How to make a trailer for a car. DIY trailer: master class on making a homemade trailer for a car. Requirements for a car trailer according to GOST

Trailer - an indispensable tool transportation of any cargo, thanks to which the driver does not have to dirty the car interior or scratch the trunk. The cost of the most basic trailer is about $400. However, if you need to transport furniture, building materials or other cargo, and at the same time save a decent amount, you can make a trailer yourself.

There are several types of trailers - universal and special trailers used for transporting certain goods. The second type is used only in industry or business. We will look at the instructions for making a general purpose trailer.

It is worth noting that universal transport cargo vehicles are single-axle and multi-axle. They differ in the number of wheels: in the first case there are two, and in the second - from two. If you do not plan to transport too heavy loads, you can build a single or double axle trailer for a passenger car. Remember, wheels on two axles reduce the load on the rear of your car. Consequently, the power of the car engine is not lost. In addition, a dual axle trailer has greater load capacity and stability.

Homemade trailer for a car with your own hands

Below is a description of the manufacture of a single-axle trailer, for the use of which a category “B” license is sufficient.

Before production, you need to make at least an approximate drawing future creation, because doing everything “by eye” is extremely risky.

List of tools and components:

  • channel 25x50 millimeters and square tube 40x40 millimeters;
  • steel sheets for cladding with a thickness of at least 0.6 millimeters;
  • a thick sheet of metal or plastic for the bottom of the trailer;
  • chassis, which can be used as the front axle of a SZD motorcycle sidecar;
  • a pair of wheels;
  • suspension, which, for example, can be built from the shock absorbers of a Ural motorcycle;
  • brake system;
  • waterproof fabric for trailer cover;
  • a device for connecting a car with a trailer - a tow bar;
  • reflectors, turn signals and other similar electrical equipment;
  • brackets and corners for connecting all parts together;
  • range of cutting and processing tools metal products- grinder, screwdriver, etc.);
  • machine for welding parts.

Having everything necessary tools and parts, you can start making a light trailer with your own hands.

At this stage, the production of the trailer is completed. On average, all work will take you three days.

After production you must register vehicle. Sequence of procedure:

  1. Collect Required documents: the result of an independent examination of vehicles of automobile research institutes, a document from the MREO on the absence of a license plate, a document of the coupling mechanism, a photocopy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a photocopy technical passport your car.
  2. Next, you need to contact an MREO official with a request to inspect the technical condition of the manufactured trailer and issue an identification number.

It is worth noting that independent examination services are paid, and the amount is quite large. Almost all of the money saved will have to be spent on appraisals.

If you do not plan to drive a trailer in an urban area, you do not have to register the vehicle, but you will have to make a cargo trailer according to established standards for your own safety.

Trailers for passenger cars build with your own hands exclusively in accordance with GOST 37.001.220-80, otherwise the means of transporting goods simply will not pass registration, and you will only waste your time and effort.

  1. Do not cook trailers heavier than 750 kilograms if your driving category is less than “E”. Otherwise, you will not be able to use the manufactured trailer.
  2. If you need to transport bulk mixture, liquid or other specific cargo, we recommend using special-purpose trailers. As a rule, they are made to order.
  3. Do not load your homemade trailer to the limit of its carrying capacity to avoid unpleasant situations on the road. Welding seams may not withstand the load if made by an amateur welder. High-quality seams can withstand up to a ton of weight.
  4. Spare no expense in purchasing a mechanism for attaching the trailer to the vehicle. A homemade coupling mechanism, not made according to the standard, may cause the MREO to refuse to register the vehicle. Also remember about the safety cables, which insure the entire structure in the event of a mechanism failure.

There are times when you definitely need to transport something. If the dimensions of the cargo do not fit into the trunk or interior, then you need to call a special service or acquire your own car trailer. The second option is, of course, better, but where to get it?

What is a trailer, what are they?

A trailer is an additional rack that attaches to the back of the car. They are available for cars, ATVs, motorcycles, walk-behind tractors and even bicycles. If you have the ability and at least some experience, then you can make a passenger trailer with your own hands, because buying it is a waste of money. Such a useful addition to the household is quite expensive. Even if the homemade one does not look very aesthetically pleasing, it will be made conscientiously, exactly as it should be - It was decided, we will make the trailer with our own hands.

What you need to know

To start making a trailer with your own hands, you need drawings. You need to know and imagine exactly what the future structure will look like. It is important to strictly adhere to all the rules that require creating homemade trailers. There is even a special unified GOST 37.001.220-80 for this. If the product is not made in accordance with GOST, then the traffic police will not register it. Nobody wants to waste money, so it’s worth finding out all the nuances of how to create a trailer with your own hands.

What is needed for making

Before you start making a passenger trailer with your own hands, you need to buy everything Consumables and prepare all working tools. It all starts with the frame. It requires rolled metal square shape. It makes a stable and durable basis for a future structure. For the sides and bottom, ordinary sheet iron will be used.

An important element of each homemade trailer- its chassis. Here everyone is dodging as best they can. There are many options on how to get the chassis in order to make a trailer with your own hands. As an option - an old axle from a sidecar, which used to be attached to old motorcycles. If there is one, then it will be a real find, because you can take an axle from it, and in addition also suitable wheels. An axle from some old Moskvich or Zhiguli would also be suitable. There you have to proceed from what is available or cheaper. You can also get a pendant somewhere. For example, from an old heavy motorcycle - these are sold cheaply in online stores.

You will also need a TSU device, a tow bar - a towing device. Turn signals, brake lights and all that are required, as well as wiring, which will then be connected to the car.

The only special tools needed are a welding machine. The rest is probably in every home.

DIY trailer: frame drawings

Most simple frame usually made from square rolled metal ( steel pipe with an optimal cross-section of forty by forty millimeters). Welding it is not difficult for anyone who knows how to use a welding machine. It must be remembered that safety precautions should be observed when working with equipment that can cause any damage.

The future frame will be of a standard shape, namely rectangular. First you need to cut the rolled metal to the required length. The frame itself must be reinforced, otherwise it will not be possible to transport any heavy loads on it. In addition to the frame, you also need longitudinal beams, which make it stronger.

The length of the trailer, made with your own hands, will be two hundred centimeters. This is enough to transport any Construction Materials or not very large cargo. The width of the frame will be about one hundred centimeters. Height - forty centimeters. This is an average trailer for a car that you can make with your own hands. The bottom will be supported by two longitudinal and five transverse beams. This design is very durable, lightweight, and most importantly, reliable. In order for the straight lines to turn out identical, it is necessary to measure everything with a ruler, otherwise everything will turn out crooked.

For the frame you will need four beams of two hundred centimeters each, six of one hundred centimeters each and seven of forty centimeters each. Having carefully measured everything, you can begin cutting the metal beam.

The size of the structure can vary at the request of the owner. Once the beams are cut, you can begin the most interesting part of the job - welding!

Welding work: frame

Having cut all the parts of the future frame that you need to make a trailer for a car with your own hands, you can start welding. It all starts from the foundation. First, a rectangle is welded from two long and two meter beams. Then additional transverse bars and beams for height are welded onto this structure. The upper plane will look like the letter “P”, because at one end there will be a folding side through which the load is brought in.

Hull plating

The frame is the “skeleton” of the trailer. He still needs "meat". To do this, you will need sheet steel at least half a centimeter thick. By calculating the area of ​​the future trailer, you can calculate how much sheet steel will be needed for it. It is attached very easily: holes are drilled in the frame, and then the material is pressed to the body using bolts.

Do-it-yourself trailer for a car: making a tailgate

A separate frame will be needed for the tailgate. Having cut the beams forty by one hundred centimeters, you can cook the base from them. It is sewn onto it in the same way steel sheet. Two hinges are welded to the main frame, where there is no upper horizontal bar, which should also be welded to the folding side.

It will be secured using two metal plates. Transverse metal plates are welded on both sides of the body. A hole is made in them equal to the width of the bolt. Two holes are also made in the folding side. A bolt will be threaded through them, which passes through the metal plates and is secured at the end with nuts. So simple and cheap way solves the problem of fixing the lid.

Chassis and suspension

In order for a trailer, assembled with your own hands, to be able to travel, it needs a chassis. An old spring suspension and axle from a Moskvich will do just fine. It will also have wheels. The entire structure is attached to the bottom of the trailer.

Mounting to vehicle

The trailer is attached to the vehicle using special beams and a device called a towbar. From the edge of the bottom, two metal beams are drawn and welded at an angle to form a triangle. At the end of this triangle is welded metal plate, onto which the towbar is then welded. It can be found at any auto parts store. Then you need to connect the brake lights and turn signals. They are connected as a backup circuit to the machine illumination.

Good day to you! I would like to discuss with you a homemade trailer for a car. I will be very glad to see your opinions in the comments. My position may differ from yours, but I will try to explain my position as objectively as possible. So let's get started.

Features of a homemade trailer

The decision to do something yourself is usually determined by several nuances:

  • there is no money to buy a factory product;
  • have their own original ideas that you want to implement;
  • an attempt at an experiment and testing one’s own strengths;
  • Manufacturers not having what you need.

But still, the main reason is an attempt to save money. In the case of caravans, I cannot say that there is a limited range on the market. Having time and money, you can find or order individual project literally any type of design.

If you have no difficulties with how to cook several metal elements and how to make or, then there is every chance of assembling a caravan with your own hands. But I have a few comments about this. I advise you to read them before taking the drawings and starting to assemble the structure in your garage.

Let's talk about the positive first. Assembly is not that difficult if you have certain skills. Plus, you are limited only by your imagination and real needs or requirements for the trailer. That's probably all.

Now let's move on to the real facts regarding homemade caravans.

  • All passenger trailers are required to meet strict regulations. Therefore, do-it-yourself manufacturing is limited to rather rigid limits;
  • Each node must be tested for compliance;
  • According to current laws, almost all elements of caravans when self-assembly must be factory-made and have appropriate documents of origin and authenticity;
  • In fact, saving on homemade trailers is self-deception, since almost everything will have to be bought in stores;
  • You won't be able to make a structure out of garbage accumulated in the garage;
  • An additional complication for such trailers is their registration. Let's talk about it separately.

But why do the country have such strict laws and regulations? Does the government simply want to deprive people of the ability to do things with their own hands, forcing them to buy only factory-made devices?

No. The point is different. The bulk of homemade products were previously characterized by extremely low reliability, before such restrictions came into force. They were assembled from anything, as a result of which such vehicles with trailed structures on wheels created a real threat on the roads, causing accidents and traffic accidents. Often with fatal consequences.

In this regard, it was decided not to ban homemade devices, but about strict requirements for them. In my opinion, this is logical and very correct. Road safety should come before any savings.

Let's look at things realistically. Today there are a number of manufacturers that officially produce and sell trailers on the Russian market. Compare their price with the cost of individual components and assemblies that you will need for assembly. You won't experience any significant savings. Add to this the issue of registering a homemade vehicle, and you will get an additional headache.

No, I'm not discouraging you from trying to build caravans yourself. There are also ready-made drawings, photos and video manuals that can be used to create something unusual and of high quality. If the only question is the desire to realize your ideas, then I don’t see anything wrong with making a homemade trailer that meets all the standards.

But if you just want to save money, you are unlikely to succeed. And that's a fact. Therefore, I adhere to the idea of ​​​​buying factory-type trailers with springs that have passed all tests, with a design in accordance with the requirements and other elements, the reliability and safety of which I will not doubt.

Assembly includes several main steps:

  • manufacturing a frame that will ensure the strength and reliability of the entire structure;
  • creating a connecting unit, that is, an element connecting the trailer to the car;
  • assembly of the coupling for attaching the trailer to the car (fixed with bolts or welding);
  • production of vehicle axles;
  • stabilization jacks are not required elements, but improving the behavior of the structure on the road;
  • creating the bottom and making the sides;
  • performing electrical wiring and connecting lighting fixtures.

By clearly performing the work step by step, you can achieve excellent results and even surpass some factory solutions.


Having decided to assemble a trailer for your car yourself, I can only envy your determination and abilities. Be sure to share your experience in the assembly. I am extremely interested to see the result of your labors.

Is it possible to legalize a homemade vehicle (in our case, a trailer)? Yes, sure. It doesn’t matter whether it is a single-axle or two-axle trailer, as long as it complies with the standards, you have every right to legally operate the structure.

To register a vehicle assembled with your own hands, you will have to spend your time on it. With factory ones, everything is much simpler, since they undergo all tests at the factory and are sold with the appropriate documents.

Homemade trailers are designed in the following sequence:

  • Collect all receipts and certificates of quality from the parts you used to create your homemade trailer;
  • Create a description for your vehicle and take photographs from all sides. It is advisable to print the photo immediately;
  • Now feel free to go to the traffic police, where you will be given a list of documents required for registration;

Having completed all stages, you will have a certificate of conformity, a certificate and a state number. That's it, your homemade trailer has every right to go on public roads. With which I congratulate you!

Trailer – excellent remedy, which allows you to transport large and bulky cargo. The luggage compartment cannot always cope with this task.

It may have too little space for transportation. The dimensions of the cargo can become an obstacle to its normal placement in the trunk of a car.

Undoubtedly, all vehicles have different luggage compartment capacity. Some models have large and spacious compartments for storing cargo.

But we are considering middle-class passenger cars, which in most cases are purchased by Russian drivers.

If such transportation is carried out one-time, then you can use the services of a cargo taxi. But if you need to transport cargo regularly, then this method can become very expensive.

In such a situation, you can either buy a homemade trailer for a car, or personally make it yourself. Each driver chooses the most suitable option for him.

For example, buying a ready-made trailer will save time and effort on its manufacture. A homemade products require less cash investment.

To make a trailer you will need certain crafts and tools. They need to be prepared in advance.

So, masters will need:

  • steel channels;
  • plywood;
  • Sheet steel;
  • wheels with running gear;
  • fasteners;
  • aluminum tubes;
  • welding machine;
  • electrical equipment.

If the master has not previously dealt with assembling trailers, then he needs a drawing. It is he who will be the instructions for carrying out all necessary operations in progress.

Please note that the drawing must be drawn up correctly and meet all technical requirements of OST 37.001.220-80.

This act includes requirements affecting the manufacture of trailers for passenger cars. Some drivers take the legislator's regulations very lightly, but in vain.

If the trailer does not comply with all OST standards, it will not be possible to register it.

And without going through such a procedure, its use is considered illegal. That is, the driver will waste his time, money and effort.


Let's consider the basic concepts related to our topic, which are presented in paragraph 1.2 of the SDA:

All vehicles that fall under the term “trailer” must be registered in the prescribed manner.

What is its purpose

Obviously, the main purpose of the trailer is to transport goods. The traffic rules regulate the procedure for performing relevant actions.

It is very important to comply with such rules, otherwise the driver of a vehicle with a trailer will create a threat of causing damage to other road users.

For such actions he may be held accountable. The rules for the carriage of goods are defined in paragraph 23 of the traffic rules:

The weight of the load cannot be higher than Which is defined for this vehicle
The driver must keep an eye on the load while driving To avoid the possibility of it falling or interfering with movement
The cargo must not pollute the road or the environment Cover the external lighting devices of the vehicle, impair the stability of the vehicle
If the cargo is considered large according to the law Then it must be marked with identification marks
For certain goods (for example, dangerous) There are specific rules that must be followed by them.

Legal regulation

We have already mentioned traffic rules. The Rules define the concept of “trailer” and also contain the rules for transporting goods.

The traffic rules define a list of documents that must be presented to the traffic police officer. Among others, special acts for trailers are noted (clause 2.1.1).

Clause 10.3 of the Rules stipulates the speed limit for a vehicle with a trailer - 70 km/h or 90 km/h (on highways). We also mentioned that the trailer is created according to certain parameters.

He meets the requirements if the driver wishes to successfully complete the registration procedure with the traffic police.

Currently, OST 37.001.220-80 “trailers for passenger cars” is in force. What to pay attention to:

It is important to mention another legal act – the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It is in it that the penalties for non-compliance with the legislator’s instructions are fixed.

For example, if there is no sign on the trailer state registration, then he will be fined 500 rubles (Article 11.27).

For violating the rules for transporting goods, you will also have to pay 500 rubles (Article 12.21).

If the driver does not have registration documents for the trailer, then he will be fined 500 rubles in accordance with Art. 12.3 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

How to build a homemade trailer for a car

How to make a car trailer with your own hands? It is not difficult to perform such actions, but it is very important to carefully follow the instructions in the drawing.

If a discrepancy is detected, the registration of such a product will not be carried out. In such a situation, the driver will waste time, effort, and cash.

The fact that the trailer will have to be registered must be remembered during the construction stage. This will allow you not to complicate your task with alterations and modifications in the future.

It's easier to follow all the instructions from the very beginning. If the driver decides to make a trailer, then he saves his money. Ready-made vehicles for transporting goods are more expensive.

At the same time, when deciding to create a trailer, you must understand that such operations will require additional costs, time and effort.

Difficulties often arise at the registration stage. It may be refused due to various reasons. At the same time, registering a finished trailer from the manufacturer is much easier.

Required set of tools and materials

First of all, you need to purchase the necessary set of tools and materials. This list may differ depending on what kind of trailer a person wants to make.

We will give an approximate list:

  • for the frame and connection unit you will need a pipe with a square cross-section (40x40 mm). It is permissible to take a pipe bigger size, but if this does not lead to an increase in the mass of the entire structure. The length and quantity are determined according to the drawing;
  • to install the sides you will need a steel sheet (thickness - at least 0.6 mm). To calculate the quantity, you need to study the drawing. Multiply the length of the sides by their height. So, the area is calculated. After this, you will have an idea of ​​how many sheets are needed and what size they should be;
  • the bottom can be made of tin, thick plywood or polycarbonate;
  • you can make the chassis yourself or use the front axle of an SZD motorized stroller;
  • brake system;
  • towbar;
  • electrical appliances and conduct for connection to the car;
  • tarpaulin or other moisture-resistant fabric to cover the trailer;
  • fasteners (corners, brackets, etc.);
  • welding equipment;
  • electrical tools for working with metal objects(jigsaw, grinder, etc.).

Where to get drawings

Video: homemade trailer

The master will ensure that the finished product meets the requirements of the regulations we have reviewed.

Where can I get the drawing? If you have enough experience and knowledge, then you can do it yourself.

At the same time it is allowed to use ready-made options. They are available in large quantities on the Internet, including for creating caravans.

The finished drawing can be transformed at the driver's request. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that after such changes the trailer still meets the requirements of OST.

Assembly instructions

Assembling a homemade two-axle trailer for a passenger car includes the following steps:

Frame making The durability of the entire product will depend on it. The pipe or profile is cut and then the parts are welded into a rectangle. After this, it must be strengthened by welding a piece across the rectangle profile pipe. The frame of the side and front sides must be welded to the frame. They can be made from a profile pipe, but smaller in size
Trailer unit Length of this element cannot be more than 1.5 or 2 meters. The assembly is welded in at least 4 places from the end in the middle of the frame. Stiffening ribs are mounted on each side of the element
Installing a lock for the connecting node The lock is mounted with 3 bolts, with which it is attached to the trailer unit
Axle installation The axle is also mounted with bolts. It is installed almost in the middle of the frame
Formation of sides and bottom The material is fastened with self-tapping screws or rivets. Materials for cladding are chosen by the craftsman himself
Installation of electrical equipment (marker headlights with turn and brake lights) The trailer is equipped with red reflectors at the rear and white at the front.

How to legitimize (registration)

Every car owner is familiar with the procedure for registering a car. But not everyone knows how to register a trailer correctly. Is it really necessary to do this?

In accordance with the traffic rules, this vehicle must be equipped with state registration plates.

The driver is obliged, at the request of the traffic police inspector, to provide documents confirming the fact of completing this procedure.

Failure to comply with such instructions will result in liability under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The driver will be fined.

To avoid these consequences, you must register the trailer. You need to start by preparing documents that can confirm the fact that the product meets the requirements of the legislator.

To do this, a person contacts an accredited testing laboratory. Its employees will conduct tests to verify the homemade trailer.

If they are successful, a certificate of ability to safely operate the trailer will be provided.

To register it with the MREO, the following package of documents is provided:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • certificate from the laboratory;
  • documents evidencing ownership of the trailer;
  • check for payment of state duty;
  • technical inspection report;
  • OSAGO policy.

Car owners often have to deal with the problem of transporting cargo that is more bulky than can fit in the trunk. Trailers are sold for this purpose. Although it happens that there is no money for a trailer, but cargo needs to be transported.

Therefore, many motorists find a way out in making a trailer on their own. Moreover, such work brings moral satisfaction. Work experience is acquired and improved.

What you need to create a trailer yourself

First of all, you need materials. Durable metal tubes. Angles and channels of different markings, so that there is plenty to choose from. Strips of strong sheet steel, different sizes. It is advisable to get some springs somewhere. Or make them.

Need a tool. The more variety of tools, the better. Work will be more convenient and without problems. Welding machine definitely needed. Drilling machine Or a drill is a must have too. Sharpening machine (compact ones are now sold sharpening machines, do not take up much space).

Sledgehammer, hammer, chisel, spanners, calipers, taps, a tap driver (if necessary, you need to cut a thread somewhere yourself) - this is an incomplete list of what is needed. If everything is there, we proceed to implementation.

Where to start making a trailer

You can sketch the drawing yourself. Can be found on the Internet. Nowadays there are a lot of them on technical sites. You need to choose a drawing. When choosing, we determine how many wheels there will be. Usually they make a two-wheeled one. If desired, you can make a four-wheeled one, and even with a jack, a dump truck type. To simplify the example, here is a drawing of a regular two-wheeled trailer:

You need to start making a trailer with a frame. On concrete floor in a garage or other room suitable for this purpose, lay out all the pre-prepared materials for the frame. And sequentially, after measuring and trimming, weld the parts of the structure to each other. For some reason, many sites say that the frame should be made of pipes. Although practice shows that it is more convenient more practical frame make from corners.

There is also this: in some places two corners are connected joint to joint, the joint is welded. The result is a configuration similar to a small cross-section channel. Very durable material. It is not needed everywhere. Although in some places it is impossible to do without such material.

This is done the other way around, upside down. That is, the frame is welded first, then the sides. The lower frame of the frame part is welded to the sides from above. A shaft for the wheels is installed in the center of the resulting frame, secured in cups with bearings. Both the shaft and the bearing cups are mounted on springs. Which are connected to the frame by a reverse connection. Like in this picture:

Please note that the movable reverse of the springs will allow the trailer to gently and smoothly overcome bumps if there are any along the way. This is precisely why additional joints are needed on the spring when attaching it to the frame.

Further work on creating the trailer

Initially, you need to take care of the correct alignment of the mobile device. So that there is not a big advantage in one direction. This is especially true for two-wheeled trailers. Such a device should lean slightly (not much) forward. Then, when uncoupled from the machine, the drawbar (in other words, the leash) will naturally lie on the surface of the room.

Let's return directly to creating the trailer. After the base is made, the springs are secured and installed, we strengthen the wheel shaft with bearings in cups sealed from dust and dirt. Then we install the wheels. We secure them with bolts or fittings. Depending on who has what wheel mounting device. When the wheels are installed, without turning the device over, you need to strengthen the traction that will go to the car. The pull, or leash, may look like this:

Here the leash is in the form of one hollow metal pipe square section. Often, for a more stable position, the leash is made of two drawbars converging towards each other. Which form a triangular connection. Here in this picture, where the trailer is more spacious, the leash is triangular.

It is almost invisible because it is lowered to concrete slab in front, But you can guess that the leash is triangular, consisting of two drawbars connected in front into one knot with a fastening. The leash is attached using a coupling device called a towbar. There should be no ad-libbing here.

Without a towbar on the leash, the trailer will not be registered with the traffic police. For safety reasons, a standardized approach is used here with the installation of ready-made commercial towbars. This is what this device looks like:

It's cheap, there's no problem buying it. The towbar can be secured with bolts and nuts to the drawbar or welded.

Finish by strengthening the sides. Someone seals the body with thick plywood. Someone reinforces the sides with wire mesh. Some weld thin sheets of tin to the side frame. Then you can paint it. Who likes what. Last thing: you need to register your homemade mobile vehicle - a trailer - with the traffic police. To do this, you must meet a number of requirements that are the same for everyone. For safety.

The first video, called “homemade trailer,” shows the steps of creating a two-wheeled trailer.

In the second video “Business idea in the garage. Homemade dump trailer original design“- a craftsman, a master of his craft, created a four-wheeled, spacious trailer - a dump truck. The video shows the moment he tests the strength of the body with the body raised. Both videos can be found on YouTube.
