How to set up a door closer so that the door does not slam. Adjusting the door closer with your own hands: mechanism design, setup instructions. Open position adjustment

Makes it difficult to open the door. It takes truly titanic efforts to move the door leaf from its place, and even more so to open it wide. What is the reason for this and is it to blame? door closer?

First, let's understand the terms. We have already written that immediately after installation, as well as when the season changes, the door closer needs adjustment. This is done using a simple screwdriver by tightening or loosening special adjusting screws located on the closer body. However, in this way you can only adjust closing force, that is, the force that the closer mechanism transmits to the canvas. Accordingly, the speed will change during the adjustment process door leaf on two segments of movement: from the opening angle to 18˚ and from 18˚ to the complete tight closing of the door.

But what about the force that needs to be applied to open the door? It is worth noting that the expression “ opening force" we use metaphorically. This force itself is regulated by a person: after all, it is the user, and not the door closer, who opens the door. In fact, if the door opens too tightly after installing a closer on it, you need to somehow adjust the sensitivity of the mechanism to the force exerted by a person on the door leaf when opening. There is no special system for such adjustment. Moreover, if this adjustment is required, it means that the door closer is not working correctly.

Looking for a reason

First, it’s worth understanding the reasons why a door with a closer opens too tightly.

Choosing a door closer class

The main and most common reason tight opening lies in the fact that the power of the closer does not correspond to the parameters of the door leaf (weight and width). Let us remind you that the choice of a door closer should begin by determining its class according to the European standard EN1154. This standard regulates the power of devices for automatically closing doors and, according to this parameter, divides door closers into 7 classes: from EN1 to EN7. Each class has its own limit values ​​for the width of the door leaf and its weight.

It is very important to choose a door closer that exactly matches the door. Door closers have long ceased to be a curiosity, but still in many retail stores Sales consultants recommend that buyers purchase a closer that is more powerful than what is actually required. Like, it won't get any worse. Alas, it will! If you install a door closer on a door weighing 60 kg, designed to close a door weighing 120-160 kg, then we will get the same problem: difficult opening.

In order to understand why a “more powerful closer” will not effectively perform its functions on a door that is too light for it, it is enough to imagine its mechanism. A powerful spring made of hardened steel, which transfers its energy to the door and closes it, is simply not capable of adjusting to the door according to our desire. This is why it is important to choose a closer that strictly follows the recommendations and the EN1154 standard.

Door closer installation errors

Another common reason that a door may be difficult to open after a door closer has been installed is errors made during installation. They also happen quite often.

Each NORA-M door closer comes with detailed installation instructions. There is also an article on our website that describes in detail all the stages of installing the door closer, with photographs of the process. Each instruction contains a full-size template, which is attached directly to the door leaf and allows you to accurately determine the locations for fastening the closer body. However, installation errors still happen, and quite often. This can happen, for example, due to the fact that the paper template was exposed to moisture during storage or transportation and changed its dimensions.

What to do?

If you were able to determine the reason for the door opening tightly, then you need to eliminate it. If the matter is incorrect selection door closer in terms of power, then there is only one way out - change the device. The fact is that there are no technical capabilities to correct this error. The closer mechanism cannot be altered. Moreover, remember that all parts inside the device body are under pressure, and under no circumstances should you disassemble it! By the way, even if the opening force suits the user, the door closer is too powerful light door will still not work correctly, which may lead to its failure.

As for incorrect installation, it can be corrected. This may lead to the appearance of extra holes in the door leaf, which may be visible, but in this case functionality is more important than aesthetics. Most effective way adjust the opening force of a door with a closer - move the device closer to door hinges. This will increase the leverage and, accordingly, make opening easier.

Support from NORA-M specialists

Modern doors are equipped with a special device that eliminates the need for household members to slam the door behind themselves. However, in this case the door will not slam, but will smoothly close behind you without unnecessary noise. We are, of course, talking about the door closer. This small device requires special attention, which is why it is so important to know how to properly adjust the door closer and carry out timely repairs.

Features of door closers

The problem of open doors can be easily solved by installing a door closer, which controls the process of automatically opening and closing the door, closing it without additional force from a person. The need for closers is dictated by rather practical and functional reasons. Let's say you installed a massive metal entrance door. The door leaf has a large mass, and if you do not specifically hold the door when closing, the door leaf will hit the door with great force.

Door closers ensure smooth closing of the door without unnecessary noise, set the speed of closing and opening the door in different areas, and also determine the effort that a person must make to open the door. The door closer is capable of saving heat or coolness in the room, as well as ensuring the correct operation of the locking device. In addition, closers with the hold open function support the possibility of fixing open door, which is very useful, since you don’t have to place any objects under the open door.

Closers with a delay action mechanism allow the door to be left open for a certain time, after which the door will begin to close as usual. This type of device is considered convenient for doors in utility rooms (warehouses, utility rooms, storage rooms). This model is suitable so that you can open the door when carrying loads, then take the load, bring it into the building, and after this time the door begins to close itself, without requiring mechanical effort.

Closers can be installed on ordinary interior and exterior heavy doors, taking into account the weight of the door and the width of the door leaf, and also not forgetting the need to configure the door closer. The heavier your door, the more reliable and powerful the door closer should be. The most simple option The mechanism is considered to be a spring. But such a “closer” works too sharply and is very noisy.

The ideal option is an adjustable design, which is also based on a spring, but it is enclosed in a sealed housing in an oil composition. The operating principle of a door closer is quite simple. To open the door, a person applies a certain force, which is transmitted mechanically to the closer and accumulated by compressing the spring that is built into the closer body. This spring then returns to its original position, allowing you to regulate how the door closes.

Types of door closers

By design, door closers are divided into lever versions, which are equipped with a crank drive, and leverless models with a cam drive.

Inside lever door closers there is a spring and a hydraulic system that is filled with oil. The hydraulic system acts as a shock absorber. When the door is opened, the spring is compressed, and the liquid is pushed out by the piston from one container to another. After this, the spring straightens and the oil returns to the first container. Although hydraulic spring located in a sealed box, sometimes it begins to leak, which is the first signal to repair the door closer.

The system contains valves that regulate the speed of fluid flow and the force at which it will move. They are responsible for the speed and smoothness of closing the door. The door closer design can be complicated by additional valves that provide different door closer functions. For example, holding the door open for a long time, or creating a slam function to activate the lock or better press the door to the door.

According to the installation method, closers are divided into:

If an overhead door closer does not fit into the design of the room, you can always install an “invisible” device that will hide in a specified place and will be practically invisible. But also for overhead models there are different decorating panels, or they can be painted in the chosen color.

Methods for installing a door closer

Installing a door closer does not require special training, so you can cope with this task without any problems. As a rule, everything necessary details and tools included in delivery. There are four ways to install a door closer; let’s look at them in more detail.

  1. The easiest way to install a door closer is described in the instructions for it. It looks something like this: the lever arm is secured to the body of the device, then using the template that comes with the instructions, the places for attaching the screws are marked, then the screws are screwed in according to these markings. The main thing to remember is that you will also need to adjust the geze door closer.
  2. The second method of installing a door closer involves the following. It is necessary to attach the closer to the door so that its adjusting screws face the door hinges. Next, you need to secure the device shoe with the screws that are included with the closer. Remember that the “forearm” of the device lever must be such a length that it forms a right angle relative to the door. The shoulder is attached to the shoe with screws, after which you will again have to think about how to adjust the door closer.
  3. If you follow the third method of installing a parallel lever door closer, you need to insert the device's lever under the door bar, and then fold it outside the room. In this case, the closer is attached using a bracket, which is also included in the delivery set. When installing the closer, make sure that the adjusting screws rotate from the hinges in the opposite direction. It is important not to mess anything up during the installation process, otherwise incorrect installation will lead to the fact that it will not be possible to carry out optimal adjustment of the door closer.
  4. There are door closers that use an adjustable spring. Installing such devices is the easiest way: you just need to replace the hinge rod with the closer - and you're done. The main thing is that the product matches exactly the weight of the door. If the door leaf is too heavy, and you could not find a suitable closer on sale, you need to install not one, but several closers.

DIY door closer repair

Correct operation of the closer is the key to its conscientious and long work, not requiring repair. In order for the door closer to work for a long time, you cannot pull or hold the door, thereby helping it close faster or slower. It is not recommended to fix the door by placing various objects under it that prevent it from closing, as well as from rolling and hanging on the door (this applies to children).

To repair a door closer, you need to have all the necessary tool(hexagonal and spanners, pliers and a set of screwdrivers). Before you begin repairing the device, you should carry out an external inspection of the door, since its distortions or damage will interfere with normal operation closer

Serious damage to the closer, unfortunately, cannot be eliminated, since the tightness of the structure means that it cannot be disassembled into individual parts and subsequently reassembled in accordance with technology. However, in some situations, it is possible to repair the closer and adjust its operation yourself. Let's look at how to repair a door closer:

  1. Leakage of oil composition. Regardless of the fact that the hydraulic spring, which transmits the generated tension to the levers, is located in a one-piece sealed box filled with working fluid, its leaks still occur, most often in winter. If a leak appears, this indicates depressurization of the housing and the appearance of damage, from which oil flows out. As a result of this, the mechanism stops moving the door smoothly, slams loudly and turns into an ordinary spring. If you were able to find damaged areas in a timely manner, you need to seal them, which helps extend the service life of the device. However, if the damaged area is too large, then you will not be able to repair the door closer yourself and will have to buy a new closer.
  2. Broken lever assembly. The most common is the violation of the integrity of the rods. However, this part of the mechanism is always visible, so its condition can be assessed visually. Large force impacts can damage it, causing breaks, bends, bending or damage to fasteners. You can correct not very serious flaws in the rod using ordinary welding. If a fastening joint breaks down, it is possible to carry out repairs by purchasing new original parts that are suitable in size, method of fastening and shape of the seating part.

Do-it-yourself door closer adjustment

Significant loads during intensive use of the door closer often provoke a breakdown of the entire system. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully monitor and service it several times a year, especially when the weather changes. But if the system still starts to malfunction, then you should find out how the door closer is adjusted.

The procedure for adjusting the closer includes several points, the main one of which is changing the speed of movement. If the door leaf opens too slowly, you need to adjust the spring compression level using the appropriate locking nut. The door speed is set by rotating the first valve (counterclockwise and clockwise).

You can turn the first valve no more than 2 turns, which is stipulated by door closer manufacturers. The second valve is responsible for the closing time - the interval when the door is at 10 - 15 degrees until it closes completely. More expensive models They also have a third valve in their design, which is necessary to adjust the speed of closing the door at an angle of 80-90 degrees.

If specialized oil is used in the closer body, then with the onset of winter you may notice that the speed of the closer drops cold season, and in summer the mechanism, on the contrary, accelerates. This is explained by the fact that the viscosity of a liquid depends on temperature. Therefore, with the onset of winter cold, it is necessary to additionally adjust the door closer by adjusting the first valve.

It often becomes necessary to hold the door open in this position for some time. An increase in the delay of the door leaf before closing can be achieved by tightening the special lock more tightly. This manipulation is usually performed when the door is open approximately 95 - 100 degrees. Control open position Door closing is also done using a specific door closer option.

If the door needs to be kept open for a long time - to move furniture or ventilate the room, then you should use the hold-open function of the closer. This device is equipped with a lever to lock the door in the open position. You should open the door 90-95 degrees and tighten the latch. After such manipulations, the door will close as usual if you open it at an angle less than 90°. If you open the door wider, it will lock and remain open until you pull it towards you, thereby releasing the lock.

In some cases, it may be necessary to change the door opening angle. If necessary, you can change the angle of the door swing using a special valve, which should be turned clockwise or counterclockwise. The main thing when adjusting the closer is not to disrupt the functioning of the system: the screw must not be turned more than 2 full turns, it is not advisable to tighten the screw all the way, and it is forbidden to completely unscrew the nuts and adjusting screws.

If you tried all of the above tips on how to set up a door closer, but nothing helped, then perhaps the whole problem lies in incorrect installation. Check that the door is mounted vertically and that the closer is installed correctly. Check the placement of the nut that regulates the spring tension, remember that it should be located opposite door hinge. The lever should be of such length that it is at a right angle to the door frame. If you have the slightest suspicion that you have installed the door closer incorrectly, it is recommended to remove it and install it according to all the rules.

Thus, without special expenses, having at your disposal a screwdriver and 5 minutes of free time, and knowing the technique of how to adjust the door closer, you can adjust this mechanism yourself. The main thing is to remember about some operating features that allow you not to disrupt the proper functioning of the system.

Most people have met closers. If we talk about entrance doors, they can be seen in catering establishments, administrative buildings, entrances, shops, warehouses, on staircases in shopping centers, at airports. However, after installing the door closing mechanism and during its further use, you need to configure the basic parameters. executed without using additional equipment. Just read how to do this and repeat the steps described.

Which controls the movement of the door when closing and opening. It allows the door leaf to close automatically slowly and softly. The design pulls the canvas towards itself. In addition, you can set a delay when opening the door and increase the required force applied to open the door. The first option is intended for those cases when a person has his hands full and needs to hold the door. The second option is used in places with high foot traffic. Some visitors apply increased force to open the door, which in turn can damage the structure and break the opening mechanism.

The operating principle of this mechanism is similar to the operation of a conventional spring. The main components of this device are a spring, a rod, and a gear system. Classic version closer structure - closed type structure containing oil and an oil shock absorber. There are several valves inside through which oil flows when force is applied relative to the door leaf. The piston returns to its original position after the leaf comes into contact with the door frame.

Types of door closers

Depending on the installation location:

  1. Upper. The classic type of door closer, installed at the top of the door leaf. Depending on whether the door is opened (pull or pull), the main elements are fixed to the door and door frame.
  2. Floor. These are mechanisms that are installed in places where increased attention is paid to doors. A striking example— stores located in shopping centers. Floor closers are fixed to the floor covering and have a compact size. Thanks to this, they are practically invisible. This option uses a sliding rod design.
  3. Hidden. There are situations when it is necessary to hide the door closer. Hidden mechanisms for automatic door closing include two options. The first is the sliding rod closer. Installed directly on top of the wood door frame. The second option is a combined loop-closer. This design is considered the most invisible and natural in terms of conventional door opening elements. However, hidden in metal loop the model has serious limitations. Closers combined with hinges have a short service life and cannot withstand heavy loads. It is necessary to reduce the pressure on the structure to increase its durability. Heavy canvases are not suitable for hidden mechanisms.

Separation of closers according to their design:

  1. A cam mechanism is a type of design that is installed on lightweight doors and ensures smooth opening of the door leaf.
  2. Gear is a common type of design that uses a gear system and a spring. When strong pressure is applied to open the door, the spring is compressed. After the person releases the door leaf, the spring begins to expand, activating the entire mechanism.

Closers are divided by type of drive. These are hydraulic drive, electric drive and thermal drive. Additionally, they can be divided by opening power. This indicator relates to working with doors different weights. When there is not enough power, installing a closer is pointless. They can also be enclosed in a metal or plastic case.

Door installation options

There are two ways:

  1. Classic option. Installation of the main mechanism and rod on the top of the door and its frame. In this case, using a template, the holes are marked, drilled, the mechanism is fixed, and the main elements are fixed in the right places.
  2. Parallel installation. The lever is installed in parallel using a special angle.

It all depends on the location of the loops and the design. You can install two closers at the same time if the capabilities of one are not enough. However, it is better to buy one mechanism with high traction.

When is adjustment required?

It is necessary immediately after installing the mechanism. This is a key setting at which the characteristics must be set for further use of the mechanism. The following settings must be made every month during operation. Experienced door technicians also recommend calibration as often as possible in rooms with changing humidity and temperature.

How to adjust the door closer after installation?

Before you start using the installed mechanism, you need to understand how to adjust the closer and carry out the adjustment yourself. Step-by-step instruction for setting up the mechanism:

  1. It is necessary to remove the decorative cover from the front or side of the closer (depending on the design).
  2. Adjusting bolts should be located under the protective and decorative cover. Their number is 2-5 pieces. It all depends on the price and additional features closer
  3. The instructions that come with the mechanism tell you which screw is responsible for which setting. Following these instructions, you must turn the screws clockwise or counterclockwise. To do this, you can use a hexagon or a screwdriver, depending on the type of adjustment elements. During setup, you do not need to make several revolutions at once. IN modern models A half turn is enough to feel a significant difference in the settings before and after. Do not tighten the elements of the mechanism while holding the door leaf.

The door closer must be adjusted after installation.

Adjusting the door closer during operation

It is necessary to adjust the mechanism not only after installation, but also during operation. This is due to the fact that any moving element fails over time. IN winter time adjustments must be made every week. Special attention should be given to mechanisms located outdoors or in rooms with changing humidity and temperature.

We must not forget to lubricate and clean the movable knee - the junction of the lever with the main element.

Door speed selection

One of the main characteristics when setting up an automatic closer is changing the speed of closing the door leaf. Standard models have two adjustment screws. One of them is responsible for speed. You can see which one in the instructions that come with the kit. You can select the screw yourself by changing the position of both by half a turn. Locking will occur without noise.

Installation of aftershock

The next setting is to set the aftershock. It depends on this whether the door will slam when it is completely closed or not. The screw that is responsible for this setting is indicated in the instructions. Optimal angle stops - 15 degrees.

Calibrating the open position

There are situations in which you need to hold the door open with your hands full. With the door closer installed, you can make a similar setting that holds the door leaf in the open position for a long time. This function is called hold open. If installed door closer has this function, it must have a lock. The door must be opened 90 degrees and the lock must be switched to the active position. The door leaf will remain in the open position for as long as a person needs.

To extend the service life, door technicians do not recommend leaving a door with a closer in the open position for a long time.

How to loosen a door closer?

If the installed mechanism is difficult to open, it is necessary to loosen the adjusting screws so that the tension becomes weak. To do this, you need to turn them counterclockwise. The canvas will not be difficult to close.

What can't you do?

There are a number of actions that are prohibited:

  1. If the mechanism is oil-based, do not make more than two full turns of the adjusting screws when adjusting to avoid oil leakage.
  2. When installing the closer, you must constantly check the level. Uneven installed structure will quickly fail.
  3. Do not use excessive force when opening or closing the door.
  4. It is forbidden to prop the door if there is a special lock.
  5. You cannot deliberately create a skew of the door leaf.

If you avoid prohibited actions, you can increase the life of the mechanism.

Adjustment of the closer must be performed immediately after installation and during operation. You don't need any additional skills to do this. The instructions that come with the door closer indicate which screw is responsible for which setting. For the setup to proceed correctly, it is important to remember the recommendations experienced craftsmen. In this way, it will be possible to extend the life of the closer.

Today's technologies make human life much easier. For example, a device such as a door closer eliminates the need to constantly check whether the entrance door is closed. Today, manufacturers produce several types of such devices, which are installed on entrance doors or interior doors. Quite a convenient device, easy to install and adjust.

In order to choose the necessary model of automatic door closers, it is worth considering what types there are and what doors they are intended for. The door closer model should be selected taking into account the door parameters, namely the width and weight of the door leaf. You should also consider the temperature range at which the closer will have to operate.

Main types of automatic closer mechanisms:

  1. The overhead door closers are mounted on the wall and held firmly on top. They ensure smooth closing of the door. Mechanisms are available with a gear drive or a sliding rod. The cost of such a mechanism is relatively low. Such closers are very easy to install.
  2. Floor closers are much more expensive than the first type and require special conditions in installation. Most often, they are used for doors that open in both directions. Also, such a mechanism is very convenient to install on glass and intercom doors.
  3. Hidden closers are designed for installation directly into the door leaf and frame. To install this type of door closer, you will need a door with a thickness of at least 40 mm. They are practically invisible. Installing this type of door closer is quite complicated and requires special knowledge and skills.

The street closer is equipped with a mechanism that is lubricated with a special liquid to increase stability high temperatures. In other words, if you install a closure designed for use in interior spaces on the entrance door, its performance will deteriorate significantly and its service life will be significantly reduced.

What is a door closer used for and how does it work?

In its operation, the door closer is similar to the spring mechanism that was previously installed on doors and gates. But the downside of this device was that the door slammed very loudly and closed abruptly. With the advent modern devices to automatically close the door, the noise problem has disappeared.

The operating principle of a door closer is very simple.

The main working part of this device is a spring and an oil shock absorber, which is responsible for the smooth closing of the door. Through a special valve system, the oil fluid, depending on the direction, flows from one chamber to another during operation.


  1. The oil moves through hydraulic system adjustable channels.
  2. The oil in the mechanism has a rather viscous consistency, thanks to which the opening and closing process is smooth and silent.
  3. The force and speed at which the mechanism operates depends on the type of device.

The parameters are easily adjusted using special adjustment screws. The tighter the screws are clamped, the slower the liquid flows through the channels. You can remove and adjust the door closer with your own hands, having carefully studied the principle of operation of the mechanism.

Installation and configuration of a door closer

Basically, door closers are designed for installation on entrance doors. During installation, the closer body is positioned so that it is located indoors; it is impossible to remove it from the outside. This housing arrangement provides additional protection mechanism from moisture, dust and dirt.

To install a door closer, you will need:

  • Drill;
  • Ruler;
  • A simple soft pencil;
  • Screwdriver.

Mounting materials are included with the mechanism. For ease of installation, most manufacturers complete the device with installation templates, which depict all parts of the closer in full size. Also on these templates you can see the places where it is necessary to make holes for fastenings. Using a template, holes are made in the intended mounting location of the closer. Then they begin to install the device itself. The housing is attached first, which must subsequently be connected to the thrust lever. If you follow the instructions, installing the closer will not take much time.

As a rule, closers have different designs and location of adjustment screws. Adjustment of the closer is carried out according to the same scheme, regardless of the design of the device - by rotating the screws clockwise, the speed and strength of the closer increases, or by rotating the screw counterclockwise, it means the door closes slowly.

Most often, a quarter turn is enough to tighten the screw. If you throw off the balance and tighten or unscrew the screw too much, you can completely disrupt the operation of the mechanism, which is then difficult to restore. If adjusted incorrectly, the device can be broken.

Instructions: how to adjust the door closer after installation

After installing the closer, its adjustment is necessary for the optimal closing rate of the entrance or street door. The speed of door opening must be adjusted using screws located on the front side of the housing under a special protective cover.

This function is especially useful when installing a closer on an interior door.

Slow closing will prevent damage to the walls. There are several additional functions that help you adjust the optimal closing and opening of the door.

Clamps with electromagnetic or electromechanical action:

  • Installed on entrance doors;
  • Where the intercom is located;
  • On the door that restricts the access of strangers to the entrance.

This mechanism closes the door completely and can only be opened with a special key. Closers with a delay function are required in in public places to facilitate access to the premises for people with disabilities disabilities. Most often the delay is set to 30-40 seconds. The closer adjustment is applied when the door is closed for last stage. This feature makes it easier to snap the lock and helps prevent heat from escaping quickly from the room.

Adjusting the door closer during operation

If you need to manually adjust the pace of closing and opening the door, you need to pay attention to the basic rules and nuances of the process. Included with each device detailed instructions, which will help carry out this process correctly.

Basic adjustment steps:

  • The first screw must be turned half a turn counterclockwise to adjust the reach;
  • A second quarter turn clockwise speeds up opening;
  • The third screw, which is located on the side of the body, regulates the force of movement.

It is very important to remember that in order to loosen or strengthen the tempo, the screws cannot be unscrewed more than 2 turns. This action will result in oil leakage. It is impossible to repair the door closer at home. For this reason, adjustments should be made carefully, following all instructions from the manufacturer's instructions.

Quite often the closer needs additional adjustment. If the closer works hard, and when opening the door, you need to make an effort, then you need to loosen the screws, and the door will work smoothly. Sometimes it becomes necessary to keep the door open all the time; loosening the screw completely will help with this.

The screw holds the door open as long as necessary.

The screws can be located on the side or on the front, it all depends on the mechanism. You can find out the location of the screws by looking at the instructions, where the manufacturer indicates the location of all the parts and components of the closer. Today, several models of door closers that are easy to operate, install and adjust are in great demand.

Experts have created a list of the most popular models:

  1. Dorma– door closers are suitable for installation on metal doors external and internal use.
  2. Bulat They are frost-resistant and made of durable metal alloy.
  3. Diplomat It is made of high-strength steel, which allows it to withstand sudden temperature changes.
  4. Apecs have an additional function of permanent fixation.

All of the listed models have a lot of advantages, thanks to which they are becoming more and more popular every day. Most manufacturers, when producing door closers, use only quality materials, which increase the service life of the product even under the heaviest loads.

Do-it-yourself door closer adjustment (video)

To summarize, we can safely say that door closers are useful and convenient device. They are easy to install and operate. All models are equipped with special bolts with which the speed and force of retracting or closing the door is adjusted. Additional functions door closers allow doors to be held open or closed position. It is necessary to purchase door closers from official representatives who can carry out sales in accordance with OKVED.

Today in many houses the entrance and interior doors for ease of use, they are equipped with a closer, but in order for this device to serve properly for more than one year, it must be periodically inspected and repaired. In this article we will look in detail at how to adjust the door closer; sooner or later this knowledge will definitely come in handy.

Today door closers are very popular and are used almost everywhere.

Types of door closers

The closer is special device, which helps control the process of movement of the door leaf. With its help, you can make the closing smoother and quieter, or sharper, with a strong slam. He is also able to hold it in the open position if necessary.

To better understand the principle of operation of the mechanism, it is necessary to consider its main types, this will make it easier to understand how to configure the door closer.

Mainly two types of mechanisms are used:

  • cam slide – ensures smooth sliding, used for doors of light weight;
  • gear lever - the most commonly used type of mechanism, the movement of the spring is carried out using gears, it can even be used for heavy doors with combination lock.

Design diagram of a door closer with a gear lever mechanism

Based on the installation method, closers can be divided into the following types:

  • invoices,
  • floor,
  • hidden.


Overhead structures are the easiest to use; their operation can be adjusted using several valves or screws located on the box panel. The number of permissible revolutions is regulated by the manufacturer.

The overhead model is most often used for residential premises


Floor-mounted ones are also quite easy to adjust; their difference is that they are not attached at the top, like the previous type, but at the bottom. IN residential buildings They are not used too often; these models are mainly intended for arranging entrances in public institutions and offices.

Floor-standing models are often used for glass doors


Hidden structures are quite difficult to adjust on your own, since they are hidden inside the door leaf or in the floor, which makes access to them difficult.

The design of hidden models involves the integration of a closer into the door leaf

When adjustment is required

Adjusting the door closer is a fairly simple matter; you can easily do it yourself. Let's look at in which cases it may be necessary to adjust the parameters of this device.

First of all, it should be remembered that the duration of proper operation of any device depends on its high-quality maintenance throughout its entire service life. Therefore, once or twice a year it is necessary to inspect the closer and correct minor problems. This is especially true when the seasons change.

In winter and summer, the climatic conditions are strikingly different. Most door closers are oil-filled, and as you know, any liquid changes its state depending on temperature external environment. So, in winter the oil becomes more viscous and the door movement slows down, in summer everything happens exactly the opposite, so it is advisable to tighten the door closer to the required level.

When changing seasons, it is necessary to adjust the closer

Adjustment of devices is also necessary if you notice any problems or you are simply not satisfied with the settings of its operation. If the closer starts to slow down or the door closes too quickly and abruptly, jerkily, and doesn’t close for a long time, you can try to fix all this.

The closer is subject to mandatory adjustment in case of malfunctions

Things are a little more complicated if the door closer fails. Then easy adjustment may turn out to be ineffective and additional repair measures will be required.

In addition, knowledge about the possibility of setting the functions of the closer will be useful during initial installation, when it needs to be adjusted in accordance with the conditions of use. Less commonly, temporary adjustments to the effort and function of the product may be necessary while it is being used.

Door speed selection

The closer can have several functions. Almost every action can be adjusted in a simple way. First important point– door closer speed adjustment front door. In other words, it depends on how quickly the door opens and closes. Standard overhead models have two screws on their body; the first screw is responsible for adjusting the speed, but it can be turned a limited number of times.

The speed of the closer is adjusted using two adjusting screws: 1 - speed of movement of the blade, 2 - speed of closing

By adjusting the spring tension level, you can either weaken or stiffen the door closer. Depending on the direction of scrolling, you can tighten it or loosen it, which will ensure freer movement of the blade.

Please note that one turn of the screw is sufficient for adjustment; you cannot turn the screw twice, otherwise the device may depressurize and oil will leak out.

Installation of aftershock

Now let's look at how to adjust the door closer to install the door closer. This mode allows the doors to close smoothly, leaving a small gap before closing completely. It also performs a function that ensures a tighter fit of the canvas to the frame.

In order to set the shutter, it is necessary to change the position of the second screw located on the closer body. When approximately 10-15 degrees remain until complete closing, the deceleration will work, and then the blade will be pulled to the end. The screw controls the speed of this movement.

The clap speed is adjusted using the adjusting screw number 2

Open position

In some cases, it may be necessary to hold the door open for quite a long time. Let's look at how to adjust the door closer so that the doors do not slam, but remain open.

Many door closer models have a special “hold open” function for this purpose. To set it to this mode, you need to open the door about 90 degrees and then tighten the special lock. After such simple manipulations, you will be able to leave the door open when swinging it open to the set degree. A special lock will work in the closer, which will hold it in this position for as long as necessary. When it is necessary to close the door, simply pull it towards you and the lock will be released. If the door is not fully opened, it will move as usual, without delay.

Additional functions of the closer are adjusted with screws specially designed for them.

What not to do

In order to correctly adjust the door closer, you also need to be aware of possible limitations, so that a simple adjustment of functions does not become fatal for the device.

  1. Turning the screw from the zero point should not be more than two turns, otherwise oil leakage may occur, which will negatively affect the operation of the device;
  2. Distortions in the design of the closer are not allowed, otherwise it can quickly fail;
  3. When closing the door, do not put strong pressure on it;
  4. It is not recommended to prop the door in a half-open position; there is a special function for this;
  5. Do not hang heavy objects on the door, as this may skew the set diagonal.
