How to turn an old village house into a dream cottage?! Interior of a country house: interior design ideas The best rural houses

Many people dream of owning a house in the countryside. First you need to decide what the layout will look like. village house, and only after that start creating the project.

An example of the design and layout of a village house

Having chosen a site, you need to register it with the local municipality, after which, and if something else is built, then be sure to include it in the project. Now this scheme needs to be submitted for approval. The approved project and documents of the registered site should be submitted to the municipality for approval. And only after approval can construction begin.

The main stages have been completed, but during construction there will be nuances and issues that also need to be resolved. You can order a village house project from architectural bureaus or construction organization. There are people who can create a building project and implement it. This may be more expensive than hiring several developers, but it is easier.

Simple village house project

This is because the house will be built by one organization, and they most often give finished projects for free. This doesn't mean the projects are bad. Free in in this case- it’s a gift if the house is built by that company. Before the foundation is laid, it is necessary to think about how it will look, taking into account the area of ​​the building itself.

The layout of the house includes:

  1. Height of the house, number of floors, .
  2. Heating and sewer pipes are required.
  3. , if there is one.
  4. The location and size of additional buildings in the courtyard of the house.
  5. Entrance to the house.
  1. Location of rooms on floors.
  2. Pipes. Carrying out sewer pipes and heating pipes.
  3. Location of all windows and doors.
  4. Extension. What size should it be and where should it be located?
  5. Wall thickness (this depends on the material the house will be made of).


Project of a village house made of logs with an attic

To do this, you need to know the rules for creating projects. There are many computer programs and online services. Both can help. All items listed above will need to be included in created project Houses. It is necessary to take into account all emerging issues. Otherwise, for example, the pipes will not fit into their designated place. Still, it's worth leaving this to the professionals.

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Photos of house layouts

Experts know better where it is better to round a corner and where to make it straight. They have produced various projects of village houses, projects of one-story private houses and planning projects with an extension, heating and everything else.

Reconstruction or build

If there is basement, then it is necessary to calculate the height of the foundation. Hire an excavator to dig holes for the foundation and for the sewer system. Only after this is the foundation laid according to the house design.
After the foundation, the walls of the house are erected. They must be erected, leaving space for windows and doors.

3D layout of a small village house

The walls inside the house must be erected together with the main ones, load-bearing walls. Wood is often used instead of brick. It will take less time, but you will have to spend a lot of money. Wood as a material for construction is an expensive pleasure. The appearance of such houses is amazing and reminiscent of houses in rustic style. Houses made of wood are more difficult to build according to design. When necessary, the brick can be broken, but a log house with a diameter of half a meter will have to be sawed.

The exterior of a rustic wooden house is simply gorgeous. Not everyone will understand this, which is why village house designs are not very popular. Having gone to the outback, it’s easy to find country house. They are usually many years old. Therefore, such houses with a plot of land are bought either for restoration or rebuilt. If the purchased plot is large enough, then you can put another house on it.

Design and layout of a classic old wooden house

And the procedure of going around and collecting the necessary papers will have to be repeated “from start to finish.” If reconstruction of the house begins, then paperwork will be easier. The first thing you need to do is check the strength load-bearing structures, for this it is better to invite a specialist. He will check everything and tell you what needs to be done. Finding such a specialist is not difficult.

It is best to start with the reconstruction of the foundation - over many years it could collapse. Next you need to check the walls.

The outside walls can be covered over, but everything inside will be visible possible problems. After checking the walls, you need to check the roof. everything is simpler: its basis is wooden frame. You can figure out whether it is whole or not by simply examining it carefully. Now it remains to decide on the financial part of the issue and calculate future costs.

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Holiday houses or guest places on your site

Construction technology

You can build a house from:

  • panels;
  • aerated concrete blocks;
  • sawdust concrete blocks;
  • expanded clay concrete blocks.

The choice is really large. The price is also very different. Each material for building a house is very different in structure, quality and characteristics, but another difference is in the technology of building a house. Many people love wood, so the technology of building a wooden house will be considered.
There are two types of wood for building a house: timber and logs. Here you need to consider - timber is cheaper than logs, but how much of it will be needed is unknown.

The log looks much more massive and exclusive. When the foundation is ready for further construction, insulation is laid under the first row, after which the row itself is laid out. All excess insulation sticking out from under the wall can be removed. Then gradually.

At the joints in the logs, grooves are made, which are placed on the previous log. For greater stability, a small notch is made along all the logs. It turns out that the log seems to fit into the previous one, which gives greater stability to the walls. The logs are tied together at the joints. Each log must be treated with an antiseptic against rot, mold and the rest. There is a bioseptic and a fire retardant - all these products will help you avoid or get rid of anything that can spoil the tree.

After the collection is completed, when the process has reached the roof, the problem of gaps arises. They can appear even if the logs are the smoothest and fit together like parts of a construction set. To solve a problem in any hardware store tow for sale. In the old days they used moss, but there is not much of it now. With tow, adhesive tape with insulating tape is often used. When compacting the tapes into the cracks, you need to intertwine them together and push them into the crack with a spatula.

Then carefully coat this seam, and then remove the excess. The problem of heat leakage will be solved.
Roof options vary. You need to choose the one you like best. Most often they use the simplest and most reliable option. Assembling it according to the drawing will not be a problem. But what to cover the roof of a wooden house with - you need to compare prices, quality and capabilities.

From our readers it proves that even an abandoned village house can turn into favorite place for family holidays.

Natalya and her husband Grigory bought a plot of land with an old hut in the village of Klinok, Chervensky district, in the summer of 2014. The village is located next to the Volma fish farm, surrounded by picturesque nature: surrounded by lakes, fields and forests.

This is what it looked like an old house

The desire to buy a house in the village appeared a long time ago. Before this family for a long time shared her parents' house with her husband's sister. And then luck smiled on them: a plot of land was being sold down the street. Having decided that this opportunity should not be missed, Natalya and Grigory, having calculated their finances, purchased it.

“The acquisition was not in the best condition: rickety gates and fences, a yard overgrown with weeds, a dilapidated barn,” says Natalya.

The house had high thresholds, creaking and sagging floors, ten layers of wallpaper behind which crowds of insects swarmed, and moss-covered slate on the roof. The house itself was divided into two large rooms with a stove in the center.

Dismantling an old barn

The first thing they did was demolish the barn and the outbuilding that served as a canopy. We cleaned the house. They took out the excess. We also did cleaning work on the site in our free time. By this time I was already retired, so I stayed at the dacha all summer and tended to the garden. My husband, Grigory, son Alexey and daughter Olga with their family came for the weekend. Everyone contributed to the arrangement of the house.

They decided to completely demolish the barn; instead, they built a woodshed, in which we store firewood, boards and various things that can be useful on the farm.

In 2015, the “restoration” continued. The area was surrounded by a metal profile fence. An extension was made from blocks, 6x6 meters, to the house from the side of the garden, where the senets were located. Now there is a kitchen, pantry and hallway. The inside of the extension was lined with clapboard. Old slate exchanged for a new one.

They built behind the trash shed Summer shower: a small cabin, covered with oilcloth, with a large barrel on top (now it has been redone, instead of oilcloth they surrounded the cabin cellular polycarbonate). The water heats up during the day and you can rinse off in the evening. Nearby they built a small building with two compartments: in one there is a toilet, in the second there is a shed in which everything necessary for the garden is stored.

Over time, water was supplied and sewerage was installed, and a 6x2 meter veranda was made. There is now a toilet there, just like in the city.

Inside the old part of the house, the floor was re-laid, the walls were lined with clapboard, new windows were installed, and the stove was redone.

The outside of the house was insulated and covered with siding.

The garden is always in order and the beds constantly delight the family with a good harvest.

For the family, the dacha has become a pleasant place where they can have a great time and relax from the bustle of the city.

Tell us about your dacha and win a prize

site competition for avid and novice summer residents. Tell us about your dacha: how it was bought, built or rebuilt, how you created a place where you feel comfortable. We will publish the best stories, and for the best one we will award a cash prize.

If the whole dacha is still far from ideal, send a description of what you have equipped for relaxation and gatherings with friends and family - it could be an original gazebo, a terrace, a barbecue area, a bathhouse, a pond where you can sunbathe.

We expect from you:

— text in doc format;

— 5−15 photos. Send as a separate file. Preferably horizontal in jpeg format good quality;

- phone number and name to make it easier to contact for awarding the prize.

Send both text and photos by email [email protected] marked "Dacha".

The winner will traditionally be chosen by TUT.BY readers in a vote. The best dacha story will receive a cash reward - 300 Belarusian rubles.

Houses made of wood (timber and logs), despite all their advantages, require periodic repairs - this applies to even the most durable buildings built according to all the rules. More than half of the wooden houses in the private sector were inherited by the current owners from previous generations, and have a solid experience of use. But even if the age of the house has exceeded fifty years, it is still a living space, a valuable resource.

Sentimental feelings and the situation on the real estate market do not allow such a building (often having an unpresentable appearance) to be put up for sale. And it is hardly possible to build new housing with the proceeds from the sale of an old house without additional financial injections. Demolition of a dilapidated house and construction of a new one in its place is an option that, for various reasons, is not suitable for every family. The next logical step is to reconstruct the house.

It won't be long before there are buyers for a house like this. Source:

When is reconstruction needed?

The need for reconstruction (full or partial) is indicated by the following signs:

  • Foundation. The base cracks or begins to collapse (and water that regularly gets into the cracks will completely destroy it in a couple of years). If the foundation sags, the caulk (seal) may fall out or the seams between the crowns begin to open up and cracks form. The porch can change position, entrance doors the floor begins to be scuffed, the windows are difficult to open. All these signs indicate that the house has acquired an angle of inclination, which only major repairs can straighten.
  • Condition of the wood. Appearance wooden wall does not always indicate the magnitude of the problem. It is important to assess the condition not only upper layers logs (timber), but also their internal parts.
  • Roof. Almost always in old houses the roof is the source of problems - leaks and dampness in living areas. Rafters and floor beams rot and are damaged by fungus or insects.
  • Walls. The lower crowns often rot, and the rest of the wood becomes a breeding ground for mold and wood-boring beetles.

Lower crowns need replacement Source

Reconstruction: where to start

Any owner of an old wooden house wants to figure out what is more profitable - to repair the existing building or build a new one. Deciding whether they need to renovate an old house is based on several factors:

  • Finance. Although building a new home is more expensive than rebuilding, for overhaul a fair amount will also be required.
  • Time. It is important to understand by what time all work must be completed (before the start of autumn rains)
  • Technical condition of the house. Important parameter, defining the previous points. You need to hire a professional to do the analysis.

A competent specialist will determine not only the deterioration of the building (which the owners can also do); he will find out:

  • reliability of supporting structures and the need to replace them;
  • condition of the walls, floor, roof and rafter system;
  • quality engineering communications.

The rafter system has become unusable Source

A professional builder will help you estimate the scope of work; whether the reconstruction will be complete, partial or pointless (when it is worth thinking about building new housing). In any case, the final decision is made taking into account his opinion.

Preparing for reconstruction: problem areas

When inspecting the house, you may find the need to:

  • replace the foundation (partially or completely) or strengthen it (eliminate cracks, strengthen the basement);
  • replace defective logs (beams) of the bottom row (bottom crown);
  • replace wall fragments;
  • restore the roof with replacement of rafters and roofing;
  • partially repair or completely re-lay the floor;
  • partially or completely replace communications (pipes, electrical wiring);
  • install drainage system;
  • replace windows and doors.

Longitudinal cracks in the wall of an old house Source

Typically, during reconstruction:

  • wooden elements of the house are impregnated protective compounds(antiseptic and fire retardant);
  • walls are insulated (with inside), floor, roof;
  • the outer surface of the walls is restored (sanded, primed, impregnated with an antiseptic and covered with varnish or paint).
It is important! Very often, during reconstruction work, unexpected problems arise. For example, when replacing a floor, rotten pipes are discovered; when replacing a roof, a lack of insulation is found. No one can foresee this until the final cladding is removed, so you need to be prepared for unforeseen expenses.

Reconstruction: stages

Many owners of old wooden houses have no idea how to change their home. , engaged in repairs and reconstruction, have accumulated extensive experience working with the most dilapidated and neglected buildings. When the reconstruction of a village house is discussed, the project changes its outline more than once.

Project for expanding the area of ​​the house (organization of an extension) Source

In any development of events, the restoration of the house goes through several stages:

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of reconstruction and rebuilding of houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Project and budget, procurement of materials and preparatory work

When assessing the condition of a home, specialists take the necessary measurements. Afterwards, design documentation is drawn up, which presents:

  • condition and defects of structural elements;
  • work plan (calculations and estimates);
  • terms of work;
  • 3D model of the house (a visual way to see changes in the facade, internal redevelopment and style of finishing work).

When reconstructing a house with an increase in area, the wishes of the owners are a priority Source

When preparing technical specifications, the opinion of the owners is taken into account. Home owners can decide:

  • increase the area of ​​the house or carry out redevelopment;
  • build an extension (for a garage, veranda) or terrace;
  • arrange the attic;
  • equip a sanitary facility, install water or sewerage;
  • add comfort and install a stove or fireplace;
  • conduct decorative cladding facade (siding, lining, imitation timber, block house);
  • additionally insulate the house;
  • conduct landscape design yard

The company prepares permits for relevant organizations and provides home owners with a detailed budget, including:

  • selection of materials and calculation of their quantity and cost (determined by measurements);
  • transportation costs;
  • price repair work;
  • possibility of unforeseen expenses.

For significant completion, material is purchased with a reserve Source

Materials are purchased in volumes that are 5-10% greater than the calculated volume. During preparatory work dismantle building elements that require alteration or replacement (roof, walls and internal partitions).


Reconstruction of an old wooden house begins from the foundation. The foundation is one of the most common problems of old buildings, since at one time it was made as economically as possible and with technological violations (under the weight of the structure, such a structure sinks deep into the ground). Most often, under wooden houses with “experience”, a strip or columnar foundation, often located above the freezing level. To assess the scope of work, they examine outer part foundation, if necessary, dig out the buried part. Sometimes there is no foundation, and the plinth is laid on the ground

The strip foundation is reinforced or a new foundation is poured. To do this, you need to lift the box with jacks, dismantling the floor and cladding. For columnar base the best solution additional piles will be installed that can redistribute the weight of the structure.

The frame of the house is lifted to gain access to the foundation Source:

Crowns and walls

Half a century ago, when building houses, few people thought about compliance building regulations and installed reliable waterproofing between the foundation and the walls. The lower crowns of wooden dwellings easily became saturated with moisture, rotted and gradually became unusable.

Replacement of the crowns is carried out simultaneously with the reconstruction of the foundation, when hanging the box. Logs or beams prepared for replacement are treated with an antiseptic; Waterproofing is installed between the new crowns and the base. When restoring walls, the elements most often in need of replacement are those located around the windows. Also, the upper crowns often suffer from moisture penetrating through the roof and accumulating in the insulation.

Video description

About the partial replacement of the foundation in the following video:


Roof repair work can be done in two ways:

  • Roof reconstruction. A complete remodel is carried out if the owners want to increase the area of ​​the house by planning an extension or an insulated attic.
  • Revision. Elements are inspected roofing system, destroyed (with traces of rot) are replaced. Most often, the place of leakage is the chimney.

The old slate is replaced with a suitable one modern material(which is mainly determined by its weight), the attic is thermally and waterproofed.

Grinding outer wall Source

Exterior decoration

Owners of a wooden house can go in two ways:

  • Restoration of wall surfaces. To emphasize the natural beauty of wood, modern facing materials. The walls are tidied up using a brush or grinder with a special attachment. The surface, cleaned of dirt and long-term deposits, is impregnated with an antiseptic and fire retardant. Using varnish or paint will reveal the structure of the wood, even out the shades of old and new fragments and additionally protect the surface.
  • Finishing work. Finishing wooden facade(often with insulation) serves additional protection walls, helps retain heat and at the same time transforms the house beyond recognition. Among the popular finishing materials siding, plaster, block house, PVC panels stand out. The walls can be lined with brick, clinker panels, and porcelain tiles.

Cladding a wooden house with clinker panels Source

Floor, windows and doors, ceiling

Paul in wooden house(especially if it is built directly on the ground) is a very vulnerable structure. Depending on the condition, the following is carried out:

  • Repair. If the boards and joists are in satisfactory condition (less than 30% damaged), replace the damaged parts of the flooring and carry out hydro- and thermal insulation.
  • Replacement. Old wood flooring disassemble (if the foundation was repaired, the floor has already been dismantled), change the logs. Then a waterproofing film and a layer of thermal insulation are laid (for example, basalt wool); the logs cover vapor barrier film. A board is laid on top. Sometimes a cement screed is made under the finished floor.

Windows and windows that have fallen into disrepair door systems exchange for new ones; they can be wooden or metal-plastic. Ceiling repair is a necessity if the beams are deformed; Usually new wooden floors are installed.

Video description

About the reconstruction of a wooden house in the following video:

Engineering systems and interior decoration

In old wooden houses, most systems need modernization. Specialists should be invited to replace or install communications (water, gas, sewer, ventilation). Experienced craftsmen They will make competent electrical wiring (designed for modern loads and safe) and install an economical heating system.

At the final stage, the kitchen and bathroom are equipped; The final finishing is carried out, on which the style of the interior will depend.

Electrical wiring requires a professional approach Source

Reconstruction: price issue

Even if the old house has worn out physically and morally and is no longer comfortable for the owners, they are in no hurry to demolish it. Modern technologies, offered construction companies, will help breathe a second life into your favorite home, with which many memories are associated.

Many owners of old wooden buildings are afraid of everyday inconveniences, the length of work and incalculable material costs. This happens if the reconstruction of a village house is done with your own hands - the process can drag on for years. By ordering reconstruction and rebuilding from professionals, owners save time, money and nerves.

Having many years of experience in repairing wooden houses, specialists will offer several reconstruction options, and then rebuild and improve the house, turning it into a beautiful and comfortable home. The exact price of reconstruction is determined at the design stage and depends on:

  • condition of the building;
  • the need for certain types of work and their volume;
  • prices of materials and cost of work;
  • season.

Repair of an old wooden house with reconstruction will allow the owners to stay comfortably Source

Prices for some services and work (Moscow region):

  • Visit to assess the property(includes consultation and measurements) - from 4 thousand rubles.
  • Dismantling the old foundation- from 2 thousand rubles. per rm (linear meter).
  • Pouring a new foundation- from 8 thousand rubles. per PM (work and materials).
  • Foundation reconstruction- from 10 thousand rubles. per pm
  • Exterior finishing foundation(plaster, cladding) - from 1.6-1.8 thousand rubles. per PM (together with materials).
  • Installation of utilities- from 3.5 thousand rubles. per m 2.

The cost of the material is included in the following types of work:

  • Increasing living space at home - from 5.3-5.5 thousand rubles. per m 2.
  • Veranda extension- 2.7-3 thousand rubles. per m 2
  • Roof reconstruction- from 6.4-6.8 thousand rubles. per m 2.
  • Chimney installation- from 6.5-6.7 thousand rubles.
  • Exterior decoration of the house- from 4 thousand rubles. per m 2.
  • Interior decoration Houses- from 9.2-9.5 thousand rubles. per m 2.

Video description

About turning an old house into a new one in the following video:

Ordering in a construction campaign is beneficial for many reasons:

  • The owners receive a comprehensive solution to several problems.
  • The reconstruction is carried out by highly qualified performers using proven technology.
  • Owners are provided with a plan (with deadlines) and a budget.
  • For all construction works and materials are guaranteed (for 3-5 years).
  • Many companies provide the opportunity to pay in stages.

Two lives of one house Source


After 30-40 years of operation, any wooden house requires, if not reconstruction, then thorough repairs. Even if the owners old building it seems like there will be demolition optimal solution problems, advice from a person with extensive practical experience will be useful. In fact, it may turn out that under the sloppy and dark top layer there is strong wood, and reconstruction will take much less time and money than building a new house.

A rustic style home will appeal to almost everyone. Even the combination of words evokes warmth, comfort and the crackling of wood in a Russian stove, next to which it is pleasant to spend an evening in peace and quiet. Creating the interior decoration of a house in a rustic style will not be difficult for owners of country real estate. Such decoration is akin to returning to the roots, to the origins of folk culture. Maybe this is why rural interiors give such a feeling of peace that only happens in childhood. For the same reason, they are so popular among residents of city apartments.

It will be a pleasure to cook in such a kitchen.

The interior of the house is made in Provence style

A wooden house will look beautiful both outside and inside

Modern architects and designers use various materials for construction and finishing. The advantages of wood are:

    special aesthetics and practicality;

    excellent sound insulation, allowing you to listen to music loudly or watch TV, gather noisy companies without disturbing your neighbors;

    excellent thermal insulation. Wood retains heat for a long time, such walls and roof will support comfortable temperature indoors in cold winter;

    maintaining the same level of humidity.

Wood is the basis of rustic style

The fireplace in the living room will warm you on the coldest days

What determines the choice of interior?

The interior of a country house has certain specifics that distinguish it from the design of city apartments.

Distinctive features of a rural interior

When decorating a house in a rustic style, wicker furniture and elements of artistic forging are often used.

The bright living room will be a great place to relax

You can make a wood stove in the kitchen

Wood goes well with the interior

Main directions in design

The design of a village house inside should meet the main goal - to create an atmosphere of peace and genuine comfort, so you should not decorate your dacha, for example, in a minimalist style. Typically, the design of a house in a village is made based on the cultural characteristics of a particular people. In this case, you can choose any ethnic direction: wooden house in Provence style on the banks of the Volga will look as appropriate as in the French province.

So, the most popular directions in decorating a country estate:

  • English village;

    Russian village.

A blue sofa will stand out in the interior

Rustic style is perfect for a garden

Country style design features

Country music creates a warm, calm atmosphere country house. Use pastel colors: olive, lavender, sand and others, avoid sharp contrasts. Since textile products are an indispensable attribute of decoration, decorate the living space with napkins, large-checked curtains, and lay a tablecloth with hand-embroidered embroidery. Choose fabrics not synthetic, but cotton, linen or chintz.

Natural and decorative rock or brick, you can paint them a single color. Furniture, dishes decorative elements must be made from natural materials: glass, wood, stone or paper. Upholstery with small flowers is acceptable for sofas and armchairs.

The interior of the house is made in a rustic style

This living room will become your favorite place to relax.

Big modular wall Perfectly complements the living room interior

Interior decoration of a country estate in Provence style

Another name for the style is “French country”; such interiors are perfect for people who are tired of the bustle of the city and dream of immersing themselves in the atmosphere of a leisurely rural life. The walls are most often whitewashed or painted white, decorated with paintings and fresh or artificial flowers. All textile accessories should be made of bright fabrics with floral patterns. Refined, subtle forged elements. The floor should be made of planks and painted light color or decorate with stone tiles.

Distinctive features are big windows, not typical for other similar styles due to climatic conditions. For the same reason, in most of Russia, such a solution is not recommended, since the building will cool too much in winter.

Home decor can be decorated with beautiful curtains

A wooden house will last a very long time

Russian rustic style

Historically characteristic directions – active use wooden materials. The walls, ceiling and floor are covered with boards, the furniture is made from the same material. Chests with traditional designs are often used. IN modern version style, rafters and beams are required.

An indispensable element is a Russian stove or a stylization of it; tiled stoves are often made, which in the past were characteristic of the design of palaces and castles, but fit harmoniously into a country house. To decorate the room, you can use towels, knitted toys, rag dolls, potholders (preferably handmade).

A fireplace in the house would be a great idea.

A wooden house looks very practical

A small house can be turned into a living room

Rustic kitchen interior

When finishing and decorating work, it is necessary to take into account that in the past the kitchen was the central place where most family events took place. The remaining rooms were intended for sleeping. Therefore, when decorating, you need to pay close attention to the kitchen space.

If the size of the room allows, place wooden corner And dinner table from the same material.

The kitchen needs to be made bright: the ceiling should be whitewashed with lime or water-based paint, cover the walls with plain light wallpaper (floral patterns are possible); it is recommended to lay rugs on the floor. To decorate the room, use herbariums or straw figurines; napkins, curtains and potholders made of natural fabrics; hand embroidery will be a wonderful touch.

The bedroom should be bright

You can make a fireplace in the house and warm yourself while sitting in the living room

Country style living room

The design of the living room, in general, is close to the interior decoration of the kitchen: whitewashed ceiling, light wallpaper. Vases or large pots of flowers are often placed on the windows, so the curtains should be up to the middle of the window. Interesting solution There will be windows with internal shutters. An important element The interior decoration of the living room is a fireplace.

Because the key condition interior - natural materials, upholstered furniture should be covered with woven cloth. You can lay knitted napkins on bedside tables and tables, and a rug or carpet on the floor.

A wooden house will be very durable

The combination of wood and tiles in the house

The interior of a house in a village usually looks like this

Bedroom decoration

The central design element around which the composition of the room is assembled is a large wooden or wrought-iron bed with a natural mattress ( perfect option– feather bed) and big amount pillows different sizes. For textiles, you should prefer linen or calico in pastel shades with or without a small pattern. Small rugs or rag rugs are placed on the floor.

It's better to choose bedside tables, cabinets, chairs, a massive chest of drawers or a chest of impressive size, decorated with carvings. The most important condition– good lighting, preferably natural, so there should be many windows in the room.

A wooden wall will retain heat in the most severe frosts

Wood walls look very beautiful

Creating a rustic style is an exciting process in which you can show all your creativity. Any skills will come in handy. The ability to sew, knit and embroider will help you create designer napkins, tablecloths and curtains. Having learned the technique of wood carving, you can make unique pieces of furniture and decor even from old things. Hand-made accessories in this design are more relevant than in any other stylistic direction. Show your imagination, remember your childhood hobbies, and as a result you will get a village house that fully reflects your personality.

Video: How to arrange a house in the village

50 photos of interior ideas for a house in a village:

Ecology of consumption. Estate: B summer time Every year, many people think about buying a country house, where they can come on weekends to take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoy the singing of birds and the rustle of leaves.

In the summer, many people think about buying a country house, where they can come on weekends to take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoy the singing of birds and the rustling of leaves. What to choose – a house in a holiday village or in a village?

Having decided to buy their own mini-resort, asphalt children with no experience country life, as a rule, are inclined to buy a house in a dacha cooperative, not suspecting that the reasonable price hides the almost complete absence of infrastructure - shops, post office, pharmacy and relatively small area plot.

A much more optimal solution for those who dream of real estate far from large settlements, may be the purchase of an old village house. This is exactly what the heroes of our story did today - a young married couple who purchased an abandoned building in a village in eastern Poland, and, together with designers from the Ynox studio, turned it into a stylish, modern home.

Looking at this building before renovation, it is difficult to imagine that very soon it will turn into an oasis of relaxation and tranquility. It is clear that the house is in poor condition. It seems that he cannot withstand even strong winds.

This photo is the best confirmation of what talented architects and interior designers are capable of. As a result of the reconstruction of the exterior, which took only a few months, the frame of the building was strengthened, the façade was painted on all sides in a dark chestnut color, which perfectly matches the graphite tiles that decorated the updated roof, and the dilapidated windows were replaced with new ones.

Wooden houses have a huge number of advantages. First of all, wood is a highly environmentally friendly material that allows oxygen to pass through, so wooden buildings breathe easily and sleep soundly. Thanks to low thermal conductivity, you can save on heating costs, and even in the harshest winters you will not be in danger of freezing in a wooden house. However, such houses also have their drawbacks, the main one of which is the poor resistance of wood to the effects of sun, rain and snow, as a result of which wooden houses They fail much faster than buildings made of brick or concrete.

After a major renovation, a wonderful terrace appeared at the entrance to the house, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature, relax with a cup of coffee, and, in the summer, have breakfast in the fresh air.

The best days of this house are in the distant past. Flooring and the surface of the walls urgently required prompt replacement. Old, time-worn furniture had a depressing effect on the new owners and was immediately sent to a landfill.

This is what the kitchen looks like after the renovation. Modern furniture, multi-colored textiles, a bouquet of flowers and paintings on the walls completely changed appearance premises, creating in it great mood, conducive to spending as much time as possible with the family in this cozy kitchen.

The fashion for rustic interiors appeared several years ago and has firmly established itself in the world of design. At the request of the owners, the rooms of the house were decorated in this style. A little rough, but very cozy furniture, hammocks made of colored fabric, the floor, walls and ceiling are lined with boards. This interior is perfect for those who live for today, but do not deny themselves the pleasure from time to time to plunge into a slight nostalgia for a carefree childhood spent in the village.

Almost all home buyers in the village are faced with the need to completely renovate their bathroom. This house was no exception. It took a lot of time and effort to turn this room into a modern bathroom. The result of the designers' work exceeded all expectations.

The new owners of the house prefer warm and cozy tree. In this bathroom, as in all other rooms of the house, the floors and walls are made of light wood. In contrast are modern washing machine and a large shower with tray. published

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