How to specifically block a page on VK. Is it possible to delete someone else's page in Contact (VK). About violations on the social network

Very often, blocking a page in Contact is necessary because ill-wishers create a page in order to disgrace you. There are a lot of guides on the Internet that tell you how to disgrace a person on VKontakte. And there are more and more attackers who use these tips. The only method of dealing with unwanted pages is blocking.

Is it even possible to block someone else's page?

It should be noted right away that the site’s management is extremely reluctant to block other people’s pages, since blocking has a negative impact on the statistics, which VKontakte likes to brag about for any reason and even without it. Blocking would require a serious violation of the rules on the part of the page owner. However, there are ways to help make this happen.

Blocking a VKontakte page using a complaint to administrators

As you know, every VKontakte user is obliged to comply with the Rules for using the VKontakte website. Since no one reads the rules and everyone breaks them, you need to find suitable ones and complain to the administration page. Let's see what rules can be broken and how.

Incorrect or inaccurate data

The user is obliged to provide accurate information about himself. Look for inaccuracies on the page you want to block. For example, the avatar does not have a photo of the real owner of the page, or the user did not accurately indicate his full name, etc. Look for any inaccuracies and complain about violation of site rules and demand that the page be blocked.

Look for copied text

The rules state:

The User does not have the right to download or otherwise make available to the public (publish on the Site) the Content of other sites, databases and other results of intellectual activity in the absence of the express consent of the copyright holder for such actions.

If you find copied text on a page (the so-called copy-paste), find the site from which it was copied and write to the owner of this site, indicating the address of the page. At the same time, submit a complaint to the support team. The site owners will also complain about the violation. As a result, there is a high probability of the page being blocked.

Illegal video and audio

One of the rules prohibits posting videos and music that violate the rights of others. Write to technical support that the page contains unlicensed materials that violate the copyrights of others.

Try asking to block someone else's page

There are times when you need to block someone else’s page by objective reasons. For example, in case of spreading slander or insults against you. Write about this to technical support. People work there too. They can understand your situation and help.

Create several dozen duplicate pages and complain

Create several dozen duplicate pages that exactly copy the unwanted page. This must be done from different IP addresses. For example, you can use the Internet via Wi-Fi in different cafes. Wait a while and write to technical support that user so-and-so has created a lot of duplicates in order to mislead other users. There is a possibility that the administration will not waste time searching for the real page and will block all duplicates along with the original.

Effective, but legally questionable methods

If you have access to the page owner's phone number, you can try to guess the password for his page or request a password change via phone. However, this method falls under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - illegal access to computer information.

We block not the page, but access to it

If you have access to the access point through which the page owner accesses Contact, then you can familiarize yourself with the blocking methods that are described in the article “How to block VKontakte”.

We force the owner of the page to delete it himself

This method is designed for masters of “black PR”. Find out how you can disgrace the owner of a VKontakte page and make him stay on this social network so uncomfortable that he himself deleted the page you needed. Let me remind you that this method is only for real ninjas and information warfare specialists.

Secrets of VKontakte

How to block a site on any computer in order to prevent the user from accessing the pages of the blocked site in the browser. The vast majority of sites on the Internet provide users with useful information. Sometimes there is a need to restrict access to certain sites on the Internet.

The reasons can be very different. Most often, parents try to protect the younger generation from accessing certain resources on the Internet. On the Internet, in addition to frankly harmful and dangerous sites, there are social networking sites on which users spend quite a lot of time. At this time, they are distracted from study or work.

How to block a site so that it does not open? It can be done different ways: by making entries about sites in the system hosts file on the computer, using site blocking in antivirus programs and firewalls, using specialized programs, using the parental control function, DNS service, using browser extensions, using blocking in the router.

Some of the methods discussed in the article allow you to block only individual sites; other methods block access to certain categories: adult sites, social networks, gambling etc.

How to block a site through the hosts file

The simplest and reliable way to block a website on any Windows computer: block the site using the hosts file. The essence of this method is as follows: entries are made in the hosts file to block certain sites, after which these sites become inaccessible after attempting to navigate to the site from any browser. Only certain sites will be blocked, entries for which have been added to the hosts file; other sites on the Internet will be accessible.

Instead of the blocked site, a blank browser page will open with a message stating that the browser cannot access the site.

To make the necessary entries, you need to open the hosts file. The hosts file is located in the following path:


You can open the hosts file using Notepad, make changes to it, and then save it. You can read more about making changes to the hosts file.

Immediately after the end of the standard entries in the hosts file, after the last line with a hash mark, on a new line you first need to enter the IP address “” (without quotes), and then, separated by a space, the name of the site without the “http” or “https” protocol, for example :

Some sites may have mirrors with a name starting with "www", so such sites can open at two addresses: with "www" and without "www". To block such resources more reliably, you can additionally enter the name of the website with “www”. Therefore, make something like this (using the example of blocking the website):

Look at this image for an example of adding VKontakte and Odnoklassniki sites to the hosts file.

If you have difficulty saving the hosts file, use these instructions. This is the easiest way to make changes to the hosts file:

  1. Follow the path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  2. Copy the hosts file from the “ect” folder to your Desktop.
  3. Make the necessary changes to the hosts file.
  4. Copy and replace the hosts file from the Desktop to the “ect” folder.

After this, when going to the site added to the hosts file, the user will see that the site page is blocked.

How to block a website using an antivirus

Some antiviruses have the ability to block individual sites, for example, the free antivirus Avast Free Antivirus.

In the Avast Free Antivirus settings, go to the “Web Display” settings. In the “Website blocking” section, enable the “Allow website blocking” option, and in the “Blocking URLs” field, enter the address of the website to block. Next, click on the “OK” button.

After this, access to a specific site will be blocked.

Parental control

You can block access to certain types of sites in programs that have a Parental Control module. For example, the Kaspesky Internet Security antivirus has a parental control function, with which you can limit access to the Internet, regulate the control of visiting websites, and impose a ban on downloading files of a certain type.

Blocking sites in Yandex DNS

Using the free Yandex DNS service, you can block infected, fraudulent sites, and block porn sites. Permission to access sites is carried out using several filtering modes. Internet traffic will pass through the Yandex server.

After enabling the appropriate mode, access to a site included in the corresponding category, which is filtered by Yandex, will be blocked in any browser on the computer.

Read more about setting up Yandex DNS.

Internet Censor

The free Internet Censor program (the program does not work on Windows 10) truly lives up to its name. The program has several filtering levels that are suitable for different situations. You can block access to almost all sites, except permitted sites, various categories of sites, and individual sites.

The program reliably blocks sites, but when using it, you need to take care of the safety of your password so that you are not later left without access to most of the Internet.

Read more about the Internet Censor program.

Browser extensions

Using special extensions (Block site, BlockSite, WebFilter Pro, etc.) you can block a site or a site page in Opera, Yandex Browser, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc. browsers. This method is only suitable for blocking sites in specific browser.

It is possible that this is pointless, since nothing will prevent another user from opening a blocked site in the Internet Explorer browser, which does not have such extensions, or installing another browser on their computer, which, naturally, will not have such an installed extension.

Conclusions of the article

The user can block access to sites on the computer by making changes to the hosts file, block sites in the antivirus, use the parental control function using the Yandex DNS service, install the appropriate extension in the browser.

How to block any site on your computer (video)

Some users of the most popular social network on the RuNet are interested in the question of how to delete someone else's page in Contact (VK) And Is it even possible to do this?? The question is quite reasonable, because each of us from time to time meets extremely unpleasant personalities who poison our stay in VK. And an absolutely normal desire arises: to get rid of this annoying user.

So how? delete another person's page (profile, account)? If you are not going to create a phishing site to lure out your login and password, then the answer is no.

But don’t rush to get upset, because there is another solution. Namely - blocking someone else's VKontakte account. But there are some nuances, which include the need for a violation on the VK page that you plan to block.

How to block someone else's VKontakte page

As you probably know, each system (or in our case, the VKontakte website) has its own rules. For violation of some, the administration can either completely delete the page or block it.

But, unfortunately (or fortunately), the administrative resource of this social network is not unlimited. Manually checking all accounts for violations is very problematic. Therefore, you should not expect that all violators of the system will be automatically removed from it. Nevertheless, you can find some kind of “jambs” in every 3rd user.

And you, as a decent user of the website, may well help the administration and point out the presence of violations in the account of your ill-wisher.

Finding them is not difficult, just look through the posts from the feed in the profile you want to block. This could be some kind of extremist appeals, materials containing scenes of violence, etc. In general, look for everything that violates Russian legislation.

You can block other people's VKontakte pages. This is done using several methods. Now I will show you how they work.

Let's figure it out how to block a page in contact.

What is it for

Any user can begin to perform actions that you consider unacceptable. This could be sending you spam messages, rude comments (see), etc. If there is a need to protect yourself from this, you should resort to any of the methods discussed below.

Thanks to them, you can completely block access to your page for users, or limit them to certain functions. For example, sending personal messages (see).

How to block a page in contact

Let's start from the very beginning simple option. If you look at the page of any user, then in the additional menu block you will find a link to blocking him. Just click it and the person will completely lose access to your profile.

Let's try. Open any page and scroll down a little. Here we find the desired link and click it.

Everything is extremely simple.

At this moment, the selected user is blacklisted (see). We can work with it using the appropriate functions.

How to block someone else's page using the VKontakte blacklist

If you go to the "My Settings" section, you will see a tab here.

You can add any user here. And it makes no difference whether he is your friend or not.

This is done in two ways.

You can go another way. Type any text in the search bar and click the button "Add to blacklist". The People Search tool will open. Here, using the filtering parameters, we find the right person. There will be a link next to his avatar "Block". We need to press it.

The result will ultimately be the same.

Submitting a complaint to completely block the page

Most difficult option— send a complaint to the contact administration (see), with a request to block someone else’s page. In this case, you will need to prove your accusation. To do this, you should attach photographs (see) and other materials from which it becomes clear that the specified person is violating the rules of the social network and should be blocked.

What may be included in the list of violations?

To submit a complaint, do the following.

Again, go to the user’s page, and in the additional menu block, click the link “Report this page”.

From year to year, developers in different areas They delight us with their innovations and thereby make our lives much easier. So, with the advent of the social network VKontakte, our life has become significantly easier. We got the opportunity not only for free and uninterrupted communication, but also the opportunity to listen to music, watch various videos, view world news and friends, and much more. But most importantly, we have the opportunity to make new acquaintances, but also, where there is positive sides, there are also negative ones. Some people are not always able to make friends and, due to some circumstances, they are forced to stop their communication. In the case of the social network VKontakte, the developers have made it possible to block your page so that some people cannot receive information from you and accept her.

Today we will look at the question of how to block a page in contact. The social network VKontakte updates its functions and many other features almost weekly. This is why deleting a friend or user is quite problematic. But we will help you with this.

How to block a person in contact?

In fact, it is possible to block a person on VKontakte. In order to do this, you need to go to the social network itself, then click on the “My Settings” button, then “Black List”. Next, you need to enter the user’s first and last name, or a link to his page in the “Enter a name or link to the user page” line. After this, the blocked user will not be able to access your page on the VKontakte social network. In order to remove friends from the black list, you just need to click on the cross next to the user’s photo.

Another tricky way:

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