What lamps are needed to illuminate seedlings: selection criteria and rules for installing equipment. Lighting for seedlings

Lighting is an essential component for plant life and growth. Without enough light, seedlings turn pale and wither.

What should the lighting be like, prices different kinds lamps and how to make a device for additional lighting yourself from inexpensive materials and LED strip we will cover in this article.

Lighting for seedlings

The most popular plants that are grown as seedlings are tomatoes, cucumbers, Bell pepper and cabbage. Many decorative flowering annuals are also sown first in small containers and only when they reach a certain size are they transplanted into open ground.

This need is associated with the discrepancy between climatic zones and the duration of the growing season of individual species, or the need to pick the main root to improve the development of the root system.

Illumination of seedlings with LEDs

There is a fairly significant difference between lighting for mature plants and seedlings. Seedlings capture light in more than just chlorophyll for photosynthesis. Phytochrome and cryptochrome also absorb light and are responsible for the division, stretching and specialization of cells of the future plant.

Light, its intensity, color temperature, spectrum and duration of illumination are very important for seed germination and growing viable seedlings. With a lack of light, plants stretch out, become pale or yellow, their development slows down, and the timing of flowering and fruiting is delayed.

In conditions where the seedlings are on the windowsill, they can be provided with passive lighting. A reflective screen (white paper or fabric, foil on a backing) is installed between the seedlings and the room. The light entering from the window is reflected from the screen and illuminates the plants on the other side. But all these are half measures, since natural light is completely insufficient.

Illumination with old incandescent lamps, despite the brightness, gave very poor results, since plants need a certain spectrum, and much less of the necessary blue and red remains in the total light flux. Incandescent lamps get very hot, requiring additional ventilation and watering.

Artificial lighting options for plants

For artificial lighting of plants (in particular seedlings), the following types of lamps are recommended::

  1. Luminescent. This time-tested option is still used by the majority greenhouse farms. Inferior to other types of lighting for seedlings.
  2. Metal halide. They are economical, but do not provide enough light in the blue spectrum.
  3. Sodium. A rather expensive type of lamp that requires the installation of additional control equipment. The glow is predominantly in the orange and yellow spectrum.
  4. LED. Of all types of artificial lighting, the future lies with LED grow lights. They deserve a separate listing of their numerous advantages. For plants located on shelves, it is convenient to use, for example, such as in.


The advantages of supplementary lighting of seedlings are:

  1. Economical– use 8 times less electricity than standard lamps.
  2. Durable– with heat removal, they can operate for up to 50,000 hours.
  3. Repairable – an LED that has stopped working can be easily replaced. Agree, this is much cheaper than buying a new lamp.
  4. Installation of LEDs different power and spectrum allows you to get exactly the lighting that the best way will satisfy the need of a specific seedling at a specific time. If you need to change the spectrum, simply replace one with another in the same lamp.
  5. Turns on instantly and gives an even glow without flickering.
  6. Heats up very little, which makes it possible to place them lower above the plants without the risk of causing burns on the leaf plate.
  7. Low voltage operation improves security parameters.
  8. Eco-friendly– do not contain harmful chemical substances and do not require special conditions for disposal.

It can be assumed that the ever-increasing interest of consumers will affect production volumes and prices will begin to fall.

Let's consider more details.

Popular models

The choice of a specific model depends on where exactly the lighting will be installed, for what crops, and at what distance from the tops of the plants.

Professional LED lamp for plants 75W (10 spectrums)

Where can LED phytolamps for seedlings be used:

  • in greenhouses and farms;
  • in private homes;
  • apartments;
  • in summer cottages.

Depending on the types of racks and the number of seedlings, LED lights can be of different shapes:

  1. Pipe– suitable for additional illumination of seedlings in long narrow rows, often used on window sills.
  2. Tablet or phytopanel– the shape of the lamp is in the form of a rather large square. This is a professional lamp designed to illuminate wide shelving.
  3. Single lamp– supplementary lighting in this form is used when growing a small number of seedlings for personal needs.
  4. – illuminate from a greater distance and large area than single lamps.
  5. LED strips– can be configured in any order. They are most often used for making phyto-lighting with their own hands.

When choosing a phytolamp, carefully read the instructions. Good manufacturer necessarily indicates from what distance which area can be effectively illuminated by a specific model of phytolamp. This information will be very necessary when planning the number and power of purchased lamps.

Example: “Topaz”, the parameters and price of which are given in Table 2, depending on the distance to the plants, gives the indicators indicated in Table 1.

As can be seen from the table, the prices are not encouraging. This main reason the fact that LED backlighting is not so popular, despite the obvious advantages. But can be significantly reduced in price lighting fixture if you make it yourself.

How to assemble an LED seedling light

The simplest version of LED phytolamp is made from LED strip.

Materials for work:

  1. Panel, the size and shape of which coincide with the area on which the seedlings will grow. You can use a lamp from a damaged fluorescent lamp.
  2. Aluminum profile.
  3. Red and blue LED strip with Velcro. Before purchasing, do not forget to correctly calculate the proportions of blue and red spectra recommended for your plants. Most often this is 1 length of the blue spectrum per 8 lengths of the red spectrum.
  4. Power supply or driver.

Do-it-yourself phyto-tape assembly diagram

When choosing between a driver and a simple power supply, keep in mind that the first one not only transforms the standard 220 volts into the required 12 or 24, but also stabilizes the voltage. Drivers are produced for specific LED power.

Assembly of the lamp consists of the following sequential steps:

  1. Clean and degrease the surface of the panel.
  2. Attach to panel aluminum profile– it is needed to remove heat and extend the life of LEDs.
  3. Cut the tape into the required lengths. You need to cut between the soldering - it is visible on the tape.
  4. We connect the segments with a connector or using a soldering iron.
  5. Filming protective covering from the inside of the tape and glue it with slight pressure onto the aluminum profile. Avoid strong kinks in the tape to avoid damaging the tracks powering the diodes.
  6. We install the panel on a stand with legs that will hold the lamp above the seedlings at the required height.
  7. We place the power source at the required distance from the outlet and connect it to the LED strip. It is important to maintain polarity.
  8. You can use it.

The price of an LED lamp for seedlings should not make you refuse such high-quality lighting. If you have hard-working hands, you can make a very high-quality lamp with your own hands.


This video will tell you how to make an LED lamp for seedlings with your own hands.

- This is a priority question for both beginners and experienced ones. Light is one of the most important components of active growth and healthy development of cultural systems. When providing illumination for seedlings, it is advisable to have an idea of ​​what light spectrum is needed and as close as possible to sunlight.

The simplest backlight

Today, gardeners prefer to make phytolights themselves: firstly, this is a significant saving for family budget, secondly, by studying the characteristics of various artificial light sources, you can choose the most useful combination.

The simplest way to provide light for seedlings is to place them on the windowsill. To ensure that plants receive maximum light, use the simplest device. In normal cardboard box cut off the top and bottom sides, leaving only the side ones. The sides of the box are covered with foil. Containers with seedlings are placed inside the box, preferably its sides are higher than the containers with vegetation. This entire structure is located on the windowsill.

Sunlight hitting the foil is refracted and reflected on the seedlings. This method is economical and simple, but in cloudy weather it is absolutely useless. Foil itself will not provide illumination for plants.

Growing under artificial light

The main condition for artificial lighting is maximum similarity to the emission spectrum of sunlight.

Red and blue colors are necessary for the growth and development of cells and tissues in the natural spectrum. Before making a phytolamp with your own hands, you should take this fact into account.

What should the rack be like?

The rack on which the seedlings will be located and the structures with lamps must meet the following criteria:

  • strength and stability;
  • invulnerability to moisture;
  • ease of access to all shelves;
  • correspondence of distances between light and plantings;
  • durability.

Lamp selection

To make a phytolamp for plants with your own hands, you need to purchase a lamp that has suitable characteristics. To increase sales, unscrupulous manufacturers call ordinary incandescent lamps phytolamps.

When choosing a light source, carefully inspect the packaging; it always indicates the color temperature value:

  • warm ones with a red spectrum have an indicator of 2000 K;
  • cold with blue - closer to the value of 8000 K.

For example, a lamp with a value of 2700 K helps strengthen shoots and form peduncles; a value of 6500 has a greater effect on root system, its development and strengthening.

The most popular backlight lamps:

  • luminescent;
  • sodium;
  • metal halide;
  • LED

Did you know? The impetus for the appearance of LEDs was the discovery of luminescence by Soviet physicist Oleg Losev in 1923. Scientific journals Germany, where the scientist’s articles were often published, called this discovery Losev Licht. Later in the early 70s, thanks to Losev's discovery, red, yellow and green LEDs appeared. Light-emitting diode of blue color created by Suji Nakamura in 1990.

The advantages of lighting are undeniable; most plants initially need light at least 12 hours a day, and daylight hours do not always provide this opportunity.
Without light, the seedlings will stretch out, all the plant’s efforts will be spent on growth, and not on the development of future fruits. Therefore, for normal step-by-step, as in natural environment Development of seedlings at home is supplemented with light.

Making a rack

Building a rack with your own hands is convenient in all respects: right size, material, appearance. The construction itself does not take much time.
So, let's buy at hardware store bars, thick plywood for shelves, fasteners. You can fasten the parts together with self-tapping screws. The length and width of the shelves are determined based on the length and number of your seedling boxes. For convenience, make a drawing with the necessary measurements.

To work you will need tools:

  • hand or circular saw;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • simple pencil.
Having measured the required dimensions, cut the parts and begin assembly. It is advisable to glue the places where parts are inserted (shelves into the edges of the support) in addition to fastening with self-tapping screws for greater reliability.

Since you will not need a rack all year round, giving it the most aesthetic appearance, at other times it can be used as an interior item, for example, under books or decorative trinkets.
In order to be able to move it from place to place, you can give it mobility using special wheels for furniture.

Today, among gardeners, the most popular lighting for seedlings is considered LED bulbs, they are easy to make with your own hands, and you can also combine different spectrums of light.

Advantages of LEDs:
  • as close to sunlight as possible;
  • operate without interruptions or defects;
  • economical - consume little energy;
  • even at a fairly close distance they do not cause burns to foliage.

To make an LED lamp for seedlings with your own hands you will need:
  • blue and red diodes;
  • thermal paste;
  • aluminum or any other profile for fastening;
  • power supply, cord and plug;
  • soldering iron and solder;
  • bolts.
The desired sequence in the LED strip is: two red, one blue. The diode strips are connected to each other using soldering and secured to the profile with thermal paste. The wires are brought out and connected into one circuit with the power supply, cord and plug. Using bolts, the structure is secured to the shelves of the rack.

Winter has just begun, and impatient gardeners are already planning to sow seeds. Large-fruited and tall tomatoes, as well as eggplants, often do not have time to grow all their fruits. The ovaries remain small, and the gardening season is already coming to an end. Photo 1. Phytolamps go down andclimb upropes.

Such plants have a very long period from germination to fruiting, on average 120-130 days. That is, only after 4 months they will begin to bear fruit.

At the same time, indeterminate varieties have an unlimited type of growth. When properly formed, these plants are capable of bearing fruit for several months in a row. But in our conditions, they will not have time to yield their entire harvest if sown in the spring. Therefore, many gardeners start sowing in January.

However, not everyone receives good results. Often the seedlings stretch out, grow pale and weak. To start bearing fruit, the plants must become stronger. This takes time and the advantage of January sowing is lost.

When to light up?

Some believe that small seedlings only need light from a window, but when they grow up and form 2-3 true leaves, additional lighting is needed. This is a grave mistake. The energy and strength of growth is laid down in the so-called juvenile period, that is, from “early childhood.” If there is not enough light, the seedlings immediately stretch out. Watering causes them to lie down and get sick from the slightest draft.

Photo 2. The phytolamp is fixed to the window slopes

The period of “nursing” the seedlings begins. And many gardeners perceive it as the norm. They just don't know what could be different. This is evidenced by the fact that every spring a mass of frail seedlings, tortured by long standing on window sills, are brought into gardens.

How much to add light?

The optimal length of daylight for seedlings is 12-14 hours. For information: January 15 sunrise 08:41, sunset 16:28. Daylight hours are less than 8 hours. Therefore, in winter, additional lighting is necessary even on southern windows.

The light should be on from 6-7 am to 7-8 pm. You can turn it off only during the day, during the brightest time of day. And this is not clear to everyone. Many people believe that if it is already light outside (from about 9 a.m.), then a lamp is not needed.

However, you should know that the amount of light that plants receive is of great importance.

Most garden crops, be it mature plant or seedlings, illumination from 20 to 40 thousand lux is required. In winter, even on a cloudless day, this figure on the windowsill does not exceed 5 thousand lux. That is why it is necessary to provide additional lighting to plants during the day.

It is easier for pensioners to maintain this lighting regime. It is advisable for working gardeners to use lamps with automatic timer on/off (they are commercially available). But many do things differently: they turn on the lights early in the morning before leaving for work for an hour and a half, and then after coming home for the whole evening.

The “before and after work” option is worse than the timer, because during the day the seedlings grow with insufficient light from the window, and they still stretch a little.

You also need to consider how far away from the window your plants are. Sometimes there are so many pots that they cannot be cleaned on the windowsill. You have to put them on the table next to the window.

Photo 3. Drawing by Pavel Trannois

But the amount of light is inversely proportional to the distance from the light source. That is, the illumination decreases sharply with distance from the window.

On a window sill with double frames, the illumination is 60-70% of the street level, at a distance of 50 cm from the window it is already 30%, and a meter away it is only 18-20%. These numbers make it clear how important it is to provide additional lighting to the seedlings.

What to add more light to

For additional lighting of seedlings, it is best to use fluorescent or energy-saving lamps. Conventional incandescent lamps are ineffective because, in addition to visible light, they emit a large amount of infrared (heat) rays. And when high temperature the seedlings begin to stretch even faster.

Fluorescent fluorescent lamps type LD-60 (tubular) give cold light and can be used for additional lighting.

The simplest installation of lighting for seedlings in an apartment consists of two lamps. They are strengthened at a height of 10-15 cm above the seedlings and, as the plants grow, they are raised higher, maintaining the distance to the tops (photos 1 and 4). There is no point in hanging it higher, since the illumination will be reduced.

There are now many types of inexpensive fluorescent lamps on sale, designed for illuminating shop windows. They are also suitable for additional lighting of seedlings.

Photo 4. Transformable stand for additional lighting.

Many people use aquarium lights. The lamps in them are surrounded by reflectors that direct the light directly to the plants, preventing it from scattering into the space of the room.

If there are a lot of plants, then it is better to use energy-saving lamps. Then they can be used instead of ordinary light bulbs to illuminate the apartment.

Specialized phytolamps are more expensive, but they provide the most favorable spectrum for plants.

Techniques against pulling seedlings

1. To ensure that plants receive more light, install a reflective foil screen or mirror on the sides of the window. The sun's rays, reflected from the screen, fall on the seedlings and illuminate them.

2. During winter thaws, wash the glass - a washed window adds up to 5% of light.

3. Window glass does not allow ultraviolet rays to pass through. As soon as the weather permits, open the windows or take the seedlings outside. open balcony. This will also contribute to the hardening of the seedlings.

4. Grow seedlings in separate cups. As they grow, place them more spaciously so that the plants do not shade themselves.

5. The correct ratio of the amount of light and air temperature plays a decisive role in obtaining strong seedlings. The lower the illumination, the lower the air temperature is needed (take the seedlings to an insulated loggia). But the temperature there should not be below 10C. If it is not possible to reduce the temperature, make sure there is good lighting.

Photo 5. Lamp with dual fluorescent lamps

6. Regulate watering. In case of insufficient lighting, watering should be moderate (just so that the roots do not dry out). Abundant watering in low light causes seedlings to stretch out in the same way as high temperature.

7. Make shelves on the window. Place plants in 2-3 tiers. This is better than the remote position on the table.

To get the most out of large-fruited indeterminate varieties, sow them early. When sowing in January-February, additional lighting will be needed. Take care in advance about purchasing lamps and necessary devices.

If it is not possible to properly illuminate the seedlings, then refrain from sowing in early dates. Choose earlier ripening varieties. In March-April there will be much more light, and plants will suffer less from its deficiency.

Number of impressions: 26314

Since seedlings are often planted at the end of winter, when daylight hours are not yet sufficient to ensure full photosynthesis, the question arises of additional lighting for the home greenhouse.

The assortment of specialized gardening stores includes so-called phytolamps - LED complexes for illuminating seedlings in greenhouses. They differ from other sources of artificial light (the same incandescent lamps) by their greater illumination efficiency due to the fact that they transmit rays of different spectra equally well:

  • blue;
  • red;
  • purple.

Photosynthesis (the process that causes plant growth and development) and photomorphogenesis (the process of fruit set) reach their peak when exposed to light rays of about 660 nm. This indicator is provided by a combination of red and blue light waves in a ratio of 3/1. Most phytolamps offered on the market are characterized by precisely this ratio of light waves.

Another advantage of LED lamps is their efficiency - the energy consumption of such sources is several times lower than that of conventional incandescent lamps. In addition, LEDs burn out much less often.

The main disadvantage of such sources additional light is their price. High-quality phytolamps are not cheap; with small volumes of planting in a home greenhouse, the harvest may not pay off at such costs. But if you do LED backlight with your own hands, the savings compared to purchasing ready-made phytolamps will be significant.

Lack of quality phytolamps - high price

Is it possible to assemble a phytolamp yourself?

On gardening forums you can come across topics describing the creation of phytolamps with your own hands using LED strips or individual LEDs fixed on metal profile. But to assemble such lighting for seedlings, you need to have a good understanding of electrical engineering. The main difficulty is assembling a current source from a resistor and a stabilizer (instead, you can buy a special driver, but then the cost of the design will be much higher). It’s easier to assemble a phytolamp with your own hands using a simplified scheme from ready-made LED lamps, which can be bought at any lighting store.

Materials and tools for assembly:

  • red and blue LED lamps with 3 LEDs;
  • rectangular chipboard fragment;
  • sockets for LED lamps (the quantity must correspond to the number of lamps);
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • soldering iron;
  • fasteners;
  • cord with plug.

Construction assembly stages

Assembling a system for artificial illumination of plants with LEDs according to this scheme does not involve anything complicated. We sequentially perform the following actions:

  1. On a sheet of chipboard, we mark with a pencil the installation locations for future lamps and, using a drill, drill a hole in the center of each of them for further wiring.
  2. Using a screwdriver, fix the lamp sockets in the marked places.
  3. We screw the lamps into the sockets, having previously removed the lenses from them, and connect all the electrical wiring elements in series using soldering.
  4. We complete the assembly of the electrical circuit by connecting the cord with the plug. Now you can carry out a test run of the structure. It is good if for these purposes there is a laboratory power supply with the ability to supply a voltage of less than 220V.
  5. After making sure that the lighting system is working, you can connect it to the main network and mount it directly above the seedlings.

Video - Do-it-yourself phytolamps

Lighting for seedlings based on LED matrices

The process of assembling a seedling illumination system from individual LEDs is described above. Such systems are effective for individual boxes with seedlings a la “grandmother’s balcony.” For additional illumination of seedlings in large volumes (mini-greenhouses) it is better to use homemade systems backlights based on LED matrices. The costs of constructing such a device will be higher than in the first case, but still incomparable with the costs of purchasing ready-made phytolamps for mini-greenhouses. The basis of such a system is LED matrices for plants with a dual spectrum.

You will need the following components:

  • LED matrices - 4 pcs;
  • old processor heatsink;
  • connectors for LED matrices;
  • drill;
  • hot glue;
  • fastening elements (screws);
  • 12V computer fan;
  • screwdriver.

Step-by-step assembly instructions:

  1. Using a drill, we mark 8 holes on the radiator body for fixing the LED matrices.
  2. We install a drill bit with a diameter of M2 on the drill and drill through the designated areas. The depth of the holes must match the size of the screws.
  3. Using screws and hot-melt adhesive, we attach the matrices to the radiator body in the designated places. First we apply a small amount of glue onto the base of the matrix and carefully apply it to the attachment point, then screw in the screws.
  4. Now we connect all the LED matrices in series with connectors and install the connector to which the current source (LED driver) will be attached.
  5. We connect the driver to the connector and check our design for functionality.
  6. The final stage of assembling the phytolamp on LED matrices- connection to electrical network 12V fan. Without it, our radiator will quickly overheat.

Video - LED phyto lamp for plants

Checking the effectiveness of the additional lighting system

Whatever seedling illumination system you choose—factory or homemade—the principles for testing its effectiveness are the same. The main evaluation criterion is the appearance of the seedlings:

  1. If in some areas of the greenhouse the stems are frail and of unequal length, then the plants do not have enough light. A solution to the problem may be additional illumination of the area (try moving the profile with attached LEDs closer to the seedlings).
  2. Straight stems with bright green leaves indicate that the plants have enough light. In this case, you should not reduce or increase the lighting intensity.
  3. If the leaves become lethargic and withered, most likely the lighting system is too hot. Try reducing the number of LED panels. To determine if there is overheating, hold your hand just above the tops of the seedlings. If you feel like it's getting hot, it means you've gone too far with the heating.
  4. Remember that each crop has its own light regime. The plants themselves will help you determine when to turn off the lights. Take a closer look at their leaves: if they begin to close (stretch vertically), it means it’s time to turn off the light. Boxes with seedlings should be illuminated not only in the dark, but also on cloudy days.

Without bright light, nothing can survive living plant. If we talk about seedlings and seeds, then additional lighting at home can work real miracles. Shortage sunlight in winter and spring it is destructive for plants. Young stems will stretch towards the sun with all their might, which can lead to their thinning. Lack of light can also cause “black leg” or even death of seedlings.

It is of great importance which lamps are used to provide additional illumination for plants. Too bright a lamp will burn them, and ordinary incandescent lamps consume a huge amount of electricity.

Some seeds need to be planted in the last weeks of January. This time of year in our latitudes is characterized by a minimum number of sunny days, which pushes gardeners to install additional lighting for vegetation at home. It will take very little effort and time, but the result will be colossal.

Benefits of supplementary lighting:

  1. Increasing the duration of daylight hours, which is necessary for early forcing.
  2. Ensuring uniform illumination of vegetation, which prevents strong stretching of stems and the appearance of various pathologies.
  3. The correct spectrum guarantees the seedlings the full formation of young and fragile stems into mature, strong crops.
  4. Illuminated plants are hardy and are not exposed to infections and dangerous microorganisms.
  5. The harvest obtained from one stem grows.

Having convinced themselves of the need to install lighting, gardeners begin to think about what kind of lamp they should use. An ordinary light bulb is not suitable for these purposes; its light is incomplete and does not give the required effect. The lighting should closely resemble the natural spectrum of sunlight.

The spectral layout of light has the following effects on plants:

  1. Red spectrum. Promotes growth and development of the root system. The fruits begin to actively form and ripen.
  2. Blue-violet spectrum. Too slow fast growth stem at the cellular level. Stimulates stem cell division. As a result, the plant does not stretch, deteriorate or become thin.
  3. Green, yellow and orange spectra. Does not have a significant effect on seedlings.

All spectra together produce a strong effect; they affect the growth and development of vegetation. Ordinary light bulbs do not have the required range of colors. But especially for gardeners who grow seeds at home on their own, there are special lamps for seedlings.

How to organize lighting for seedlings at home with your own hands

To organize the lighting yourself, you must first build a space for seedlings. You can select a separate window sill, build a small shelving unit, or free up a table near the window. The next step will be to develop mounting methods for the lamps. These can be hooks or small “ears”. The main thing in this matter is convenience and reliability. The final stage An electrical cord from the network or generator will follow. Once all the preparations are done, it's time to start working on the lamps.

For illumination, lamps can be used: DNA3, LEDs and metal halide. These bulbs are often used to provide plants additional lighting in greenhouses large sizes. For home use It is better to purchase LED, fluorescent or phytolamps.

More information about the types of lamps that are suitable for home lighting of seedlings:

  1. Phytolamps. The perfect solution for additional illumination of stems. The pink-violet spectrum is dangerous for human body, therefore, special reflectors must be installed along with these lamps.
  2. High pressure sodium lamps. Give seedlings uniform warm light. Requires installation of special power regulators. The price of products can hit your pocket hard.
  3. LED light bulbs. They are accessible to every gardener, economical and have many advantages over their counterparts.
  4. Fluorescent lamps. They are poor in the red spectrum, so among those listed they occupy the last line in the list. Use them only when absolutely necessary.

For an ordinary gardener, it is best to install lighting in an apartment with LED bulbs. This option is the most economical, safe, effective and easy to implement. What are the other advantages of this type of lamps, and how can you build full-fledged lighting for plants at home?

What are the advantages of LED lamps

  1. LEDs have gained immense popularity due to their good lighting. In addition, they do not increase the temperature of the air around them. Such lighting gives the gardener a lot of positive points. For example, when making a lamp at home, you can combine two effective spectrums. The result is an almost ideal light bulb for plants.
  2. LEDs can be found in any construction or hardware supermarket. In addition, their price is quite affordable. If the lamp burns out, replacing it will not become an overwhelming burden for the average gardener in our country. The cost of the LED pays off very quickly.
  3. Working diode lamps will not affect your electricity bill in any way. At the same time, the amount of light they provide to vegetation is in no way inferior to other types of lamps. For harmonious growth of seedlings, about six thousand lux is required. Diodes quietly give out this indicator.
  4. Last on our list, but not least for ordinary gardeners, is ease of installation and ease of operation.

How to make an LED lamp for seedlings with your own hands

Making a simple strip light is quite simple. To do this you will need the following elements:

  • plug and wire;
  • power supply or driver that will provide uninterrupted voltage;
  • base for the lamp (any wooden or plastic base will do: ruler, furniture profile, plinth);
  • special thermal paste or a more expensive option - hot melt adhesive (found at a hardware store);
  • blue and red diodes.

In order for the red and blue spectrum to evenly affect the plant, it should be distributed on the base in the following order: two red, one blue, and so on.

The elements are connected by soldering, connected to the power supply, plug and switch. The tape is secured to the prepared surface using bolts and rivets. Double tape holds the structure in place perfectly. The last step is to assemble a single circuit with a block, wire, switch and plug.

Video - Homemade lamp for flowers using phyto LEDs

Phytolamps for supplementary illumination of plants at home

Externally, phytolamps resemble LED ones. Their main difference is the spectrum of the glow produced, which in phytolamps is pink-violet. The light should fall directly on the plants from above. The backlight height must be adjusted manually.

Video - Phytolamps for plant seedlings

In order not to destroy the plants and get strong and strong seedlings, it is important to follow the rules.

  1. It is imperative to observe the frequency of illumination: day and night. A sharp change or shift in the schedule is fraught with poor development and complete destruction of vegetation.
  2. The gap between the light bulb and the plant obeys the inverse quadrant law. This means that if the lamp is removed to a distance four times smaller, the intensity of light received by vegetation will decrease by sixteen times.
  3. If it is possible to place vegetation near windows facing south, this will increase the effectiveness of additional lighting. In addition, this will save on electricity.
  4. Study the additional lighting regime for the seedlings you are growing. Each type of plant needs a certain amount of light. The duration of photoperiods is also different for everyone. Vegetables need light during the day. There are plants that like to be in the shade most of the time.
  5. Please pay attention Special attention lighting seedlings on days when there is no sun at all. If the windows are on the north side, then home lighting is simply necessary.

It is important to remember that natural sunlight cannot be replaced by any light bulb.
