How to eat after embryo transfer. Artificial insemination (IVF): how to behave after embryo transfer. Do I need to lie down after replanting?

How to behave after embryo transfer, what you can do after IVF: recommendations and prohibitions

How to behave after embryo transfer and what needs to be done after IVF - this is the most common question among female patients of reproductive clinics. It is very important to follow all the requirements outlined by your doctor after the in vitro fertilization program. As a rule, in the first hours after embryo transfer, the doctor voices recommendations that cover three aspects:

  • mode;
  • diet;
  • taking medications.

Preparing for embryo transfer

There are no strict restrictions for this period. A measured and healthy image life. Embryo transfer is a minimally invasive procedure and is performed without anesthesia. Two doctors participate in the procedure - an embryologist and a reproductologist. The manipulation itself is performed by a fertility specialist. Pain and discomfort during replantation is possible, but not necessary.

  • In the morning you need to take a shower.
  • 2 hours before the refilling procedure, it is recommended to drink 2 glasses of still water. Slightly filled bladder will facilitate the manipulation of embryo transfer into the uterine cavity.
  • Take with you the necessary things and a good mood.
  • It is advisable not to use cosmetics and perfumes for the comfort of doctors.

How to behave after embryo transfer in relation to taking medications

All appointees medicines after replanting in IVF protocols, they lead to reproducing the physiological processes in the body that occur before the onset of pregnancy in natural conditions. That is why it is unacceptable to cancel, replace, change the dose, or the frequency of taking any of the prescribed medications without the recommendation of your doctor.

The period starting from the moment of replantation and before you need to take the test is called the luteal phase menstrual cycle. At this time, an individually selected set of medications is prescribed to help support the luteal phase and the onset of pregnancy. The main one is . This hormone creates a certain balance between the first and second phases of MC. Two more important drugs:

  • hCG (purpose of use is to stimulate development and);
  • Estradiol (recommended more often after a long protocol - to prepare the endometrium for implantation).

But they are used strictly individually.

Additionally, the following may be assigned:

  • Prednisolone;
  • Aspirin;
  • No-shpu;
  • Glycised;
  • Papaverine.

What to do after IVF

Separately, we should highlight the reception folic acid. It not only prevents the development of abnormalities in the fetus, but is also involved in reducing homocysteine ​​levels. This is an amino acid that promotes thrombus formation, which in turn. You can take expensive and cheap folic acid supplements - they work the same way. You need to take the vitamin after embryo transfer throughout pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

How to behave after embryo transfer

After embryo transfer, you need to set yourself up, don’t get hung up, think positively, get distracted and don’t sit on forums and websites. Try to completely turn away from the events associated with the artificial insemination procedure. The behavior should resemble a stay at a resort. The first days after IVF you will have to lead a calm and measured lifestyle.

  • You can’t play sports, especially extreme sports and, what is extremely important, when... Since enlarged ovaries are at risk of torsion.
  • You cannot go to the movies, shops, or concerts. The ban on attending public events is due to the threat viral infection. At the moment of implantation, it physiologically loses its activity - this is how nature intended: so that the embryo does not be rejected, because for the female body the embryo is a foreign body with foreign proteins.
  • After transplantation, you should not purchase a bunch of urine tests to determine pregnancy - as they are not informative. Take it in laboratory conditions, that is, determine the level of the hormone in the blood plasma.
  • It is not recommended, although the harm has not been scientifically proven, visiting saunas and baths.
  • You should not eat fruits and vegetables that are out of season, or allergenic foods. Products that promote gas formation, such as cabbage and grape juice, are excluded from the menu. Bloating will worsen.

Do I need to lie down after replanting?

Most online sources recommend lying down for 2 hours after the transfer, or even staying in bed until pregnancy is confirmed. In the reviews there are stories from patients of reproductive clinics that they were in bed for 20 days. Such recommendations are baseless and harmful.

There is no need to be afraid to get up from the chair immediately after the transfer - the embryos will not fall out. Anatomically, the uterus is located almost vertically (at an angle, usually anteriorly or rarely posteriorly), when the woman’s body is in a horizontal position. That is, when a woman stands, sits, walks, the uterus lies horizontally. So nature took care of women in order to maintain pregnancy and so that the embryo could conveniently attach to the wall of the organ for implantation. Therefore, you will not lose your pregnancy simply because you got up from the chair and are in a horizontal position.

Fears of unsuccessful IVF arise not only in our country. Spanish scientists conducted an experiment that proves to patients that they do not need to be afraid to get out of the chair and lie down for 2 weeks after the transfer.

The scientists identified two groups of patients who had air bubbles placed into the uterine cavity under ultrasound guidance. One group was asked to lie down for 2 hours, the second was asked to live a normal life, move around, sit, walk. Two hours later, these patients were examined by ultrasound and found that the air bubbles had not moved due to the fact that the women changed their body position. This is the best proof - walking, lying, sitting after embryo transfer during IVF is not scary.

You need to do everything that you do in Everyday life and just behave rationally. If you need to make a decision regarding any action, think about what a pregnant woman would do in your place. This will help you find the answer to your question.

If you are constipated after embryo transfer - what to do?

Provokes abdominal pain and the need to strain. The reason for the slower evacuation of intestinal contents is progesterone.

Large dosages of the drug have a blocking effect on progesterone receptors located on the intestinal mucosa, peristalsis slows down. What to do? We need to normalize work gastrointestinal tract through dietary interventions. Among the medications you can take Duphalac, glycerin suppositories.

Constipation must be eliminated during this period. It is undesirable to push during defecation and to do an enema, as this can provoke more serious problems.

Can I drink coffee?

Prohibited after embryo transfer. The drink will worsen constipation. The same applies to chocolate and cocoa. Another argument against coffee is the difficulty of the implantation mechanism. Caffeine constricts blood vessels and affects the hormonal balance in the female body.

Replace the drink with dried fruit compotes without sugar, or brew in a thermos. This will improve the condition of the vascular wall and reduce soft tissue swelling.

When can you have sex after IVF?

This question is ambiguous. In the first days after IVF, it is recommended to refuse traditional and non-traditional sex if there are signs of OHSS (so that careless movements or pressure on the abdomen do not provoke torsion or apoplexy of the ovary). When you can have sex, it is better to check with your doctor after confirming the fact of pregnancy and assessing the risk of hyperstimulation syndrome.

In some cases, for example, with delayed transfers, cryoprotocols, sex after embryo transfer is recommended by the doctors themselves. Arousal and orgasm lead to the release of natural hormones that promote conception. But even in these cases you need to be careful, what happens in the body after IVF has not yet been reliably studied.

With cryotransfer, restrictions on sex are not so categorical, because it is carried out under conditions close to.

Is it possible after embryo transfer...

There are many questions from women regarding future behavior and everyday life. You need to understand that after the transplant, a woman does not become sick, she is preparing to become a mother.

You can sit, take a shower, dye your hair, laugh, walk on outdoors. You need to avoid bathing, yoga, sudden movements and heavy lifting.

You can lie down, sleep on your stomach, on your side, the main thing is that it does not cause discomfort. The most ordinary things are not prohibited. But one cannot fail to take into account the share of medical intervention in the process of conception. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to refuse, for example, a trip to the sea, do it. The acclimatization period will now be undesirable. You can’t walk or work a lot – physical activity should be enjoyable and not exhausting.

We live in amazing times now. A time in which the wildest desires of humanity of the 20th century and even more came true. This applies to all sectors of life, from computer technology to the latest techniques modern medicine. This also applies to reproductive medicine, which is developing by leaps and bounds and is being integrated into everyday life humanity as something everyday and extremely necessary. Modern assisted reproductive technologies are becoming more and more necessary every day for normal functioning society, maintaining well-being and peace in families who previously would not have dreamed of such happiness of becoming parents before using in vitro fertilization techniques.

The in vitro fertilization technique involves the use of a set of sequential measures (Eco embryo transfer) in order to obtain biological material, its connection and transfer to the uterine cavity.

Stage 1– is necessary in order to achieve the maturation of not just one, as usually happens in the normal ovarian-menstrual cycle, but of several follicles, which contain those necessary for carrying out the protocol for in vitro fertilization of the egg.

This stage is carried out with the use of hormonal ovulation-stimulating drugs. Side effect such manipulations may result in ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, a complication that can occur in both mild and severe forms, which pose a threat to a woman’s life.

Stage 2- the stage of puncture of the ovaries, namely mature follicles, to remove biomaterial from them - eggs, genetic material from the mother.

Stage 3- the moment of fusion of the mother's egg and father's sperm. Cultivation of the zygote for 2-6 days.

Stage 4– transfer (in vitro transplantation) of cultured embryos into the woman’s uterine cavity so that they are implanted and the woman, so to speak, becomes pregnant.

Inplantation is one of the most critical stages of the in vitro fertilization protocol, the course of which, as well as the woman’s lifestyle, can affect the course of pregnancy for both the better and the worse.

Is IVF transfer painful? We can say with confidence that this is a painless procedure that causes maximum psychological discomfort to the woman. Therefore, preparation for embryo transfer during IVF does not require special procedures.

IVF embryo development by days after transfer.

IVF embryo development after transfer

IVF embryo development after transfer, by day:

  • 1 day after the replanting procedure: the embryo is in the blastocyst stage of development, at this stage the separation of blastomeres occurs.
  • 2nd day after transfer: during this period, the embryo is hatched - it is released from the shell. After this process, nothing interferes with implantation into the endometrium.
  • Day 3 – the blastocyst completes the process of leaving the tunica albuginea and comes into contact with the endometrium.
  • Day 4 - the blastocyst plunges into the endometrium, the process of invasion occurs.
  • Day 5 is no longer characterized by the presence of a blastocyst, but by a gastrula; trophoblast villi begin to form, plunging deeper and deeper into the endometrium. A close connection between the villi and the vessels of the uterus is formed.

After a failed eco, when should your period start?

Well-being after IVF transfer

The condition after the transfer of embryos to IVF can be characterized by a wide variety of sensations that can be caused, not at all, by the pregnancy occurring, but by the influence on the woman’s body medicines, used in the in vitro fertilization protocol, as well as increased psychological stress during this exciting period of the patient’s life.

IVF: feelings after embryo transfer.

Feelings after IVF transfer can be varied; symptoms after IVF embryo transfer can vary from day to day.

IVF: the condition after replantation can be either absolutely no different from usual or significantly disrupted.

Women may experience various symptoms after eco-replantation, such as:

    A feeling of nausea, discomfort in the epigastric region, sometimes vomiting may occur, and after IVF, chest pain. These conditions must be differentiated from food poisoning, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, and various gastropathy. If your health worsens after IVF, you should consult your doctor. Ectopic signs after IVF may appear extremely rarely.
  • Feelings after IVF in the form of pain in the lower abdomen. This symptom is also a frequent companion of women who have undergone embryo transfer. With such complaints, you cannot stay at home alone, but you must immediately contact a medical facility so that the doctor can assess the woman’s condition and determine the cause of such pain.
  • Feeling dizzy, headache;
  • Pathological sleep conditions in the form of insomnia;
  • Dysphoric symptoms: sudden changes in mood, prone to depressive disorders.
    • Discharge after IVF transfer

      Discharge may appear after embryo transfer during IVF. It is at this point that it is worth dwelling in more detail. Discharge after transfer can be characterized as follows:

      • mucous discharge is physiological, that is, absolutely normal discharge– leucorrhoea, which is observed in all women due to its secretion by the vaginal epithelium. If pregnancy has occurred, then due to hormonal changes such discharge may increase in quantity. There is no need to be afraid of this.
      • discharge that appears due to the use of vaginal forms of drugs. Often in gynecological practice, doctors prescribe drugs. Which must be inserted into the vagina, they active substance is absorbed quite quickly into the bloodstream. And the base of such suppositories or vaginal tablets can come out of the vagina with its physiological leucorrhoea. Therefore, these discharges should not alarm a woman in any way.
      • Implantation bleeding is indeed a scientifically proven fact. As a result of implantation of the blastocyst into the thickness of the endometrium, inevitable traumatization occurs small quantity vessels, thereby releasing blood, which quite often, in every third woman, can be detected on underwear in the form of streaks of blood or scanty blood smears. Such discharge may appear 6-10 days after the embryo transfer procedure. It is also important to monitor what your basal temperature is during IVF pregnancy.

      Discharges that should alert a woman include discharges that are profuse, thick, green in color, pungent odor, which are accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the vagina, itching.

      Or bloody issues from the genital tract in copious amounts of scarlet blood - this is a threatening sign for which immediate hospitalization in a medical facility is recommended.

      Basal temperature after embryo transfer during IVF

      Women who keep a rectal temperature chart may notice an increasing trend. basal temperature after IVF by day.

      Due to significant hormonal changes caused by the in vitro fertilization protocol, basal temperature during IVF may increase. However, if the basal temperature after embryo transfer during IVF has increased, this is not a guarantee that implantation was successful.

      Also, basal temperature after IVF can increase under the influence of progesterone, a hormone that is synthesized by the corpus luteum of the ovary, and also enters the body exogenously - as support for the luteal phase in the in vitro fertilization protocol.

      Due to hormonal changes in the body, not only basal temperature increases, but also body temperature after embryo transfer during IVF. The upper limit of normal is considered to be an increase in temperature to 37.4 degrees. If after IVF the temperature rises above 37.5, then this is definitely a reason to consult a doctor in order to find out and eliminate the cause of such hyperthermia.

      Feeling of general weakness. Fatigue, feeling of malaise.

      You should not look for signs of pregnancy in any symptoms; neither an increase in temperature after IVF, nor an increased general temperature during IVF, none of these symptoms provide a 100% guarantee that pregnancy has occurred. It is necessary to be patient and wait until reliable signs of the effect of the in vitro fertilization protocol appear.

      IVF signs of pregnancy after transfer

      Reliable signs of the presence or absence of pregnancy include the result of a blood test to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Also, the level of this hormone can indicate the presence of a multiple pregnancy at a level significantly exceeding the gestational age. The woman donates blood for hCG levels two weeks after the embryo transfer. Only this indicator can be a reliable source of information about the presence or absence of pregnancy.

      A woman’s lifestyle changes dramatically after IVF embryo transfer. From the moment of embryo transfer, a woman begins a certain stage of life, which is characterized by significant psycho-emotional stress and requires a certain way of life after IVF. This is the time of waiting for an answer to the question: will IVF be successful after the transfer, will she be the happiest mother in the world?

      Of course, these questions torment a woman day and night, leaving no strength for proper rest. The behavior of the woman’s family members after IVF is extremely important. They must be informed that she is given time needs increased care and attention, understanding and psycho-emotional support. It is necessary to create an atmosphere of peace and comfort around her. If everyone together cannot cope with this kind of experience, it is necessary to include herbal-based sedatives, such as valerian and motherwort, in the treatment. In the case of a developing pregnancy, these drugs will not cause any negative effects, but will create a beneficial background for its gestation.

      Life after IVF for the entire family should be aimed at creating a favorable atmosphere for the woman, and pregnancy management after IVF should be carried out by a qualified specialist.

      On the first day after the transfer procedure, it is better to postpone any activities and observe semi-bed rest.

      Behavior after embryo transfer during IVF:

      • Limit any physical and psycho-emotional stress;
      • Limit heavy lifting;
      • Do not take a bath;
      • Do not overcool;
      • Maintain sexual rest;
      • Avoid traveling in public transport, as well as driving a car;
      • It is undesirable to wear tight underwear;
      • Sports during IVF are contraindicated. A woman should treat her body like a crystal vase in order for the result to be as effective as possible.

      Very important point The woman's lifestyle after IVF embryo transfer includes a balanced diet. General requirements, which are presented for products. Which a woman eats can be described in a few words: they must be fresh, of high quality, without the use of fertilizers.

      An important component of a woman's diet should be proteins, which she can get from meat. However, not all types of meat are equally healthy, even if it is homemade. It is recommended to eat lean varieties of veal, beef, good product considered rabbit and turkey meat. It is not recommended to eat fatty pork or chicken due to its cultivation on drugs that do not bring anything positive for the health of a woman and her poor child.

      The diet must include fish and its low-fat varieties; eating red fish and red caviar is especially beneficial.

      Vegetables and fruits should be an obligatory component of the menu, as they are an inexhaustible storehouse of vitamins and microelements. However, it is worth excluding foods that increase intestinal motility.

      It is important to limit your intake of flour, bakery products due to their high calorie content and their contribution to speed dial weight. You can replace these types of sweets with dried fruits, which not only increase blood glucose levels, but also carry a lot of essential microelements to maintain normal operation heart, intestines.

      The daily menu must include fermented milk products in the form of kefir, low-fat yogurt, and cottage cheese.

      Strictly contraindicated products during such a crucial period are any types of mushrooms, canned foods, especially meat, stewed meat, all types of smoked meats, as well as salted fish.

      Water balance is no less important than a woman’s entire diet. The recommended volume is at least 2.5 liters of water per day.

      As a result, the process of carrying out the in vitro fertilization procedure is a complex mechanism of consistent, and most importantly, identical actions of a married couple and reproductive doctors. If you want to get such a desired pregnancy on the website, you can place your application for the implementation of the in vitro fertilization protocol free of charge at the expense of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Health to you and your children!

A document that is issued to a person in a medical institution and confirms the presence of a disease that makes it impossible to carry out labor activity, called sick leave. IVF, although it does not act as a pathology, still provides for the woman to receive release from work.

Today, assisted reproductive technologies, in particular in vitro fertilization, are in great demand among people who have been unable to conceive a child for a long time. naturally and are treated for infertility. Let's look at what sick leave is for IVF, how to get it and for how long.

General information

When asked whether they give sick leave for IVF, doctors give a positive answer. You can obtain the document in question only after providing special certificates from the medical institution where the procedure was carried out, as well as if two conditions are met, which are discussed in more detail below.

A sick leave certificate for IVF is issued at the clinic where the woman had the procedure, if the medical institution has a special license to provide this service. The period defining the scope of incapacity includes all stages of the program:

  1. The time spent stimulating the ovaries and the onset of ovulation;
  2. Puncture of prepared follicles;
  3. Fertilization and cultivation of the resulting eggs;
  4. Transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity.

How many days of sick leave for IVF in such a situation is determined by how much time is required for the entire process described. To register incapacity for work, a woman will need to provide her employer with a standard certificate from a medical institution.

If the in vitro fertilization procedure takes place in a clinic that does not have a special license, sick leave after IVF is still issued to the woman. To do this, you will need to take care of obtaining an extract from the patient’s outpatient card, which is obtained at your fertility clinic.

Next, the woman needs to visit the clinic, according to her place of residence, where she will be issued a document (sick leave for IVF under compulsory medical insurance is received in the same way as without an insurance policy), about temporary inability to perform work activities, in connection with the in vitro fertilization procedure.

Accordingly, regardless of which clinic the woman had IVF, she is entitled to sick leave, and the time spent on the procedure must be paid by the employer.

When to receive

Many women are interested in sick leave for IVF, when they give the document and whether this period will be paid for. It is very important that if the patient needs to obtain a certificate of incapacity for work, she should collect all documents from the clinic where IVF is performed.

The dates of the procedures will also be indicated there, which will determine the period of sick leave. Such requirements are put forward by the Ministry of Health. When answering the question of when to give sick leave for IVF, you need to know that the document must be received at the very first stage, when the process of implementing the protocol is launched.

When answering the question from what day is sick leave given for IVF, we can say with confidence that from the first, that is, as soon as the protocol was started (from the moment the ovaries are stimulated). On the sheet of temporary loss of opportunity to perform work, a woman is given an entry about the in vitro fertilization procedure.

It is important to understand that if a different wording of this procedure is indicated, the document is considered invalid. It is also worth understanding that it is impossible to determine exactly how many days of sick leave for IVF, because this method of treating infertility is quite complex. The sick leave certificate is closed with the date on which the pregnancy was diagnosed.

After IVF

An equally important question for expectant mothers is whether they need to take sick leave after embryo transfer. Since embryo transfer acts as one of the stages of in vitro fertilization, it will also be included in the period for which a disability document is issued.

After the fetus has been transferred into the woman's uterine cavity, doctors need some time to make sure that the egg is well established and has not died. When answering the question of how long sick leave is given after embryo transfer, one must say that it is exactly two weeks.

To obtain a certificate, you can contact either the fertility clinic that performed in vitro fertilization, or the hospital at your place of residence with all certificates and extracts. Future mom can receive sick leave for IVF under compulsory medical insurance in the same way as when performing the procedure without using a compulsory health insurance policy.

About the document (video)

For women who have been given a disappointing diagnosis of infertility by doctors, in vitro fertilization is the only chance to have children. And although embryo transfer during IVF is the most important stage of the event, it is only a step on the path to success, since such a procedure does not always result in pregnancy.

The transfer is successful only in 35-60% of cases. A positive result depends on many factors, and in particular on right actions the woman herself. Her compliance with all the recommendations prescribed by the reproductologist increases the chances of full development embryo and birth healthy child further.

What is the essence of embryo transfer during IVF?

After the woman’s eggs are taken and the man’s sperm are collected, this biomaterial is combined together in the laboratory to create artificial conception. The fertilized egg then develops for several days in a test tube in a special medium.

Before placing an embryo in a woman’s uterus, a careful selection of the strongest and most viable cells is carried out. Weak embryos are not suitable for gestation. By category, they are divided into 4 classes - a, b, c, d, where the latter is considered to be of poor quality.

These embryos spend 2 to 5 days in the laboratory, sometimes more. Then the fetal cells are implanted into the uterine cavity, where they must undergo a period of implantation into the endometrium. When the fertilized egg attaches, the pregnancy is considered successful.

It was noticed that when embryos are implanted on the 5th day, their implantation into the uterus occurs faster.

How many embryos are best transferred during IVF depends on the patient’s wishes. Some clinics recommend implanting one embryo. And after a while, if the first attempt does not give a positive result, another fertilized egg is implanted. This results in a double embryo transfer. However, more often 2 embryos are transferred at once, which, however, is fraught with multiple births if both take root at once.

How to prepare for the procedure

Before the egg is collected, the woman is prescribed hormonal medications to stimulate the maturation of the follicles. But before embryo transfer, it is also necessary to take a number of hormones to prepare the internal environment, which is mandatory with IVF.

On the eve of the procedure, it is recommended to wash and remove hair in the perineum, and avoid having sex. On the day of the transfer, do not be nervous, avoid physical activity, and do not eat gas-forming foods (cabbage, legumes, carbonated drinks, etc.). Before the procedure (1-2 hours before), drink water so that your bladder is full. The last meal before the procedure should be at least 3 hours before.

Bring with you to your appointment:

  • towel;
  • water for drinking (still);
  • sterile gloves.

And it is worth remembering that a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and refusal bad habits before and after the transfer will significantly increase the chances of pregnancy.

How does replanting work?

The procedure for implanting a fertilized egg is as follows:

  1. A woman is in a gynecological chair.
  2. A reproductive specialist uses a speculum to open the vagina.
  3. The second specialist takes the prepared cells with a catheter, counts their number and passes the device to the reproductologist.
  4. The doctor then inserts a catheter tube into the uterus and introduces the embryos.

All manipulation takes place under sterile conditions. In this case, all actions are controlled by an ultrasonic device. For transfer, 3-day-old or 5-day-old blastocysts are used.

For certain indications, embryo hatching (artificial opening of the membrane) is used. This way the embryo attaches better to the wall of the uterus. This process is carried out immediately before the replantation of fetal cells.

Anesthesia is not used during transplantation; however, in some cases, sedatives or antispasmodics are used. Sometimes the vagina is washed with saline before starting the procedure.

How is frozen embryos transferred into the uterus? After the first transfer, the remaining embryos are frozen in case of repeated cell transplantation. Liquid nitrogen is used for this.

Repeated fertilization occurs in the same way as the first.

However, the cryo technique has its advantages:

  • no need for repeated hormonal therapy;
  • frozen cells take root more easily;
  • you can carry out the procedure several times.

The total time of the procedure takes 15–20 minutes. The main thing is to prepare correctly, then the process will go quickly and successfully.

Feelings during and after the transfer

During the procedure, a woman may experience discomfort, which is associated with the individual characteristics of the body - whether there are spasms or not when the cervix dilates. Otherwise, the patient will not feel anything.

After replanting, the process of embryo consolidation begins, during which there are almost no sensations or obvious physical changes. Even a pregnancy test will not give accurate results within 14 days. Doctors advise some patients to keep a diary in which to record their feelings on the days after the transfer.

On days 8–9 after embryo transfer, sensations in a successful IVF protocol are accompanied by a change basal temperature bodies. Therefore, it is recommended to measure the increase in temperature daily to determine the fact of pregnancy.

There may be a slight vaginal discharge after the implantation. The reasons for this phenomenon are different, for example, the death of one of several implanted embryos that emerges from the uterus. When pregnancy occurs, the internal environment of the body changes, which can also be expressed by characteristic transparent discharge.

If your lower abdomen feels tight or aching or you feel nauseous, this may be the body’s reaction to the medications. In descriptions of the well-being of some women, one can find complaints of dizziness or headaches, which are also considered natural processes and not pathology.

The first signs of successful implantation appear after 2 weeks, but may be earlier.

The main symptoms of pregnancy during IVF by day:

  1. From 3 to 8 days– swelling of the mammary glands, migraines, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness.
  2. After 14 days– problems with going to the toilet, frequent urination, darkening of nipple halos, characteristic vaginal discharge.
  3. From 1st to 3rd month– a dark vertical line appears leading from the navel down.

However, all of the listed symptoms are not direct evidence of pregnancy. The main sign is the absence of menstruation and confirmatory results from a blood test for hCG levels and the first ultrasound.

After the fertilized egg is implanted, the hCG rate will be at least 100–150 mU/ml for a single pregnancy and 200–300 mU/ml for a multiple pregnancy. If the hCG value is lower, observation and hormonal therapy continue, since late implantation of the fertilized egg also occurs.

Immediately after embryo transfer, the patient needs to lie down for 1–2 hours. This, according to experts, will significantly increase the chances of fixation of the fertilized egg in the uterus. Some women think that the embryo may fall out of the uterus if it is placed in an upright position. However, practice shows that this is not the case. In some clinics, after the manipulation they are immediately sent home.

On the day of the transfer and after it in the next two weeks, experts advise:

  • exclude physical exercise and lifting weights;
  • regularly take medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • to avoid infection infectious diseases avoid crowded places and riding public transport;
  • do not be nervous, avoid stressful situations;
  • walk more often and breathe fresh air;
  • refuse long trips.

From all of the above, it is clear that a woman’s behavior must change categorically if she wants to get positive results from IVF. There are other requirements that must also be met for the successful fixation of the fertilized egg in the uterus.


It is better not to take a shower on the first day after transplantation. In the future, daily hygiene procedures are recommended, preferably without the use of gels and products. intimate hygiene. It is better to use baby soap.

Hot baths or saunas are prohibited. Visiting swimming pools is also not recommended. The water in the shower should not exceed 37 degrees.


Following a diet will provide the body with vitamins and essential microelements, and will also relieve improper bowel function. Therefore, food after IVF should be light and low-fat.

Best suited:

  • raw, boiled or steamed vegetables;
  • fruits, dried fruits and fruit juices;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • cereal porridge;
  • low fat dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • greenery;
  • green or herbal tea.


To avoid miscarriage during IVF, progesterone support is prescribed for the first 12–14 weeks after fertilization. The doctor calculates the dosage and regimen of medications based on the thickness of the endometrium, the amount of progesterone in the blood and the degree of fetal development and the possible risk of miscarriage.

If the endometrium has not grown enough, a group of drugs is prescribed to stimulate its growth - Estrogel, Divigel, etc. Medicines of the progesterone group loosen the endometrium, which makes it possible for the embryo to gain a foothold more quickly.

To prevent blood clots after the transfer, Clexane is prescribed. It helps thin the blood so that blood circulation in the placenta is not impaired after taking medications in preparation for IVF.

The drugs are discontinued after 15 weeks depending on the indicators. Sometimes they need to be used for up to 20 weeks or longer.


Since the influence of sex on the attachment and behavior of the embryo during artificial insemination by embryology has not yet been studied, it is better to abstain from sexual intercourse in the first few weeks after IVF.

In the future the beginning intimate life It is better to coordinate with the supervising doctor. Sexual intercourse should be performed with caution, without sudden movements.


For successful implantation and gestation, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the embryo and the internal environment of the female body. Therefore, a woman has to undergo many diagnostic procedures. In the first stage of pregnancy, this is a blood test for hCG. Its level is monitored according to the hCG table by day to determine the implantation of the fetus into the walls of the uterus.

After the third week, an ultrasound is prescribed. At this time, the size of the embryo will determine the correctness of its development and the place of attachment in the uterine cavity.

Sleeping mode

You need to sleep more than 8 hours a day. You can lie on any side, on your stomach or back, the main thing is that it is comfortable for the woman.

It is advisable to rest during the day if possible, as fatigue often increases after fertilization.

Factors that influence the effectiveness of embryo transfer during IVF

On the 20th day of the cycle, the most favorable conditions for pregnancy to occur. Therefore, doctors try to compare the manipulation of planting blastocysts with this implantation window.

Success also depends on factors such as:

  • quality of the received material;
  • speed of cell development;
  • number of zygote divisions;
  • pathologies and diseases of women;
  • doctor's professionalism.

The doctor talks about embryo transfer in this video:


By doing necessary recommendations During an IVF pregnancy, your chances of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby increase several times. Therefore, it is important to follow all instructions and consult a doctor in case of the slightest discomfort or deviations from the norm in sensations.

/ Helpful information


The long-awaited day of embryo transfer has arrived. Behind us are long-term treatment, endless examinations, taking hormones, bruises from injections, worries about the endometrium, follicles, monitoring, puncture... Everything. You can breathe out. The job is done, all that's left is to wait. Should you relax? Is there life after embryo transfer or is everything just beginning? What can you do and what can't you do? How to protect yourself from mistakes and protect such a tiny, but already dear baby? We learned about this in a conversation with Elena Popenko, candidate of medical sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist-endocrinologist, reproductive specialist at the international center for reproductive medicine "Mercury".

- Elena Vasilyevna, why is the period “after embryo transfer” dangerous? Or can you relax and go about your business, continue to lead a normal life?

"After embryo transfer"- Doctors don’t usually say that. We have another term “after embryo transfer”. But if it’s clearer to you, then you can do it this way too. We have many cases where a very short period of time passes, and patients after embryo transfer digging potatoes in the garden; running around the shops with string bags of groceries to feed their tired husband from work; They are engaged in creative work - they glue wallpaper and do home renovations in order to have something to do while on sick leave. And then they end up in the hospital and can no longer save what they were treated for so long. I really want to address these patients:

"WOMEN! Feel loved, tender and weak! It's men who should take care of you now! Carry in your arms, carry groceries, take out the trash and arrange your home! Let it fall on their shoulders. Let them be strong and courageous! You have been waiting for this wonderful event for so many years, you became pregnant. After embryo transfer, think about yourself and your future baby.”

Time after embryo transfer - really dangerous period: the embryos have not yet established themselves, they have just found themselves in an environment that is foreign to them and are settling into a new place. Usually if you move to new house- You don’t like one thing, then you need to rearrange the other, then hang the curtains, then paint the walls, then open the window. So are the kids. In order not to disturb them, it is advisable to lie down at home, sleep, and rest immediately on the day after embryo transfer. And follow specially developed rules of conduct.

What to do “after embryo transfer” so as not to harm yourself and the child?

  • Mandatory bed rest. Especially the first 10 days after embryo transfer. You can get out of bed, but only to visit a doctor. These first days are very important, as implantation of the embryos will occur. It is known that blastocysts are implanted on the first day (the day of transfer does not count), and blastomeres in the first 2-4 days.
  • Sexual rest for up to 3 months. It is very important. Before 12 weeks, there is a real risk of miscarriage.
  • Follow your doctor's instructions. Now any information is available, any recommendations can be found on the Internet. But remember. Only the attending physician is aware of your problems and treatment, only He can provide effective assistance at the right time
  • After embryo transfer watch your diet. You need to eat protein foods. You can cook vegetables, meat, fish, steamed, in the oven, over a fire, or boiled. It is advisable to consume milk, dairy products, cook porridge, you can drink juices, fruit drinks, rosehip infusions, and green tea.
  • After replanting You need to measure your basal temperature every day at the same time and note it in a notebook. This should be done without getting out of bed, at the same time with a mercury thermometer. If your basal temperature is below 37 degrees C for 3 days, urgently call the center for consultation with specialists. We have a 24/7 phone number, so don't hesitate. Even at night, we have people on duty on the phone who will give advice or contact the attending physician.