How to build a winter hut in the forest with your own hands. How to build a hut in the forest with your own hands: choice of means, order of work, tips How to build a hunting lodge quickly

Any person involved in construction knows that sometimes you want to build something “for the soul.” Although not entirely practical, it is pleasing to the eye. This desire is especially strong if the site is located in a picturesque place, in a forest or on a hill that offers a wonderful view of the surrounding area.

It is for such cases, when it seems that a standard house simply will not fit into the landscape, the so-called. A-frame house, or, what is more familiar to us, a hut house.

In this article we will cover:

  • How to build a hut house yourself.
  • Is it possible to improve the design of the hut house?

DIY hut house

The design of houses in the shape of the letter “A” is known in many countries. In the vastness of the USSR, triangular country houses called huts or tents.

In North America they are known as A-frame houses. Such houses in the form of a hut were built when it was necessary to quickly and inexpensively build a house from what was “underfoot.”

A-houses are experiencing a real renaissance, and thanks to the use of modern building materials, projects of the most unusual designs are appearing.

The house shown above is difficult to replicate on your own, therefore, when talking about how to build a hut house, we will talk about more budget-friendly, but no less interesting options that you can build with your own hands. A good example of why a developer chooses a hut house is the construction story of a portal user with the nickname eglis.

eglis FORUMHOUSE Member

I have a plot of 5 acres near the city. The site offers a wonderful view of the Taganrog Bay. The place is very beautiful, you can breathe easily, you can smell the sea. An old brick house was sold along with the plot. It has no foundation, so cracks have formed in the walls. At first I wanted to finish this house: expand it, insulate it, etc., but after calculating everything, I came to the conclusion that building a new one would be cheaper. Because I will be building alone, without helpers, I needed feasible and inexpensive technology. Therefore, the choice fell on a frame hut house.

Before we talk about the stages of this construction, we will list the main pros and cons of A-houses.

Pros and cons of A-houses

The main advantage of a hut house is the saving of building materials, time and effort. In fact, the “legs” of this wigwam are both wall posts and roof rafters.

Accordingly, there is no need to build a classic “box”, on which the rafter system is then mounted.

We also note the light weight of the frame of this beautiful hut, which leads to a reduction in the material consumption of the foundation and a simplification of its design. There is no need to build a serious foundation for the building; you can get by.

Among the main disadvantages of a hut house: smaller effective area, with an equal building area, with a house built according to classical technology. Therefore, the second floor of the “triangle” is most often used to accommodate bedrooms or an “attic” where various things can be stored.

When building a staircase in a hut house, you will have to rack your brains about how to position it and how to make it comfortable. But all the shortcomings fade into the background if you approach the matter with invention and imagination. If you make a hut house not as it goes, but by adhering to a clearly developed project, you get a truly unusual and beautiful structure that fits organically into nature.

This is what you should end up with eglis.

Work on the construction of a hut house began with the construction of a cellar.


I live in an apartment, so the urgent question is where to store pickles and jam. I decided to build a cellar right under the house.

To do this, the user himself, with a shovel, dug a hole measuring 1800x3500 mm and 2800 mm deep.

Having dug a pit, eglis I leveled the base with concrete, which simplified the laying of blocks.

The ceiling of the cellar is made of asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 11 cm.

The “50” corner was used for the manhole, which in the middle rests on the “beam” of the ceiling, made from the “12th” channel.

The user also provided ventilation for the cellar by installing “gray” sewer pipes.

The ceiling was covered with clay on top, spilled with water and the 80 cm thick “screed” was allowed to dry under the hot southern sun.

Now it's time to build the A-frame. First of all, the user built columnar foundation. The technology is classic - a hole is dug, then it is filled with crushed stone and sand. All this is spilled with water and thoroughly compacted. Then it is placed on the prepared base concrete block, sand-cement, etc.

To prevent crushed stone and sand from becoming mixed with the soil and sinking into it over time, the base must be separated from the soil with geotextiles, which are placed in advance at the bottom of the hole.

Columnar foundation eglis consists of twelve concrete blocks measuring 30x30x30 cm. Waterproofing is laid on the blocks, on which the frame frame is laid - a beam with a cross-section of 15x10 cm.

Since, according to the user, the height of the blocks was not enough to raise the frame higher above the ground, spacers were placed between the timber and the blocks - cuttings from larch.


Having finished the foundation, I moved on to building the frame. The dimensions of the triangles of the hut house are as follows: base 5400 mm, side – 6130 mm. The distance between the triangles is 59 cm, taking into account the laying of insulation against each other, the width of which is 60 cm. A board with a section of 15x5 cm was used for the “legs”. I raised the triangle myself, using temporary stops for this - three boards. I’ll say right away that it’s physically difficult to do this alone, and considering that several times the triangles were torn off the support boards during lifting, it’s dangerous. But everything worked out, and I raised the frame.

To strengthen the frame, the triangles were additionally reinforced with construction brackets.

1. Installation of a moisture-and-windproof membrane and sheathing under the finishing roof covering– wave slate.

The peculiarity of the membrane is that the film releases water vapor coming from the room to the outside, but does not allow wind and atmospheric moisture to enter the insulation.

2. Laying insulation - stone wool 5 cm thick, in two layers. Because The “legs” are made of 15x5 cm boards, and the total thickness of the thermal insulation layer is 10 cm, resulting in a double ventilation gap. Those. the distance between the insulation and the membrane is 5 cm, and due to the bars a second ventilation duct, between slate and film.

3. The floor insulation was carried out according to a similar scheme, with the only difference being that a galvanized mesh with a mesh size of 5x5 cm is additionally fixed between the joists.

4. Leaf wave slate was divided into 3 parts. According to the user, this makes the roof look more original. It is easier to climb the lathing with a piece weighing 7 kg than to try to fix a whole sheet.

The sheets are pre-cut to reduce the joint “hump”. The sheets were fastened with slate nails. Holes in the slate with a slightly larger diameter than the “body” of the nail were pre-drilled with a screwdriver.

5. Installation of pediments from OSB sheets. Installation of temporary stairs and doors.

6. Installation of windows.

To bend a ridge element from a galvanized sheet, the user made a sheet bender from several boards and hinges. The design of the device, available for independent repetition, is clearly demonstrated by the following photographs.

In the future, it is planned to improve the sheet bending machine and install metal guides and clamps.

7. A 2.8 cm thick tongue and groove board was used for the flooring.

Before laying, the boards were treated with fire protection. The boards were fastened into the groove with a 5 cm long self-tapping screw, which was screwed in at an angle.

The floor of the second floor is OSB 18 mm thick.


In the future I want to cover the floor with waterproof varnish. The pipe coming from the cellar will go up and sideways through frame extension, which I will build on the site of the old brick house after I dismantle it. In the extension (I will not insulate it) I will place a shower room and a shed for storing garden tools.

The user's hut-house is still under construction, but it is already clear that the result is a cozy “dacha” structure that fits well into the site.

In the future, the outside walls will be covered with siding, and the base will be covered with basement siding or corrugated sheeting.

How to improve the design A-frame house and build a beautiful one hut house

If the house eglis still being completed, then A-frame housesergiolakky has already been completed: a beautiful and cozy turnkey hut house is waiting for guests to take a virtual tour.

sergiolakky User FORUMHOUSE

My plot of 18 acres is located on the banks of the Volga. It opens from it great view to the river and the area. I decided to build a “dacha”, but with all the amenities. We supplied electricity, gas, and drilled a well for water. The question arose of what to build. I didn’t want to put an ordinary box in such a place or build something complicated: it’s both expensive and doesn’t fit into the landscape. Stopped at A-house. Although there is not much space on the second floor with this design, I actually don’t need it. Everything you need is located on the first floor.

Now let’s show a photo that inspired the user to build his own “hut”.

It is worth noting that the house shown above is the same as the cottage sergiolakky, not classic A-frame houses. Pay attention to the right side of the picture. Part of the “legs” of the supports are cut off, and the rafters rest on the extension.

Such asymmetry, on the one hand, gives the house a “zest”, and on the other, significantly expands its functionality by adding additional space.

Thanks to the fracture of the roof, it was possible to place a vestibule, a toilet, and build a dressing room underneath. The house also has a bedroom, a bathhouse with a relaxation room and a veranda.

  • October 26, 2018
  • Miscellaneous
  • Sofia Ermakova

How to build a hut in the forest with your own hands? For experienced commercial hunters this is not difficult. People who are passionate about their work or favorite pastime build cozy and warm houses in the deep forest with everything they need to spend the night along the route or even stay for some time if an unforeseen situation occurs.


Any commercial hunter who has a plot of forest at his disposal sets up a network of winter huts. Typically, the network consists of a main hut, where you can live permanently, and small winter huts, in which you can spend the night along the route. Therefore, the distance between winter huts should be equal to one day's march.

The main purpose of a hunter's hut is a roof over your head and strong walls that can protect you from severe frost, angry blizzards, torrential winds (a common option for insulating walls with moss is shown in the figure below) and the dangers of the night taiga (including bears, so you need to think about additional protection of the house). There is always some food in the winter hut long-term storage and a supply of firewood for a week. The doors in such houses are not closed so that every hunter, forester, mushroom picker or tourist who gets lost in the taiga can survive in harsh conditions.

By the way, not only hunters live in small huts, but also hermits or indigenous peoples of the north, who know how to build a hut in the forest very quickly. More often, of course, it is commercial hunters who are engaged in the construction of winter huts.

Preparing the site for construction

How to build a winter hut in the forest with your own hands? First of all, you need to pay attention to the search suitable place for the construction of a house. The main enemies of the hunting base are people and bears. It is desirable that the house be generally accessible only to the person who built it, or at most to his immediate circle (friends, relatives).

You need to build in a secluded place. The hut should not be located on the river bank, on a path or road, the house should not be visible from vehicles passing nearby. So, a remote area is required. Separately, you need to take into account the visibility of the space depending on the presence or absence of foliage on the trees. The listed rules are difficult to comply with in relatively populated areas. In general, a fishing hut hidden from prying eyes can only be in a deserted and wild taiga; it is very difficult to hide in other forests.

The house should not be visible from the air. It is advisable that a helicopter cannot land nearby. To do this, the logs for construction are taken not entirely near the hut, but some nearby, the rest - in other places. The most reliable way to hide a house better is to move 20-25 kilometers away from the nearest road. This is approximately a day's trek.

The approach to the winter hut from a relatively frequented place should not stand out in any way. There should be no path or road. The path to the hunting lodge can run, for example, along stones in the bed of a dry stream or through a spruce forest, where a springy bedding of pine needles lies under your feet. Some especially careful hunters even go to their winter quarters on a different route each time.

It is advisable to choose a place on a small edge, protected from strong winds, in a pit. This will protect the lower crowns from heavy torrential rains and spring floods. Under no circumstances should you build a hut in a ravine. It is permissible to build a house only on a small hill or flat area. There should be a source of clean drinking water nearby (stream or river).

Selection and preparation of materials

How to build a hunting house in the forest? The construction site must be cleared if necessary. The forest will be used for crowns, but the stumps are usually burned. It is better to make the first crown of a small hut from larch, because this tree rots more slowly than the others. If there is no larch nearby, then from what is there. You can put stones under the crown or place logs directly on the ground.

The main material for building a house is trees coniferous species. Pine and larch are excellent, but you can also use spruce or fir, cedar. Cedar can be cut down without pity, because thinning sanitary fellings clear space for stronger and larger trees. Thick trees are not suitable optimal diameter- 15-25 cm. It is better to make the first few crowns from thicker logs, and then use less thick ones.

How to build a hut in the forest with your own hands, that is, without anyone’s help? It's more difficult, but quite possible. You can drag logs to the construction site alone. Experienced taiga explorers say that a damp pine tree (25 cm in diameter) will weigh about 40 kg per meter. For one person, a length of 3-4 meters is enough. A four-meter log will weigh about 120 kg.

There is no need to lift the whole log; it is easier to drag it. It's hard, but quite doable for one person. If it’s really difficult, then you can cut down thinner trees, but then more materials will be required in quantitative terms. The picture below shows how to fell a tree.

How many materials will be needed for construction? Optimal height walls - 180 cm. So a person of average height will not have to bend over. This turns out to be 9 logs per wall (180: 20 = 9). There are four walls - 36 logs. Additionally, wood is needed for the floor and roof. The forest can be cut down with a reserve.

Different methods of laying crowns

How to build a hut? From the prepared materials, that is, logs, you first need to remove the bark. For debarking, a pointed shovel is used, taiga ax or scraper. At the beginning of May, the bark is already peeling off well, but it is still better to use trees harvested in winter. Dried logs are harder to process, but they are much lighter.

The crowns can be placed “in the paw” or “in the bowl”. A simpler option is “half a tree”. The “bowl” method makes it possible to achieve a better fit of logs to each other, that is, the likelihood of cracks occurring is significantly reduced. Raw moss is placed between the logs. It is better to use raw wood, because it does not crumble, dries along with the logs and is a natural preservative that will slow down the rotting of the wood. You need to use more moss so that no gaps remain.

Additionally, you need to strengthen the corners and window shutters. The deep taiga forests are inhabited by bears, who often destroy the house from the corner. Planks with bristling points are often placed against the wall, window sills, along corners, behind the threshold and on the threshold. Hunters call them “hedgehogs.”

How to make floor and roof boards

How to build a hunting hut in the forest? Walls are just the beginning. Next you need to lay the floor, make windows and doors, and build a roof. The floor requires boards that are made on site. You need to select straight-layered trees. The log must be carefully spread onto the boards. Using an ax, small cuts are first made at the base of the trunk, then wedges are driven in there so that they touch the entire diameter of the log. Such boards are much stronger than those cut with a saw, because the fibers are preserved.

Insulation of floors and laying of boards

How to build a hut in the forest with your own hands? After the walls were built, all that was left was the floor and roof. Floorboards are not laid on damp ground. The bottom layer is filled with loose earth or sand mixed with moss, stones of different sizes, polyethylene or any available insulation. Moss is placed again directly under the boards so that there are no gaps.

How to build and insulate a roof

How to build a hut in the forest with your own hands? The most difficult thing for inexperienced hunters who started building a winter hut is the roof. Roofs can be single-pitch or gable, with or without an attic. It is better to build with an attic, because in the summer you can dry herbs there, and in the winter it is warmer. At any time of the year the attic can be used as a storage room.

The attic roof can be laid not with boards, but with small logs or halves. Moss should be laid between them, earth should be poured on top and covered with polyethylene. For the intermediate roof (this is the floor of the attic), the film is not necessary, but then you need to use more moss to provide good protection from rain. The cold is no longer so terrible, because due to the attic there are actually two roofs.

How to quickly build a hut in the forest? If you need to build a house quickly, you can build a regular roof without an attic, but it will be colder in such a room. It is better to lay the top of the logs with moss and cover them with earth in order to somehow retain more heat inside.

If desired and if necessary, you can camouflage the roof with a special camouflage net. You can do this yourself. You need any mesh for weaving the base (rope or fishing, but not fishing line, because such a structure will not last long), pieces of moss, leaves, rags, dense ribbons of dark green, gray, brown or white. Camouflage elements are woven into the structure of the network. It is advisable to tie each one not in the center, but with a tendency towards asymmetry.

The stove is the main element of any winter hut

How to build a hunting house with your own hands? There is a roof, floor and walls. Why not a home? But still, the main element of any hunting lodge is the stove. Otherwise, the hut will only protect from the wind, and it will be impossible to spend the night in it. Hunters most often use iron stoves, which provide heat quickly but cool down just as quickly. You will have to add firewood every hour to keep the whole house warm.

Brick ovens take longer to heat up, but retain heat better. For a settled life you will need a good brick stove, but you can line an iron stove with bricks and stones. This way you can keep the heat much longer. You don’t need a lot of bricks; it’s enough to build a small stove with hob to make it convenient to prepare food.

How to quickly build a hut? How long does this process take? Construction lasts from several weeks to months. Much depends on the hunter's carpentry skills, because the main material (wood) is harvested locally. A person, even without a special tool, but with extensive practical experience, can build a hunting winter hut quite quickly, but sometimes it happens that the whole day is spent adjusting the groove of one crown.

After erecting the furnace, you can proceed to internal work. In the winter hut you need light from a lamp or kerosene lamp, but you must strictly follow safety rules, because the housing is wooden. You also need to leave a supply of food and chop firewood.

Important Legal Issues

All land where forest-type vegetation is located, areas without forest but created for its restoration (clearings, clearings), lands in and near the forest belong to the state. Federal leadership develops forestry policy, distributes documents to localities, maintains a cadastre of forest lands and makes decisions on changing the category of plots.

Is it possible to build a hut in the forest? Officially, a plot for construction in a forest can only be obtained if the category of land is changed. In the constituent entities, this is handled by the Forestry Department, and the transfer of land in undelimited territory is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation.

To re-register land, you need to collect a large package of documents that will be considered at the local, regional and federal levels. The entire procedure can take up to a year or more. The process is complex and long. When submitting independently, there are no guarantees of results.

In many cases, it is easier to rent land for construction in the forest for 10-49 years. The tenant's responsibilities include improving the condition of the land, soil reclamation, environmentally friendly use of natural resources, and timely payment. On rented land you can grow seedlings, conduct scientific research, collect medicinal herbs and edible resources, establish apiaries, hunt, and cut down trees.

Free use of forest areas is possible. Upon application, you can receive a plot for a period specified in the law (usually up to 10 years). Servants of religion, northern ethnic groups, ordinary people for a certain type of activity (beekeepers can use the plots for up to 5 years), employees of organizations involved in forest protection and defense have the right to use the land free of charge.

Are hunting winter quarters illegal?

The issue of building winter huts on an undemarcated territory is an imperfection of the legislation. Commercial hunters work under a contract and quite officially; they are assigned hunting or fishing areas. In these areas, it is permissible to erect temporary residential buildings for overnight stays. It’s another matter if the houses are used illegally (by poachers) or for year-round residence.

It turns out that it is possible to build a winter hut in the forest, although current legislation is still ambiguous on this issue. But to build a house intended for long-term living, you need to rent or buy land, and only then begin construction.

Of course, there are many illegal buildings in Russian forests. Some of them are even used for year-round living, but they were built by someone unknown and when, and are not registered anywhere, which means they are illegal and have no owner. Someone can appropriate or demolish such buildings with impunity.



How to build a winter hut in the forest with your own hands

Dear site visitors " Homemade friend“Today we will go to the deep taiga to build a hunting winter hut. A small hut in the forest serves as a hunter’s second home, and he must build it himself, with his own hands. A story and photo of a taiga hunter, as well as his friend Maxim, with whom they built a hunting hut together... Winter huts are built at a great distance from permanent human settlements in the depths of impenetrable taiga or forest, where there is least human activity, where the animal is not afraid of people .

The main purpose of a hunting hut is, of course, a roof over the hunter’s head, strong and reliable walls that can shelter the taiga dweller from severe frost, pouring rain and angry blizzards; the taiga has its own laws and they are very harsh! In the hut, a traveler can rest, warm up and light the stove, cook a meal, as well as sleep and gain strength.

By the way, they don’t put locks on such houses, but only close the door.. -You ask why? The answer is simple... so that every person, be it a hunter, fisherman, tourist, mushroom picker, or a lost person, can simply survive in harsh conditions. In the winter hut there is always a supply of firewood for at least a week, some food (stewed food, canned food, cereals, salt and matches). This is an unspoken and strict law of hunters; the hut must always have a supply of the above. If you had to survive in a hunting hut and it saved you, then be so kind as to replenish your supply of firewood and provisions if possible, who knows who else trouble might happen to in the taiga.

Choosing a site for construction wintering occurs as follows: the first thing you need to do is choose the most suitable place in the forest, preferably on a small edge protected from strong winds. There must be a source of clean drinking water nearby, be it a stream or a river, because in case of illness a person could get to the water and not die from dehydration. The hut should be located on a small hill in a pit, preferably of natural origin; this will protect the lower crowns from spring floods and heavy torrential rains. Under no circumstances should you build a dwelling in a ravine, only on flat ground or on a hill.

Construction hunting hut lasts from several weeks to a month, it all depends on the skills and mastery of a person in carpentry. Material for construction is taken naturally on site, the best way is to harvest pine and larch, and the very first crown should be cut from oak and the frame should be placed on oak stumps dug into the ground - this is a kind of columnar foundation. Cutting down a log house is a hell of a job. not simple and delicate. I’ll tell you, friends) Sometimes it can take the whole day to adjust the groove of just one crown. There are several types of joining logs (foot, dovetail). Harvesting wood, logs that have been felled and cleared of branches and twigs must be cleared of bark, because under the bark there live various “friends” who will grind down your logs if you don’t do this. The cleaned wood must dry. A damp log house will warp! The crown joint of the groove is insulated with freshly collected and damp moss, WET MOSS. The height of the hut is generally small, so that a person of average height could stand (example as in a bathhouse, the same thing) The roof is strictly gable, covered with light roofing material(roofing felt, mica, metal if possible)

Bake This is the heart of a hunting hut; it will warm you up in inclement and frosty weather, dry clothes that are soaked to the skin, and you can also cook food on it. Mostly hunters put light ones in their winter huts metal stoves and cover them with stones collected from the surrounding area, thus increasing the efficiency of the furnace, namely, the heated stones then slowly and evenly release heat. But if it is not possible to deliver the stove deep into the forest, then you will have to build it yourself from stone and clay.

And so on, let's move on to the winter hut built by one of the taiga hunters and his friend Maxim.
Background it all started back in 1995. The older and middle generations remember these terrible years very well, when everyone survived as best they could, so my friend Maxim and I at that time were still teenagers of 15-16 years old and began to master the profession of a commercial hunter, caught game in That’s how we lived in the taiga, picking cranberries, blueberries, mushrooms, nuts, the taiga generously gifted us and took care of us in its own way. With Max, far from our village, we built our first hut, it’s better to call it even a hut, because we put it together from poles, boards, and covered it inside with old blankets; in winter, of course, it froze through and through, but we really liked it even despite all the shortcomings. Quite a few years have passed since then and we have grown up, matured, started families ourselves, but we don’t forget that native place where our hut stood, and in 2009 we decided to build a permanent hut there. In the photo the owner of the hut and his friend Maxim.
The place where the hut was located had not been visited by anyone for a long time, and the building itself was set on fire by some hooligans. It’s painful to watch, of course, but hoping for the best, we begin construction and clear the clearing.
In the place where the hut stood there is a small depression, they cut down the first crown of larch - it is resistant to moisture, and before that they dug in oak logs as a foundation.
Then we immediately begin to form the doorway.
We sawed logs with a “Partner” chainsaw, it worked 14 hours a day without breakdowns, we tested the inexpensive tool for strength, the saw did not let us down)
The weather was not always sunny; on the second day of work it started to rain and a quick fix make a canopy from galvanized sheet metal.
It began to rain little by little, but we continued to work.
The rain was clearing up and we had to put on chemical protection raincoats and continue working, because we didn’t have much time, and there was a lot of work ahead.

And now the outlines of the future hut are already visible, the log house was connected into a dovetail, but what happened is what happened)

At the same time, the creation of the roof and rafter system of the hut was underway.
The markings were made with a homemade tool called a “dash”

First, a longitudinal groove is cut out, then transverse cuts are made and selected with an ax.
We make transverse cuts.
Freshly collected wet moss is laid between the crowns. Attention! Moss should not contain foreign materials (sticks, twigs, etc.) only pure moss!
The board was brought from big land, namely, friends dropped us off on a timber truck to the nearest quarry and then Maxim and I carried the boards on ourselves through the forest, 65 pieces in total, it was very difficult and it took us 4 whole days. 17 forties and 48 inches. Magpie for the floors and ceiling, inch for the roof sheathing, bunks, table, benches.
The floors and ceiling are laid and we move on to rafter system, roof with two slopes. There is a lot of snow in the taiga in winter, and if you make one slope, it can crush the boards, and this is much more reliable.
Then we move on to sawing a window opening in the wall of the hut; the glass with frame was found in one of the abandoned quarries, so it was adjusted to fit the finished frame.

In autumn in the taiga there is an abundance of mushrooms of all kinds: boletus, boletus, boletus, saffron milk caps, even some boletuses (see photo below) grow in alder thickets.
We lay the boards close to each other and immediately make a hole for the outlet of the chimney.
The stove and chimney are installed.
Let's move on to the second half of the roof. Pay attention to the door! It is small in size, this was done so that when opening the hut the hut would not get cold, but it is better to cut down a small canopy or make a firewood stand in front of the entrance to the hut.
Use a chainsaw to saw off the excess protruding parts of the rafters.
Soon Maxim left and the two owners completed the construction of the hut.
A magnificent woman, helping her husband build a hunting hut, a real wife!
We coat the joints of the roofing felt with molten tar.
We installed the stove, fired it up, everything was just fine)
After the construction was completed, it was urgently necessary to return home to the city because a lot of things had accumulated during the absence and rest in the forest. My wife and I returned to the taiga only in the fall with the opening of duck hunting. Arriving at the place, the first thing we inspected was the hut, whether there were any guests, whether everything was in place, to the surprise it was in perfect order, it’s just that often an animal behaves mischievously, or passers-by are ignorant) It was in the evening, there was nothing to do, they took photographs as a souvenir, lit the fire stove, had dinner and went to bed until the morning, and at 4 o’clock they went hunting to the lake.

In the morning we set out for the lake, taking photos along the way against the backdrop of the rising sun.
Returning from the hunt, we lit the stove, prepared a meal, and hung up our clothes to dry. my wife went to bed, and I took care of the housework)
While I had free time, I started insulating the ceiling and sealing the pipes, chimney sprinkled with loam from under the uprooted larch.
The embankment was made in this way, everything is fireproof.
All that remains is to sew up the attic of the hut with boards so that a strong wind does not blow out the cotton wool and flood it with rain and snow.
We managed to build such a winter hut in the taiga forest, now going fishing and hunting has become very convenient and comfortable, there is a place to rest, warm up and spend the night, no need to carry a tent with you. Thus, there is one more hunting hut in the taiga.


How to build a “dream house” in the forest and not break the law

Some people dream of a villa by the sea, some are in love with the mountains, and for others there is nothing sweeter than a house in the forest. But in addition to financial constraints, there are also many legal restrictions on the construction of a “dream home” - nevertheless, an English couple was able to find a loophole in the laws and create an impressive home in the ancient forests of Norfolk.

House on the shore of a forest lake

So, the setting is an ancient protected forest area, Norfolk in the East Anglia region. Steve and Sharon have long dreamed of own home in a beautiful forest on the shore of a lake - for them this is an ideal place combining water and trees. After looking through many options, the couple settled on a wonderful empty plot of land in the middle of nowhere on an isolated peninsula.

But not everything is so simple - you can relax in this forest, setting up tents or caravans is also not prohibited, but permanent structures do not fit into the strict laws for the protection of the ancient forest. The path to a dream is never very easy and Steve and Sharon have developed a cunning plan of action to legally circumvent forest laws by qualifying the new building as a “mobile home”.

The “Dream House” was entirely produced and assembled in a factory located 480 km from the forest installation site. The dimensions of the house were 15 m by 7 m, so for transportation it was divided into two parts.

It took a total of more than 900 hours to deliver the “dream house” on a trailer along roads and through dense forest.

Technically, the assembled house can be put on wheels and moved to a new location, so it does not fall under forest restrictions. In fact, the assembled building on a large wooden platform does not in any way resemble a mobile home.

The house looks solid, comfortable, cozy and quite spacious, more than 100 sq. m. m seem quite sufficient for two adults with a seven-year-old daughter. But there is still open terrace with sitting area and wood-burning hot tub. The living space is traditionally divided into two bedrooms and bathrooms, a kitchen, dining area and a cozy living room.

The general layout of the house can be called semi-open, large windows and glass facade provide a luxurious view of the forest and the nearby lake. The wooden structure with a spacious terrace is in perfect harmony with the surrounding environment. The interior is designed in a wooden-copper style and emphasizes the comfort of a “forest house”.

In total, the house was created at the factory within six months and transported, assembled and finalized on site for about two more months. The total cost of the project is about $360 thousand for a fully equipped residential building with equipment, furniture and a comprehensive set of household items. Whether this is a lot or a little is not entirely clear for this deserted area, but Steve and Sharon are completely satisfied, because they have realized their dream.

Technical details about connecting communications are not available today, and it is also unknown how the forest “dream house” will survive the winter. From the point of view of a comfortable outdoor recreation in a centuries-old forest in the warm season, everything is great with the house. And yes, of course, we should not forget that the house is both legally and technically fully prepared for transportation to another location.


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Construction of a winter hut in 20 days in a snowy forest

Dear visitors to the site “Visiting Samodelkin”, in the article presented to your attention we will discuss, as you may have guessed from the title, the technology of building a winter hut in a snowy winter forest in 20 days, by one person. The survivalist tourist is very fond of extreme situations, because the dose of adrenaline received sometimes goes off scale.

People who are unprepared are asked not to repeat this under any circumstances; this activity is extremely dangerous and only a trained person can do it. The author has been involved in active recreation for a long time and is seasoned like no one else. He needed to go to the dense forest for 20 days to build a winter hut.

1) pine logs
2) plastic film
3) pine pole
4) potbelly stove

1) ax
2) chainsaw
3) hacksaw
4) hammer

And so, preparing for a long period of time in the wilderness of the forest, the author thoroughly prepared and collected many useful things and objects.

For ease of movement, the survival tourist rafts down the unfrozen river.

Arriving at the place, he pulls the boat and things ashore.

And he immediately begins to build a small temporary shelter so that there is a place to dry out, cook food and spend the night. While the author was rafting down the river, it was already getting dark. In the forest, I quickly built the frame of a future shelter from found pine poles.

Covered the resulting skeleton plastic film and now the house is ready to move in :)

I placed all the things inside the house and installed the stove.

And winter takes its toll and slowly restricts the escape routes.

In the morning it also became clear what had been built at night.

Having rested and slept in the house, our tourist immediately gets to work, first of all making a mallet for splitting logs into boards.

Then he started digging a hole.

I had to drip day and night.

After several days spent in the forest, the frost completely shackled the river.

After the hole was dug, our tourist decided to eat and take a break before the serious business.

Makes cuts with a chainsaw.

Secures the log so that it does not move away from blows.

And with the help of wedges and a large wooden hammer splits a large log into planks.

In the process, the ax was bent.

Then I went to the river and checked the traps.

And then night came again, the weather raged and snow began to fall.

And after 20 days, our tourist built a winter hut.

And this is how it looks in its finished form.

This concludes my story, I hope you liked it :) Thank you for your attention! Come visit more often, don't miss out on new items in the world of homemade products.

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Long hikes, hunting, gatherings by the fire and the forest starry sky, this very attracts romantic natures. For some these are isolated incidents from life, but for others it is life itself. If you belong to the second category, then you will probably be interested in information about how to build a winter hut in the taiga. Based on some construction rules, you can build an excellent place suitable for relaxation from hard days at work.

The main inhabitants of taiga buildings are commercial hunters, whose work takes place mainly in winter. In order to have a place to stay at this time of year, they build themselves one main hut and several additional huts, located throughout the forest area.

The main purpose of a hunting house is a roof over your head, strong and reliable walls that can protect you from the harsh taiga climate. In the house, a fisherman, or even a simple traveler, can relax, warm up, light the stove and cook something to eat before the next working day.

As a rule, there are no locks on winter huts, so everyone who happens to be nearby can take advantage of the hospitality. There you will find a week's supply of firewood and a simple tourist kit (matches, canned food, salt, cereals, etc.). The house will also come in handy in the summer, when many people start going out to pick mushrooms, berries, fish and hunt small game. Beekeepers can come for a few days flower meadow.

Features and rules for constructing a winter hut in the taiga

For a commercial hunter or hermit, it is not the size of the building that is important, but its functionality, so options with big houses disappear immediately. Their construction will take a lot of time and effort. An experienced taiga dweller knows that he needs to build one winter hut for permanent residence and a number of small temporary temporary shelters. The hunter has at his disposal a certain “claptic” of the forest in which his fishing activities take place. Nets, traps, traps are placed there and, as a rule, one day is not enough to go around all the possessions. It is for this purpose that separate houses for overnight stays are built with their own hands at a distance from each other equal to one winter daylight hours.

How to build a winter hut in the taiga alone? Get everything ready necessary tools and materials. It's better to make a list of everything you might need in advance. It includes:

  • chainsaw for cutting logs;
  • axe;
  • measuring instruments;
  • pencils and markers;
  • consumables (nails, wooden planks, insulation, roof decking, etc.).

Everyone adds to the list based on their needs.

The interior arrangement depends on your needs. You can build shelves and cabinets to store utensils and supplies.

After the preparatory activities, the actual construction of the winter hut begins. It is carried out in several stages.

Choosing a place to build a winter hut in the taiga

A lot depends on choosing a suitable location. Take this issue seriously if you plan to live in a winter hut for the entire season. Near the hut there must be a source of drinking or running water and protection from the wind. Also, the house should be located on a small hill in a pit, preferably of natural origin. This will save the lower crowns from spring floods and heavy torrential rains. Look around to make sure there are no dead wood around. In a gust of strong wind, they can break and cover your temporary shelter.

If you don’t find a suitable clearing, you’ll have to make it yourself. To do this, trees are cut down (they can also be used for crowns), stumps are uprooted or burned, and grass is pulled out. The result should be a smooth perimeter free of vegetation. You can't build a winter hut in a ravine, groundwater, especially in the spring, they will simply tear it down.

What material to use

If a structure for permanent residence is built only from pre-prepared and dried logs, then fresh material is suitable for the winter hut. Of course, there is no need to transport it; everything necessary is taken on site and processed properly. In a temporary hut, beauty gives way to practicality and reliability. As mentioned above, you can use trunks cut down during site clearing.

They build a winter hut in the taiga from coniferous trees. Spruce, pine, fir will do. Cedar is especially good. In addition to strength, it has a healing aroma. It is recommended to lay the first crown from larch and place it on oak stumps buried in the ground. The result will be the so-called wooden foundation. Larch practically does not rot, so the structure will last a long time.

Choose trees that are not thick. The trunk diameter should be no more than 25 cm, length 4 m. For the first three crowns, prepare thicker trees, the rest can be made thinner.

You can handle the tray of material yourself if your partner is not nearby. One log weighs on average 120 kg, but since you will be dragging it by one end, such a burden is quite feasible for a healthy man. If the weight seems too much to bear, choose thinner trunks, but in larger quantities.

The height of the hut is made small, slightly higher than human height. How many blanks you need can be found out by simple calculations. With a ceiling height of 180 cm and a log thickness of 20 cm, the consumption per wall is 9 trunks. We multiply them by 4 walls and it turns out that 36 logs will be needed for the perimeter. It is also necessary to arrange the floor and roof, and boards will be needed for them. They will also require logs. The entire construction will take approximately 70-75 trunks.

How to build a winter hut in the taiga, laying crowns

The most critical stage of construction begins. Logs that have been felled and cleared of branches and twigs are cleared of bark. This is necessary to get rid of tree dwellers who will eat your house quite quickly. You can remove the bark with an ax, shovel, or scraper. If you want to spend little time on this activity, start construction in early May. At this time, the bark peels off especially easily. If possible, prepare the logs in December, then after drying they lend themselves well to debarking.

The crowns are placed in three ways: “in a bowl”, “in a paw” and “in half a tree”. The last one is the simplest and quick method construction of a building.

Laying “in a bowl”

Allows trunks to fit tightly together, so sealing cracks is minimized. At this method laying in each upper log, stepping back a little from the ends, cut out a semicircular recess into which the lower trunk will fit. After assembly and shrinkage of the log house, the logs form a strong and windproof structure. The technology of laying “in a bowl” makes the winter hut warm, condensation does not form in it, which causes the development of fungus.

To mark the place for cutting out the lock, a special tool is used - a “dash”. It consists of a handle and two parallel pointed ends. Using this method requires some knowledge in carpentry and will take a lot of time, but the result will please you.

Laying "in the paw"

With this installation, the ends of the logs do not protrude, but form a right angle. This allows you to use the entire length of the barrel and save on material. One of the disadvantages is the possibility of drying out of the corners at the joints, which leads to the formation of cracks and blowing. The “hands-on” technology requires clear markings and experience in these works, otherwise high-quality construction will not work.

There are three options for connecting “to the paw”: straight, dovetail and with an additional tenon. The first method is more popular for temporary buildings. Grooves are cut into the ends of the log to the length of the section of the element and to a depth of half the thickness of the trunk. You can cut on one side, or on both.

Half-tree installation

This method of constructing winter hut walls is the most convenient and does not require special skill. The ends of the logs are cut off by about a quarter from the top with a distance of 25-30 cm from the edge. The same is done with the bottom log. The logs are stacked on top of each other, groove to groove.

Regardless of the installation method, all cracks and grooves are clogged with moisture! moss This is the most important condition. The more moss, the better and warmer it will be inside in winter. It is important to use wet raw materials, because they do not crumble or fly away from the wind. As the trunks dry out, the moss will also dry out.

Window and door openings are cut into finished walls. The cut logs are fastened together using a tenon. To do this, a through hole is made through all the logs, into which a wooden spike is driven.

Making boards

Boards will be needed for the floor and roof. They are made on site by cutting whole logs. Select the straightest trunks, without jagged edges, bends, or thick branches. The only tools you will need are an axe. Several longitudinal cuts are made at the base of the trunk, and pre-prepared wooden stakes are stuck into them. Using the butt of an ax, the stakes are driven one by one into the trunk and split it into boards along the grain. It is important that the split is the same along the entire length. Although the appearance of such lumber is not very attractive, it is more durable than boards sawn with a tool.

Making the roof and laying the floor

There can be two roofing options: with and without an attic. In the first case, one or more gable roof. Buildings with an attic are more functional. You can use it to carry things, tools, and materials remaining after construction. Secondly, such winter huts are warmer due to the fact that the roof is lowered, and the heat is better retained. Attic-less log houses are built faster and less material is spent on them.

Before constructing the roof, you need to arrange the ceiling. For this, boards or small logs are used. As in the walls, the joints are thoroughly covered with moss. Earth is poured on top as thermal insulation, but the benefits of civilization can also be delivered - roofing felt, plastic film or mineral wool.

For construction gable roof We make supports in front and behind the hut, securing them with brackets. A ridge is placed on them, with 2-3 ridges resting on top of it on each side. The resulting frame is covered with boards and the joints are again filled with moss. The top of the roof is covered with a film, which is secured by nailing it to the slabs. wooden planks. The last layer is roofing felt, mica or metal.

The floor is made in a similar way to the ceiling. The boards are laid and covered with moss. It is advisable to adjust them to size before laying, this will make it easier to work with them.

Making a winter hut stove

The stove is the heart of the taiga shelter. It will warm you, feed you, and dry you after the rain. It will be impossible to live in a winter hut without a heating device. Iron devices are most often used. They melt quickly and can warm up a room in a matter of minutes. Flaw iron furnaces The problem is that they both heat up quickly and cool down quickly, so every 1-1.5 they need to be fueled with a new portion of firewood. If you want to sleep at night, you can line the iron stove with bricks. As you know, this material does not heat up so quickly, but retains heat much longer.

Think carefully about the chimney. This must be done at the stage of roof construction, because it requires a hole for the pipe to exit. The stove is usually placed in the middle of the hut to heat it evenly. If you install the stove in a corner, cover the walls it comes into contact with with metal sheets.

Taiga is a habitat for wild animals that can become uninvited guests in your shelter. To avoid this, the door must be made secure and tightly closed from the inside. Attach hooks to the ceiling for hanging supplies to keep them out of the reach of mice.

Construction of a winter hut is not as difficult as it seems. Follow the sequence and basic rules in order to get a roof over your head before the start of the winter hunt or help a lost wanderer survive in the harsh taiga laws.

Night sounds of the forest, the cozy crackling of a fire and sparks flying up to the starry sky... Perhaps there is not a single person who will not be touched by such a picture. The romance of distant travels, overnight stops in the wilderness, hunters, fishing huts, many in childhood read adventure novels that tell about this way of life. But there are many people for whom such romance is an integral part of their everyday life. Geologists, fishermen, commercial hunters. It is about such fishermen and how they live in the taiga that will be discussed further.

Life in the taiga

Of course, life and work in the taiga consists of far more than just romantic moments. This is not easy, daily work, and there is very little time left for romance. Nevertheless, a person periodically needs rest. Eat, sleep, and if we're talking about about the rainy season or about winter, which is very harsh in the Siberian taiga? You need somewhere to dry off, warm up, and cook food. After all, you won’t have to clear the area of ​​deep snow every time for a fire. Yes, and supplies need to be stored somewhere, and for this you will need a dugout or hut in the taiga, photos of which are presented in this article.


The simplest and fastest solution would be to build a dugout. Yes, equipping such a shelter does not require much time, any special skills or significant effort. It is also quite warm. But there are also many disadvantages. In such a shelter it is dark, damp and quite problematic to equip a normal stove for heating. A dugout is more suitable for temporary shelter. After all, a fisherman walking around his area will often need places to stay for the night. Moreover, the area of ​​the site may be of such dimensions that a complete walk-through will last not one day or two, but a week or more. In this case, temporary dugouts are set up at a distance of a day's march. Well, a real taiga dweller will definitely build a log hut in the taiga as his main home.

Taiga hut

There is no point in arguing about the advantages of a log hut as a winter hut. It will perfectly protect against autumn slush and winter cold. It is dry, warm, light and definitely more comfortable and cozy than in a dugout. Besides wooden hut will serve not only as protection against weather conditions, but also from wild animals. In general, both a commercial hunter and an ordinary hermit who, instead of the bustle of people, chose unity with nature as their main home, and any sane person will give preference to a log structure.

Before building a hut in the taiga

Before you begin the construction of a log house, you should not forget that any land has its own owner. And if you don’t want to find ashes some time after returning to the hut, or even be detained and fined, you first need to meet with this owner and get permission to cut down the forest and build the hut. This could be some kind of hunting farm, forestry or similar organization. It's better to be on good terms with the law.

Selecting a location

So, permission has been received, and the next step is choosing a location for future construction. It is advisable that this be a small clearing near a pond or at least some source of water. If such a clearing could not be found, then you will have to clear the space for construction yourself. The felled trees will immediately come in handy as building material, and the twigs and branches will be used for firewood. You will have to suffer a little with the stumps left after cutting down, but no one in their right mind will uproot stumps by hand. It's easier to burn them. You also need to take into account the fact that there are no tall and dry trees close to the hunting hut in the taiga, since from a strong wind they can fall and overwhelm the building. We must not forget that you cannot build a hut in a lowland due to dampness and possible flooding. You should not build a building on a bare hill, since due to its exposure to cold winds there will be a problem with heat conservation. And in general, taiga housing, if it does not necessarily have to be carefully camouflaged, is worth more or less hiding it from prying eyes. Otherwise, you never know, different people can wander around the taiga.

Selection of trees for construction

Typically, the construction of huts in the taiga is made from coniferous trees. Of course, larch would be more suitable, since it rots much more slowly than conifers, but it still needs to be found in sufficient quantities. As a last resort, lay out the first crown from deciduous trees, and then continue with conifers. Cedar is also perfect for this purpose, since in a hut with cedar walls the air has a healing effect. There is no need to choose very thick trees. Fifteen to twenty-five centimeters thick logs will be sufficient. Practice shows that a raw pine log up to 25 cm thick and up to 4 m long will weigh about 120 kg. And since you will not be lifting the whole log, but only one edge of it, this weight will be quite feasible for an adult and healthy man. If such a weight still seems heavy, you can choose thinner trees. Of course, in this case you will need more of them.

Laying the log house

So, let's start laying the frame of the future hut in the taiga. The first crown can be placed directly on the ground, but it will be much safer to dig a depression of about fifty centimeters around the perimeter and fill it two-thirds with small stones. Compact the stones and place the first crown on top. For the first 2-3 crowns it is better to use thicker logs. Before laying, the logs must be cleared of bark. There are several ways to lay logs. The most famous are in the paw, in the bowl and in the half-tree. The easiest way to build a hut in the taiga is to cut half a tree. In this case, grooves in the logs are not made at the corners, but simply the floor of the log is removed, and a treated trunk is placed on top in the same way. Here you can also drill a hole in the logs and additionally secure them with a wooden spike. Chopping into a bowl looks a little more complicated. IN in this case a transverse hollow is hollowed out in the upper log, with which it lies across bottom log. If desired, you can also strengthen the logs with spikes, but this is no longer so necessary, since the crowns themselves turn out to be well secured. Well, the last method is cutting in the paw. This is the most difficult method and without some carpentry training a beginner will not be able to do it. By the way, in places where there will be windows and a door, despite the longitudinal hollow in the logs, it is imperative to strengthen the joints with wooden spikes. Since in most cases, hunting lodges are built from raw wood, in order to avoid significant deformation of the walls after drying, it is advisable, despite the type of log house, to additionally strengthen the logs with spikes. Well, with the walls it’s more or less clear. But there are also windows, doors, floor, ceiling and roof. Building a hut in the taiga without boards is possible, but it will not be quite a hut. Where can you get boards in the forest? Don't carry it with you. You'll have to make them yourself.

Making boards

Of course, we can’t count on even and relatively smooth boards that are made at sawmills. Nevertheless, we are quite capable of making a product that is quite similar to them and which we are not ashamed to call a board. All you need for this is a sharp axe, and for greater convenience you can make a wooden sledgehammer. It is necessary to choose a straight tree without large knots or twists in the trunk, plan several wooden wedges, make a small cut at the base of the trunk and drive a wooden wedge into it, gradually splitting the log along the fibers. A second cut is made nearby and the wedge is driven in again. Then the entire deck is split into boards, or as they are called - shingles. By the way, these boards are much more durable than those made on a sawmill in the usual way, since the wood fibers are not damaged. In this way you can provide for yourself required quantity boards for building a roof, doors, floors and other necessary parts.


A hut in the taiga can have either a single or double roof with an attic. Single - it is done faster and easier, but with an attic it is many times more convenient and practical. Firstly, it becomes many times warmer in the hut, and secondly, it appears extra bed for storing various things and supplies. In the warm season, you can dry hay and all sorts of herbs there. The roof is made as follows. First, the ceiling is laid out of shingles. The cracks between the boards are lined with moss. You can sprinkle it with earth on top or cover it with plastic wrap. Next, in front and behind the hut, two supports are attached to the top, the ridge rests on them and on the sides, two or three on each side. Then we cover the entire structure with shingles, we also caulk the cracks with moss, there is no need to spare the moss, and on top everything is covered with plastic film. It is not heavy and you can take it with you in sufficient quantity.


The oven is one of the most basic internal elements hunting hut in the taiga. There are two types: metal (potbelly stove) or brick. The stove can be heated either in a black way (without a chimney), which is extremely inconvenient, or in a white way - with a chimney. Installation metal potbelly stove quite simple and does not require any special skills. Building a brick oven is not a very simple matter, and besides, you will first need to make it from clay, which can be found near the nearest body of water. In terms of its properties, a potbelly stove differs from a brick stove in that it heats up very quickly. Accordingly, it quickly warms up the room. But after the fire goes out, it cools down just as quickly. Therefore, you need to constantly ensure that the fire does not go out. But a brick oven, on the contrary, warms up the room not so quickly, but also cools down much longer, as a result, the heat does not leave the room for a long time. It is better to place the stove in the middle of the room. This way it will warm up the hut faster and more evenly, plus it will be convenient to dry things around it. And in terms of fire safety, this placement option is safer. Photos of hunting huts in the taiga with and without a stove can be easily found and viewed in the article.

Mice and larger animals

The hut must be equipped with a tightly closing door, locked from the inside to make free access for wild animals impossible. Also, inside the ceiling there should be hooks for hanging supplies, since if you place them on shelves or hang them on the wall, you risk losing everything, since mice are excellent acrobats, and in this case they can easily get to the food. To catch mice you can use one and a half liter plastic bottles. They need to be strengthened at an angle near the corner and the wall with the neck up. The mouse will definitely get inside the bottle, but will not be able to get out back.

Unwritten rules of behavior in hunting huts

Unwritten rules have long been in force for those who hunt in the taiga and hunting huts left unattended for some time, in accordance with these rules, must have a supply of firewood, salt, matches and essentials. It is not customary to lock such houses. The door should be tightly closed, but not locked. Perhaps someday someone will be able to save their life thanks to this. Also, if you need to spend the night in such a hut, behave decently in it, as if visiting a good friend. Don't litter, be careful with other people's property. Before leaving, clean up after yourself, hang supplies from the ceiling, and if you have your own, do not take the owner’s. Renew your firewood supply. A hunter's hut in the taiga must be ready to meet the next wanderer. Also, someday some taiga traveler will take care of your house. In the taiga it is customary to help and help each other out.
