How to learn to write long letters? Essay on the topic "letter to a friend"

It is foolish to deny the benefits of electronic communications. But they have one significant drawback: they can never convey the warmth that we feel and the joy that we experience when we write a real letter.

Of course, traditional mail should not replace our online communication. Writing letters the old fashioned way should be an enjoyable hobby.

Think how great it is when you have one or even several pen pals to whom you can write a real letter. Imagine: you open your mailbox and find the message you've been waiting for. What a joyful feeling this is!

In addition to friendly correspondence, there are seven types of letters that I suggest everyone writes at least once in their life. Correspondence - win-win lottery, you will win in any case: both as the author and as the recipient. The author learns to express his feelings in words, and the recipient receives moral support.

Writing at least one letter from each category is a minimum task. The habit of writing letters regularly throughout your life will bring you significant benefits. Well, go ahead!

1. Letter of congratulations

We are proud of ourselves when we achieve our goals. But when others recognize our achievements, it undoubtedly makes our victory that much sweeter. We want people to see in us the potential that we see in ourselves.

Congratulatory letters - good tool in strengthening both personal and professional contacts. Great idea- regularly send such letters to colleagues and loved ones, congratulating them on pleasant events in their lives. However, if someone next to you achieves great heights, does something that you can admire, then this is an excellent reason to write them not just a small congratulation, but a full-fledged congratulatory letter. Maybe your brother just became a Marine and your friend broke all the records at the shooting range. Or your daughter became a college graduate, the first in your family, by the way.

Let others see that you know about their victories. And be proud of them.

2. Letter to your father

A father is an important figure in the life of any person. Good or bad, but in any case, fathers are the first standard of masculinity for a child.

Every boy wants to become an “ideal dad” in the future. Our fathers are sometimes so far from this model that we are very upset when we realize how much better they could have been. And sometimes the exact opposite happens: they are close to ideal, and we worry that we will not be able to follow their example.

One way or another, the relationship with our father largely shapes our personality. Sometimes our feelings for a parent are so deep and complex that we ourselves cannot fully understand them.

Most of us never take the time to thank our fathers for all they have done for us. The opposite situation is also possible: sometimes we cannot forgive them for the pain they once caused us. Yet, if we are not aware of our feelings for our fathers, we will never be able to understand how they influenced us, and to some extent we will not be able to fully understand ourselves.

Writing a letter to your father is great way think about all these questions. You don't have to send this letter if you don't want to - you're doing it for yourself. The goal is to gain a better understanding of your own feelings.

3. Letter of condolences

Of all the letters you will write, a condolence letter will be the hardest. At such a moment it is very difficult to find the right words. We are afraid to say something wrong, we feel awkward. For these reasons, we very rarely write condolences. We assure ourselves that people already know about our sympathy and support, and words are unnecessary here.

Yes, they probably realize that you empathize with them. But they all want to hear it from you. People need a reminder that you are thinking about them when they are having a hard time. Maybe not for long, but your words will make them feel a little better. It really means a lot when someone takes the time to tell you, “I know how hard it is for you, and it hurts me that you are suffering.”

4. Letter to your future

Someday in your life there will definitely come a moment when you feel that you have changed: you look at many things differently, make different decisions. It's quite strange to feel this way, actually. This does not mean that you begin to forget your past or categorically reject your “younger self”. It’s just that your previous life is left behind, and it seems to you that “you before” and “you now” are two completely different people.

This “borderline” state between past and present gives us an excellent opportunity to reflect on who we are now. Think about what the child you were would say to the adult you now see in the mirror?

Now write a letter to your future self. You will not print this letter for several years or even decades. Describe the hopes you have for the person you will be when you read this letter a second time. How do you see your career? Are you married? Do you have any children? Are you true to your favorite habits? What are your goals? What ideals have stayed with you throughout all these years?

When you read this letter many years later, you may find that your previous goals and ideals have changed dramatically, but you, in essence, do not mind: you now have ones that suit you much better. Your youthful maximalism and naivety can make you smile and even laugh a little :) Or, on the contrary, once again faced with your old dreams, you can realize how much you wanted to achieve and how little you actually achieved.

Such time travel will help you remember your youthful dreams and aspirations, inspire you to new achievements, and if now everything is not going the way you once wanted, then there is always a chance to fix it.

5. Love letter

It is not always easy to express your emotions towards other people. Men would be much more willing to express their feelings through actions rather than words. But women, as you know, love with their ears. They want words that will be followed by actions.

The difficulty lies not only in finding beautiful words, but also to say them out loud. When we prepare a beautiful love speech in our mind, very often we do not take into account the environment in which we will “expose” our feelings. The most awkward situation is when you are sitting next to a person and desperately trying to remember exactly what words you were going to say to him. To avoid all these incidents, let's start writing a love letter.

We often associate love letters with the past century. Men from the front wrote letters to their wives and brides, saying how much they missed their warmth, and the girls, in turn, wrote that they loved and were waiting. Such letters went on for months, but arrived only a few times a year.

In the biographies of great people, one often encounters beautiful love confessions that they wrote to their wives and mistresses.

Again about my love. About the notorious activity. Does love exhaust everything for me? Everything, but only differently. Love is life, this is the main thing. Poems, deeds, and everything else unfold from it. Love is the heart of everything. If it stops working, everything else dies off, becomes superfluous, unnecessary. But if the heart works, it cannot but manifest itself in everything.
From a letter from Vladimir Mayakovsky to Lilya Brik

However, your beloved does not have to be far away for you to decide to write her a love letter. You can even address it to the girl you sleep with every night. It will be more original and pleasant than the standard love confessions that we say every day.

Romantic letters are testaments to your love story. Which your grandchildren will probably read later.

6. Letter of encouragement

There have been moments in everyone's life when they had to fight doubts and fears, or moments in which they wanted to give up everything and retreat. If you are lucky, then in your life during this sad time a person appeared who could cheer you up, convince you that everything would be fine, in other words, raise your self-esteem and help you move on.

Such support always has a positive effect on a person, especially if the words are supported by encouraging actions (patting on the shoulder, for example). Although there are times when a letter is best option in order to provide support. And not only because you physically cannot always be present with those you want to cheer up. The letter stays with the recipient for a long time; he can return to it and re-read it at any time. When we listen to a fiery motivational speech, we listen to every word and believe that everything will pass and all problems can be solved. But as soon as we are left alone after a while, all our fears and doubts overtake us again.

An encouraging letter tells the recipient that you believe in him and his abilities, that he can cope with all difficulties. Maybe your niece recently started college and feels out of place and is considering dropping out. If you have similar experience, you can help her with advice and encourage her. Perhaps your son broke up with his first love and thinks it's the end of the world. Let him understand that everything is exactly the opposite and this is not the end, but only the beginning.

7. Letter of gratitude

Gratitude is one of the brightest feelings. Nothing else can support our personal and professional relationships like it does. Appreciation can instantly melt the ice between two people.

We all understand how much we need the kindness and help of others. You are very lucky if you have people in your life that you can thank.

For many there is only one thing kind word helped to become human again, but gold turned out to be powerless.
Erich Maria Remarque "Shelter of Dreams"

You need to write thank you letters as often as possible. Of course, it's much easier to send a thank you note via email (and it's certainly better than nothing). But just imagine how touching it is to receive a real handwritten letter. For example, if you have an employee in your office who is diligent and successful in his or her job, you could leave him a short note letting him know how much you appreciate his efforts.

We hope that, in addition to such small news, at least once in your life you will write full letters of gratitude to the most important people in your life: mother, wife (husband), beloved school teacher, best friend.

Think about all the things they have done for you and the difference they have made in your life. Remember that there is nothing in the world more valuable than simple human gratitude.

Which of these letters have you already tried to write? Share in the comments!

When you have to part with friends, even for a while, a person tends to feel sad and look for opportunities to communicate again. E-mail helps to quickly solve the problem of letter delivery. However, if a friend is in the army, you will have to use regular mail. No matter how you send the letter, it should be meaningful, interesting, and encourage your buddy to respond. Sometimes the recipient needs special support. A letter to a friend?

Do you remember?

It's always good to start with shared memories and impressions of experiences together. Try to choose moments that will please your friend. Especially about situations where a friend helped you or performed well. This is a great reason to write to your friend that you really appreciate him and remember that he has a special place in your soul.

Here it is!

Then continue with a description of your life and news. Try to think in advance of at least 7-10 events that might be of interest to your friend. Such news is very encouraging. You can write not only about your own life, but also about the life of your family and city. And if you need to write, there should be even more news. Read your city's news feed and write as much as you can for your friend in your own words so that he doesn't feel completely isolated. Conscript soldiers are really looking forward to letters. Whether it's a letter from a girl or a friend, they re-read it many times. If you write once a week, the soldier will be simply happy. to a friend so that it captures you emotionally?

It is good if the news is supplemented with witty and colorful personal additions. Tell us how this or that news affected your life. Read how people comment online. If your own humor is not enough, you can borrow it. You can also write about books you’ve recently read.

How to write correctly Much depends on his personality. But all people are interested in discussions about themselves. Therefore, in the third part of the letter, talk about your friend and his character and achievements. Moreover, it is well-reasoned. This is exciting for a lot of people. And he will like it.

Good questions

How to write a letter to a friend you haven't seen for a long time? In such correspondence it is good to ask a lot of questions. They are needed in any case to make it easier to answer. And it’s more interesting - you are still not the media, but a living person, and participation in your friend’s life in the form of questions will be very pleasant. However, if you are writing to the army, do not ask questions about relationships with colleagues and management - you can put the conscript soldier in an awkward situation, and a truthful answer may not be missed. Better ask him about army jokes and funny incidents. It is necessary for a person to see the good in his forced stay in the service.

Bright future

How to write a letter to a friend you plan to meet again? Write about things you can do together. Write about the upcoming fun party, paintball or sitting in the kitchen over a cup of real coffee. Or something stronger. Tell them that your separation will not last forever and you will see each other soon. A cheerful, kind and positive letter will warm your soul and help you overcome difficulties. This is especially important for a soldier in the army. Help him at least with a word.

Time passes, everything changes, technological progress is taking place by leaps and bounds, but one thing still remains unchanged. Like our distant ancestors, we need a constant exchange of information. And although now we can easily call the desired interlocutor, sometimes this is not possible, and then we have to write letters. And in order to leave the most favorable impression on the recipient, it is very important to correctly compose your written message and finish it correctly, which not everyone can do. So now we will try to figure out how to end letters to our friends, relatives or business partners.

The principle of writing letters to people you know well

Before you begin to deal with the ending of the message, it is important to write the letter itself correctly, following very simple rules. When sending a message to friends, family and friends, in fact, you don’t even have to think too much about what the sample letter you wrote should be. Here it will be enough to simply divide the message into three parts.

In turn, a message to a business partner is written completely differently. First of all, the style of the message should be strictly formal, it should not contain a single mistake, and the sample letter should be taken from an official source. However, despite the fact that there is different types business correspondence and the many features of each of them, you can draw up a rough plan for any business message.

  1. The header of the official message, containing the name of the recipient company, indicating the last name, first name, patronymic and position of the recipient, under which the date of the letter and its registration number are indicated.
  2. The title of the letter and its main text, concise, but containing all the necessary information.
  3. The end of the message, which has a number of its own nuances, so how to end business letter, we'll talk later, and at the very end, the date the message was sent and the sender's signature - his last name, first name, patronymic and position.

Ending a letter to friends or family

Now it’s time to take a closer look at how exactly you need to end a message to a well-known or dear person in order to leave behind the most favorable impression and make the interlocutor want to write an answer as soon as possible.

First of all, before finishing a letter to a friend, family member or to a loved one, you should carefully re-read your message. After reading the message, you will probably want to add, correct or supplement something else to make the text as complete and understandable as possible. After this, it is recommended to re-read the letter again, after which all that remains is to add a kind of “epilogue” at the end, clarifying the main idea of ​​​​your message in it, and warmly say goodbye to your interlocutor.

End of the official letter

In business correspondence, the ending of the message plays perhaps the most important role. That is why Special attention When composing it, you should pay attention to how to end a business letter in order to comply with etiquette and good manners. And the first thing before writing the final part of the message is to re-read the letter again, correct all the mistakes in it and format it correctly so that the text is easy to read, and important points were immediately noticeable due to their bold font.

After such preparation, you can proceed, in fact, to the end of the letter. If it consists of several sheets, at the end it is important to make a summary of the message, consisting of a couple of paragraphs, in which you will need to reflect the most important points of the message, so that it is easier for the recipient to compose his answer. If the letter is short, then there is no need for a summary part, so at the end it will be enough to simply say goodbye, respectfully addressing the interlocutor, and sign.

Friendly or business correspondence with a foreigner

Our century is considered a time that erases boundaries. And this is not without reason, because in the world of telecommunication technologies we can communicate not only with our compatriots, but also with foreigners. However, having decided to start correspondence with a person from another country, it is important, firstly, to communicate freely in his native language, secondly, to be at least a little familiar with the mentality of a foreigner, and thirdly, to know how to end letters so that the interlocutor enjoys reading them. But no matter what country the recipient of the letter is from, no matter what the correspondence is - business or friendly, it is very important to be mutually polite in it, be sure to greet the interlocutor and politely say goodbye to him.

Final lines of the message

When approaching the end of your message, it is very important to know how to end letters with a final phrase that should convey all your respect and sympathy for your interlocutor.

So, the final line of a letter to a friend, loved one or relative may sound like this:

  • With love, (your name).
  • Have a great mood!
  • See you.
  • Waiting for an answer.
  • Give my regards to all.
  • See you soon.

But an official message should be written with respect at the end of the letter to its recipient and without any familiarity. So, when finishing writing a business message, in the final you need to write:

  • With hope for fruitful cooperation.
  • Sincerely (your full name and position in the company).
  • With respect (your full name and position in the company).
  • Thank you for responding to our proposal.
  • Please respond as quickly as possible.
  • If you are interested in additional information, please contact us.

The rules for writing letters have remained unshakable, despite the fact that life has changed. Nobody writes letters on paper with their hands anymore. They were replaced by SMS, Email and messengers. Therefore, the letters became shorter and more concise. At the same time, the epistolary genre has not disappeared anywhere. Each of us needs to remember and observe ethical standards so that feelings reach the recipient.

The task is even more complicated by the fact that in text you need to be able to convey the essence of your request when interacting with a business partner, when applying for a job, when trying to convince a client to buy an expensive product - in a word, in a business environment.

Save this article to your bookmarks and use it as a cheat sheet before writing each letter - you won’t regret it!

And now, in order.

Rules for writing letters:

  • You must respond to all emails received.
  • You shouldn’t write a response to a letter right away: you need to think it over carefully, but you shouldn’t delay the letter too much: you risk ruining your relationship with the addressee.
  • If you reply to the recipient, you should send him a postcard so that he knows that his letter was successfully delivered.
  • Personal correspondence must be kept in a place inaccessible to others.
  • Even a personal letter must be compositionally structured.
  • Before packing a letter in an envelope, it must be carefully checked.
  • You need to write a letter when you are in a good mood. It is unacceptable to send letters containing angry statements or ironic hints.
  • Writing anonymous letters is indecent.
  • If you need to make some abstract remark or addition to the letter, you should put the designation PS (post skriptum) in front of it. You must include your initials at the end of this addendum.
  • A handwritten letter should be written in legible handwriting so as not to upset or anger the recipient.
  • Personal letters should be written when you are alone.
  • Reading other people's letters without permission is unacceptable.
  • It is unacceptable to open an envelope containing a letter that is not addressed to you.

Types of letters

I. Postcard

If you want to write something, you should pack it in an envelope. When you send postcards to several addresses at once, you need to make sure that the text is different for everyone.

II. Letter of thanks

A thank you letter exists so that you can thank a person in writing for the help they provided and express your gratitude. By volume thank you letter quite small.

III. Reminder letter

A reminder letter serves to remind a person about an unfulfilled obligation, a forgotten debt, etc. It is written in the most polite manner possible. The reminder letter must be sealed so as not to inadvertently put the recipient in an unpleasant position in front of other people.

IV. Letter of apology

They write if they really realize their guilt and repent of what they have done. It should be written from the heart, politely and tactfully.

V. Letter of condolences.

A letter of condolence is written immediately upon receipt of sad news. If you did not manage to send it on time, do not send it at all: you should not once again remind people of their grief. The letter of condolence should be small in length. It should be written from the heart, without using beautiful quotes, without all sorts of pretentiousness. A letter of condolence is written by hand on plain paper. You should not include a postcard with this type of letter.

There are different genres: resume, complaint letter, information request letter, etc.

Scheme for writing a job application letter:

  • Official appeal.
  • An explanation of the reason why you are writing the letter.
  • Indication of the source of information about the vacancy.
  • Can you explain why you are interested in the proposed job?
  • Then you need to give short description your existing education and work experience.
  • You can describe your individual qualities that best meet the requirements for an applicant for the proposed position.
  • Next, you should indicate that you are attaching your resume and express your readiness to provide additional information if necessary.
  • At the end, you must indicate the full name and date of writing the official letter. Apply your personal signature.

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Hello, Anton. Half a year has passed since you moved to another city. Since you left, a lot has changed in the class. Since the first of September, three new students have joined our class. Two girls and one boy. One girl does ballet, the other goes to music school. But the main acquisition of our class is Sergei, he plays football very well. So now our team has become stronger. Next time you come, we'll definitely play together.

And just recently, our classmate was sick, even in the hospital. Our whole class visited her. After 2 weeks, she was cured and allowed to go back to work.

At the beginning of September, there was “Exercise with a Star” at school. It was led by an Olympic champion. The basketball court outside was also renovated and the backboards and hoops were painted.

Come quickly, the guys and I miss you.

Letter to a friend - essay

Hello, Mishka! I am incredibly glad that you passed all your exams with flying colors and will spend your summer holidays at a health camp. Everything is fine with me: I still make music, perform at competitions and concerts.

I can’t wait to tell you how yesterday my classmates and I visited the city amusement park. It attracts with its extreme attractions, sports grounds and green spaces. The square is designed for visitors who want to spend time actively and “tickle their nerves.”

Quite recently, a high-altitude ropes complex “Laziness in the Stump” opened there. This is a unique combination of difficult obstacles at height. A cable car with barriers of varying difficulty levels is stretched along the trees.

First we were given protective equipment. Professional instructors brought us up to date and ensured that all safety rules were followed.

At the start, I was overcome with anxiety and doubts tormented me: would I really not be able to resist and be the first to leave the race? But I pulled myself together and managed to complete the route from start to finish. I even completed the “path of the brave” stage - moving on a roller in the air. It was the most breathtaking experience.

You can’t even imagine, but moving along the obstacle course from clever combinations ropes, logs and boards, I felt like a conqueror of heights, a rock climber and just a dexterous boy. In this park I received a lot of impressions, joy, adrenaline and positive emotions. I felt cheerful and ready for exploits. For me, it was not only an excellent workout for all muscle groups, but also a way to overcome my fear of heights, develop determination and the will to win.

After an energetic time, I had developed an enviable appetite. The park provided an opportunity to have a tasty meal. I liked the cherry pies, orange juice and chocolate ice cream.

I returned home with a pleasant tiredness in my body, but happy. It was one of my successful days!

I look forward to a letter from you. Your friend Nikita.

Letter from Misha

Dear friend, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other! I received your letter a week ago, it made me very happy. Now I have a free minute, I decided to answer you.

I am spending this summer at the dacha with my parents and younger sister. We go to the city very rarely. But I’m not drawn to go there. It's very good at the dacha. The weather is excellent, very hot. Our whole family goes to the river every day to swim and sunbathe. We spend a lot of time on the beach. In this weather, all the summer residents are there. Mom bought my sister and I each air mattress, and I still have fins. I can swim very fast in them. One day I even wanted to swim from one shore to the other, but dad didn’t allow me. I'll definitely do this next year.
My sister and I have one entertainment. On Wednesdays we always go fishing together. The night before, my sister always prepares food for us to take with us. And I dig for worms and take fish food with me. We get up very early to go fishing. It is still damp and cool outside at this time of day, so you have to dress warmly. Walking back we take off our windbreakers.

We always go fishing to the same place. This is our favorite lake with reeds and ducks. There are a lot of little ducklings there this year. We feed them with the bread we have left over after breakfast. We take the fish that I catch to my mother. If we catch a big fish, my mother cooks it for us for lunch. And if it’s small, then she gives it to the neighbor’s cat Vaska. He is very happy about our catch.

The days fly by. A whole month of vacation has already passed. I'm already starting to miss school and my classmates a little. I would like to see everyone quickly and find out how they spent the summer.

Write to me what’s new with you, how your brother Artem is doing. I'm very interested in what's going on with you.

Goodbye. See you at roll call in the fall.

Your Bear.

Short essay for 5th grade

My dear friend!

I have never written you a letter, and most likely you will be surprised when you receive this letter. I hope that no distance will be an obstacle to our communication.

I'm very sorry that we had to part, but I'm happy for you. New horizons are now opening up before you. "Big the ship is big swimming!". You should know that no matter what happens in life, you can always count on me.

Of course, I'm sure we will meet. You can always come to our city, and I will be very glad if you stay with me. I often remember our conversations. You know, I am proud of our friendship and value it. I am very glad that I have you and want to thank you for your friendship.

Write to me. I miss you.

Your sincere friend.

A letter about one of the successfully spent evenings or days in the family (with relatives, friends), at school, in a club, etc.

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