How to get in shape for summer: Basic knowledge. Calculating safe weight loss

Choose a diet

Without proper nutrition, it is almost impossible to achieve good results for the warm season. Hunger strike or kefir 3 times a day is not an option. The basis of a proper diet is variety and frequent small portions. You should choose a diet depending on your goals: “dry out”, increase muscle mass, tone up or make the body more flexible. For the latter, for example, a diet rich in fiber is suitable. It is better to consult a nutritionist to create a menu. He will take into account the characteristics of your body, lifestyle and recommend exercises so that the diet is effective and does not harm the body. However, if this option is not yet available to you, use modern technologies and trust, for example, the Diet Point · Weight Loss or Lifesum applications, which will help you monitor your diet and physical activity every day, choose the right foods and get rid of bad habits.

Exercise with the app

To get in shape, you don't have to sweat through hours of training. For good result It is enough to practice 15-30 minutes, but every day. Instead of checking social media in bed in the morning, do some exercise. A good helper in this they will become mobile applications. In Nike Training Club, for example, you can choose a set of exercises based on duration (15, 30 and 45 minutes) and depending on the goal: for strength training, stretching or burning extra calories. And the Sworkit application will help beginners warm up properly before the main load.

Participate in fitness marathons

Numerous fitness marathons will help you combine the first two points and find a virtual company with which you will get yourself in order. You can try “Mad Drying”, “#SEKTA Ideal Body School” or similar programs. By taking part in such a marathon, you receive not only a list of exercises and a prepared diet, but also creative tasks so as not to get bored. The motivation will be both the successes of other participants and the large prizes that some marathons give away.

Find a personal trainer

Beginners cannot do without a personal trainer. He will monitor how correctly you perform the plank or squat. In order not to overpay for a subscription to a fitness club, you can exercise at home. Look for a personal trainer on the Internet, for example, on the website of the online household services service Create a task, describe why you need a trainer, and choose from among those who responded the one you like best. If the performer’s profile or reviews say that the trainer also helps you create a nutrition plan, take it without hesitation.

Take a massage course

Lymphatic drainage massage will help correct your figure. This is detox, rejuvenation and shape correction in one bottle. By the way, lymphatic drainage is also used for anti-cellulite purposes. The effect is noticeable after the first session, but a course is needed for lasting results. If you call a good massage therapist to your home, he will bring with him and a massage table, and vacuum jars, and the necessary creams.

In our last two collections, we told you how to prepare for summer. Today's complex includes 5 exercises from the book “7 Minutes for Fitness” published by Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, which develop coordination and strengthen the muscles of the whole body. Those who want to get their figure in order for the upcoming beach season need to do these exercises every day; they can be done anywhere, even in the countryside.

The exercise pattern remained unchanged: initial stage you should repeat the exercise 10-30 times, then rest for 30 seconds and move on to the next exercise. Subsequently, you can increase the number of approaches of each exercise to 3-5, but then the training time will take more than 7 minutes. But by summer your muscles will get stronger, and slender body will attract the admiring glances of others.

Exercise No. 1. Reverse push-ups

Reverse push-ups are very effective at developing the triceps (the muscles located on the back of the arms)

  1. Sit on the edge of a stable chair with your palms at your sides, fingers pointing forward.
  2. Step your feet forward, moving your body off the seat.
  3. Straighten your legs so that all the weight is supported only on your palms and heels.
  4. Lower your body down by bending your arms.
  5. Having reached the maximum possible depth, push up back to the starting position.
  6. Repeat.

In spring, the street becomes warmer, clothes become lighter, and the extra pounds gained over the winter are more noticeable. It’s difficult to go on a diet during spring vitamin deficiency, but you want to lose weight quickly. RIAMO collected seven effective ways, how to get in shape after winter, make sports more effective and eat right without stressing the body, and how good mood helps in the fight for figure.

Eat right, but don't starve

You need to start with nutrition, fitness instructor Alexey Tumanov told RIAMO. It is worth limiting the consumption of flour and sweets, however, if you really want it, you can eat something sweet for breakfast - in the morning it is not so harmful and will “burn off during the day.” It is also advisable to give up potatoes and, of course, not abuse fast food.

In general, you can roughly divide the day into two parts. In the first half of the day you can eat complex carbohydrates, for example, rice, buckwheat. In the afternoon, protein foods are preferable - chicken breast, eggs, seafood, etc.

And no matter how trivial it may sound, eating too much at night is harmful. For dinner it is better to eat something light.

However, you shouldn’t strictly limit yourself in food and go hungry either. Fasting can slow down your metabolism and will only hinder your ability to get in shape. Fatigue and stress will definitely not benefit the body.

“Especially if you start playing sports, you can’t go hungry, because the body needs even more energy to recover,” Tumanov explained.

After winter, it is advisable to eat more fruits and vegetables, as well as support the body, which needs energy, with a complex of vitamins.

You can eat after six!

In the morning before breakfast, the trainer recommends drinking a glass of water and also doing at least a little exercise. If you decide to go to the gym and seriously engage in fitness, then it is better to create a diet individually, depending on your needs. physical activity. You can eat 5-6 times during the day, but the portions should be small.

In addition, the specialist refuted the popular belief that you should not eat after 6 pm. You need to take into account your own daily routine - your last meal should be approximately four hours before bedtime.

“If you go to bed at 2 am and get up at 9 am, you don’t need to starve yourself from 6 pm - this is too long a break,” the expert clarifies.

Body ballet and rock aerobics

You need to understand that miracles do not happen. Therefore, those who are determined to get themselves in order quickly need to exercise comprehensively and regularly. You can start with two times a week, one will not be enough. Ideally, alternate strength training on machines with cardio training, such as running, cycling, or with group classes in a fitness club, dancing, says Tumanov.

By the way, pleasant emotions from training affect the effectiveness of training, because when a person enjoys it, he trains with greater efficiency and ultimately gets better results.

“Therefore, activities like aquacycling, body ballet, punk rock aerobics, if you like them, will help you get in shape faster than usual treadmill, if you are bored with it,” notes the coach.

If you can’t visit a fitness club, try to move more Everyday life. For example, instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs, walk more, and do exercises in the morning. Even the most simple exercises- squats, leg swings, push-ups and running will help the cause.

Fly yoga and workout

In the warm season, it is not necessary to go to a fitness club at all. You can do fitness right on the street, in the yard or in a city park. In many capital parks, free yoga classes begin as the weather warms up. As part of this project, everyone can work out on green lawns or in cozy tents under the guidance of professional instructors, and styles for every taste - from yoga for pregnant women to fly yoga. The program begins in the spring and continues throughout the summer. The schedule of classes can be found on the parks’ websites or on the organizers’ portal.

And equipment for workout - popular strength training in fresh air- found in almost every yard. For example, outdoor exercise equipment, parallel bars, sports ropes and horizontal bars are available to everyone in Neskuchny Garden in the summer; three new sites will open this summer on Vorobyovy Gory.

Diet of models

For fast weight loss One of the most effective express diets is the so-called model diet, which allows you to lose up to 3-5 kg ​​in 3 days. For three days, it is suggested to eat according to the following scheme: an egg for breakfast, after 3 hours - 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and tea without sugar, after another 3 hours - another 150-170 grams of cottage cheese and tea without sugar. The diet is quite harsh, you need to remember to drink more water. Moreover, the more weight, the more you can lose. For greater effectiveness, the diet can be combined with swimming and massage.

However, you should not stay on such a diet for longer than three or four days: it will be useless. The body will decide that “hunger times” have come and will spend energy sparingly, weight will go away very slowly, despite all efforts, and then “reserves” will begin to be deposited as soon as you switch to a more gentle regime.

Fasting day

Another way to quickly cleanse the body and start losing weight is a fasting day. Such a day can be arranged no more than once or twice a week. Choose some light product, like kefir or cucumbers, which you need to eat throughout the day, as well as drink still water.

For example, 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir throughout the day normalizes intestinal function, and up to 2 extra kilograms are lost at once. You can lose even more on cucumbers - up to 3.5 kilograms, since they have very few calories and also contain tartronic acid, which slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. During the day you can eat no more than 1.5 kilograms of fresh cucumbers, but you cannot add sauces or spices.

Detox - cleansing the body

If results are needed, as they say, “yesterday”, then you can resort to emergency measures, like express weight loss. However, nutritionists warn that after some such diets there is a risk of quickly gaining weight back, and even more.

For example, detox is a program to cleanse the body of toxins, restore strength, and at the same time get rid of extra pounds. Detox involves giving up a whole list of foods and not stressing, but the most important thing is not a sharp restriction in food, but a gradual entry into such a regime. Preparing for detox takes from a week to a month, that is, you need to gradually give up bread, alcohol, coffee, meat, sweets, fried and fatty foods. You need to get out of this regime as gradually as you prepare for it.

During the detox program, which can last from a week to two months, there is a menu of freshly squeezed juices and smoothies, salads, healthy soups and cereals in combination with spa programs, yoga classes, etc. By the way, if it’s difficult to give up your usual diet at home, you can go on a trip to a special detox program in Thailand, Israel, Spain, combining business with pleasure. True, the cost of a week of such a program on average will cost from a thousand dollars.

The result is just around the corner

The right approach to nutrition, exercise and in general healthy image life will give results quite soon. It is impossible to instantly achieve the desired forms - this is the path when you start small and gradually come to more.

“The first changes will be visible after the first month of classes, if everything is structured correctly, if you stick to your diet and training schedule - then the difference will be visible on the scales, and in how you feel, and everywhere,” says the coach.

At the same time, of course, it is better not to suddenly remember in the spring that it would be good to lose extra pounds, but to maintain your shape throughout the year.

Irina Ivanova

Anastasia Sergeeva

How to lose weight by summer? Putting the figure in order in advance

How to quickly lose weight by summer, so as not to hide on the beach in a pareo if there are only three months left? And not to lose extreme weight, which will soon remind you of itself, but with the expectation of long-term results? Follow our recommendations!

How to lose weight by summer without harming your health?

First of all, set realistic goals for yourself. If you are wondering how to lose weight by summer in three, two or a month, and how many kilograms you can lose during this period, the answers can be very varied. But the faster you lose weight, the faster it will come back to you, and the worse the results can be. Therefore, it would be more correct to ask yourself another question: how many kilograms can you lose by summer without harm to your health?

Calculating safe weight loss

Nutritionists know the answer: it is believed that it is safe to lose weight in a month by no more than 3% of your initial body weight. To lose weight by summer in three months, multiply the resulting figure by 3. Of course, for different weights the answer will vary. For example, with a weight of 100 kg, without harm to health and with long-term results, a person can lose weight by 9 kg (100 * 0.03 * 3), and with a weight of 75 kg - by 6.75 kg.

Even when you “really need to,” losing more than 10 kg during this period is still not recommended if your weight is less than 110 kg. Consider what an obese person can lose in less time. short term more kg than a person weighing less.

Reviewing our diet

The main principle of losing weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn. And by this logic, you can decide that the consumption of junk food, buns and cakes fits organically here, just to small quantity- but that's not true. A cake with cream, for example, contains on average 500 kcal, but there is 0 useful value in it. At the same time, baked fish with vegetables fit perfectly into this caloric content, which will also give your body a lot of what it needs useful vitamins, minerals and other substances. In addition, if you are worried about how to lose weight in three months for the summer, then you need to increase your protein intake and reduce your fat and carbohydrate intake.

That's why it's worth sticking to healthy eating and give the green light to vegetables and fruits, cereals, different types meat and fish, and red - for sweets, baked goods, carbonated drinks, alcohol, fatty and sweet milk, canned foods, sausage, fast food, store-bought sauces, as well as other products that contain a lot of sugar and fat.

And don't forget about water! Proper weight loss It is impossible without it, since it is actively involved in the breakdown of fats. How much water you need to drink depends on your body weight: calculate the volume by multiplying your weight by 30, say 90 kg * 30 = 2700 ml. Important: juices, soups, milk are not included in this volume, only still water and tea.

If you have heard enough advice about how mono-diets and fasting help you lose weight quickly, then we have to disappoint you: after this, you will definitely regain all the lost kilograms again. And this is not to mention the dangers of such diets for health, since they upset the balance of necessary substances entering the body.

We are doing sports

Why is it important to not just lose weight by switching to... proper nutrition, but also to play sports? Because without toning your body and building muscles, you will turn into skinny fat (skinny fat, “fat skinny”) - people with such a physique look good in clothes, but without it everything looks deplorable: fat accumulated under the stomach or on the hips , loose skin, very weak muscles, saggy butt, cellulite.

The most effective results will be given to you by going to the gym. The best thing is to at least initially go to individual lessons with a trainer who will create a personal training program for you, based on the characteristics of your physique and the purpose of the training, help you understand the equipment and show you how to correctly perform the necessary exercises.

At home, achieving success is more difficult and takes longer, but with the right amount of perseverance, this will be possible, because time allows - we still want to find out how to lose weight in three months, and not in one month, and certainly not in a week. It is necessary to perform strength exercises, alternating them with cardio exercises - this is the combination that will most effectively allow you to gain muscle mass and burn fat.

Pay attention to exercises such as leg swings, lunges, squats, crunches, planks, waist and arm exercises. Buy dumbbells or weights for home, and gradually introduce them into your workout, increasing the weight. For cardio exercises, you can jump on the spot, do sets of consecutive squats and jumps, jump rope, or go for a run. If you have a treadmill or exercise bike at home, use them.

You can also do these exercises:

In addition to working out at the gym or at home, increase your physical activity in your daily life. Try to walk more, refuse transport, or get off a couple of stops earlier. During your workday, find time to get up from your desk, walk around the office, or at least walk around in place. Do not use the elevator, but the stairs.

Motivating ourselves

Remember that results do not come quickly. Many people desperately want to lose weight by summer, but after a couple of weeks of training and proper nutrition they give up without seeing results. It may not be there in a month, but this is not a reason to give up. In addition, we are talking about a visible result, but the process has already started anyway, and you will still notice some changes.

Motivate yourself by the fact that there is nowhere to put off any further, every day counts, otherwise you will not see your own toned and slender figure in a swimsuit, with which you can not hide on the beach. You can even hang a current photo of yourself in a prominent place, which will remind you of how unsatisfactory you look now.

Believe in yourself, show patience, willpower, work on yourself every day - and you will succeed! Don't relax and don't indulge yourself. And then, following this well-known truth - proper nutrition + exercise - you will not only be able to lose weight by summer in three months, but also begin to lead a healthy lifestyle that will change your eating habits and allow you to always keep yourself in good shape.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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So, summer is just around the corner, and with it the season of light summer clothes, swimsuits and open bodies. Unfortunately, the long winter has left its mark on our bodies in the form of dry skin, dull hair and a couple of extra pounds. But don’t be sad, because there is still time to get in shape.

First of all, you need to deal with what is most difficult to get rid of - extra pounds. Remember that the best way to burn fat is not crazy loads and lifting weights in the gym, but so-called cardio training - regular running, eating on a bicycle, exercise bike or on an orbitrek simulator. The latter, by the way, is one of the most effective, as it combines the load of a treadmill, bicycle and stepper.

In addition to cardio exercises, it is necessary to perform muscle tightening exercises. They can be performed under the guidance of a trainer in the gym, or at home, for example, using video lessons. It’s even better to create your own mini-gym with your friends and do everything together, then you’ll be motivated not to miss classes.

Dry and dull hair over the winter also requires intensive resuscitation. Use once or twice a week. It is not necessary to buy expensive salon products; even homemade masks made from natural products will have their effect positive action on your hair. For rinsing, use herbal decoctions that are also suitable for your hair type.

It is probably the easiest way to cope with skin problems. Exfoliate not only your face, but your entire body once a week, using ground coffee or honey, then apply moisturizer. As an emergency treatment, you can try going to the bathhouse. Steamed skin perfectly absorbs all the beneficial substances that you apply to it, and using a birch broom in a steam room is several times better than any peeling.

The most important thing is to start acting now, and do not be lazy to carry out all the planned procedures, and then the result will not be long in coming.
