How to play bowling correctly training. Rules of the game of bowling. Uniform and props for bowling

The game consists of ten approaches (frames). At the beginning of each frame, the player tries to knock down all 10 pins. If successful, the result will be Strike and the frame is closed.

In the case of Strike and Spare, no score for the current completed frame is provided for that player. The total score of this frame is determined by the following rolls as follows:

On a Strike, the player receives 10 points plus the number of pins knocked down in the next two shots of the next frame.

With Spare, the player receives 10 points plus the number of pins knocked down on the first throw of the next frame.

Triple Strike - three strikes in a row. In this case, the first throw in a series of strikes is worth 30 points, the second - 20. The next fourth strike adds nothing to the first, but adds 10 points to the second, valued at 30 points. The last frame is different from all the previous ones. For 10 points scored during the first two attempts, the right to an additional throw is given. Moreover, any combination of Strike and/or Spare does not give additional points within the last frame, although it does affect the scoring of previous frames.

The maximum number of points in bowling is 300.

2. Bowling technique.

A standard three-hole ball is grasped with the thumb, middle and ring fingers. The thumb is completely immersed, and the middle and ring finger are only submerged up to the second joint. The little finger and index finger lie freely on the surface of the ball, and the palm only slightly touches it.

This is a traditional ball grab. If the ball's holes fit the player's fingers, this allows the player to swing without squeezing the ball. Don't worry about your fingers getting stuck in the holes. To play well, it is very important to have a ball that is the right size for your fingers.

In the approach zone you can see two rows of dots. The first row is 15 feet from the foul line and the second row is 12 feet. These points will help you determine your starting position. Children need to stand closer to the foul line than adults because their steps are shorter. In any case, it is advisable for the player to stand closer to the foul line. After acquiring some skills, you can move away.

Whatever the running distance, do not step beyond the foul line. Your foot should stop at least a foot from the line. A good position is with your feet together and your body slightly tilted forward.

The ball must be held with the right hand (if the player is left-handed, then with the left) from below at a level between the waist and chest, and only slightly support it with the other hand.

    Turn your shoulders at right angles to the target.

    The free hand supports the ball.

    The wrist should not tilt back.

    The elbow of the hand with the ball is pressed to the thigh.

    Knees slightly bent.

    Feet are placed together and directed towards the target.

Bowling Technique: Swing, Steps and Synchronicity


If you pick up a heavy object, such as a bowling ball, and make a throwing motion, you will feel the driving force of the motion.

This is the principle of the pendulum. This is the foundation of a good, consistent shot. If players do not sense a free source of energy, they are unlikely to be able to throw the ball at all.

When it comes to weight, it's best to use a ball that you can swing back and forth freely. If the wrist bends under the weight of the ball or the player drops it, the ball is too heavy.


Walk the way you walk every day - heel to toe. Only the last step, which requires sliding, is different from the rest. During the last step, the leg slides forward under the weight of the ball. Then, the weight is transferred back to the heel and serves as a brake. The first step should be the shortest. The last one is the longest, as it involves sliding.

Imagine how a pendulum works - 1-2-3-4, and this will help you keep up the pace. You need to start walking with your right foot. If you are left-handed, then, accordingly, with the left.

Connecting ball swing and step together

Taken separately, swinging and stepping are not difficult physical actions. But it's how they work together that determines whether the run will be free or tight. You will need a stable position to throw the ball; also use the driving force of your steps. When throwing the ball, give it the speed you have gained. Thus, a well-timed throw will occur just at the moment when the sliding leg stops.

How do you achieve a throw that shows a good combination of stability and propulsion? To do this, you need to swing as hard as possible on the last step. From this moment on, the hand with the ball and the sliding leg simultaneously move forward. If this happened, the throw was well timed.

During the first three steps, the ball reaches its highest point during the backswing. This is followed by a forward swing, a slide and a throw. The point is that the ball gets a good impulse to move along the track. In professional language this is called a push. In the second step, the ball is moved from the starting position to a distance of 12-18 inches from the body. The third and fourth steps are preparation for the throw.

The start is the main point in the time sequence. The push should be simple and easy to perform. Even good players can't always get their timing right. Take the first step and push at the same time.

Throwing technique when playing bowling: throw and final movement

Each player's swing and gait are unique, as is their height, weight or age. But when throwing, all good players look more or less the same.

Before being thrown, the ball passes the ankle of the sliding leg about two inches from it. This position is ideal for throwing the ball in the desired direction. Good timing and proper throw results in a perfect combination of propulsion, body position and balance.

In order for the ball to pass at ankle level, you need to bend your knee slightly during the last step. What may at first seem like an awkward pose will later become quite normal. At the same time, the body also leans forward at an angle of 15-20 degrees. For balance, the middle of the chest should be directly above the knee of the sliding leg.

During the run, the head remains motionless, the gaze is focused on the target. The free hand is moved slightly to the side and serves for balance.

Completion of the throw.

A targeted finishing throw is a logical continuation of any movement. Bowling is no exception.

A good player can be easily identified by the way he throws the ball and completes the throw. After the throw is completed, the player's arm rises from the ball's launch point to shoulder level or higher. The direction of the hand should be strictly forward, and not to the left or right. This movement improves swing function and helps you maintain better balance.


If you are going to throw a ball at something, you usually look at the target. But bowling professionals never look at the pins!

Let's say the goal is to knock down certain pins. But it's better to aim by looking at a specific point on the lane than at the pins 60 feet away.

Arrows or directional markers are 4.57 m from the foul line. They serve as target indicators. There are seven such arrows. The middle one is located exactly in the center of the track, in line with the main pin. The rest of the arrows are also aligned to the corresponding fonts.

Choosing a target means choosing a starting position and a focal point. The path along which the ball rolls determines the starting position and the aiming point. By using the arrows as guides, your aim will be more accurate.

Game angle

Should the ball roll at an angle from right to left if the target is a pocket between the pins? 1-3. Does a left-hander throw the ball at an angle from left to right, aiming for the pocket between the pins? 1-2. The angle is very important with a strike, because then the ball rolls strictly along a given path, without deviating from the main pin.

If the ball suddenly deviates from the main pin, then the chances of playing a Strike are not great. A spun ball moves more from right to left (for a right-handed player). As a result, the angle will be steeper and the chances of hitting pocket 1-3 will increase.


The first rule of Spare requires simple geometric knowledge. This is the principle of crossing the path. When the pins are on the left side of the lane, the best starting position will be on the right - and vice versa. Practice hitting Spare using the crossing lane principle. Use pins as a target? 7, 8, 9, 10. So, there are 5 directions for a successful Spare, and you can do any combination of it by choosing one of these directions.

For example, to knock down the remaining pins? 1-2-4, you need to take the 8th pin as a target, because it stands just behind the 2nd, with all the pins in their places. To shoot down the 3rd and 6th, you should aim for the 9th. The fifth pin as a target usually results in a Strike.

In order to knock down any pin in the last row, you need to follow the third or fourth (middle) arrow or between them. The starting position is different for each throw. You don't need to calculate any formulas to play Spare. Most likely it is the ability to mentally imagine the cross-shaped path of the ball and execute the throw as you see it. Of course, practice and experience will improve your results.

How to throw a curve ball.

The direction of the ball depends primarily on how and when the ball was thrown. But usually, when throwing a ball, there is some torsion and sideways rotation. The best bowlers deliberately side-spin the ball. For beginners, this happens by chance. In any case, twisting affects the movement of the ball. If the ball rotates clockwise, then its direction will be from right to left. The left-hander spins the ball clockwise so that it moves from left to right.

Previously, balls were made of rubber or plastic. But today polyurethane balls are very popular. Such balls spin better and deviate from the target less often.

Features of throwing a ball with twisting.

Twisting of the ball occurs when it first slides off the thumb, and only then from the other two. As soon as the ball is released from the hand, it begins to spin. The direction of the ball's spin is determined by where the thumb was pointing when the ball came off the hand. This moment lasts for a fraction of a second. It is natural that the thumb is released first because it is shorter than the other fingers. However, it is important to have a ball that is the right size.

To twist the ball, place your thumb at 10 or 11 o'clock, for a left-handed person at 1 or 2 o'clock respectively (mentally imagine a watch dial). Positioning your thumb at 12 o'clock will create a straight ball direction. When throwing a curved ball, do not bend your hand; it should remain firm. As you release the ball, you should feel a pressure or tug. Learning to throw a curved ball is as easy as learning to throw a straight ball.

Considered dull and boring, this is a game of bowling. Many will not understand the very interest in throwing large balls with holes for the fingers? This is what those who have no idea about this sport say. Nowadays, foreign entertainment that is alien to us is gradually gaining popularity. Many people began to visit bowling clubs more often.

There is always an intriguing desire to throw the ball again and again in order to finally knock down all the pins and thereby beat everyone.

It happens that you stare at the nearby tracks, where you often get a “strike”. After what they saw, many begin to get upset and stupidly begin to mindlessly throw balls. Without setting any goal for yourself, and, of course, all efforts are fruitless. If you don't pull yourself together, nothing will happen.

How to bowl correctly

This is actually true. For this, a useful video lesson will be an assistant - ““, after watching the pins will begin to fall much more often. This material will teach you the basic principles of the game itself. The author will clearly show how to position one’s legs and how one must position one’s body; after these requirements, even a beginner can quite realistically succeed in bowling. You can't do this with just a stance; you still need to hone your throwing technique. In the story, honored athletes will analyze in every detail the intricacies of correct and accurate throwing of the ball.

This lesson will act as a real assistant, in the future one of the evenings, when you approach the track directly, you will be able to surprise both your friends and strangers with your throw with a positive result, and finally get a “Strike”! That's all, now you are a real winner. We wish you a successful game and accurate hits.


Choose a ball that swings back and forth freely and comfortably. It's easy to spot a ball that's too light: you'll feel like you can throw it far. A very heavy ball will force you to lower your shoulder and arch your wrist as you swing. When swinging the ball, use the principle of the pendulum, which is that the hand and the ball should have the greatest energy at the lowest point of the trajectory. Having risen to the starting position, swing forward and back, then point your arm down and throw. The reverse swing should be performed with a straight arm at waist to shoulder level.

Take the optimal number of steps when performing a passage. They should be simple from heel to toe. Beginners are advised to stop at four steps. The fifth step is usually added by experienced players. Make the first step the shortest one possible. The last one, which includes sliding, should be the longest. To stop, the body weight must be transferred to the toe. Start with your right foot and count to four to maintain the pace. You need to ensure that the step and swing merge into a continuous chain of movements.

Concentrate on synchronizing your steps and swing. Use the power of your steps to transfer all the energy of motion to the ball as it launches onto the track. To do this, swing it with a large amplitude so that on the penultimate step it goes as far back as possible. During the backswing, take the first three steps, and on the last step, your swinging arm and sliding leg should move forward in sync. Release the ball the moment the slide comes to an end.

Lean your upper body forward 15 degrees and bend the knee of your supporting leg on the last step so that the distance from the ball to your ankle is 2.5 to 5 centimeters when throwing. To maintain balance during the throw, the middle of the chest should be located above the knee of the sliding leg. During the approach, the gaze should be focused on the target, and the free arm extended to the side.

Choose the correct throw angle to ensure the ball maintains its intended trajectory. Direct it at an angle from right to left into the space between 1 and 3 pins. Use the second arrow on the right as a sight. This will increase your chances of getting a strike. The first thing to remove from the ball is your thumb. Train the complete completion of the throw: after launching the ball, the hand, without deviating to the sides, should rise straight to shoulder level or slightly higher.

Video on the topic

The main goal of the bowling game is to knock out the maximum number of pins by throwing a special ball and score a large number of points. In order to play bowling correctly, you should study the technique of throwing the ball and the rules of the game.

  1. Before the start of the game, a ball of the required mass is selected. As a rule, the mass of the ball should be 1/10 of the weight. It should be noted that the heavier the ball, the easier it is to control its throw.

  2. A regular ball has three holes, which should be grasped with the ring, middle and thumb fingers. The thumb goes completely into the hole, and the ring and middle fingers only go up to the second phalanx. The index finger and little finger are placed freely on the ball.

  3. To throw, you need to take the ball in your right hand, while supporting it with your other hand, and lower it down to the level between your chest and waist. The elbow of the right hand should be pressed to the thigh.

  4. The game includes ten rounds. In each round, the player makes two throws of the ball, except for the tenth round, which may include three throws: an additional throw is made to knock out a strike (pins knocked down on the first try) or spaa (pins knocked down in two throws) in the tenth round and is counted only for results of the tenth round.

  5. If a player fails to knock down all the pins within two ball throws in one round, the stage remains open.

  6. Points scored at each stage are counted as the sum of pins knocked down and bonuses. In a round in which all pins are not knocked out, the number of points equals the number of pins knocked out. The player is awarded bonus points if he hits a strike or save. For one strike, ten points are awarded and bonuses equal to the number of pins knocked out by the player in two throws. For one spae, ten points are awarded and bonuses in the form of the number of pins knocked down by the player in the next throw of the ball.

  7. The maximum number of points scored in one round is thirty (if the player gets three strikes in a row), and for the entire game - 300 (twelve strikes in a row). In fact, bowling with high scores (more than 200 points) is only possible if you get several strikes in a row, which is an indicator of high skill.

  8. Scoring occurs using an automatic system that displays the result of each shot made, the final result and other calculations on the monitor screen located above the track.

Video on the topic

If you have the opportunity to play bowling, but, alas, you do not know how to properly handle the ball, then you should quickly read the detailed instructions. It is advisable to practice a little, because the blow looks much simpler than it actually is.

You will need

  • Bowling ball.


Bend your shins and tilt your body slightly forward. Do not spread your legs apart, but keep them together.

Take four simple steps from your heel, and perform the fifth step as if you were sliding. That is, after the last step, slide behind the thrown ball, slightly bending your body forward and extending your right arm.

For the last step, throw the ball onto the track, while bending your arm at the elbow and raising it to shoulder level, the other hand is free and helps to maintain balance.

Video on the topic


When swinging, make sure that your hand does not go back too far, otherwise the throw will be long, sweeping and ineffective. After the throw, use the leg that remains behind to slow down the movement of your body, thereby devoting all your strength to the throw.

Helpful advice

To hit the target, you need to aim not at the pins themselves, but at the lines, arrows drawn on the tracks.


  • Step-by-step preparation for throwing the ball. Rules of the game and tips for beginners.
  • bowling how to throw correctly

Bowling is a simple and incredibly popular sport today, which involves rolling special balls along a lane and knocking down pins with them. Modern youth prefer this sports game as good entertainment and time with friends. However, playing bowling in a club is a rather expensive hobby that requires constant expenses. Why not make your own bowling alley, for example, at your summer cottage? Do you think this is impossible or very expensive? Nothing like this.

You will need

  • cemented area 10x2.5 m, carpet, awning, skittles, balls


Find a place in your summer cottage that would be most convenient for playing. It is necessary to remember that the length of such a section should be at least 10 meters, and the width should be about two and a half meters.
Measure out an area 6.5-7 meters long and 1 meter wide.

Dig small grooves along the entire length and width. This way you should end up with a rectangle.

Take four small wooden sticks and place them in the corners of your measured area, that is, the future path. It is by these sticks that you can navigate when performing further actions.

Raise the soil in a small layer along the entire perimeter of your resulting rectangle so that the depth of the resulting path is approximately 10 centimeters.

On four sides (in the corners) install iron tubes, approximately three meters high, at a distance of half a meter on each side of the dug rectangle. A tarpaulin or film will subsequently be stretched over these tubes so that the track does not get wet during rain or snow, and you can play your favorite game at any time of the year.

Fill the resulting long rectangle with cement, taking out the pre-installed ones as a guide. The thickness of the cement layer should be about 1-2 cm. At the same time, the corner iron posts should also be concreted so that they are securely fastened.
Level the surface of the track and let it harden.

Roll the resulting concrete path with low-pile carpet or linoleum along its entire length. Stretch the film or tarp, securing it over the installed tubes, making a kind of tent.

Buy several special bowling pins and a set of bowling pins from a specialty store.

Place the pins properly at the end of your lane, about 20cm from the edge.
Take turns throwing balls with friends or colleagues, relatives or neighbors and enjoy the game.

Perhaps there will be only one drawback in this game - each time you will need to manually set the pins and go after the ball. However, you can always put someone at the end of the lane who can set the pins and return the ball back down the lane.

Video on the topic

Bowling combines sport, relaxation and fun. This explains its popularity among many millions of people on the planet. This unique game is distinguished by its simplicity and the absence of restrictions on age and gender.

You will need

  • - a standard bowling ball with three holes.


A huge component of the success of the game depends on the correct grip of the ball with the hand. It is enough just to remember and learn a couple of points about the correct placement of the palm and phalanges of the fingers. The easiest and most accessible method of capture is the “traditional” one.

Decide on the weight of the ball. To do this, place it on your hand and extend your arm forward. If you can stand in this position for more than 5 seconds without feeling muscle pain, then the weight is optimal for you.

The middle and ring fingers should be in the ball up to the level of the second phalanx, and the thumb should be completely immersed. Fix them in this position without squeezing the ball tightly. Relax your hand.

Lightly cup the ball with your palm. Leave your index finger and little finger freely on the surface of the ball. Now take a hand position so as not to feel pain and discomfort in your wrist, and enjoy the game!

Video on the topic


Careful selection of the ball for the game greatly increases the chances of success in winning. Before playing bowling, it is recommended to remove the rings from the fingers of the hand involved in gripping the ball. This will help you avoid accidental injuries and unpleasant, distracting sensations while playing.

Helpful advice

If you encounter a high-tech ball, it requires a different grip option - a "sport" grip. The main difference between this method: the middle and ring fingers are immersed only on one phalanx. The big one, as with the “traditional” method, is completely immersed; the index and little fingers remain free to lie on the surface of the ball.

Bowling is a sports game, the essence of which is to knock down the pins installed at the end of the lane with a launched ball. Bowling acquired its modern form at the end of the 19th century, and its prototype was the game of skittles.


Choose the ball that suits you, as your chances of winning will depend on it. Each ball has three holes for your middle, ring and thumb - they should fit perfectly so that the ball slides easily from your hand, and at the same time you do not have to squeeze it too hard when holding it. As a rule, balls from size 8 to 10 are suitable for, and, accordingly, heavier.

Take the correct stance. Take 4 steps back from the foul line. As a rule, there are special points in front of the path that serve as reference points for starting steps. Stand straight with your feet together. Bend your right hand, with which you are holding the ball, at an angle of 90 degrees so that the hand with the ball faces you and is parallel to the floor. Hold the ball slightly with your left hand.

Perform the correct ball send. To do this, take 4 steps, starting with your right foot. During them, you must lower your left hand, straighten your right hand with the ball and place it behind your back to send. The last step is taken in front of the foul line with your left foot, while you squat slightly on your left foot and send the ball into the center of the triangle of pins. The right leg should remain straight and behind the left leg.

Bowling is about choosing the right ball. Balls in any club have different weights, which are always indicated on the ball. Masters say that a ball that is too light deviates from the target, and a ball that is too heavy rolls too slowly. Balls marked with numbers from 1 to 10 are intended, and everything above 10 is for men. This is what generally accepted standards say, but no one and nothing can prevent an amateur who comes to a bowling club to relax from taking the ball that is more convenient for him to throw.

Playing technique

The length of the path is 18 meters and the width is 1.6 meters. At the end there are 10 pins installed. The player's task is to throw the ball along the track so that it knocks down the maximum number of pins. A perfect throw is considered to be a situation where a player knocks down all the pins at once in one throw. One game consists of 10 approaches for each player to the track. For a throw, the player is awarded points depending on the number of pins knocked down. At the end of the game, the points for each approach are summed up. Whoever scored the most wins. In essence, the game is not difficult: it does not require special physical training or logical thinking. You don’t even need to count points, the computer will do everything for you. However, certain skills are still required to play bowling effectively. First, you need to learn how to pick up the ball correctly. Any ball has 3 holes. The thumb is inserted into the upper hole, and the middle and index fingers into the other two. The ring finger and little finger are positioned freely.

Masters of the game say that the secret to success is in preparing the throw. At first, you should try to take 4 steps, starting from the black dots drawn on the track surface. When the player starts moving, the ball should be swung in the hand like a pendulum. During the first and second steps, the hand moves the ball back, during the third and fourth, it carries it forward. A common mistake for beginners is to aim exactly at the center of the triangle of pins. In fact, you are more likely to get a strike if you aim the ball between the #2 and #3 pins.

How to improve results?

Once you have mastered the basic throwing technique, you should work on accuracy and then on the power of your strike. It would be a good idea to check the height of your swing before throwing. You should not raise your hand above your shoulder. The success of the game is also influenced by the club itself. Not all bowling clubs have high-quality equipment. The bowling alley must be made of wood, coated with a special varnish. The area where the pins are located can be covered with fiber. In some cases, gutters are covered with the same material. Remember that the throw is considered successful if you do not step beyond the control line.

Video on the topic

Knocked pins are not bowling, and an accidental strike is not skill. It’s hard to believe, watching the players in fashionable bowling clubs and just special lanes in shopping centers. As with any trendy entertainment, there are a lot of amateurs here, and the more popular the game becomes, the more amateurs aimlessly roll balls along the tracks. They have the right to make mistakes - after all, in order to have a fun free time, it is not at all necessary to comprehend all the intricacies of the process. But if the fashionable game really captivates you, you should take it more seriously and figure out how to play bowling correctly.

Let's start with the fact that bowling is not such a new activity. In fact, the game dates back more than 7,000 years of history, and the ancient Egyptians were the first to come up with the idea of ​​rolling balls. The baton was picked up by the inhabitants of Polynesia, and only then, about three hundred years BC, the archaic prototype of bowling became almost an obligatory religious ritual. Later, the British, the Dutch, and other European peoples became interested in bowling. And the well-known admiral Francis Drake generally preferred to end the game before repelling the Spanish attack. And even if historians boasted in their retelling of the legend, this does not change the fact that both bowling and its rules were formed quite a long time ago. So they have a right to respect, right?

Modern gaming takes place in comfortable and pleasant conditions. All clubs are equipped according to the same principle, and all you need to know is that at the end of the 18-meter lane there are always exactly 10 pins waiting for your shot. Your task is to shoot them down with a special ball. With a ball, too, not everything is simple, because they are all different, and you still have to choose your “projectile”. All of the same diameter, they differ in weight and color. The lightest ball weighs only 2.5 kg, the heaviest - 7.3 kg, well, different colors indicate this. Bowling balls are not just hard balls, their secret lies in their shifted center of gravity. Due to this “skew”, not just rolling is ensured, but the rotation of the ball around the center and its movement along the correct arc. Don't be alarmed if bowling tools seem complicated in theory. Mastery comes from playing, so let's get down to business.

Basic Rules of Bowling
So, remember the basic rules of bowling:

  1. Be sure to change your shoes before the game. Replaceable shoes are necessary so as not to scratch the expensive surface of the paths with soles and heels. The flat rubber sole of these shoes prevents slipping and reduces the risk of an accidental foul (which is called when a player steps over the line at the start of the lane). In addition, this tradition pre-sets the mood for the game and creates a special atmosphere - all players look like members of some kind of closed club.
  2. Choose a ball of suitable weight. Before the game starts, they all lie on the surface of a special machine, and each team member can find a comfortable pair of balls and remember their weight. Tentatively, anything smaller than No. 10 is suitable for women, and balls from No. 10 and heavier are suitable for men.
  3. To grab the ball, insert three fingers of your right hand into its holes: thumb, middle and ring. Do not immerse your fingers completely; let your palm only slightly touch the surface of the ball. This placement of the hand is not accidental: it allows you to control the push and subsequent movement of the ball along the track as best as possible.
  4. Now about the track itself. Before it starts there is the so-called “running zone”, in which you must be before starting the throw. This area is separated from the varnished track itself by a throw line. Mentally divide your runway into four steps. If you did more and crossed the throwing line, you earned a foul, that is, the pins knocked down this time will not count.
  5. Each step to the throwing line is accompanied by a corresponding movement of the hand with the ball. It goes through the trajectory from the backswing to the push of the projectile with a straight hand along the track.
  6. At this moment you must release the ball, which will accelerate towards the pins. The more it hits, the more points you earn. Ideally, all 10 pins are knocked down with one hit, and such a throw is called a “strike”.
  7. No matter how many pins you knock down, the game moves to the next player. Each team has 10 approaches to the track. When all team members have used their approaches, points are tallied. This happens automatically, and the result will be displayed on the monitor above your track.
By and large, all these rules are mastered in practice faster than the time you spend reading them. When you come to a bowling club for the first time, do not hesitate to ask more experienced comrades and observe their actions. Try to take the correct steps towards the path and repeat the poses of successful players. Over time, you will begin to feel more confident. And when you learn to correctly distribute the center of gravity of your body and the ball, you will stop thinking about the position of your arms and legs before throwing.

Rules of good manners in bowling
And finally, a couple of tips for those aesthetes who want to master not only the technical part of the game. Like any sport, bowling has its own ethical rules. By sticking to them, you will make a positive impression on experienced players and set a good example for new players. First, remember the so-called “right-hand rule.” It obliges players to give another advantage to those standing on the right. This one standing on the right, in turn, can nod back the move to another team member.

The second universal rule is not to interfere with players on adjacent tracks. For example, do not enter the run-up zone if you see that a neighbor has begun preparing to throw. Your movement in peripheral vision can distract the other player and negatively affect the outcome of his approach. Basic politeness and respect for others are just as important components of a successful game as polished technique and accurate throws. Observe both – and easy strikes for you!

Bowling is the most common game that is known in every corner of the world. She's not easy. In order to play bowling, you must not only know the rules, but also have a certain skill. The main attributes of bowling are pins, there are 10 of them and they are lined up in a pyramid at the end of the lane, and a ball, the weight of which can vary from 6 kg to 16. So how to play bowling?

First of all, at the beginning of the game, you need to wear special shoes that will prevent slipping, and select an appropriate ball that will be easy to launch. As a rule, from 6 to 10 kg are women's balls. From 10 kg - these are men's. Professional players order individual balls to be made. A bowling game consists of 10 frames, in each of which the player throws the ball 2 times, and in the last frame - 3 times. After each throw, no matter how many pins are knocked down or whether they are knocked down at all, they line up anew. The ball is usually held with the right hand, but a left-handed person will find it much more convenient to do this with the left. Each of the balls has holes for fingers: middle, big and ring. Having taken it in your hand, it is important to make the correct run-up and send the ball strictly straight towards the pins. You can first practice with a running start and calculate in advance how many steps it will take, but the recommended number is 4. The goal of each throw is to knock down all the pins.

The maximum number of points per game is 300. They are scored for knocked down pins. If some of them are knocked down, then each shot down is 1 point. If a strike or several strikes are struck in a row, the points are doubled and bonus points are added. The total score and the number of points for each frame are shown on the monitor in the player's field of view. Each playing lane has a line called a foul. It is from this point that the throw is made. You can’t stand up for her, just like you can’t step on her. But if such an incident occurs, a sound signal is heard and the frame is canceled. When playing bowling, it is important to learn how to evenly distribute your body weight and clearly send the ball to the target. To do this, the player and the ball must be one. In the game, the coherence of all movements and harmony are important. Then the target will most likely be hit by a precise hit from the player.

Bowling is a game that requires endless practice. Even professionals are constantly improving and mastering new techniques. Only with constant training can you develop your hand and easily hit the pins with a well-aimed hit.
