How the lemon tree blooms in the apartment. Features of caring for homemade lemons in spring. When and how to plant

There is a category of flower growers who like exotic plants. They try to either purchase such a pet or raise it themselves. It is most often found in houses on window sills. He is valued for his evergreen disposition, ability to year-round flowering and as a result fruiting. But in order to achieve ripening of the fruit, you need to know how to care for a foreign guest.

To plant a green pet in your home, you need to decide on the type:

  • Pavlovsky - is not afraid of the shadow, for this he long years gardeners appreciate it. After planting, it begins to produce flowers only in the 3rd year. Begins to bloom in March-April and October. Within 12 months, the tree can produce up to 15 fruits. They have a thin skin, pleasant taste and weight (on average 400 g). The plant can grow up to 2 m in height.
  • Ponderosa is a low-growing bush, not exceeding 1 m, does not require special care, but gives a small amount of berries - up to 5 pieces in total. It is not distinguished by its large size - up to 300 g. It begins to bloom only in the 4th year, but all flowers are removed. Only during subsequent flowering can you leave up to 6 inflorescences. It has a thick skin (1 cm) and a sweet and sour taste, but contains many seeds inside the fruit.
  • Meyer is a dwarf variety, reaches 0.5-1 m. The inflorescences are thrown out already 1-2 years after planting. Like the bush itself, the fruits are not bulky - up to 200 g. The taste of the fruit is inconspicuous. During the period it brings up to 12-15 sundrop berries, which ripen quickly (in 9 months). Of the minuses - in winter time necessary additional lighting, often gets sick and is quite capricious in caring for him. The fruits can boast round shape and thin peel structure.
  • Lucario is very common in European countries. The most unpretentious of all varieties. It bears fruit well with small lemons (150-180 g) - up to 16 pieces. Taste qualities are no different.
  • Lisbon - characterized by thorns on the branches. It tolerates sunlight well and is tolerant of heat. Produces berries in the 3rd year in the amount of 16 fruits. Valued for its excellent taste.

There are also varieties such as Genoa and Kursky with excellent taste, Maidansky (endowed with high productivity), Novogruzinsky, Eureka and Villafronca. All types have proven themselves only with positive aspects, but they very rarely appear on sale.

The most necessary thing for a plant is light. A good location is the south-eastern window sills. During the midday hours, it is recommended to shade the bush; it is possible to acquire burns on the leaves. In winter, it is necessary to illuminate with phytolamps to increase the length of the day to 12 hours.

Lemon loves Fresh air, but sensitive to drafts. Therefore, they should be avoided. In order for the branches to develop evenly, the bush should be turned towards the light 1-2 times every 4 weeks. If you do not saturate the lemon with light, its leaves will stop growing quickly. Also, a lack of lighting will affect the taste of the fruit - it will become sour. In spring it is required to withstand a certain temperature regime. At this time, the tree is actively growing, developing and producing buds.

Should be guided the following points to normalize temperature:

  1. When flowering, the optimal air temperature is +18 C. If you exceed the threshold, then all the inflorescences will dry out and fall off.
  2. In spring, you should reduce the temperature to +12 C by placing the flowerpot on the loggia, glass balcony or open garden plot. Such conditions will have a good effect on crown growth.
  3. IN winter period Temperatures from +15 to +18 C and additional lighting are good.
  4. In summer, to ripen the fruits, you need to slightly increase the heat in the room to +21+22 C.

It is imperative to monitor the temperature increase to +25 C and the humidity decrease. In this case, the plant may die. Lemon loves moisture. On dry days, it must be sprayed 2-3 times a day with soft, settled water. You should maintain a humidity of 60-70% and +18 C - the most ideal conditions for growth.

Watering is very important for lemons - under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to dry out. Irrigation requires melt water, but river or rain water is also suitable. In the absence of such nutrient liquid, tap water is usually used. It must be boiled, cooled and slightly acidified. This process will soften it.

It is necessary to water the flowerpot evenly around the entire perimeter, distributing the moisture. It is not recommended to pour water directly under the root!

The watering process should be carried out either early in the morning or when the sun sets below the horizon. This is necessary so that less moisture loss occurs. Abundant watering should begin in March. In the summer months, it is more advisable to water up to 3 times a week, making sure that the soil does not dry out. If you dry out the soil, the plant will respond yellow leaves and their death. In autumn, water replenishment is gradually reduced. In winter, irrigation is not needed too often - only once a week. Especially if the battery is located far from the flowerpot with the bush, then watering is minimal; if the heat source is close, then as needed.

Lemon responds well to feeding. But only adult plants (after reaching 3-4 years) need a mineral supplement. For young shrubs such stimulation of development is not needed.
It is recommended to feed from March to mid-autumn - once every 21 days. It is imperative to alternate with organic ones. IN summer period feed along with watering, and in winter you need to allow the moisture to be absorbed - after 2-3 hours.

There are some tricks that can be used when fertilizing:

  1. For a large harvest, water is replaced with tincture of egg shells.
  2. In case of normal growth and development, you should not resort to any additional feeding.
  3. During the growing season, it is recommended to fertilize with superphosphate twice.
  4. Ammonium nitrate is used to increase growth.
  5. For full development“Citrus mixture” fertilizing is applied. It successfully combines all the microelements necessary for the growth of a green pet.

It is necessary for the plant to form a beautiful crown, as well as improve the harvest. When a young plant reaches 25 cm in height, its top needs to be pinched (removed). This promotes the formation of lateral branches, which produce fruit.

The transplant is performed annually up to 3 years. It is produced in such a way as not to damage the roots of the plant. But for better growth They use transshipment, while removing part of the soil layer. Afterwards, the shrub is replanted no more than once every 2-3 years at the beginning of spring, but before flowering and fruit formation.

Features of transplantation:

  • You should choose a container for planting that is no more than 15 cm in diameter, approximately 30-50% larger than the previous pot. A conical flowerpot is ideal.
  • During the replanting process, the soil around the trunk is well moistened so that it can be carefully pulled out of the flowerpot. After the lump of earth is removed, you need to carefully examine the outer roots. If they are damaged, you need to cut them with sharp scissors or a blade.
  • At the very bottom of the flowerpot, on the drainage hole, it is recommended to install a broken cutting from ceramic pot so that the soil does not clog the hole. Afterwards, drainage is placed, on which a layer of soil is placed on top to the middle of the pot.
  • The substrate should be nutritious, airy, loose, neutral acidity. The optimal composition is best mixed from leaves and turf soil (4 parts each), 1 part sand and manure, and also add 1 tbsp. wood ash.
  • Having filled the pot with soil, the root system of the lemon is installed in the middle and tightly covered with the remaining soil, so that there are no empty cavities.

Thus, replanting is carried out using the transshipment method, without shaking off the soil from the roots and without injuring the plants.

In order to exclude uninvited guests on lemon stems, it should be washed regularly with room-settled water. The bush can also be affected by diseases:

  • Fungal diseases (late blight, root rot, mold, sooty fungus) - in most cases, the affected area or roots are cut off, disinfected and sprayed with chemical insecticides, for example, copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture.
  • Infectious diseases cannot always be cured. For example, Malchenko - the shoots dry out, affecting all the stems. With Gammosis, cracks are observed in the bark, from which the sap of the bush flows.
  • Viral diseases (xylopsorosis, citrus canker, leaf mosaic, triteza) cannot be treated. It is more advisable to remove the flowerpot with the affected pet from healthy specimens and burn it.

The main pests for lemon are: aphids, scale insects, whiteflies, spider mites and thrips. When insects are first discovered, they must be removed immediately. Afterwards you need to wash the stems and leaves with soapy water. It is recommended to carry out cold ablutions of the bush 2 times a week.

If the actions do not lead to eliminating the problem, then you need to treat the crown and branches chemicals aimed at pest control.

Thus, in order for the plant to grow healthy and bear fruit abundantly, it is recommended to monitor its condition, not to overwater and shade it during the midday hours. The main thing is to feed in time and notice emerging problems. Then the bush will delight you not only with excellent development, but also with delicious fruits.

More information can be found in the video:

Flower growers are increasingly starting to grow lemon at home. The reason is beautiful decorative form plants, as well as the opportunity to get a harvest. IN favorable conditions bear fruit regularly. The plant emits a pleasant smell essential oils, which are present in the leaves.

Lemon home - description of the plant

Lemon is a perennial subtropical tree with large, glossy, oblong leaves. Many lemons have thorns. It's fruitful citrus It can be tree-like (up to 5-8 m in height) and bush-like (up to 3-4 m).

Lemon blooms several times throughout the year. The flowers are small, with white or cream petals. During flowering they emit a delicate, delicate aroma.

Choosing a variety of homemade lemon

For growing at home, choose varieties with a small crown.

Popular varieties:

How to grow a lemon from a seed?

Growing technology:

Lemon grown from seed is quite strong, with active growth. Resistant to diseases, quickly adapts to new conditions.

But a plant from a seed has other biological characteristics. The first fruits will appear in 10-15 years and the properties of the variety may be lost.

To get a harvest earlier, a lemon grown from a seed needs to be grafted. Then in the 3rd year it will begin to bear fruit.

How to care for a lemon in a pot?

When purchasing, make sure that the lemon growing in the pot is dwarf variety. It is advisable to find it immediately appropriate place and don't move it.

Let's look at the agricultural technology of care step by step:


Lighting requirements:


Temperature requirements:

  1. The optimal temperature for the growth of leaves and shoots is 17 degrees, and for fruit development 21-22. Too high temperatures are harmful, especially when humidity is low.
  2. This difference occurs in late spring or early summer. The temperature increases sharply, which can cause flowers and ovaries to fall off. And in autumn period For the same reason, leaves may fall off.
  3. In summer, a pot of lemon is placed on a loggia or terrace. The soil temperature should not differ sharply from the air temperature.
  4. The temperature must be increased gradually, without stressing the plant. If the flowerpot has been outside for a long time, and when it gets cold, it is brought straight into a warm room, the soil does not have time to warm up.
  5. If the temperature is too low, the growth process slows down or stops altogether. and flowering.

Lemon needs to be provided with an average stable temperature, without sudden jumps.


Planted watering citrus:


Regular feeding - important factor V proper care for lemon:

  1. Initially, the soil must be enriched with nutrients, minerals and organic substances.
  2. Fertilize in hot weather twice a month with complex fertilizers.
  3. In the fall, feeding is stopped. As a rule, plants 3-4 years old and above need it.

Pruning and crown formation

Lemon branches grow powerful and long. They are trimmed and directed, otherwise a very voluminous crown will form.

Features of care in winter

How to care for lemon in the cold season:

  1. In winter, during the heating season, it is better not to place the plant near heating devices.
  2. You can spray the leaves and additionally humidify the air in the room. Or place a container of water nearby for evaporation.
  3. It is very important to ensure that the plant’s leaves do not fall off. Most often this happens in winter. Their presence and healthy condition is a sign that the plant is growing and developing normally.
  4. Lemon does not like drafts, especially in winter.

Pests and diseases of indoor lemon

When growing homemade lemons, they take into account the characteristics of a particular variety in order to know how to protect it from pests or diseases. The reason may be infections, weakened immune system plants or some traditional methods fertilizers

Possible diseases and pests of lemon:

Lemon growing problems

Change your appearance Reason and what to do?
  • be dry air;
  • lack of nutrition;
  • or the acidity of the earth is not suitable.

What to do:

Required high humidity air, fertilizing and cool wintering. If that doesn't help, replant the lemon.

The leaves are falling Cause:

On average, a leaf lives 2-3 years and is replaced as it ages. Most often the leaves fall off in winter. This is most likely the consequences of overflow.

What to do:

I need to replant the lemon. Free the pot from the plant and soil. Allow the root system to dry out a little and replant in barely wet soil. Avoid overfilling.


The leaves become yellowish-brown in color. The reason is insufficient lighting. Or the humidity is too low.

What to do:

It is necessary to spray more often and water moderately. You can add water to the area under the root. And spray the crown. And also feed regularly.

If the lemon does not bear fruit, the reasons may be the following:

  1. Without leaves, a lemon does not bear fruit. If, due to improper care, the plant has lost many leaves, then next year will not form fruit.
  2. Lemons don't bear fruit if they don't bloom. Most likely, the pot is too small for him. The plant should be replanted and fertilized.

Lemon propagation at home

Homemade lemon is propagated by cuttings. With this type of reproduction, a 100% copy of the genetic data of the parent occurs. Cuttings are branches that have reached 4-5 mm in thickness and about 10 cm in length.

How to propagate lemon:

The cuttings are also grafted onto a tree grown from a seed. A rootstock is a tree grown from a seed. A scion is a branch cut from a mature fruit-bearing tree.

Lemon, one of the few fruit-bearing plants that can be grown without special labor grow at home. Unlike exotic and, which can also be grown at home, even a child can germinate the seed of an eaten lemon (which they often amuse themselves with). But growing a little lemon is not everything. To achieve full fruiting, you need to make an effort and have at least a minimum of knowledge on how to care for lemons at home. Subsequently, all these efforts will pay off handsomely. If we omit the undeniable decorative qualities of evergreen lemon tree and the beauty of fragrant flowers, and focusing only on fruiting, then lovers of “useful” indoor plants will be delighted. Indoor lemon produces large, full-fledged fruits, which are often superior in taste to store-bought ones. An adult lemon tree at home is capable of bearing fruit throughout the year, and the quantity of fruit is quite capable of allowing you to forget about buying lemons.

Growing lemon from seed

As I already mentioned, the easiest way to grow a lemon is from a seed. This is often done casually by sticking a seed into a pot with any other indoor plant. Usually such seeds germinate and grow for some time, but in most cases that’s all it ends with. If you want to grow a full-fledged lemon tree from a seed, then you need to allocate it an individual space with the most suitable soil for it. In principle, the usual mixture for germinating lemon seeds is also suitable. indoor flowers, but it’s better to make it even lighter by diluting it with pure peat. For germination, seeds taken from well-ripened fruits are best suited (unripe lemons are often found on sale). The pot should be small - 7-9 centimeters in diameter (as for). The bone is buried about a centimeter - one and a half. Next, put the pot in a bright, warm place. It is advisable, like, to create greenhouse conditions for the grain. To do this, just cover the pot with regular glass jar. At this point, the process of planting lemon seeds can be considered complete. During the germination process, make sure that the soil does not dry out. A sprout should appear in a couple of weeks.

Caring for lemon seedlings is also simple. Keep the soil moist, do not let it dry out too much, spray it periodically. For supporting greenhouse conditions leave it under the same jar, only periodically (once a day) remove it for a few minutes to ventilate and remove condensation from the walls of the jar. The young lemon is kept in this way until it grows to about 15 centimeters. After this, you can transfer it into a more spacious (10 cm in diameter) pot, add more nutritious soil (more about it below) and begin caring for an adult lemon.

There is a nuance. This simplicity has a significant drawback. For many years, a lemon grown from a seed will be only an ornamental plant; fruiting for a long time is out of the question. Only after 10 years can you count on flowering and the beginning of fruiting. There is a way to speed up this process, but it will speed it up by a maximum of 4 - 5 years. This method is not easy and I will definitely describe it separately.

Other ways to grow indoor lemons

A more effective method is to graft a cutting of a fruit-bearing lemon onto an adult non-fruit-bearing tree. The same lemon grown from the seed can be used as a rootstock. By the way. Any citrus tree (tangerine, orange, etc.) is suitable as a rootstock. Lemon is grafted, just like. This operation is quite complicated and beyond the capabilities of most novice flower growers, so if you decide to do it, think carefully about whether you can carry it out efficiently.

Despite the fact that fruiting of such a lemon will begin much earlier than when grown by other methods, it also has a number of significant disadvantages.

– Firstly, the method is complex and requires skills.

– Secondly, you need to have a well-developed (at least three years old) rootstock, and growing it also takes time...

Growing lemon from cuttings is the most effective, simple and reliable way grow fruit-bearing indoor lemon. For it you only need cuttings taken from an adult fruit-bearing lemon tree. I have already described in detail how to grow a lemon from a cutting. You can read -. I can only add that although the flowering of such lemons can occur within a few months after rooting (as evidenced by the photo below), they will not begin to bear fruit immediately either. First, they need to develop well. But after three to four years you can safely count on the first harvest.

This lemon was grown from a cutting 4 months ago. A bud has already appeared on its top.

How to care for indoor lemon

Caring for lemons at home is, first of all, a set of rules that must be strictly followed! These rules are simple, but ignoring at least one of them will lead to, if not fatal, then very unpleasant consequences.


Lemon is considered a short-day plant. This means that he will calmly tolerate the lack of light. But also call indoor lemon shade-tolerant plant It's also not possible. In a well-lit room with many windows, it will grow successfully even in its far corner. But if there is not enough light, the lemon will immediately react to it with the appearance of chlorosis. The leaves will become faded, embossed, veiny. It may even go so far as to shed leaves. This is especially true in winter, when daylight hours become very short. In some cases, artificial additional illumination of the lemon may be required. But if it’s too much dark room, and it also depends on the type of lemon tree. Lengthening daylight hours and bright lighting on the one hand promotes growth homemade lemon, but on the other hand, it slows down the onset of flowering and, accordingly, fruiting. As practice has shown, lemon can grow well on a western windowsill (as long as it fits there). Other window sills, including eastern ones, are not The best decision to place it. The most suitable place for it is on a table or stand near the south or east window. And although a certain amount of direct sunlight will only benefit it, it must be protected from the scorching rays of the southern side.

Lemon develops cyclically. Regardless of the time of year, indoor lemon enters the stage of active development every 3-4 months. That is, if your lemon is frozen and does not grow new shoots and leaves, this does not mean anything. If there are no signs of deterioration in his health, then the time has not come yet.

Temperature for lemon

Indoor lemon does not like heat. The most comfortable temperature for him lies within +17 – 20 degrees. More heat is possible and desirable only during the period of fruit ripening. For the formation of buds and ovaries, the temperature of indoor lemon should be moderate and even cool (+15 - 18 degrees). If it gets warmer, it is quite possible that the buds will drop. Preferably in winter. To do this, he needs to be kept very cool at +12 – 15 degrees. In practice, this content is applied only to young lemon trees or those that have not yet reached fruiting age. For fruit-bearing trees, this is the time of fruit ripening, which means they need a higher temperature.

An indoor lemon is essentially a lemon tree adapted to indoor conditions; therefore, in the summer it will be most comfortable outdoors. It should not be forgotten that this is a southern tree and sudden changes in temperature are undesirable for it. If a sharp cold snap is expected, it is better to bring it indoors.

Watering lemon and air humidity for it

Equally, excessive watering and drying out the soil are dangerous for indoor lemons. The frequency of watering directly depends on the air temperature, the size of the plant, the volume and density of the soil in which it grows. Of course, in the warm season, lemons need to be watered much more often. It is advisable to maintain constant moisture in the soil in the pot, but without unnecessary zeal, so as not to flood the plant. Until you have studied all the urgent needs of your lemon, wait until it dries upper layer soil, then water. In winter, especially when kept in cool conditions, watering is reduced.

For indoor lemon it should be increased. Especially if you keep it in warm conditions in winter. Heating devices During this period, the air becomes very dry, which will inevitably affect the plant. Spray it as often as possible. But if the conditions are cool, then spraying is excluded! In the summer, wherever the lemon is located, outdoors or indoors, be sure to spray it at least once a day.

Lemon feeding

There are many fertilizers available for citrus fruits. But, alas, not all of them correspond to the description and purpose. Over the years of growing lemons, I went through a great many of them until I found a really worthy one. I'm afraid that you will face the same search. After all, your city simply may not have such fertilizer. But if you’re lucky, it’s a fertilizer for citrus fruits, from the “Master – Agro” series. From March to September, feed your lemon with this (or a similar) fertilizer every week. If it bears fruit, then feeding can be continued after this period. There are also traditional ways to use lemon. In particular, infusion of ash (preferably birch), infusion of birch leaves or quinoa leaves.

Lemon transplant

Note! Untimely and incorrect transplantation of a lemon can ruin all your efforts to grow it!

An indoor lemon tree cannot be replanted. Most of the so-called “recommendations” say that it needs to be replanted almost every year, and even in a pot 5–6 centimeters larger. It is not right! Lemon loves a cramped pot, and a too spacious container is the most common reason that the lemon does not bloom. Moreover, in a large pot, the risk of soil acidification and root rot increases many times over. But you still can’t do without transfers. As the root system grows, the capacity must also be increased. But only slightly, a couple of centimeters maximum. Even if you have to replant more often, your plant will develop normally. Determining the need for a transplant is easy. If the lemon roots begin to make their way through drainage holes pot, then this is the most obvious sign. But this may not happen, and a transplant is required. Therefore, I advise you to carefully remove the lemon from the pot along with a lump of earth once a year (in spring) and inspect it. It usually comes out very easily. If the roots have entwined the entire lump, then replanting is required immediately; if only part of them breaks through the lump, then replanting is desirable, but not necessary; if the roots are not visible at all, then return the lemon to its place; there is no need to replant it this year. Replanting a lemon is also not difficult. As is, with a lump of earth, place it in a larger pot and fill free place fresh soil. Previously new pot prepare. Create a good drainage layer, pour on it required quantity fresh soil, so that when the tree is placed on it, about 0.5 centimeters remain from the surface of the soil to the edge of the pot. Lemon really doesn’t like it when its root system is disturbed. That's why the transshipment method is used. Try to avoid replanting by clearing the roots from the ground and use it only when absolutely necessary. For example, if the soil has become sour and there is a danger of the lemon roots rotting.

Advice. If you are not replanting the lemon this year, then simply carefully remove the top layer of soil in the pot and replace it with fresh one. This procedure is safe and very useful. You can do it as often as you like and at any time.

For indoor lemon it should not be overly heavy. It should allow water and air to pass freely, while at the same time being sufficiently fertile. There are many mixtures for citrus fruits on sale, but not all of them are suitable for proper cultivation lemons. Sometimes they have to be lightened with peat or, on the contrary, made heavier and enriched with humus. When choosing soil for indoor lemon, be sure to read its composition.

If possible, it is better to make an earthen mixture yourself: two parts of leaf soil, one part of humus and sand. You can also add a quarter part wood ash or ash.

Advice. Even if you bought ready mixture, then add ash to it too.

Lemon trimming

Will definitely answer the question “How to trim a lemon?” only possible if you only have it for now ornamental plant and is not bearing fruit yet. At this time, it can (and should) be given the shape of a branched tree. In this it is not much different from, or. Young lemons, grown from cuttings or seeds, usually initially grow in one stem, “fishing rod”. When it reaches a length of 15 - 20 centimeters, pinch the top, this will stimulate the growth of side shoots. You can also cut off the top if the “fishing rod” is too long. The effect will be the same. But it’s better not to overuse pruning. If possible, use pinching only. This is especially true for fruit-bearing plants. For such a lemon, every leaf counts! In theory, each fruit needs an average of 25 leaves for full development, therefore, the more lemons on the tree, the more leaves are required. At the same time, removing old, dried branches will not only improve the appearance of your indoor lemon, but will also extend its life.

I wish you successful cultivation and a bountiful harvest!

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Many amateur gardeners would probably like to know how to grow properly. Caring for this plant is relatively simple. However, in order for the lemon to grow lush and spectacular, you should adhere to certain recommendations regarding watering and fertilizing technology. This is especially true during the winter season.

How to care in October - April: general rules

How is it grown at home in the autumn-winter period? Caring for it in winter is a little different than in summer. This plant remains green all year round. However, in October - April, all its vegetation processes, of course, slow down. In the warm season, lemon is usually fed twice. In winter, this operation is not performed. However, this plant also needs watering cold period. IN wildlife The lemon tree grows in humid tropics and subtropics. Consequently, it is very sensitive to soil drying out. The only thing is that you should moisten the soil in the pot less often in winter. In the warm season, the lemon tree is watered 2-3 times a week, in winter - no more than once.

What should the air temperature be?

City apartments and houses are usually quite warm in winter. The air temperature can fluctuate between 12-25 degrees. In principle, lemon tolerates such a microclimate quite well. However, although the plant is not deciduous, its crown may thin out slightly at such temperatures. Therefore, some amateur gardeners install lemongrass in a separate room and periodically open a window there. The fact is that at a temperature of 10-12 degrees. The tree's photosynthesis processes are greatly slowed down. Its roots stop consuming nutrients and it stops growing. But at the same time not a single leaf falls from the bush. The plant remains as spectacular as in summer.

Where is the best place to put a lemon tree?

In terms of lighting, this plant is considered quite whimsical. The lemon tree feels best in a south-east window. Of course, it is not always possible to arrange a plant in this way. In principle, lemon can be placed on both the northern and southern windowsill. However, in the first case, in the cold season (and preferably in spring and summer), the plant will have to be illuminated using an artificial lamp.

On the south window, the leaves and branches of the plant should be slightly shaded, including in winter. Otherwise, burns may appear on them.

How does a lemon reproduce?

As you can see, it’s actually not particularly difficult to care for a houseplant like a lemon tree in winter (and even in summer) at home. Its propagation is also a fairly simple procedure. You can grow luxurious, healthy citrus fruits from:

Selection of planting material

As for seedlings, they can often be seen in specialized stores. However, experienced gardeners do not recommend buying such material. Stores usually sell plants brought from Brazil, Greece or Holland. In these countries, young lemons are grown in greenhouses. This is done so that they are as lush as possible and have a marketable appearance.

Being transported to city ​​apartment, such seedlings very quickly become unsightly and even stop growing. Lemon tolerates a change of environment (especially for the worse) extremely poorly. In this case, among other things, it will be very difficult to care for a plant such as a lemon tree at home. Diseases, stoppage of development, loss of foliage - these are the problems that a lover of indoor flowers will most likely have to face.

Therefore, in an apartment, it is better to try to grow a lemon from a cutting or seed. The first one is simply cut from an adult plant. If there are no lemons in your home greenhouse yet, you can ask a flower grower you know for a cutting.

It is also undesirable to send such material by mail. The cutting will most likely turn out to be of poor quality and non-viable. The fact is that in this way sellers usually simply get rid of lemons that are thrown away on plantations.

A good solution would be to grow a seedling from a seed. This technique is considered even simpler. However, unfortunately, in this case it is impossible to quickly obtain a fruit-bearing lemon tree. Care at home (a seedling grows extremely slowly from a seed) for a plant in in this case for a long time will only consist of fairly frequent watering. But the fruits on such a seedling will most likely begin to grow no earlier than in 12 years.

Which variety to choose

Of course, only wild plants can be grown from seeds. As for cuttings, in this case there is a choice. Many amateur gardeners are interested in which is better to grow, tall or short, lemon tree at home. Caring for compact and large plants carried out approximately the same. However, a tall lemon should still be chosen only if the grower has enough free time. Such a plant will have to be watered, trimmed and fed a little more often than a small one.

Tall ones include, for example, the following:


Among the short ones, the most popular are:

    Meyer (Chinese).

    Lemon Genoa.

Planting container and soil

Since lemon is a rather capricious plant regarding root rot, the pot for it must be selected as carefully as possible. The best choice for seedlings is clay. The walls of such containers allow air to pass through well, allowing the roots to breathe. Of course, the pot must have holes in the bottom. Clay shards should also be placed on these drainage holes. A layer of coarse sand is poured on top of them.

The soil for lemon also needs to be selected correctly. The best composition for this plant is:

    leaf humus - 1-2 parts;

    turf soil - 1 part;

    coarse sand - 1 part.

How to grow from cuttings

Planting material of this variety should have a length of about 10 cm. The cuttings should first be soaked in warm water for 2-3 days, immersing half the length. Next, it is buried 3 cm into the prepared soil. The roots of the lemon cuttings appear after about 60 days. It is better to plant several in a pot at once. Then the chance of getting at least one new plant will increase.

Until the lemon trees take root, they should be sprayed periodically (at least once a day). The soil in the pot should have moderate moisture.

Growing from seeds

This is also a very good way to get a luxurious lemon tree at home. In this case, caring for the seedling will be even easier. An amateur gardener will only have to make sure that the soil in the pot with the planted lemon does not dry out.

Seeds should be taken from healthy, large fruits. They must not be allowed to dry out. As soon as they are removed from the lemon, they should be planted immediately. They are buried 2 cm into the ground. The seed planted in this way is watered and covered with a jar on top.

Lemon transplant

Periodic transplants are what such a resident absolutely requires indoor greenhouse like a lemon tree. Caring for it at home, even the best, will otherwise not be particularly effective. The fact is that the roots of lemons, and especially large ones, consume quite a lot of nutrients. Therefore, the soil in the pot under the plant is quickly depleted.

Lemon is replanted in spring or autumn (later). Young lemons are transferred to other containers once a year, adults - no more than once every 2 years. Actually, this procedure itself is carried out as follows:

    The day before transplanting, thoroughly water the soil in the pot.

    The plant is carefully removed from the old pot, holding it by the stem.

    The removed lemon is placed in a new pot and the space between the lump and the walls of the pot is filled with pre-prepared soil.

After transplanting, the plant should be watered.

Fertilizer application

As already mentioned, lemon is not fed in winter. This is done only in spring and summer. Moreover, only mature plants are fertilized. Lemons planted from cuttings or from seeds do not need to be fed at first. Trees that have reached three to four years of age? Fertilize twice per season (50 g per liter of water).

Diseases and pests

If you follow the growing technology, you can get a very beautiful lemon tree at home. Caring for this plant, however, may involve more than just watering and fertilizing. Like all indoor flowers, lemons sometimes get sick. Most often, trees are affected by:

    Late blight. Fight this disease or use a weak solution copper sulfate, or through special antifungal drugs.

    Sooty fungus. The methods of control in this case should be the same as for late blight disease.

    Gomoz. In this case, a crack appears on the stem of the diseased plant. In order to help the lemon, the wound should be cleaned and lubricated with a solution of vitriol.

    Malsecco. This is perhaps the most dangerous disease that a lover of indoor flowers may encounter when caring for a plant such as a lemon tree at home. The leaves have fallen, the twigs have begun to dry out, which means that the bush most likely “caught” the malsecco virus. Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure this disease.

Lemon and insect pests can attack. Most often these are white flies, ticks or scale insects. The former are usually fought with karbofos, the latter are destroyed with garlic infusion (1 head per half liter of water). Scale insects can be expelled by wiping the leaves, twigs and trunk with a mixture of soap and kerosene in a ratio of 1:0.5.

This is how such a tropical guest as the lemon tree is cared for at home. The photos presented on this page clearly demonstrate how effective it can be if watering technologies, periodic replantings, etc. are followed. Pay more attention to your tree, and it will delight you with lush foliage, healthy appearance, and over time even fruiting.

The agricultural technology for growing citrus fruits indoors is complex. You should start with lemon; growing and caring for it at home is easier than other sissies. A young bush can be bought, or it can be grown, starting from sowing a seed or rooting a cutting. Under all favorable conditions, you can get a harvest from a plant from a seed in 20 years, from a cutting in 7-8. But a lemon from a seed at home will be more adaptable, healthier, and beautiful with its dark shiny foliage. You can graft a shoot from a fruiting lemon onto it, which will speed up flowering. The choice is up to the amateur.

What care does indoor lemon require at home?

Lemon is a tree room conditions he also strives to grow. There are several varieties that breeders have trained to be kept indoors. But they rebel if the care is not correct. Before you plant a seed, you need to know that only indoor varieties can share a home with a person. These include:

  • Pavlovsky;
  • Anniversary;
  • Mayer.

These varieties are distinguished by their rapid entry into fruiting and high productivity when caring for lemons at home. When purchasing a ready-made varietal seedling, flowering should be expected after two or three years.

Indoor lemon at good care lives up to 30 years. After setting, the lemon takes 9 months to pour, but even after that it continues to increase in size, but becomes tasteless and thick-skinned.

It is important not to allow the flower to weaken and to pick off the buds until the bush has 20 leaves. Scientists believe that each fruit feeds 9-10 mature leaves. Depending on the number of leaves, the crop should be left. For the same reason, you need to protect the leaves from shedding, which the plant protests when it is uncomfortable. At the same time, it is necessary to trim the tops of branches in order to form new shoots, which means increasing the number of leaves. Therefore, plant care is carried out on the verge of knowledge and intuition.

Optimal conditions for lemon care

Only if you have a spacious, bright room can you count on creating a citrus garden. Even while on permanent place, the tree does not like to be moved. And for uniform development, it is turned a few degrees every 10 days, so that a full rotation is achieved in a year:

  1. There must be at least two meters from the stand to the ceiling.
  2. Can't stand dry air. Optimally 70% humidity. This means keeping the plant away from the radiator, having a humidifier or aquarium, equipping the humidity zone with any in an accessible way and frequently spray the leaves with a fine spray.
  3. In summer, it is useful for lemon to stay under 2 hours sun rays, but not longer. Therefore, the morning sun on the eastern window is just right for him. In winter, when growing lemon and caring for it at home, 5-6 hours should be organized.
  4. The temperature for lemon should be from 14 to 27 degrees. During the flowering period, lemon needs coolness.
  5. The watering schedule in the summer is very busy. The pot is watered twice a day, morning and evening, soaking the lump of earth completely. Due to good drain There is no stagnation of water. A tray should be installed below to collect water. Soft, settled water is used for irrigation.

The temperature should not change suddenly. If a plant is brought from a cold veranda into warm room, it will shed its leaves. The soil in the barrel is cold, but the leaves are warm! In winter, you need to find the coldest corner in your home for the lemon. Without a full dormant period, flowering in the future will be sparse.

Of great importance in caring for a lemon is its formation, maintaining its growth with systematic pruning and pinching of the green cone. The deepest pruning is carried out in the spring. 5-6 live leaves are left on the branches, the rest are removed, and material for propagating lemons by cuttings is obtained from them.

Diseases and pests of lemon

When caring for lemons at home and growing them, you need to know the signs of diseases in order to quickly correct mistakes. Often the plant needs moisture, which can be determined by:

  • the earth is gray from above, the lump crumbles in your hands;
  • the pot makes a ringing sound when tapped;
  • the leaves curled up and the tips drooped.

As a result, after some time the leaves, flowers and ovaries will begin to fall off.

If the plant does not receive feeding, the leaves become light, flowering stops, and the ovaries begin to fall off. But the same signs also apply to excessive fertilization. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the recommended doses and instructions on how to care for lemon at home.

If the plant has not been replanted for a long time and the soil has not been changed, fertilizing watering may not save it. The earth has become compacted, irrigation water has made passages in the thickness and is drained without completely wetting the volume.

As a result of errors in care, a weakened plant is colonized by insect pests or fungal and bactericidal diseases appear.

Various diseases of citrus fruits are specific, they are called:

  • xylopsorosis and trystera are incurable viruses;
  • gommosis - infectious when the tree trunk is affected;
  • malseco – infectious, begins with reddening of the leaves, the tree dies;
  • Root rot is a fungal disease; damaged parts must be removed and replanted in new soil.

The cause of any disease is improper plant care. And even if the tree does not bear fruit, its diseases are the same.

How to grow lemon at home

The selection of container for the plant and substrate is of great importance. The container must have good drainage holes. Root system The lemon plant is compact; the young plant responds well to annual replanting, so it is not worth creating conditions for the soil to become acidic in a large pot. For older plants, the soil is changed less frequently, but the top fertile layer is renewed annually.

Composition of the earth:

  • deciduous humus – 2 parts;
  • humus from cattle – 1 part;
  • washed river sand – 1 part;
  • – 0.25 parts.

Place a layer on the bottom charcoal mixed with expanded clay, add vermiculite to the substrate for looseness. Plants are transplanted after the grown lemon roots have entwined a lump of earth, using the transshipment method.

When pruning a lemon tree, there is a lot left planting material, twigs. They will make cuttings if you pinch off a couple of leaves from below and place the green twig in water. Next, the cutting takes root in the substrate in a small volume. How to care for a lemon obtained from a cutting? After the cutting has produced leaf shoots, it is kept as mature plant. At a height of 25 cm, the top of the plant is pinched, limiting growth. The resulting central and lateral shoots in the amount of 4 pieces are left, the rest are cut off into a ring.

The side shoots are grown 25 cm and pinched again, repeating the operations as the first time. The bush is formed twice more, as a result, enough leaves are obtained on the round tree, and leaves are laid on the branches. flower buds. The lemon is ready to bear fruit; it has gained enough strength to feed the growing fruits.

Lemon propagation by seeds is a long process. The resulting seedling must be grafted in order to obtain a fruit-bearing tree. The wildflower will take a long time to develop, bloom little and the quality of the resulting lemons will be poor. Therefore, the grown plant must be grafted by budding or splitting to obtain a cultivated tree.

A seedling without grafting will become an excellent ornamental tree with good disease resistance. It is necessary to form a crown so that the bush is neat and does not stretch with branches, occupying a large space.

Video about planting and caring for lemons
