Carnation mirage growing from seeds. Secrets of growing Turkish carnations: planting and care. Description of Turkish cloves

One of the best ways beautifully decorate your garden or plant on it Turkish cloves. These delicate inflorescences, collected in corollas, have a surprisingly bright color, which will certainly create a festive atmosphere. If this ornamental plant is already growing on your site, but you want to increase its quantity - you can use the cutting method.

What if for the first time you want these magnificent flowers to decorate your flowerbed, and you are unable to get cuttings? The only option in this case is for you to grow Turkish cloves - growing from seeds. When to plant seeds? How to do this correctly? What to do when the sprouts have sprouted? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Growing Turkish cloves is rewarding work

This flower has gained its popularity, of course, thanks to its charming appearance. Agree, looking at his image, it’s hard not to be infected with the desire to buy the same flowers for yourself. But the desire of summer residents and gardeners to take up growing this plant is also fueled by an awareness of its other features, namely:

  • does not require special care,
  • not very demanding when it comes to watering,
  • can grow even in shady places,
  • easily propagated by seeds.

Depending on the variety you purchased, your flowerbed, in exchange for quite simple care, may display low-growing (up to 15 cm) or tall (up to 60 cm) carnation bushes. Flowers can be various shades of red, burgundy or white, and modern hybrids combine all these colors in one plant. It is interesting that growing Turkish cloves from seeds, as opposed to cuttings, always gives an unexpected result, since plants sprouted from seeds always have a slightly changed appearance. In any case, it is worth planting Turkish cloves, since the result of your work will certainly please your eyes.

Stages of growing Turkish cloves from seeds

How to prepare the soil

When to plant

There are several methods for planting Turkish clove seeds, differing in time:

1. If you plan to grow seedlings indoors, the seeds are planted in March or April.

2. B open ground many people prefer to plant seeds in May, and then transplant the sprouts to the site of the future flower garden in August.

3. You can plant the seeds in October, then mulch the soil with humus or peat, and at the beginning of summer, plant the sprouts as planned.

How to plant

Seeds should not be deeply buried in the soil. maximum depth- 1 cm. They are usually planted in rows, maintaining a distance of 15 cm between them. There should be at least half a centimeter between adjacent seeds. The soil above the seeds is lightly pressed and sprayed with cool water. Place a piece on top nonwoven fabric. The emergence of seedlings should occur no later than 10 days if planted in spring. At autumn planting sprouts will appear only next spring.

Picking seedlings

The time for picking comes 20 days after emergence. The seedlings are planted in such a way that the distance between the rows remains 15 cm, and from sprout to sprout - 6 or 7 cm. It is very important that the seedlings after picking are not exposed to the scorching sun, so it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening or on a cloudy day. Afterwards, the seedlings are again covered with non-woven material.

Disembarkation at permanent place

In August, the seedlings are planted in a permanent place. It is important that a distance of 20-30 cm is maintained between them, since when they grow, denser plantings may cause them to lack nutrients. It is worth noting that only next year you will be able to admire the splendor of blooming Turkish carnations. The first season of the plant is spent solely on forcing the bush. For the winter, it is advisable to cover young bushes with spruce branches. The first flowers at suitable conditions will appear in June next year. Some varieties of Turkish carnations are able to bloom again in the fall.

If you want to grow these cute little flowers for the first time, you can use the simple method by which Turkish carnations are propagated - growing from seeds. When to plant, plant and what to do with seedlings - you could understand from this article. Turkish carnation will be a magnificent decoration for your garden or summer cottage; it looks great in combination with many other ornamental plants.

Taking care of this elegant thing will not cause you much trouble, but will be fully rewarded with a lot of positive emotions.

  • Calendula: growing from seeds. When to plant in...

Turkish Carnation is perennial with straight and strong stems, which are crowned with umbrellas of flowers of various colors: white, red, pink, cream. The shape of flowers can also be different: simple, double, semi-double.

The height of the plant depends on the variety and can vary from 20 cm to 60 cm. By purchasing new variety, pay attention to the height of the bush to find its rightful place in the garden.

Growing from seeds does not present any difficulty. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules for growing and subsequently caring for seedlings.

Preparing for landing

The soil can be purchased ready-made in a specialized store for seedlings it will already have all the necessary elements.

But if necessary you can compose it yourself, taking sand and leaf soil in equal proportions.

The soil is sifted to remove everything unnecessary and superfluous (pebbles, twigs), and calcined in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in early March on the waxing moon. and you need the following tools:

  • priming;
  • container for planting;
  • ruler;
  • seeds;
  • expanded clay;
  • manganese.

The container can be any - plastic or glass - it doesn’t matter. Drainage holes are important, through which excess water will flow out after watering.

We sow Turkish clove seeds for seedlings:

How to plant in open ground

Seeds are sown in open ground in early May.. For this purpose, choose a warm sunny plot and digs it onto the bayonet of a shovel. Mineral and organic fertilizers are applied.

Then they make holes in the soil and sow Carnation seeds. The soil is well moistened with a watering can so as not to wash out the seeds and covered with film to create greenhouse conditions so that the seeds germinate together without loss.

It is important to remove the cover when installed warm weather , otherwise the seedlings under it will be able to dry out.

How to sow seeds in containers

Expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the container, then nutrient soil, and moisten it using bottom watering warm water. Manganese should be diluted in water to Pink colour, since with the help of manganese potassium the soil is disinfected.

Using a ruler, we make shallow depressions in the damp soil and seeds are sown in such rows. In the row, the distance between seeds should be 2 cm.

To ensure that the seeds germinate smoothly, the moist soil with the sown seeds is covered with glass and kept at a temperature of 17 degrees Celsius.

When most of the seeds have sprouted, the glass or other covering is removed, And further care caring for seedlings consists of timely watering and turning in relation to the sun.

Turning seedlings towards the sun different sides, the seedlings grow more even and stocky.

Care and requirements for watering, temperature, light, fertilizing

When friendly shoots appear, the container with Turkish Carnation seedlings should be move to a bright place, but without direct sunlight. Direct sun can burn young shoots.

The temperature in the room should be at 13 degrees Celsius. Such conditions will allow the seedlings to grow low and viable.

If in early spring too little sun, then the seedlings should be installed additional lighting so that it does not stretch out.

Watering is done as it dries soil mixture using a tablespoon so as not to wash the immature seedlings out of the soil.

When the majority of seedlings have two leaf plates each, they are dived in separate 200 gr. cups.

There is no need to add fertilizer to the purchased land., but if you made the mixture yourself, then the seedlings are fed twice at half the dose with nitrogen fertilizer.

Seedlings are planted in a flowerbed after hardening, and when the threat of return frosts has passed. In the southern regions of Russia this is the beginning of May, in the Moscow region the beginning of June.

Vegetative propagation

This Carnation has a remarkable ability to reproduce vegetatively. The procedure is carried out in early August.

We bend a healthy shoot of the desired color to the ground and secure it with a wire bent in the form of a hairpin (you can also use it if the shoot is not very tall).

At the beginning of September it will no longer be a cutting, but a separate plant from the mother. At this point, they are planted in a permanent place where they will grow next year.

When transplanting young bushes, it is good to water the soil with warm water.

Diseases and pests

In open ground, Turkish Carnation gets sick very rarely. But if it is planted within the boundaries of an industrial city, then some complications may arise.

Fusarium– destroys the plant from the inside. Diseased bushes are urgently removed from the flowerbed and destroyed outside the site. The place where it grew is treated with any fungicide twice with an interval of 15 days.

Rust– rusty raised spots with reverse side leaf plate. This disease manifests itself in high humidity and at the same time overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers.

The plants are treated with the drug XOM, and diseased leaves are removed mechanically.

Mole crickets are pests for this plant., which, living in the soil, damage the root mass of the plant. But the only way to fight these insects is to collect them manually when digging.

Diseases of Turkish carnation - rust and fusarium, pests - mole cricket

Varieties and their features

Turkish Carnation has many varieties that differ in flower shape and color. The most popular are varieties with double flowers.

Turkish terry clove

This type has many well-known varieties, including:

Macarena F1

A popular mixture with double flowers of various colors: Fuchsia, White, Burgundy. The flowers are bicolor with a contrasting border. The height of the bush with optimal care is 70 cm.

Dynasty F1

Double flowers are collected in inflorescences resembling a ball. Various colors in all shades of red. The height of the bushes is not very large, only 40 cm. At the same time, the variety has excellent winter hardiness in middle lane Russia.

Moulin rouge

The Moulin Rouge variety of Turkish Carnation has an unforgettable aroma, reminiscent of the southern shores of the sea. Beautiful flowers of various colors seem to be spinning in a delightful dance.

Flowering lasts a very long time for a long time. The bush grows to a height of 20 cm.

How to collect seeds

This bright plant looks good planted near the border and on alpine roller coaster. But in order not to buy new bags of seeds from year to year, It’s worth taking care of collecting seeds from your own flowers.

To collect your seeds, select a healthy flowering sprout and mark it so as not to remove dried buds when cutting.

When the bud is almost dry, it is cut off in dry weather and lay it out to dry White list paper.

The place for drying is selected so that there is no sunlight and there is good air circulation. In this form, the seeds are dried until completely dry for two weeks.

Putting seeds in paper bag For storage, you must sign the year the seeds were collected.

How to grow seedlings in the garden

Seeds in the garden can also be sown in October, but this is done with dry seeds and in dry soil. In winter, such crops are covered with slate to prevent them from freezing.

When planting Carnation seedlings in the fall, the first shoots will appear only in the spring of next year.

Spring planting provides shelter from return frosts with any covering material that allows air to pass through. Grown strong seedlings are planted at a distance of 15 cm from each other.

Further care includes timely watering, loosening, and removal of weeds.

What is the difference between growing seedlings at home and in the garden?

There is no difference in the technology of planting Turkish Carnation seedlings at home and in the garden. The difference is that, growing seedlings in the garden significantly saves space on southern windowsills.

In open ground, seedlings turn out strong, stocky and do not suffer from “blackleg” and other diseases that arise when growing seedlings at home.

This wonderful delicate flower deserves your attention to plant it in a flowerbed, creating a unique southern flavor in your garden plot.

When planting it, you need to take into account that it can reproduce by self-seeding and therefore the site is selected for a long period of time.

Turkish or bearded carnation - popular, brightly colored flowering plant, which can be seen in almost every area. Small delicate flowers collected in a small bush exude the aroma of cloves. The plant is decorative, long-flowering, unpretentious. Growing Turkish cloves from seeds does not present any particular difficulties, the main thing is to stick to simple rules planting and care.

Description of the plant

Beautiful flowering bush originally from Southern Europe. The flower gained its popularity in the 16th century and since then it can be seen in almost every garden, where it is used to create flower beds, borders and alpine slides.

The herbaceous plant can be low-growing (15-30 cm) and tall (80 cm). Depending on the variety, the color can be one-, two-, or three-color, with simple and double flowers no larger than 1.5 cm in size. Bright emerald leaves are located opposite on an erect stem.

The plant is perennial, but in culture it is grown as a biennial. In the first year of sowing, Turkish carnation produces only a rosette of leaves; in the second year it forms corymbose inflorescences of various colors. Flowering occurs in the middle of the month and lasts about 30-50 days.

After flowering, seed pods with small, dark, flat grains appear.

Advantages of a decorative flowering plant:

  • cold resistance;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • can be grown in partial shade;
  • drought resistance;
  • under favorable conditions weather conditions reproduces by self-sowing.

Choosing a variety for planting

The most popular varieties for growing in Russia:

Variety name


The plant grows up to 50 cm, has dark olive foliage with a red tint. Dark carmine inflorescences, 10 cm in diameter, have White spot in the center and jagged along the edges.

Scarlet Beauty

The bush is small, up to half a meter. The combination of dark emerald leaves and bright scarlet flowers gives the garden a festive mood.


A large-flowered variety, the diameter of a dark red flower is 2-3 cm. The half-meter bush has dark green foliage with a red tint.


Low-growing white carnation with double flowers, collected in inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter.


The dark olive bush reaches a height of up to 50 cm. Flowers with a diameter of 22 mm have a copper-red color.


The variety is tall, reaches a height of 60-70 cm. The dark burgundy flowers have a white jagged border.

Medium-sized variety with purple flowers, white core and border. Suitable for growing in flower beds, on alpine hills and for creating borders.

Macarena F1

A popular terry mixture with flowers of various colors. The two-tone flowers have a contrasting border and stand out on a dark green bush about 80cm tall.

Dynasty F1

Terry flowers of scarlet color are collected in spherical inflorescences. The bush is small, grows up to 40 cm. The variety is frost-resistant and can be grown in different regions of Russia.

Where to get seeds

According to reviews from experienced flower growers, it is better to plant Turkish carnation seeds for seedlings.

High-quality seed material can be purchased in specialized stores or collected independently. The seed box ripens in mid-August. The seeds remain viable for several years.

To sow Turkish cloves for seedlings, the seeds are collected from healthy plant. To do this, dried buds are cut off in dry weather and laid out to dry on white paper.

Important! In order for the seed to dry out, the place must be well ventilated and without direct sunlight.

The seeds are stored for storage after complete drying in a dark, cool room.

Growing Turkish cloves from seeds

Growing Turkish carnations from seeds is not a difficult task and even a novice gardener can handle it. The main rule is preparing the soil, sowing seeds and caring for seedlings.

When to sow Turkish cloves

Planting Turkish clove seeds on open air carried out in the spring at the beginning of May. For this:

  1. Choose a sunny, windless place.
  2. The soil is dug up to a depth of 20-30 cm and complex mineral fertilizers are applied.
  3. The soil is furrowed, leaving 15 cm between the rows. The soil is thoroughly watered.
  4. Seeds are placed in each row at a distance of 20-30 mm.
  5. The seed material is sprinkled with soil and lightly compacted.
  6. The crops are covered with breathable material.
  7. After the end of spring frosts, the cover is removed.

Also, seeds can be sown before winter, in early or mid-October. To prevent frost from destroying the seed, it must be dry and healthy.

After sowing, the ground is mulched with straw or humus. In spring, the plant is shaded with covering material so that young shoots do not get sunburn.

Preparing soil mixture and trays

To get earlier flowering, sow Turkish clove seeds for seedlings. The plant grows and develops well in light fertile soil. You can buy it at the store, or you can mix it yourself. To do this, take sand and leaf soil in equal proportions, mix and pierce in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Seeds are grown in early March, in glass or plastic containers With drainage hole, in containers or boxes. Before sowing, the container is washed and scalded with boiling water. In order not to damage the roots during transplantation into open ground, it is better to sow Turkish cloves for seedlings in peat cups.

How to sow Turkish cloves for seedlings

Turkish clove seedlings are grown from seeds at home. To do this, you must follow certain rules:

  1. A 10 cm layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom of the container and filled with moist soil.
  2. The seed is planted to a depth of 1 cm and at intervals of 20-30 mm from each other.
  3. The crops are covered with film or a sheet of light paper and kept at a temperature of +18 degrees.
  4. As the soil dries, it is moistened with a spray bottle.
  5. When sprouts appear, the covering material is removed and the container is transferred to a warm, well-lit room.

Also, sowing Turkish cloves for seedlings can be done in early June outdoors. The seeds are placed in the shed furrows at a certain distance. After seed germination, timely watering and removal are necessary. weed. At proper care, in early autumn, the bush forms well-formed rosettes.

They are seated in the chosen place with an interval of 15-20 cm from each other. If the Turkish carnation has released a peduncle, it must be removed so that the flower develops a strong root system and did not go away for the winter weakened. Next year the bush will show lush and abundant flowering, which will dilute the area bright colors and fill it with a unique aroma.

Seedlings grown in open ground are strong, with a well-developed root system and immunity to many diseases.

Important! You can grow terry Turkish carnation only from seeds purchased in the store, since most varieties are hybrids.

Diving seedlings

After 20 days, if the seeds were planted in boxes or containers, the seedlings are planted in separate glasses. The pick is carried out in the evening or in cloudy weather.

Advice! After picking, all seedlings are covered with breathable material.

2 weeks before transplanting the plant to a permanent place, it must be hardened off. To do this, the seedlings are taken out into the air every day, increasing the pastime. After 10-15 days, the seedlings should adapt to the new environment, and before planting, they should spend the night for 3-4 days under an open window.

How to grow Turkish cloves from seeds

Turkish clove seedlings grown from seeds at home are planted after the end of frost, when the soil warms up to +15 degrees. During this time, the young plant will accumulate a large amount of nutrients necessary for further growth and development.

Before you start planting, you need to choose the most suitable scheme. Experienced gardeners advise planting seedlings 20x35. Thanks to this scheme, the plant will take root well, grow a root system, and with the onset of warm days it will grow, forming a lush, luxurious bush.

Flowering and plant health depend on the rules for caring for seedlings:

  1. After seed germination, the container with seedlings is placed in a bright place, shaded from direct sunlight. Since open sun can burn young shoots.
  2. Must be observed temperature regime. For the bush to grow viable, the air temperature must be within +13 – +15 degrees.
  3. If not enough sunlight, then artificial lighting is installed above the seedlings.
  4. Watering is carried out after the top layer of soil has dried.
  5. When picking seedlings, no fertilizing is applied to the purchased soil. If it was planted in prepared soil, nitrogen fertilizers are added 2 times before planting in a permanent place.
  6. Hardened seedlings are planted after stable warm days. In warm regions this is the beginning of May, in the Moscow region - the beginning of June.


Growing Turkish cloves from seeds is not a difficult process. With proper and timely care, you can get a beautiful, lushly blooming bush with bright and fragrant flowers. Thanks to long work Breeders have developed a large number of varieties that differ in color and resistance to unfavorable climatic conditions. By choosing the right variety, you can turn country cottage area into a beautifully blooming, fragrant oasis, the envy of the neighbors.

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Garden varieties of carnations will not leave flower lovers indifferent. Different flowering times allow you to create a garden composition in such a way that it will bloom throughout the season.

Description and features of Turkish cloves

Turkish cloves (Dianthus) can be divided into 2 groups: low-growing and tall. Where the first group is up to 20 cm high, the second is 80. The inflorescences are monochromatic or variegated. The petals are simple and double, ciliated along the edge.

The natural color of carnations is usually white, pink, while horticultural crops have many shades and speckles. Small flowers up to 1 cm in volume are collected in a lush rosette, reminiscent of a small bouquet. The leaves are deep green.

When planting plants, you can successfully combine varieties in landscape design. When they come to the fore low-growing varieties, and behind them are tall bushes.

Turkish cloves have distinctive feature– cold-resistant crop, not demanding on soil. For the winter, only young specimens are covered with a layer of mulch, while adult species overwinter in central Russia without shelter.

Planting and propagation of Turkish cloves

Turkish carnations - perennial plants, but they are grown as two-year-olds. They grow well in the sun, in a place protected from strong winds, but in hot weather shading is appropriate.

The best place for them is in the vicinity of young trees. It should be planted on the south or southeast side, as cold northern winds negatively affect growth. Strong winds can break fragile stems.

The soil for bushes should be neutral, fertile, with good drainage. Although flowers can grow on loamy soil sandy soil. Just fertile lands provoke a large number of inflorescences. The plant does not tolerate stagnant water.

Humus is added to insufficiently cultivated soil at the rate of 7 kg of organic matter per 1 sq. m. and some mineral fertilizers.

Seed propagation:

Propagation of Turkish carnation by seedlings

— a substrate is prepared from sand, humus, peat and turf soil;

planting material soak for 12 hours in a growth stimulator;

- sow seeds in a container and sprinkle with a small layer of sand (3 mm), which is pre-treated under steam or in the oven;

- as soon as the shoots appear, send the container to a cool (15 degrees C) but bright place. Maintain the temperature until planting in open ground. The seedling will be hardened and will not be susceptible to diseases;

The photo shows Turkish carnation seedlings

- water moderately. If in progress growing turkish cloves some seedlings will disappear, they are removed from the container. Empty places fall asleep activated carbon or ash.

— the signal for the first pick is the presence of 2 leaves;

— seedlings are planted according to a 4x4 cm pattern in other containers;

— planting time for seedlings – January;

— secondary picking is carried out in March, for active growth;

- when 5 leaves appear on the bush (around April), you need to pinch it. This will make it possible to develop a powerful root system. ;

— in May, seedlings are sent to open ground;

— seedlings are dug up with a clod of earth and planted in a prepared bed.

Air layering:

— propagation by layering should begin in August;

- the shoot is pressed to the ground, pinned and covered with a layer of earth;

- the top of the head is tied to a peg vertically;

- roots and young shoots will appear within one month;

- the cuttings should be separated from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place.

By cuttings:

- in May, when stems without peduncles can be identified, you can cut them off for propagation;

- a stalk 10 cm long, with 3 pairs of leaves, is cut under a node;

- make cuts on the stem very sharp knife by a third of the thickness;

— the lower leaves (2 pcs.) are removed;

- use thermally treated sand as a substrate, where cuttings with the cut part are planted;

- cover the container plastic bag, to create a greenhouse effect;

- keep the cuttings in a cool place without direct sunlight;

- after 20 days, when rooting occurs, transplant the planting material into open ground.

By dividing the bush:

in early spring, dig up a bush, carefully divide the root system into several parts with roots;

    plant in new places;

    The bush will bloom this season.

Some types of cloves come with a single stem. The bush can bloom spreadingly, but it cannot be divided.

Caring for Turkish cloves

Carnation unpretentious flower and care is required mainly by young specimens:

    Watering. The plant does not like abundant watering. The exception is hot weather. Optimal rate per 1 sq. m 12 liters of water. Overwatering can trigger the development of root rot. Water should not get on the blooming buds. The normal state of the soil is a little wet, a little dry. Adult specimens do not require watering.

    Carnation responds well to fertilizing. It is better to use complex mixtures containing potassium. Excess nitrogen supplements can lead to the development of diseases. First feeding mineral fertilizers A seedling 10 cm high is needed. A second application of fertilizer will be required already during bud setting. The last feeding is the flowering of the bush. Everything must be applied strictly according to the instructions so that the plant does not get burned.

    Diseases. Help prevent flower infections preventive measures. Treat young specimens with insecticidal preparations. Sometimes pests called nematodes attack - these are roundworms, which can affect any part of the plant. To combat it, use fungicides. Treat plants in the evening. Neighbors are carriers of fungal diseases. It is not advisable to plant bushes with hyacinths and gladioli. At viral disease the flowers are transplanted to another place, and the infected flowers are destroyed.

    Faded buds must be removed to stimulate future flowering.

If the bushes are planted close enough to each other, they will kill the weeds, thereby freeing flower growers from weeding.

Types and varieties of Turkish cloves

Turkish carnation belongs to the genus Carnation, which has 400 species and many varieties. The time and duration of flowering are different, which makes it possible to create different compositions. The most beautiful and attractive varieties with photo of Turkish carnation.

Turkish carnation Heimatland

Heimatland. Large inflorescences with a bright red tint and a contrasting white center.

Carnation lahskenigin

Lakhskenigin. Salmon pink flowers. The central border is a darker shade.

Turkish carnation

Turkish carnation ( Dianthus caryophyllus) or Dutch. The species includes five main varietal groups:

Carnation souvenir de Malmaison

1. Souvenir de Malmaison - plain rosettes in red, yellow and pink shades

American carnation

2. American - striped and solid colors (yellow, red, white) colors.

The photo shows a dwarf Turkish carnation

3. Dwarf - colors of one tone: yellow, pink, red.

Clove grenadine

4. Grenadine - the same tone of red or pink buds.

Pictured is a Turkish carnation shabo

5. Shabot - tall varieties with double inflorescences.

Turkish cloves

Turkish cloves will decorate any garden with its refined and noble appearance. The petals are terry and velvety and can have different colors with a pronounced pattern.

White Turkish carnation

White carnation as if the “bride” in a wedding dress is waiting for her beloved. Small inflorescences are collected in a large rosette and look like a miniature bouquet.Leaves are small dark green, against the background of the buds are barely noticeable. The bush grows up to 60 cm in height.

In the photo there is a Turkish carnation tiara

Diadem - dark petals and a contrasting white border in the center.

The reason why the plant "Dianthus barbatus" is called Turkish carnation has been forgotten, but the poetic name fits with its pleasant aroma and vibrant range of possible colors. Mature plants reach 30 cm or more in height, depending on the variety. Turkish cloves are easy to grow and maintain, but may need to be replanted after a year or two as they rarely survive longer. Luckily, you can harvest the seeds from your first plant or let it reseed on its own, spreading the enjoyment of one original plant over the years.


Part 1

Planting Turkish Carnation

    Find out when your Turkish carnations will bloom. Due to the numerous varieties of Turkish cloves and various methods growing it, you may hear conflicting information about when your flowers will grow and how long it will take. Biennial varieties bloom the second year and then die. Perennial varieties should regrow flowers year after year, but perennial Turkish carnations usually bloom for two years and often die before they bloom a second time.

    • Proper care of perennial Turkish carnations increases the chance of reseeding, as described in the section on caring for Turkish carnations.
  1. Buy a growing plant if you want to see flowers throughout the year. If you want your Turkish carnation to bloom reliably throughout the year, purchase seedlings or mature plants in the fall or spring. Confirm with the previous owner that the plant will bloom this year before taking it home, as some seedlings may not bloom until the second year.

    • Seeds that claim to be annuals (blooming and dying within the same year) may or may not live up to the promise, depending on the variety and how it responds to the local climate.
  2. Decide when to plant. Turkish clove seeds are strong enough to survive most winters and can be planted in the fall or late spring to bloom 12 to 18 months later. If the plants have already started to grow, or if you are concerned about a harsh winter, you can keep the plants in indoor pots, then transplant them outdoors in early spring. Once the seedlings are six to eight weeks old, they will be easy to transplant with little risk of harm.

    Find an area with good sunlight but cool temperatures. Turkish carnations grow faster in full sun but do best in cold climates. Ideally, they should receive 4-5 hours of direct sunlight per day, but planting them in light shade is a smart choice if you live in a hot climate.

    Check your soil. Turkish cloves prefer loose, rich soil with good drainage. Water should drain quickly into the soil and never pool on the surface of dense, hard soil. If desired, you can turn over the existing soil and supplement it soil mixture to provide more nutrients. Although you don't need to test your soil's pH, successful growth Turkish cloves, you can adjust the pH to slightly alkaline (about 6.75) if you already have a garden pH kit.

    • Garden soil pH kits are available at garden stores or online. Again, this is not a must-have for growing Turkish cloves, which are quite adaptable when it comes to soil pH.
  3. Sow your seeds. Plant Turkish cloves in spring or summer. Place them on the surface and lightly cover with 0.6 cm of soil, or dig a trench to this depth and fill again after planting the seeds. Plant seeds 6 inches apart in ideal conditions to reduce the chance of rot and disease transmission. If you don't have the space to give them that much space, you can group them closer together, but note Special attention, in this case, do not fill with water.

    • If you are transplanting seedlings, simply transfer the soil around the roots into a hole twice the width of the soil ball, then fill. Be careful not to cover part of the seedling stem; the plant needs to be buried at the same level as before.
  4. Water after planting. Turkish clove seeds and seedlings benefit from immediate watering after transplanting, but be careful not to soak them big amount water than can flow out of the soil. Transplanted seedlings should be kept in moist, but not soggy soil for several days. Once they are established and have recovered from any wilting that may occur, care for them as described in the care section.

    Part 2

    Caring for Turkish Carnation
    1. Water lightly. Keep the soil around the seedlings a little moist, a little dry. Once the plant is mature and no longer growing, most varieties do not require watering except during hot weather. As with any plant, water more often if the soil becomes dry or cracks appear.

      • Turkish cloves can rot if exposed to too much moisture, so be careful not to overwater them. The soil should never feel soggy or contain standing water.
    2. Fertilize your plants (optional). If you want to encourage more fast growth and flowering, amend the soil with an all-purpose fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer when growth or flowering is noticeable). Follow the instructions on your specific fertilizer to avoid burning or damaging your plants.

      Treat young plants with insecticides. Spray young plants with an all-purpose insecticidal spray to discourage disease. Turkish cloves are susceptible to nematodes. If you see the presence of nematodes, which look like tiny, roundworms, use a fungicide on the plants according to the manufacturer's instructions.

      • Note: If you plan to eat the clove flowers or feed them to your pets, do not treat them with any pesticides.
    3. Pick off the faded flowers. Turkish carnations usually bloom in late spring or early summer and then lose their flowers by summer heat. When the Turkish carnation flowers dry out, gently pull them and discard them. This will encourage new flower growth, and prevent the plant from dropping seeds if you want more control over your garden.

    Part 3

    Propagation of Turkish carnations
    1. Allow thriving plants to reseed on their own. If Turkish carnations are properly cared for and the variety is suitable for the climate, there is good chance that they will seed the garden with a new generation before they die. If you want Turkish carnations to spread throughout the garden, let the mature flowers die and the seeds drop on their own.

      • Be aware that some flower varieties are hybrids of several plants and can produce seeds that grow into plants with different appearance or characteristics different from those of the mother plant.
    2. If you are lucky enough to have a Turkish clove that survives more than a year or two, it can get quite large. In fall or early spring, before growth begins, cut off one of the largest stems near the base using a clean knife or scissors. These cuttings can be planted to form new plants, although you may need to stake them to keep them upright.
      • Newly planted cuttings will take time to form roots. Keep them warm damp place, away from direct sunlight to prevent them from drying out when this happens. A few days under a clear plastic bag or container can help create the moist conditions needed.
    • The flowers of the Turkish carnation are edible, although other parts of the plant may be dangerous to eat. Do not eat flowers that have been grown with pesticides near roads or in public places.
    • Compost or mulch is not usually needed for Turkish cloves, and may retain too much moisture in the soil if you overwater.


    • Turkish clove leaves can be toxic, especially to children and pets. Contact a poison control center or veterinarian immediately if you suspect that a member of your family has eaten clove leaves.
    • Turkish cloves are prone to root rot. It's better to underwater it than to overwater it if you haven't noticed any wilting or brown spots.