High Tech Style History in the interior. High tech. Interior design in the style of high-tech. Design Raisin - Open Designs using

High-tech (eng. Hi-Tech - high technology) - style in architecture and design, originated in the 1970s in the depths of postmodernism and the founded wide application in the 1980s. Being a descendant of modernism, High-tech retains some of its qualities: pragmatism, sculptural shape, complicated simplicity, design in ornament and manufacturability. Frequently considered High-tech with the completion of the whole era - time of change, modern, peak "modernity" in architecture and design.

An important role in the formation of High Tek was played by the Arkigrem architectural group, which suffered the ideas of pop art and science fiction in the 1960s in architecture. B. Fuller and its geodesic dome, as well as the kinetic Frey structures, contributed.

The main features of the style of high-tech steel: tubular structures made of metal and stairs, derived from the outside of buildings, widespread use of silver-metallic color, frequent appeal to elements of constructivism and cubism, pragmatism in layout.

One of the first important structures of High-Teka is considered to be the Pompidou Center in Paris (1977), built by Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano. At first, the project was met in the bayonets, but by the 1990s, the disputes were subsided, and the center became one of the recognized attractions of Paris (as the Ovener Eiffel Tower).

Other equally main ideologists of High-tec are considered: Norman Foster, Nicholas Grimshow and James Stirling.

After the initial distrust, and somewhere and curing, as in England, the point of view is beginning to change the style. Since the 1980s, High-tech becomes expensive and prestigious style, forming the image of the largest commercial firms. The fashion of the 70s and 1980s were "mirror" buildings with fencing from polarized reflective glass, hiding the structures. Since the 1990s High-tech is increasingly trying to connect with nature, emphasizing her images. Thus, gradually High-tech develops into bio-tech and eco-tech (it is especially noticeable in the works of Architects of the Motherland High-Teja - England and Italian R. Piano).

This style was formed at the end of the twentieth century, and its main features that distinguish from other styles are the complete absence of any decor and absolute functionality. It is noteworthy that the meager decor is perfectly compensated for by the game of light on all sorts of chrome surfaces.

High-tech with its appearance is quite dry, but at the same time urbanishes: it appeared due to the development of the design of industrial buildings, and was originally used only in architecture at all. High-tech does not hide the meaningful functional parts of the interior, for example, such as air ducts, pipes, or reinforcement components. It demonstrates all the variety and wealth of the latest technologies and materials. At the same time, it does not have strict borders. It is important to note that high-tech in its pure form as the basis for interior design practical is not used because of their lifelessness, but to some extent and coldness. However, it is based on this style, designers can create cozy and original interiors.

Distinctive features of High-tech style

    Maximum space functionality. All subordinates the principle of efficiency and practicality. Not by chance, High-tech began his victorious procession from the development of office space.

    The space is maximally open and spacious. Even if it is a very small room, then due to the abundance of glass and shiny metal, as well as through the use of various cabinets and storage modules, the space is maximally released.

    Almost complete absence of jewelry, as excess elements. Crumble, ceramic vases, shelves with statuette - mortal sin for high-tech. The space revitalizes the game of light on metal surfaces, the connection of various materials and textures, the use of additional lamps and illumination.

    The classic version of the style of high technologies is the openness of the space, the absence of partitions. Accented attention is attracted to the compounds of metal structures: seams, joints. They are even specially isolated by welding.

    Straight lines intersect at an angle, and the basic principle of interior solutions is simplicity and rationalism of use.

    Another stylistic feature is an abundance of modern technological innovations in the very, there is no, modern execution.

    Wires, fittings, fasteners, beams are not hidden and do not hide, but, on the contrary, it is advantageous. They are peculiar style markers.

Interior design in the style of high-tech.

Thanks to the desire of mankind, to look into the future and at least partially transferring from it a dream to reality in art a new direction appeared - High-tech. It originated in Britain in the 70s of the XX century. Translated from English "Hightech" - "High Technologies", which very accurately expresses the essence of this direction in the design.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe style of High-Tech is an artistic understanding of high technologies. Style and design theory based on the use of the latest achievements of science and technology.

The main features of the High-Tech style are the most functional use of space, discreet decor.

High-tech style is characterized by rapid, straight lines, an abundance of glass and metal parts. Technological design everywhere: ceilings, walls, floors, stairs, windows, doors.

High-tech can be attributed to ultra-modern styles, it uses structures inherent in industrial buildings. For example, in the architecture, the main principle was the social orientation of the dwelling, its functional compliance with the necessary needs of the inhabitants.

New designs and materials appeared: Metal frame, monolithic concrete, prefab concrete structures; Simple and clear forms, floors from the floor to the ceiling - at home similar to the space ships of the future.

Favorite materials of high-tek - chrome pipes, metal surfaces, polished jumpers, bolts, glass and plastic.

In furniture and utensils, High-tech style, stainless steel and chrome surfaces, bent pipes, rotating seats, modifying levels are used.

Forms and proportions of High-Tech furniture are carefully thought out - it can be plastic, leatherette, polished metal.

The main principle of High-tec - everything should be practical. For example, "self-regulating" clamps-vice, triggered under the weight of a large glass panel, which can be a screen, stick or table. Mobile partitions are widely used, capable of closing and disclosed, which allows you to change the layout.

A distinctive feature of High-Tech style is the presence of protruding elements of structures and engineering equipment.

The complete absence of the decor is compensated by the "work" of the material: light on glass, chrome, wood polyuretric, etc.

Important in this style "functional" Beauty: holders, fastenings, backlights, etc.

Color: Metal, Silver, White, Black.

With the advent of new design and finishing materials or demand for certain technologies, this style is resumed.

Basic Style Principles High Tech:

Minimalism in everything.

Aesthetic material.


Delightness, clarity.

Rigor and simplicity of structures.

Directness, underlined graphicity and laconism lines.

The presence of clear and clear geometric shapes.

Minimum details.

No tree, challenging and polka dot wallpapers, patterns or flower.

Abundance of glass, metal and plastic.

Artificial materials with their ability to mild shape transformation, colors and shades are the basis of the High Tech interior.

Plastic of all kinds is hard and flexible, transparent and opaque, smooth or pronounced texture - everything is used in the interiors in the style of Hi-tech.

Cold elegant shine steel, chromium and aluminum, deliberately "industrial" The appearance is present in all elements of the interior - on the floor and on the suspended ceiling, in the design of window frames, stairs, creating technogenic jungle from beams, farms and pipelines, chrome-plated, nickel-plated or multi-colored.

Bright color spots.

The idea dictates color clear, without halftone: black, white and gray at the base; Red, blue, green and yellow - as an addition.

High-tech style is suitable for large rooms, divided into functional areas with partitions and doors from unbreakable glass.

The light and weightlessness of the interior attaches a wide use of glass and transparent plastic. Partitions, furniture penetrated by air and light, elegant parts soften the initial stiffness of the style direction.

Transparent doors coupe in the aluminum frame not only tribute to the last fashion, but at the same time it is a convenient and functional thing at the same time, as it saves space.

Another novelty is transparent doors with LEDs. Or the door with the effect of broken glass consisting of three layers. The broken layer is groping between two unbreakable panels.

Another solution is the door with the smell. Between the glass layers of the door places the bottle with essential oil. When opening, the door begins to exhibit a pleasant aroma. By the way, enjoying one incense, you can easily replace it with others. To do this, you need to fill the bottle with a new liquid.

High-tech furniture.

Instead of furniture from valuable wood, unusual designs of glass and aluminum appear. Tables with strictly rectangular or round glass countertops, chairs with metal legs and backs, coffee tables on wheels, uncomplicated racks with glass shelves.

For an interior in the style of High-tech, a soft furniture, characterized by simplicity of geometric shapes, is perfect. Forget about the motley colors: only one-photon upholstery is appropriate here. By the way, the effect of "bright spots" is easiest to create with a sofa, for example, radical red or blue. He significantly revives the picture.

The main thing is to remember the rule: in the style in the style of High-tech, a bright spot can be only one.

You can purchase a sofa transformer consisting of modules that allow you to change its shape. And the presence of removable covers will help to implement the most courageous fantasies.

In the style of High-tech a lot of copyright things. This is a leather chair from Reflex, changing the color at the moment of touching it. Or his "fellow" from color transparent plastic. Or the same transparent cabinet that exhibits its contents for the universal review.

When buying and putting furniture, take the principle of combining simple geometric figures. A semicircular sofa, a square carpet, spherical sofa hanging from the ceiling cone-shaped lamps will create a kind of charm High-tech style.

Lighting in the style of high-tech.

High-tech is very important correctly selected lighting. Forget about classic chandeliers, crystal pendants, floral motifs, a variety of flashlights and bronze "from the palace."

Numerous built-in luminaires in combination with a cascade of small suspended halogen lamps - that's what you need. Moreover, it is possible to hang them on both the same and at different levels. An important condition is their simplicity and ease.

String lamps and various stretch systems are a good idea for those who take the light of a significant role in the interior. Stretch systems allow you to simulate space, attracting attention to one subjects and hiding in the shade of others. Using string lamps, you can visually divide the room on the functional zones by creating the boundary between the kitchen and the dining room or living room and the bedroom, having achieved incredible lightness and plasticity.

Sofits of all kinds of configurations are also convenient and practical. They are equally appropriate both in the living room above the sofa and in the kitchen above the table. The main thing is not to rearrange, so that the living room does not like the office.

Watching the lamps with sowing of halogen lames. True, their purpose, rather, not practical (read when they are not very convenient), but aesthetic (create comfort, help relax).

Windows and walls in the style of high-tech.

The best clothing for windows in the style of High-tech is vertical or horizontal blinds. But if you do not want your housing to resemble the office, add curtains to them - certainly monophonic, inappropriate, not very thin and not too dense. Of course, you can only be limited to them, but provided that all of the above requirements are observed.

The combination of "tusle curtains plus opaque curtains" is inappropriate. This is a classic.

Walls in the style of high-tech.

Smooth light monophonic walls are a mandatory sign of the High-Tech interior. The most suitable colors: white, light gray, beige and sandy.

Professionals advise to abandon Wallpaper and give preference to paint. The idea of \u200b\u200bminimalism dictates its own rules: decorating the walls to anything. If all the same naked walls are not to taste, threaten the copyright photos in the light metal frames (black and white option is preferable) or pictures with an abstract image.

Paul and floor coatings in the style of high-tech.

Tell me "no" natural stone and parquet. Here are appropriate synthetic linoleum or tile.

The carpet with a traditional classic pattern is also not suitable. It is better to stop the choice on monophonic carpets or carpeted floors. Especially popular models with a large pile.

Purchase the skin (it can be put on the chairs and sofa). Not necessarily natural, it is possible an artificial, imitating leopard skin, tiger, zebras.

As a carpet or bedspread, you can use the plaid of bright colors.

High-tech equipment.

These are new home appliances, audio, video equipment, home theater, computer. As well as a monitor and a system block of colored plastic! Imagine only: a bright red monitor, leopard colors or polka dot. Men enjoy luxurious black or blue options.

As for the interior decoration, it is indispensable for a large aquarium with exotic hai-tech inhabitants.

High-tech kitchen

Pluses High-tech for kitchen space:

    Ergonomic and rational use of space. A large number of modules and sections for storing objects, accessories and kitchen utensils will help to wisely distribute all the accessories so that they can just get it and convenient to store.

    Modern materials that are involved to create such an interior are durable, reliable and durable. After the kitchen arrangement is over, it will last long.

    All technological innovations of kitchen appliances will find their place in such a kitchen - they do not have to "fit" in the interior "- metal, steel and glass look in such a kitchen, literally like relatives.

    This style is appropriate both in large, spacious premises, and very small typical projects. High-tech perfectly unloads space, eliminating it from unnecessary elements.

    The mood of the interior will easily change, replacing the color accent. Thus, you will get the opportunity to regularly update the atmosphere of the room without special costs.

Suitable finishing materials, furniture and accessories of high-tech style:

    Hi-Tech at the head of the corner puts the rationalism of the space and aesthetics of the material. Therefore, wallpaper, textiles, tapestries are practically absent. You need paints, imitating metal or concrete. The naked piece of brickwork perfectly fits into the technogenic style concept, like coarse welds between the surfaces, accented pipes and wires of the wires.

    The floor can be from a bulk concrete, stone or tile, imitating stone. Parquet and bright tiles are not used. The walls can be covered with panels from light alloys or plastic, a combination of materials is allowed.

    There is a somewhat more lightweight version of high-tech style, the so-called biodisine. It has smooth lines, rounded forms, much less brutality and aggression. It is allowed to use natural materials - wood, stone, and even live plants can be used for design, but a bit. Although it is a retreat from a strict style, but it is quite acceptable in the design of the kitchen space.

    For registration of door and window openings, use wood, brick, metal or imitation of these materials. The width of the window frames is minimal, the various options for breaking the window glass are not welcome. Simple glass panel, no burdened - here is the ideal window in the style of Hi-Tech.


    Metal color. Polished steel and patched bronze, aluminum, nickel, chrome. Shades of gray support metal glitter. But you should not choose gray primary color, only additional. His abundance will lead to the loss of clarity of lines and conciseness of forms.

    White. Classic high-tek is rarely used clean white color. Usually it is a sample color of ivory, milk or vanilla shade. However, modern trends allow the use of snow-white. Especially successfully, if it is metallized. It can be found in the design of countertops, furniture or kitchenware.

    The black. Deep and absorbing colors, it can not better meet the basic idea of \u200b\u200bstyle - nothing superfluous. It is this color that especially loved to use the revolutionary designers-constructivists of the last 20s of the last century, which started the beginning of the modern High-flow.

    Refrain from colors, patterns, background drawings. They simply do not have a place in such space. Maximum that allows this interior - two-color decoration with one accents. At the same time, keep in mind that the brick nude laying is an extra color, unless you parse the wall color.

Furniture & Accessories in the style of high-tech

Practical, comfortable furniture of clear geometric shapes

    Modern materials, glossy surfaces, smooth lines, clear joints are an appearance of furniture for your kitchen. Prefer chromed metal, closed sections, brilliant sash.

    Wardrobes and storage modules let them be made of high-quality plastic. They must be designed to accommodate the maximum number of items needed to you - on the tables in the High-tek cuisine should not stand anything superfluous.

    Countertops can be made of tempered glass, and if you want to issue a thorny apron, choose transparent or matte-white.

    In the design of Kitchen Style High Tech, the light plays a big role. Strengthens the trend to hide its sources as much as possible. This can be used when displaying the backlight in the working or dining area. Soft light streams that are shifted from nowhere, are reflected in polished surfaces - such design is completely in the spirit of the selected style.

    In everything related to additional accessories, technology, dishes, the same rule is working - monochromicity of color, functionality, simplicity. In the kitchens of this style should not be issued to the universal manufacture of all technical means that are at your disposal. It is better for them to provide special niches or modules. High-tech - the style of people of rationally thinking, restrained, value comfort and convenience, and not showing in the spirit of modern nouveau.

High-tech is often accused of coldness, excessive rationality. In fact, it is a functional, lightweight and comfortable style. He helps unload space and release him for life. The kitchen, full of light and space, in which it works comfortably and breathes freely - that's what the style is High-tech.

High-tech bedroom

Thanks to the desire of mankind, to look into the future and at least partially transferring from it a dream to reality in art a new direction appeared - High-tech. It originated in Britain in the 70s of the XX century. Translated from English "Hightech" - "High Technologies", which very accurately expresses the essence of this direction in the design.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bstyle High-tech- Artistic understanding of high technology. Style and design theory based on the use of the latest achievements of science and technology.

The main features of the style of high-tech- Maximum functional use of space, discreet decor.

High-tech style is characteristic. Swift, straight lines, abundance of glass and metal parts. Technological design everywhere: ceilings, walls, floors, stairs, windows, doors.

High techit can be attributed to ultra-modern styles, it uses structures inherent in industrial buildings. For example, in the architecture, the main principle was the social orientation of the dwelling, its functional compliance with the necessary needs of the inhabitants.

New designs and materials appeared: Metal frame, monolithic concrete, prefab concrete structures; Simple and clear forms, floors from the floor to the ceiling - at home similar to the space ships of the future.

Favorite materials of high-tek - chrome pipes, metal surfaces, polished jumpers, bolts, glass and plastic.

In furniture and utensils style high-techstainless steel and chromed surfaces, bent pipes, rotating seats, modifying levels are used.

Forms and proportions of hi-tech furniture are carefully thought out - it can be plastic, leatherette, polished metal.

The main principle of High-tec - everything should be practical. For example, "self-regulating" clamps-vice, triggered under the weight of a large glass panel, which can be a screen, stick or table. Mobile partitions are widely used, capable of closing and disclosed, which allows you to change the layout.

A distinctive feature of High-Tech style is the presence of protruding elements of structures and engineering equipment.

The complete absence of the decor is compensated by the "work" of the material: light on glass, chrome, wood polyuretric, etc.

Important in this style "functional" Beauty: holders, fastenings, backlights, etc.

Color: Metal, silver, white, black.

With the advent of new design and finishing materials or demand for certain technologies, this style is resumed.

What should be taken into account when creating an interior in the style of high-tech

Basic Style Principles High Tech:

Minimalism in everything.

Aesthetic material.

. "Technogenicity".

Delightness, clarity.

Rigor and simplicity of structures.

Directness, underlined graphicity and laconism lines.

The presence of clear and clear geometric shapes.

Minimum details.

No tree, challenging and polka dot wallpapers, patterns or flower.

Abundance of glass, metal and plastic.

Artificial materials with their ability to mild shape transformation, colors and shades are the basis of the High Tech interior.

Plastic of all kinds is hard and flexible, transparent and opaque, smooth or pronounced texture - everything is used in the interiors in the style of Hi-tech.

Cold elegant shine steel, chromium and aluminum, deliberately "industrial" The appearance is present in all elements of the interior - on the floor and on the suspended ceiling, in the design of window frames, stairs, creating technogenic jungle from beams, farms and pipelines, chrome-plated, nickel-plated or multi-colored.

Bright color spots.

The idea dictates color clear, without halftone: black, white and gray at the base; Red, blue, green and yellow - as an addition.

High-tech style is suitable for large rooms, divided into functional areas with partitions and doors from unbreakable glass.

The light and weightlessness of the interior attaches a wide use of glass and transparent plastic. Partitions, furniture penetrated by air and light, elegant parts soften the initial stiffness of the style direction.

Transparent doors coupe in the aluminum frame not only tribute to the last fashion, but at the same time it is a convenient and functional thing at the same time, as it saves space.

Another novelty is transparent doors with LEDs. Or the door with the effect of broken glass consisting of three layers. The broken layer is groping between two unbreakable panels.

Another solution is the door with the smell. Between the glass layers of the door places the bottle with essential oil. When opening, the door begins to exhibit a pleasant aroma. By the way, enjoying one incense, you can easily replace it with others. To do this, you need to fill the bottle with a new liquid.

High-tech furniture.

Instead of furniture from valuable wood, unusual designs of glass and aluminum appear. Tables with strictly rectangular or round glass countertops, chairs with metal legs and backs, coffee tables on wheels, uncomplicated racks with glass shelves.

For an interior in the style of High-tech, a soft furniture, distinguished by simplicity of geometric shapes. Forget about the motley colors: only one-photon upholstery is appropriate here. By the way, the effect of "bright spots" is easiest to create with a sofa, for example, radical red or blue. He significantly revives the picture.

The main thing is to remember the rule: in the style in the style of High-tech, a bright spot can be only one.

You can purchase a sofa transformer consisting of modules that allow you to change its shape. And the presence of removable covers will help to implement the most courageous fantasies.

In the style of High-tech a lot of copyright things. This is a leather chair from Reflex, changing the color at the moment of touching it. Or his "fellow" from color transparent plastic. Or the same transparent cabinet that exhibits its contents for the universal review.

When buying and putting furniture, take the principle of a combination of simple geometric shapes. A semicircular sofa, a square carpet, spherical sofa, hanging with a sense of cone-shaped lamps will create a kind of charm style High-tech.

Observe the traditions of minimalism - do not overdo it.

Do you like extravagance? You are welcome! Fantasize, experiment, create color and textures. But at the same time do not forget about the compatibility and harmony.

Lighting in the style of high-tech.

High-tech is very important correctly selected lighting. Forget about classic chandeliers, crystal pendants, floral motifs, a variety of flashlights and bronze "from the palace."

Numerous built-in luminaires in combination with a cascade of small suspended halogen lamps - that's what you need. Moreover, it is possible to hang them on both the same and at different levels. An important condition is their simplicity and ease.

String lamps and various stretch systems are a good idea for those who take the light of a significant role in the interior. Stretch systems allow you to simulate space, attracting attention to one subjects and hiding in the shade of others. Using string lamps, you can visually divide the room on the functional zones by creating the boundary between the kitchen and the dining room or living room and the bedroom, having achieved incredible lightness and plasticity.

Sofits of all kinds of configurations are also convenient and practical. They are equally appropriate both in the living room above the sofa and in the kitchen above the table. The main thing is not to rearrange, so that the living room does not like the office.

Watching the lamps with sowing of halogen lames. True, their purpose, rather, not practical (read when they are not very convenient), but aesthetic (create comfort, help relax).

Windows and walls in the style of high-tech.

The best clothing for windows in the style of High-tech is vertical or horizontal blinds. But if you do not want your housing to resemble the office, add curtains to them - certainly monophonic, inappropriate, not very thin and not too dense. Of course, you can only be limited to them, but with conditions, if all of the above requirements are observed.

The combination of "tusle curtains plus opaque curtains" is inappropriate. This is a classic.

Walls in the style of high-tech.

Smooth light monophonic walls are a mandatory sign of the High-Tech interior. The most suitable colors: white, light gray, beige and sandy.

Professionals advise to abandon Wallpaper and give preference to paint. The idea of \u200b\u200bminimalism dictates their rule-la: decorate the walls of anything. If all the same naked walls are not to taste, threaten the copyright photos in the light metal lines (a black and white version is preferable) or pictures with an abstract image.

Paul and floor coatings in the style of high-tech.

Tell me "no" natural stone and parquet. Here are appropriate synthetic linoleum or tile.

The carpet with a traditional classic pattern is also not suitable. It is better to stop the choice on monophonic carpets or carpeted floors. Especially popular models with a large pile.

Purchase the skin (it can be put on the chairs and sofa). Not necessarily natural, it is possible an artificial, imitating leopard skin, tiger, zebras.

As a carpet or bedspread, you can use the plaid of bright colors.

High-tech equipment.

These are new home appliances, audio, video equipment, up to a good cinema, computer. As well as a monitor and a system block of colored plastic! Imagine only: a bright red monitor, leopard colors or polka dot. Men enjoy luxurious black or blue options.

As for the interior decoration, it is indispensable for a large aquarium with exotic hai-tech inhabitants.

And remember: high-tech - style for people active, leading mobile lifestyle, accustomed to communication and change. After all, this style and dynamic itself. He welcomes everything new, modern. Promotes new technologies and materials. It is characterized by the use of the maximum functional furniture of extravagant forms, a variety of interior design options, bright color spots, unusual combinations of various parts and items. And at the same time - the mandatory presence of taste and sense of measure.

Helpful advice. High-tech does not tolerate anything superfluous. Even a slight piece that is not suitable style can destroy the overall impression. Elegant simplicity and a clearly designated idea - here is the founded High-tech.

Translated from the English language, the word "hai-tech" means nothing more than "high technologies". High Tech Style It is a fairly young style that was formed at the end of the last century. Distinctive features of High-tech style are the absolute functionality and the absence of any decor elements, which are more compensated by chrome surfaces and the light game. It should also be noted that the High-Tech style is almost never used in its pure form to arrange a residential interior due to some coldness and even lifelessness. But on the basis of the style of High-tech, you can create very cozy and harmonious interiors.

So in order to establish an interior in the style of high-tech, you need to know which features are characteristic of this unusual style. We list the most significant and weighty: simple and maximum clear geometry (concerns not only walls, but also furniture); use of industrial building materials (concrete, plastic, glass); The presence of metal structures, sometimes naked concrete or brick walls; Built-in furniture, sliding doors and partitions; The abundance of lighting devices that can be installed both on the ceiling and walls, and even in the floor.

Consider several options for arranging High-Tech style on the example of certain premises. Let's start with the living room - one of the most main premises in the house. In the photo below you can see living roomMade in the style of High-tech: cold white-gray tones, glossy floor, furniture simple shape, large windows, simple curtains and abundance of light. If you wish in such a living room, you can add several bright elements in the form of a pair of pads or decorative figures of more juicy colors. Also bright fragments may contain walls, floor or cabinet furniture. The main thing is not to rearrange, since a large number of bright colors will make the room too frosted and Alyapist, having deprived him of the design of the proud title "Hai-Tech".

High-tech bedroom It will always be extremely simple, rational, but at the same time fashionable and exquisite view, which confirms the photo located below. This option of designing the bedroom can be supplemented with a multi-level lighting system, which is characterized by High-tech style.

No less stylish and the original look will have high-tech kitchen, which has also excellent practicality and functionality through the use of durable and wear-resistant materials. Most often, the kitchen interior in the style of high-tech is based on concise elegance. Often, the style of High-tech is combined with a minimalism style.

High-tech is one of the most popular modern trends in the interior design and architecture. It was formed as a result of combining minimalism, constructivism and pop art. The idea was supported and developed by English designers, after which she conquered the whole world. High-tech combined the brightest signs of combined styles - practicality, high manufacturability, functionality and spectacular appearance. Clear geometry, modern materials, some futuristicity - all this High-tech.

Nevertheless, this style works primarily on the external effect. Advanced High Tech is the desire for elitism. Modern aesthetics is emphasized by relevant developments in the field of equipment and materials for decoration, increasing the status of the premises owner.


Characteristic Elements and Accessories

High-tech interiors do not boast homemade warmth and comfort, they pursue other goals. Probably, that is why this style gained initially popular in office premises, and only then in residential buildings. Nevertheless, despite some coldness and detachment, many choose High-tech for their home.

Unlike other styles that seek to hide either in harmoniously enter technique in the interior, High-tech does not just expose the appeaset, but all the other details of the interior makes it fit. That is why when choosing equipment, you need to be guided not only by functionality, but also design.


For an interior in the style of high-tech, artificial light is primarily important - it means that it is necessary to think over all sorts of ways of top and additional lighting. In this case, elegant lamps must be proper geometric shape.

Color solution

The most popular color distribution method is bright accents on a homogeneous background. For the background, a combination of white and light gray, beige, metallic is perfectly suitable. Even red or salado-green walls are found in particularly extreme options.

Materials (floor, walls, ceiling)

The main materials used in the High-tech interiors - plastic, glass, metal, in general, all that will emphasize elegance and refinement. New light alloys and the most advanced materials will find themselves use on the windows of High-Tek. However, in this style there is enough space and quite traditional materials - wood, stone, but they need to give way to modern technologies.


High Tech is the style of accessories, so it is easy to implement indoors with white walls and a ceiling and a covered light laminate or tiled floors. The main thing is to fulfill the interior with modern technique, unusual lighting, mirrors, glass, plastic - and the style of high technology will play all the colors.

The High Tech style in the interior became popular during the technological coup in the world, so its fundamental principles are the use of the latest technology and the functionality of all elements. In a room, decorated in this style, not to find the usual decor, it was replaced by plasma TVs, high-tech panels.

At the moment, in its pure form, High-tech is quite rare. Designers prefer to dilute it with other directions (neoclassica, pop art, avant-garde, others). It is necessary to add a cozy room, because High-tech interior is quite strict. Often offices of successful companies are made in this designer direction to show prestigious and status.

Functionality and severity of forms - Kee-tech design

History High-Tech Style

High-tech began its development in the 1970s in the UK. One of the most famous practitioners of this area is considered Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, Nicolas Grimshow. They embodied the idea of \u200b\u200bthe house, which would show scientific and technological progress. Initially, this style was applied to architecture and only after a decade became popular in the interior of apartments.

Objects that embody the progressive ideas of this direction were erected before it occurs. These include architectural structures Le Corbusier and Renzo Piano. Architects used metal frame, concrete blocks, which became an innovation in construction and prepared the soil to develop a high-tech.

For this direction, the design is characterized by an extreme degree of practicality. The inner decoration of the room looked somewhat dry due to the lack of greenery and the motley decor, so did not hurry in the High-tech housing. The first time it was used mainly offices of famous companies. Thanks to this, High-tech gradually began to associate with success and well-being.

At first, High-tech was an office style

After the successful introduction of style in the office life, it became more popular and in residential premises. In order to keep up with fashionable trends, many apartment owners began to make out the living rooms, bedrooms and even the kitchen in the style of Hi-tech. Such dwellings were trendy thanks to the use of advanced technologies and new materials. Gradually, the technological design moved from noisy megalopolises into the periphery.

Now in this direction are often drawn up both apartments and at home. The interior looks pretty ascetic thanks to the absence of unnecessary details. It is permissible to decorate the living room bedroom, bathroom metal statuette, photo frames. For the bedroom, this interior design manner is rather unusual. However, the room looks modern and fashionable.

Features of the style of high-tech

High-tech differs from modernism, classics, country, the lack of a decorative shell, the presence of expressive lines. The space in the room is used to the maximum, so all things must have some kind of functional value.

From the bulky furniture will have to abandon, it is better to choose models that can transform. For example, modular sofas or a small coffee table, which, thanks to simple manipulations, turns into a full-fledged large table.

The main materials used artificial origin: glass, plastic, metal, concrete. The exception is textiles: it is permissible to use linen, silk beds. However, even the fabric must be made using advanced technologies. You can purchase curtains with a special impregnation, which repels dust, dirt and moisture.

Five Fundamental High-Tech Style Principles in the Interior:

  • minimalism - only four colors are used, the walls are painted in one tone, the wallpaper is selected without patterns and drawings;

High-tech is extremely minimalized: concise furniture, few colors in the decoration

  • manufacturability - the room is filled with modern appliances, furniture;

  • spacious - large windows are installed indoors, compact furniture;
  • practicality - The apartment should have many places to store things. Each centimeter of space is used as practical as possible, and it is impossible to overload the space with extra details;
  • comfort - Preference is given to comfortable furniture, and its alignment is thought out to the smallest details for the best organization of space.

Finishing options

High-tech style room should have smooth walls, so all the shortcomings will have to be corrected by plaster, plasterboard. It is also characteristic of the use of a simple finish without unnecessary parts in the form of bas-reliefs, painting. White paint or smooth decorative plaster is applied to the walls. Walls can be cleaned to concrete and leave right in this form. Sometimes the wallpaper is used, but bright shades are categorically prohibited. To dilute the monotonicity of the walls hang monochrome clock, frames with black and white photos or stylish paintings.

Smooth White Walls - Normal Case For Design High Tech

Floor finishes in high-tech style:

For the ceiling, a stretch matte or glossy white canvas is used. This is very convenient, because in this case it is not required to align the ceiling. If the surface is already smooth, it is painted or applied plaster.

Smooth white ceiling - the usual case for high-tech

High-Tech style furniture

High-tech furniture is distinguished by an unusual design, high manufacturability. Basic materials - plastic, glass, aluminum. The form can be different: from a simple cube to curved lines and spheres.

Choose Furniture Clear Geometric Molds

The bedroom in the style of high-tech should be equipped with an unusual bed, which, for example, is extended from the closet or wrecking in the air due to a special attachment. Futuristic look is always welcome!

Beautifully looks backlighting under the bed: so furniture seems easier, air. The use of built-in wardrobes is welcomed. Create the perfect will help the program for creating a wardrobe.

The kitchen set has a large number of lockers, which are opened by simply pressing the panel. The dining area is equipped with a round table or a concise rectangular model. Chairs in the kitchen are usually performed from metal and plastic, they have an unusual form.

High-tech kitchen is plastic and strict forms

In the living room you can purchase a modular cabinet, a sofa transformer, glass shelves. Separate attention to select seats, as there are a large number of suitable options. Single-color armchair without legs can be positioned near the window and arrange a kind of recreation area. Plastic chair in the form of a hemisphere with soft pillows inside is better to install in the corner of the room near the glass shelves with books. If the apartment has an electric fireplace, then next to place the rocking chair on metal legs.

High-tech decor

Decorative elements are practically not used, but there are exceptions:

  • ✔ Large paintings in a plastic frame with urban landscapes;
  • ✔ high lamp of strict shape;
  • ✔ Metal products;
  • ✔ Outdoor glass vase;
  • ✔ Mirror in full growth.

It is not necessary to use all the options presented, you can restrict ourselves to the lamp and the picture. The main thing is to withstand the flower gamut and successfully place the scenery. The role of the room decoration is played by various gadgets: speakers, humidifier and others.

Decor becomes lamps and techniques

To delimit the functional areas in the room or separation of rooms, use glass partitions. They are different types: matte, transparent, toned, filled with film. Such sliding systems look much better deaf walls with closed doors, they help to save space and fill the apartment with light.

Strolled sliding partitions are perfectly zonied space

What colors to use

The room is drawn up in a classic color combination: white and black. These two shades should be the main in the interior. High-tech involves the use of metal elements, therefore the silver color may also be present in the design of the room. Walls and ceiling should be only white, the furniture can be black, white or gray.

To refresh the urban style of style, designers dilute the interior with bright details - a high alive flower, blue or ultramarine pillows, lilac backlight.

Sea Wave Color Pillows Annivers Interior

Kitchen headsets in this style in the last ten-fifteen years have become equipped with cabinets of red, green, yellow and other bright colors. The severity of the forms and the clarity of the lines remain unchanged. Bright accents may also be present in the bedroom in the form of a headboard or armchairs made in a monophonic saturated color.


The room must be filled with light that emphasizes shiny surfaces. To do this, on the ceiling, in addition to the main source of light, additional point lamps are installed. The chandelier can be chosen with clear graphic lines or in the form of geometric shapes.

Additional highlighting emphasizes High-tech style

It is necessary to give preference to lamps made of glass, plastic, chrome metal. The main source of light is placed on the ceiling, and in special niches on the wall or in the floor mount point lighting. To dispel a clearly directed beam, we use mirror surfaces, which also help to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment due to reflection.

LED models decorated as suspended rings are popular. Also often use modular chandeliers of an unusual form. To illuminate individual sections of the room, LED backlight is used with the ability to control brightness, color and light mode.

The style of High-Tech will suit people who step down in time and follow the development of technologies. Despite the external lubility of the interior, the repair in such a manner will cost quite expensive. This is due to the use of modern technical equipment: a smart home system, a TV with a large plasma screen, electrocamine. As a rule, the apartment in this designer direction emphasizes the high status of the hosts.

You will be able to save money while repair, using the 3D interior design program. It is designed to design premises with different layouts. You can download the program on our website. The product allows you to choose the optimal location of furniture in the room, decide on the necessary finishing materials. Also in the program there is a function of creating a estimate.

High-tech apartment project in 3D interior design

Among the advantages of the 3D interior design, you can mark the built-in set of layouts, a convenient interface, the ability to adjust the design and printing of the finished project. The collection of finishing materials has more than 450 units. If you are not satisfied with the color of the walls, gender, the ceiling, it is enough to choose another fill. It is also possible to change the texture of the finishing. Create your projects, compare options to make your perfect repair!
