supply of nutrients to the roots. The technology used makes it possible to create “green walls” of almost any size.

A mini-version of a phytowall is a “living picture” of succulents. It looks great in the interior small room and surprises with amazing combinations of shapes and colors. "Living Pictures" do not require special care and Maintenance and less whimsical than phytowalls.

Currently, professionals are engaged in the creation of phytowalls and “green paintings”. In order to create them, special knowledge in selecting plants and technical skills for installing them indoors are required. We will be happy to help you create these stylish phytodesign elements and give detailed recommendations for caring for them. Read more here

6. Winter garden

The winter garden is separate world plants, and to create it it is necessary separate room, in which a certain temperature and humidity will be maintained. Compositions winter garden may be different: plants are planted together in one container or in separate containers. Groups of plants are often complemented by other design elements: decorative waterfall or a mini-lake, a rock garden made of stones or spectacular driftwood, imitating a natural landscape, which will certainly decorate the interior and create a stylish and harmonious atmosphere. The composition of the winter garden must be carefully thought out, taking into account not only aesthetics and design, but also the specific requirements of the plants.

For many years we have been offering our services for creating original and exclusive interior design and decorating it with plants. Filling your interior with plants, making it a favorite vacation spot for you and your loved ones - this is the main task that we solve when working on interior landscaping.

  • Read more about our team here
  • You can view our work and buy ready-made phytocompositions by following the link

Sure that our many years of successful experience provide grounds for obtaining excellent result, so I propose to confirm this in practice through joint creativity. Joint because harmonious and stylish interior can only be created in mutual understanding!

Without indoor plants, even the most best interior will seem cold and uncomfortable. Phytodesign will help us in this matter. In order to make your home more comfortable with the help of plants, you don’t need a lot of effort or any special skills. It is quite possible to master phytodesign yourself and decorate the house with your own hands. Once upon a time, ficus trees were used to decorate the living room, and the window sills were filled with violets, but times are changing.

Phytodesign is special look design, which was born with the first civilizations, but in those days it was more difficult to establish harmony and embellish your modest home. Now, specialists use a scientific approach to work in the interior.

It’s not difficult to “green” your home yourself, but you should follow the rules and key points phytodesign. In the living room, for example, you can create an atmosphere of comfort and hospitality. Plants can be placed on the floor, in flowerpots, in pots, on shelves.

Phytodesign is correct selection plants in room decoration. The larger the room, the larger and larger the flowers and plants. This type of design has environmental implications. Phytodesign or landscaping of offices creates a comfortable environment for work.

Unpretentious plants are suitable for the office, because work is not the best living environment. Our task is to improve the environmental climate of the office with our own hands. Unpretentious plants: yucca, dracaena, monstera, ficus, howea, sansevieria, philodendron and others.

The history of phytodesign has long passed one century. In Greece, Egypt, and Rome, people have long strived for beauty, so they always decorated their houses with flowers. Let's say the Romans used laurel trees, the Egyptians used cyperus. The Greeks had a special love for green spaces that hide a secret meaning. They also decorated all the statues of gods various elements flora: monuments to the goddess of beauty Aphrodite were decorated with branches of myrtle, on each monolith and on all the statues of the supreme god they placed oak branches, the goddess of victory Nike - with palm branches, and the god of love - Eron - with rose flowers.

In Japan, ikebana is being actively studied, which is very popular in this country and appeared in the 15th century. Also in Japan and China, more attention is paid to creating greenhouses.

In the territory modern Russia floriculture began in the time of Peter I. It was accepted that the size of the plant was commensurate with the status of the owner of the house, so the palm tree, which later began to be imported from the tropics, enjoyed recognition among the nobles. The houses of nobles were decorated with dracaenas and ferns, those of merchants with ficus trees, and those of lower class people with geraniums.

As you can see from history, people have been engaged in “greening” houses for a long time, but the concept of phytodesign appeared only in the 20th century and the reason for this was that people began to notice: some plants cannot exist with each other and in small spaces, and they also have different effects on the climate and microflora of the premises.

Plants in the house - a way to liven up the interior

With the development of botanical gardens, phytodesign began to develop as a separate movement. When decorating the interior of a house, it is necessary to take into account: biological synergy, climate and ecology.

How to place plants correctly?

  • You need to stick to contrast. You should not put similar plants in the same row. A little about the contrast of a flower with a pot: if the plant looks very attractive, then the pot, accordingly, is better to choose a more simple and monotonous one.
  • Dynamics. There should be two points of “focus” perfect plants from phytocomposition.
  • Accommodation large plants in massive pots in small rooms, leads to a visual narrowing and reduction of the room.
  • Plants require certain care and for this they need: a drip irrigation system and adequate lighting, as well as maintaining humidity in the air.

If the room is not enough sunlight, then you can create your own florarium, which will cheer you up in any bad weather and will become an excellent decoration. This is a kind of small indoor garden with its own ecosystem. Creating this “garden” is quite simple, and the result will pleasantly surprise you.

When designing your florarium, you should choose small plants that love enough high humidity: reo, fern, calamus, cryptanthus.

Another option for a florarium: an aquarium.

Looks very nice in a large glass:

Composition with moss, mushrooms and a deer figurine in an aquarium.

Florarium in the form of a bottle or large flask.

Necessary items for the florarium:

  1. Durable glass jar(bottle, aquarium, glass). It is better that it be of an extraordinary and attractive shape.
  2. The plants themselves (preferably small ones).
  3. Coffee grounds to retain moisture.
  4. Compost pieces (small).
  5. Pebbles and various figurines (miniature decorations for the “garden”).
  6. Shells, sand.
  7. Pencil.

Algorithm of actions

First you need to wash the container clean so that there are no traces. Then the compost is placed tightly on the bottom of the jar or bottle. Mix the soil with coffee grounds and place it on the laid compost. Wet the soil until it becomes damp and place it in the third part of the vessel. Afterwards you need to level the soil with a pencil and “dig” a small hole with it, and then plant the plant itself and add a little water. Finally, you can experiment with decorative elements.

Green plants and popular styles

  • For classic style It is better to choose massive plants with rounded foliage and a large crown, such as ficus, monstera, azalea, and fern. These plants go well with ancient style pots.
  • High-tech is cheerfulness, freshness and effectiveness. Gardenia and amaryllis are suitable decorations in this style. For a high-tech frame, it is better to choose something made of metal.
  • Modernism is sophistication and sophistication. Small plants with neat leaves are used here. For a room in this style, dracaena, euphorbia, palm trees, ficus and cacti are suitable. For a combination of flowerpots, it is better to choose a pot with a mosaic.
  • When choosing an African safari style, bright and catchy plants are used: hesperia, guzmania, pineapple, agave, palm. In order to create compositions, stone or rattan is used.
  • Japanese style differs from all others in its consistency. Dracaena, yucca, and indoor bonsai will look good in creating such an interior. It is better to choose pots of discreet, cool colors.
  • For dachas, the country style is best suited, in which they use: primrose, ivy and violet. In a composition with vines and ceramics, these plants will look perfect.

The word “phytodesign” comes from two roots: “phyto” - that is, related to plants, and “design” - artistic design. Thus, this is the creation of an aesthetic appearance of premises using plants. In other words, this is decorating the interior with plants that are designed to emphasize the design of the room and its purpose. At the same time, the assortment is selected in accordance with the existing microclimate (light, heat and humidity are the main parameters for successful growth plants). It is important to remember that plants are not furnishings that can be placed in any place or endlessly moved. All these points distinguish phytodesign from simply arranging pots with plants.

The term “phytodesign” itself appeared in the 19th century, but people have been decorating their homes with flowers and plants since time immemorial. Why is that? Fresh flowers can satisfy the most important human need – the need for joy. Plants help create a comfortable atmosphere for living or working in the home. They are pleasing to the eye and create a feeling of peace and comfort.
Also in Ancient Rome in rich patrician houses peristyles were broken ( indoor garden). People attached great importance flowers, used them in ritual ceremonies to please the gods, and even endowed plants with symbolic meanings. For example, myrtle meant love, and laurel meant victory.

Why do you need phytodesign?

IN modern world, the world of concrete and gray, there is a particularly acute shortage of something living and plant-based. Well-chosen floral arrangements can turn any interior into a green oasis, where you can relax for a while and indulge in daydreaming before returning to the frantic rhythm of the metropolis.

As is known, rainforests– these are the “lungs” of the planet. Why are they called that? Yes, because they absorb harmful gases, while producing oxygen, which is so necessary for all living things, and also help regulate temperature and water conditions on earth. Now let’s imagine that any room is a miniature biosphere model, in which gas exchange is also constantly taking place, and there is a certain temperature and air humidity. So, plants in the interior perform the same function as tropical forests: they cleanse. One study claims that the air in indoors much dirtier than the air on a busy city street. The walls highlight chemical substances. The air is also poisoned by bacteria, mold, and dust. And this is already a risk factor for human health. Plants act as natural air filters that never become clogged and do not require periodic cleaning.
Phytodesign, like any other field of activity, has its own laws and rules. If you follow them, you can achieve a spectacular and stylish look for the room without resorting to any intervention in the existing decoration. For example, plants should be proportionate to the room. Small violets or cacti will be completely invisible in a spacious office, but a spreading palm tree or ficus with large leaves will decorate the place near the chairs with a coffee table. Flowering plants, the shade of which echoes the color of wallpaper, curtains or furniture upholstery, will add style to the interior of the cafe. Narrow tall trees standing on the floor will visually “raise” the ceiling. And low spreading ferns or hanging planters with hanging shapes will make the room lower. And of course, zoning: plant compositions in long pots can divide a spacious room into zones in a matter of minutes. This is especially true for large office buildings and restaurants. And of course, it is especially popular now, which is not only impressive in itself, but at the same time significantly saves space (more about “green” walls -).

Let's summarize. Why is phytointerior design so important:
  • the microclimate of the premises improves, the air is purified;
  • efficiency increases;
  • coziness and comfort are created;
  • the interior becomes more stylish and impressive.

The modern world dictates strict conditions: everything should be not only functional, but also beautiful. Phytodesign is just capable of combining these two tasks.

Who needs phytodesign?

The main objects of phytodesign are:
  • business centers, banks and office premises;
  • shopping centers and shops;
  • restaurants and cafes;
  • hotels and inns;
  • hairdressers, beauty salons, medical centers;
  • private houses and apartments.

Why is the presence of phytodesign in the interior a sign of the success of any business? Because it provides a unique combination of beauty and benefits. For example, if the office has well-groomed, correctly selected plants in stylish pots, this makes an impression on clients and partners and speaks of the importance of the company. The right atmosphere in a restaurant or hotel is half the success of this type of business. Incorporating plants into your interior is simple and effective way make it unique, spectacular and stylish. Flower arrangements in restaurants, hotels and shopping centers attract guests, set them up for relaxation, promote good mood and committing more orders and purchases.
Plants in a modern room are not just a piece of nature, but a full-fledged element of the interior. Therefore, designing and creating “green” interiors is a special area of ​​design that requires certain knowledge and taste, and the result is a cozy and beautiful atmosphere in which it is so pleasant to be, regardless of the place - it’s work or home, a restaurant or a medical center.

© Katerina Bratanova

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