The history of blinds (5 photos). Interesting facts about blinds The legend of the appearance of blinds

" and subsection " " publication. Previously we came across the article. Where we looked at what types of blinds there are. As it turns out, blinds come in one color. And over time they get bored. Accordingly, there may be a desire to decorate them.

How to decorate blinds? There are several options and possibilities here. To begin with, you can use acrylic paints . This option is suitable for any blind material - plastic, fabric, metal, and wood. The easiest way is to make a rainbow. That is, each individual strip can be painted in its own color. You will get a kind of rainbow on the window. It will take a lot of paint, but the achieved effect will be strong, and the result will be very, very original. But you can do it without a rainbow - just a different color from white.

You can use white acrylic construction paint (for bathrooms).

Repair ,

Continue with the “Repair” section and the “” subsection new topic Balcony repair. And please note - this does not mean normal repairs a balcony, when it is lined with wood and insulated, and a balcony renovation that makes you want to live on the balcony :)

For many of us, a balcony is a special place where we often spend time, like to relax and breathe. fresh air, read newspapers and books, drink tea and just have fun. But, in order for the rest on the balcony to be comfortable, we should do everything in our power to ensure that the balcony is always warm and cozy. For example, install

  • The first “proto-blinds” appeared in ancient times in hot countries. Pieces of damp cloth were hung on window openings in order to “save” the home at least a little from the scorching sun.
  • In the northern regions of the planet, they mainly used curtains and blinds for windows made of materials such as leather, wood, and stone. Data on marble shutters in the era have been preserved Ancient Greece. First sliding structures(with an angle of inclination) appeared in warm southern countries.
  • In the media of the mid-18th century. There was already an advertisement for blinds. The name of the first official manufacturer is known - this is designer John Webster (America, Philadelphia).
  • The first patent was issued to Edward Beren in London on December 11, 1769.
  • An American from New Orleans, entrepreneur D. Hampton, patented new horizontal blinds with the function of adjusting the angle of the lamella plates. From this moment it begins mass production horizontal blinds.
  • Only in the 20th century were they patented vertical blinds by Sun Vertical. The Americans are again ahead of the rest - the state of Kansas City entered the names of the heroes: Edward and, apparently, his brother Frederick Bopp.
  • Residents were the first to install protective curtains-blinds, also called rafshtory or façade blinds. South America. The need for them arose due to constant natural phenomena. Rafblinds found their use during the Great Patriotic War. Residents thus protected their houses during constant bombing.
  • Pleated blinds and roller blinds – “youth” come from Germany. Opened to the world community only in the 21st century, they nevertheless quickly became widely known. The drum mechanism of roller blinds was recognized as a unique invention of that time.
  • In tribute to history, ordinary horizontal blinds are often called Venetian.
  • Before pleated blinds appeared, pleated products were popular only as an element or type of clothing. The first ornaments (especially in chinese style with dragons, whose number of legs decreases from six to four when folding the fabric) formed the basis of modern designs that can create a visual “day-night” illusion on pleated blinds.
  • Beautiful name elegant marquis awnings originally from Italy. Back in the 15th century, during medieval times, a legend preserved the name of the condottiere Francisco Borgia. The military leader of the mercenary troops and the titled marquis ordered that the spacious windows of his rich mansion-palace be equipped with awnings from the scorching sun. The devices named after him were made only for the sake of a cute 12-year-old concubine, a concubine with a charming appearance. The Marquis wanted to protect the delicate whiteness of her skin from the hot sun in this way.

Today they are used not only in offices, but also at home. There are many unusual stories associated with these products, which we will tell you.


Did you know that the word blinds means jealousy? There is a legend that the invention of this design belongs to an Italian with a very jealous disposition. He tried to protect his beloved from the gaze of men by covering the windows with thick fabrics. However, the lack of light affected the beauty’s health, and then the man installed wooden slats through which it was impossible to see anything, but Sun rays could get into the room. Many people disagree with this interesting fact. Some believe that this invention first appeared in Arab culture, others refer to the Middle Ages.

The appearance of blinds in Rus'

Most experts say that the prototype of blinds can be called shutters. Whether this is true or not, we don’t know. We only know that at the end of the 20th century, Russian people became acquainted with such a functional design as vertical blinds. They quickly gained popularity as they eliminated the need for constant maintenance of heavy curtains. Today the range is so wide that you can find models that will harmoniously fit into any interior.

Blinds or curtains?

Many people still prefer curtains, but did you know that fabric products and blinds can be combined? Curtains hanging on the sides will look quite harmonious. Another advantage is that the blinds act as protection for the material from fading.

Roller blinds

Such a product not only has an attractive appearance, but also allows you to save money. You can forget about air conditioning, since roller blinds let in only 10% of sunlight, which means the room will not heat up much. This is also a plus for those who like to sleep for a long time. The main advantage of such designs is good air circulation and minimal amount of dust (compared to standard curtains).

Blinds have a large number of advantages and affordable price, so their popularity is constantly growing. The AKS company will select options that will suit you in all respects.

In the West, curtains have long been replaced by blinds. This invention is not only beautiful, but also elegant and, of course, practical. In our country, blinds are just beginning to gain popularity, since in most cases they are used in offices, but we will return to this a little later. Now, let's find out who invented them.

The legend of the appearance of blinds

Blinds translated means jealousy, which is what the legend actually says. Rumor has it that the young and jealous Italian had a beautiful wife whom he wanted to hide from prying eyes. That is why in his house, the windows were always covered with thick curtains. But due to the lack of daylight and sunlight, the beautiful lady soon began to waste away, and the Italian came up with some kind of “blinds”. They were made of thin wooden slats, through which light penetrated into the room, but nothing could be seen.

Blinds nowadays

Now this invention has completely changed. The variety has become simply incredibly huge. For example, it is worth paying attention, because these are not just blinds, but blinds-curtains, which have a huge number of advantages. The most important thing is the variety of shapes, which allows you to close window designs, regardless of their forms.

Of course, all types of blinds, no matter what they are, have an advantage over curtains. It consists in the fact that they do not need to be washed regularly, they do not absorb odor and do not fade. Firstly, they are coated with a special substance that is harmless to human body, but at the same time perfectly repels dust. And if there is a need to clean them several times a year, then the process is quick and easy, taking no more than 5-10 minutes. Secondly, as for odors, no matter what materials the option you choose is made from, it does not absorb odors environment. Which is simply a huge fact for housewives who spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Thirdly, neither the sun's rays nor any other atmospheric irritants can in any way damage the blinds.

As for the popularity that we promised to return to. Indeed, due to the fact that at one time the variety of blinds was primitive, not many housewives wanted to see such units on their windows. But now you can buy roller blinds, not only practical, but also incredibly beautiful options.

And this suggests that it is worth keeping an eye on modern inventions, because they make life simpler, easier and more fun.

Curtains are being replaced by blinds everywhere - an aesthetic, practical and functional invention... of a jealous Italian. In any case, this is exactly what one of the legends claims. A rich Venetian, in order to protect his young beautiful wife from the annoying glances of curious passers-by, was forced to hide her behind tightly drawn curtains. But, deprived of daylight, she quickly began to wither. And then he invented blinds - he hung thin wooden slats on the windows, creating the illusion of a solid canvas. Light penetrated into the rooms, but it became impossible to see what was happening in them. One way or another, without canceling curtains and tulle, “blinds” (translated as “jealousy”) have become the most popular window decoration. Indeed, they make it possible to hide from prying eyes everything that happens inside the apartment, but allow you to see for yourself what is happening outside.

There is also an interesting version that blinds owed their establishment in Europe to... French courtesans. Unlike the then-prevalent shutters, window “lattices on strings” brought from overseas made it possible to see what was happening in the rooms. The French women liked to kindle male passion and jealousy in this way. And the new product quickly hit the spot.

In fact, this window device is several thousand years old. According to scientists, something resembling blinds first became widespread in Arab culture, and much later was borrowed by European culture. It consisted of non-adjustable wooden plates arranged parallel to each other at an angle of 45 degrees.

Thanks to this device, it was possible not to use shutters. The cunning device of the southerners let in daylight, and the room was protected from indiscreet glances and the scorching sun. Gradual improvements led to the fact that blinds not only performed protective functions, but also became an element of decor and design on windows, doors, glass partitions. And some of the most original and daring decisions on the issue of choosing blinds can be learned by ordering blinds in Nizhny Novgorod, from the Svetloff company.

In the history of blinds, not everything is clear and unambiguous, but we can safely say that the first were horizontal blinds made of wood, and the prototype of their vertical counterpart was most likely patchwork fabric curtains doorways the Middle Ages throughout Europe.

Vertical blinds have gained popularity in our country since the 90s of the twentieth century. Recently, curtains and curtains are increasingly giving way to blinds, the range of which can satisfy a wide variety of aesthetic and practical needs. Perhaps the most important consumer advantage of blinds, which housewives appreciate, is the absence of the necessary frequent washing and subsequent ironing. After all, all control operations are carried out using special leads, which eliminates the need to touch the slats (slats) with your hands, and therefore the blinds not only get dirty much less than usual curtains, but also do not absorb dust.
