How to easily make a path from old tires with your own hands. Garden path made from tires Path made from car tires

When arranging a summer cottage, there is often not enough money for new building materials. Most owners have learned to make do with improvised means. And if you add a little skill, then unusual functional products are obtained from unnecessary things.

One such solution is garden paths made from car tires. This is a durable material that does not require special care. And even a person without construction skills can create a path from it.

Pros and cons of using

Among the advantages of using tires are the following:

  1. Reliability of the material. For tires, high-quality durable rubber is used. Even in a worn state they do not lose their properties.
  2. Durability. This trail will last for years without the need for repair.
  3. Rubber is slip resistant. The relief surface allows you to calmly walk on them during heavy rain, frost.
  4. Not afraid of temperature changes or high humidity.
  5. Does not deform under heavy mechanical loads.
  6. Requires minimal care. It is enough to periodically wash the surface from dirt with a hose or sweep away debris with a broom.
  7. If necessary, the track can be easily moved to another location.
  8. There are almost no costs for such a path. There is no need to buy material, and every owner has the necessary tools.
  9. The tire does not rot and dries quickly.
  10. Easy to install.

Photo: future path made from a truck tire

But you should also take into account a number of disadvantages that you will have to face. Among them:

  1. The need for a large number of tires. Even for a small garden path you will need more than a dozen of them. But if you negotiate with the service station employees for a nominal fee, then you will have a sufficient amount of tires in stock.
  2. Unaesthetic appearance. Of course, the beauty of the tire path cannot be compared with natural stone. However, for summer cottage owners, for whom practicality, durability and price come to the fore, the attractiveness of the path is not so important.
  3. Weak plasticity of rubber. Before installing a tire product, the material should be straightened, which will take a little work.
  4. When creating a path, a mandatory backfill of gravel is required.. Otherwise, the path will soon simply disappear into the ground.

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How to do the installation yourself - let's look at it step by step

First, you should prepare the necessary tools and fasteners:

  • sharp knife or jigsaw;
  • wooden slats;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • shovel;
  • axe;
  • nails (minimum 7 cm long).

The number of tires depends on the width and length of the alley. To make a neat garden path from old tires, it is important to carefully approach each stage of creation. Let's look at them in detail:

  1. Preparation of working material. The rim of the car tire should be carefully separated from the tread band. The main tool is a jigsaw. Many craftsmen suggest using a sharp knife, constantly moistening it with lubricant, but it will take more time and effort. The rim is separated strictly along the edge of the tread. This will make the cut rubber easier to straighten. The jigsaw should be driven around the circumference of the tire, not across it. This measure will prevent the blade from becoming dull or the tool from breaking.
  2. Forming the tape. To do this, the protector is cut with a knife or an ax. The number of stripes depends on the selected track dimensions.
  3. Creating a solid foundation for the path. The trench is dug to the depth of a spade bayonet. The bottom is compacted. A layer of crushed stone or gravel is poured. You can pour it on top sand-cement mortar. But this is optional. For non-heaving soils, adding gravel will be sufficient.
  4. Alignment and fixation of tapes. It is performed using wooden slats pre-treated with resin. The edges of the rubber are straightened and nailed to the slats.

For paths several strips wide, a gap of up to 2 cm is left between the strips. Rainwater will not accumulate on the surface, and the grown grass will strengthen the position of the path on the ground.

Another interesting option– creation of a ladder from tires on a personal plot. Suitable for cottages that are on a slope. The tires are sunk slightly into the ground and laid from the bottom to the top of the soil. Soil is poured inside. And to prevent the steps from slipping during the rain, pour them on top thin layer gravel.

Thematic material:

Making curbs from tires

This material is used to make small fences of varying heights. Often used tires are fenced off from the rest of the yard flower bed or children's room playground. It is enough to simply cut the tire in half with a jigsaw or knife, and dig it into the ground with the cut side.
And to make the borders look beautiful, they should be painted, interesting patterns and drawings applied.

Photo gallery of finished paths and borders

We suggest you take a look different ways using tires as a material for garden paths and borders:

Photo: great use of old rubber

As it turned out, even this unnecessary products, like old tires, I managed to find useful application. And what’s even nicer is to save a significant amount on the purchase of building materials and improve your summer cottage plot for practically nothing.

A dacha is a place where you want to relax after the bustle of the city. Therefore, it must have everything necessary for comfort, including paths on the site, on which not only ease of movement, but also safety depends.

Today, various materials can be used to make paths in the garden. Some people prefer paving slabs, or gravel, but someone goes a more radical route and makes paths from old tires.

Indeed, car tires are very suitable material for these purposes. Besides the worthy physical and mechanical properties, the tires have a tread that will make moving along makeshift paths as comfortable and safe as possible.

How to make paths from old tires? What tires are best to use for these purposes? Read about it in a construction magazine.

Original and beautiful paths from old car tires- It is not simple a budget option. This approach to arranging garden plot will allow you to embellish it and make it stand out among many.

It is also noteworthy that to make such garden paths with your own hands, you will need a minimum of time and tools. By the way, the tool you will need is a grinder, but would be better suited jigsaw with metal file. If electric jigsaw no, you can also use sharp knife. However, work on the manufacture of paths, in in this case, will seriously drag on.

First of all, you will need to cut the sidewalls of the tires so that you get rings. As mentioned above, for work it is best to use a jigsaw with a metal blade. Once the sidewalls are cut, you will need to cut the tires in half to create individual strips.

To align the strips, you will need to make small cuts on each edge, up to 5 cm. Thus, when laying garden paths from tires, there will be no difficulties in leveling them.

To make tracks, you can use various tires, starting from R13 and larger. Some masters even use D20 tires from DT. However, in this case, some difficulties may arise with cutting out the side of the tires. And the high tread height can become an obstacle to comfortable movement on homemade paths.

Therefore, it is recommended not to take tires too large sizes, and exclusively from passenger cars. It will also be just great if there is at least some tread left on the tires. Then the garden paths will not be as slippery as those for the manufacture of which a mine belt for conveyors was taken (conveyor belt).

In order for tire tracks to last a long time, you should adhere to the basic rules associated with their installation. For these purposes, you will first have to mark the territory and prepare the area for the paths.

Therefore, armed with a long rope or fishing line, as well as several wooden pegs, you should mark the boundaries where the tire tracks will go with your own hands. Then you can prepare the base for their installation.

If there is vegetation in the area where garden paths are laid, then you must get rid of it in any case. Then, using a shovel, you should carefully level the soil under the paths (the place should be level, without depressions or protrusions).

The last stage will be laying paths from car tires. There is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is that homemade paths They adhered well to the surface of the soil and did not fidget on it.

In some cases, something like sheathing has to be built under the paths, but this happens, as a rule, only in a very swampy area.

At the moment, almost all summer cottages allow the implementation of various ideas design. When improving the territory of a dacha or country cottage you can use comfortable paths from various materials. But don’t rush and throw away things that seem useless at first glance. You can give them new life, bringing something fresh and distinctive to the layout at the same time personal plot.

What types of garden paths are there?

Pedestrian paths according to their purpose can be divided into transit and walking.

Transit paths are designed for movement through main areas, most often they lead from the gate to the house or serve to connect paths in the yard. For example, from home to summer kitchen or veranda. The width of such paths is calculated for two pedestrians who can walk together or parallel to each other. For transit paths, it is advisable to use large tires, laying them horizontally.

Walking paths are much smaller paths. A tire width of 50–60 cm will be sufficient for them. passenger car. For example, a path made from shredded tires can be thrown between the beds in the country house or in the garden. Then it will be easy to move around the garden even after a heavy downpour or in winter when there is ice.

Advice! Tracks consisting of different segments of car tires look very elegant, especially when laid out carefully and decorated.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of using tires to create a garden path are:

  • durability - high-quality and durable rubber is used to create tires, such tracks will last for years;
  • protection against slipping - the relief surface will allow you to safely use such a path both in frost and in heavy rain;
  • no deformation under the influence of mechanical loads;
  • accessibility - there are practically no costs for the track, there is no need to buy material;
  • ease of installation and installation;
  • minimal maintenance - just periodically wash the surface with a hose or sweep away debris and dust with a broom.

Garden paths made from tires also have their downsides.: under influence sunlight release certain harmful substances. Therefore, it is better to place paths made of such materials where pedestrians, and especially children, do not walk for a long time.

Methods for installing tires for garden paths

There are not many options for installing tire tracks. To create a trail, you can use the following methods:

  • lay the tires horizontally;
  • pave herringbone shapes.

The choice of installation option will depend on the width and length of the trail, the size of the tires, and their number. It must be taken into account that each option has its pros and cons. For example, tires that lie flat are easier to fill with reinforcing material. But from solid tires you can create not only a garden path, but also a staircase.

When making paths in the garden or at the dacha, you can take both tires with and without rims, in the form of cut strips or squares. It should be noted that in the first case, installation is carried out flat or the tire must be placed “on the edge”.

Advice! To achieve even flooring for paths, you need to use rubber with even wear. It is advisable to choose truck tires.

The vertical installation of tires will be problematic - it requires bedding. It is believed that it is best to fill the gaps between the walls with concrete, which will increase wear resistance. This procedure must be performed before installation itself.

How to create your own garden path from tires?

Before creating a path, you should measure its width and length, set its shape and direction. In this case, you need to take into account details that can help make the path multifunctional and comfortable to use.

  1. First you need to prepare your tools. Any craftsman has them - all you need is a jigsaw or a well-sharpened knife, nails, a shovel, an ax and a hammer.
  2. Trim the tire using construction knife or jigsaw.

    Advice! You can then build a curb from the remaining side part of the tire.

  3. Then you need to cut the tread to create a tape.
  4. The resulting tapes must be laid horizontally and their edges nailed to a wooden base. You will get smooth paths.

    You can also nail several strips onto the bars. And then connect the resulting paths by direct weaving.
  5. To improve the quality of the future path, you can add gravel to the path, which will serve as a foundation.
  6. You can proceed to installation. Before laying a path, it is recommended to draw up a diagram and think about the application additional ways landscaping such as curbs, gutters, skylights or drainage systems.

garden path made from tires, made by yourself, will become an original addition to any country house or cottage. At the same time, the use of car tires can be completely different. From tires it is possible to create a creative path to the front garden, children's sandbox or even to the vegetable garden.

Don't rush to get rid of worn tires. They may still serve you well. After all, in order to create real decorative elements for a personal plot from car tires, you need very little skill and inspiration.

Summer residents are well aware of how inconvenient it is to work and simply walk around a summer cottage where there are no good garden paths. And when it rains, things are really bad. There is only dirt everywhere, which you also carry with you on your shoes. This way you can easily get injured when your feet run on a slippery path. Therefore, it is recommended to make a path, including between the beds. This way, dirt from the garden will not be carried into the house, so you will have to clean up much less.

Fortunately, you can pave a garden path from a wide variety of materials - stone, tiles, paving stones, wood cuts, but these are not cheap materials. At the same time, we have a more budget-friendly option with low costs - in the form of car tires. Therefore, we propose to make paths from car tires. All you need to do is cut it out with a knife. side part cord and cut in the middle, which will make the finished track. She lays on wooden slats and nailed down.

To make garden paths at low cost, you need to take the following materials:
car tires;
wooden planks;
nails or screws.

List necessary tools:
sharp shoemaker or other knife;
hammer or screwdriver.

Step-by-step description - creating a garden path from car tires

You need to take an old car tire and cut off the side with a knife.

The result is this.

It should be cut on one side, after which you will get a path in the form of a strip. Then take another path and nail it with nails or fix it with screws on a wooden plank. To extend the life of the board, treat it using waste oil or bitumen mastic.

The next step is to lay the path in the required places on your summer cottage. It is especially recommended to place paths between the beds.

As you can see, everything is quite simple, while the garden path is budget-friendly and practical.

Ideas for using car tires for garden paths

Path-ladder in the garden or on steep slope from car tires.

A path made of rubber rectangular tiles (tiles can be made from car tires)