Interesting facts about the planets of the solar system for children. Interesting facts about the planets of the solar system

It's hard to believe, but once upon a time Space was completely empty. There were no planets, no satellites, no stars. Where did they come from? How was the Solar System formed? These questions have troubled humanity for many centuries. This article will help give some idea of ​​what Space is and reveal interesting facts about the planets of the Solar System.

How it all began

The Universe is the entire visible and invisible Cosmos, along with all existing cosmic bodies. Several theories have been put forward for its appearance:

3. Divine intervention. Our Universe is so unique, everything in it is thought out to the smallest detail, that it could not arise by itself. Only the Great Creator can create such a miracle. Absolutely not scientific theory, but has a right to exist.

Disputes about the reasons for the true emergence of outer space continue. In fact, we have an idea of ​​the solar system, which includes a burning star and eight planets with their satellites, galaxies, stars, comets, black holes and much more.

Amazing discoveries or interesting facts about the planets of the solar system

Outer space beckons with its mystery. Each celestial body keeps its own mystery. Thanks to astronomical discoveries, valuable information about celestial wanderers appears.

Closest to the sun is Mercury. There is an opinion that he was once a satellite of Venus. But as a result of a cosmic catastrophe, the cosmic body separated from Venus and acquired its own orbit. A year on Mercury lasts 88 days, and a day lasts 59 days.

Mercury is the only planet in the solar system on which it is possible to observe the movement of the Sun in reverse side. This phenomenon has a completely logical explanation. The speed of the planet's rotation around its axis is much slower than the movement in its orbit. Because of this difference in speed conditions, the effect of changing the movement of the Sun occurs.

On Mercury you can observe a fantastic phenomenon: two sunsets and sunrises. And if you move to the 0˚ and 180̊ meridians, you can witness three sunsets and sunrises per day.

Venus comes next after Mercury. It lights up in the sky during sunset on Earth, but can only be observed for a couple of hours. Because of this feature, she was nicknamed "Evening Star". It is interesting that the orbit of Venus lies inside the orbit of our planet. But it moves along it in the opposite direction, counterclockwise. A year on the planet lasts 225 days, and 1 day lasts 243 Earth days. Venus, like the Moon, has a change of phases, transforming either into a thin sickle or into a wide circle. There is an assumption that some types of terrestrial bacteria can live in the atmosphere of Venus.

Earth- truly the pearl of the solar system. Only on it there is a huge variety of life forms. People feel so comfortable on this planet and don’t even realize that it is rushing along its orbit at a speed of 108,000 km per hour.

The fourth planet from the Sun is Mars. He is accompanied by two companions. A day on this planet is equal in length to that of Earth – 24 hours. But 1 year lasts 668 days. Just like on Earth, the seasons change here. Seasons cause changes in appearance planets.

Jupiter- the largest space giant. It has many satellites (more than 60 pieces) and 5 rings. Its mass exceeds the Earth by 318 times. But, despite its impressive size, it moves quite quickly. It turns around its own axis in just 10 hours, but covers the distance around the Sun in 12 years.

The weather on Jupiter is bad - constant storms and hurricanes, accompanied by lightning. A bright representative of such weather conditions is the Great Red Spot - a vortex moving at a speed of 435 km/h.

Distinctive feature Saturn, definitely are his rings. These flat formations are made of dust and ice. The thickness of the circles ranges from 10 - 15 m to 1 km, width from 3,000 km to 300,000 km. The rings of the planet are not a single whole, but are formed in the form of thin spokes. The planet is also surrounded by more than 62 satellites.

Saturn has incredible high speed rotation, so much so that it contracts at the poles. A day on the planet lasts 10 hours, a year lasts 30 years.

Uranus, like Venus, it moves around the star counterclockwise. The uniqueness of the planet lies in the fact that it “lies on its side”, its axis tilted at an angle of 98˚. There is a theory that the planet took this position after a collision with another space object.

Like Saturn, Uranus has a complex ring system, consisting of a set of internal and external groups of rings. Uranus has 13 of them in total. It is believed that the rings are the remains of a former satellite of Uranus that collided with the planet.

Uranus does not have a solid surface; a third of its radius, approximately 8,000 km, is a gas shell.

Neptune- the last planet of the solar system. It is surrounded by 6 dark rings. The most beautiful shade of sea green gives the planet methane, which is present in the atmosphere. Neptune completes one orbit in 164 years. But it moves quickly enough around its axis, and a day passes in
16 hours. In some places, Neptune's orbit intersects with Pluto's orbit.

Neptune has a large number of satellites. Basically, they all orbit in front of Neptune's orbit and are called internal. There are only two external satellites accompanying the planet.

You can observe it on Neptune. However, the flares are too weak and occur throughout the planet, and not exclusively at the poles, as on Earth.

Once upon a time there were 9 planets in outer space. This number included Pluto. But because small size, the astronomical community has classified it as a dwarf planet (asteroid).

Here are some interesting facts and amazing stories about the planets of the solar system are discovered in the process of exploring the black depths of space.

The science

We all know from childhood that at the center of our solar system is the Sun, around which the four closest terrestrial planets revolve, including Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are followed by four gas giant planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

After Pluto ceased to be considered a planet in the solar system in 2006 and became a dwarf planet, the number of main planets was reduced to 8.

Although many people know general structure, there are many myths and misconceptions regarding the solar system.

Here are 10 facts you might not know about the solar system.

1. The hottest planet is not closest to the Sun

Many people know that Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun, whose distance is almost two times less than the distance from the Earth to the Sun. It's no wonder that many people believe that Mercury is the hottest planet.

In fact Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system- the second planet close to the Sun, where the average temperature reaches 475 degrees Celsius. This is enough to melt tin and lead. At the same time, the maximum temperature on Mercury is about 426 degrees Celsius.

But due to the lack of an atmosphere, the surface temperature of Mercury can vary by hundreds of degrees, while the carbon dioxide on the surface of Venus maintains a virtually constant temperature at any time of the day or night.

2. The edge of the solar system is a thousand times further from Pluto

We are used to thinking that the solar system extends to the orbit of Pluto. Today, Pluto is not even considered a major planet, but this idea remains in the minds of many people.

Scientists have discovered many objects orbiting the Sun that are much further than Pluto. These are the so-called trans-Neptunian or Kuiper belt objects. The Kuiper Belt extends over 50-60 astronomical units (An astronomical unit, or the average distance from the Earth to the Sun, is 149,597,870,700 m).

3. Almost everything on planet Earth is a rare element

The earth is mainly composed of iron, oxygen, silicon, magnesium, sulfur, nickel, calcium, sodium and aluminum.

Although all of these elements have been found in different places throughout the universe, they are only traces of elements that dwarf the abundance of hydrogen and helium. Thus, the Earth is mostly composed of rare elements. This does not indicate any special place on planet Earth, since the cloud from which the Earth formed contained large amounts of hydrogen and helium. But because they are light gases, they were carried into space by the sun's heat as the Earth formed.

4. The solar system has lost at least two planets

Pluto was originally considered a planet, but due to its very small size (much smaller than our Moon), it was renamed a dwarf planet. Astronomers also the planet Vulcan was once believed to exist, which is closer to the Sun than Mercury. Its possible existence was discussed 150 years ago to explain some features of Mercury's orbit. However, later observations ruled out the possibility of Vulcan's existence.

In addition, recent research has shown that it may someday there was a fifth giant planet, similar to Jupiter, which orbited the Sun, but was thrown out of the Solar System due to gravitational interaction with other planets.

5. Jupiter has the largest ocean of any planet

Jupiter, which orbits in cold space five times farther from the sun than planet Earth, was able to retain much higher levels of hydrogen and helium during formation than our planet.

One could even say that Jupiter is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium. Considering the mass of the planet and chemical composition, as well as the laws of physics, under cold clouds, an increase in pressure should lead to the transition of hydrogen into liquid state. That is, on Jupiter there should be deepest ocean of liquid hydrogen.

According to computer models on this planet not only the most big ocean in the solar system, its depth is approximately 40,000 km, that is, equal to the circumference of the Earth.

6. Even the smallest bodies in the solar system have satellites

It was once believed that only objects as large as planets could have natural satellites or the moon. The existence of moons is sometimes even used to determine what a planet actually is. It seems counterintuitive that small cosmic bodies could have enough gravity to hold a satellite. After all, Mercury and Venus don't have any, and Mars only has two tiny moons.

But in 1993, the Galileo interplanetary station discovered a Dactyl satellite near the asteroid Ida, only 1.6 km wide. Since then it has been found moons orbiting about 200 other small planets, which made defining a “planet” much more difficult.

7. We live inside the Sun

We usually think of the Sun as a huge hot ball of light located at a distance of 149.6 million km from Earth. In fact The Sun's outer atmosphere extends much further visible surface .

Our planet orbits within its thin atmosphere, and we can see this when gusts of solar wind cause the aurora to appear. In this sense, we live inside the Sun. But the solar atmosphere does not end on Earth. The aurora can be observed on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and even distant Neptune. Farthest area solar atmosphere- heliosphere extends over at least 100 astronomical units. This is about 16 billion kilometers. But since the atmosphere is drop-shaped due to the movement of the Sun in space, its tail can reach tens to hundreds of billions of kilometers.

8. Saturn isn't the only planet with rings

While Saturn's rings are by far the most beautiful and easy to observe, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings. While Saturn's bright rings are made of icy particles, Jupiter's very dark rings are mostly dust particles. They may contain minor fragments of disintegrated meteorites and asteroids and possibly particles of the volcanic moon Io.

Uranus's ring system is slightly more visible than Jupiter's and may have formed after the collision of small moons. Neptune's rings are faint and dark, just like Jupiter's. Faint rings of Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune impossible to see through small telescopes from Earth, because Saturn became most famous for its rings.

Contrary to popular belief, there is a body in the solar system with an atmosphere essentially similar to that of Earth. This is Saturn's moon Titan.. It is larger than our Moon and is close in size to the planet Mercury. Unlike the atmosphere of Venus and Mars, which are much thicker and thinner, respectively, than that of the Earth, and consist of carbon dioxide, Titan's atmosphere is mostly nitrogen.

The Earth's atmosphere is approximately 78 percent nitrogen. Similarity with the Earth's atmosphere, and especially the presence of methane and other organic molecules, led scientists to believe that Titan could be considered an analogue of the early Earth, or that there was some kind of biological activity there. For this reason, Titan is considered best place in the solar system to search for signs of life.

Since ancient times, space has attracted human consciousness. It seems that nothing else interests a person. Today we will look at our well-known solar system.
The solar system is huge for every person, however, in comparison with the cosmos as a whole, it is just a grain of sand in a huge desert. The planetary system consists of many celestial objects and the central part, the “heart” - the Sun. Ours contains eight planets: four small internal ones - Earth, Venus, Mercury and Mars, as well as four large external ones - Uranus, Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter.

1. Everyone probably knows that Mercury is closest to the surface of the Sun. And, accordingly, the majority believes that it is the hottest planet in the system. However, it is not. Venus turned out to be the “hottest”. It is located immediately behind Mercury. Its average temperature is 475 degrees Celsius. This mark is enough to melt lead and tin. Mercury's maximum is 426 degrees, which is much lower than the temperature of Venus. But this is not the last fact, according to the criteria of which it is ahead of all the planets in the system. Venus is also the brightest. Everyone knows that planets do not glow on their own, they only reflect the light of the Sun. So, in the atmosphere of Venus there are special clouds that reflect about 75% of what hits them sunlight. But that's not all! The only planet that, unlike others, rotates counterclockwise is Venus. So we can rightfully consider this “beauty” a champion in differences from other celestial bodies in our system.

2. It turns out that over the past couple of centuries our solar system has lost at least two planets: Pluto and Vulcan. Pluto relatively recently stopped being considered a planet and was renamed a dwarf planet. But humanity started talking about the possibility of the existence of the planet Vulcan about 150 years ago. It was assumed that this celestial object was located in front of Mercury, right at the “foot” of the Sun. But later observations nevertheless excluded it from the list of planets of the system.

3. The most important discovery of mankind regarding the solar system was, naturally, Copernicus’s assumption that the planets revolve around the Sun, and not our Earth. But, unfortunately, he didn’t even hear “thank you” for this discovery. Moreover, his followers were declared exiles, and D. Bruno was even burned at the stake as a heretic.

4. The planet Jupiter has the largest number of satellites. Although, it turns out that until 2001 it was believed that another giant, Saturn, was the champion in this indicator. However, over the past few years, scientists have discovered more than two dozen moons of Jupiter. At the moment, it is known that he has 63 of them, while the “opponent” has only 60.

5. To some extent, our planet Earth is unique. It consists mainly of the following elements: oxygen, iron, silicon, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, nickel, aluminum, sodium. All of them were discovered throughout the Universe, but only in the form of “echoes,” traces that obscured the abundance of helium and hydrogen. In this regard, we can conclude that the Earth is a bunch of rare elements. But this, of course, does not indicate any special place of the planet in the Universe.

6. Interesting fact! It turns out that we live to some extent inside our huge luminary - the Sun. In fact, its outer atmosphere extends much further than the visible surface. We rotate within the solar liquefied atmosphere. One evidence of this is the aurora, which is gusts of the solar internal wind.

7. The closest and most interesting planet to us is Mars. It was named after the well-known god of war. The second name of this planet is Red, because iron oxide predominates in its soil, and it, in the literal sense of the word, has this color. By by and large Earth scientists underestimate the importance of Mars. It turns out that in fact, many types of the first microbes that appeared on Earth first arose on the surface of Mars, and only then, with the help of asteroids, came to us. Scientists have also proven that in ancient times the “Red” planet had a lot of water resources, which disappeared over time. Evidence of this are the dried river beds that surround the planet, as well as many minerals that could only be formed with the help of water.

8. There is another celestial body that has interested earthlings for several years. This is our satellite - the Moon. However, strange things are happening around her. During the " cold war“The USSR and the USA competed with each other to see who could step onto its surface the fastest. The first person to walk on the moon was the American Neil Armstrong. But later something strange happened, because since then scientists have sharply lost interest in the Moon. And Neil’s interview with the statement that she is busy with another form of life, which earthlings are not able to resist, suggests that there is some kind of secret that is carefully hidden from us. It is more than obvious that some events occurred on this celestial body that are not told to humanity in order to avoid panic.

9. The solar system is not only filled with many planets, but also various other cosmic elements such as asteroids. Their largest concentration is located between Mars and Jupiter. This space is usually called the Asteroid Field. In films about space, you can often see how spaceships maneuver between asteroids to avoid collisions, because there is a small distance between them. However, in reality this is not the case. There is quite a large distance between the asteroids, even in the above-mentioned Field, allowing special effort fly over the ship.

10. Another interesting cosmic mystery of space and the Solar system in particular is Dark matter. Scientists suspect that it carries enormous significance in the Universe, but are not yet able to unravel it. It is well known that dark matter is a kind of anchor that holds galaxies together. It turns out that by examining some facts, we can conclude that the Earth is also densely shrouded in dark matter. This is possible because spacecraft mysteriously change their orbital speed during their flight from and to Earth. But still, this is just indirect evidence and scientists cannot yet give an official statement.

Our solar system still remains a huge cluster of secrets that scientists have yet to discover. After all, it is huge in comparison with our planet and does not end with Pluto, as we used to think. It extends beyond our understanding for many thousands of light years. However, in comparison with previous centuries, over the past few years, humanity has made a huge breakthrough in the study of the system. We hope that these are not the last discoveries and in the future we will return to this topic again with new interesting facts.

Our home is not a country or even a planet, but the entire solar system, infinitely interesting and vast. We still know very little about planets and other celestial bodies, but science continues to develop, and the days are not far off when the first manned spacecraft will be sent to distant gas giants. Now we can only be content with grains of knowledge...

Facts about the planets of the solar system

  1. It was formed about 4.57 billion years ago.
  2. Judging by the presence of heavy metals on Earth, our solar system was formed from “recycled materials” obtained from pre-existing and then exploded stars.
  3. About 99.86% of its total mass comes from the Sun itself (see).
  4. Just as the Earth revolves around the Sun, the solar system revolves around the center of the Galaxy, and it moves at a speed of 220-240 kilometers per second.
  5. All the other planets in the solar system could fit between the Earth and the Moon.
  6. Not only Saturn has rings, but also all the other giant planets - Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune.
  7. Among all the planets of the solar system, Uranus and Neptune are the least studied, and Mars has been studied the most (see).
  8. The hottest planet in the system is Venus. It is further from the Sun than Mercury, but due to its incredibly dense atmosphere, which near the surface becomes almost liquid due to the monstrous pressure, the temperature near its surface exceeds 460 degrees. This is higher than the melting point of lead. There are also rains of sulfuric acid, but due to the heat they do not reach the surface, evaporating in the atmosphere.
  9. Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, has more water than Earth.
  10. Auroras occur not only on Earth, but also on some other planets of the solar system.
  11. A day on Mars lasts almost as long as on Earth - only 37 minutes longer.
  12. Among all the other planets in the solar system, it is Mars that is most similar to Earth, but it is cold and almost devoid of an atmosphere. However, on hot summer days the temperature at its equator rises above 0 degrees.
  13. Only three celestial bodies in the Solar System, not counting the gas giants, have a dense atmosphere - Earth, Venus and Titan, a satellite of Saturn (see).
  14. Mercury's core occupies a larger percentage of its total volume than that of any other planet. Scientists believe that the once monstrous collision literally tore off the planetary crust.
  15. Mars is home to Valles Marineris, the most gigantic canyon complexes in the solar system.
  16. Some asteroids also have rings, like Saturn. For example, at Chariklo.
  17. The largest satellite in the Solar System is Ganymede, one of the satellites of Jupiter (see).
  18. Launched in 1977, Voyager 1 became the first spacecraft to travel beyond the solar system.
  19. For the entire time that elapsed from the moment of its discovery until the moment it was deprived of its status as a planet, Pluto did not make a single complete revolution around the Sun.
  20. Many scientists believe that somewhere in the Kuiper belt, beyond Pluto and other minor planets, there is another planet, probably a gas giant. This is indicated by a number of indirect signs.
  21. In the Oort cloud surrounding the Solar System, there are, according to various estimates, 2-3 trillion comets with a nucleus more than 1 km in diameter.
  22. Jupiter protects our Earth from asteroids and meteorites - its powerful gravity attracts them, and they burn up in its atmosphere without reaching our planet.
  23. The official wind speed record once recorded on Earth was 408 km/h. And on Neptune the wind blows at a speed of 2000-2200 km/h (see).
  24. The size of Venus is almost identical to the size of the Earth, as is its mass and the force of gravity on its surface. However, this is where the similarities end.
  25. There was once water on Venus, but it evaporated due to the monstrous heat, and from upper layers its atmosphere was blown out by the solar wind.
  26. The radiation emitted by the Sun is deadly, and only the atmosphere and the Earth’s magnetic field protect us from it.
  27. The largest space object in the solar system is the International Space Station. And at the same time the most expensive, and in the entire history of mankind at once (see).
  28. The coldest planet in the solar system is Uranus. The temperature in its atmosphere is about -224 degrees.
  29. In addition to the Earth, rivers, seas and lakes exist, at least on Saturn's moon Titan. They were photographed by the Cassini probe during its landing on Titan. True, it is not water that flows into them, but liquid methane and ethane.
  30. The highest peak in the solar system relative to the local analogue of “sea level” is the Olympus volcano on Mars - 22 kilometers. For comparison, Everest, the highest peak on Earth, is not even 9 kilometers high. But there is a mountain that reaches as much as 26 kilometers from the bottom to the top. It's called Reyavilvia, and it's located on the asteroid Vesta.
  31. Among all the planets in the solar system, only Venus rotates clockwise. All others are counterclockwise, except for Uranus. Due to the axis tilt angle of 90 degrees, Uranus rotates as if lying on its side.
  32. The most large model The solar system, on a scale of 1 to 20 million, was recreated in Sweden. It is scattered over a space with a diameter of 950 kilometers.
  33. Storms and hurricanes rage not only on Earth, but also on other planets of the solar system. On Mars, dust storms sometimes last for 3-4 months, and on Jupiter, a monstrous atmospheric vortex, the Great Red Spot, a hurricane the size of Earth, has existed for several centuries.
  34. On Saturn there are clouds of regular hexagonal shape. What it is is a mystery (see).
  35. There are volcanoes on both Earth and Venus, but the most geologically active celestial body in the solar system is Io, a satellite of Jupiter. Its surface is literally dotted with volcanoes, and it is constantly flooded with lava flows.

Our solar system itself is amazing and beautiful. Each planet is unique in its own way, it seems that we know everything about them. But every year technology is becoming more advanced and astronomers are still making interesting discoveries by providing new facts about the planets. IN school curriculum information about the planets, as well as interesting facts about them, were included. At that time there were still 9 planets, but since 2006 the Astronomical Union has excluded Pluto from this list. Explained by the fact that this planet was too small size and was very far from the sun. Now in its place is the planet Neptune. Oddly enough, the lightest planet is one of the giants - Saturn. There is a theory: if Saturn is placed in water, it will not drown. Of course, this statement cannot be confirmed in any way due to the impossibility of the experiment. There is a very interesting fact about the Earth: the planet’s movement is slowing down every day, because of this the Moon moves away from the Earth by 4 centimeters every year.

Let's look at each planet separately.

1. If we call the Earth a huge living organism, we will not be mistaken. Our planet can independently regulate temperature, consume energy, renew itself and breathe.
2. The speed of our planet, although imperceptibly, is 107 km per hour.
3. The earth is compared to a metal ball, which is in a stone shell. The moon plays a key role in everything that concerns our planet. It is thanks to her that there are suitable climatic conditions on earth, which allows us all to exist.
4. It is very interesting that gravity in some parts of the planet is lower or higher than in others. This can make you feel heavier or lighter in certain parts of the world. For example, in India the gravity is lower than in the southern part of the ocean. Scientists still cannot explain why this happens. This fact became known when in 2002 NASA launched the GRACE satellite, which measures the gravitational field. It seems that in the future the Earth will open its secret veils even more.
5. Some researchers claim that the earth once had two satellites, that is, two moons.

Closer to the Sun - planet Mercury

1. The planet is very fast compared to others, which is why it got its name in the name of the Roman fleet-footed god Mercury.
2. The size of the planet did not work out, it is no larger than the moon, the equator is only 4879 km.
3. Some scientists believe that Mercury was once a satellite of Venus, but as a result of some cosmic catastrophe it “escaped” and acquired its own orbit.
4. 1 day on the planet is equal to 176 Earth days, and a year is only 88 days.
5. On Mercury you can observe an amazing phenomenon: two sunrises and two sunsets. In a certain place you can watch three sunrises and three sunsets.

Planet Venus – Evening Star

1. A day on this planet is longer than a year. One day lasts 243 days, and a year lasts 225 days.
2. During sunset you can see the shadow of Venus. It can only be seen for a few hours, which is why it received the name Evening Star.
3. It is so cloudy on this planet that you can’t see the sun through them. Rain consists of sulfuric acid.
4. Venus is the hottest planet, the temperature reaches 475 degrees Celsius. For example, lead melts at 327 degrees.
5. Life is impossible on this planet, one by one main reason– The atmosphere is 96% carbon dioxide.

Red Planet – Mars

1. The planet received its name in honor of the Roman god of war, Mars, just like blood and the planet are the same color.
2. The most high mountain Olympus in the solar system is located on this planet. The height of the mountain reaches 27.4 km.
3. It is impossible to be on Mars without a spacesuit. Very strong pressure can turn blood into gas bubbles.
4. The lethal doses of radiation to which the planet is exposed also make life on Mars impossible. Radiations occur due to the absence of the ozone layer.
5. Mars once had water. Scientists have discovered dry river beds and some minerals that cannot appear without water.

Gas giant Jupiter

1. If the earth is a cherry tomato, then Jupiter is a watermelon. This is how you can compare these two planets. Jupiter could fit 1,300 planets like our Earth.
2. Despite the fact that Jupiter is a giant planet, it is also a fast planet itself. Jupiter rotates around its axis every 20 hours. But it takes 12 years around the sun.
3. Jupiter has the largest number of satellites, there are only 60 of them, maybe more. All satellites rotate in the opposite direction of the planet.
4. There is a huge red spot on the planet, which is nothing more than an anticyclone. It appeared about 400 years ago, maybe more. It was discovered by astronomer J. Cassini in 1665, then its dimensions were determined by tens of thousands of kilometers in length and width. Now the spot has almost halved.
5. Jupiter can “talk.” The planet makes very strange sounds, similar to speech. They are called electromagnetic voices.

Amazing planet - Saturn

1. Telescopes are not needed to see the planet. Just look at the sky on a clear night; the brightest star is Saturn.
2. Saturn is the most beautiful planet in the solar system. The surface of the planet has a blue tint, the rings are bright and truly beautiful.
3. Bad weather is a frequent visitor to Saturn. They are similar to earthly ones, only much stronger. During bad weather, huge craters form on the surface of the planet.
4. Spaceship, which was sent to study Saturn, was able to film a rare phenomenon - the northern lights. Before this, the northern lights were observed on earth.
5. No matter how beautiful the planet is, it is not suitable for people. Since hydrogen is first in a liquid state, then it turns into a solid state, which means a terrible death for any person who gets there - to be flattened.

Green planet Uranus

1. The planet was named after the Greek god of the sky, and 27 satellites of Uranus were named after the heroes of the works of W. Shakespeare and A. Pope.
2. 80% of the planet is ice, so permafrost -200 degrees is a faithful companion of the planet.
3. The planet is surrounded by 13 gloomy rings, there is an assumption that they originated from the remains of the satellite of Uranus.
4. Due to the small amount of methane in the air of the planet, it has a green tint.
5. Terrible storms are frequent guests on the planet. Their size is equal to our North America.

"Marine" planet Neptune

1. Neptune is a giant ball of ice and gas. Probably has a stone core.
2. Because of its bright blue color, the planet was named Neptune after the Roman god of the sea. Why is the planet this color? There is no clear answer to this question. Some believe this is due to high level methane, and some think that due to some extraterrestrial substance.
3. The atmosphere of the planet consists of hydrogen and helium.
4. The weather on the planet is terrible, sometimes the wind speed reaches 2 thousand km/h. Scientists still cannot explain why this is happening. But on this planet there is water, in all its manifestations.
5. Neptune is the least studied planet in the solar system. In 2016, another ship headed to Neptune, but it will reach the planet only after 14 years. Maybe then the planet will open its veils a little.

Our galaxy is called the Milky Way and there are about one hundred billion planets in it. People have studied only a tiny part. It seems that the main astronomical discoveries are yet to come.
