How to open a private laboratory. Business idea - opening a private laboratory

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Municipal healthcare consists of appointments with public sector doctors, with huge queues crowding at the doors of their offices. Getting an appointment with a doctor, as a rule, is not enough, because the doctor can write out many directions for various studies that will help him make the correct diagnosis. The treatment rooms have the same queues, many hours of waiting and lengthy examinations, for which you need to come several days later (yes, you also have to wait in line). At the same time, the population did not have and will not have confidence in the staff who work for wages unworthy of a doctor until their work is adequately paid. Many are already turning to private clinics to undergo examinations in silence, by appointment, where professional equipment is used, not outdated morally and physically, where there are friendly staff and qualified doctors.

Now in provincial cities, private medical practice has become widespread (especially dentistry), and in large cities there are already paid treatment rooms and even full-fledged laboratories that have the ability to conduct not only common tests, but also conduct specialized studies that are not available to either private clinics or especially for public hospitals. What do you need to know and what means to have in order to provide the population with paid laboratory medical tests?

To begin with, it is better to immediately decide what services the laboratory will offer. Ideally, an entrepreneur should be a doctor himself, but you can initially hire a qualified specialist. A true professional must manage the work of the laboratory (analogous to the head physician in any hospital); for the prosperity of the enterprise, the director must not only be an excellent manager, but also a good doctor who understands the issue. If the businessman himself does not have extensive knowledge of medicine, the hired employee will be able to independently monitor the quality of the tests performed. And at first, his advice about possible services performed may be decisive. However, procedures such as general and biochemical blood tests, general and biochemical urine tests, hormonal studies, polymerase chain reaction, enzyme immunoassay, allergy tests, rapid urease test, analysis of hemostatic system indicators, tumor marker tests and cytological studies will most likely be required. Such studies will require appropriate equipment and consumables, and personnel must have sufficient knowledge to conduct the analyses.

In any case, certified specialists are needed, and junior medical personnel need to be hired to help them. The number of employees strongly depends on the size of the laboratory and on the list of studies that will be carried out directly in it. The vast majority of clients will come with the same orders for tests, but from time to time there will be rare cases, for example tests for viral hepatitis D, E, F, G, which are very poorly distributed. Maintaining equipment for specific research will greatly reduce the profitability of such a business and force a considerable amount to be withdrawn from working capital for equipment that will not pay for itself very soon. Even the largest private laboratories do not perform absolutely all analyzes on their own; there is a kind of cooperative competition between all players in the market, when one laboratory supplies the other with the obtained biomaterials for research.

In small cities, players may be forced to contact other localities, which significantly increases the cost of the service and significantly increases the client’s waiting time. Therefore, before starting, you should try to find out exactly what analyzes and at what price absolutely all future competitors perform - you will then have to cooperate with them, and if you have unique equipment, you can receive high income not only from directly contacted clients, but also from strangers, performing third-party orders for tests.

Ready ideas for your business

In general, opening a full-fledged laboratory seems to be a much more expensive undertaking than opening a simple treatment room; of course, this is true, but the laboratory also has a number of advantages: lower risks of being left without clients (there will always be a demand for analyzes, and with the wide capabilities of the equipment there is no difficulty in maintaining this demand), more opportunities with less fierce competition (a rare type of business requires the presence of competing partners who can support a particularly successful one among themselves), in the absence of clients, it is possible to work only with hospitals and private clinics, accepting only third-party material for research. All this requires serious investment, but in the long term this type of entrepreneurship seems more profitable than the affordable and therefore widespread opening of a procedural one. If you wish, you can completely save on rent and organize a laboratory away from crowded streets, without attracting your own clientele at all and working only as a research station.

The laboratory requires large spaces, because some of the equipment is a machine that takes up the entire room. Some rooms must be completely isolated from each other or even specially equipped for research (for example, when working with gamma rays). However, it all depends on what kind of analyzes the employees will be doing; the same quick urease test requires one person in a small closet with the absence of almost any technology. Other studies require significantly larger investments:

    Biochemical analyzer – 650 thousand rubles (non-universal specimens, with a limited list of tests, can be purchased for 150 thousand)

    Hematology analyzer – 350 thousand rubles (can be bought for 200 or 600)

    PCR amplifier – 100 thousand rubles (there is also real-time PCR and is separately allocated for genetic fingerprinting)

    Allergist’s office – 200 thousand rubles (varies greatly depending on possible studies)

    Equipment for ELISA – 100 thousand rubles.

    Water distiller – 50 thousand rubles.

    Glucose analyzer – 100 thousand rubles.

    Thermostat - 50 thousand rubles.

    Centrifuge – 20 thousand rubles.

Most tests are not possible without consumables. Their purchase and the acquisition of smaller related equipment will amount to about fifty percent of the cost of the devices themselves. Then, to equip a small laboratory from scarifiers to large machines, 2 million 430 thousand rubles will be required. And this is just research equipment. For its location and further work, you will have to rent a room of at least 100 m2, while in order to obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service, it is ideal to find one that has a separate entrance and is not located in a residential building. Renting such space will cost about 150 thousand rubles per month.

This cannot be done without competent medical personnel. In addition to the manager, there must be four doctors with completed higher medical education, whose training period in their profile was at least 5 years, and 2 nurses. With senior and middle medical personnel Before obtaining a medical license, you must conclude employment contracts and complete all documents in full. Employee salaries will cost 180 thousand rubles per month, while costs can only be reduced if the businessman himself is a certified doctor, which will allow him to do without a manager, independently managing the work of the laboratory.

Obtaining a medical license deserves special mention. The fee for obtaining it is 6 thousand rubles, but on the way to the actual permit to engage in medical activities you will have to be patient. First you need to register legal entity(after all, the case is being considered commercial activities medical laboratory). After that in Federal service for supervision in the field of healthcare, notarized copies of constituent documents are transferred; copy of payment of state duty; copies of all documents for equipment and premises, which indicate ownership or lease rights. In the case of real estate, you need a certificate from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It.

Ready ideas for your business

Finally, all documents will be required confirming not only the qualifications of the personnel (the length of work experience of medical employees is indicated precisely in the requirements for obtaining a license), but also indicating the registration employment contracts owner of the organization with employees. That is why you will have to take care of hiring staff and concluding contracts with them in advance.

Within forty-five working days, a decision will be made to grant a license (or a refusal will be sent indicating the reason), after which the licensing authority will issue a document allowing you to engage in medical activities. It is worth taking this period into account, because it is quite possible that, already being fully prepared (otherwise you cannot apply for a license), you will have to wait about two months waiting for a decision, and no one can guarantee a positive result, because any intersection with the bureaucratic apparatus has consequences the likelihood of a very long delay.

The initial opening costs also include the purchase of furniture for the premises - about 70 thousand rubles. Some may be needed plumbing work(as a medical establishment, you will need a lot of sinks and water supplies), because most commercial real estate for rent is usually built for offices. To comply with the standards established by the SES, constant garbage collection is required. And, depending on how often you have to contact third-party laboratories, there may be a need for a car for transporting biomaterials and a driver for this transport (400 thousand for a car and 20 thousand for a driver per month). It would also be useful refrigeration equipment, despite the fact that the most competitive laboratory will be the one in which analyzes are issued immediately upon completion of the study, without storing materials. But in case of a queue, still refrigeration chambers will turn out to be very useful (and this is another 100 thousand to the amount of starting capital).

To significantly reduce the initial investment, you can turn to leasing offers (for example, Siemens offers its medical equipment for leasing, requiring 10% as an advance). If you draw up a competent business plan for such an undertaking, profitable terms Banks may offer loans, and perhaps there will even be investors. So how much does it take to get started?

    Registration – 50 thousand rubles (the amount is indicated in case of the most unforeseen expenses).

    Rent of premises – 150 thousand rubles.

    Finishing the premises - 200 thousand rubles (plumbing work, interior decoration and furniture).

    Equipment – ​​2 million 530 thousand rubles (if you lease – 253 thousand rubles, this includes the purchase of refrigeration equipment).

    Employees' salary is 200 thousand rubles (including the driver).

    Buying a car – 400 thousand rubles (it is quite possible to consider loan offers for commercial vehicles, but then do not forget about insurance).

It turns out 3 million 530 thousand rubles. Help from banks and leasing offers can make it possible to start doing a similar business with less funds. Do not forget that investors will need a business plan calculated to the smallest detail, taking into account all risks and representing three possible options developments of events (worst, neutral, best).

An advertising campaign may be an important point, because if you plan to work with your own clients, then you need to initially attract them. In this case, the laboratory needs to be located on busy and central streets or, if possible, in close proximity to medical institutions, ideally on their territory. Public hospitals will not be competitors due to queues and low quality of services (if free medicine met all the requirements of the population, private clinics, treatment rooms, laboratories and hospitals would not have appeared in the first place), but the presence of another private laboratory nearby will not be a hindrance only in in the event of a discrepancy between the provided studies (this will be even better - the exchange of biomaterial will occur quickly and at minimal cost). The marketing campaign will also be designed for its own clients - the best thing, of course, is advertising on television (local), in newspapers and on advertising spaces. It is worth covering the entire city, even if it is very large, because a considerable percentage of people prefer to be treated not at the nearest clinic, but at, in their opinion, the best one, which may well be located at the other end of the city. By informing all residential areas about your arrival, you can count on a client if you are near hospitals. If there are no medical facilities nearby, then a more serious advertising campaign will have to be carried out so that the client drives purposefully, and not because he happens to be on the road.

Ready ideas for your business

It is worth considering that what is presented here is a very small laboratory, which is larger than a treatment room in size and list of its own services, but still has possible further developments. Opening a truly large laboratory center requires start-up capital amounting to several million dollars.

The profitability of such a business cannot be called high - due to the considerable costs for equipment and large monthly expenses, such a business will not bring such a relatively high profit, and the payback period will be several years. Of course, everything depends on the location and the organization of work, but the laboratory should not be idle for a minute, it is worth contacting all clinics and private offices, attracting new clients - only if the equipment is at maximum capacity can you have good income. The minimum check amount for a private laboratory is on average about 1 thousand rubles, therefore, in order to fully cover monthly expenses, you need to do at least 350 tests per month (rent, wage, utilities and consumables). To make a profit - even more, and when collaborating with other laboratories you will have to follow their terms, subtracting the cost of transportation and work in another laboratory from the money received from the client. However, a laboratory that has already earned a name for itself is capable of receiving orders for 300 orders in one working day, which opens up completely different prospects for the development of such an undertaking, right up to its own laboratory complex with a private clinic in addition.

But, of course, to reach such a level, you will have to work for more than one year, constantly introducing new technologies; medicine is a branch of science where innovation is especially important and constant improvements are required (something that public medicine lacks). And you shouldn’t disdain equipment made in Russia; it often turns out to be no worse than its foreign counterparts, while maintaining a more reasonable price.

Matthias Laudanum

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The total cost of the equipment is 7 million 570 thousand rubles ≈ 7 million 600 thousand. The main source of income is, of course, treatment and its support and, of course, IVF itself.

The level of medicine is growing every day. Today, early diagnosis of diseases is one of the main directions in the work of doctors, and high-quality diagnosis is simply impossible without conducting various tests. Huge queues line up outside laboratories in city clinics every day. In them, people lose not only time, but often nerve cells.

Are private laboratories needed?

Every day the number of those who are willing to pay to get rid of queues and unnecessary trips to hospitals for test results is growing. These are the opportunities provided by a private analysis laboratory. Services of this kind save the time of those people who are busy with work that does not allow them to be absent for for a long time. People who earn money are increasingly concerned about their health, because the disease will bring significantly greater losses than will be spent on prevention and examination of the body.

Market State

Today, the private laboratory diagnostics market is just beginning to expand. Consumers have only recently appreciated all the advantages of such a service and its popularity continues to grow. In addition, in some cities, private treatment rooms are a rarity. This means that such a niche is still free and those who want to start their own business can think about how to open an analysis laboratory.

At the same time, market analysis by experts shows that large network players do not have a wide network in the periphery. This is due to a number of reasons, both material and legislative. Therefore, local initiatives are more than appropriate in in this case and opening a treatment room is quite possible.

Biomaterial collection room

For those who are thinking about how to open a treatment room, there are actually many forms of organizing work. One of them is the organization of an office for the collection of biomaterials. Such an office sends the material received from the client for analysis to another laboratory.

Organizing such a business does not require purchasing complex equipment and attracting narrow specialists, which is what attracts us at first. However, questions arise about transportation and creation necessary conditions for biomaterials on the go. In addition, the time it takes to deliver results to the client with this approach increases. And this is not in the best possible way affects the popularity of the office.

Medical laboratory

Before opening a testing laboratory, you need to calculate the preliminary costs of starting a business. The testing laboratory must have excellent equipment. This technique is very expensive and today few people have access to it. This is why a medical laboratory business plan requires special attention. To organize such a business requires large financial investments.

Treatment room

The costs of opening a treatment room are much lower compared to a laboratory. Therefore, this is the most common option for organizing such a business. You can open an account either independently or by purchasing a franchise from major market players. Treatment rooms can exist either separately or in companies related to medicine.

Beginning of work

To start operating a medical office, you first need to obtain a license. In addition to the license, permits from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection and the fire service must be obtained even before starting work. This applies to work in a specific premises that needs to be purchased or rented.

If, when deciding how to open a treatment room, a franchise was preferred, then perhaps the company will offer its services to help in obtaining a license. It is worth remembering that this always leads to an increase in payment to the parent company.

Selection of premises

It is not so important whether the premises are purchased or rented. When choosing it, several factors should be taken into account. The first is compliance with the necessary safety standards. Most often, a room with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters and has a separate entrance.

But we must not forget that the location of the office should be convenient for potential clients. The location of public transport stops, the availability of parking and the convenience of other routes - all this needs to be taken into account before opening a testing laboratory.

Set of services

What services will be provided in the office will have to be decided at the licensing stage. Maybe earlier, if a business plan for the laboratory is drawn up before this. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with a minimum set of medical terms and calculate what equipment and what specialists are needed to provide the service.

Of course, the larger the range of services provided by the laboratory, the better. There may be blood and urine tests (clinical and biochemical), tests for hormones, infections or tumor markers, PCR studies and much more. Licensing a PCR laboratory, as well as the cost of opening one, is not much different from a laboratory performing enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays.

However, PCR requires stricter safety precautions. The difference between the methods is that a PCR study can detect the DNA of the pathogen in smears and scrapings, while ELISA detects traces of the pathogen in the blood being tested. Both methods allow you to find a significant number of potential clients.

Cost calculation

Long before opening a treatment room, it is necessary to calculate the initial costs of equipment and hiring specialists. The set of equipment depends on what services are planned to be provided in the laboratory. In addition to equipment, it is necessary to take into account the costs of consumables and reagents.

It is worth remembering that today the choice of equipment and drugs domestic production wide enough. Moreover, their cost is usually a quarter less than their foreign analogues. This may be especially important for those who are just about to open a laboratory. To provide various types of related services and high-quality customer service, you may have to cooperate with other companies.

In the life of almost every person, situations arise from time to time when the need arises to take tests. From the very birth of a child, various laboratory tests are carried out on indicators of his health - bacteriological tests, blood tests, urine tests, etc. They help to cope with various diseases in the future or prevent their occurrence.

That is, test results are the main factor by which a person’s health status is determined and subsequent actions are taken. Therefore, they must be as accurate and reliable as possible. But many people do not attach significant importance to this and, not wanting to overpay in private medical laboratories, turn to the district clinic. You can come to terms with the fact that you will have to stand in lines and endure endless walking around the offices, but you cannot come to terms with the fact that the test results obtained there will not always be accurate and of high quality.

Insufficient funding for state laboratories does not allow modern equipment to be installed there, and research is carried out manually, “under a microscope.” Therefore, if you need to get tested in Kyiv, choose Alternative option- a modern medical laboratory. In principle, it can be called an alternative with great difficulty, because a private medical laboratory cannot be compared with a district clinic. The equipping of such a laboratory is usually carried out according to the principle - only the best equipment from leading manufacturers, only the highest quality consumables and reagents. Most laboratories have a unique information system with step-by-step barcoding, which eliminates the influence of the “human factor”.

A modern medical laboratory is:

  • a wide range of quantitative and qualitative studies;
  • medical consultations with a doctor (in the absence of a doctor’s referral);
  • on-call service (at a specified address, at home or in the office);
  • operational courier service;
  • taking samples using individual vacuum systems;
  • providing test results in a way convenient for the client:
  • in the treatment room, by e-mail, by fax, by courier, by mail;
  • storing medical history in electronic form;
  • complete confidentiality of medical information about the client.

In addition, thanks to the latest generation analyzers and the latest technologies, the test results obtained in medical laboratories are the most accurate and reliable. After all, if, for example, you conduct a manual PCR analysis - recognized throughout the world as the most the best way testing for infections, and using non-certified kits, you can get a lot of “positive” results even for something that is not an infection. In addition, there will be doctors who will treat you based on the results of these tests. And this will be direct harm to your health.

Therefore, think about what you are risking if you decide to get tested at a local clinic. In addition to the effort and time spent, you may receive erroneous test results, which will make your subsequent treatment or disease prevention completely incorrect.

In addition, you should not be afraid that prices in a medical laboratory will bite. They, as a rule, depend only on the cost of the consumables used, since manual labor, which is valued most highly, is practically not used here.

Don’t be afraid to overpay, because an investment in health is a significant investment in your future.

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The information on this site is provided for reference and educational purposes and should not be used as treatment instructions.

In any case, you should consult a doctor.

Home \ Licensing of activities

Measurements and studies for licensing

The laboratory of industrial sanitation and ecology of LiK LLC carries out measurements and research within the framework of licensing and production control:

  • medical organizations (clinics, dentistry, medical offices, pharmacies, etc.);
  • hairdressing salons, beauty salons, beauty salons;
  • educational institutions (preschool educational institutions, schools, classes, etc.);
  • waste management activities.

To obtain a license for the listed types of activities, it is necessary, among other things, to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor for laboratory and instrumental studies:

  • artificial light levels;
  • microclimate parameters;
  • water of the water supply system according to chemical and bacteriological (microbiological) indicators;
  • indoor air;
  • other physical factors (in accordance with the production control program).

Such work is carried out by special accredited organizations that have specialists with certain qualifications and equipment.

The laboratory of industrial sanitation and ecology of LiK LLC meets all these requirements. Accreditation certificate, a wide instrument base, and our own analytical laboratory allow us to carry out the necessary laboratory and instrumental studies in the shortest possible time. LiK LLC carries out all work on its own, without the involvement of third parties.

The scope of research under licensing depends on the number of jobs.

If workplaces have not yet been determined, measurements are carried out in rooms with a known functional purpose. Water samples are taken from the centralized water supply system.

LiK LLC specialists can develop a production control program for your organization and take measurements accordingly.

Research and measurements are carried out in accordance with current regulatory documents:

  • for medical organizations - SanPiN;
  • for organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetology services -
  • for preschool educational organizations - SanPiN;
  • For educational institutions- SanPiN

To calculate the cost of work, you can leave online application on the website or send a free form application to our email [email protected].

The application must indicate the number and purpose of the premises (or workplaces) being studied and their area. To develop a production control program, a staffing table must be attached.

Diagnosis is the basis modern medicine. Without it, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis. But in order to get tested, as a rule, you need to spend a lot of effort and time and stand in a huge line at the municipal clinic. At the same time, more or less wealthy people will be more than willing to pay money just to save this very effort and time and quickly complete the work. necessary tests and get their results with the same speed. It is for this reason that services private laboratories for receiving biomaterial are in stable and steady demand.

It is worth noting that the market for private medical laboratory services has very good prospects and today it is not yet completely filled. The reason for this state of affairs is a rather complex organizational component. First of all, this type of activity requires obtaining a license, for which it is necessary to go through an extremely difficult process of approval with the relevant regional divisions of the controlling state authorities. organs.

Even if you do not carry out complex tests in the laboratory and save on the purchase of expensive equipment, but limit yourself to creating a room for collecting blood and then sending it for research to a laboratory in Moscow, another difficult problem will arise, which is associated with long-term transportation of blood and ensuring the correct regime of its blood storage. At the same time, the time for issuing analysis results will increase many times over, which, of course, will not make the laboratory particularly popular.

However, despite all the difficulties accompanying this type of business, today it is very promising for all cities with a population of over a million, as well as for regional, regional, provincial and district centers and, importantly, there are no restrictions on the number of treatment rooms.

In the field of laboratory diagnostics, two formats of business operation are relevant: treatment room and laboratory. To open a laboratory, you will need to purchase high-tech modern expensive equipment such as readers, thermal cyclers, oshers, analyzers, robots, etc., as well as the presence of a good analytical base. The capital investment required to open such a laboratory in Moscow will be no less than one and a half million dollars. As for the regions, there this amount will be much more modest and will be about 150–200 thousand dollars. The laboratory’s profitability reaches only 15%, and it can only pay off in five to six years.

Unlike a laboratory, opening a treatment room in Moscow requires an investment of 50 to 60 thousand dollars, in the regions - from 15 to 20 thousand dollars, and the payback period is from one and a half to two years. However, despite all the advantages of the treatment room, the laboratory is a more serious business that can be planned and developed forward for decades.

Based on practice, we can still conclude that opening an office or a whole network of diagnostic points is a more attractive line of business for investors. You can organize your own office and go all the way, from obtaining the appropriate license to finding personnel and purchasing the necessary reagents on your own. Another organization option is to purchase a franchise from one of the existing network operators.

Such offices can operate as independent, separate facilities or be owned by companies that have anything to do with medicine, and also operate in small clinics where patients are seen by the most sought-after specialists, such as a dentist, gynecologist, therapist, and in which there are services for the provision of ultrasound diagnostics.

In order to organize a treatment room for collecting biomaterial, you must obtain license and permits from the fire service and sanitary inspection. In the case of working under a franchise, as a rule, franchisors help with the issue of obtaining a license, but in this case the size of the lump sum fee also increases.

Another extremely important step is the formation of an accurate list of services provided. It is worth noting that there are two main types of research: ELISA, that is, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, the essence of which is to detect antibodies to pathogens or specific proteins, and PCR - polymerase chain reaction, which is to detect DNA.

Practice shows that for both types of research, the total costs associated with starting a business and operating it are almost the same. But they are distributed differently: the first case is characterized by more significant investments in the purchase of equipment, and in the second the main cost item is the premises, since in order to carry out PCR studies it is necessary to comply with more stringent rules and safety requirements.

PCR studies can detect pathogen DNA by analyzing scrapings and smears, while the ELISA method detects traces of the pathogen in the blood. Any of these types of research can provide high demand, since both blood testing and detection of sexually transmitted infections are equally in demand services.

To open a laboratory you will need room, having an area of ​​at least 100 sq. m. and has a separate entrance. These are the requirements put forward by the SES. There should be public transport stops in the immediate vicinity of the office. It is also advisable that the office be in a public place.

Another important factor that can ensure the success of the laboratory is deadline for analysis. Considering that today many analyzes can be carried out in just a few hours, there are no problems with issuing the results of these analyzes within one day. Otherwise, clients are likely to remain dissatisfied and go where the work is done at a faster pace and costs less.

Naturally, the more extensive the range of research a laboratory performs, the better. Ideal option is the implementation of clinical and biochemical tests of urine and blood, hormones, infections, allergy tests, studies for tumor markers, PCR studies, analyzes of indicators of the hemostasis system, cytological and spermographic methods.

To carry out analyzes and research you will need appropriate equipment. Today, the market offers a fairly wide selection of both domestic and foreign manufacturers. At the same time, domestically produced instruments, reagents and consumables cost 20–30% less than imported ones.

Depending on the demand for the services provided, the complexity of the equipment, as well as the period of time during which employees master working with it, launching a laboratory diagnostic business can take from one week to six months.

Cost price The most popular infection test costs an average of 30 rubles, while the retail price of such a service reaches at least 70 rubles.

Moreover, as a rule, one patient, visiting a doctor, takes not one test, but about five or six. As a result, the average amount of one check is 300 rubles or more. The price formation and its final value are influenced by the location of the analysis. The analysis can be carried out in a laboratory or sent for execution to one of the large medical centers. Moreover, even very large laboratories with a powerful analytical base and good equipment 5 to 6% of analyzes are outsourced. This is due to the fact that even if it is possible to conduct a wide variety of tests, there may always be a need to conduct some rare analysis.

In addition, the cost of the analysis includes the costs associated with transporting the biomaterial to the research site, as well as the intermediary’s markup. The highest prices are set by those medical companies in which 100% of the tests are carried out outsourced. The profit of the owner of the treatment room consists of the cost of services associated with the reception of biological material and discounts provided by the central laboratory. At the same time, even such intermediaries who perform 100% of analyzes in “third-party” laboratories can achieve considerable success if they place their office in a place convenient for visitors, for example, in the central part of the city or near the metro.

It is worth noting that among the owners of diagnostic laboratories, you can most often find people with good connections in the medical field, as well as health officials. And this is not surprising, because doctors are the ones who know well the essence of the ongoing processes, existing technologies, and also understand perfectly how and to whom you can sell services related to laboratory diagnostics. However, it is not at all necessary to have a medical education to open a treatment room. Moreover, on the contrary, managing a network of offices may be better accomplished by an entrepreneur who has experience retail sales, but now you can take one of the good specialists as your deputy.

The most important, key role in this type of business is played by qualifications of doctors, since a lot depends on the slightest nuances. After all, a lot depends on the slightest nuances. It is not enough just to be able to take tests correctly; you also need to be able to comply with all existing transportation conditions, ensure timely delivery of biomaterial to the laboratory, avoid errors and confusion in the test results of different patients, and also prevent leakage and disclosure of confidential information, etc.

As a rule, diagnostic laboratories have a staff of six people, of which: three or four doctors who work in shifts and see patients, prescribing the necessary tests and studies, a nurse whose functions include taking samples, an administrator who manages cash desk, manages personnel and coordinates couriers.

Practice shows that the vast majority, namely 70% of all consumers of diagnostic laboratory services are women.

Therefore for proper organization When opening a laboratory, it is necessary to take this fact into account. It is also worth paying close attention to in the process of promoting and advertising a diagnostic laboratory.

It is worth noting that in promotion and advertising diagnostic laboratories are not working traditional methods and funds. Neither advertising on radio, nor on television, nor in print media brings any effect. The most effective means Friendly relations with doctors serve, since it is from them that a flow of clients comes to the laboratory for tests and it is they who can give the appropriate recommendation for visiting a particular laboratory or office.

Moreover, on the doctor’s recommendation, the patient will even go to the other end of the city. And if the doctor has no doubts about the reliability and quality of the test results, he will readily and happily work with a certain laboratory, especially considering the fact that the patient’s recovery ultimately depends on the quality of diagnosis, and, accordingly, and doctor's income.

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The market for private medical laboratory services has not yet been fully filled; to put it simply, this market still has a long way to go. This is due to the extremely complex organizational component of business. Firstly, in order to obtain a license, it is necessary to agree with the regional divisions of the regulatory authorities government agencies, but this is not easy to do.

And even if we limit ourselves to an office for collecting blood and sending it for laboratory tests in Moscow and saving on the purchase of expensive equipment, we will have to solve another no less difficult problem - how to ensure correct mode blood storage during long-term transportation. And the time it takes to issue an analysis will increase many times over, and this will inevitably affect the popularity of such a laboratory.

And yet, according to experts, today all cities with a population of over a million, as well as regional, regional, regional and district centers, are promising for opening such a business. But most importantly, the number of treatment rooms is not yet limited.

In the laboratory diagnostics segment, two business formats are relevant today - the laboratory and the treatment room. Setting up a laboratory will require the acquisition of modern high-tech expensive equipment (thermal cyclers, readers, oshers, robots, analyzers, etc.) and the presence of a strong analytical base. The cost of opening it is at least one and a half million dollars in Moscow and 150–200 thousand dollars in the regions. In addition, the profitability of the laboratory barely reaches 15%, and the payback period is at least 5-6 years.

Today, even the majority of private metropolitan medical centers cannot afford the equipment of their own laboratories. Unlike a diagnostic laboratory, you can open a treatment room by spending 15–20 thousand dollars in the regions or 50–60 thousand in Moscow, and it can pay for itself in one and a half to two years.

Despite the fact that a treatment room pays for itself faster, a laboratory is a more serious business, the development of which can be planned for decades to come.

Still, it can be argued that organizing an office or a network of diagnostic points is the most attractive direction for an investor. You can open your own office on your own, going all the way, from obtaining a license to finding personnel and purchasing reagents, or you can buy a franchise of the network operator: Invitro, and the St. Petersburg diagnostic laboratory service Helix (franchise cost - 24 thousand dollars).

Such offices can exist as independent objects or belong to companies related to medicine (including trade medical equipment), or work in small clinics that provide consultations with the most sought-after specialists (general practitioner, gynecologist, dentist) and provide ultrasound diagnostic services.

The opening of a treatment room for the collection of biomaterial begins with obtaining a license and permits from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and the fire service. If you plan to operate a franchise, franchisors promise to help you obtain a license, but most likely this will mean an increase in the lump sum fee. Thus, for the right to join the Invitro PC network, the franchisee must pay six thousand dollars, provided that he obtains a medical license independently, with the help of the parent company, the lump-sum fee will be seven thousand dollars.

Another important step is to create an accurate service profile. There are two main types of research: PCR (polymerase chain reaction, DNA detection) and ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - detection of antibodies to pathogens or specific proteins.

According to experts, the total costs of starting a business and operating expenses are almost the same, only the distribution is different: in the first case, most of the amount is invested in equipment, in the second - in premises, since conducting PCR studies requires compliance with more stringent safety regulations.

The PCR method allows you to detect pathogen DNA when analyzing smears and scrapings, while the ELISA method allows you to detect traces of the pathogen in the blood. Choosing either method will ensure significant demand: blood tests (ELISA) and detection of sexually transmitted infections (STI) are equally in demand.

When choosing a room, two conditions must be taken into account - first, its area must be at least 100 square meters. m and there is a separate entrance - these are the rules and regulations of the SES. Secondly, the office should be located close to public transport stops, and preferably in crowded places - which is convenient for potential clients.

The next important success factor is the timing of the analysis. In principle, today most tests are completed within a few hours, so there is no obstacle to delivering their results within one day. Otherwise, clients will go where it is faster and cheaper.

And of course, the wide range of studies that the laboratory performs is important. Ideally, these are clinical and biochemical blood and urine tests, hormones, infections, allergy tests, studies for tumor markers, PCR studies, analyzes of hemostatic system indicators, cytological and spermographic methods.

As for equipment, today there is a wide selection on the market, both domestic and imported. It is important to note that domestic instruments, consumables and reagents are 20–30% cheaper than imported ones. By the way, consumables – test tubes – are more expensive than reagents.

Launching a laboratory diagnostic business takes from a week to six months, depending on the level of complexity of the equipment, the time it takes staff to master working with it and the demand for the service.

The cost of the most popular infection analysis is on average 30 rubles, and the retail price of the service is 70 rubles and above. Considering that one patient usually undergoes about five or six such tests when visiting a doctor, the average amount of one check is more than 300 rubles. The price of the test depends on whether it is performed in a laboratory or sent to a large medical center. Even large laboratories outsource 5-6% of research, having a powerful analytical base and equipment, because no matter how many types of analyzes you do, some rare test may always arise.

The cost of the analysis includes transportation of the biomaterial to the research site and the intermediary’s markup. Prices are especially high in those medical companies where 100% of analyzes are performed externally. The profit of the owner of the treatment room consists of the cost of services for receiving biological material, as well as from discounts that the central laboratory can provide. Even 100% intermediaries who perform all analyzes in “third-party” laboratories can be successful if they are located in a location convenient for clients, for example, near the metro or in the city center.

Most often, the owners of diagnostic laboratories are health officials with connections in medical circles. It’s not surprising: the doctor not only knows the essence of the ongoing processes and technology, but also understands well who and how to sell laboratory diagnostic services. And yet, to become the owner of a treatment room, medical education is not necessary. On the contrary, it may be more successful to manage a network of offices by an entrepreneur who has experience in retail sales and who has hired a deputy from good doctors.

The qualifications of specialists in this business are of primary importance. After all, a lot depends on the slightest nuances. Everything matters here - take the tests correctly, accurately fill out all the forms, comply with transportation conditions and deliver the biomaterial to the laboratory on time, do not confuse the test results of different patients and avoid leaking confidential information, calculate the timing of reagents, etc.

On average, the staff of a diagnostic laboratory consists of six people - three to four doctors working in shifts who receive patients, prescribing the necessary tests, a nurse who takes samples and an administrator who runs the cash register, manages staff and coordinates couriers.

According to experts, 70% of consumers of diagnostic laboratory services are women. And this fact must be taken into account by laboratory owners to properly organize work, interact with clients and promote their services.

In general, when it comes to advertising and promotion, it can be argued that traditional channels do not work here. Neither advertising on television, nor on radio, nor in print media will bring any effect. The main method remains the so-called “friendship” with doctors, because they are the ones who refer their patients for tests. They are the ones who can recommend a specific laboratory or office.

Moreover, it is noteworthy that even if the office is located in another area of ​​the city, the patient will go there on the recommendation of the doctor. For his part, if the doctor is confident in the quality and reliability of the research results, he will be happy to cooperate with a particular laboratory, because the treatment, and therefore the patient’s recovery, and therefore his earnings also depend on the diagnosis.

Treatment room in detail

Investments. You can meet the amount from 20 to 50–60 thousand dollars.

Payback period. One and a half to two years.

Certificates and licenses. Medical license.

Audience. Busy city dwellers of any age.

Promotion means. Internet, communication with doctors.

Premises requirements

Minimum area - 30 sq. m, the maximum is not limited, the optimal is 80 sq. m. Separate entrance; the presence of a bathroom or the possibility of installing one; permission from the landlord to install water for sinks; one telephone line. Non-residential premises may be located in an inhabited building, provided that the entrance is not combined with a residential entrance. If the established requirements are met, the premises of clinics, medical centers, dental offices, pharmacies, beauty salons, and hairdressers can be used as a treatment room.

Staff. Three doctors, two treatment nurses (in shifts), cashier-administrator.

Treatment room in the regions:

Initial costs in dollars

Obtaining a medical license and permission from the SES, Fire Supervision – 1500

Repair of premises in accordance with SES standards – 5000

Purchase of equipment – ​​12,000

Communications – 1500

Rent of premises 50 sq.m. for a year – 12,000

Total – 32,000

Current expenses:

Nurses' salary (2) – 500

Administrator salary - 600

Salary of doctors (2) – 800

Consumables – 3000

Transport (courier) costs – 1000

Total – 7200

Income per month - 16,500

Payback – 1.5-2 years

Profitability 30-50%

The laboratory is a fairly profitable and very promising business at present. Therefore, its discovery will be a profitable investment, which will certainly pay off.

Of course, arrange everything Required documents and getting permission to open is not so easy, but the result is definitely worth it. After all, the number of people who want to quickly get tested, while getting rid of huge queues at the hospital, is growing every day. But in order to open a laboratory, you need to carefully prepare for this event and organize it correctly.

Which room should I choose?

The premises can be owned or rented. It must comply with all safety standards. Its area must be at least 100 square meters. meters, there must be a separate entrance. We also must not forget about the convenience of future clients. It is best if the building is located near bus stops, there is parking, and it is located in a crowded area.

Medical laboratory

A medical laboratory is a very serious business that requires considerable financial investment. Its development can be planned many years in advance. Such a business will always be relevant, because it is constantly developing, and modern people are increasingly concerned about their health. It doesn’t pay for itself very quickly, but such a business is stable and reliable.

Before opening a medical laboratory, you need to complete all the necessary documents: license, permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority, permission from the fire service. Then you need to decide on the range of services provided. Currently, there are main types of research: ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and PCR (DNA detection, polymerase chain reaction).

The first method requires a special room that complies with all fairly stringent security measures, and the second requires a large amount of equipment. It is also worth thinking about how quickly the tests will be performed. The faster clients receive test results, the more popular the laboratory will be.

Laboratory equipment

WITH special attention you need to be careful when choosing and purchasing equipment. It is necessary to purchase analyzers, thermal cyclers, oshers, readers, robots and much more. You will also definitely need high-quality laboratory furniture. The choice of equipment for a medical laboratory is quite wide; both domestic and foreign manufacturers are represented on the market. In most cases, buying domestic equipment will cost you much less.

According to the editors of the site, opening a laboratory, although expensive, is a very promising business. Don't be afraid to take risks, and luck will always accompany you!
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