What aroma oils can be added to a humidifier. What aroma oils can be used for a humidifier. Beneficial properties of essential oils

Smell plays a special role in human life among other senses. A person can determine the condition of food by smell. Smells are associated with memories of joyful or sad events. The feeling of comfort and pleasant atmosphere in the house is often, surprisingly, directly related to the smell in the room.

Aromatherapy oils help create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere in your home. These essential oils, which are extracted from plants, fruits or flowers, have recently been added to a humidifier. Their aroma can significantly influence emotional and physical relaxation. This method has gained great popularity because the humidifier distributes odors evenly throughout the room.

A scented humidifier is used as a household appliance that vaporizes essential oil. During the operation of such a humidifier, the air is filled with small water particles, the space is moistened and receives essential oils phytoncides.

Some fragrances for humidifiers can create not only a pleasant indoor climate, but also eliminate unpleasant odors. They can be used to tone the body and have healing effects. Therefore, the fragrance for an air humidifier is often used by specialists in massage rooms and beauty salons for aromatherapy. Such use of humidifiers with aroma function is possible at home. Humidifiers with fragrances allow you to fill the entire room with a pleasant aroma that does not disappear from the room for a long time.

The use of special aromatic oils for moisturizing is not possible in all types of humidifiers, but only in those that have an aromatization function. The use of ether in combination with ordinary water leads to equipment breakdowns. The impossibility of normal cleaning leads to problems internal elements oil moisturizers. This leads to contamination of filters and membrane compartments. Frequent use of oil flavoring deteriorates the quality of the device and it eventually fails. As an exception, the spout of steam humidifiers is used, where a drop of oil is applied. Where the steam comes out, the oil combines with the air and adds flavor, and inner part the humidifier does not suffer.

Today, the use of aromatic oils is becoming increasingly popular. In this regard, many buyers are often interested in whether it is possible to use aroma oils for an air humidifier. When used in this way, they not only give the air a pleasant smell, but also have a beneficial effect on human health. But you need to remember that not every humidifier is suitable for using aromatic essential oils, and also take into account the individual characteristics of your body when choosing and purchasing such fragrances.

Features of the aroma-humidifier

For human comfort and well-being, indoor humidity should be between 40 and 60%. Often (especially in winter) this figure drops to 25-30%. This occurs due to the use heating devices, televisions, gas and electric stoves, air conditioners and other household appliances. When inhaling dry air, a person experiences regular headaches, dry nose, concentration and attention drop, kidney function worsens, and dysbiosis occurs. This air is especially dangerous for children.

A humidifier is designed to solve the problem of dry atmosphere. Thanks to him, people stop getting sick and their health improves. The new environment also has a positive effect on houseplants and interior items made of wood and paper. However, in addition to its main function, the humidifier can additionally aromatize the room. This option allows you to create a new, pleasant atmosphere in the house (apartment), and also has a healing effect on a person thanks to healing properties oils used.

The operating principle of the aroma humidifier is simple. Unlike conventional humidifiers, it breaks down into many microscopic particles not only water, but also essential oil, and then sprays them throughout the entire area of ​​the room, creating a pleasant and comfortable microclimate in the room.

Important! It is not recommended to add oil to regular moisturizers. This causes the device to become very dirty, and its service life is also shortened. Whereas the aroma-humidifier has a special reservoir into which the aroma oil is poured. Thus, it evaporates without coming into contact with other parts of the household appliance.

Like any humidifier, equipment with an aromatization function need to be washed and disinfected regularly to prevent the appearance of fungus and mold. When purchasing, it is better to choose a device with automatic shut-off if the water runs out. Devices without this feature are unsafe and may cause a fire.

How to choose a humidifier for aromatization

Only certain types of humidifiers are suitable for aromatizing the air.

Prohibited for use Authorized for use
Humidifier type Cause Humidifier type Cause
Steam models When adding aromatic oils to them, the equipment will need to be thoroughly washed after each use. Air washers They do not become so dirty when using aromatic oils, and since they do not have replaceable filters, then they do not require replacement.
Ultrasonic models Aromatic oils negatively affect the condition of the device, so it breaks down very quickly. Aroma humidifiers For aromatization, these devices have a separate tank into which oil is poured without harm to the device itself. Aroma humidifiers are the most convenient to use - they distribute a persistent and pleasant aroma throughout the room that lasts for a long time.
Classic cold humidifiers The use of fragrances in them is fraught with constant washing of the product and frequent failure of the filters.

The benefits and harms of exposure to aromatic oils

The use of aromatic oils is widespread, but it must be taken into account that they can bring not only benefits to the body, but also harm.


The advantages of aromatic essential oils include the following:

  • some aromas can cure diseases associated with the respiratory system;
  • pleasant smells relieve nervousness, promote calm and bring harmony;
  • inhaling a number of aromas has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • fragrances have a positive effect on hair growth and skin health;
  • an air humidifier has a beneficial effect on brain function, and a properly selected aromatic oil will increase concentration and attention;
  • when using flavorings, a person’s overall well-being improves, because essential oils have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

On a note! Phytocins contained in essential oils are most effective when they enter the body through airborne droplets. Therefore, aromatizing a room using an air humidifier has a positive effect on the human body, including strengthening the immune system.

Use with caution

When using fragrances in a humidifier, you should be careful and follow some guidelines.

  1. The strictly recommended amount of essential oil must be added to the humidifier. You should not increase the rate in an attempt to make the aroma more intense.
  2. Aromatic oils must be selected with care. Usually the packaging indicates its composition and purpose.
  3. The humidifier should not be left running in aromatization mode for an extended period of time. The smell will spread throughout the room on its own and will last for a long time.
  4. You should not choose scents that cause allergies.
  5. People with bronchial disease should not inhale intense aromas.
  6. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should use aromatic oils with caution, as they can cause allergies in both them and their baby.

Important! People with thyroid diseases are prohibited from using aromatic substances.

As you can see, aromatic essential oils do not harm the body (except for the presence of certain pathological diseases), but on the contrary, have a beneficial effect on it. But when using them, you should take into account your individual characteristics so as not to harm your own health.

Which oils are suitable for use in a humidifier?

If you are using a humidifier with a scent option, it has a compartment into which the oil is added. For such devices you can use any aromatic substances, starting from chamomile extract and ending with essential oils of lemon, orange and other plants. Water-soluble aroma oils, which differ from regular essential oil in concentration, are excellent for use in an aroma humidifier. To obtain such a product, glycerin is removed from the essential oil to reduce density and viscosity, which is replaced with alcohol. The resulting product has the same properties as classic ether.

Advice! All aromatic substances can be purchased at a pharmacy or in specialized stores. To use, you must carefully follow the recommendations on the oil packaging and maintain the specified proportions.

The most popular fragrances and their combinations

There are many varieties of essential oils for aromatherapy. Their correct application depends on what properties the product has, how it affects a person, which aromas are only suitable for improving indoor air, and which have a positive effect on health.

Properties of popular fragrances

The most popular scents for aromatherapy and their effect on the human body will be given in the table.

Aroma Properties
Orange Helps relieve anxiety and insomnia, fills a person with energy, and invigorates in the morning. An aroma oil with this scent improves digestion and normalizes heart function.
Basil Perfect for people who regularly experience spasmodic attacks. It also helps get rid of frequent headaches.
Bergamot Affects brain activity, improving human creative activity. In addition, the aroma of this plant can lower body temperature in various diseases. It also perfectly eliminates fungus indoors.
Eucalyptus Such aroma oils protect human body from viruses and microbes, and also effectively get rid of various infections.
Tea tree This aroma, in addition to protecting against viruses and infectious diseases helps get rid of various insects.
Lemon Useful in the fight against germs and perfectly eliminates headaches.
Lavender oil It is recommended to inhale for people who are depressed, depressed, emotionally unstable or empty.
Chamomile The smell is effective in combating diseases of the digestive system. It also tends to relax the body and relieve stress.
Carnation It is useful for wet coughs, as it removes phlegm perfectly. Affects the body in a similar way anise.
Camphor oil If there is a sick person in the room, it is recommended to add this particular oil to a scented humidifier. It has a disinfecting effect and is also a good pain reliever.
Juniper The aroma perfectly helps with colds and normalizes blood pressure. You can also use essential oil for colds. peppermint or pine.
Sage The aroma accelerates the movement of blood, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the throat. That's why this plant useful for severe colds.
Yarrow This smell not only eliminates germs, but also slows down their spread.

When using other fragrances, you should always read about their intended purpose and the permissible amount for use. Otherwise, you should not use such an essential oil, so as not to cause harm to the body.

Combination Properties

In addition to using individual aromas, combinations of oils have an interesting effect. They not only create a unique smell, but also have a powerful healing effect on the human body. You can mix different scents yourself, following the recommendations of professionals or using existing recipes that have many positive feedback other people.

  1. If you add pine and petitgrain oils to chamomile extract, you will get effective remedy For fighting insomnia. It is perfect for those people who have difficulty falling asleep or wake up frequently during the night.
  2. For stimulate blood circulation, improve brain function, For concentration and attention, it is recommended to use a mixture of pine and spruce with the addition of orange and incense.
  3. Sandalwood oil with the addition of lavender and ylang-ylang helps get rid of stress and fatigue after work, raise a person’s emotional mood.
  4. The combination of ginger and fir with the addition of pine and peppermint is excellent lifts the mood and helps to relate to what is happening with a positive attitude.
  5. A mixture of sandalwood and marjoram with lavender and petitgrain allows relax and unwind from thoughts about work and accumulated problems.

On a note! When adding aromatic oils to a humidifier, the correct proportions must be observed. For a room of 15 square meters you need to take five drops of flavor or a mixture of oils.

Making your own flavoring

When it is not possible to buy aroma oils for a humidifier, or the existing model of the device is not suitable for use for such purposes, you can make your own aroma that allows you to create a pleasant atmosphere in the room. The simplest flavor made from soda. It requires a glass container, a lid with holes, soda and essential oil. Fill the jar one third with soda, add 10 drops of oils, then close the lid and shake thoroughly.

For the second method of making flavoring you need 0.5 liters of water, gelatin, salt, essential oil. The water should be heated, pour in the dissolved gelatin, then add one tablespoon of salt and mix thoroughly. You need to add a few drops of flavoring to the prepared container, and then pour in the resulting mixture. Leave until completely cool.

So, in order to use a climate control device to aromatize a room, you need to know whether essential oils can be added to the humidifier. This is allowed, but not for all types of humidifiers. The best way For this purpose, special aroma humidifiers are suitable, to which you can add both essential and water-soluble oils. When purchasing flavorings, you need to take into account the condition of your body and select substances that will not harm your health.

The best humidifiers according to customers

Climate complex Winia AWX-70 on Yandex Market

Humidifier Boneco U700 on Yandex Market

Humidifier Ballu UHB-185 on Yandex Market

Climate complex Panasonic F-VXL40 on Yandex Market

Humidifier Stadler Form Oskar Original O-020OR/O-021OR on Yandex Market

An aromatized air humidifier will create a pleasant atmosphere in the room. A few drops of healing ether will improve your mood, destroy pathogenic microbes and create cozy atmosphere conducive to rest. For fragrance, you can use mono-oils or compositions that are easy to mix yourself.

When fragrant or essential oils are added to a special tank, they are mixed with water and sprayed while the device is operating. The smallest water suspension does not irritate the bronchi and does not damage furniture and interior items. The slight odor persists even after the humidifier is turned off. This effect cannot be provided by candles, diffusers or oil lamps.

Aroma lamps are economical: just add 5 drops for every 15–20 m2 of room.

Strong concentrations may cause headaches or nausea.

It is better to buy aromatic oils for an air humidifier at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. Pure esters are healthier than fragrant compositions made from synthetic components.

Choosing the right humidifier

Not every humidifier is designed for aromatherapy oils. Fragrances should not be added to steam or ultrasonic humidifiers. The smallest droplets of fat settle on the filters and membrane compartments inside the device, gradually rendering it inoperable.

If you want to scent the air, but only have a traditional humidifier, you can cheat a little: apply a few drops to the steam sprayer, preventing it from getting inside the device. Hot, humid air will be saturated with essential oils and scent the room without harming the mechanism.

It is more convenient for this to use air washes that humidify the atmosphere with cold spray. The device does not create hot steam; the air is humidified by the rotation of the blades located inside the housing. Washing increases the level of humidity and clears the air of dust, micro mites and pet hair. Essential oils can be added directly to water, renewing them as the liquid evaporates.

Another popular type of device for creating an atmosphere with scent is aroma humidifiers with a special compartment for oils or essences. They are easy to wash and no residual fat remains on the walls.

To avoid mistakes, read the instructions. Do not use oils if adding foreign liquids to the water is prohibited.

Install an aroma humidifier in the bedroom or children's room. Regularly fill with clean, filtered water to ensure trouble-free operation of the device. To change the scent: pour out the liquid, rinse the tank and fill with fresh water. Mix the compositions in a separate bottle using a pipette and add to the humidifier.

Advantages and disadvantages of essential oils

Fragrant or essential oils disinfect the air, clean it of dust and saturate it with healing phytoncides.

With regular use:

  • normalize breathing and blood pressure;
  • relieve chronic cough and runny nose;
  • improve the condition of skin, nails and hair;
  • have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • improve sleep and digestion;
  • improve mood;
  • strengthen protective forces body.

Aromatherapy will not benefit everyone. Aroma oils are not recommended for use by people with severe allergies, pregnant and lactating women, patients with thyroid diseases or autoimmune problems.

If nausea, headache, increased blood pressure or other unpleasant symptoms appear, then you should abandon the oils. Most often, the reaction occurs to heavy aromas of sandalwood, ylang-ylang and rose. Oils of sage, basil, pine or rosemary are dangerous for pregnant women.

Popular scents and their effects

Choose scents based on your mood, personal preferences or ailments. The most popular aroma oils for an air humidifier:

    • Lemon oil improves performance, enhances concentration, invigorates and refreshes. Indispensable during the cold season, it effectively fights bacteria.
    • Sweet orange oil is a natural relaxant. Calms nerves, stimulates brain activity and improves breathing.
    • Bergamot oil fights depression, boosts immunity and improves mood.
    • Eucalyptus oil protects against bacteria and viruses. Saturated with phytoncides, has a restorative effect, tones and improves breathing. Useful for those suffering from asthma or chronic runny nose.
    • Basil oil helps to concentrate, fights migraine attacks and spasms, and reduces nervous tension.
    • Peppermint oil helps concentrate, invigorates, restores and relieves nausea. Useful for people experiencing constant overload. Improves the health of the atmosphere and reduces the activity of viruses.
    • Lavender oil eliminates chronic insomnia, calms, relieves anxiety and invigorates positive mood. Useful for people who are obese or on a diet. The bitter aroma reduces hunger and improves digestion.
    • Cinnamon oil provides a calming atmosphere, calms, extinguishes conflicts and prevents skin diseases.
    • Sandalwood oil helps complete relaxation and the development of sensuality. Helps you fall asleep and is useful for constant nervous overload.

In addition to mono-oils, ready-made or hand-mixed compositions are used in everyday life. For precise dosage proportions, use a pipette. Store oil mixtures in dark glass bottles with tight stoppers.

The most successful compositions:

      • lemon+orange+mint;
      • pine+rosemary+sandalwood;
      • lavender+rose+petitgrain;
      • ylang+sandalwood+grapefruit.

Aroma oils for an air humidifier create a relaxing, invigorating or romantic atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the house. Aromatherapy affects your mood and well-being, turning your home into a fortress for resting your soul and body.

The quality of the indoor microclimate depends not only on temperature and humidity levels. The component of smell, that is, the sensation of smells and aromas, plays a large role. And here aromatic oils occupy a special place. The most convenient way to distribute their pleasant and healthy aroma is with the help of spraying devices.

Today there are models of air humidifiers into which you can add essential oils.

In what situations can you add essential oils to humidifiers? What models of climate control devices are designed for this purpose? All these questions interest many people. Another important point– determination of aromatic oil extracts that are suitable for spraying in the apartment.

Essential and aromatic oils: their importance for the indoor microclimate

Before you consider using essential oils in a humidifier, it is worth understanding the questions of what they are, their benefits and harmful properties possesses. Aromatic oils are elements of biological composition that can have a significant effect on humans due to their beneficial characteristics.

The following components can serve as ingredients for the production of aromatic oils:

  • Components various plants: flowers, stems, leaves, skin.
  • Fruits and their components: juice, pulp, peel.

Aroma oils are effectively used for the following purposes:

  • The need to normalize the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  • Improvement appearance hair and nails.
  • Strengthening concentration and improving the processes of brain and mental activity.
  • Physical and emotional relaxation.
  • Restoring the immune system.
  • Restoration of the nervous system.

Despite all positive properties aromatic oils, it is important to use them in a timely manner, to be careful in dosages and selection of specific extracts when mixing. Under certain circumstances, essential oils can harm the human body.

In some cases, aromatic oils must be used very carefully

Cases when you should use aromatic oils with caution:

  • Tendency to develop allergic reactions. You need to be especially careful when using sage and thuja extracts.
  • Presence of bronchial asthma.
  • Pregnancy. Be especially careful when using extracts of rosemary, cedar, sage and basil. It is better not to use these substances during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary.
  • The period of breastfeeding. Substances inhaled in the air enter the baby’s body, many of them can be harmful to fragile health.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland and kidneys. The presence of diseases associated with these organs.
  • A cold with symptoms of fever.

Humidifier and aroma oil

The positive benefits of using an air humidifier as a means of aromatizing a room are obvious. Spraying humid air will allow you to distribute the desired aroma evenly and dosed throughout the room. Let's see how things work in practice with parallel moisturizing and aromatization using a humidifier.

Can you add essential oils to a humidifier? Today, many manufacturers offer for sale models with the functionality of room aromatization.

They are usually called aroma humidifiers. The presence of the aromatization function does not depend on the type of device. Aromatization can be provided for ultrasonic, steam or “cold” models.

The operating principle of such devices is simple. In the design, a special capsule or container is installed in front of the sprayer to accommodate aromatic substances. When water evaporates due to temperature or ultrasound, essential oils also evaporate. Thus, the space of the room is not only moistened, it is saturated with aromatic elements and phytoncides. In “cold type” devices you can add water with soluble oils. But not all devices provide the ability to scent a room using oils.

What to do if the humidifier does not have a compartment for an aroma capsule or container with essential oil? Any device must be used strictly for its intended purpose, so if the instructions do not indicate the presence of an aromatization function, you should not add aromatic oils to a container with water. Such arbitrariness can only harm your health and the serviceability of the device.

The practice of adding water-soluble oils to the main water tank of steam and ultrasonic devices has a positive effect in dispersing aromas throughout the room, but has a negative effect on the performance of the humidifier, shortening the period of its effective operation.

Oils seriously contaminate the main working units (membrane, filters), which over time makes it impossible to efficient work. It is almost impossible to remove oil deposits without disassembling the device. Therefore, if the device instructions do not provide the functionality to add aromatic substances, you should not add oils.

When using a humidifier with essential oils, the device must be cleaned after each use. This requirement is caused by the fact that the particles of aromatic oils remaining in the parts create a favorable atmosphere for the development of bacteria and microorganisms. Without thorough cleaning and rinsing, all bacteria will enter the room air the first time you turn it on the next time.

Calculation of the amount of aromatic oils when added to a humidifier should take into account the proportion of 5 drops per 15 square meters. m. area of ​​the room.

What aroma oils can be used in humidifiers

What types of essential oils with fragrances are best to add to a humidifier? The presence of a huge number of different natural extracts makes the task of selecting the optimal oil to add to the climate control device quite complex. Therefore, it is worth presenting several proven options.

Orange aroma oil improves mood and gives a boost of energy

You can add the following aromatic oils:

  1. Orange. The effect of the extract improves mood, gives vigor, relieves anxiety and insomnia. Affects the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems of the body.
  2. Basil. Soothing and antibacterial effect. Often combined with eucalyptus to enhance antimicrobial effects.
  3. Bergamot. Counteracts fungal formations, improves appetite.
  4. Eucalyptus (phytoncides). Antiviral effect.
  5. Lemon. Antiviral effect.
  6. Lavender. Calming, antidepressant effect, improved sleep. Perfect for nervous exhaustion.
  7. Chamomile. Anti-stress, calming, relaxing effect. For disorders of the digestive system.
  8. Carnation. The strong expectorant effect that the extract causes is useful for wet coughs.
  9. Juniper. For diseases of the respiratory system. Normalizes blood pressure.
  10. Mint, pine, fir. Relieving cold symptoms, preventing viral diseases.

What combinations should you try when spraying?

  1. At bad sleep– sandalwood, chamomile.
  2. For weakening attention and memory - pine, incense, spruce, orange.
  3. For stress – sandalwood, lavender.
  4. For general relaxation – sandalwood, lavender.

With the right approach, air humidification can be effectively combined with aromatic oils.

It all depends on the type of device. If it has the functionality to add essential oils, its operation will fill the room with a pleasant and healthy smell. Do not forget about the careful selection of specific types of extracts and their combinations.

Our life is integrally connected with a variety of smells. Some remind us of the holiday, others are associated with spoiled goods. Aroma oils that can be used in an air humidifier are designed to create the most pleasant atmosphere for us in the house. Some scents not only relax, but also tone or have a healing effect.

The fragrance function in humidifiers will be useful in two cases.

  1. Creating a pleasant smell for small spaces. Often used in SPA salons and massage rooms. Essential oils (tea tree, sandalwood) help relax the autonomic system. Also, the effect of blocking unpleasant odors will be useful for homes with four-legged pets that do not walk outside. Mint or pine additives neutralize the slight smell of musk and ammonia.
  2. Use as an inhaler during the cold season at the first sign of a cold. People with weak bronchi respond well to spraying steam with eucalyptus, lavender, and pine needles. At permanent job heating systems Oil-rich steam softens the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eliminates dry throat.

Since all essential oils have a high density, add them to classic moisturizers natural type Not recommended. Viscous particles will not be atomized without mechanical movement and will simply settle on the walls of the tank. Therefore, it is better to purchase devices with special compartments for refilling with the necessary aroma.

The best models of humidifiers with aromatization function

The optimal models using aromatic oils today are made on the basis of ultrasonic membranes that cut water into dispersed dust.

Scarlett SC-AH986M19 / SC-AH986M21

Two similar desktop models made from plastic with metal finish white and black. They are perfect for anyone small room up to 25 squares. The manufacturer allows refilling tap water, but if its quality is too low, then it is better to pour filtered liquid. In the office it is easier to use water from a dispenser. Models differ good energy efficiency, since they consume only 22W.

The tank capacity is 3.5 liters. After a full set, the flow rate will be 300 ml/hour and will provide up to 12 hours of continuous operation. Humidifier housing equipped with a small carrying handle. A special retractable compartment containing a thin fiber pad is responsible for the aromatization function. Five to six drops of your favorite oil are enough, and the spray will be carried out evenly throughout the entire work cycle.

The direction of supply of flavored steam can be changed. Easy adjustment The wheel allows you to increase or decrease the supply of humid air.


  • inexpensive practical model with low energy costs;
  • easy adjustment;
  • soft lighting with water level;
  • automatic shutdown after all the liquid has evaporated;
  • simple cleaning (fill with water and soda or vinegar and turn on the cycle with turning the steam outlet to the open air).


  • no timer;
  • mechanical control;
  • when using calcined water it is possible white coating on surrounding objects.

The famous Swedish brand, known for its comfortable mobile devices household appliances, developed original model humidifier. A special feature of this option is the compact base unit, on which you can attach a bottle with clean water equipped with a dispenser. The unusual design eliminates the main problem of cleaning the device from deposits, since each time it is used, a clean bottle with fresh water acts as a body.

Humidifier Electrolux EHU-4015 in operation

The manufacturer suggests using containers from 0.5 to 1.5 liters, but some owners were unable to use them properly big bottle, since the water pressure outweighed the hull. Best reviews reported work in the range up to one liter.

The housing has retractable legs and spout, which can be folded and packed together with the bottle into a regular backpack. With an energy consumption of 14 W, the device restores normal humidity levels in dry rooms within 7 days. Some owners place a humidifier on the nightstand near the bed and fill the aroma capsule with essential oils to quickly get rid of dry skin and colds.


  • original design with refillable water without the need to clean the base unit;
  • high-quality components, availability of certified service centers in all regions;
  • compact size, can be carried with you to the office every day (weight 1.4 kg);
  • adjusting the direction and power of the fan
  • backlight


  • does not always work well with large volumes of water;
  • a little noisy, can be heard at night.

The most spacious 6 liter humidifier in the line budget models with capsule for aromatic oils. The body is made of black plastic. Installed on the floor. Has improved environmental qualities, since the water is filtered through built-in ceramic cartridge, which removes chlorine impurities. Thanks to additional cleaning ultrasonic humidifier practically does not give off the characteristic white coating.

Stylish humidifier Marta MT-2691

Steam output at a speed of 350 ml per hour. A full charge lasts about 40 hours. The body has a built-in scale with an indicator of the level of remaining liquid. Also present multi-colored lighting(too bright at night for some owners).

The mechanical wheel regulator allows you to adjust the desired steam speed. One of the holes on the lid can be rotated in a circle, changing direction. Oil is refilled through a compartment with a soft gasket.


  • large volume, long operating time;
  • soft adjustment;
  • backlight;
  • power is designed for 50 m2;
  • additional cleaning through a ceramic cartridge;
  • automatic shutdown after complete evaporation;
  • steam supply adjustment.


  • The lid does not fit tightly enough; after filling with water, you need to tighten it tightly so that the body does not leak;
  • The indicator light is too bright.

Terms of use

Every good manufacturer supplies its products with dosage instructions for essential oils that can be used when operating a humidifier. For this purpose, there is a small compartment on the body in which there is a soft pad made of fibrous material or foam rubber that allows air to pass through well.

The standard dosage is 5 drops for a room of at least 15 m2. Some companies complete their products with several samples of different essential oils. After using one humidification cycle, the gasket must be cleaned under warm water and dry (do not use aggressive heat from the battery).

An overdose of a strong-smelling essential component may cause unpleasant symptoms such as headache or mild nausea. In this case, it is necessary to turn off the device, ventilate the room and clean the container with the aroma capsule.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, the use of essential oils is very widespread. True, few people understand exactly what the benefits of certain odors are and what effect they can have on the body. As positive points it is worth noting:

  1. Certain scents can help treat breathing-related illnesses.
  2. Helps restore calm.
  3. Some smells improve the functioning of the cardiac system.
  4. Certain odors have a beneficial effect on hair growth or skin.
  5. Using an air humidifier has a beneficial effect on brain function, and a well-chosen fragrance for your device will help with concentration.
  6. Essential oils improve the functioning of the immune system, which affects the overall health of the body.

Scientists have proven that contained in aromatic oils phytocins have a beneficial effect on the human immune system, and the most quick way their entry into the body is via airborne droplets.

The oils themselves do not pose a risk to your health, but you should use a moisturizer carefully, and follow some rules:

  1. You should not violate the recommended dose of the fragrant substance, trying to make the smell more saturated.
  2. Choose your broadcast carefully. As a rule, the composition and its purpose are always written on the packaging.
  3. A humidifier that can be used with aromatization should not be turned on for a long time; the smell will spread quickly and will last a considerable amount of time.
  4. Beware of odors that may cause allergies.
  5. If you have problems with the bronchi, then do not choose rich scents.
  6. During pregnancy and while breastfeeding, you should also not abuse such supplements, since strong odors may cause allergies in you and your baby.
  7. For people with thyroid problems, the use of substances that aromatize the air is contraindicated.

It is obvious that, in general, oils are not harmful to the body, but on the contrary, they are very beneficial. But it is necessary to take into account special factors and individual intolerances so as not to worsen your health.

Popular fragrances and their effect on humans

If you think about it, there are a lot of aromas that are used to create a pleasant atmosphere at home. But what effects do they have, and what are the specifics of their use? Which of them are needed only to scent the room, and which ones affect health?

  1. The aroma of orange promotes vigor, energizes, relieves anxiety, and is also useful for insomnia. Good for digestion and the heart.
  2. Basil is recommended for those who suffer from spasmodic attacks, in particular from severe headaches.
  3. The aroma of bergamot will help in the fight against fungal deposits in the apartment, and it also has a beneficial effect on the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for creative activity. This aroma also helps reduce fever during illness.
  4. Eucalyptus oils help fight viral infections, and protect the body from microbes.
  5. Tea tree oil has a similar effect. In addition, it effectively repels insects.
  6. The aroma of lemon helps fight viruses and is good for headaches.
  7. Lavender oil is recommended for depression in people suffering from emotional instability or devastation.
  8. Chamomile helps with problems with digestive system, and also has a relaxing effect on the body and helps fight stress.
  9. It is recommended to use cloves if you cannot get rid of wet cough. Its aroma helps remove phlegm.
  10. It is good to use camphor oil in the room where the patient is. It has a disinfectant and analgesic effect.
  11. Anise is no less effective for getting rid of phlegm.
  12. Juniper extract can be used for both viral diseases, and to normalize blood pressure.
  13. Pine and peppermint oils are excellent for colds.
  14. During a severe cold, you can use sage oil. It accelerates blood flow, which stimulates the functioning of the throat ligaments.
  15. The aroma of yarrow not only fights germs, it slows down the process of their spread.

Always remember that if you do not find the purpose of the extract on the box, then it is better not to add it to your humidifier. This may harm both the performance of your appliance and your health.

Effective combinations

By using air fragrances, you can not only use a specific smell, but also combine aromas, creating incredible medicinal effects. You can combine them yourself using the instructions on the package, or you can use ready-made recipes that have already been tested for effectiveness:

  1. The combination of pine, chamomile extract and petitgrain will help cope with insomnia. If you can't sleep or often wake up at night, this recipe is for you.
  2. If your work involves mindfulness, then a blend of pine, frankincense, spruce and orange would be a good choice. This aroma stimulates blood circulation and, as a result, increases brain efficiency.
  3. If you are often tired at work, have a depressed emotional state, and are constantly stressed, then a mixture of sandalwood, ylang-ylang and lavender will put you in order.
  4. A blend of pine, ginger, fir and peppermint aromas will help you maintain good mood and look at the world with a positive attitude.
  5. In order to relax and not think about problems and worries, it is good to use a combination of sandalwood, lavender, petitgrain and marjoram oils.

When adding flavorings, proportions must be observed. For 15 square meters you should use 5 drops of oil or a mixture of oils.

The use of aromatic oils does not cause harm to the body, but on the contrary, has a beneficial effect on it. But in some cases, it is worth avoiding a certain aroma or group of odors. Remember the safety rules and enjoy fresh and clean air
