How to rid chickens of ticks. Ways to combat chicken mites. Symptoms and signs

Life cycle tick life is 7-8 months, while at the same time they can go without food for 2-3 months. The mite development cycle is more favorable in dirty and damp poultry houses. When bitten, bloodsuckers inject a special substance that prevents the blood from clotting. After the bite, severe itching begins.

What danger do chicken mites pose?

The first thing that may alert poultry farmers is the symptoms of the bird.

  • the birds look sleepy;
  • chickens have dull-colored earrings;
  • anemia;
  • scallops have a blue tint;
  • the bird is not active (lethargic);
  • decreased appetite;

The chickens move slowly around the house and look ruffled. The laying of eggs is noticeably reduced, but the nutrition remains the same standards. Young chicks refuse to eat, ruffle their feathers and sit. Most common cause The death of young animals is exhaustion.

Bird treatment

Poultry can be treated with special insecticides. Treatment is carried out twice at weekly intervals. It is recommended to treat birds with Sevin, Pyrethrum, Ecofleece powder. Powders are intended for treating feathers, and aerosols are for treating poultry houses and birds. Permethrin EC spray has proven itself well. After spraying the livestock and poultry house, the effect lasts up to nine weeks.

Verified the folk way an ash-sand mixture is recommended. It is scattered into basins, leaving it in the livestock walking area. The bird bathes in this mixture; the contents need to be changed every two weeks. If the mixture accidentally gets wet, it must be changed immediately. In old times wood ash washed.
Measures to combat ticks in sheds can be carried out using boiling water, fire or blowtorch. It is necessary to treat floors, walls, nests, perches.

If there are old things in the premises where the birds are kept, they need to be thrown away; wooden perches should be replaced; it is very difficult to remove mites from their cracks.
On poultry farms, quartz lamps are used for indoor maintenance.
Products containing chlorinated hydrocarbons are prohibited for processing. Active substances can accumulate in chicken meat and eggs.

Preventive measures for the chicken coop

Having considered how to treat a bird for red mites, you need to learn the rules for combating possible infection.

Regular inspection of the bird is required; it is carried out from the first days of spring until the end of the autumn season. You should promptly clear the chicken coop and pallets of droppings, change the litter regularly, and make sure that cobwebs do not accumulate. It is necessary to periodically scald drinking and food containers with boiling water. Walking areas should be sandy and always dry. The walk should be in an open area.
Disinfection of premises should be carried out at least once a month. Preventive measures require sand and ash.

If containers are delivered from another poultry farm, they must be checked for mite infestation. Metal cages for eggs have a plastic lining, which is considered a weak point among farmers; it needs to be cleaned chemicals, and wash in hot water. Farmers advise that prevention reduces the risk of tick infection.

The easiest way is to act in advance rather than later suffer with the removal of pests, especially since some species are difficult to remove. A simple inspection of the birds and the place where they are kept will save not only the livestock, but also their owners from many problems. When purchasing young animals, you need to thoroughly inspect the bird for ticks. One infected chicken can cause a lot of trouble. It's best to play it safe. Before releasing a new bird into the chicken coop, it is better to treat it for tick prevention.

How to recognize and why it is dangerous

It settles on the feet of chickens, in feather follicles and pouches, and lives in the subcutaneous folds of the epidermis. In addition to living on the body of birds, the chicken mite can settle on any surface in the poultry house.

  • frequent coughing attacks;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased feeling of thirst.

Mass destruction poultry occurs during warm seasons.

You can recognize chicken mites on birds by visual inspection- on feathers and skin small red or black dots are visible. Wherein:

Chicken mites are dangerous to humans because... after its bites, irritation, itching and dermatological skin diseases occur.

Treatment methods

To treat bites on the body of chickens, antiseptic solutions and wound-healing ointments of plant origin are used. Among veterinary products:

  • Sevin powder, used externally to treat feathers in the treatment of feather mites, the norm is 15 g per 1 head, in case of massive infestation, it is treated in several stages, repeating the treatment after 5-10 days;
  • Ecoflix oily solution for spraying, used in courses (2 times with an interval of 10 days);
  • pyrethrum is an insecticidal preparation for external treatment of feathers, safe for birds and people;
  • aerosol extrasol-M for spraying, allows you to remove insects in 2 courses, carried out with an interval of 10 days;
  • Ectomine emulsion solution, diluted with water for bathing poultry, is effective against red chicken mites on poultry. It is necessary to carry out 2 times with an interval of 2 weeks;
  • liquid cyperil with a concentration of 5%, used for spraying on the body and legs of birds and in the chicken coop, the working solution is prepared with water in a ratio of 1:3, in the recommended concentration it is safe for people.

To treat acarimorphic feather and red chicken mites on the legs of chickens, birch tar is often used, which is heated to a temperature of at least 40 ° C and placed on the chicken feet to the level of the hock joint. Birch tar can also be used to treat affected surfaces on the paws of chickens by applying with a soft brush at intervals of 7 days. An effective remedy treatment chicken paws is a mixture of birch tar and kerosene, taken in equal proportions.

Disinfection as a control method

To disinfect the poultry house use:

  • cyodrine at a concentration of 0.5%;
  • dicresol at a concentration of 0.25%;
  • neozzidol at a concentration of 0.25-0.5%;
  • karbofos;
  • chlorophos.

When poultry is infected with mites, treatment of the poultry house is repeated 2-3 times at intervals of 3-6 days.


A good preventative against chicken mites is regular disinfection, which is repeated every month, treating the room itself and the cages where the birds live. Machine oils and diesel fuel are often used as disinfectants. Poultry litter must be cleaned or replaced monthly.

  • bunches of wormwood are hung in the chicken coop and added to the grass bedding;
  • A chicken mite bite is dangerous for a person who subsequently develops itching and dermatological diseases. Insecticidal and bactericidal agents and traditional methods help fight it.

In domestic chickens, mites cause the following diseases:

If the bird has become inactive, experiences severe itching, egg production has decreased, young animals are not gaining weight well, the condition of the plumage has worsened, or bald spots have appeared on the body, it is most likely that the chickens are infected with mites.

Pay attention to the behavior of your feathered charges. If hens begin to clean their feathers more often, pluck feathers under their wings, in the cloaca area, and constantly take “sand” baths, this may also indicate an infection with feather mites and scabies mites.

Other symptoms of mites in chickens:

  • weakness, apathy;
  • wounds, scratches, sores on the body;
  • dry frequent cough, shortness of breath;
  • pallor of mucous membranes, comb, earrings;
  • lack of egg production in laying hens;
  • weight loss;
  • refusal to eat, increased thirst.

Upon closer examination, you can see small red or black spots, small grains, droplets of blood on the feathers, body of birds or on the walls of chicken coops and perches.

You can detect a tick by placing material from a nest, perch, or chicken coop on White list paper and examine it in bright light. It is best to collect material in the evening, at night.

Advice! If the chickens are reluctant to enter the chicken coop, set up new nesting places, and experience severe itching, these are clear signs that the bird is infected with red mites.

The red chicken mite feeds on blood, biting and damaging the skin. The bird experiences discomfort, itching, and shows anxiety. The condition of the feathers greatly deteriorates, the immune system weakens, and anemia develops, which can cause the death of infested birds.

Contributes to infection high humidity in poultry houses, lack of sand baths for hens, high density of birds on limited space. It is worth noting that red chicken mites are dangerous to humans. They cause severe itching and allergies.

When day-old chicks are placed in poultry houses with mites, a high mortality rate is observed. The chicks die from exhaustion and anemia within 5–7 days.

Chicken mites that infect nails and bird feathers

In addition to the red chicken mite, feather mites and chicken acariform mites are a danger to domestic chickens, especially small chickens and young birds.

The feather mite in chickens lives on the feather shaft, in the hole, and feeds on circulating blood, which over time leads to the gradual destruction of the feather and deterioration of the plumage. If the infection is severe, chickens may be left with no feathers at all. Unfortunately, at the moment effective treatment against feather mites in chickens has not been developed.

Acariform mites in chickens provoke knemidocoptosis (leg scabies), to which roosters are more susceptible than hens. The disease is also known as calcareous foot. It develops slowly, so manifestations may not be noticed immediately.

If a bird is infected with leg scabies, the sick chicken has difficulty moving and becomes inactive. Dense gray growths are noticeable on the paws. The skin of the legs becomes lumpy. Pathological exudate accumulates under the scales. Over time, if treatment is not started, the scabies mite causes deformation of the limbs.


Advice! If the mite lives on the legs of chickens, use a solution of Trichlorometaphos or a mixture of birch tar and kerosene in a 1:1 ratio.

Effective Methods for Cleaning a Chicken Coop

The main control method that will allow the removal of ticks from poultry is complex disinfection, decontamination of the poultry house, cages, and premises in which the poultry is kept. Treat walls, floors, perches, ceilings, and equipment with insecticidal-acaricidal solutions and special chemicals. Wash feeders and drinking bowls thoroughly. Replace the bedding.

For decarification you can use:

  • cyodrine 0.5%;
  • dicresol 0.25%;
  • karbofos;
  • chlorophos 1–2%;
  • trichlorometaphos 0.5–1%;
  • DDVF 0.25–0.5%;
  • neocidol 0.25–0.5%.

Important! If a bird is affected by red or Persian mites, the poultry houses are treated two to three times with an interval of 3–6 days.

Examine the chickens carefully. If there are wounds or scratches on the body, treat the affected areas with antiseptic solutions. Lesions can be lubricated vegetable oil, wound healing ointments, liniments.

In case of severe infestation, ticks will have to be removed in several approaches. Treatments are carried out at intervals of 5–10 days, depending on the product used.

Before use, carefully read the instructions for the drug. When choosing an insecticide-acaricide, be sure to consult a veterinarian. Some drugs are strictly forbidden to be used for treatments, since their active substances accumulate in eggs and meat.

To avoid infection of chickens with mites, it is very important to systematically treat poultry houses and cages at least once every 30–40 days. You can use waste disinfectants machine oil, solarium. Cells are disinfected once a month.

Change the bedding in a timely manner, keep the feeders, drinkers, and perches clean. Disinfect equipment. Remove cobwebs as they may contain mites that can then be transferred to the bird.

The walking area should be dry. To protect from precipitation, build a canopy. Provide the bird with bowls of sand and ash.

The chicken mite is a pest that lives off the blood of birds.

What danger does the appearance of ticks pose?

Finding them in a chicken coop is quite easy. It is necessary to inspect the premises, especially if it is damp or poorly ventilated. In addition, the tick is easily identified by the birds themselves. Chickens lay much fewer eggs than usual, but they need much more feed. And the chicks grow slower than expected by standards. They can also be infected, since the tick often settles in.

How to get rid of ticks?

Red chicken mite

Birds need to be inspected regularly

Prevention: what measures to take?

Bird feeders also need to be cleaned; in no case is it recommended to pour food into forms that have not been doused with boiling water. Cover the area where you walk chickens with sand, provide high-quality lighting and keep it dry. As a preventive measure, it is also recommended to organize baths for birds with a mixture of sand and ash, which were mentioned above. Also, when you receive egg boxes or cages, inspect them for mites.

Types of ticks

There are two other types of pests: feather mites and acariform mites. Feather mites live on the feathers of birds and slowly lead to their destruction. The chicken may be left with virtually no feathers, which has a bad effect on all its vital functions. Effective method A method that allows you to get rid of this type of tick has not yet been developed.

Acariform mites mainly settle on, occasionally choosing chickens as their victims. They lead to a disease - knemidocoptosis, popularly known as “lime foot”. This disease results in deformed legs, which impairs the bird's ability to move normally. Relevant as a method of struggle Birch tar. It helps get rid of the gray growth that quickly spreads along the legs of birds. It will take about a week to treat the skin to see the first positive result.

The chronic disease is caused by acariform mites, which live under the scales of the unfeathered part of the legs.

What to do if a tick is on a person?

You should wear thick clothing that covers open areas skin. Special thick clothing together with rubber boots can protect you from chicken mites.

It must be remembered that it is much easier to prevent a tick invasion than to subsequently fight for the health and life of birds, going through a huge number of methods in search of an effective one. It is recommended to follow the above preventive measures, as they help protect the inhabitants of the chicken coop from pests. The more closely you examine birds, the more likely you are to never know what they really are.

While sucking blood from chickens, mites inject poisonous saliva, along with which it can get into the wound.

Paduan chickens will become a real decoration of your poultry yard. Detailed description There are birds of this breed in .

Preventive measures

No treatment will be effective unless preventative measures are taken regularly.

To get rid of ticks faster, you should:

  • periodically change bedding;
  • keep the chicken coop clean;
  • treat feeders and drinkers with boiling water;
  • create a schedule for regular disinfection of the premises. You can treat the poultry house with diesel fuel, and lime has also proven to work well, which is used to whiten the walls and floor;
  • remove cobwebs;
  • carry out inspections of chickens, and if an infected bird is identified, isolate it until it is completely cured.

If you are going to build a new poultry house from wood, then the material can be soaked in hot grease, which contains a substance that repels ticks.
