How to lay the stoves. Not cramped and not offensive: a small brick oven will heat the whole house and won’t take up much space. Requirements for furnaces

But in order to achieve maximum practicality and unpretentiousness, it is necessary that the stove is laid out with high quality.

Only then is she able to create the necessary atmosphere of comfort and coziness in the house.

Many owners country houses, having modern systems heating systems, do not rush to use them when cool weather sets in. If the house has a stove, then a couple of logs are enough to make the house warm.

Types of furnaces

    Brick stoves have many varieties, but they are all divided into several main types:
  • heating stoves - used exclusively for heating;
  • heating and cooking stoves - used to heat the house and cook food;
    Regardless of the purpose and design, all furnaces consist of:
  • fireboxes;
  • pipes;
  • chimney.

The successful combination of all these components guarantees excellent traction, almost complete combustion of fuel and economical operation.

Preparing for the furnace installation

Making ovens with your own hands is not an easy task, but it is quite doable for a diligent and skillful person.

Before purchasing materials for installing a furnace, you need to decide on the installation location of the furnace and its type.

It is advisable to sketch out a drawing or use a ready-made one, but it is necessary that the design suits you in terms of the location of the furnace and outlet chimney(this should not violate bearing structures attic floor and roofs).

    The drawings must contain the following information:
  • vertical sections - will allow you to study the internal structure of the furnace;
  • (general form ovens with different sides) – will present appearance structures and show the placement of devices;
  • horizontal sections (orders) - give a clear idea of ​​the arrangement of bricks in all horizontal rows from bottom to top.

Furnace foundation - design rules

The depth of the furnace foundation is determined in the same way as for. For laying the foundation you can use following materials: gravel, broken bricks, rubble stone.
In plan, the foundation should be 5–7 cm wider than the dimensions of the stove itself.

IMPORTANT! Under no circumstances should the masonry of the stove foundation be connected to the foundation of the walls, since they have different settlements. Even the slightest misalignment of the furnace foundation can lead to malfunction of the furnace, cracking of its masonry and, ultimately, to a fire.

Cement mortar is used to construct the foundation.

Two rows of very well-fired bricks are laid along the top of the foundation to the level of the finished floor, trying to achieve a perfectly horizontal surface.

After this, insulation is installed, consisting of two layers of roofing material.

Calculation of materials for the furnace device

The amount required depends on the type of stove and its size - here you need to focus on the drawings and orders of the stove.

You can roughly calculate required amount bricks as follows: number of bricks in

the first row is multiplied by the number of rows and by the fill factor (for slabs with a heating shield it is 0.65, and for heating stoves – 0,8).

It is necessary to add another 10 - 15% to this amount, since some of the bricks will be rejected, and some may be damaged during work (if you are not a professional stove maker).

Next, you need to estimate the amount of bricks for laying the pipe. To do this, you need to measure the length and, depending on its cross-section (and it should be no less than 130 * 130 mm, and for high-power stoves 260 * 260 mm), the number of bricks is calculated.

On average it looks like this:

    by 1 linear meter pipes folded into a quadruple shape will require 56 bricks:
  • when laying in a “five” - 70 pieces;
  • in a “six” - 84 bricks.

Quality of materials used

To construct a furnace, you must use only high-quality ceramic bricks (it must have the correct geometric shape). You cannot use bricks with cracks, glassy (brick with a blue-violet tint), unburned (very light) and burnt bricks.

If you have to use old bricks, they must be cleaned of old mortar and soot.
For laying stoves they use.

It is difficult to predict the ratio of sand and clay in advance; it all depends on the quality of the materials.

It is best to use clean mountain sand and fatty clay.

    Moreover, these materials require preliminary preparation:
  • sand must be sifted through a mesh with a cell size of 1.5 * 1.5 mm;
  • the clay needs to be soaked for 2 - 3 days (it is filled with water in an amount of 0.5 of the total volume of clay). Then the mass is mixed until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained and filtered through a mesh with a cell size of 3 * 3 mm.

Ultimately, you need to get a plastic solution of medium fat content. If there is little clay in the solution (skinny), then it will not be strong enough and will simply spill out of the seams.

If there is not enough sand (greasy solution), then the seams can shrink greatly and crack.

Necessary tool

    To lay a stove you need to have:
  • trowel (trowel) for applying mortar, leveling it and cutting masonry seams;
  • stove maker's hammer - used for chopping and trimming bricks;
  • plumb line - to control the verticality of the corners of the stove and masonry walls;
  • roulette;

Rules for laying a stove

    • Strict adherence to order - eliminating masonry errors may require complete disassembly of the structure.

    • The first row is laid out strictly along the cord. It is necessary to check the equality of the diagonals. The horizontality of all subsequent rows is constantly controlled using a level, and the verticality of the corners of the masonry using a plumb line.
    • The seams should have the same thickness, preferably no more than 3 - 5 mm.
    • The laying of each row begins with laying out the bricks “dry”. In this case, it is necessary to leave gaps equal to the thickness of the masonry seams. Then, with a trowel, the mortar is applied to the place where the corner brick is laid and leveled. The brick is placed in a bucket of water and held until no more air bubbles are released, then it is laid on the mortar. By tapping it with a trowel, rubbing and settling it, the required thickness of the masonry is achieved. The squeezed out solution is trimmed with a trowel. All the bricks in the row are laid in the same way.

    • The masonry must be carried out with bandaging of the seams, so you need to stock up in advance on the required number of half bricks and three-quarter pieces. In order to evenly split a brick, scratch furrows on all its edges, while gently tapping with a pick (mason's hammer), make a split, and then chop off the desired part with a sharp blow (the blow is applied perpendicular to the edge of the brick).
    • The inner surface of the smoke circulation channels should not be covered - this will worsen the heat transfer from the furnace gases to the walls of the furnace.
    • As the masonry proceeds, following the order, stove appliances are installed. The openings for them should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the parts themselves. This is necessary because the linear expansion coefficients of metal and brick do not match.
    • The fire door is secured with soft steel wire, which is inserted into special holes in the door frame. The ends of the wire must be twisted and inserted into the joints of the masonry. The blower door is also attached. The gaps between the door frames and the masonry are filled with asbestos mortar.

  • When installing, you need to leave gaps of 3 - 5 mm. Then they are filled with clay-asbestos solution.
  • The grate is laid in quarters hewn out of bricks. When installing it, you need to leave 5 mm on all sides. The grate should be freely removable.

If the stove is built correctly, its efficiency can reach 65 - 85%. To increase it, you can place a heat exchanger in the masonry, which will not only allow you to have hot water, but also organize additional water heating Houses.

Drying the new oven

Laying out the stove is not an easy task, but you need to take into account that after this you also need to dry it properly. Under no circumstances should you light the stove right away!

Ideally, it is best to install the stove in the summer, since drying should be gradual, which is difficult to achieve.

If everything is in order, then you can heat the stove at full power. If there are droplets of moisture, it is worth drying the oven in a gentle mode for a few more days.

So, if you have detailed drawings, you can lay out the stoves yourself. But for this you need to do good foundation, purchase quality materials and work carefully, slowly. Furnace business does not like haste.

You can look for stove drawings in books distributed on the Internet.

Ecology of consumption. Estate: A small brick stove for a summer cottage can be made in short term and with your own hands, without the help of a professional. We will talk about preparing the foundation, what materials are best to choose for laying a stove, and how to properly prepare brick and clay so that the stove will serve for a long time and heat your home well.

Very modest requirements are put forward for a do-it-yourself brick dacha stove. Long breaks between visits, a relatively small volume of the heated room, maximum efficiency and the use of local fuel - all these criteria indicate a choice in favor of wood stove. Contrary to popular belief, it can be done without the services of a master stove maker. Let's take a closer look at how to design and build a small brick oven for a summer cottage with your own hands.

Preparing for work

It is unlikely that you will be able to make a complex and highly efficient stone stove for a brick cottage with your own hands without construction experience. There are too many nuances and secrets hidden in the work of a professional stove maker. But small in size and simple in design, a vertical stone stove for a summer residence can easily be built even by an untrained person. The main thing in this process is to do everything very carefully, carefully and in accordance with our recommendations.

Selection of building materials

Since the described small brick stove for a summer house is heated with wood, it is not intended for intense and prolonged heating - it can be made of ordinary, not refractory brick. Although, it is better to use heat-resistant material for the combustion chamber.

List and required quantity of materials:

  • red ceramic solid brick- 700 pcs.;
  • grate - 1 pc.;
  • combustion door - 1 pc.;
  • ash door - 1 pc.;
  • soot removal channel doors - 2 pcs.;
  • valve - 1 pc.

For a wood-burning stove for a summer cottage with your own hands, you need to choose a solid coreamic brick, which does not crumble from the average blow of a hammer, and at the same time produces not a ringing sound (this is a superheated brick), but a booming sound. It is desirable that the side edges of the bricks be smooth.

For the solution you will need clay. Stove makers prefer to choose “fat”, from which the solution turns out to be soft, like butter, and plastic, like soft plasticine. Such clay for building a stove for a summer cottage with your own hands can be found in construction stores or, after consulting with local residents, simply dug up in the area.


WITH good tool oven for country house builds quickly and easily. For work, you should prepare a level, plumb line, trowel, mason's hammer and dishes for preparing clay mortar. To cut bricks you need a grinder.

Preparing the foundation for a brick oven for a summer cottage

No matter how small a brick stove you make for your own summer cottage, its weight is several hundred kilograms. Therefore, you cannot place it on the wooden floor of the room, but you will need a foundation.

To choose the right location for the foundation, you need to project the plan of the stove onto the ground so that its pipe fits between the floor beams and the roof joists. If there is a chimney in the wall of the house, then the stove for the country house should be located near it. When building a new house, a stove for a dacha can be built into the wall between the rooms. This option is very convenient: both rooms heat up equally quickly, but in one of the rooms, even at the most unfavorable conditions there will never be smoke.

The depth of the foundation must exceed the freezing depth of the soil. However, if country house has its own deep foundation, then a combined foundation can be made for the stove for the dacha. To do this, four light ones are dug vertically into the ground. concrete bollards, for example those that are used for fences. The posts should protrude from the ground just below floor level.

Between them, directly on the surface of the soil, half a brick is poured with a gravel or sand cushion. Then a layer of roofing felt or other sheet waterproofing is laid. The reinforcing material is placed on top metal grid, and on top of it a concrete foundation with reinforcement is poured. The top of the foundation must coincide with the floor level and be perfectly horizontal!

Let's start building the oven

On top of the foundation you need to lay another layer of waterproofing, and on it - a metal sheet. The dimensions of the sheet should exceed the projection of the stove by 10-15 cm. Moreover, on the side of loading firewood it is better to make a larger outlet. Then random sparks from the blower will fall not on the wooden floor, but on the metal.

During operation, the garden stove heats up quite strongly. If the nearby wall is made of wood or other flammable materials, it must be protected with thermal insulation. The simplest defense a sheet of asbestos painted with heat-resistant paint or covered with a thin plaque can serve. Asbestos cannot be kept open, as its dust is considered very dangerous to inhale. Instead of asbestos, a do-it-yourself summer cottage stove can be insulated from wood with a solid slab mineral wool. The material must be heat resistant. Facade construction wool is not suitable for this, since it has too low a temperature limit.

Preparing clay solution

The country stove is built on clay, not cement. The clay solution is prepared from good clay and clean river or sea sand. If the clay is not purchased, but was dug somewhere in the neighborhood, then it is worth checking its quality first. To do this, we make several test batches with different proportions of clay and sand. Roll the finished clay dough into small balls, rolls, flat cakes, and leave to dry for two weeks at room temperature.

Dried products need to be tested: throw them from a height of human height, try to crush them with a board under the weight of a weight, etc. The composition of the most durable clay sample is taken as a standard. In the figure shown, the best batch corresponds to samples “b”.

Preparing bricks and clay

The stove for the dacha is built with your own hands from pre-soaked bricks! To do this, it is kept in water for at least 8 hours. During this time, all the air will come out, and the clay will adhere well to the brick in the masonry. You need to prepare very little clay so that approximately 20-25 pieces are enough for laying. bricks. Without the required experience large quantity you can’t put it down at once. The thickness of the clay mortar in the masonry should not exceed 5 mm.

Features of stove masonry

In order for a stove in the country, laid with your own hands, to serve for a long time, each row should be checked for right angles and horizontal surface. The laying sequence is visible in the order drawing.

The cast iron doors of the blower and combustion chamber are secured using steel wire, which is embedded in the masonry. The cuts are made with a grinder. As a last resort, you can do it the old fashioned way - with a mason's hammer, but in this case there may be a lot of waste for scrap. The area for the grate should be slightly more sizes the grate itself. Then, when heated, the metal will not move the brick.

The solution is applied to the wet brick. Experienced stove makers do this not with a trowel, but with their hands. A good solution spreads as easily as soft butter spreads on bread.

Important Note

If during laying the brick sank lower than necessary, it should be removed, the mortar cleaned and laid on a fresh one. Otherwise, the new stove at the dacha will smoke heavily and leak soot. Unlike cement, clay solution It is strictly forbidden to move the brick!

When building a stove for your dacha, try to make the inner walls as smooth as possible. Then soot will not linger on them, and it will be easier and less likely to need to be cleaned. The outside of the country stove should also be neat and beautiful. External seams should be carefully embroidered with a needle or finger. There should also be no gaps in the places where arches and horizontal partitions are formed. It is better to lay such rows slowly, one per day, so that the lower rows have time to set, and the upper rows do not creep.

Bottom line

Despite small size And simple design, for not big houses brick country stoves are very popular as they show very good results. They heat up quickly and are warm enough to last all day. A small brick stove for a summer residence is characterized by its low cost and accessibility for self-made, but at permanent residence V winter time You will have to heat it twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. published

Brick kilns, even the smallest ones, have many advantages in front of metal heating devices.

Iron stoves heat up very quickly, but also cool quickly without warming the air. Mini brick oven gives off heat for a long time And holds comfortable temperature few hours.

This heating structure can be made independently, without the help of a professional stove maker.

Schemes of brick mini-ovens

Small ovens take small area, dimensions of their bases hesitate from 50 to 70 centimeters in width and up to 65–100 cm in length. Height heating plant is from 1.5 to 2.3 meters. A cooking floor, an oven, and a water heating tank are built into the oven. Stove makers have also developed devices intended only for heating a home.

Small heating structure

This is the simplest heating structure. We will analyze the model in the following sizes:

  • width grounds - 51 cm;
  • length base (depth) - 89 cm;
  • height238 cm.

The mini-stove is installed in the middle of the kitchen or against the wall. Optimal heating area - 20-35 meters. They build around the furnace interior partitions, which allows you to heat both the kitchen and the adjacent room.

Inside the device are located:

  • combustion chamber;
  • blower;
  • smoke channels leading into the chimney.

Furnace door mini ovens ( cast iron or glass) is selected depending on the aesthetic preferences of the home owners. A door made of heat-resistant glass, through which you can see how the wood is burning, gives the structure a resemblance to a fireplace. In the middle and upper part stoves are installed two smoke valves. There is one door for cleaning the channels. To build this model of the device you will need:

  • 260 pieces bricks ceramic;
  • 130 pieces of fireclay bricks;
  • grate (40x23 cm);
  • combustion chamber (30x20 cm) And blower (20x14 cm) doors;
  • 2 doors for cleaning holes ( 20x40 cm);
  • metal pre-furnace sheet (50x70 cm);
  • two sheets roofing felt 60x100 mm in size;
  • sand and clay(or ready-made clay-sand mixture for masonry), clay-fireclay mixture.

Reference. Masonry mortar increases the volume of the device by the thickness of the seams.

Base and top The mini-oven is lined with ceramic bricks on a clay-sand mortar. Firebox laid from fireclay bricks on a clay-fireclay mixture.

On long side base fits three and a half bricks, on short - 2 standard bricks length 25 cm. In height the masonry consists of 35 rows.

Small heating and cooking stove

This is a mini-oven model for heating and cooking - a convenient and very compact structure. Optimal heated room area at sub-zero temperatures20—25 square meters .

The device has the following dimensions:

  • length base (depth) - 64 cm;
  • width grounds - 51 cm;
  • height215 cm.

The structure is being erected in the kitchen. The device includes:

  • blower;
  • combustion chamber;
  • smoke channels leading into the chimney;
  • cooking floor;
  • niche for oven.

Cooking floor made of cast iron has a hole closed with a disk and a circle. Solid flooring is also available for sale. IN niche for oven chamber have a metal oven or hot water tank with a tap. If the niche is left free, it is used for drying things. For the construction of a stove will be needed:

  • 222 pieces ceramic bricks;
  • grate (40x25 cm);
  • door for the firebox ( 20x20 cm);
  • door for the blower ( 14x14 cm);
  • cooking flooring (35x38 cm);
  • metal oven or hot water tank;
  • iron pre-furnace sheet (50x70 cm);
  • two doors for cleaning holes ( 20x14 cm);
  • two valves;
  • piece flat slate ;
  • steel corner;
  • clay, sand or ready clay-sand mixture for masonry.

Before starting laying, carry out preparatory work. They include the following steps:

  • choice project;
  • selection and purchase materials;
  • purchase of metal stove parts;
  • Preparation tool, containers for solution;
  • Preparation places for building a stove;
  • construction mini ovens.

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Project selection

On the Internet and in textbooks on furnace business there are serial diagrams and drawings of a dozen mini-ovens.

The choice is great, but if the home craftsman has no experience at all, it is worth consulting with local professionals or with people who have successfully built similar stoves. When choosing a device that you plan to build yourself, several factors are taken into account:

  • square heated room;
  • quantity heated rooms;
  • temperature air in winter;
  • frequency of use heating structure;
  • appointment mini ovens;
  • experience furnace construction and repair;
  • material expenses.

Photo 1. Before starting construction, it is very useful to model the appearance, dimensions and order of the future stove.

If planned Cook, the preferred option would be one with a hob and an oven. Need in hot water in winter and in the off-season, the water heating tank will be closed in a niche. In it, by removing the removable tank, you can dry shoes and other things. If there is always electricity in the house or gas stove, choose the option of an oven without a cooking floor and a niche for the oven.

For regions where winter temperatures drop below 20 degrees and stays at this level for weeks, it will do large oven with heat shields. Mini stove Not recommended drown continuously more than two hours in a row.

For many people it matters design designs. It can be tiled or laid with bricks with a relief surface.


For the selected mini-oven project you will need quality brick. Should choose smooth brick 1st grade, uniform coloring, without chips or cracks.

For laying bricks home handyman without experience it is better to choose ready mixture V hardware store. It is diluted according to the manufacturer's instructions.

If the master creates a solution from individual ingredients, you should purchase sand and clay. The ratio of materials is determined experimentally. The solution is scooped with a spatula and tilted work surface by 45-50 degrees. Masonry mass normal composition does not fall in clumps from the spatula and does not flow from it.


To work, you will need all the stove maker’s tools and a table on which you can stand when laying the top rows. Add to list tools include:

  • spatulas: wide and narrow:
  • Master OK;
  • jointing to form beautiful seams;
  • trowel;
  • hammer a stove-maker with a flat back and a pick;
  • mallet;
  • level long construction;
  • plumb line building;
  • wooden beam for the frame;
  • threads, fishing line, chalk for marking the base;
  • Bulgarian with a set of discs for cutting and grinding;
  • rule aluminum.

Important! The temperature in the room when laying the stove and drying it should be positive (from plus 5 degrees).

To prepare the solution you need big tank. To mix the paste you need wooden stirrer(oar) and construction mixer.

Preparing the area for the oven

Before laying, mini-ovens are prepared in advance foundation. This is necessary because even the smallest device with brick pipe weighs from 500 kg and more.

Such pressure on the floor boards will lead to deformation of the floor and stove walls. This can cause a fire on the roof and in the house.

There are several options for constructing foundations. Construction concrete base for mini oven includes next steps:

  • pit excavation depth 50-70 cm;
  • compaction of soil in the pit;
  • laying a layer of crushed stone in the pit ( 20-25 cm);
  • laying sand in a pit ( layer 15-20 cm);
  • compaction of sand and crushed stone;
  • waterproofing the pit with roofing felt: joints are sealed with tar and bitumen mastic;
  • installation steel reinforcement with cell diameter no more than 8-10 cm;
  • pouring concrete and compacting it with a vibrating drill;
  • laying two layers of roofing material on dried concrete for additional waterproofing.

Important! The stove is erected on a foundation that protrudes beyond its perimeter by 10-20 cm. From the firebox side it is recommended leave 50-70 cm foundation in order to mount a pre-furnace platform on it.

Order of masonry

Masonry ceramic bricks is carried out using a clay-sand mortar on a prepared foundation:

  • 1st and 2nd rows. Solid masonry.

Photo 2. Layout diagram of the first rows for a small heating and cooking stove. Next comes the chimney pipe.

  • 3rd row. Lay out the chamber for the blower. Install (on wire or metal strips) the blower door.
  • 4 row. The laying of the blower and the strengthening of its door continues. A ledge for the grate is laid out.
  • 5 row. A grate is placed loosely on the ledges, without mortar. They leave it around gaps are 5-7 mm.
  • 6th row. A combustion door is installed in the furnace portal. It is secured by laying steel wire in the seams or using steel strips. The planks are also laid in the seams using mortar.
  • Rows 7-11. Laying the firebox, final fastening of the door by laying wire (steel plates) in the seams on the mortar.

Photo 3. Installation and fastening of doors for firebox and cleaning. Using a plumb line, the accuracy of the tub is monitored.

  • 11a. Upon completion 11 rows lay a metal strip (or corner) on which the cooking floor will rest. After this, the cooking floor is laid.
  • Rows 12-15. Walls are erected around the cooking floor (cooking chamber), and a chimney leading from the firebox is laid out.
  • 15a. In order for there to be a vault above the cooking chamber non-flammable material, a sheet of flat slate is placed on it.
  • 16th row. The roof of the cooking chamber is covered with solid masonry, and the chimney continues to be laid out.
  • 17th row. Installation of a chimney cleaning door (on wire or steel strips).
  • 18th row. Securing the door.
  • Rows 19-22. Masonry according to the chosen pattern.
  • 23 row. Laying out a niche for the oven.
  • 24 row. Laying the walls of the oven, installing the oven. Strips of asbestos cardboard are placed around the perimeter of the chamber at the bottom. The oven is wrapped with asbestos rope (for greater contact with the brickwork and heat accumulation) and finally installed in a niche.
  • Rows 24-27. They build around the oven brickwork.
  • 28 row. Installing a second door to clean the smoke duct.
  • 29 row. Installing a damper above the smoke duct.
  • Row 30 Masonry according to the chosen pattern.
  • 31 row. Installing a second damper above the smoke duct.
  • 32 row. Completion of masonry.

Besides, 32 row is the basis for the construction chimney. It can be brick or metal.

Photo 4. An example of a finished brick mini-stove with decorative finishing. The design is not intended for cooking, but will heat the house well.

Problems when building a mini-oven with your own hands

Amateur stove makers, due to inexperience, commit errors which then lead to problems. Let's look at the most common cases:

  • Laying stoves with deviation from the project. As a result, there is no normal draft in the smoke ducts, and the walls heat up unevenly. The solution to the problem will be disassembly of the furnace and laying according to proven schemes.
  • Laying stoves by eye, without using a level, frame, plumb lines, rules. The device warps, the center of gravity shifts, and during operation the device collapses faster.
  • in small temporary housing buildings

Due to the constant rise in gas prices, many home owners are trying to supplement what they are already using. gas boiler install the stove. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of heating a building during the heating season.

How to build a brick oven yourself and what needs to be taken into account when choosing a mortar for masonry and bricks? What will help you correctly calculate the necessary building materials and choose the most suitable stove for a summer house or residential building?

Choosing building material for laying the stove

It is quite possible to build a brick stove yourself, especially if the owner has special construction skills and understands internal organization furnace equipment. Before you begin masonry, you need to select the most suitable building material for this task.

The main difficulty in choosing is that the brick must be resistant to high temperatures, and also not lose the integrity of its structure even as a result of many heating and cooling cycles.

The choice of material affects the final result of the work and can be a decisive factor affecting the service life of the equipment. Therefore, if the owner of the house decides that he is able to build a brick stove himself, first of all one should pay attention to this stage of construction. How to choose the right brick?

  1. Variety For the construction of a furnace, only refractory bricks intended exclusively for this purpose are suitable. The ideal solution will be the use of fireclay clay products.
  2. Quality. Hitting the surface with a hammer should produce a clear and loud knock. There should be no dents left on the front side. In the section it must be uniform, any inclusions are excluded.

It will be much easier to correctly build a brick stove yourself if you learn how to choose a building material. High-quality products, as a rule, have smooth edges, and the maximum deviation from size is only a few millimeters. Even if it is necessary to build a brick stove with an oven, the use of such material makes the construction process several times easier.

Which solution should I choose?

Laying out a simple brick oven correctly is actually not that difficult. The difficulty is that it continues to work after several heating seasons. Some owners, even inviting experienced stove-makers, are faced with the fact that after a while their stove begins to smoke and becomes covered with cracks. The reason may be the wrong mortar that was used to lay it. You can make a brick stove for your home that will last a long time using only the following types of mortar:
  • Clay. Has excellent thermal insulation properties. Firmly bonds the surface and is resistant to heat. You can prepare it yourself in a quarry or purchase it at one of the hardware stores.
  • Ready mixture. Optimal solution for construction. The composition, as a rule, already contains all the necessary plasticizers and additives. According to strength and operational characteristics not inferior to clay. Beginning builders who decide to make a brick stove for their own home are recommended to use a ready-made mixture.

If you need to lay out the stove yourself, you should remember the importance of filling the seams well. Ready solutions spread better, so the quantity empty seats comes down to zero. After installation, if you do not plan to plaster the surface, you can do jointing.

Choosing the type of stove

It is much easier to make a brick oven yourself if you have an idea of ​​what type of oven equipment is suitable for your home. There are several options, the choice of which depends entirely on the characteristics of the building itself and the needs of the residents who live in it.
  1. Oven in wooden house. For it it is necessary to prepare a good and reliable foundation. If you plan it in the early stages of construction, you can reduce the cost of dismantling and Finishing work. Compact stoves are more suitable for such houses. Of course, you can install a classic Russian stove, but in most cases this option will not be justified.
  2. Vacation home. The presence of animals in the house, the need to heat water and cook food can significantly influence the decision. For rural house better is a brick oven, which has a built-in tank for heating water, hob and an oven.
  3. Dacha or cottage. A site with a building outside the city, which is visited only on weekends, does not require the construction of large furnace structures with complex design. For the dacha would be better suited compact size brick oven with hob. You might think about the advisability of purchasing a steel “potbelly stove”.
    A mini brick stove can be folded according to summer version(in this case warm air directly into the chimney and not into the heat exchanger channels).

Once the type of future equipment and its approximate dimensions have been determined, you can calculate the amount of bricks for the stove. As already noted, it has precise dimensions, with a maximum distortion of 1-2 mm. So for 1 m² of masonry you will need 61 pieces. taking into account the installation, half a brick.

Self-construction of stoves allows you to save on calling a specialist, but has certain difficulties. It is best not to undertake masonry work by people who have no idea about the operation and intricacies of furnace equipment.

In every village house There is a real Russian stove that performs several functions. In addition to heating, you can cook food on it. In mansions, the stove can acquire another function - a decorative element.

After reading this article, you will learn how to build a stove with your own hands and what you will need for this.

Despite the possibility gas heating housing, many home owners are in no hurry to give up stoves, which can create a completely different atmosphere. This is especially true for those regions where there are forests and there are no problems with firewood. This can also significantly save on gas bills.

In this article we will take a detailed look at the technology of laying a furnace with an overview various options implementation of the design. After all, you can build a compact version or a large-scale project.

There are many types of ovens. Experienced stove makers are constantly improving ready-made solutions. However, we do not recommend doing this if you have no experience. It's important to understand correct location structures and channels to ensure high-quality heating of the room.

If you are a beginner master, pay attention to the order diagrams. Follow the instructions to assemble the oven correctly.

Types of stoves

There are three main types:

  1. Cooking.
  2. Heating.
  3. Cooking and heating.

Before folding the stove, decide on the requirements for the future design.

The cooking stove has a cast iron panel, which is designed for cooking food and heating water. This is a compact solution that is widely used in small private houses and cottages. In addition to its main purpose, the hob will warm up the room a little.

The heating and cooking design is suitable for large houses. If desired, you can arrange another bed. Additionally, the stove includes an oven, a container for heating water, and a section for drying fruits (vegetables).

A heating stove is a compact solution that does not have a hob. The design is suitable exclusively for heating the house and can provide heat to small houses.

How to choose a place for the stove

Having decided on the type of future furnace, you need to think about where to build it. The “heater” can be built into the walls, implemented in the center of the room, or installed directly into the wall. It all depends on the wishes of the owner:

  1. Installing a stove in the center of the room will allow you to divide the room into two zones. Accordingly, you can implement a kitchen and living room. Additionally, the building will become a kind of decoration for the home.
  2. It is not recommended to equip the structure with external wall, some of the heat will go outside.
  3. Laying a stove on the border of two rooms will require separation from the walls with special fireproof materials.
  4. In the location of the future furnace, you need to take into account that the foundation will be 10-12 centimeters larger than the base of the structure. Additionally, you need to take care of calculating the height of the stove so that everything looks holistic and correct according to the parameters.
  5. To simplify the work process, it is recommended to have an ordering diagram.

After going through the stages of choosing a model and location, you can go to the store for materials and prepare the necessary tools. In considering the question of how to fold the stove, it is time to familiarize yourself with necessary tools and materials.

What is needed for construction

Depending on the stove model, the amount of materials and parts made of steel and cast iron will vary significantly. The set of tools will be the same in any case.

You will need:

  1. A scaffold called a goat, which will significantly simplify the work process at height. With the help of the device you can not only climb the desired height, but also place a container with a solution or put tools nearby.
  2. Pick for brick processing.
  3. Broom for removing excess sand and mortar from laid rows of bricks and mopping inside the masonry.
  4. Corner for making corners 90 degrees.
  5. Plumb line to control the verticality of walls.
  6. Furnace hammer.
  7. Wire processing pliers.
  8. Rubber hammer.
  9. Chisel.
  10. Trowel (several pieces) for working with the solution.
  11. Rule for leveling the foundation.
  12. A lead scriber that will be used to make markings.
  13. A chisel in the form of a piece of pipe, which is useful for cutting tiles.
  14. Wooden spatula for preparing the solution.
  15. Level.
  16. Rasp, jointing, sieve.
  17. Container for preparing cement.

Necessary building materials

Depending on the type of oven, the amount of materials will depend. In most cases, the names are almost always identical. For heating type oven you do not need an oven and a water container. However, the following elements are often used:

  1. Blower doors.
  2. Firebox door.
  3. Door for servicing the stove.
  4. Chimney damper.
  5. Hotplate.
  6. Hob.
  7. Grate grate.

Additionally can be used:

  1. Oven.
  2. Water container.
  3. Metal corner 0.5m2.
  4. Metal strips ¾.
  5. Steel wire.

For masonry, prepare the following:

  1. Red hardened brick.
  2. Fireclay brick.
  3. Components for clay-based mortar. You can take a ready-made refractory mixture specifically for stoves.
  4. For the foundation you will need sand, crushed stone, cement, formwork materials, and a sheet of roofing material for waterproofing.
  5. Wall finishing should be done using heat-resistant materials.

Preparing the site for the foundation

It is ideal when the foundation for the stove is poured along with the general foundation of the house. But the bases are not connected with each other. More often the furnace is built in finished house. If this is what you are doing, then do the following:

  1. If the home foundation is made like a slab, and the stove is not too massive, then you can start laying on a concrete floor. In this case, it is enough to lay down a sheet of roofing felt and start working.
  2. If the foundation is strip or the floor is made of wood, then you will need to make the foundation according to all the rules.

Foundation creation process

Important! The foundation must be deepened into the ground. Therefore, mark the area for the stove and remove the boards. If the floor is concrete, it will also need to be torn down. Next, follow these recommendations:

  1. Dig a hole up to half a meter deep.
  2. Cover the bottom with a 10 cm cushion of sand. Next, lay the same layer of crushed stone and compact it well.
  3. Along the perimeter of the future foundation, arrange formwork for pouring the mortar. Please note that the structure should be approximately 10 centimeters higher than the level of the home floor.
  4. The first layer of the base can be made of crushed stone, sand and cement. The pouring should be done evenly and then it should be left to harden. This layer should fill the pit exactly halfway.
  5. After the first layer has set well, you can begin refilling. Now use exclusively concrete mortar. Make leveling the foundation a rule. The top formwork boards will serve as beacons for you.
  6. Upon completion of all work, allow the foundation to stand and gain strength. From the second day, moisten the base with water to prevent cracks from forming.
  7. The foundation will be ready in about 20-30 days. After this time, cover it with roofing felt. The next step is to mark the base of the future stove and you can begin laying the first row of the structure.

After these steps, you can proceed to the main stage of building the furnace.

Masonry process

If you are making a stove for the first time, it is better to start the whole process with dry masonry. Before putting the stove on the solution, it is better to practice to avoid mistakes. Use the following guidelines during the process:

  1. According to the chosen scheme, perform all actions carefully and consistently. Check the design from time to time.
  2. Understand the peculiarities of organizing chimney openings, fireboxes and vents.
  3. To lay the masonry dry, take 5 m thick auxiliary slats to determine the distance between the bricks. During finishing masonry, this space will be filled with mortar.
  4. Once you have assembled the stove model, disassemble it one by one and, if possible, number each building element. When laying dry, make sure that the bricks are adjusted to size.
  5. When finishing laying on mortar, it is better to lay out each row dry and then secure it.
  6. In addition, the mortar laying must be accompanied by a 7 mm layer of joint, and then the brick is pressed and, if necessary, compacted using a rubber hammer. The excess is removed with a trowel.
  7. After laying two or three rows, decorate the seams using jointing. If necessary, moisten them with water from a spray bottle.
  8. During the laying process, constantly monitor the vertical and horizontal of the rows.