How to use the gree air conditioner remote control. Instructions for using the air conditioner. Correct setting of the air conditioner - types of modes

How to set your air conditioner to cold

Buying a modern air conditioner is quite a relevant phenomenon for every consumer. Sooner or later, the exhausting summer heat forces the most thrifty buyer to go shopping. The comfortable microclimate acquired thanks to the operation of the split system justifies all financial investments. However, after purchasing the device, the main question arises - how to set the air conditioner to cold. It is proper configuration and correctly set temperature parameters of the system that will ensure the most useful operation of the device.

To understand the device settings, you should know what modes are available for the device to operate.

Basic modes

Most air conditioners support the main mode - cold; more modern models can heat rooms.

  • Cooling
  • Heating
  • Air dehumidification
  • Ventilation of air into the room
  • Automatic operation


Basic mode. This is often why a split system is purchased. The main function is to reduce the temperature in the room. You need to set the split system to cold using the remote control.

Usually on the remote control it is indicated in English by the word “cool” or depicted as a drawn snowflake. You can also select the desired temperature using the remote control. When the desired microclimate of the room is reached, the external unit of the device stops working, and the internal one will work to maintain the set parameters.

If the room temperature rises, the outdoor unit will start working again and it will drop to the optimal temperature.

Typically, the external unit is connected when the temperature deviates from the desired one by 2-3 degrees. Thus, the room will constantly maintain the level that was initially selected using the remote control.

Also one of the most popular modes. Necessary for heating the room.

You can set the mode using the button symbols on the control panel. The mode is indicated by the word “heat” or the sun sign. Optimal climatic parameters are set. When the split mode is set, the system periodically switches to standby mode. It is necessary for periodic warming up of the indoor unit.

It can also be installed using the control panel. The button is indicated by a drop icon or the word "dry".


Only the indoor unit is involved in operation. Room air circulates. Indicated by the "fan" key or fan icon.

Auto mode

Independently switches the symbols on the remote control screen depending on the desired level of comfort in the room. Indicated by the “auto” button.

Features of working in the cold

The most commonly used function is cooling. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at its main parameters.

  1. Produces cooling up to 16 degrees. When the device operates at full power, there is a threat to the health of consumers. You cannot set the room parameters too low, which are radically different from the weather outside. The optimal difference should not exceed 5 degrees.
  2. In weather conditions below 12 degrees, the cooling should not be turned on.
  3. Modern models of split systems are configured for optimal energy savings, so you should not set the minimum parameters for its operation. The greatest energy savings are provided by inverter-type air conditioners. They independently choose the type of work with minimal electricity costs.
  4. When the ambient temperature drops below 0 degrees, it is not recommended to use the device.

Correct device setup

To learn how to set your air conditioner to cold, you should familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations. The main part of the device is freon refrigerant, which circulates between the units of the split system. When setting the temperature on the remote control, a certain environmental microclimate is set, at which the external unit stops operating. This adjusts the thermostat.

Setting up the air conditioner using the remote control

Switching modes and basic settings of the air conditioner are carried out using the remote control.

They are divided into 2 types:

  • Remote control using infrared radiation
  • A device that operates using wiring

Using the remote control allows you to diagnose the main errors in the operation of the air conditioner in a timely manner and correct them in a timely manner. If problems occur, light indicators or various messages will appear on the remote control screen. Each breakdown has its own signal, so it becomes possible to detect the error in a timely manner and eliminate it.


Modern models are equipped with similar device parameters.

The remote control is a small microcircuit that sends signals to control buttons and a battery pack. When you press a button, a specific command is sent to the device block.

  • Mode – change modes
  • Swing - changing the position of split blinds - systems depending on air flows
  • Direction – shifting the blinds curtains to a specified angle
  • Fan – change in air flow power
  • Turbo – setting the maximum fan power
  • Reset - resetting all parameters
  • Lock – setting a lock
  • LED – light indication
  • Clock – current time

If the device does not respond to key presses, you need to check its condition for serviceability.

To do this, first of all, you should replace the batteries, check the integrity of the keys and screen, and use digital technology to check the condition of the infrared indicator.

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Batteries cannot be replaced one at a time. You should install two new batteries from the same manufacturer at the same time.

If you do not use the air conditioner for a long time, you should remove the batteries from the remote control.

If the readings on the display are weak and the air conditioner responds slowly to signals from the remote control, you should immediately replace the batteries.

Disposable batteries should not be recharged

Do not drop the control panel

Do not let the remote control fall into water

You cannot operate the remote control at a distance exceeding 8 meters from the indoor unit.

The remote control should be cleaned periodically to remove dust and dirt.

Air conditioner control

Basic system control is carried out in two ways:

  • Using a thermostat
  • Via control panel

The control panel provides configuration of device modes, sets the necessary parameters and regulates the direction of air flow.

The thermostat displays the ambient temperature on the display and allows you to adjust it.

Air conditioner thermostat

A device for controlling an air conditioner and also regulating its temperature.

The thermostat voltage is usually 24 watts. The device does not require specialized installation.

Usually installed on a wall that is not affected by additional air flows, light rays, or heat from heating radiators.

The thermostat does not require any special care. It is necessary to keep it clean and dry.

Using a thermostat, you can set your old air conditioner to cold by selecting the desired temperature mode, as well as set a warm temperature to heat the room.

Main causes of malfunctions

It is necessary to constantly monitor the operation of the air conditioner. If malfunctions and malfunctions are detected, you should disconnect the device from the network and carry out repairs or contact support.

Causes of malfunctions:

  1. Lack of cleaning or washing of the device
  2. No refrigerant charge
  3. Constantly operating at full capacity
  4. Incorrectly set room microclimate parameters
  5. Malfunction of the external unit due to a breakdown of the air conditioning relay on the compressor.

Breakdowns can be avoided through careful operation, constant and timely maintenance of the device, and timely replacement of freon.

You should constantly monitor the operation of the device, carry out timely cleaning and, if any problems are detected, carry out diagnostics.

I have a Sitronic air conditioner and for some reason the temperature is not regulated, no more or less, but the remote control works, the controls are on/off, but the degrees are not adjusted. Now the display shows 24 degrees. What could be the problem?

I have an Aeronik air conditioner - the problem is the same: it does not produce cold.


How to set up an air conditioner

Anyone who, sooner or later, is faced with the need to buy an air conditioner, and still purchases it, sometimes encounters difficulties in setting this device to the cold in the optimal way so that its operation is as efficient and useful as possible. To sort this issue out, let’s first consider what operating modes a modern air conditioner has:

Cooling mode- this is the main mode for which an air conditioner is often purchased. The function of this mode is to lower the room temperature. The setting here is carried out using the remote control, on which this mode is indicated by a snowflake icon or the inscription “cool” on the display; The mode is selected by pressing the “MODE” button. The desired temperature is immediately adjusted (the “TEMP” buttons “more” and “less”), to which it is desirable to cool the air in the room.

The indoor and outdoor (outdoor) air conditioning units will begin to operate, and through the movement of refrigerant in the air conditioning system, heat from the room will move to the street.

When the indoor air temperature reaches the desired value, the outdoor unit will turn off, and the indoor unit will continue to work, maintaining the correct microclimate. But when the temperature inside the room becomes 2-3 degrees higher than the set temperature, the external unit will start working again to cool the room air. This ensures the correct temperature is maintained.

The cooling mode has its own characteristics. First of all, it is important to remember that the difference in temperature outside and indoors (the one set using the remote control) should optimally not exceed 5 degrees, and the lower temperature limit for the room should not fall below 16 degrees.

Operating the air conditioner at full power may pose a health hazard, so you should be careful when choosing the cooling temperature. For example, if the temperature outside the window is 30 degrees, then when the cooling is set to 25 degrees, the person will already feel comfortable and will not catch a cold. If the temperature outside the window is below 12 degrees, then it is better not to turn on the air conditioner for cooling, and if the temperature drops to 0, then it is recommended not to turn on the air conditioner at all.

Let's consider what main buttons (they differ slightly from one manufacturer to another) can be found, and are most often found on the air conditioner control panel:

Mode - select the desired mode

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Swing - changing the position of the blinds

Direction - shifting the blinds curtains to a specified angle

Fan - change in air flow power

Turbo - maximum flow power

Reset - reset all parameters

Led - light indication

Clock - current time

Another popular mode of operation of the air conditioner is heating mode, already used for heating the room. When selecting modes, this one is indicated by the sun icon or the word “HEAT”, then the temperature to which you would like to warm the room is set. In this mode, the air conditioner periodically warms up the indoor unit, including defrosting mode, when the outdoor unit goes into cooling mode and the indoor unit hardly blows.

Here everything happens automatically, and since they heat up mainly when it’s cold outside, steam comes out of the external unit in defrost mode, which is sometimes mistaken for smoke, and they raise a panic and call a technician, which in this case, of course, should not be done , since in this case steam is a common occurrence.

It is important to understand that when you start the air conditioner for heating, it will not start blowing at full strength right away, the indoor unit will first warm up, then it will blow slowly, and only after some time the air flow rate will increase.

In dry mode(on the remote control there is the inscription “DRY” or a drop icon) the air conditioner operates in a manner similar to the cooling mode, condensation forms on the radiator of the indoor unit, and the air in the room is dehumidified.

There are different ways to implement this mode from different manufacturers. In some cases, the dehumidification mode settings are preset at the factory and cannot be adjusted; the temperature is in the range of 24 - 26 degrees; in others, you can set a wide range of temperatures, and the air conditioner will dehumidify the air without turning off at a certain temperature value.

For ventilation mode Typically the external unit is turned off, and the air conditioner works like a regular fan, simply creating air flow in the room. This mode is indicated on the remote control by the inscription “FAN” or a fan icon. This mode is not available on all models.

When the weather outside is unpredictable, and the internal climate of the room needs to be maintained stable, it comes to the rescue auto mode, on the remote control “AUTO”. In this mode, the air conditioner will choose whether to cool or heat the air, depending on the current temperature in the room and the set required temperature.

In some models, this temperature is set, for example, to 24 degrees, and cannot be changed, but in some models it can be changed. To be fair, we note that this particular mode is activated if you start the air conditioner not from the remote control, but from the button located on the front panel of the indoor unit.

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Correct setting of the air conditioner - types of modes

Purchasing a modern air conditioner is an important and responsible matter. Heat and high temperatures are the main enemies for humans in the summer. A comfortable stay, favorable temperature, sound sleep for a person - these are the main parameters that justify financial investments and temporary inconveniences during installation of the system.

After a profitable purchase, a logical question arises on the agenda - how to properly and efficiently configure the operation of the equipment. Because only proper configuration and setting the correct parameters can ensure economical consumption of electrical energy.

In order to properly configure the air conditioner, you need to know what modes are available to the equipment.

Basic air conditioner settings

Modern models of climate control equipment have not only air cooling mode, but also heating. In order to set up the air conditioner correctly, you need to remember 2 rules, namely:

  • Slight temperature contrast. A comfortable room temperature is not only pleasant, but also dangerous for the human body. Leaving the artificial oasis, you find yourself under the rays of the scorching sun. A sharp change in temperature in this case has a direct impact on the heart, and as a consequence, life expectancy.
  • Savings with comfort. This rule is especially relevant not only in summer, but also in cold winter, when the room is not particularly warm. To obtain maximum benefit at minimum cost, it is recommended to turn on the economical mode of operation of the equipment.

When examining the question of how to properly configure the operation of an air conditioner, it would not be out of place to note that modern models of climate control equipment have the ability to provide instrumental and individual settings for each mode.

Instrumental adjustment for heat and air cooling involves bringing the operation of climate control equipment to the optimal mode, rational coordination of the operation of all components. Instrumental setup is a critical stage, the debugging of which is recommended to be entrusted to a professional. You can do the customization yourself. To independently adjust the operation of the air conditioner to heat or cold, you should set individual comfort parameters.

Basic functions of air conditioners

In the old days, air conditioners supported only one function - cold. Modern models have a wider range of work, which may include heating, drying and other functions.

  • Cooling the room.
  • Heating the room.
  • Air drying.
  • Air ventilation.
  • Automatic operating mode.

Each air conditioner is a technically complex device that requires professional installation, as well as strict adherence to operating rules. Everyone knows that the performance and high efficiency of this equipment will depend on proper installation.

Switching the air conditioner to heat

To set the air conditioner to heat (heating), you must:

Option 1:

1) Look at the remote control, there is a “MODE” button (on some remote controls it is hidden by a lid).

2) Press the “MODE” button until there is a “sun” icon or the inscription “HEAT” on the display.

3) Raise the temperature to the desired temperature.

4) When changing modes, hold the remote control towards the air conditioner so that it receives signals as you configure and emits a confirmation signal.

It is also possible to make all of the above settings on the remote control and then point the remote control at the air conditioner and press the “ON” button.

5) Wait about 5 minutes, or go have tea.

6) In heat mode, the fan of the indoor unit does not turn on immediately!

Option 2:

1) We look at the remote control, there is no “MODE” button, but there is a button above which there are symbols: “snowflake”, “fan”, “droplet”, “sun”.

2) Select “sun”.

3) Set the temperature above the room. (Example in a room of 20 degrees - set it to 25 or 27).

4) Just like in option 1, we turn on the air conditioner, it should squeak with a characteristic sound differently for everyone. When the wired remote control is usually silent, the lights on the air conditioner light up when turned on.

5) Let's go have tea, if you don't want to just wait for five minutes.

Option 3:

Your remote control does not display “HEAT” or the “sun” icon, but other modes are displayed.

This indicates that your air conditioner is not capable of bringing heat into your home. It only works for you in the cold.

Option 4:

You are sure that the air conditioner is warm-cold, and not just cold.

You have completed all the operations mentioned above.

The air conditioner is turned on, the heat mode is set, the temperature is raised above approximately 30*C, the air conditioner beeps or the lights on the indoor unit come on.

The air conditioner does not provide heat and has been on for 30-60 minutes.

I'm sorry, but you need your air conditioner repaired.

Installation of air conditioning system

Air conditioners should be operated in strict compliance with the most necessary standards - this action will ensure that the service life is extended to the maximum, and also relieves owners of climate control equipment from the need for expensive and frequent repairs, which, as a rule, are carried out with the replacement of expensive parts such as a compressor or control board.

Before installing the air conditioner, you need to study the instructions in detail, which indicate how best to perform these actions, as well as how to turn on the air conditioner on heat. Experts advise not to skimp on such important actions as installation, but to trust the professionals. But you need to figure out the basic functions yourself.

The installation of the system must be carried out in accordance with the generally accepted rules for using this device - you need to provide the system with easy air inflow and outflow.

Switching air conditioner for heat carried out using the air conditioner control panel (remote control or wall-mounted). The heat mode of the air conditioner is usually indicated on the control panel by an icon with the image of the Sun.
In addition, to operate air conditioners before using it, you need to conclude a special agreement with the company that is its supplier regarding the service of this system.

Before you start using an air conditioner, you need to know all the details and features of its operation - how to turn the air conditioner on hot or cold, how often should it be ventilated, and is it possible to carry out preventive maintenance yourself? Everyone should know that regular maintenance of this unit will prevent premature failure of the system. This, for example, often happens in the summer - at a time when service companies are fully loaded with orders and simply have no way to quickly respond to a call or restore the functionality of your particular system. So, if your climate control equipment suddenly breaks down during a difficult period for repair, and you don’t want to ruin it completely, you shouldn’t start repairing it yourself. You should disconnect the air conditioner from the network and wait for a specialist who can carry out a truly qualified repair, taking into account his knowledge in this area.

Turning on heating mode

Some models of air conditioners - inverter air conditioners - can heat a room even in winter, at fairly low sub-zero temperatures.

When the heating mode is turned on, the fan may run for 3~5 minutes at the beginning to prevent cold air from blowing in while the air conditioner is warming up.
Since the air conditioner heats the room by extracting heat energy from the outside air, its heating capacity may decrease if the outside temperature is extremely low.
Use an additional heater in combination with the air conditioner if you feel that the air conditioner is not heating enough.

In mode Heat(Heating) The air conditioner will heat the room. You can set the temperature and fan speed to feel the heating device work in the cold season.

Setting modes on the air conditioner

To set the heating mode, perform the following steps:

1. Press the power button to turn on the air conditioner.

2. Press the mode selection button () to set the operating mode.

Each time you press the button Mode The mode changes in the following order: Auto → Cool → Dry → Fan → Heat.

The fifth function is the heating mode.

3. After selecting Heat mode, set the desired temperature using the button on the remote control.

4. If necessary, set the fan speed using the button on the remote control.


When setting the heating mode, please consider operating temperature range given in the tables below.

For inverter air conditioners (AQV** series):

For non-inverter ("conventional" ) air conditioners:

How to turn on the air conditioner for heat (heating) video

Read on and find out more!

4 years ago

Air conditioning is a luxury for me at current prices. But no matter how much it costs, I will buy it this summer. I live in an apartment with centralized heating; in winter it’s not enough for heating, so I want to get an air conditioner with a heating function. After reading the article, I realized that it was best to entrust the installation to specialists, otherwise I was thinking of saving money and installing it myself. As my friends explained to me, installing an air conditioner yourself is not difficult, although some of them did not install it themselves. I’d rather pay for installation once than for repairs, possibly more than once.

Climate systems help create any optimal temperature in a room, but not all users know the basic rules of how to use an air conditioner so as not to harm the health of themselves and everyone living in the house. Let's consider how and what mode to turn on the air conditioner so that the room temperature is optimal.

All air conditioners are divided into the following main types:

  • window models - installed in a window opening;
  • wall-mounted version - consists of two blocks, the evaporator is located indoors, and the remote one is located outside;
  • floor-mounted models - installation on the floor, with hot air exhausted through a window;
  • combined class.

In addition, experts divide split systems according to functional features:

  • cooling only;
  • cold/warm;
  • work at low and fairly high temperatures;
  • various additional features.

The latter option may include functions such as ionization, humidification, aromatization and air purification.

There are special rules on the basis of which the air conditioner is operated at home.

How to turn on the air conditioner

Using the air conditioner cooling the air inside your home is considered the main task for this household appliance, but there are split products that can work in two forms: cold and heat. There is no difference in their installation, except for small nuances: air conditioners are installed only on the walls of the house, and modern models of split systems can also be installed in ceilings.

Many users ask the age-old question: how to set up the air conditioner yourself? The instructions explain the basic principles of how to properly operate an air conditioner of a certain model after installation. Customize your product using remote control We will tell you in detail how to handle it correctly a little later.

Cooling mode

We use this function all the time at home when it’s hot, so let’s look at this process in more detail.

To turn on the air conditioner when cold, just press key with a snowflake image, then select the optimal temperature to which you want to cool the air in the room. When the desired microclimate is achieved, the remote unit turns off automatically, and the evaporator unit continues its work - maintaining the parameters set by the user.

A cold air stream leaves the evaporator and fills the entire space, displacing warmer air, which is sucked into the system and cooled. As soon as the temperature rises a couple of degrees, the outdoor unit starts working again to lower it to the optimal option, which you set using the remote control on the air conditioner.

  1. Not in an apartment cool the air below 16 degrees. It should be remembered that when the device is operating at full power, there is a risk of catching a cold.
  2. The difference between the temperature of the external and internal air should not exceed 5 degrees.
  3. Do not turn on the product in the cold when the outside temperature is less than 12 degrees.
  4. All models of modern climate control devices are configured to save energy, converter products are especially distinguished by this - they automatically select the operating mode.
  5. All air conditioners should not be turned on at all when the outside temperature is below 0 degrees.

Many models of split units, according to manufacturers, can operate at 20 degrees below zero, heating the room, but they must be turned off in severe frosts so as not to break the fan. This equipment must be used especially carefully during sudden thaws.

Heating mode

Modern climate systems can supply not only cooled air, but also heat to the apartment. To do this, take the PU and follow the prompts.

  1. Press the Start or On/Off key, then button labeled Heat.
  2. If there is no such thing, then it is present Mode key or another, above which there are symbols: a snowflake, a sun, a raindrop and a fan. Switch modes until the desired symbol appears on the display.
  3. By clicking on + or – or the up/down arrows, you need to set the required temperature. Its value should be 5 degrees higher than what is currently in the room.

Initially the fan turns on, and then the heating mode. After a maximum of 10 minutes, the product will begin to pump warm air into the room. If the control unit does not have the buttons described above, you are out of luck; this air conditioner model cannot operate in warm mode.

There are split systems where you first need to make all the settings, and then press the start button.

During settings, any model must respond to your actions: emit sound signals, blink LEDs. When purchasing a product, you need to familiarize yourself with all its characteristics so as not to rack your brains later.

Correct use of PU

These remote devices are included with each model. Today, many different variations have been released, but the inscriptions and functions on the buttons are similar. Most users do not read the instructions, but only use the start button and temperature settings. But there are many other keys on the remote control. Let's talk about them names and main functions.

  1. Power, in some control units on/off - turns the product on/off.
  2. Mode: pressing it once, you switch the device to automatic air supply mode, twice - the product will work in cool mode.
  3. Swing: Turns on the oscillating movement of the blinds to disperse the air flow throughout the space.
  4. Dry, which means dry - the device operates at medium speed.
  5. Fan (fan, fan) - the air conditioner works slower or faster.
  6. Turbo: maximum speed and performance.
  7. Temp: cold/heat temperature adjustment key.
  8. Smart Saver (smart saving) - when the optimal temperature is reached, the product turns off and operates in fan mode.
  9. Auto Clean: all parts of the device are disinfected and dried. By pressing this key once every three days (the product operates for no more than half an hour), you allow it to independently get rid of excess moisture.
  10. Sleep: switches the air conditioner to semi-sleep mode, cold air spreads across the ceiling, use it at night.
  11. On Timer: Turn on the timer.
  12. Off Timer: turn off the time.
  13. Clean Air: process of ionization of air flow.
  14. Ok: key to confirm the selected parameters.
  15. Cancel: Cancels the selected command.
  16. Reset: Reset all settings.
  17. Lock: lock the buttons (child lock).

Nuances of operation

Modern models of air conditioners are quite complex household appliances, the setup of which requires compliance with basic rules.

  1. It must be clearly select the power of the product depending on the volume of the room: in regions with very hot climates it is necessary to install systems with greater power and improved cooling characteristics.
  2. Always correlate the operating mode of the product with the weather conditions outside.
  3. In order to prevent the occurrence of any colds, it is necessary to fine-tune the equipment in cold mode.
  4. Carry out regular maintenance - these measures will allow you to ensure normal operation of the product and a safe and comfortable microclimate for the whole family.
  5. Installation, maintenance and repair of equipment should only be done by professionals.

Climate systems can be installed in any premises, regardless of their configuration and dimensions, because modern technology copes with the task without any problems. The user must only follow all the rules and recommendations stated in this article.

The best air conditioners of 2018

Split system Haier AS12NS4ERA / 1U12BS3ERA

Split system Haier AS09NS4ERA / 1U09BS3ERA

Split system Mitsubishi Electric MSZ-LN25VG / MUZ-LN25VG

Split system Electrolux EACS/I-09HSL/N3

Split system Electrolux EACS-07HAT/N3

Split system Electrolux EACS-12HSL/N3

– an indispensable device for both urban and country interiors. With its help, you can quickly create a comfortable microclimate, regardless of the weather outside. Despite the wide capabilities of a modern air conditioning system, most users perceive the air conditioner solely as a refrigeration unit. However, an equally useful function is the ability of the air conditioner to heat the room. Many equipment owners ignore this option, or simply do not know how to turn on the air conditioner for heat. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

How to use an air conditioner for heating

Some consumers consider the heating function in an air conditioner to be unnecessary, because today almost any living space has centralized heating. However, as practice shows, in the off-season, an air conditioner can become a real salvation from the cold, acting as a heater. This is relevant at a time when the heating season has not yet begun, and the thermometer outside the window is rapidly dropping.

The standard one is unlikely to be a full-fledged replacement for heating. This is especially true for large premises, such as country houses, where the lack of power will prevent the use of an air conditioner as a heater. However, it is quite capable of creating a comfortable temperature in the apartment.

At what temperature can the air conditioner be turned on for heating?

Any air conditioning system has a temperature range within which it operates correctly. Going beyond these limits is fraught with system failures and even complete equipment failure. The thresholds are:

  • + 25 degrees Celsius. This is the maximum ambient temperature for normal operation of the air conditioner. At higher values, the system may overheat, which will lead to malfunctions over time.
  • - 5 degrees Celsius. This is the lower temperature threshold, exceeding which threatens to freeze the system. This can lead to such serious damage that some manufacturers limit warranties for operating the air conditioner at too low temperatures.

Today there are air conditioning systems capable of operating at temperatures down to -25 degrees Celsius. Such devices are equipped with a heat pump and allow you to efficiently warm up any room.

How to switch the air conditioner to heat

Not all owners of an air conditioner with a heating function know how to use it. The easiest way to understand this issue is to use the instructions. It describes the main options of the split system:

  • Cooling.
  • Heating.
  • Drying.
  • Ventilation.

As well as a number of additional air conditioner functions, which are individual and depend on the selected model. Most systems are equipped with an automatic mode that independently regulates the temperature and humidity in the room, adapting to the specified parameters.

How to turn on the heating on an air conditioner. A few simple steps

Setting up equipment for heating is no more difficult than setting up for cooling. To do this, just follow a few basic steps:

  1. First of all, you need to make sure that the device, in principle, has such an option as working on heat. To do this, look for the “HEAT” button on the remote control - this is the thermal mode of the air conditioner. If it is, everything is great, if not, you are out of luck and will have to buy a heater.
  2. We turn on the split system using the standard “ON” power key.
  3. After the system is started, select the heating mode by pressing the above-mentioned “HEAT” button.
  4. Using the +/- keys, we adjust the comfortable temperature. You should not make it too high and operate the equipment to the limit of its capabilities. This will cause air conditioner parts to wear out faster.

Do not panic and try to reconfigure the system if there is no warm air supply immediately after switching on. The air conditioner takes some time (usually five to ten minutes) to heat up. If after fifteen minutes you do not feel the air conditioner working for heating, you should reset the settings and start over.

The efficiency when operating for heating directly depends on the outside air temperature - the lower it is, the more difficult it is for the air conditioner to perform its functions. Accordingly, achieving the required level of heat in the room will be more difficult and the equipment will wear out. Using the air conditioner when the outside temperature is below the permissible level will lead to freezing of the outdoor unit and equipment failure.

If your air conditioner has a heating function, but it does not work, or you cannot adjust it yourself, you need to contact a service center.

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Turning on the air conditioner

Using this manual, you will learn how to turn on and properly configure a household air conditioner. Any home air conditioner remote control has 5 main buttons. Let's arrange them in order of decreasing importance in use:

  • “on/off” button—turns the air conditioner on and off;
  • “temp” buttons (“up”, “down” or “+”, “-”) - increase and decrease the required temperature;
  • “fan” button (“fan speed”) – adjusting the air supply speed (shaft rotation speed);
  • “swing” button—changes the position of the blinds (direction of air supply);
  • “mode” button – switching modes: cold, heat, dehumidification, ventilation, auto;

Let's say we have never used an air conditioner, or have just installed it, or do not know what mode it is set in (heat, cold, etc.) In order to check the functionality of the device, you can follow the following instructions.

Turn on the air conditioner for cooling:

  1. Turn on “power” air conditioner (turn on the machine or “plug” the plug into the socket). In this case, a sound signal should sound from the indoor unit. We wait for the blinds to close.
  2. Press the “on/off” button. The indoor unit's shutters should open.
  3. Click on the “mode” button so many times until we switch to cooling mode (look at the remote control display). A “snowflake” or an indicator opposite the inscription “cool” should light up on it.
  4. Using the “up”, “down” or “+”, “-” buttons set the temperature(look at the numbers on the remote control). We set the temperature that we want to maintain in the room (the higher the number, the warmer the room). Read more. For example, we set it to 25. This means that the air conditioner itself will continue to maintain the temperature in the room +25˚C.

When setting up some air conditioners, this figure may change after a couple of seconds (showing the current temperature in the room);

  1. Next, if necessary, change the shaft rotation speed with the “fan” button;
  2. We can adjust the direction of air flow using the “swing” button.

You should know it:

  • The air conditioner will not cool if the room temperature has reached the set temperature;
  • When using the remote control, always point it at the air conditioner.

Free tip: If you use your air conditioner, don't turn it off at night or when you get cold. It is better to set the optimal temperature. So you will be comfortable, and the air conditioner will work in its normal mode. For example, at night you can increase the set temperature by 1-2 degrees.

Read the next article.
