What material to make a shoe cabinet from? DIY shoe rack for the hallway. Photos, tips. Assembling a shoe rack according to a drawing with your own hands

What a wide variety of shoes in stores and markets! The female half cannot resist buying new shoes to go with a new dress. For men there is a choice of practical shoes and there are a lot of them too. How much inconvenience do shoes cause in the hallway? Where should I store all this at home?

The solution can be found in furniture store, namely, buy a shoe rack or make it yourself.

Some people have a small apartment and a narrow small hallway, while others have a spacious house. Some live with adult children and grandchildren, while others live alone. Hallways, like families, are different, so standard pieces of furniture do not always suit a specific room. A comfortable shoe rack, created with your own hands, will help solve the problem of choice.

With it, your hallway will be transformed into a stylish and comfortable calling card of your home.

How to choose the right thing? First, let's get acquainted with the types of furniture such as shoe racks.

  1. Shoe wardrobe.

Very convenient in small rooms, since the doors move apart and can be combined with the main wardrobe for clothes.

  1. Showcase-rack with doors.

You can place shelves along the entire wall, any size of shelves, but the disadvantage of such a shoe rack is instability.

  1. Slim-format cabinet.

At such a closet hinged doors at an angle of 45-90 degrees. And the name speaks for itself. This type of furniture is “thin”; shoes will be located at a slope.

Tall over-the-knee shoes may become deformed on such shelves.

  1. Galoshnitsa.

More suitable for a balcony. Shoes dry quickly on such shelves, but they are inconvenient to store.

  1. Rack.

It is the simplest design, but unstable and unaesthetic for the hallway.

  1. Cabinet-cabinet.

The most common and practical shoe rack.


  • With tenacity;
  • M multifunctionality;
  • Compactness;
  • E aesthetic.

A closed shoe rack is suitable for people with pets. It will help protect your shoes from any damage from pets.

For the cabinet you can make folding, sliding or regular doors. So it will take up little space. A shoe rack made from laminated chipboard will be durable and will not fail for a long time.

Wooden models are easy to make with your own hands, which saves the family budget.

Shelves and drawers in the closet can be made to suit any type and size of shoes. And on top there is the opportunity to make a table or cover it with fabric, a shoe rack with a seat in the hallway will come out.

The seat replaces an ottoman or stool for convenient changing of clothes.

Types of materials that can be used for shoe racks:

Metal and wood make the cabinet heavier; shoes in plastic will not breathe. MDF is a good choice, but not cheap. Most suitable material for storing shoes- Chipboard. Does not weigh down the shoe rack and is easy to assemble.

Today it is the most popular material in the shoe furniture segment.

And so, let's focus on a cabinet cabinet made of chipboard.The tools we need are:

Preparation of parts

Instructions for assembling a shoe rack with your own hands

Chipboard thickness + Width of the planned shelf + Half the thickness of the chipboard.

For example, a part is 12mm, shelf width is 300. It turns out: 12+300+6=318mm.

We do this from the right and left edges. Transfer the drawing directly to inside Chipboard and sign each detail where it will be located. Then you won’t confuse anything during assembly.

When marking the holes for the height and width of the shelves, you need to take into account the back part, since on this side the entire view of the cabinet is located in the same plane.

  1. Inside, the shelves will be supported by shelf holders. You need to drill holes for them. To calculate correct location These holes must be subtracted from the height of the rack for each thickness of the partition and divided by the number of shelves.

To the result obtained, add the thickness of the shelf and half the diameter of the shelf holder.

For example, the height of the rack is 600 mm. Two shelves are planned. Shelf thickness 12 mm. The diameter of the shelf support is 5mm.

The calculation procedure will be as follows:




Therefore, you will need to measure 308 mm from the top.

After the holes are drilled, you can install the shelf supports by filling them with glue and hammering them in with a hammer.

Assembling a shoe rack according to a drawing with your own hands

When all the holes are made, you can begin assembling the confirmat. We attach the middle posts to the bottom part, then the outer ones. Make sure there are no protrusions at the corner joints.We attach the lids to the corners, put the shelves on the holders and install the finished drawers on the guides.

We attach furniture handles to the doors in any location. They can also be attached to awnings, or you can install sliding ones.

Decorating a homemade shoe rack can be varied.

Hand-made furniture always distinguishes the interior from other apartments where there are typical chests of drawers and wardrobes.

VIDEO: DIY shoe cabinet.

The shoe rack in the hallway is very useful device for storing shoes. It will be especially relevant in big family, where shoes that are in constant use take up a lot of space. On such shelves you can easily organize everything, even for seasonal use. In addition, the shoe rack has all the conditions for storing shoes, which significantly increases their service life. In our article we will look at what types of shoe racks there are, their advantages and disadvantages, and also tell you how to make such shelves and cabinets at home using the most common materials.

Today there are many options for this furniture, but they all belong to two main categories. Based on this, shoe racks can be:

  • open type;
  • closed type.

These can be all kinds of shelves, cabinets, benches, both compact and full-size. When combining certain characteristics, several types of such products can be distinguished:

  • Shoes
    - these are open-type shelves, the design of which can be either the simplest or the most elaborate. Their height can also vary depending on the wishes of the apartment owner. The advantage of such products is the ability to install shoes different sizes. Shoes left outside, wet or dry, can be freely placed on such shelves, thanks to open type it will be ventilated, which will ensure its drying. The disadvantage of such products can be called open view shelves that do not always look aesthetically pleasing;
  • wardrobe boom- This is a bulky structure, inside of which there are several shelves for storing shoes. Such shelves can be located either at right angles or at an angle, depending on the wishes of the owner of such furniture. Deformation of the shoes is excluded, since the entire shoe rests entirely on the entire sole. The dimensions of such a closet allow you to place all the existing shoes in the house, arranging them according to the seasons. The doors of such a cabinet can be made of frosted or transparent glass, and the door design itself can be hinged, sliding or accordion-style. The advantage of such a product is considered to be the placement of a large number of shoes, but the disadvantages include large dimensions that are unlikely to fit into a narrow hallway;
  • slim shoe rack- This is a product that takes up little space. They are not too deep, but they have folding shelves, which can be opened 45 or 90 degrees. The advantage of such products is the possibility of installation in small hallways, especially since they can hold quite a lot of shoes. Their disadvantage is considered to be the inability to store large and tall shoes. Although, now manufacturers are working on this issue and are starting to produce products with different compartments;
  • cabinet cabinet- this is a low product with hinged doors, which is ideal for storage seasonal shoes different heights. The advantages of such a cabinet include
    The functionality of the closet, in addition to shoes, can also accommodate shoe care products. In addition, such cabinets are often equipped with a seat that helps you put on your shoes. The disadvantages include the fact that shoes must be dried for storage;
  • The shoe rack can also be installed in a wardrobe, if nothing else can be placed in the hallway. In this case, the shelves can be of various sizes, stationary or retractable, on which all shoes can be placed, or only according to the season. The advantage of this solution can be considered the saving of free space;
  • shops- these are products that are a symbiosis of bedside tables and shoe boots. All shoes are located on open shelves, but the product itself is equipped with a seat for convenience. The advantage of this solution is ease of use and simplicity of design, which you can make yourself. The design of such products can be very diverse, so you can install such a bench to decorate the hallway.

Choosing material for shoe racks

Its service life and convenience will depend on how correctly the material for making the shoe rack is selected. Today you can find in stores various models these products, and they are all made from various materials. The most popular models are made of wood, plastic and glass, but there are other options:

  • wooden, their advantage is considered to be environmental friendliness and beautiful appearance. Wood has always been considered an expensive material that is ideal for making any furniture. Such shoe racks will look perfect in hallways decorated in classic style. Despite their advantages, they also have disadvantages. They are very demanding in terms of care so that the product is pleasing to the eye. for a long time, it is necessary to use various wood impregnations. Shoes that will be placed on such shelves must be perfectly clean so as not to spoil the product;
  • plastic products are considered the most affordable, this is their undoubted advantage. But the appearance and not such a long service life can be a big disadvantage. Some types of plastic used to make shoe racks are fragile, so cracks and chips cannot be avoided;
  • hardware, more durable and reliable, which is a huge plus. Their only disadvantage is the need for processing special compounds with anti-corrosion properties. If thin metal was used to make such a shoe rack, then it may bend under the weight of the shoes;
  • glass the products have several advantages: they are very durable, as they are made of special glass, and have an elegant appearance, but there are also several disadvantages. Firstly, this design is very heavy and massive, and secondly, various types of prints are very noticeable on the glass, which are very difficult to remove. Therefore, you will have to choose between the aesthetic side or the practical one;
  • Chipboard the most popular material for shoe racks that are designed at home. Him affordable price, which opens up wide possibilities. In addition, products made from it have the following qualities: they are very compact and lightweight, undemanding to care. The only negative is poor resistance to moisture, which can cause the material to crack or swell;
  • wicker products are distinguished by their beauty and attractiveness. These are the most sophisticated shoe rack options that fit perfectly into almost all hallway interiors. But the most important advantage of such products is that the shoes installed in them are ventilated.

These are not all the options that can be found on the Internet; the authors’ fantasies are limitless, so you can even see stone products installed in large country houses. Whatever product you decorate the hallway with, its main task is to accommodate the shoes of all family members, so you need to carefully consider the choice and, if necessary, make a shoe rack yourself.

DIY shoe rack made of plywood

There are many options for making shoe racks at home. Their design can be the most ordinary, or with the addition of elaborate elements, but the main thing that should be present in any product is a spacious space with shelves on which you can conveniently place your shoes.

The first shoe rack option that we will consider will be a plywood model. Everything you need for this work will be listed below:

  • plywood;
  • shoe brushes;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • thorns;
  • acrylic paint;
  • construction adhesive;
  • brush;
  • dowels

The design of such shelves can be anything, so you can experiment with both acrylic and gouache. Shoe brushes will be needed as shoe holders.

Making shelves for shoes consists of several steps:

Other options for making shoe racks can be seen in the video presented:

Shoe rack made of wood

If we take as a manufacturing material wooden boards, it is possible to make a sufficiently strong and reliable design. The thickness of the board should be approximately 1.5 cm.

To work, you need to prepare a standard set of tools:

Work begins with preparing the rear and side parts of the structure. In most cases, the height of the shoe rack can be any, it all depends on your desire and capabilities. If several shelves are supposed to be placed there, then the height should be such that a pair of shoes can fit on each level. The width of the shoe rack in most cases is standard, 23 cm, but this does not mean that you cannot increase it if necessary.

You can attach a key holder to the shoe rack so that the keys are always in sight.

Now you can start making the shelves. Their number depends on your needs, and the width is calculated based on the dimensions of the main product. If the width of the shoe rack is 23 cm, then the width of the shelves is 20 cm.

After preparing all the parts, you can start assembling them:

  • First, the attachment points on all parts are marked and holes are drilled along them;
  • First, the side parts of the shoe rack are fastened, then its back part is attached using nails;
  • All that remains is to install a shelf or shelves and the shoe rack is ready.

Shoe racks in the hallway are a fairly necessary product used for storing shoes. Firstly, you will keep your shoes clean, which will significantly extend their service life, secondly, you will avoid clutter in the hallway, and thirdly, you will not have to shift unnecessary pairs of shoes from place to place every day, choosing what put on your shoes for work today. Thanks to the design developments, you can get ideas for making your own shelves or cabinets, or purchase a ready-made model for storing shoes.

When you have to make your way through the hallway like an icebreaker among the ice of the Arctic, tripping over shoes left here and there, it’s time to think about the shelf. This simple piece of furniture will make it easier to put things in order, save household members from searching for a pair in a pile of shoes dumped on the floor, and will improve the appearance of the hallway. Buying a finished product is not a cheap pleasure, and what the trade offers does not always meet our needs. There is a solution - to make a shelf with your own hands.

Types of shoe racks and materials for their manufacture

The choice of material depends on work skills, the interior of the hallway or the place where you plan to place the shelf, as well as financial capabilities. To make this piece of furniture you will need:

  • wood (bars, slats, plywood, chipboard);
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • PVC pipes;
  • cardboard;
  • textile;
  • improvised materials.

Table - advantages, disadvantages and features of using different materials for shoe shelves

Shelf materialAdvantagesFlawsFeatures of application
WoodEco-friendly, noble texture, plasticity of shape.Expensive, difficult to process and ability to absorb moisture.Due to sensitivity to moisture, dry, clean shoes can be stored in a wooden shelf and only indoors. Precipitation and temperature changes will lead to its deformation. To protect against moisture, wood is primed with special compounds.
PlywoodA cheaper alternative to solid wood, easier to process.Heavier than wood, absorbs moisture.No special skills are needed when working with the material.
ChipboardFurniture panels made of chipboard have protective covering from moisture and temperature changes.
Low price and variety of colors, does not require sanding or painting.
If damaged protective film quickly collapses due to its loose structure.Suitable for inexpensive furniture, inferior to wood and plywood in terms of durability.
MetalStrength and durability.The material is heavy, susceptible to corrosion, and requires special skills and tools to work with.Forging metal creates real works of art that can decorate any interior. Metal shelves will fit into the hallway of a city apartment, and country house, and after special treatment they can be placed outdoors. It is easy to make a product from metal pipes, fastening them with fittings. It’s even easier to make shelves from metal pipes and gratings, combining them with a wooden or other frame.
PlasticLow cost of material, easy to clean, not afraid of moisture.It does not breathe, moisture does not evaporate, so shelves can only be made open.Budget plastic shelves are commercially available, they are made by pressing. Making such furniture with your own hands is almost impossible, but making simple shelves from leftovers plastic panels everyone can do it.
PVC pipesOriginal and cheap material, is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes.It is unlikely that he is able to keep company with an expensive interior.Make a shelf from PVC pipes Even a teenager can do it.

The simplest and most creative options: shelves made of cardboard, fabric, scrap materials

If you want to quickly build original item interior design, without special skills or the ability to buy expensive materials, you can make your own simple models from available materials- fabric, cardboard, improvised items.

  1. The cardboard version will last quite a long time and will cost mere pennies, because the material will be an ordinary packaging box. Lightweight and durable cardboard can withstand heavy loads. Making a shelf out of it is so simple that it can be called not furniture making, but needlework. For this you will need:
    • stationery knife;
    • stapler;
    • glue or tape.

    Furniture decorated with film or wallpaper is difficult to distinguish from furniture made from traditional materials. But cardboard also has a drawback: if it gets wet, it will get wet. Therefore, it is better to dry wet shoes first, and protect the base with a moisture-proof film or hang the product on the wall so that when wet cleaning The shoe rack was not damaged.

  2. For slippers, ballet shoes and children's shoes, you can sew fabric pockets. To do this, you will only need small pieces of material and sewing supplies. Placed vertically one above the other, they will not take up much space in the hallway. This design is suspended on one nail and, if necessary, can be moved to another place. Pockets are also sold in finished form, but those made by yourself will cost much less.
  3. Unusual, comfortable and simple shelves can be made from any available materials. Almost anything will do:

    • old furniture;
    • laminate left after renovation;
    • drywall;
    • plastic or wooden boxes;
    • pallets;
    • plastic bottles;
    • shoe or cardboard boxes;
    • piece of tin;
    • grill left over from an old refrigerator.

Which material to choose

When choosing material for a shelf, you need to consider where the product will be installed - in a residential area, on the veranda of a private house or cottage, or outdoors.

For home and garden - timber, plywood, chipboard

Any material is suitable for the room. When choosing, you should rely only on its safety and your taste. You should not make a shelf out of cardboard if there are animals in the house: this material will not withstand the teeth and claws of pets.

Outdoor shelves - metal and plastic

To store outdoor shoes, it is better to use moisture-resistant material or treated protective composition. It is important to consider here that the shelf will be affected by humidity, sun and temperature changes. It is advisable that the material is not too light, otherwise the shelf may be blown away by the wind. The best option- metal treated with an anti-corrosion compound. Chipboard should not be used; such a product will quickly become unusable outdoors. Plastic is not afraid of moisture, it is quite suitable for the street if the shelf is well secured.

Advice! If you plan to use wooden shelf for the street, before painting, treat it twice with a moisture-proofing compound, paying attention Special attention ends.

Types of shelves for the hallway

The choice depends on the size of the room, its interior, functional purpose shelves.

  1. Closed. Used for long-term storage shoes They are a cabinet or cabinet with doors. They can be placed not only in the hallway, but also in rooms.
  2. Open. Placed in the hallway, suitable for daily storage of casual shoes. Advantage open shelves in free air circulation: shoes dry faster and the smell disappears.
  3. Floor-standing. Suitable for spacious rooms, as they take up quite a lot usable area. To increase functionality they can be manufactured with a seat. There are open and closed.
  4. Wall-mounted. Save space and make cleaning easier. For a small hallway best option- narrow vertical design, it takes up little space and visually increases the height of the room.

Options for DIY shoe shelves in the hallway in the photo

We make shoe racks with our own hands: drawings, step-by-step photos, diagrams

Having decided on the material and model of the shelf, you can begin to manufacture it. One of the simplest and most inexpensive options is a cardboard shelf.

Narrow wall structure made of cardboard

It can be made in the form of separate pockets, connected to each other and hung on the wall. For this you will need:

  • carton boxes;
  • scissors;
  • pencil, ruler;
  • glue;
  • paint, wallpaper or decorative film;
  • cord.

Having prepared everything necessary, we get to work.

  1. Cut out a rectangle measuring 65x60 cm from cardboard.
  2. We measure 25 cm along the short side and draw a line.
  3. We divide the long side into 3 parts: 20 cm, 25 cm, 20 cm. Draw lines.
  4. In the central part we got a square 25x25 cm and a rectangle 25x35 cm. We cut off the side parts of the rectangle along the marked lines. A T-shaped blank will remain.
  5. On the remaining “wings” we measure 11 cm from the square along the top line and draw diagonals connecting the marked points and corners of the letter T.
  6. We bend the cardboard along straight and diagonal lines, using a metal ruler for convenience.
  7. We assemble the structure. The rectangle will serve as the back wall of the pocket, the triangles adjacent to the square will serve as the side ones, and we place the remaining parts behind the back wall.
  8. The elements are fastened with glue or tape. The finished pockets are covered with wallpaper, decorative film, covered with paint, decorated with cords.
  9. Having done required amount pockets, glue them together vertically and attach them to the wall.

How to make a shelf out of cardboard - video

Shoe storage rack made from cardboard boxes

Advice! If you plan to paint the shelf, glue the ends of all parts masking tape. This way the product will take on a finished look and moisture will not get inside the walls.

How to assemble a rack - video

PVC pipe construction

Making such a shoe rack will require a little time and a minimum of tools:

  • pipes PVC diameter 20–25 cm;
  • paint, paper or film for pasting;
  • glue;
  • hacksaw.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut the pipe into pieces 25-30 cm long, process the edges until smooth and decorate the pieces to your liking.
  2. Staple finished parts each other in the form of a honeycomb or as your imagination tells you.
  3. Mount the structure on the wall or place it on the floor.
  4. Additionally, the pipes can be secured with cord or tape.
  5. As a result, you will get a design like this.

Pallet construction

For a summer residence or garden plot A shelf made from used pallets would be appropriate. Its production will not take much time and effort.

  1. Sand the tray manually or using a sander.
  2. Treat it with a moisture-protective agent, for example, Neogard wood water repellent.
  3. Lean the structure against the wall and use it.
  4. The pallet treated with a water repellent can also be painted. After the paint has dried, the improvised shelf can be used.
  5. If you gravitate towards traditional style, cut the pallet lengthwise into two or three parts. Place the resulting parts on top of each other, separating them with bars of the required thickness, and fasten them with self-tapping screws. You will get a shelving unit with two or three shelves.

Simple wooden shelf

You can quickly make a shelf from wooden blocks and slats. To do this, it is first advisable to draw up a drawing or diagram of the future structure, then cut the material according to the calculated dimensions and connect all the parts using self-tapping screws.

Shoe rack made of wooden slats

The simplest version of a wooden shoe rack is a shelf made of slats. If you don’t have bars at hand, you can get by with slats alone. To work you will need:

  • wooden slats;
  • hacksaw;
  • wood screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper;
  • wood varnish.

Operating procedure:

  1. Measure the place where you plan to install the shelf and make a drawing.
  2. Cut the slats according to the dimensions obtained. For a three-tier shelf, you should have four posts, six cross supports, and nine shelf slats. You can change the width of the shelf by screwing different numbers of slats.
  3. On the racks, mark the places where the transverse supports are attached, and use a drill to drill holes for the self-tapping screws. This is necessary to ensure that cracks do not form during assembly.
  4. Sand the parts with sandpaper.
  5. Assemble the side posts by screwing the crossbars to the posts with self-tapping screws. You will get two “ladders”.
  6. Screw the shelf slats starting from the bottom.
  7. Cover the product with varnish and let dry.

By showing your imagination and spending a little time, you can make a stylish and inexpensive shoe rack from what is at hand, but has not yet been used. Imagine, create, and your home will become unique and individual.

Shoes are the passion of many women. How many pairs of shoes are needed for different occasions? Shoes for a business meeting, comfortable boots for walking, soft slippers. What then can we say when we are talking about a family where everyone needs boots or sneakers. Therefore, everyone faces the problem of storing it.

It is often difficult to install a spacious shelf in small hallway. Shelves and cabinets simply don't fit the size of your narrow hallway.

In this case, you need to contact a custom-made furniture workshop. However, such services are more expensive standard solutions factory production.

But the issue can be resolved differently. Make your own cabinet.


The materials for making the cabinet can be chipboard and MDF, as well as plywood and natural wood.

It is necessary to take into account that plywood and wood are much more expensive than chipboards. But furniture made from these materials is more durable compared to Chipboard is better tolerates humid environments.

Chipboard and MDF boards, unlike wood, do not require additional processing.

The compressed structure of MDF makes the material quite durable. Working with this material is quite easy. Also consider its weight. We recommend using MDF only as a facade.

Chipboards have a wide color range. Therefore, it will be quite easy to fit the cabinet into the interior of the hallway.

As an additional decoration, you can order milling on the slab. This will make it unique.

DIY cabinet

A box for sneakers, sandals and boots and folding drawers.

In this article we will look at the manufacturing process of a cabinet, the frame of which is made of 16 mm chipboard. Partitions are completed from chipboard 10 mm.

Let's play on the arrangement of two colors. We will make the sidewalls, roof, internal pillars and bottom from dark alder, and the facades from light alder.

You can give your drawings and they will cut the chipboard boards for you in a store that has special equipment. You can also include edging tape in your order.

But if you are limited in funds or want to train your skills, then you can do it yourself at home. But it must be taken into account that without specialized tool and certain skills will not be easy to avoid chipping.

How to glue the edge yourself?

The edge happens paper and plastic.

To glue the edge at home, you need:

  1. Apply special glue to the edge.
  2. Heat the iron to maximum temperature.
  3. Press the edge using light pressure through the thick fabric.
  4. Remove any remaining glue.

Cabinet details

Parts made from 16 mm wood-laminated plates, dark alder color:

  • roof - 1100×250−1 piece;
  • bottom - 1100×250−1 piece;
  • sidewall - 668×250−2 pieces;
  • internal stand - 668×250−1 piece;
  • internal horizontal flat piece of wood - 526×250−3 pieces.

Parts made of 16 mm wood-laminated plates, light alder color:

  • facade - 311×51 -4 pcs.

Parts made from 10 mm wood-laminated plates, light alder color:

  • internal partition of the shoe shoe - 510×140−4 pcs.;
  • internal partition of the shoe shoe - 510×135−4 pcs.;
  • internal partition of the shoe shoe - 510×85140−4 pcs.

Fibreboard part 3 mm, beige color:

  • back wall - 696×1096−1 pc.


  • shoe shoe - 192×287×85×16−4 sets;
  • handle - 4 pcs.;
  • thrust bearing - 6 pcs.;
  • confirmations - 1 pack;
  • self-tapping screws - 1 pack.

How to assemble?

To assemble the frame we will need:

  • sidewall - 2 pcs.;
  • roof.

We tighten the frame using comfirmats. To do this you will need a screwdriver and a commercial bit.

The final step will be installation back wall Fiberboard.

Installing the galosh

Dimensions and measurements should always be made in advance. So that you can know in advance what size the final product will be.

We mark the places where the rotation axis and the stop pin are attached. We screw the mechanisms to the sidewalls. Mounting dimensions and drawings are given below.

Each shoe shoe comes complete with a drawing and wiring diagram installations. According to the drawings, we make markings for fastening.

We fasten the overshoes to the sidewalls using self-tapping screws. The shoe shoe must have free movement.

We connect parts made of 10 mm chipboard with plastic parts. We insert the elements of the shoe shoe into the grooves and place them on the screws to the left side panel. Next, we screw it to the vertical partition. Let's do the same on the reverse side.

The final stage is the installation of facades. We use double-sided tape for this.

Then we attach the handles to the facades and installing thrust bearings.

A cabinet made with your own hands will please the eye and delight with its functionality, making movement around the hallway more comfortable. Your slippers will always be in their place.

Organizer made of fabric or cardboard

Quite a convenient and easy to carry thing.

Let's consider the case when the corridor is so small that there is no room for a bedside table at all. In this case, the organizer will come to our aid. It can be purchased at the store, or you can also make it yourself. The material for making the organizer can be fabric or a cardboard box.

If the hallway has a closet with a suitable niche, then you can place organizers in it. We stack them on top of each other and set by surprise. During the manufacturing process, we impregnate it 3 times with a water-repellent spray or a solution of water and PVA glue. Thus, our product will have greater rigidity.

DIY cardboard shelf

This is the most a budget option shelves. And everything you need to make it can be found at home.

You will need:

  1. cardboard;
  2. ruler;
  3. pencil;
  4. PVA glue;
  5. scissors or carpenter's knife;
  6. stapler;
  7. scotch.

The most budget option when necessary materials or no money.

Lay a sheet of cardboard on the floor. We cut out rectangles measuring 45 by 30 cm from it. We form triangles 30 cm high from cardboard. This is one cell of our shoe rack. We connect them in a row. The edges must be sealed with tape to prevent the cardboard from tearing.

This is a great solution for country houses. The disadvantages of such a shelf are instability and low reliability. Therefore, it is better to put it in a niche.

You can also construct an organizer from thick paper or wood directly on the cabinet door.

Shoe rack on a cabinet door made of cardboard:

  • cut out rectangles,
  • roll them into a pocket,
  • insert them into each other,
  • attach to the cabinet door.

Shelf from wooden planks:

  • Attach a wooden strip to the cabinet door.
  • Insert your sneakers, sandals or sneakers into the gap between the cabinet and the plank.

Open option. Quite convenient to use.

You can also make an open version of the product from wooden planks or boxes. In such a shelf the item will dry well. But it will also collect dust.

You can combine items and create a completely unique shoe rack that will not only collect all your shoes, but will also decorate your hallway. Use for own ideas maybe the most ordinary items: pipes, glass bottles.

So, you see that there are many solutions for how to organize and store shoes even in the narrowest hallway. Decide what suits you best. Choose a shoe rack design with moving or static shelves.
